Booker Burns

By Maxieplus / Maxwell Dowling

Published on Jul 21, 2019


Chapter 10

We dried off in the sun then Book got the fire started, it will be cold tonight and I was looking forward to snuggling up in the sleeping bag with him, and by the grin on his face, so was he.

"What do you want to eat Zack?"

"Just a steak and gravy roll Book, I think that's all we have except the bacon and eggs for the morning." I giggled.

"Cool my favorite meal, steak." He licked his lips,

and it was too. If he had a choice, he would eat that every day. I always bring steak and rolls camping he knows that, and I think that's why he always wants to go camping, that and Zack's bum that is. He has everything he has ever wanted now. I try to make life much easier for him, I make sure he gets loads of sex but I guess I am a little selfish because I love it too.

He put the steaks on while I rang the boys to say goodnight, they were whining about something, I must ask mum when I talk to her but they managed a bye bye night night to me as I handed the phone to Booker. He talked to them like they were old mates, I guess he knows what they are talking about, then it was mums turn.

"I didn't show them the horses so we had to go back before I had a riot on my hands, that's what they were telling you I guess I'm in the dog house again." I laughed, poor mum I have to ease her workload somehow, maybe I will talk to Book.

By the time we hung up our dinner was ready so we sat by the fire and ate in silence. It didn't take him long to scoff it down then he looked at mine.

"Book there is an extra one in the bag cook that."

He was onto it in a flash and in no time his second steak was sizzling away in the pan.

"Thank you, Zack thank you for everything." He leaned in and licked the gravy off my mouth.

"Its okay Book, I love doing things for you."

"Well, I appreciate everything you do for me I just wanted to say that."

"Book, we have to talk about mum. Do you think we have overloaded her with jobs she didn't sign up to?"

"I don't think so baby, she was telling me it's her goal in life to do for us, and an absolute joy to look after the boys she loves doing what she's doing Zack." he grinned.

"Oh, so you reckon she's happy living way out at the farm?"

"Zack kiss me." I did and he licked my lips again, he's a smooth licker that Book.

"You worry too much Zack, she's fine and in her element looking after all of us, before it was only you and a mate occasionally, then for a while it was just her. Now she's got a whole brand new family and she loves looking after us. You just feel guilty you can't do more around the farm. You do too much at work as it is, she doesn't want to load you up with work at home too. We both feel that way Zachy your work is important to you and so is hers."

"Okay, then I won't talk to aunty Jenny then. I thought she might do a day or two at the farm to give mum a break."

"No, don't do that its mums territory, and she's like a mother lioness with all of us, god forbid if Sam marries Hildy there will be trouble in the pride I think." He laughed as he stuffed his second roll into his mouth. I wanted to lick his lips too but I'm too shy; oh, no I'm not. Come here Booker Burns.

The fire was dying down and the owls were hooting so we readied ourselves for bed. This is my favorite part of the day because I get the real Book to myself for the next eight to ten hours starting with a long body wash from head to toe. His legs were touching the roof of the small tent as I did his crack, I have learned that this is Books favorite position and if he had his way it would be a permanent thing. I finished administering my tongue to him because my neck was getting sore so he dropped his legs and sighed then I started on his scrotal area.

It was a night full of sex and love we thoroughly tired each other out, then we cuddled up and finally went to sleep with the waterfall singing in our ears.

"What is love Zack?" he whispered.

"This is love Book, just us two all alone."

In the morning it was virtually done all over again except we had deep penetration this time and my bum felt well used. I thanked Book for last night and after I screamed "Deeper." I thanked him again in the morning. I bathed while he made us our breakfast, then I joined Mr muscles by the fire.

"Zack, can we talk a bit?"

"Of course Book, what's up?"

"Gran." He dropped his head, I lifted his chin up and looked into his eyes.

"Don't go there anymore, stay home where your loved and no one tries to get into your head all the time. She's not worthy of your attention, let the old bitch rot." I was harsh with my reply, but she was a dreadful person. He stared at me and his arm slowly slid across my shoulder.

"I was only going to ask if I should take her flowers." I laughed because I knew he was having me on.

"Book she abused you as a little boy, she shamed you in front of your mates and she beat you hard. Like her son, she got into your head and turned your world into shit for a lot of years. Why would you even bother to feel guilty about not seeing her? She made you feel that way and you've got to replace those feelings with pride. Pride in your life now, pride in how far you have come to get to this point, and pride in your uncanny ability to see the difference. Make a difference with her, either go and see her and tell her its the last time or don't go at all and stay with us. You know, the ones that rely on you, and love you dearly the people around you that are proud of you."

"Okay Zack, I suppose you're right I won't go then but I feel guilty about it."

"Why Book, tell me why, give me a rundown of the good things she did for you growing up. Then give me a list of the bad things she did."

He thought about it then smiled again, he kissed me and that was all that was said. We needed to see our boys so we started packing up. We didn't need our jocks this time because we walked nude down the trail. We stopped by a larger tree and gave each other a head job for good luck; and because we were so worked up again. When we walked into the clearing the shorts came out of his backpack and we then walked hand in hand towards the farm.

Two little kids were sitting on an old log waiting for us, I had messaged mum ahead of time that we were just coming through the back paddock. They screamed as they ran towards us I picked up my pace because I was excited to see them again. In the excitement Beetle started crying he was so happy and Lucky kissed his cheeks to calm him down.

One was placed on Books shoulders and I got the other who giggled all the way back to the farmhouse.

"Hi boss, did the wife give it up good and proper last night?" Sam said laughing his head off, to him our walks in the woods is a great source of comedy.

"Three times idiot features, with some extras along the way." book replied.

"Sheesh the missus must be good, I have heard mumbled rumors he's a bit of a goer." I laughed as I kissed mum and hugged her, I had a little Beetle wanting up again so I sat and talked to him about our adventure. I promised him he could come with us the next time. I think he understood because his arms finished around my neck while he kissed me; well slobbered on me.

"Did you boys have a good time?" Mum sat with the coffee pot and poured us a drink.

"Yes mum, it's unbelievably beautiful up there, the swimming pool wasn't really full this time I suppose the waters drying up some."

"Its that time of year Zachy, we need the rain to come but unfortunately when it does it's usually too cold to go camping and the pool freezes over," Book told me. I stared at him and said.

"We could sleep beside a really big fire." I saw a slight smile on his face.

"What time will you go into town on Monday Book, I want to get some nappies and a few odds and ends."

"I can get them...." I stopped that line of thought and said.

"I'll come with you I need to get some stuff too." I smiled because I wanted mum to go into town, she needs the break, maybe we can make a day of it.

"I'm not going mum, I have had a rethink and I don't think I will even bother to go see gran anymore." His head tried to drop but he caught it just in time.

"Okay Book that's your choice, and I agree with you from what I hear she's causing a lot of trouble at the moment, she's found out about your impending marriage to Zack, so her little old lady routine has been completely busted."

"How do you know that mum?" I asked.

"Jenny son, she volunteers one day a week at the nursing home. She rang yesterday arvo to give us the heads up that gran might be just a little pissed off." She laughed.

"I guess the rumor mill is alive and kicking in town, I wonder what delightful lady or man told her?"

"She said she will try and find out this week son. And Book once again, if I had known about your living conditions I would have moved heaven and earth to have you come to live with us." She flushed then I saw that mothers love in her glistening eyes. Book leaned over and gave her a very meaningful hug.

I then looked at Book he was running something through his head so I took the opportunity to remind him about his pride.

"Walk tall Book, be proud of what you have achieved, no one is going to make you feel like a loser anymore. Come into town with us we can make a day of it, maybe go have lunch at Ant's place."

"I don't know Zack they will all be staring at us now."

"Not our friends Book, and we have plenty of them in town. Don't stress about the idiots, they don't matter they never mattered. May I remind you you're very quick-witted and will find an equal answer to every insult. That is if there is any, which I doubt there will be. Cowards only talk in their own circles they never venture into the real world."

I will ring Bettina she's an old school mate, maybe she can shed some light on the subject she works at the home after all. I did think a visit there was pending. I usually call in to see if anyone needs any extra help from the government but its well run so I really don't have to be there.

We had lunch with the boys then I showed book my first talk he was impressed and said he understood what I had been saying and he felt special he knows me personally. I'm a budding TV star so I guess I will get a big award tonight.

Sam got a phone call as he walked out the back door I heard him say.

"Gidday Hildy, what's up my dark desert beauty?" I chuckled to myself.

"Is there any washing mum?"

"Yes son, I was just about to go and do it."

"I'll do it, can you sit with the boys and I'll start after I do the dishes." She stared at me for a minute.

"Okay, what's up?"

"Nothing mum just decided I would help out some more while I'm at home." I started filling the sink with hot water.

"No, that's not it son something's off, and I need to know what it is." I took her in my big arms and started rocking back and forth with her again.

"I just wanted to help out some more, I know you do just about everything for us and I wanted to give you a break every now and then that's all."

"No you don't, I have my day already organized so don't upset the apple cart because I will get out of whack."

"But mum you need a rest too."

"Wrong again son, you think I need a rest but I don't. I'm very happy doing for you all. Book and your work are important, and I love looking after my grandkids they bring joy into my life. When you left me was the worst time, I had nothing to do and resigned myself to vegetate in that house alone, forever. I couldn't be happier here if I tried, so you go and do your TV thing and I will do the dishes the kids don't need supervision at the moment the TV is doing that job."

"Mum I already told you I didn't leave you, I went to get an education that's all, I came back you know that."

"Well use that education son, you worked hard for it and I know about housework I was born into it." She smiled. I let her go because the sink was filling up, but I did do the dishes while she put the first load of washing on.

The phone rang just as I was about to go help her hang it out on the line, it was Dexter.

"Oh hi Dex, how's the world treating you?"

"Good Zack, I heard you are going to get married is my invitation in the mail?"

"Not yet mate, but soon. We really haven't set a date yet but you are top of the guest list."

"Good, I could have been the groom you know Zack, I wouldn't have minded you for a husband."

"I know Dex, you have some serious identity issues. I think we should have a good talk while your here." I laughed down the phone.

He started giggling then he got serious.

"Now Zack there is a contract in your inbox that was sent an hour ago, can you sign it, get it witnessed and post it back to our HR Department? I got my manager to do the negotiations for you and they come up with a figure to pay you per three-minute talk to be aired every Friday. The fee isn't enormous but I think you will be happy with it, if not let me know."

"Sounds good to me Dex, did you get the first one?"

"Yes its already lined up to go we didn't change or cut anything out, it was perfect, we are all excited by this venture Zack."

"I was a bit worried I was preaching again and not talking."

"No, it doesn't come over like that its perfect and my producer is really over excited to run with it."

"Okay I'll do next weeks soon, do I send it to you or the producer?"

"The producer, and send me a copy too, his email address is in the contract."

"That's great, so we are all good to go then?"

"Yes, except we have to sort out what kind of friendship we are going to have from now on."

"Yes, well let's just say for the moment good friends with a slight perversion every now and then."

"Oh shit you do know how to get me going Zack, I will speak to you next week mate, and congratulations I always knew that army guy was for you."

"He is mate, see you soon Dex, love you."

He hung up laughing, I think the dreamy prim and proper Dexter Walsh is finally coming out of his shell.

I went to the computer and opened the mail, my god if that's what they are paying me what are they paying Dexter? one thousand dollars a minute, that's awesome I can save it for the boys schooling and to maybe buy Book a new car. I lost that thought because I didn't want to get ahead of myself, they might only want a few weeks then they will dump me when they start getting viewer complaints.

I printed it off and luckily found a working black pen to sign it, but first I wanted to have a good read of it just in case there are some unknown hidden nasties.

I took it into the kitchen and started reading it with a cup of coffee in my hand. It all sounded very glamorous and it was in order as much as I could make out. I talked to Book about it after he had come in from feeding the stock so he read it and we both signed the contract. I was on cloud nine for the rest of the night and I got a special treat when I went to bed, Book had my backless underwear on and was laying on his tummy. I loved being inside him he was perfect, and he's even moaning a little every now and then nowadays, but maybe it's his way of telling me to hurry up and finish.

On Monday morning, we dressed ourselves up and headed for town to do some shopping. Firstly, it was the supermarket where we got two trollies and one kid each, then we strolled up and down the aisles. Quite a few people we knew stopped to talk and to kiss the kids and to congratulate us on our upcoming nuptials, the rest of the shoppers didn't care who we were they were more interested in doing the shopping. At the checkout, the boys got a small sweet each for being so good and then we filled Books old bomb up with our supplies. he handed me the names and addresses he had collected from shoppers wanting to be included in our upcoming nuptials. If Book had any doubts about the town folk being homophobic, this should make him feel different. They were actually from people we knew anyway, but I guess they were getting a little excited to see the wedding.

Mum had rung aunty Jenny to meet us for lunch at Ant's restaurant. After the food shopping, we called into the bank so Book could check on his balance. Because he had sold six beef cattle a few weeks ago he wanted to check the money went in. I got sick of telling him he could do it online nowadays, but he wanted to do it the old fashioned way. Everywhere we went we ran into school mates and friends there were no annoying questions and we were treated with respect. It actually looked to me that nearly the whole town was wanting an invitation to our wedding, maybe a little rethink on that small wedding party would be in order.

We settled in with aunty and got the boys some high chairs they were looking forward to their spaghetti, and so was Book, he likes plenty of cheese on his.

"Now I know you're all dying to know what's been going on at the nursing home." She smiled.

"Tell me." Books face looked like stone.

"Well Book, apparently it's that bloody priest that's been telling her stories about you, he hears it from his parishioners. The nurses told me that when he left her the other day she suddenly changed, and was screaming at the top of her lungs. She wanted out of there, and wanted to go back to the farm to keep an eye on you."

I breathed out, there's no way she would be allowed to do that she's too old, not frail yet, but old.

"She's a stupid woman Jenny. I'm not wasting another minute worrying about her, she can go to hell." Book said.

He took my hand under the table and I squeezed it.

We all agreed with him and when I see that priest next I will give him a piece of my mind, its none of his business. I was a tad angry with him.

"So it's the priest then, what's his name it escapes me at the moment?" I asked.

"Father Todd, a rather stuck up pompous young man, he's only been in this area six months and already he's lost half his herd, they are going to mass in the next town. He was the one at the soup kitchen looking for handouts"

Jenny giggled.

"Let me guess he preaches fire and brimstone and curses the faggot's adulterers and unwed mothers along the way." I smiled.

"Exactly what I heard Zack, almost word for word." She answered.

"Well, we will see about that."

"Don't interfere, Zachy you might make him worse." Book again squeezed my hand. While all this was going on Ant had loaded up the table with various Italian dishes after that was done he kissed aunty Jen mum and the boys, of course, he drew the line with us. He just shook our hands. Nothing in it at all, it's just the way he is around us, he likes us but there's no need for huggie kissy moments.

The rest of the day was uneventful, I helped mum put away the shopping and Book headed for the paddocks to see what the boys were up to. You all know where the little kids were, safe and happy in front of the TV eating their treats. The cupboards looked full again and when we finished we had coffee, the boys will be in soon for afternoon tea. I was so full I didn't think I could fit in any more food today. Mum had bought a cake for them and I know Book will probably have half of it.

I started getting my work organized for tomorrow, I had to visit that nursing home then go and see a couple of people in the next town that needed my help. I haven't heard anything from Luke about the alleged murder so I might call in to see him on the way. My afternoon will be spent in the office sorting out food vouchers and requests for furniture and electrical supplies mainly fridges. There's a second-hand shop here, so we usually organize goods from them for the much needier families or we place an ad in the area's newspaper for donations. It all takes time and effects the families every day they are without these essentials.

The boys came in and washed their hands in the trough in the laundry, they were talking about rebuilding the south paddock fence the one Bessie the cranky cow kicked down, that was when Book moved her up to the farmhouse paddock. The fence was old and it does give them more trouble than the others. Book said he would order the wood and have it delivered next week, then they will start in on replacing it.

"Did you get our shopping mum?" Sam asked.

"Yes, Sam it's in the boot room I got everything on your list."

"Can you deduct it from our wages boss?"

"That's okay mate can do, all's well." Book kissed me and sat at the table waiting for that cake to appear.

A plate of sandwiches and the cake were placed on the table Book was first to load his plate up and almost took half the sugary treat, he also cut two thin slices for the kids. I could hear the excitement coming from the lounge room when they got them.

When Book came back he stared at Sam. I thought he was going to knock his block off because he had switched plate's with him and left Book with a much smaller slice.

"You will get fat boss, the wife won't like you if you go all flabby." He grinned, Book switched them back and knuckled poor Sam just a little too hard, Sam moaned as he rubbed his head.

"Hildy will be back on Friday are you going in to see her Sam?" Mum said as she stared at Book.

"Yes missus, got to keep the fires burning she's one pretty native that woman, I can't wait to start ordering her around the kitchen." Mum blushed. I think she was going to have a go at him too, but she knows he's joking. Years ago aboriginal women were called gin's, it's a name the white fellas gave them, and it referred mainly to their sexual side. It meant prostitute, or easy in their time. I abhor the word and I wish there was an alternate name for the women, some men still use it today and it's not nice.

Hildy is a lady, but she still gets shit from some people, women included, it's not always the men that slag off at her. In her line of business, she mainly only deals with the women and it's a hard day when she comes across a bigot who needs her help.

"Well, she will be here Friday just saying."

"Boss, can I have the day off?"

"Of course Sam, take all the time you need." Books a good boss.

"Doug if you need any time away just let me know okay?"

"I will boss, but I don't have a lady friend to visit as yet, but I live in hope that one day I will." He grinned at Sam.

"Maybe she's got a young friend little Douglas, we had better ask her we would hate to think you're missing out." Booker was stirring him up because he knows Doug is as randy as any teenager is.

After a night in front of the TV Booker finally succumbed to sleep, he was nodding off in his easy chair so I turned it off and helped him up to go to bed. He wasn't feeling like sex he was just tired and had to be up early to start the farm chores all over again. He held me and I felt safe in his arms and I must admit I drifted off blissfully unaware that tomorrow will be a bitch of a day for me.

When I showered and dressed for my day I went to find some coffee and toast, mum had been up early and the fire was burning in the stove and I smelt something cooking in the oven.

"I thought I would get an early start to son have the boys stirred yet?"

"No mum their peacefully sleeping still, I will change them when they wake."

"Leave that to me Zack, have you got everything you need for today?"

"Yes mum, most of its online so I can access it from anywhere. I'm going to the nursing home this morning its not really necessary, but it's on my list of things to do."

"Is that wise son, maybe leave it and see if it all settles down."

"No mum, if you taught me anything growing up it was meet any problem head-on, and anyway they are expecting me to drop in. The director is a nice lady we get on well, and I will be careful not to run into granny Burns, I'm not there for that."

"Okay, as long as you don't go looking for trouble I won't say any more." I smiled at her and thanked her for her support.

Book and his boys came in and he kissed me good morning.

"Is everything okay out there boys?" Mum asked.

"Yes missus all quiet on the western front, I might even get a nap in this afternoon, we don't want any dark circles around our eyes for Friday now do we." Mum rolled her eyes, I giggled because how would you know he had dark circles anyway.

I heard one little kid moan then as on cue the other one sang along with him. Mum placed toast and eggs on the table and went to see to them, I helped dress them and after loads of kissing they were handed to their dad for more cuddles.

Their warm milk bottles were ready and they were placed in their favorite spot to have a nourishing morning drink. I kissed them goodbye then Book walked me out to the car. We held each other for some time before I was ready to let go.

"Ring me at lunchtime can you, I need to talk to you." He always says that when I go to work he really doesn't want to talk to me he just wants to hear my voice and to know I'm okay.

I drove into town and stopped at the police station to talk to Luke, he told me there wasn't really any new evidence, only that he had been raped forcibly, or he had been sexually interfered with maybe an unknown object, but he thought it may have been his tribe or an aboriginal men's initiation gone wrong like secret mans business that had something to do with it. I shivered, secret man's business is just that, a secret.

I headed for the aged care facility, it wasn't a government run operation but a privately owned one. The residents paid to be there and Book had paid for grans upkeep ever since she went there under protest. He couldn't have her at the farm when he returned to it, and certainly not with the baby and me there so he made the right choice after the doctor recommended it. Of course, he did it months before I even came back, he knew in his heart we would end up together.

I really wasn't there to talk about granny Burns, and I didn't see her either. Book and I had visited a few times earlier on because I did know her from way back then, she was all sugary sweet to me when I was younger, so I did know her a little. The last few times Book went on his own only because I was working.

"Good morning Meg, things look a bit quiet around here at the moment, is there anything you need me for?"

"Oh Zack good to see you my lovely, come have a cup of tea with me, there is something I need to speak to you about."

I followed her into the staff tea room she closed the door and made us a cuppa then she found some sweet biscuits.

"Now Zack, I don't want you and Booker to worry too much about granny Burns. We have managed to settle her down so she's no longer spruiking her hate around the wards. You will need to inform Book we threatened her with sedation if she kept it up." I smiled at the prospect and wondered if they would do that anyway.

"Well I'll let him know." She kept looking at her watch.

"Are you busy Meg?"

She sighed.

"No Zack, it's just that horrible priest is in with her at the moment I don't want you to run into him, it might start the old girl off again."

"I was wanting to meet him but not here I will make time to go to the church to see him if he keeps this up."

"Well he might be doing some more stirring he's been in there for nearly an hour, we had no idea she was as bigoted as she's become Zack. We all thought she was a lovely old soul when she came here, but that's all changed now." She smiled slightly.

"I'm sorry you have to put up with her. Book had a very sad childhood, between his father and her they made his life a living hell. I think I've got him to the stage where she won't see him anymore, he won't come here again. So if there's anything she needs, I will drop it by."

"Thank you Zack we will let you know but at the moment its a taxi she wants so she can go see bub's and Book." She laughed. Just as she was settling down the door opened. A young okay good looking man popped his head in.

"Oh there you are nurse, I just wanted to let you know I've finished with Mrs. Burns and I'll be back tomorrow to give her some reading material."

"Thank you father Todd, we will see you tomorrow then." He hesitated because she didn't introduce me, and she wasn't going to anytime soon.

"Have you spoken to her grandson, something's got to be done about him, he can't ignore his family forever she needs him, and from what I'm hearing, he needs me" I nearly laughed at his smug face.

"I will ring him today but I did hear he's been very busy at the farm lately." she put a thin smile on her face.

"Good, maybe the lawyer I hired for her will give him a jolt to do his duty."

"What lawyer is that father?"

"She wants to take over the farm again, she says he's not running it properly, and she also wants to help the church so she is taking it back. She does own it, Mr.Sato the churches lawyer will be in tomorrow to get the ball rolling." I couldn't believe what I was hearing he even made the sign of the cross.

"Well, I will inform her grandson then, anything legal has to be run by him first father Todd."

"Can you hold off on that for a few days matron, just until we have had another talk?"

"No I won't father, in fact, I will ring him after I have finished with this gentleman."

He blushed but I think it was because he was mad, then he said goodbye and left.

"Does she own the farm Zack?"

"Of course not, Books father left it all to him I've seen the deeds they are all on the up and up."

"Good, so he won't be getting any donations from granny sin at all." She gigged my friend Bettina came by she greeted and hugged me lovingly. She's one of the gang and we see each other quite often, she loves her job and from what I hear she's very good at it.

"How's Book and the boys?"

"Good love, he's doing really well since the party."

"And when's the wedding?" She's also pushing me to get married.

"No dates yet but it will happen this year sometime, how's Lenny?"

He's good, he's working over in Barham now at the sawmill, he's loving it there."

"Great I'm glad he's got work, it's been a bit quiet everywhere at the moment." Meg was washing our cups while we caught up.

"Well I had better get on with it, last I saw granny Burns was on the phone to someone, I hope she's not causing too much trouble with you all."

"Same from me to Meg, any more trouble just let me know." I offered.

"No trouble at all baby, as you know Book and you are well loved and respected in this town." she kissed my cheek then left to do some chores.

"Zack, can you give Book the heads up about that bloody lawyer, it will save me ringing I know Books a busy boy?"

"Yes as soon as I get home and thank you for the most informative catch-up." I grinned. I hugged her then did Bettina when I passed her by and said we will catch up soon.

Next: Chapter 11

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