Bob and Zac

By Double A

Published on Jul 10, 1999



Okay...sigh...One more time...This a story and not the truth. I'm not insinuating anything about Bob and Zac. They are two very nice kids and, whether they're straight or not, I don't know anything for sure, so everything is to be taken with a grain of salt. Again, there's a Bryan Adams song here. No insinuation about Mr. Adams either.

Here are chapters 3 and 4...


Chapter "Trois"

Bob lay back against the warm mattress and panted as Zac's mouth broke suction with his dick. Swallowing the thick cream in his mouth, he looked down at Bob and smiled, "So, how was that?"

Bob's eyes slowly opened and he smiled too and said, "Wonderful...Just great. You might wanna get the junk off your lips, though."

Zac extended his tongue and began licking the stuff off his lips, while his hand scraped Bob's semen off his chin and into his mouth.


Bob and Zac froze and stared at each other fearfully. Slowly, Bob crawled toward the pillows and stuck his head out from under the covers.

Standing at the foot of the bed, their arms crossed across their chest, were Bob's three brothers. Scott had a huge smug-looking grin on his face as he gazed at his deeply blushing brother.

"Talk your way out of this one, Bob. I dare you!" Scott said patronizingly.

Bob blinked and searched for something to say.

Seeing he was going to get a response, Dave stepped closer and said, "Does this mean you found a new boyfriend or are we finally going to meet Zac?"

Mustering up all his nerve, Bob grabbed a pillow and, sticking it in front of his crotch, he slid out of bed.

"I don't have to talk my way out of anything to any of you! Why don't you just leave us alone! It's none of your business!"

Scott laughed, "Strong words from someone wearing only a pillow. Besides, this is our room too and we want to meet this boyfriend of yours."

Bob quickly walked over and, holding the pillow against him with one hand, grabbed his jeans with the other and clumsily pulled them on. Meanwhile, he looked up and said, "I'd introduce you, but I don't want him to be uncomfortable!"

Underneath the blankets, Zac put his hand over his face and shook his head...As if he could possibly get more uncomfortable!

Clint, Bob's identical twin, began to feel sympathetic for his brother's plight. Walking over he put his hand on Scott's shoulder and said, "Leave him alone, Scott! Why are you being such an asshole?"

Scott turned around to address Clint and that gave Bob the chance to drop the pillow and pull up his jeans with both hands. Doing that, he also grabbed Zac's clothes and stuffed them under the covers.

"I'm not being an asshole. I'm just making the best out of our brother being gay!" Scott retorted, turning around and adding to Bob, "And don't try to deny it now."

Clint sighed, "Well, he can't help it! Just back off, okay?"

Scott opened his mouth to say something, but closed it and simply nodded. Clint stepped forward and tried his best to smile at Bob, "Listen...I'm sorry about how mean we've been about this. It's just that you kept denying it're not exactly subtle."

Bob nodded, "I know. I'm not denying it anymore, though."

Looking over at the bed, Clint laughed and said, "So, you were really fucking under there?"

Bob began to laugh too and said, "Sort of. I suppose you guys aren't going to go until you meet him, eh?"

Clint shook his head, "Nope. Face it, bro...You got caught and now we want to see what the fuss is about."

Bob sighed and, walking back over to the bed, stuck his head underneath the covers and whispered, "They aren't leaving until you come out."

Zac looked pretty embarrased, but saw that he had no choice. "I wanted to sleep on it, Bob!" Zac said, slightly annoyed.

Bob nodded sympathetically, "I know...I know...Do you think I wanted this?"

Zac blinked several times and almost laughed, "Come on! It's their frigging hotel room! You had to know that they were going to come back!"

"We're waaaaaiting..." came Scott's voice from back in the room.

Zac sighed and pulled on his jogging pants and shirt, also foregoing his underwear as Bob did.

Slowly sliding out from under the covers, Zac stood up and faced Bob's brothers, giving them a sheepish look.

All their mouths opened and their eyes bugged out.

"You...You mean to tell us...You mean..." Scott sputtered.

"You've...I mean, this 'Zac' guy...was Zac Hanson?!" Clint finished.

Zac shrugged in embarrasment and said, "Ummm...Hi?"

Scott tossed his hands up in the air and walked over to the window at the rear of the room. Dave sat down on the edge of the bureau and Clint simply stood there and shook his head.

Zac blamed their getting caught on Bob, so he didn't feel like huddling against him. At the same time, he desperatly wanted somebody in this room to accept him.

Finally, Bob managed to say, "Come on! It isn't that bad!"

Scott shook his head, still looking out the window, "Isn't that bad?! As if being gay wasn't bad enough, Bob!"

Clint turned toward Scott, "Shut up, Scott! Just shut up!" He turned back to look at Bob, "So...How did you two meet?"

Bob couldn't help smiling as he reminiced, "Back in Vancouver. When we were at the Memorial Arena, Zac walked in to let the project coordinator know that his brothers and him were there and I walked in to him."

Scott turned around, "And you immediately fell in love and started dating, right?"

"Well...Yeah. Sort of." Bob said.

"Great! Just great!" Scott said, walking off.

Finally, Zac had had enough. "Can I please say something?!" Zac yelled.

Scott walked back over to Zac, "There's nothing to say, Zac. We've got to get you back to your brothers. Bob being gay is bad enough, but if people see you two together, then it could spell the end for both of our bands!"

Scott walked over to the room phone, "I'm going to call Zac's brothers right now. Where are they staying, Zac?"

"New York City." Zac mumbled.

Without missing a beat, Scott picked up the phone, "Fine. I'll just call the bus company and get you on the next bus back there. Let them deal with you!"

"No!" Bob said, tears running down his face, "I don't want him to go! I love him! I can't live without him!"

Dave burst out laughing and walked over to the window where Scott stood before. Scott turned to Bob, "You don't love him, Bob. You're just a confused kid who doesn't know what he wants anymore!"

"Why don't you care, Scott? Why don't you ever listen?" Bob sobbed.

"You're screwed up, Bob." Scott said, while he dialed the number for Greyhound.

Zac reached over and took Bob's hand. Bob looked down at him, through misted eyes and saw that Zac was crying too. "I don't want to go!" Zac whispered.

Bob sniffled and shook his head, "No...Scott's probably right. It will get us in trouble."

Zac squeezed Bob's hand tightly and whispered, "What about what you said? What about not caring what anybody says? I thought you loved me! I thought you wanted to be with me!"

Bob shrugged, "You weren't sure, though. You wanted to sleep on it, you said!"

Zac smiled, "I don't have to. Hearing you tell your brothers that you love me and can't live without me...Well, it made me think about how serious you really are about...well, about us."

Scott put down the phone and said, "Okay, you're leaving on the six o'clock bus back to New York City."

"I'm not going!" Zac exclaimed as forcefully as he could.

"Yes you are!" Scott responded, "You don't have a choice!"

"I want to stay here with Bob!" Zac came back with.

"Then you're just as confused as he is!" Scott said.

"Enough!" Clint yelled, then, patting Bob and Zac on the back, "Come on...I can't take this shit anymore!"

He picked up the rest of Zac and Bob's clothes and, motioning with his head, they walked toward the door.

Standing akimbo, Scott yelled back, "Where the hell do you think you're going?"

Clint gave a half smile and, putting on his shoes, said, "We're going for a walk! We may be some time!"

With that, he opened the door with his free hand and ushered Bob and Zac out, before slamming it shut.

They walked down the hall and into the elevator in silence. Once they reached the ground floor, they headed into the lobby seating area and sat down on the velour couchs. There, Clint handed Bob and Zac the remainder of their clothes. While he and Zac got dressed, Bob looked up at Clint and said, "What'd you do that for?"

Clint shrugged, "Awww, Scott was being a bastard. I'm just so sick of the way he makes fun of you."

"So, you're okay with this?" Zac said, pulling on his Doc Marten boots.

Clint shrugged, "It's kind of weird. Who'd have thought my own know. But...yeah, I guess I'm okay with this."

Bob smiled and, leaning over, hugged Clint tightly. "Thank you so much." He sniffled.

Clint patted his brother on the back and said, "Yeah...Just try not to kiss in public or anything, or at least wait until the band goes under, okay? It isn't for me, Bob...I don't mind if the people know that one of our members is gay. It's just...Scott, you know."

Bob seperated from Clint and nodded, "Yeah...How is he ever going to deal with this."

Clint shrugged, "He'll have to. If he doesn't...fuck him. I'll keep defending you whenever he puts you down, don't worry."

Zac leaned over and smiled, "I only wish my brothers were as accepting."

Clint nodded and laughed, "Zac Hanson, though. Geez, Bob! You sure know how to pick em, eh?"

Bob finished tying his shoes and nodded, smiling.

"So, what now?" Bob said.

Clint shrugged, "I figure we go we out for dinner and talk. I still have to wrap my head around this whole thing. Fact is, if Zac doesn't want to go back, then he doesn't have to. There isn't anything Scott can do about it."

Bob nodded, "How about Italian?"

Zac shrugged, "I don't really care. I'm real hungry, though."

Clint stood up, "Why don't we go somewhere close by? Nickels is just don't the block."

Bob grimaced, "You mean the Celine Dion place?"

Clint smiled, "It's good eating, though. Well, where do you want to go?"

"Peel Pub?" Bob smiled.

Clint crossed his arms across his chest, "You're not getting drunk again, Bob."

Bob shook his head, "No, I promise. They have cheap stuff, though, and it's really good. They have burgers, spaghetti, and all sorts of stuff."

Clint smiled, "Okay, fine. We'll go there...You have to show me where it is, though."

Bob smiled, "It's just around the block and up the street. Hey...It's karoke night!"

Zac laughed, "Isn't that sort of unfair?"

Clint smiled, "What the hell! Let's show those drunks a thing or two."

With that, they stood up and left the hotel...

Chapter "Quartre"

The three boys walked down the stairs and into the darkened room of the Peel Pub.

Looking around at the place, Clint turned to Bob and said, "Is this where you got yourself smashed today?"

Bob turned to Zac and explained, "I was thinking about you, so I came here and got drunk."

Zac smiled and took Bob's hand, "Yeah...I figured, since you were obviously pissed out of your skull when I called you when I had arrived."

Bob smiled at Zac, "I'm not anymore, though. I can clearly see how beautiful you are..."

Clint cut in, laughing, "Okay, enough of that! We're in public, remember?"

Zac reluctantly let Bob's hand go and the three boys walked over and took a seat.

Once they were all settled, Clint looked across the table at Bob and Zac and said, "Okay, maybe you'd like to tell me exactly how long this has been going on?"

"Well..." Bob began, "We originally met in Vancouver. From there, we played Lazer Tag and Zac kissed me in the maze..."

"Shhh!" Clint exclaimed, "The whole bar doesn't need to know!"

Zac leaned over and whispered, "Anyway...After that, we sort of figured out that we had a thing for each other. Unfortunately, my brothers and I had to leave. We went out and got cell phones before that, though, so we were able to keep in touch."

Bob cut in, "But for six months, we didn't see each other and I was totally depressed. Then, this afternoon, Zac called and said he was coming in. Next I know, he arrives and it's like old times."

Clint nodded in interest, "Hmmm...Well, that's cool, I guess. So, both of you are gay?"

"I am, but I don't know about Zac." Bob replied.

"And how long have you two been having sex?" Clint whispered, smiling.

Bob smiled, "This was the first real time...I mean, when you caught us, Zac had just finished with me."

When both boys gazed at Zac, he shrugged and blushed.

Before they could say anything else, a server came and asked to take their order. To keep things simple, they all ordered burgers, fries and Cokes.

When the waitress left, Clint leaned over and said, "Okay...So, what are you two planning to do?"

"What do you mean?" Bob asked.

"Well..." Clint replied, "We're leaving in a few days. What happens then?"

Bob took Zac's hand underneath the table and said, "Well...We were kind of hoping together."

"Uh huh..." Clint said, biting his thumbnail in thought, "And how do you propose to do this? If Zac stays with us, his band loses a crucial member. If you go with Zac, then we lose a crucial member. If both of you go off on your own, then both bands lose crucial members. Plus, we haven't even told either of our parents yet? How do you think Sheila, dad, or mom would handle this?"

Zac shrugged, "I don't know...but I don't want to leave Bob again."

Bob squeezed Zac's hand and looked at Clint in desperation, "There's got to be something that we can do!"

Clint nodded, "Well, our families had to assume that this day would come someday. I doubt they could have predicted how it was going to take place in your case, though." Turning to Zac, he said, "Listen...Our band is currently set up for tours all through the year. Heck, we're supposed to be on a cruise ship near Antarctica for the millenium celebration. What is Hanson up to?"

Zac shrugged, "I dunno. We're trying to make a comeback, but nobody really gives a damn about us. We were boo'ed when we sang the national anthem at the women's soccer game. I'm getting sick of the whole thing anyway..."

Clint shook his head, "I don't know how your brothers would react if they heard that. So, anyway, your plan right now is to quit Hanson and stay with us, right?"

Zac shrugged, "I don't know...I guess. I just want to be with Bob, that's all."

Clint smiled, "I know you do. Okay, so at least we have something that we can work with now. It'll just be a matter of time before people pick up on it, though, and then it'll be all over the Internet and papers. It could have either a really good or really bad effect on our success."

Bob shook his head, "I don't care. I just want to be with Zac."

Clint nodded, "I know, Bob, but it's not going to be very easy. I mean...You've seen how Scott deals with it. Imagine what the rest of our family will say!"

Bob nodded, "But you're with us, right?"

Clint shrugged, "I want to help, bro, but my loyalty is also to our band's success. I'll help you where our family is concerned, but I can't help Zac and, I'm sorry, but I won't compromise our career for you."

"We understand." Bob and Zac said in unison.

At that moment, their food arrived and all three boys began eating. Bob and Zac continued to sit close to each other and Clint couldn't help but smile. Gay or not, it was so cute to see his brother in love.

They were sipping their drinks after the meal was done, when a man climbed up on to the stage in the center of the room carrying a microphone.

"Okay, ladies and gentlemen! It's time for our weekly karoke jam!" He announced.

There was a smattering of applause and Clint turned to Bob and Zac and said, "You don't seriously want to do this, do you?"

Bob smiled and nodded, "Hell, yeah! Don't you want to?"

Clint shook his head, "Na...If you two wanna go up, though, I'd love to watch."

As if on cue, the man looked out over the crowd and said, "Okay, do we have any volunteers?"

Zac and Bob eagerly raised their hands. However, the man chose a guy sitting up front. He went up and sang "The Wind Cries Mary" by Jimi Hendrix. He actually didn't do too badly.

After he was done, the man asked for any more vounteers.

"How about those two kids in the back?"

Zac and Bob smiled and got up. They quickly walked over to the podium and stood up next to the man.

He smiled at them, "Aren't you two a little young to be in a bar?"

Zac smiled, "Well, we didn't drink."

The man laughed, "Okay, enough small talk! What song would you two kids like to do?"

Bob leaned in and whispered, "Do you know any Moffatt songs?"

Zac shrugged, "Not very well."

Leaning over, Bob said, "Well, what do you have by Bryan Adams?"

The man looked over at the machine, "Well, we have 'Cloud Number Nine', 'Kids Wanna Rock', 'All For Love', 'On A Day Like Today',...."

Zac cut him off, "We'll do 'On a Day Like Today.'"

The guy nodded and, walking over, went to setting up the machine, "Okay...Just nod when you're ready."

Zac leaned over and said, "Oh geez...I hope you know that one."

Bob smiled and nodded, "Yeah, I love it. It makes me think of you."

Zac smiled and took hold of one mike, handing another to Bob, then, turning to the guy, he nodded.

The guy smiled and hit a button on the machine. The house lights shut and a crude spotlight shone on Bob and Zac. Slowly, the music flowed in...

Bob quickly whispered over, "I'll lead, okay?"

Zac nodded.

Bob cleared his throat and, as soon as the cue began, he started without even looking at the words on the screen:

" all you gotta be.

Dream one else can see.

Sometimes...ya wanna run away,

but ya never know what might be coming 'round your way

ya ya ya...

On a day like today,

the whole world could change.

The sun's gonna shine,

shine through the rain.

On a day like today...

ya never wanna see the sun go down...

ya never wanna see the sun go down..."

Bob turned to Zac and smiled as the guitar started in and they both sang out the next verse:

"Somewhere...there's a place for you.

I know...that you believe it too.

Sometimes, if you wanna get away.

All ya gotta know is what we got is here to stay...

All the way...

On a day like today,

the whole would could change,

the sun's gonna shine,

shine through the rain.

On a day like today,

no one complains.

Free to be pure...Free to be sane.

On a day like today,

ya never wanna see the sun go down...

ya never wanna see the sun go down..."

As the guitar riff started, they took a deep breath and looked over at Clint. He was smiling hugely and nodding in approval. Then, they immediately cut back in together:

"Free is all we gotta be,

dream dreams no one else can see,

but ya never know what might be comin' for you and me.

ya it's gotta be!"

Zac took over by himself:

"On a day like today...The whole world could change.

Yeah...the sun's gonna shine...Shine through the rain.

On a day like today, no one complains.

Awww...We're free to be pure...Free to be saved!

On a day like today...

Ya never wanna see the sun go down..."

Then together, they sung:

"You never wanna see the sun go...down...."

Stepping away from the microphones, they surveyed the audience. There was a stunned silence, and then everybody began applauding. Clint stood up and gave them a standing ovation as they stepped down from the podium and sat back down.

"You guys were incredible!" Clint exclaimed.

Bob and Zac took a sip from their Cokes and smiled.

The man stepped back up on to the podium and said, "Well...Is there anybody who wants to try and top that?"

Nobody raised their hand.

The man nodded in acknowledgement, "Okay, I guess that concludes our session early. Happy drinking."

Bob leaned over and whispered something in Zac's ear. Zac smiled and nodded, then he and Bob slid underneath the table.

"Guys?!" Clint whispered loudly.

Bob took Zac's hand and leaned forward quickly, planting a quick peck on Zac's lips. With that, they both got back to their seats.

To answer Clint's gaze, Zac smiled and shrugged, "What? He wanted it!"

Clint smiled and shook his head, "This is going to take some getting used to, for sure."

Reaching into his pocket, Clint through twenty bucks on the table and stood up, "Come on, you guys. I think we gave Scott some time to think about things."

Clint could see that Bob didn't share that belief, but he and Zac stood up as well and walked out of the tavern, back up the stairs, and down the street.

As they walked back toward the hotel, Clint turned to them and said, "Okay, so what are you planning on doing when we get back?"

"Well, I figure that Zac stays over tonight and we call his family tommorow. Then, we'll call dad and we can have a whole meeting about this arrangement."

Clint shrugged, "It's gonna be hard, you know. You're not just quitting a band; you're quitting working with your brothers."

Zac nodded, "I know...but I have to start thinking about myself for once. I spent my whole life with my brothers. I had no friends, no independance. I'm making the decision to stick with people that I have a future with. I love Bob and you're real nice too. Maybe I can be part-time drummer for your band?"

Clint smiled, "Well, one thing at a time..."

When they arrived back at the hotel, they braced themselves for the worst, but were pleasantly surprised to find that the room was pretty calm when they walked back in. Scott was sitting by the window, strumming his guitar and he looked up when they walked back in. Dave was in the shower.

"Hey...Where'd you go?" Scott asked indifferently.

"It doesn't matter..." Clint said, "Right now, we have a matter to discuss."

Scott set his guitar down and stood up, "Yeah, okay. You want to discuss this? Fine...Zac's bus doesn't leave for another half-hour anyway."

Clint turned to Bob and Zac and motioned with his head for them to take over the discussion.

"I'm not going home tonight." Zac said simply.

Scott sighed and said, "Okay...Where will you stay, then?"

"With us." Bob replied for Zac.

Scott looked around, "Where? We only have four beds."

"Well, Zac could sleep with me." Bob said.

At this, Scott shook his head, "Nope, he can't."

"Why not?" Zac asked.

"Because I won't allow it." Scott said simply.

"Scott, be reasonable!" Clint piped in.

Turning to his brother, he shrugged, "I'm being totally reasonable! I'm not yelling anymore. I'm not angry. I'm totally calm, but I refuse to let those two share a bed! I won't be able to sleep with those two screwing all night!"

"But we won't! We promise!" Bob exclaimed.

Scott tapped his foot on the floor, "Okay fine, but Bob will sleep on the right side and Zac will sleep on the left, with his head at the foot of the bed."

"Come on! I swear we won't even kiss!" Bob retorted.

"Oh gross!" Scott exclaimed, "Listen, it's either my way or he can't stay here."

Zac looked sadly at Bob, then at Scott and said, "Fine."

Scott nodded, "Okay, now what about tommorow?"

Clint stepped forward, "Scott, Zac and Bob want to stay together, and Zac wants to leave his band to do it. Tommorow, we're going to call dad and Sheila and Zac will call his father and brothers and we'll all meet here in Montreal to discuss this."

Scott shook his head, "You're insane...All three of you are insane! Zac just can't leave his band, even if his family did approve! Secondly, this is going to kill us! All it'll take is one reporter to get a picture of Zac and Bob together and our career is over!"

"Not true!" Clint cut in, "It could actually be good for us! The girls like you more than they like Bob and it would be good publicity for one of our members to come out."

"Or," Scott added, "It could turn off the public and our popularity would go the way of Hanson's, no offense Zac."

Zac smiled, "None taken."

"Why don't we leave it up to our parents to decide what to do, Scott?" Bob said.

Scott shrugged, "Fine. You want me to accept that my brother is gay? Okay, I accept it. I don't like it, but I accept it. Tommorow morning, we'll see what dad has to say about it."

With that, Scott walked back over to the chair, picked up his guitar and began strumming. Looking up briefly, he said, "Oh, by the way...Remember that we have to be at the Molson Centre for five tommorow evening...Zac or no Zac."

Bob nodded and he and Zac walked over to the bed and began straightening the blankets out. It was going to be a very interesting day tommorow, and they needed all their bearings about them.


What will the next day bring? What will their families have to say? Will Scott ever become more tolerant about Bob's sexual preference? Is Zac 100% sure about leaving his band to be with Bob? Is Clint gay too? What does Dave think about all this? If a bus leaves Montreal at 7pm, traveling at 50 kilometres per hour and another bus leaves New York at 6pm traveling at 70 miles per hour....

These questions and more will be answered in the final two chapters...

Next: Chapter 6: Vive Le Montreal 5 6

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