Booker Burns

By Maxieplus / Maxwell Dowling

Published on Sep 5, 2019


Chapter 14

We arrived home and apologized to mum about not being at lunch, she wasn't fussed and made coffee to have on the porch.

"He does his weekly run of the local businesses in town to collect money Book. Ant was telling us he throws him out every week but he still keeps coming back." She laughed.

"Well, gran has done her dash with me. I canceled the extra payment I was making to keep her in the lap of luxury, I'm sorry Zachy you will have to deal with her now."

"Don't be Book, I'll put Matt onto it. The only government-run facility is over in Leitchville, they use the old hospital which badly needs an upgrade. Unfortunately, the fees only allow her about fifty dollars a week extra for spending money." I felt sorry for her but it was her own doing, if she had of been nicer she could have lived out the rest of her life in comfort. I had Beetle, Book had Lucky on our laps he was looking up at me and smiling. No scars were visible and that smile was awesome it was almost as big as Books. Love is his cure, only it can make his life wonderful. I kissed him and he took hold of my nose then said.

"Dad dah."

Then Lucky chanted, Dad dad dad then giggled into his fists.

I was up the next day early because I had things to do, mum had already started getting the lunch ready and as I drove to the dealership I smiled at yesterdays events. Book had become richer and gran had become poorer. It would have been nice to have read some of his grand dad's diaries if he had kept any. I decided to call into Luke's place to see Andy on the way, but first I have an old car to drop off and a new car to pick up. While I was at the hospital I thought I might just go and have a word to Meg the head nurse.

"He wanted to know where the money came from for the new cars Zack. I told him to mind his own business that he's done enough damage." Meg said as she made us a coffee.

"Well I will make a note for Matt to call in, he can sort Granny Burns out and you get an extra bed to rent out Meg." I smiled at her. I heard a small voice coming from the canteen door it was that woman again.

"Please Zack talk to Book, I can't leave here all my friends are here."

"That's not what I heard, you have become a pest and they are not your friends, so don't kid yourself. The only friend you ever had in the whole world was Booker, and now you have destroyed that friendship once again. I am pleased he's doing this because it means you can't control him anymore. And don't think for one minute you can be all sweet and lovely to me it doesn't wash, I know too much."

"But Zack I was only trying to bring him up with a firm hand."

"No, you weren't you were justifying the abuse your son inflicted on him. If I had the chance when I was younger I would have begged mum to take Book in, no matter what. But I didn't get the chance that little kid kept it all to himself, and you were one of his main abusers. So I'm not feeling sorry for you at all. I will make it my mission to see that you get abused every day so you will at least get some comeuppance for your despicable disgusting behavior." I sneered at her.

I pushed her away from the doorway and left, I didn't want to say anymore the walls have ears and the nurses were listening. I didn't think they would talk, but I didn't want to take the chance, it was Books story, not mine. But in a way, it was my story too. If I hadn't, if I didn't, If I only knew, the what if's were going crazy in my head and I sat in my car to try and clear it before I went to Luke's. With some forced energy I moved my thinking to my kids, little Beetle and Lucky will have a good life they will grow up unabused and if they have friends that are, I will be in the thick of it. I will seek out and destroy anyone that abuses their friends that much for sure I already know.

I didn't realise I had tears running down my face, and there were no tissues in the car so I wiped my eyes with my sleeves and decided not to visit Andy, I wanted to be held in Books arms. I started my car then turned out onto the main road that goes through town out past the farm. I opened the heavy gate and drove up to the house. I think Books going to have to install a carport for the cars, they are too good to be left out in the weather. I dismissed going into the house because I saw Book going into the barn and I walked that way. When I saw him looking at the new foal I grabbed him tightly and fell into his arms. I kissed his sweet lips until I had to catch my breath.

"I take it you had another run in." It wasn't a question; he knew I was upset.

"Yes, and thanks to me the whole home knows that she and your dad abused you. I'm sorry I had to leave before I said too much. No details just that they both abused you." He held onto me and started swaying a bit then he gently kissed me again.

"I think we will go camping tomorrow night Zachy, it's going to be hot and we both need some nice clean cool water to play in." I smiled, he wants me to himself again and I'm not going to argue with that.

I smelled the stew cooking and decided I was really hungry. I hadn't eaten since breakfast yesterday. I hugged mum and then our boys wanted up for some too. They had been playing horse riding in the lounge room so I obliged them with a back ride then I went to shower. My tears came back as I thought about Books pain and I realized I had made it my pain too. I had to do something about it otherwise it will destroy me. I cried it all out then I dressed to go see if anyone wanted any help. My eyes were red raw so I put some drops in them and waiting for them to settle down, I stood in front of the mirror and stared at my body. I'm still in good shape all my curves and muscles were in the right place, I moved my hands over my bubble butt then I came back down to earth and took a deep breath then moved to the kitchen.

I gave mum a hand, then Aunt Jenny and Emma arrived to have lunch with us. Young Douglas had showered and I smelt a slight fragrance coming from him, he's pulling out all the stops today. Emma was also dressed to the nines, a very pretty sun frock was the order of the day, just enough cleavage to get our Douglas going. She told us she had an interview that morning at the local supermarket but didn't hold up any hope of getting it she had no experience. Mum told her to try the car dealers they were looking for a receptionist. Their old one had retired and they were chasing their asses doing the bookings.

"Thank you, Mrs. Tierney I will look into it tomorrow." She smiled.

"I will take you, Emma, I know the owner very well its high time we had a catch up anyway." Aunty also smiled.

It's not her color that will get in the way it's her business-like personality that will hinder any interviews, she's a gorgeous girl and if I'm not mistaken stuck in the fifties. She told us at lunch she loved that era's fashions and tried to buy vintage clothes whenever she has some spare money. The dress she had been wearing was one of aunt's old fancy dress ones but quite new, it suited her to a tee.

"We are going camping tomorrow afternoon mum, is it alright to leave the boys?" Book said.

"Not this time Book, you left them the last time they can count you know. The deal is every second time you take them with you, they will remember." She sort of sang to us. He looked sad but I was pleased, the boys loved it up there and when we all snuggle up in the tent, it was nice. As soon as the boys heard camping their ears pricked up and I guess they were sorting out which bathers to take, although they usually run around naked like Book and me.

"Where do you go camping Zack?" Emma said.

"Up into the hills, there's a nice cool pool and waterfall its beautiful up there."

She looked sideways at Douglas and I saw them both blush, I think.

After lunch they went for a walk around the farmyard I did notice Douglas had taken her hand. She's not too young, in her mind she was old and wise inside, people would perceive her as standoffish but she's quite the adult. I helped clean up while Book took the boys for their walking tour, they had to feed the foal and pat its mummy.

"Andy can you get Luke to drive you to the car yard Monday, there's a surprise there waiting for you."

"What's this all about Zack?"

"I had my car serviced and detailed I'm giving it to you so you can get to university."

"What!" He was shocked.

"I have a new one and my old one is still in tip-top shape so I'm giving it to you. Just say if you don't want it and I will scrap it."

"Don't you dare of course I want it, thank you Zack that's awesome." He was over the moon with my phone call and said he would certainly pick it up first thing Monday.

I think my work is done, I made another video for Dexter then showered to get into bed with my waiting boyfriend. He was asleep, big meals do that sometimes so I just snuggled up to him and drifted off myself.

He was up early Sam won't be back until Wednesday he's having so much fun with Hildy.

I looked over my new car and set all the right gizmos then I did Books while it was fresh in my head. I have work today and needed to go see an old friend who lives on his own in the bush. I do some shopping for him on the way and take supplies out to his shack. He's a loner but I keep my eye on him just in case. A seventy-five-year-old Aborigine that has shunned his people, it all got too much for him and he just wants to be left alone with his ancestors. I drove slowly up the rocky dirt road and pulled into his yard. He is usually sitting on his porch waiting but there was no one around today. I parked and went to have a look, it was quiet except for the birds squawking in the trees.

As I ventured into the house I could smell something that was off. I found him laying on his bed, he was dead. I wasn't shocked he had been poorly for some time, I covered him up and rang the ambulance service, then the police.

Old Sam was a bit like nan, he knew a lot but said very little. I didn't think there was anything out of place, he just died, of what we don't know but the ambos said it looked like a massive stroke that took his life. They bagged him and Luke asked me a few questions, he said it was an open and shut case just an unfortunate thing to happen.

As I drove home I thought of my little family, I was worried that my boys will have to endure my death sometime in the future. I shook my head and lost that thought as I pulled up in our driveway. I saw mum and the boys on the porch and couldn't wait to hold them. Book came out with fresh coffee and kissed me. He could tell I was a bit off so he just let me rest with a baby in each arm for a while.

"Big day?"

"Yes Book, big day."

I left it for a while then I told him and mum all about Sam's death and how I had found him.

"He's been dead for a week I should have guessed something was wrong when he didn't ring his order in."

'It's not your fault baby, these things happen." Mum said trying to reassure me. Book held me again, he shouldn't be doing that, I should be stronger and man up for myself. We got through the next hour by talking the small talk then it was time for dinner and the kid's baths. I didn't use the big one it scared me, in the laundry, there was a double concrete wash trough that we had placed two big rubber buckets in. The kids are still small and the room is warmed from the kitchen so we bathed them there. I worried they might slip and hit their head in the big bath, this way we have to supervise them. Book had made a big table to lay towels and their talcum powder on, it all worked for us.

Mum took Lucky and I did Beetle they splashed their way through yet another thorough drenching, I did think about buying some raincoats for us but its a night time thing so we can easily shower and change for bed. Mum usually spent the night in her dressing gown and nightie as Book and I do the same, we had bought a couple of big dressing gowns when we moved here and just use our shorts to sleep in.

I got a phone call from Andy and he thanked me over and over again for the car, and I told him several times it was our pleasure and we needed to talk to him about aunties accommodation in the city too.

Book was sitting at the table while mum went to sit with the freshly scrubbed boys to watch the TV.

"What are you doing?"

"Trying to do some sort of plan for the extensions, want to help?"

"Yes, but don't you think mum should sit in too?"

"Not yet I want to have a go first then if there's anything else she can add or subtract it."

I guess my husband to be is now an architect, well at least his lines are straight.

Sam returned the next morning, he was wearing a smile the size of a dinner plate as he sat with us at breakfast. I suppose the two boys were happier than they have ever been today because young Douglas matched Sam's smile perfectly.

"Did you talk to Hildy?" I looked at Sam.

"Yes wifey we talked then we tumbled then we talked ate and tumbled again, she's a lovely lady that Hildy." I could hear mum giggling in the background.

"But did you talk her into coming here?"

"We talked about it, she will let you know if she makes her mind up."

I groaned because he's not giving me any information at all.

Books phone rang he was laughing into it when he said.

"Hello, Book speaking."



"Bloody fucking hell." He hung up and stared at me and said.

"That frigging priest has packed up gran and is bringing her out here."

I immediately jumped up and ran to the barn to find that big old lock for the front gate, there's no way she is coming to live here not if I have any say in it. I found the lock and ran to the car then I did some gravel surfing as I drove down to the big front gate to the farm. I latched it tightly so there is no way a car can enter this property without the key which I had firmly planted in my hip pocket.

Book was running down to the gate when I finished, he had a baseball bat in his hand as he stopped and checked what I had done.

"Good I will stand guard Zack she won't get on this property again, do you think we should call Luke?"

"Not yet Book, let's see if we can persuade the priest to return her to the home first."

"Okay go back and wait I will call you when they come."

"No, I'm staying here with you Book, and put that bat in the car we don't want any accidents with it."

He thought about it twice before he finally chucked it in the back seat. I could see a car coming down the road in the distance and prepared myself for a big fight.

We watched as it turned into the driveway and the priest got out and tried to open the gate. I reached into my back pocket and held the key up.

"Is this what you are looking for?"

"Yes give it here, you need to take responsibility for Mrs. Burns she's in no fit state to be sent to that place in Leitchville."

"She's not placing one foot on this land so you had better take her back to the home otherwise you will be stuck with her at the church," Book yelled his face turning red with anger.

"It's not fair that you stole her property off her and by the looks of it money too, its all hers and I will prove it."

"How?" I asked quietly.

"I have lawyers onto it, their account will be huge when you get it so don't spend all her money just yet."

"There's no money, you have been taken for a ride by the old bitch she's no more interested in your religion or your church than we are, she's using you that's all." He faltered a bit, I think he listened this time, but he went on anyway.

"Well let us in so we can discuss the terms."

"Terms? I don't think so, what kind of world do you exist in for God's sake, you're just as insane as she is." Book yelled.

"My world is the right path, not your heathen homosexual ways, you all disgust me."

"Oh, then the rumor that your gay is unfounded then?" I had to go and say.

That stopped him in his tracks his face went beetroot and he stuttered out.

"Yes they are not true, and so is the rumor that I murdered that aboriginal boy too."

"Did you?" That was a first, I hadn't heard that one.

He screamed at me he didn't do it and that's when Book called Luke. I was about to get that bat out of the car when Book pushed me in and said.

"let's go up to the house Zack, Luke's on his way." Book drove like a mad man back up to the house.

We sat on the porch with the men and boys and watched from afar as the priest unloaded granny's suitcase and dumped them and her on the side of the road. She screamed help several times but we didn't go check if she was all right in fact, some of us had a little chuckle.

Luke drove by and stopped just before our gate I guess he's getting a mouth full from granny before he deems it safe to call us.

It was a full twenty minutes before the call came through that he wanted to talk to Book, so we got in the car and drove the quarter-mile back to the gate.

"She's not moving Book, can you give me a hand with her?" He winked. I gave the key to Book who unlocked the gate then he swept it open to go talk to granny Burns.

After a lot of shouting and a few phone calls, she was hauled away by the ambulance that had come to transport her to that other government home in Leitchville. I can still hear her screams as I chuckled into Books light chest hair.

Luke came up to the house and had coffee with us, mum placed a packet of butternut snaps on the table. Book opened them and took four for himself Luke took four and I got the two that were left. Mum clicked her teeth then put another packet in front of us. I grabbed it immediately and took another three and gave one each to the babies. If there was an award for the saddest face it would go to Booker Burns, he reached for the packed and mum swept it up taking the last of the biscuits, and she held onto them. Point taken as she placed two in her pinny (apron) to give to the babies later on.

"So why is she so insistent on coming back here then?"

"Well I have stopped the extra payments at the home, now she has to go into a government facility and she's not liking it one bit. That priest is just doing this for the money she promised him."

"He reckons he didn't have anything to do with the murder Luke, was he a suspect?" I asked.

"Yes for a minute, he was in the city the week it occurred Zack, so we have hit a brick wall. I do have a theory but will keep that to myself for now."

"Secret men's business?"

He stared at me and nodded his head.

"Zack if I tell you something do you promise to keep it to yourself?"

"Of course Luke."

"Okay, we will be back in a few minutes, want to go for a walk with me?" I nearly blushed as Luke took my arm. I know I could hear Books teeth snap. We only walked out of earshot then he turned to me and said.

"Zack the priest is gay we found out he and the boy were lovers, we also think the priest was giving him money and we think it was the churches money he dug into. That would explain his desperate need for donations. He will be found out by his church and sacked if he's been stealing."

"Well, that says it all then Luke, that's why he's on to granny's case he thinks he will get it all back in on big donation. And you think he was sleeping with the man?"

"Yes Zack, they were seen by one of the aborigine boys we talk to occasionally, he also told us that secret men's business took care of it."

"How do you prove that Luke, they are tight-lipped at the best of times."

"We don't Zack, we just leave the case open and get on with the job. You know what it's like up here there is one law for us and another for them. And I will be writing a letter of complaint to the Bishop about Todd's behavior today." He winked.

He wasn't giving anything else away and I couldn't be bothered trying to work it out anymore. This is what the law and I are up against all the time. He walked me back after he made me promise not to say anything to anyone, and again I agreed.

"Thank you for what you are doing for Andy by the way; he's so much happier now things are falling into place."

"Our pleasure Luke, I have aunties bungalow booked for him too, he can stay there when he has to be in the city. We just have to work out the bills, but there won't be any rent."

"What bills Zack?"

"The electricity and gas bills Luke he still has to pay them."

"I'll take care of them they won't be much anyway, but at least it's something."

"Is he still going to stay with you?"

"For now yes Book, he's put the land up for sale it won't raise a whole lot of money around here but it will see him through college."

"Who's handling the sale Luke? Book asked.

"Lawson's real estate Book, why?"

"Just wanted to know that's all." If I know Booker Burns that property will be sold within a week, he will probably put it in the boy's names for their future.

We started lunch then I needed to do another few talks for Dexter's TV show. I made sure Sam put that padlock back in the drawer in the barn then I readied myself to drive into town. Luke left and I watched his tight uniform show off his muscles as he walked to his car then I watched Book in his baggy jeans and torn t-shirt go do some work in the barn. There is no argument about who won the day, my Book looked so straight and red hot in his farm boy uniform.

The boys were up early because they know that Book and I are going to take them camping for the night and they wanted to get going as soon as possible. Young Douglas was going into town tonight he had a hot date with Emma, and he was also pretty excited. Mum said she was going to go to bingo in the next town with aunty, which I was pleased about, she needs to get out.

It was around eleven that Book hauled the tent over his shoulder and placed one chuckling baby in the knapsack. I had the other one and the food bag on my back. we said our goodbyes and headed for the hills. As soon as we were out of sight we lost our shorts and walked half nude to our camping spot. The kids giggled but not at us they were laughing at Books funny noises; he was trying to make animal sounds. There aren't any wild animals around here but we are always on the lookout for snakes hidden away. They are more scared of us than we are of them, so they stay well hidden away.

After setting up the tent we all had a family dip it cooled Book down a bit, but he still had a hold of my manhood while we sat and watched the babies splash away in the water. They will tire themselves out and have a nap and that's when the good times start. I had better start getting that fire ready to light. While I did that Book placed the boys in the tent, they were tired and were off into the land of nod in no time, we headed back to the water.

I lay on my back on a big rock in the sun while Book took his time entering me, and I gave it up to him because he is just the best looking guy I have ever seen, and he was as gentle as a lamb.

I lit the fire around four, it will start to get chilly soon and I don't want the boys to catch a cold. They had awakened and I changed and dressed them in some warm onesies and put a knitted top on them both, they looked so cute so I took photos, then they wanted to play rough and tumble with their other dad.

I got the steaks and rolls out plus some small sausages for the kids to eat. Book licked his lips, but I couldn't decide if it was because he was hungry for steak or hungry for Zack. In the end, I decided it was the steaks that were turning him on. We fed a kid each and they enjoyed their barbeque meal; then we ate. Book again licked the greasy dribble off my chin and I cooked him another one for his help with cleaning me up.

We lay on a tarpaulin on the ground and Book started showing the boys the stars again, if he mentions the planets and star systems every time we come here the boys will be able to point them out in no time. Well, that's going by Books reasoning anyway. We eventually put the kids to bed they did get tired of looking at the heavens, I looked at Book he kissed my hands.

"Thank you Zachy, for everything."

"Oh, believe me, I get more pleasure than you do, so thank you Book."

He pulled me up and walked me over to a large fir tree, then he dropped his shorts and leaned into it.

"Go to town my love, and don't spare the horsepower." I laughed, our moment was lost momentarily. I whipped Books ass good and proper and he moaned into that tree like he was being made love to by his forever love, and he was too. I wanted to stay inside him but he had other ideas, I dropped to my knees and gave him a good seeing to.

We crawled into bed making sure the kids were warm, it was a mild night anyway I don't know why I worried about them getting cold. After a long thorough kissing episode, we said our goodnights and went to sleep listening to the water cascade down from the waterfall.

No night frights during the night, and only wet nappies this morning. I changed the bubs while Book cooked us our breakfast. Scrambled eggs for the kids and fried for us. The toast was done by the coals in the fire and I buttered each piece that Book threw my way. After making a stack of it he joined us on the makeshift plastic floor, the best thing was he was still in the nude and it was balls for miles as he crossed his legs Indian style. He could see I was enjoying the show because it didn't take me long to chuck a stiffie.

His dimples went ape shit as he smiled and blushed, he would only do this in front of me. Everyone else gets him in his clothes, but I'm the lucky one to be allowed to gaze upon his beautiful nude body. He must have been thinking about something because he put his plate down and lifted his ball bag and shook it at me. I couldn't take it anymore so I moved over next to him and ate with one hand. the other was very busy.

As always we did our usual routine, the boys were allowed two big swims with a rest in between, while I watched them Book packed up our stuff, to ready it for the short trip back home. We decided to go naked again but I did put clothes on the boys, they had an extra piece of toast to chew on as we walked slowly back to civilization. If they were worried their daddy was in pain they didn't show it as Book took me again before we dressed, he said something about watching my ass and wanting to make sure it was real; funny bugger that Booker Burns.

Next: Chapter 15

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