Bob and Zac

By Double A

Published on Jun 30, 1999



Okay, one more time. This is just a story, and has no substance based on actual my knowledge. It's about Bob Moffatt and Zac Hanson and it has a very gay theme. I don't know what the hell you're doing here, if you don't like gay stuff, so I'm assuming this will appeal to you. I hope it will. Oh, and in part 5, I use a Bryan Adams song. I'm not implying anything about him, either. I have the greatest amount of respect possible for Mr. Adams, and am only using the song because it fit with the current plotline.

Here are the final two parts. Have fun, and always remember: Baby oil may be cheap at pharmacies, but you can buy Canola oil in bulk at Costco!


Part 5:

All four boys had sat down to breakfast the next day, when the phone rang. Before their grandmother could even reach it, Bob dashed across the room and picked it up.

"Hello?" he answered excitedly.

"Hi there, is this Bob?" came a female voice from the other end, "Oh, it so good to hear your voice again! Is your nana there?"

Bob responded dejectedly, "Yeah...Hold on." and handed the phone to his grandmother.

He slowly sat back down, blushing under the stares of his brothers.

"That reminds me, Bob...How did your date go, last night?" Scott asked snidely.

Bob blushed and replied meekly, "Shut up!" and took a spoonful of his cereal and shoved it in his mouth. He was so mad and so embarrased that he couldn't think straight.

"Hey Bob, you got milk on your chin. But, hey, you're probably used having white liquid dripping from your mouth!" Scott responded.

Bob grabbed a napkin and wiped his face, then stood up and stormed from the table. Walking over to the door, he pulled on his shoes and yelled, "I'm going out!"

"It's raining, though!" came the response from Clint.

"It's always raining in Vancouver..." Bob mumbled under his breath, before leaving.

As he walked down the porch steps and out into the open, he noticed that it really was raining. Typical gushing Vancouver rain fell from the sky like billions of tiny water missiles. Bob didn't bring a jacket and didn't feel like going back inside to get one, so he trudged off down the sidewalk, his black T-shirt and blue jeans quickly getting soaked, and his long black hair getting matted to his face.

When he reached the corner, he contemplated waiting for the bus, but decided that since he still had money left over in his wallet, that he try to hail a cab. This was not so easy, however, and Bob actually saw the bus come and go, before finally spotting and hailing a cab.

As he got in, he truly hoped the person didn't recognize him. However, his fears were not realized, as the driver paid little attention to him at all, except to cringe as he saw Bob's extremely wet body get into his dry taxi.

"Where to, kid?" the driver's gruff voice asked.

Bob thought for a moment, before replying, "The Radisson on Oak and Third."

The driver nodded and pulled away from the curb, saying, "Sure thing. You new in town?"

Bob really didn't feel like making small talk, but he simply shook his head and mumbled, "I'm visiting someone."

The driver nodded. Bob sat back and relaxed, until he heard the driver, only a few seconds later, say, "What is a kid like you doing out on a day like this?"

Bob shrugged, "Had a fight with my brothers, so I'm going to see my...ummm...friend."

"Ahh yeah, sibling rivalry! I grew up with six brothers and a sister, so I know all about that! They don't understand you, eh?"

Bob smirked and replied, "You could say that. They just don't understand how much they hurt me when they make fun of me."

"Why would they make fun of you? You seem to be a nice young man who, despite needing a haircut, really seems to be like the average kid."

Bob smiled and shook his head, "Na, it's not that. They just don't understand relationship habits."

The driver grinned at Bob through the rearview mirror and nodded his head, "Ah, it's about love, is it? Well, when you get to be my age, you learn that every time you find a special someone that you get along with real well, everybody will try and bring you down, because they're jealous that they weren't so lucky. You may be a bit too young to truly feel love for another person, but when you feel it, you should hold on to it and never let anybody try and end that feeling."

Bob nodded, "Yeah, you're totally right. Tell me though...Do you believe in love at first sight?"

The driver nodded, "How do you think I met my wife, kid? I saw her thirty-seven years ago, this October, and I fall in love with her all over again, every time I look at her."

Bob smiled, "That's so sweet."

The driver nodded again, "Yeah, well we're here. Good luck to you, kid."

Bob saw that he was right, and sliding wetly over to the door, he opened it and got out.

Turning back towards the taxi, he called, "Thanks again..." he peered at the identification on the window, "Robert. Hey, that's my name, too!"

The driver winked, "No shit, kid. Well, take care now, Bobby boy."

Bob close the door and walked up on to the curb. It was still gushing rain, and Bob was beginning to shiver, but there was a warmth inside him that he just couldn't get rid of.

He jogged through the automatic doors of the hotel and, his shoes making squishing sounds on the carpet, he walked up to the front desk.

Before he could even say anything, the desk clerk looked up and said, "Bob Moffatt?"

Bob nodded, "Listen, I don't have a pen on me..."

The clerk smiled and shook his head, "No. Zachary Hanson called down and said that if a boy fitting your description should come in, I should tell you that he's in the game room."

Bob nodded, "Thanks." and ran off, following the sign that said, "Game Room."

He walked through the double doors and into a room filled with arcade games and gaming tables. It was totally empty, except for a single blond boy who was swearing at a Mortal Kombat game.

Bob approached him, containing his laughter.

"Ah, shit! That cheap bastard always uses that fucking sweep kick and the damn Sub-Zero freeze doesn't do a damn thing on him!"

"Uh, Zac..." Bob said, giggling.

Zac spun around, blushing, "Oh...Hey, Bob! I thought you might be coming here."

Bob cocked his head, "Oh?"

Zac smiled, "Yeah, when I called your grandma's house, she said that you had gone out. I just had a feeling that you'd be heading over to see your main squeeze."

Bob blushed, "So, does that mean..."

Zac giggled and ran over to the doors to the gaming room, shutting and locking them. With his back to them, he nodded at Bob and said, "Yup. I thought about it last night, and I really want things to work out between us. I mean, I don't know much about love, but I thought about you the entire ride home last night, and every song we sang, I dreamed I was singing it to you. When I woke up this morning, I called you first thing! I know we just met, but something about you...I dunno."

Bob stepped closer to Zac and swallowed hard, "I've loved you ever since I first saw you on TV, Zac. You were so funny. Every time I think of you, I smile and get a weird feeling in my stomach. Everything about you is just so...I dunno, but I do know now...finally...that I'm gay. You helped me realize this, because I've never loved anybody as much as I love you. I'm going to cry when you have to go..."

Zac took Bob's hands awkwardly into his own and, looking at Bob's wet face, plastered with strands of his hair, he smiled and said, "I'm not leaving until tonight. We have all day together."

Zac let go of one of Bob's hands and, reaching up, brushed some strands away from Bob's face with his fingers.

Bob smiled and said, "I feel like singing that Bryan Adams song 'Everything I Do, I Do It For You'. It's so perfect for us right now."

Zac smiled, "I know that one. Wanna sing it?"

Bob couldn't help it and began:

"Look into my eyes,

and you will see,

what you mean to me."

Zac reached down and took Bob's hand again, as he continued it,

"Search your heart,

search you soul,

and when you find me there,

you'll search no more."

Then together they sang:

"Don't tell me it's not worth trying for!

You can't tell me, it's not worth dying for!

You know it's true...Everything I do...I do it for you."

Bob smiled, "You have a beautiful voice, Zac."

Zac blushed, "Not as beautiful as yours."

"I've always sort of wanted to sing a song with you." Bob said.

Zac cocked his head and smiled, "Well, let's continue then..."

Bob nodded and began to next verse, the one which had the most meaning for him:

"Look into your heart,

and you will find,

there's nothing left to hide.

So, take me as I am!

Take my life!

'Cause I would give it all!

I would sacrifice!"

Smiling at Zac, they both sang the chorus:

"Don't tell me it's not fighting for!

I can't help it! There's nothing I want more!

You know it's true...Everything I do...I do it for you."

Bob laughed, "Big finish!"

Zac nodded:

"There's not love...Like your love!"

Bob took over:

"And no other...Could give more love!"


"There's nowhere...Unless you're there!

All the time...All the way! Yeah!"

Bob took a deep breath, "Then there's a guitar and piano thing..."

Zac nodded, "And after that..."

Together, they sang:

"Oh...You can't tell me it's not worth trying for!

I can't help it! There's nothing I want more!"


"Yeah, I'd fight for you!"


"I'd lie for you!"


"Walk the wire for you!"


"Yeah, I'd die for you!"

After as deep breath, they both finished off, looking into each other's eyes:

"You know it's true...Everything I do...Ohhh...I'd do it for you..."

Smiling, and blushing, Bob said, "That was fantastic."

Zac nodded. At the same time, they leaned forward and kissed. Their hands groped around each other. Bob slowly grabbed the bottom of Zac's shirt and lifted it up, exposing his tanned, not totally flat but still cute, stomach. Zac grabbed Bob's drenched shirt and began slowly peeling it up, exposing Bob's toned tummy.

Seperating, they both pulled off their shirts the rest of the way, and went back to kissing. Both their mouth's suckled each other's tongues like a pacifier and their topless bodies rubbed hotly against each other. Backing off slightly, they both leaned up against the wall, and pressed together.

Both their hands snaked down their bodies and began clumsily undoing their pants. Bob's jeans were still wet, so the material was heavier and more difficult to undo. However, Bob undid Zac's shorts very quickly and they fell to the floor. Sensing his frustration, Bob undid his own jeans for Zac.

Zac's face broke from Bob's and turned to the side, gasping, as he felt Bob's hand inside his boxers. The fifteen-year-old grasped the silken garment from the inside and pulled it down. It fell to Zac's knees, and his penis sprung out, four inches erect, circumcised, and drooling precum in pubescent lust. The helmet-shaped head was purple with engorged blood and shone in the light of the game room, throbbing with Zac's quickening heartbeat. Bob's hands stroked through Zac's small growth of blond pubic hair and grasped the shaft at the very base. With relish, he began quickly pulling upwards, masturbating the young teenage drummer with vigourous intensity.

Bob gasped as he felt Zac's hands yank down his own wet boxers, allowing Bob's own six inch manhood, equally hard with lustful desire, to spring into view. Slightly thicker than Zac's, it was also circumsised and set in a small bush of black pubic hair to match the black of the lush mane on his head. Zac's hand grabbed his lover's eager tool and began stroking it quickly.

Both boys panted against each other's face. Bob's remaining hand was clenched into a fist and pounding on Zac's back and his friend stroked him.

"Oh god, Zac! Oh...Uhh....Oh geez...Oh God...Uhhh...Ahhh..." Bob moaned.

Zac was content to simply pant in high-pitched sighs.

Bob's hand soon moved back up to Zac's face and, wrapping around the back, pushed it so their lips locked again, but only briefly.

Grabbing a handful of Zac's hair, Bob arched his back and groaned, "Oh God, I'm gonna cum!"

Zac nodded breathlessly, "Me too! Oh damn...Ah...Oh geez!"

Bob came first, thrusting hard against Zac's hand, and his dick tensed three times, each time shooting a long stream of his thick white jizz across Zac's stomach. Each time, Bob grunted, "Oh Fuck!"

That, combined with Bob squeezing Zac's cock as he came, was enough to set the younger boy off, and he groaned loudly. His dick expanded in Bob's clenching hand and he sprayed three shots of his thin, milky semen across Bob's stomach.

With their reserves expended, Bob leaned back against the wall and Zac lay against him. After a few seconds, Bob gasped and said, "That...That was...I love you so much, Zac."

Zac nodded and straightened up, "I love you too."

Using Bob's already wet shirt, they cleaned off their stomachs and dicks, and put back on their pant. Bob shuddering as his hot body was once again encased in the wet clothing.

Zac looked at Bob and shook his head, "I don't like you in those wet things."

Bob shrugged, shivering, "Well, what do you want me to do about it?"

Zac looked pensive for a few moments, then said, "Well, Taylor's about your size, and it's about time they found out who this mystery friend of mine is."

Bob nodded, "That's...That's good. Let's do that."

Zac shrugged, "What about us, though?"

Bob smiled, "We won't tell, and afterwards, now that I don't have to pretend to be just a friend, I can take you out on a real date."

Zac smiled, "That sounds lovely. We have to leave by six, though."

Bob looked at his watch; quarter past 10. "Plenty of time." he said.

With that, both boys trudged towards the door, hand in hand, and opened it. Breaking their contact, they innocently left the game room to go upstairs, Bob still being topless after leaving his sperm covered shirt on the game room floor.

Part 6:

Rationality hit about the same time the elevator passed the fourth floor. Bob turned to Zac and said, "Listen...Could you possibly go and get me a change of clothes by yourself. I doubt it would be very intelligent for you to bring me into your room to meet your brothers, without a shirt on."

Zac smiled, "Well, it wouldn't be as bad as if I walked into the room, turned to my brothers and said, "Hey, could I have a shirt and a pair of pants for my friend you've never met? His clothes are wet and covered in sperm."

Bob shrugged, "I don't know what to do."

The elevator stopped at the seventh floor and both boys slowly walked out.

Zac smiled at Bob's nervous face, "Don't be nervous. I'm sure they'll love you just like I do. Well...maybe not just like I do, know what I mean!"

Bob brushed his hair back and smiled at Zac, "You're so cute..."

Zac leaned forward and he and Bob kissed briefly, before Zac knocked on the door.

"Yeah? Who is it?" came the response.

"It's me, Tay." Zac said, "and I brought my friend."

After a few seconds, the door opened and Isaac stood there and looked down at them.

To break the silence, Zac said, "Ike...This is Bob. He needs to borrow a shirt and some pants. wet in the rain. He should be about Tay's size."

Isaac gazed suspiciously at the wet, topless boy and said, "Okay, well why don't you two come in."

Zac and Bob walked into the room and Isaac shut the door behind them and said, "Taylor's out for a bit, so Zac will show you wear his clothes are."

Zac nodded and, walking over to a bureau, he opened up a drawer and began peering through it. As Zac did this, Ike sat down on the bed and looked at Bob.

Bob smiled and said, "It's good to meet you, Isaac. I've heard a lot about you."

Ike nodded, "Really? I've heard very little about you. How did you meet Zac?"

Bob shrugged, "We met at the arena yesterday afternoon. Zac came in and we ran into each other and sort of hit it off."

"Hmmm...That Zac has a real flare for making friends."

Bob smiled and nodded, "Yeah, he has a certain something about him that makes him very likeable."

Looking at Zac, Ike replied, "Yeah, I'll just bet he does. So, what about you?"

Bob shrugged, "Not much. Me and my brothers are on tour and we stopped here for a week, before heading back to the UK."

"On tour? You have a band with your brothers, too?"

Bob smiled and nodded, "The Moffatts. I'm the drummer, and that's kinda what attracted...Ummm, I mean, drew me to Zac in the first place."

Ike stood up and exclaimed, "Wait a second! You're Bob Moffatt?"

Bob smiled and nodded again.

Isaac smiled and extended his hand. Bob shook it and Ike said, "Geez, when Zac told me he got a friend named Bob, I never thought that...Wow, it's a shame we're leaving in a few hours. Me and Tay would have loved to have gone out for dinner with you guys!"

Turning toward Zac, Isaac exclaimed, "Zac, why didn't you tell me it was Bob Moffatt who you were hanging with?"

Zac looked up and shrugged, "Slipped my mind?"

"Well it's good to meet you, Bob." Ike said.

Bob nodded, smiling.

Zac straightened up and said, "Well, I found a few shirts for you, but Taylor isn't the most conseravative dresser, so I'd stick with the wet pants."

Bob nodded, smiling, and walked over to where Zac was.

Zac handed him a gray top and said, "This should look good on you."

Bob slipped the shirt on and pulled it down. It was a muscle shirt, so it hugged Bob's body quite tightly.

"It's a little tight." Bob said.

Zac reached into the drawer and pulled out a bright orange sweatshirt. Giggling, he said, "Would you prefer this?"

Bob laughed and shook his head, "I'll stick with this one."

Zac nodded and closed the drawer. Turning toward his brother, Zac said, "Well, we're going to head out again now."

Ike nodded, "Just be back in four hours. We have to be on the road by six."

Zac nodded and he and Bob quickly walked back to the door.

"It was nice meeting you, Bob." Isaac called over at them.

Bob smiled and replied, "Yeah, it was great meeting you, too."

They walked out and closed the door behind them.

"Your brother's nice." Bob said.

"He's alright." Zac replied.

When they arrived back at the elevator, Bob took Zac's hand into his own. Zac smiled and said, "So, what do you want to do now?"

Bob smiled, "I'm going to take you out on a real date. We're going to go down to the Vancouver docks and walk along the pier for a little while, and then we're going to go to a great steak and seafood restaurant for lunch."

Zac smiled, "That sounds great. By the way...How are we going to keep in touch once we're seperated? I don't want to lose you?"

Bob smiled, "After lunch, and before you go back to the hotel, we're going to go to the mall and buy cellular phones."

Three hours later, they both stood in front of the Radisson again. The day had been wonderful, the rain had stopped and they'd walked along the pier and gazed off over the ocean, they'd had a beautiful lunch, and the whole time they'd talked about insignificant things, like they weren't getting closer and closer to being split up.

Unfortunately, all good things had to come to an end, and they stood in front of the hotel, the taxi driver patiently waiting for Bob to bring him back to his grandmother's.

"Well, here we are..." Bob said sadly.

Zac nodded and smiled, "I had so much fun today, Bob."

Bob and Zac stood there, trying to find the words for what they wanted to say, but there were none.

Finally, the tears began to flow, as Bob leaned forward and hugged Zac tightly. "I'm really going to miss you." He said, through a mask of tears.

Zac wrapped his arms around Bob and hugged him just as tightly. With tears streaming down his cheeks as well, Zac sobbed, "Oh, I hate this so much!"

Slowly, they separated and, reaching into his pocket, Bob pulled out a small black cell phone and said, "I'll call you at least once a week."

Zac patted his own cell phone, tucked into his trouser pocket, and said, "If you don't, I will."

They stood there and continued to watch each other cry. Bob wiped his eyes with his wrist and said, "We'll see each other again, won't we?"

Zac nodded, "I'll make sure of it."

"What about the shirt?"

Zac smiled, "Keep it. It looks stupid on Taylor anyway."

They again stood in silence. Bob gazed around at the crowded street, with all the pages and bagboys and patrons of the hotel coming and going. He stared into Zac's watery eyes and said, "Oh hell, I don't give a damn anymore!"

With that, he grabbed Zac's face in his hands and pulled it against his own. In front of every single person there, he and Zac stood there and kissed passionately.

That soon had to end, however, as they were running out of oxygen, so they grudgingly seperated and smiling, Bob nodded and said, "Goodbye, sweetheart."

Zac sniffled and said, "Goodbye, Bob."

Bob nodded and slowly stepped back into the taxi. Tears continued to flow down his face as his hands felt the shirt against his body. It was his only material link to the Hanson name, that had spawned the love of his life.

Meanwhile, Zac watched the taxi leave, tears glistening in his eyes. He reached into his other pocket and pulled out the crumpled french fry container that Bob had given him when they first met; the one with his grandmother's phone number on it. He clutched it in his hand and sobbed, as the taxi slowly disappeared into traffic.

The End

Will there be a sequel? Sure...But not for a little while. Unless you beg and plead, of course...:-)

Next: Chapter 4: Vive Le Montreal 1 2

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