Bob and Zac

By Double A

Published on Oct 13, 1999


Part 3:

Scott's eyes closed slightly as the boy approached, and the moment seemed to go in slow-motion. The boy was wearing khaki cargo pants with a tight camouflage T-shirt and pitch black winter boots visible under the leg of the pants. The shirt clung to his torso like a second skin and revealed his slender stomach and slightly defined pecs. In his right hand, he clutched Scott's necklace with determination. His azure eyes glowed faintly in the dim spotlight and his long brown hair hung freely around his slightly tanned face His lips shone too much for it to be simply saliva, so Scott guessed that it was some sort of lip gloss or chap stick. As he got closer, Scott could see his lips to be nearly as full as Zac's and his eyelashes to be quite long, but totally natural.

A quiet sigh escaped Scott's lips before he could stop it. If Scott wasn't sure of his sexuality before this moment, than he was totally sure of it now. Scott could feel a warmth fill his entire body as the boy approached the stage and looked up at him with eyes glowing and lips slightly parted. Scott regretted wearing tight jeans, as he could feel his penis begin to fill with blood and stiffen slightly as he stared hypnotically at Josh.

The boy forwent the stairs and simply pulled himself up onto the stage, Scott taking that time to note the the muscles tensing in Josh's arms, and stood up to face the sixteen-year-old guitarist.

Josh extended the necklace toward Scott and Scott reached slowly forward and took it from him and put it back around his neck, never taking his eyes off the young boy in front of him. He saw the corners of Josh's lips begin to curl upwards and...

"Yes!" Scott thought to himself, as Josh smiled that great smile of his again. Scott could have easily died happy at that moment.

He was interrupted from his reverie by the boy's sultry voice, cracking slightly with puberty, saying, "I...I rushed home and did as much homework as I could, before coming here. I just couldn't keep your necklace and, besides, I really wanted to come anyway."

Trying to hide his now almost-undeniable lustful fever, Scott cleared his throat and said, "I'm glad you decided to show, Josh."

Josh took a step back and giggled, Scott's favourite smile growing in size, "Why are you blushing?"

Scott quickly put his hands up to his cheeks and felt the fierce heat in them. If he wasn't blushing before, he was certainly blushing now as he let his arms fall to the side again and said, "Umm...I'm not. We just came in from the outside, that's all."

Scott had never felt so hot before and he knew that all Josh had to do was look down and Scott's whole world could, very well, come crumbling down around him. Still, he felt glued to the spot and couldn't tear his eyes away.

"Oh." Josh replied. He, too, seemed as if he was glued to his spot.

Scott actually had to clench his fists to avoid reaching forward and grabbing Josh in his arms, kissing him like in the movies, so powerful was the urge.

Then, the unthinkable happened...Scott saw the boy's eyes slowly gaze downwards. He could almost feel Josh's eyes staring at the sizable lump at the front of his pants. He could imagine the disgust that must be brewing in his mind, threatening to cause him vomit. As if speaking in Josh's thoughts, Scott thought, "I knew this faggot had a thing for me! That's why he invited me to this concert! All he..."


Scott's pseudo-thoughts were interrupted and he looked to see Josh's eyes now on him again. However, rather then a look of disgust, Scott could see that same sweet smile on the boy's sexy lips. A genuine smile and not one of mocking.

"Yeah? What do you want?" Scott found himself replying.

Josh cocked his head slightly and, gripping his hands together in front of him, asked, "Why did you invite me here tonight...honestly?"

As Scott looked into the almost aqua-coloured pools in from of him, he could see that Josh knew the truth, but was either confirming his suspicions or hoping for a reasonable doubt.

He wasn't sure if he knew before he came in, as Bob and Zac had predicted, or whether Scott's stiff boyhood, which happens occasionally to most guys anyway, had given it away. But he wasn't quite sure what to say. He really didn't want to lie, but the truth might cause more harm than good. He turned to look behind him and saw, standing in the shadows, Zac Hanson stood, with arms crossed, and smiled and him. At that moment, Scott finally realized just what it was that his little brother had found so appealing about the fourteen year-old drummer.

Turning back toward Josh, Scott smiled as warmly as he could, took a deep breath and said, "I wanted you here, Josh, because I like you. A lot. I know I've known you for, like, fifteen minutes, but ever since I first saw you, I really wanted to get to know you better and..."

Josh shook head the entire time and, finally, Scott had to stop and, slightly frustrated, inquire, "What?"

Josh smiled, "I don't put much stock in mushy gushy shit, Scott. Just tell me straight...Am I making the biggest mistake of my life, or are you hot on me?"

Scott didn't really know how to respond; This wasn't really how he imagined it was going to be. He simply shrugged and said, "No."

Josh cocked his head again and repeated questioningly, "No?"

Scott sighed, "Ah, to hell with this...."

Unclenching his fists, he reached forward and grabbed Josh in his arms. Before the long-haired boy could respond, he leaned forward and pressed his lips against Josh's as best he knew how and kissed him as passionately as possible.

After five seconds, Scott pulled back and smiled, letting the boy go. "There!" He exclaimed.

Josh stepped back a bit and sighed, "Geez...."

Scott nodded and smiled, "Yeah."

Josh looked at Scott inquisitively, "So?"

"So what?"


Scott smirked, "What?"

Josh smiled, "Could you do that again and, this time, don't dig your nails into my hip?"

Scott laughed, "You're such a bastard. Why do you have to be so unromantic?"

Josh shrugged, "I dunno. Why do you have to be so cute?"

"You think I'm cute?" Scott replied.

Josh nodded, "You think I'm unromantic?"

Scott nodded, "This isn't really how I pictured it would go."

"Well, how'd you picture it would go?" Josh inquired, smirking, his arms crossed across his sexy chest.

Scott shrugged, "I dunno. I'm give you my lines and you'd smile and say how sweet..."

"Scott?" Josh interrupted.


"That was a rhetorical question."

Scott smiled, "I know."

"Then why'd you say anything?" Josh asked.

"I dunno."

"God dammit!" came a voice from behind them.

Scott and Josh turned to see Zac standing behind them with a sneer on his face.

"Would you two just shut the fuck up and kiss already?!" Zac yelled.

Scott and Josh both turned each other and smiled, then leaned in and kissed, wrapping their arms around each other. Scott pulled absent-mindedly at Josh's shirt as he clutched his back and held him against his own hot body. Scott had never kissed another guy before, but it seemed to come so naturally to him that he just let his body go into auto-pilot.

His tongue extended and pressed through Josh's parted lips, drinking up the sweet saliva of the sexy boy in front of him. Soon after, he felt Josh's own slimy morsel enter his mouth and wipe over his teeth like some erotic toothbrush.

After what seemed like an eternity of passion, Scott finally pulled back slightly and said breathlessly, "That was amazing."

Josh blushed slightly and, panting, said, "Yeah. I'm so glad you didn't lie and give me some shit about how I was invited because I had won some freaking..."

"Josh?" Scott interrupted.


"Shut up."

"Okay." Josh giggled.

Scott let the boy go and stepped back, saying, "The doors open in a half an hour and I still need to change."

Josh smiled, "Are you inviting me back to your dressing room?"

Scott paused for a second, before shrugging and saying "Well, I am now."

With a nod, both boys scurried downstage and through the curtains.

"That's right!" Zac called after them, "I'll just stay here and make sure everything is set up myself!"

With that, Zac began idly toying with Bob's drums for a few minutes, before straightening up and announcing to nobody in particular, "Ah, screw this! If they have time for a quick fuck, then so do I!"

Running the way that Scott and Josh went, Zac called, "Bob! Oh, Bobby boy!"

Part 4:

Scott slammed the door behind him and quickly clicked the lock shut, before turning to face the young boy now standing in his room.

Josh was peering around the room and, after several seconds, turned to face Scott and said, "So, this is your dressing room? It's kinda small, ain't it?"

"Yeah," Scott laughed, "like you've ever had a dressing room!"

Josh smiled and put his hands on his hips, "Well! Now who's being the bastard, hmm?"

Scott's smile faded and he shrugged and said, "I'm sorry...I just don't really know what to say in this circumstance?"

Josh walked forward and put his hand on Scott's hip. Gazing up at him seductively, he licked his lips and said, "I thought we established that you don't need to say anything."

Scott turned around, causing Josh's hand to fall from his hip, and said, "I...I just don't think that any sort of love can develop if you're not willing to talk to me!"

"Whoa now!" Scott heard him say, as he felt a hand on his shoulder, "Who ever said anything about love?"

Scott spun around, "What?"

Josh shrugged, "Scott...I'm straight."

Scott blinked, his mind hardly able to comprehend what was just said, "!"

Josh reached out and took Scott's hand. Scott was too shocked to resist. Looking up at him with his blue jay eyes, Josh stroked Scott's hand and said, "I'm straight...but it's cool to fool around with other guys. You're a cute guy, Scott, and I'd love to fuck you."

Scott looked at the sexy young boy trying to console him and, try as he might, he just couldn't hold back the tears from flowing down his crimson cheeks as he stuttered, "But...I...I thought...We...we kissed!"

Josh ran his free hand through his chestnut hair and sighed, "Ah, geez...Don't...please don't cry."

Scott couldn't help it. After thinking that he had finally, after all this time, found someone who could give him the love that his little brother received so readily, it had to end like this. He pulled his hand back from Josh's grasp and, leaning back against the wall, he put both hands on his face and sobbed.

Josh put his hands in his pockets and shook his head, "Please stop...stop crying. Aww, man! Listen...I'm so sorry! I...I didn't know you wanted know..."

Scott tried hard to stop crying, but just couldn't. His emotional state was so fragile at that moment that he just felt like dying. Sinking to the floor, he clutched his knees and, leaning forward, sobbed into his jeans.

Josh wanted to just run from the room and forget this night ever happened, but at the same time, he just couldn't leave Scott like this.

"Scott..." Josh sighed, slowly walking toward the shuddering teenager.

Scott looked up and, through a mask of flowing tears, sobbed, "Why won't you love me?!"

Josh descended into a sitting position in front of Scott and said, "I love your voice and I love your music and I love the band, but I'm straight, Scott. I'd never have come if I knew you felt this way! I don't want to hurt you anymore...I'll go."

With that, Josh got to his feet and walked toward the door. Scott quickly jumped up and hiccupped, "W...Wait!"

Josh turned around, "Scott...I'll hug you and I'll kiss you and I'll fool around with you, but I can't love you! I'm willing to pretend, though. Do you want me to pretend?"

Scott stood there for a moment, before slowly shaking his head and whispering, "No."

Josh nodded and smiled slightly, "I'm so sorry, Scott. So, so sorry. I'll...I'll be in the front row, okay? I'll stay for the concert, okay?"

Scott simply nodded, before starting to cry again. He quickly turned around as he saw the boy reach for the doorknob and, as he heard the slam of the dressing room door shut behind him, he began to cry harder.

"Oh God!" Scott cried, "What the fuck is wrong with me!"

Suddenly, there was a knock at the door. Scott quickly wiped his eyes and sniffled, thinking, "What does he want now? Is he back to torture my soul some more?"

However, as he slowly approached the door, he heard the ponticello tone of Zac inquire, from behind the door, "Scott, do you know where Bob is? I can't find him. I know you're probably busy, but..."

"No, come in!" Scott sobbed, cutting him off.

The door opened slowly and Zac quavered, "Scott?"

The angelic face of Zac Hanson peered in to Scott's room, and when he saw Scott standing there, crying, Zac quickly scampered into the room and grabbed Scott's shoulders in his hands.

"What's wrong, Scotty? Where's Josh?" Zac probed, worriedly.

Scott gazed down into Zac's mink eyes, shining with tears that threatened to flow in sympathy for him. Zac's thick, full lips were drawn up in a slight pout and the slight cleft in his chin was pointed upwards as the long butterscotch-haired boy stared slightly upwards into Scott's sad, tear-filled pools of sorrow.

"Oh, Zac! He said...he said..." Scott hiccupped, as he looked down at the concerned look on his brother's lover's face.

"What, Scotty?" Zac whimpered, close to tears himself, "What did he say?"

Scott sniffled and, as he gazed down at the angelic boy, he was overcome with an urge that he was unable to control. Leaning forward slightly, he wrapped his arms around Zac's upper back and pulled his body against Zac's own. Hesitating for only a second, Scott leaned forward and kissed Zac on his full, pouty lips with the pure, unbridled passion that he had been building up all this time for Josh. His tongue slid easily between the teeth of the surprised boy and rested quite comfortably on top of its slimy, pink counterpart, still hanging languidly in Zac's mouth.


Next: Chapter 9

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