Bobby and Chris

By peliguin

Published on Jan 8, 2005


Chris immediately went downstairs and in a few minutes I could hear him getting the pots and pans out of the kitchen closet. I walked into the bathroom. I knew I needed a shower but decided not to take one now. I did go to the sink and throw some water on my face. I looked into the large mirror that took up three-quarters of the entire wall. I could see my reflection in it.

I looked at my face my chest and abs and even stepped back a bit to look at my cock and balls. I was proud of my trim body. But I was prouder of what I accomplished this morning. I dominated Chris and made him do things to me I never even dreamed of before. Well, maybe once or twice in a wet-dream I thought of those things but never with Chris. Chris was my buddy, my best friend. Yesterday afternoon we were in his back yard throwing and catching a baseball, two straight guys just having fun. But then there were times we would be wrestling and I would pin him down, holding him by the hair and shoving his head in my groin. It did not seem sexual to me at the time, only that I had control over him. Sometimes I felt he let me beat him in a game or wrestling so that I could be superior over him.

I remember just a week or so ago, he and my second best buddy, Adam were driving in my dad's car, a big ass Mercury Marquis. We had gone swimming at the lake. A lot of fun but nothing too exciting, we had the normal horse play that the three of us usually got involved in. Pulling down each other's swimming trunks a few time, and while in the lake coming up between another guy's legs and playfully goosing him, or sneaking up behind a buddy and giving him a good hard wedgie, or snapping towels at each other's ass after the swim as we tried to dry ourselves. All innocent fun.

But as we were driving home, Chris who was in the front seat between Adam and I was beginning to be a nuisance. He had one had on my right knee and thigh and his other hand on Adam's left knee and thigh. From time to time in a middle of a conversation he would slap us and once he even pinched us, to make sure we were not falling asleep he said. Then he started toying around with the radio buttons. We would be listening to a good song, then Chris would push another button. We both yelled at him to stop it but he continued. Finally we had enough of his shenanigans and forced him into the back seat far from the radio buttons. But he wouldn't stop being a pain-in-the-ass.

I had enough. I pulled the car off to the shoulder of the road. It was a road with little traffic and had trees on both sides of the street. I opened the back door and pulled Chris out of the car.

"Open the trunk, Adam, our friend here is going to spend the rest of the trip in the trunk of the car."

Adam smiled and opened the trunk lid.

"Now climb in Chris or Adam and I will throw you in." I shouted.

Chris balked for a few minutes. I looked at Adam and he read my thoughts and we both grabbed him and shoved him into the trunk.

"Why are you doing this to me?" Chris asked.

I didn't answer him. I just slammed the trunk lid closed and went back into the car.

As I started the engine, Adam smiled at me and said, "Cool, man, real cool."

I thought I had solved the problem, but no. Chris would not cooperate. He was yelling and banging on the hood. He was screaming to be let out of the trunk.

I looked over at Adam, "What do you think we should do with that guy? He's driving me up the wall today."

"Maybe we should take him out of the trunk into the woods and giving him a beating. Nothing too hard, just something to get our point across."

I think I would like that, but I believe that might be a little drastic.After all he is my best buddy and yours too." I answered.

In my mind I had an idea. Again I pulled the car off to the shoulder of the road. Adam and I walked to the back of the car. I unlocked the lid. There was Chris with his shoe in his hand. He had been using that as a hammer to make the noise.

"OK, my friend" I said to Chris. "You leave us no options. Step out of the car"

He did so. I immediately reached into the trunk and pulled out a coil of rope which my dad had there for emergencies. I felt this was an emergency. With Adam's help I tied his feet together and then his hands. We picked him up and laid him in the trunk. Chris continued yelling. I looked for a gag. Then I spotted our swimming trunks and jock straps. I grabbed my jock and shoved it into his mouth and then secured it with a rag which I tied behind his head so that he could not spit the jock out. Adam and I looked at the boy all trussed him. He looked back at us with his big blue eyes almost pleading for help.

"He won't be any trouble now" Adam said. "Maybe we should have also taken off his pants"

"Why not" I answered and quickly started to unbuckle his belt. Adam leaned into the trunk and held Chris steady. I pulled down his zipper and with a few tugs had his pants around his feet. I couldn't fully remove them as his feet were tied. I looked down at him and thought, hey, why not go all the way. So I reached in and pulled his underwear down. Adam and I both looked at his near naked body.

"If we have to come back here again, Chris, I'm going to take that screwdriver laying by your face and shove it up your ass."

"And we will shove it all the way up" Adam added.

Well needless to say there was not a peep from Chris for the rest of the trip.

Again I looked at myself in the mirror, this time I was sprouting a hardon.

I walked back into my bedroom and put on a new pair of briefs. My other pair was wet with pre-cum and Chris' spittle. I was adjusting my cock which had calmed down to only being half hard I heard Chris shout that breakfast was ready.

I went downstairs and into the kitchen. Chris' back was toward me as he faced the kitchen sink. I noticed that the table was all set. Two plates of bacon, eggs and hash browns were placed on each end of the table. Napkins, cups and saucers, and silver wear were all in place and a hot pot of steaming coffee was in the middle along side two lit candles There was also two large full glasses of orange juice.. Nice presentation I thought. Then my eyes went back to Chris' naked body. I reached behind him and stroked his neck and shoulders.

"Breakfast smells wonderful" I said.

He turned around. "Thank you Sir. I think we should eat right away before it gets cold" he said.

I pulled out the chair from the table. It was the place where normally my dad sat, but today I was the boss, the big daddy.

Chris sat at the other end of the table.

"Who gave you permission to eat breakfast?" I asked.

"You told me to come downstairs and make breakfast."

"I strictly remembering telling you that I was hungry and for you to make MY breakfast. I said nothing about you eating." I yelled.

"Sorry, Sir, I didn't understand."

"No, matter, since you already cooked your breakfast I think you should eat it."

"Thank you Bobby, er..Sir" he answered as he picked up his fork to eat.

"Hold on there, Chris, I said you could eat breakfast, but I still have to punish you for not carrying out my orders correctly. So, grab your plate and climb under the table until you are seated directly in front of me."

Chris in all his nakedness got under the table. He had his plate of food in one hand, a napkin and silver wear in the other.

"First of all" I said, "Give my the napkin and silver wear. You will have no use for them." I reached under the table and he placed them in my waiting hand.

"Now I want you to act as my pet dog 'Cruz' who is in his doghouse in the back yard.(Named for you know who) .... Crawl closer between my legs." I spread my legs apart to give him easier access. I then petted his hair as if it were a dog.

"Nice doggy" I kept repeating over and over as I stroked his hair. Then I grabbed a handful of his hair, pulled it and forced his face to look up at me.

"Since you are my pet, my dog you have to be treated as a dog. And dogs in this household do not eat off of good dish wear. So take that breakfast plate in front of you and turn it upside down and let all the food slide onto the floor in front of you. Do it NOW! " I commanded.

Chris immediately obeyed and handed me the empty plate.

"Nice dog. Now let's enjoy breakfast. Remember to say grace to yourself before eating."

I was really hungry and dug into the food. Chris did a good job of cooking. Usually when we stay over at each other's homes our mom's cook for us and this was the first time I ever ate anything Chris cooked.

I looked down between my legs and saw Chris bent over and shoving the food into his mouth with his fingers. It was a bit messy, but he seemed to be eating it all. He must be hungry I thought. I also noticed as I looked between my legs my cock had grown hard again and I knew Chris had to see it tenting my underpants. I buttered a piece of toast and poured myself a hot cup of coffee. I also drank the large glass of orange juice that Chris had poured for us, but I didn't let him drink his. When finished eating I again looked under the table. Chris had also finished eating.

"Nice to see my doggy ate his food. But look, there's some egg on the floor. Now be a good dog and lick it all up with your tongue. That's it, keeping lapping the floor until it is clean."

Still being a bit thirsty I reached over the table and grabbed the large glass of orange juice that Chris had originally poured for himself. I quickly drank it. I could see Chris looking up at me as I did so. To see him better under the table I shoved my chair back about four feet from the table. Now I could see his entire body, all naked. I could see egg smeared around his lips and that his cock was almost as hard as mine.

"Nice, breakfast, we have to do this more often" I said.

Chris looked up at me with no expression on his face.

"Sir, might I have a glass of orange juice or coffee? I am thirsty."

"My poor 'Cruz'" I answered. "I am sorry I drank your OJ, and the coffee is no longer hot. But I have an idea, you can get your juice and it can be hot."

Chris had no idea what I was talking about.

"Crawl from beneath the table on your knees and come to me."

He crawled slowly until his naked body sat directly in front of me.

"I have a surprise for you. I have all the liquid you can drink. It is right here, in me" as I pointed to my cock.

"You want to cum again?" asked Chris.

"No, my dogie. I want you to drink my piss" with that I shoved my underpants to the floor and stepped out of them. "Come closer 'Cruz' and put your mouth right next to the head of my prick" I ordered.

Chris paused and looked up into my eyes. He knew I was serious. He opened his mouth and placed it directly in front of my hard cock.

"Now, tell me boy, what do you want"

"I want to drink"

"Drink what" I asked

"Drink your pee"

"Well, tell me loud and clear that you want to drink my piss."

"Sir, I want to drink your piss, please"

"OK, since you asked so nicely I will give you my pee. But, you are to drink it all, every drop, do not spill any on the floor. You are to swallow it all. Understood?"

"Yes Sir, you are going to pee in my mouth and I have to drink every drop of your piss and not spill any. I have to swallow all your piss."

"Good, now get a little closer still, and open your mouth wide, perhaps you can tilt your head back a little......that's it."

I looked down at my cock it was hard as a rock. I tried to piss but couldn't not with that hardon. I sat there staring at the ceiling trying to get my mind off sex. I even tried multiplying figures in my head to distract from what was really going on. It worked, slowly the hardon grew soft, not completely but enough where I thought I could piss.

"Now open your mouth wider" I inserted my cock into his mouth hoping now I could piss. It is strange, I am usually the one in the men's restroom at the urinal unable to pee until there was no one next me. But now I felt different. Here was my best buddy, his mouth wide open ready to drink my urine.

I felt the urge and finally a few drops came out and landed on Chris' tongue. Then came the hot long stream of piss out of my cock hole. I held my dick as I try to steady the stream directly into his mouth. I could see my yellow piss filling his mouth, even the bubbles forming. I could see his Adam's apple moving up and down, I could hear and see him swallowing. I realized I was pissing too hard and too much. He wouldn't be able to drink it all, it would spill out of his mouth. I quickly pinched the tip of my dick to cut back on the heavy flow of piss. I gave him a chance to swallow and then I eased my fingers and let the hot piss again flow directly into his waiting mouth. I didn't realize how much pee there was in me. I guess all that coffee and Orange juice had something to do with it. Chris was drinking and swallowing all my piss, at one point I even heard him making a gulping sound. Finally the stream was coming to an end and then it stopped. I shook my cock and drops splattered on his face and chest. I pushed him away and sat back in my chair.

"Did you enjoy drinking my piss" I asked "Tell me, was it hot, was it salty or bitter."

"Yes Sir. I like your pee very much. It was not bitter nor was it salty."

"Too bad we did not know this sooner. We have been friends for many years, think of all my piss you could have drank. But I feel much better after letting all my pee out. How about you, did you have to go?"

"Yes Sir, I do"

I stared at him for a minute then went back to the table and grabbed the large empty orange juice glass.

"Stand up" I ordered and placed the glass in front of his prick which by now was only half hard.

"OK, now I want you to stick your cock in the glass and piss."

Chris moved his groin area nearer the glass. We stared into each other's eyes not saying a word as he tried to release his pee. Finally, it came,

a dark yellow stream into the glass. It was quickly filling up. I reached over by the kitchen counter and grabbed an empty pitcher. As soon as the pee go to the top of the glass I removed it and put the pitcher under his cock and he continue to piss in it. What a lot of piss I thought.

"Now I want you to do one last thing for me dogie. I want to see you drink your own piss from this glass. You don't have to drink what's in the pitcher if you do a good job of drinking this." I handed him the warm glass of pee.

He smelled the yellow liquid. He put his tongue into the glass getting a quick taste.

"Drink it all. I want all the piss you shot out your dick to flow into your stomach. Do it now!"

He put the glass near his lips careful not to spill any as it was full to the brim. I watched as he opened his mouth and turned the glass to his open mouth and drank the pee. Swallow after swallow he consumed his own piss until the glass was empty.

"Good boy" I said. "Now clean up this kitchen so it looks like it did when you first came in. I don't want my mom to find anything wrong or out of place.

He walked away and started cleaning off the table. I picked up my underpants and put them back on. When Chris was not looking, I took my finger and placed it in the pitcher that contained the overflow of his piss. I got my finger wet and then placed it in my mouth and sucked off the pee. He was right, pee doesn't seem to be salty. Who knows, maybe someday I will drink his piss directly from the tap.

As I left the kitchen I yelled back at Chris."When you're finished cleaning don't bother get dressed I want to see you in the garage. I have a few more fun things we can do."

"Yes Sir. I shall be at your disposal in the garage."

Guys, I don't know who is reading my story, if anybody, or whether you like it or not. I only got a few emails. But if you like it and want me to continue, email me. I have a lot more to tell, after all, for the most part I am only re-living events that really happened.

Next: Chapter 5

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