Bondage in Space

By moc.loa@potgnipor

Published on Dec 29, 2021


Malkus' fingers dug into the strong bicep of Ezel, as he led him to his chambers. Ezel struggled, but the Narayan collar around his neck reminded him, every time he did, that he was a prisoner, at Malkus' mercy. "You are still not used to it Breeder, but I believe that eventually, you will be as good at taking cock as your brother is. " "LEAVE MY BROTHER OUT OF THIS. IF YOU LEAVE HIM ALONE, I'LL DO WHATEVER YOU WANT." Ezel yelled, and Malkus laughed. "Noble, but useless. You'll do what I want anyway. " He reached down and squeezed the Narayan collar at the base of Ezel's balls. When the young man screamed, he laughed. "See what I mean?" Ezel could only sputter "Eventually, you'll pay for this." Malkus was leading Ezel to his bed for the night. It was the consequence of the "69 game" he had forced Ezel and Doron to play. Malkus had read about it in "A History of Cyclon Depravity," one of the books that he had found in Ptolemy's library when he had been a prisoner of the Cyclons, assigned to Ptolemy for "work detail and pleasure." He knew that he shouldn't have it from the whipping he had gotten when Ptolemy found him with it. When the Ore launched the raid that rescued him, he had grabbed it as a "momento" of his time with Ptolemy. "And the circle remains unbroken" he had chuckled when he reviewed the text on the game. Very old, and very much a mark of depravity: two men would form a position not unlike yin and yang, and take each other's cock in their mouths. Then, whomever came first, had a penalty to pay. That afternoon, he had arranged for Doron and Ezel to "play" as an entertainment for himself, Obeid, and Ranta. Every time Ranta tried to look away, Obeid would pull on the leash of HIS Narayan collars. Ranta could handle more pain than Ezel, but even he had to yield, eventually. The brothers had been tied to each other, and forced to take each other's cocks. Then, they were watched: a failure to actively suck the other brought one of the electric wands to their feet. Ezel felt (correctly), that Malkus had arranged this for him to lose. Doron was an experienced - what was the word - cocksucker - and he had none. His only experience with cock sucking was visiting the pleasure houses with his friends on break from space patrol, and finding a heitara to take his young cock. Generally, he had no difficulty finding women, especially given his open wallet. Now, though, he thought "I'm being treated like a woman." Doron had a different view, and so did Malkus, but the fact was, he had erupted in his brother's mouth and that had lost him the match. "I'm sorry Brother Ezel," Doron had whispered, even though he really wasn't. One of his fantasies had always been to take his brother's cock, either in his mouth or in his ass. Now, he had one of them fulfilled, and it had been worth waiting for. Ezel had always lorded his physical abilities over Doron, teasing the young man about his scholarly pursuits. Now, the "man with the muscles" as he was called, had lost. And he would be taking Malkus' cock that night. For Doron, there was a "prize" perhaps even worse. When the game was completed, Malkus had looked at Obeid. "Perhaps it would be instructive for the young man to watch you and Ranta tonight and learn what he needs to know." "NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO" Ranta had screamed, before a harsh pull on the Narayan collar. Obeid sneered. "A splendid idea Lord Malkus. It would do the boy well to learn what is expected since..." he pulled the collar again. "My new toy knows much more than perhaps the young men know."

What neither of them knew was that Ranta was their uncle. Not on their father's side: the tradition among the Cyclons was that male children were sent to live with their fathers after they were a year old. By the time they had been reunited with their mother, at 18, Ranta was off on a space ship almost constantly. His engineering background made him extremely valuable to the Cyclon command. The command came before everything, including family. Nor did they know of the first Orian/Cyclon war: the one where the Cyclons had launched a surprise attack on Ore, while the warriors were on patrol. There wasn't a slaughter, but the Cyclons brought back thousands of prisoners, including the young Malkus. Given the way in which the Cyclons lived, with the men lacking female companionship for long stretches of time, it was not only traditional, but expected, that a Cyclon elite would take a young man from another planet as his "would be wife" would be the best way to translate the phrase from the Cyclon language. Malkus had served in Ptolemy's bed for three years. Ezel and Doron, babies at the time, only knew of the young long haired blond man who seemed to be everywhere. They were asleep long before Ptolemy would call Malkus to his bed, and never knew what happened in their father's bedroom. When they joined academy, Ranta made sure they remained ignorant of their father's past, especially after the first time Doron was caught "napping" with another cadet.

If the complex history and relationships between the Cyclons and the Orians was known to anyone, they didn't speak. Certainly there were rumors, but when Ezel and Doron had been introduced to the other sexual prisoners at compulsory exercise earlier that day, no one spoke of it: not even their two fellow crew members, whom they met for the first time since the ship's destruction. Again, as with the Cyclons, the Orians had the custom of the men taking a younger man to his bed. It was not required, and while some of the Orians were like Malkus in preferring men, others simply kept a young slave for "amusement," and others simply took female slaves. Obeid, with his passion for older men, was an outlier among Orians, and his predilections would have been frowned upon, had he not served Malkus as well as he had. That first day of compulsory exercise included mandatory wrestling. The Orians not only believed that it developed a good sense of physical development to their men, the finest wrestlers would be selected for entertainment for the elite: both men and women. Usually, the prisoners were matched against each other, but sometimes, an Orian elite would elect to wrestle with one or more of the prisoners. If you thought those matches were fixed, you'd be correct. The history of Ore told of one prisoner who did not follow the script, and was never seen again. Still, the whispers and gossip among the prisoners who had been on Ore for months or years, was clear. The four Cyclon captives looked so similar to each other, you could predict tag team matches, or brother versus brother type matches in the future. The four of them were all so new that they were not ready for match play, which could be rough. "Your time will come" one very tall, muscular slave told the four Cyclons. "Don't be surprised if its a sex match. These Orians LOVE to see brothers screw each other."

"Obeid, PLEASE don't make Doron watch. PLEASE." Ranta was pleading with his new owner, as Obeid strapped him, face down, to a platform. There was a hole through which he had pulled Ranta's dick, to which he then attached a ball spreader with a small pendulum weight. Ranta sucked in his breath as that happened. "He will watch. And if you're lucky, I'll forget to mention that he's your nephew my friend. Surely you Cyclonians remember the expression 'what goes around comes around' "? Obeid laughed louder. More appropriate for Lord Malkus I would say, because for you, my handsome stud, it's more appropriate to say: I finally have you." Ranta was well aware of Lord Obeid's obsession with him. There had been more than one battle where it seemed that Obeid's only goal was to capture Ranta. Each time, Ranta had escaped. He had listened to communication intercepts where Obeid had spoken of his desire to turn Ranta into "my compliant, subservient COCKSUCKING MANBITCH" . Now, as he lie there, the Narayan collar pressing into his neck, his hands roped securely behind his back, and no weapons left on his body, it looked like it would be happening. "So, you will put on a good performance, or else... I may just forget." Obeid pressed his thumb to a point under Ranta's left arm, which could only cause pain. "Are we clear, slave bitch?" Ranta bit his tongue to avoid crying out in pain, took a breath and answered: "Yes Lord Obeid, we're clear." "EXCELLENT." Obeid turned. "Bring in the young man." Two large muscular attendants brought in Doron. His wrists were tied behind him, and he was gagged. "Sit him where he can see everything." They placed Doron on the side. He could see Ranta's cock through the hole in the platform, and he could see the almost glazed look in his eyes. He saw the wince as Obeid pushed the man's legs apart. "Ho ho. Let's take a look at the young man's endowment. Clearly the mind control techniques of the Cyclonians are not as strong as they could be. Doron had an unspoken crush on Ranta. It was sometimes difficult for him to be on the bridge of the ship when Ranta was there. The man had a habit of standing over Doron, and putting his hand on the young man's shoulder as if to assure him he was doing things correctly. Those touches: Doron lived for them. After almost every one of them, he would masturbate furiously in one of the pleasure tubes on the ship. He fantasized about being in the position Ranta was now, with Ranta in the position Obeid was. "To gag him or not to gag him? Now THAT is the question." Obeid laughed, pulling out a small round gag that had an inflatable attachment. It filled with air when moistened with saliva. "We shall see. If you do not make sufficient noise, then we will use it. No reason to hear wimpy moans. " Obeid stepped behind Ranta, and began running his thumb up and down his ass crack. Doron made more noise than Ranta did, and Ranta tried to signal him to stop. Obeid laughed. "We have blindfolds too Ranta. Just keep that in mind." "Understood Lord.... Obeid." he had to pause as the tracing finger entered him, followed by another. "Lord Obeid" one of the retainers signaled to Doron's growing hard on. With its growth, Doron blushed redder and redder. "The poor young man. He doesn't know how to control himself. I may have to recommend that Malkus administer corrective treatment. " His hand came down on Ranta's butt. "Perhaps we can make the man's skin as red as his hair." His hand continued to fall until he saw a drop not unlike a pearl at the tip of Doron's penis. "Please let me not see this" Ranta thought, trying to close his eyes. "REMEMBER OUR DEAL RANTA." Obeid yelled, and Ranta sighed. "Yes My Lord. I remember." He opened his eyes, and he said, resignedly "Fuck your slave Lord Obeid. Please fuck his ass HARD." Obeid did just that. His cock plunged into Ranta, satisfying a craving that had come close to consuming him. Doron closed his eyes, and imagined that HE was being speared by Ranta. "NNNNNNNNNNGGGGGGGGGGGGGG" slipped out of his gag, and he had a contact free orgasm. When it was over, he began to cry. That only seemed to make Obeid want more of Ranta, and he fucked more vigorously. "Two bitches. Two new bitches from the Cyclonian empire. I wonder how sore our THIRD bitch is right now." He began to pump faster.

The "third bitch" - Ezel, was lying on Lord Malkus bed. Two small, electronic clips were attached to his nipples and a buzzing, battery driven generator, was sending pulses through the Narayan collar on his penis. "YOU FUCK. YOU FUCKING CRAZY WINGNUT. I'LL KILL YOU." Malkus laughed. "No you won't. If anything, you'll blow me soon. And you'll watch your teeth because someone will be watching, with a knife held to your brother's throat. "YOU WOULDN'T HURT MY BROTHER. YOU LIKE HIM TOO MUCH." "I like you better Ezel. If I could have only one, I'd take you: straight meat is so much more enticing than gay flesh." "BASTARD. FUCKING BASTARD." That's when the metal rod hit his feet. "OH FUCK. OH FUCK. " "I'm only beginning Ezel. You will learn respect. Think of how respectful you'd be if... your brother were receiving this punishment. And after tonight, he will. He's watching Ranta learn his place and soon, you will see it too. Then.... ha ha. Your training will be mine completely." He reached down and turned a knob on each of the clips and the amount of charge going through Ezel increased. "PLEASE. STOP. WHAT DO YOU WANT?" "Nothing. I have everything I want." Ezel groaned. "If... If I agree to not fight you, to not resist, to become your slave... will you release my brother?" Malkus was struck by this suggestion. He almost felt compassion for the brothers, before he answered "NO. It will be much more fun to teach you how useless resistance is. " He grabbed Ezel's ankles. "Now, to the main event. Should I share you or not? I'm still trying to decide." "HOLY. HOLY... HOLY RINGS OF SATURN." Malkus was fucking him much harder than he had the first time. Ezel could hear Malkus' balls slapping against his ass. When he stopped thrusting and just held his cock in his ass, Ezel thought he would faint. He THOUGHT - he really thought - he'd want to push that cock out anyway he could. But he didn't. He held still. "I'm making the best of it" he thought, while his cock showed that he was CERTAINLY making the best of it. "Straight boy.... are you longer than your brother?" Malkus took Ezel's cock in his hand. "I don't know. We stopped comparing after we were ten years old." "Oh, I doubt that. I think we need to find out very soon. It may be... interesting." "WHAT THE.. WHAT THE..." Ezel felt fluid filling his cock. He couldn't control it. Malkus knew what he was doing, and he smiled. He knew the stimulation from the electric charges was doing most of the work, but if he could convince Ezel he was gay.... "OH SHIT OH SHIT OH SHIT" Ezel shot a wad so high that it landed on Malkus' chin. Just as he did, Malkus emptied his own balls into the now very confused young man. "Should I keep you in bed tonight, Ezel? Yes, I think I shall. " Within a quarter of an hour, Ezel's wrists were shackled together in front of him. They were linked to his Narayan collars, so if he moved too suddenly, everything would hurt. Lord Malkus began preparing the bed. "I may want you during the night Ezel. That ass of yours... to know I'm the only man who's ever been there. " He wasn't. But you'll learn that in the fullness of time.

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