Booker Burns

By Maxieplus / Maxwell Dowling

Published on Sep 17, 2019


Booker Burns 16

Well, that was a revelation I wasn't expecting. David doesn't come across as being gay, but looking back he did want to do more at our tutoring meets. I was always too scared to take it any further, thank god. It was time to go into the soup kitchen to help out today so we packed mum and the boys up and headed into town. Aunty was now trying out Tuesday's crowd and she was very pleased to see us, she was one volunteer down. I settled the kids at a table and fed them some pulled chicken and vegetables smothered in gravy. Book manned the serving bench with mum, her little job in the shop had been allocated to another lady today.

As usual, Book got that far away look and the line went out the door, the local workers had a different way into the hall and were served swiftly because they have jobs to get back too. An enterprising young lady had donated hundreds of containers just in case the punters had short breaks and wanted to take lunch with them. After I fed the kids I put ten together just in case and by the end of the day they were all gone; and some. Jenny counted out the money while we cleaned the hall, she said she had close to five hundred dollars in her bag, her smile was big and she was happy its all working out the way she intended it to.

We packed up our tired kids and mum and headed home with some leftovers, they will do the boys for dinner tonight. Book checked everything was running smoothly and the kids were put down for their nap.

"Are you up to going back to the city baby?" he pulled me in closer. "Yes, why?" "We need to get our suits out of the way." "Good idea, when do you want to go?" "Tomorrow maybe or the day after, do you recon aunty will lend us her cottage?" "I think she will, I have to get onto Andy and find out when he's going back to University." "I want to do it sooner rather than later Zack, I need to marry you as soon as possible." "Me too Book, David stared at your ass too." I giggled. He groaned as he pulled me in closer and whispered in my ear. "I'm scared there are plenty more gay's in this town than we realized, you never know who's going to pop out of the closet." "And you would rather have me married because you think I will be chasing them?" "No Zack, I don't want to be anyone's object of desire and I certainly don't want you to be either." "Good, a wedding will fix that all those nasty randy boys will stay away then." I looked him in the eyes and we both laughed under the blankets.

"I have tomorrow off then it's the long weekend so maybe we could leave in the afternoon if everything's okay." "I will go to the bank in the morning and get the ball rolling on those investments, we can leave after I do that. Do you think mum will come I would like to buy her a nice wedding outfit to wear?" His hand started caressing my ass.

"I don't know Book the bungalow only has one bedroom. The boys will be okay with us but mum might make it a bit crowded." "Maybe she can stay with Hildy for a few days." "I will ask her." I couldn't stand it any longer Books furry legs were now moving up and down with mine, so I slowly moved down the bed to get a better look at them.

We asked mum in the morning she was pleased we wanted her to go, she had loads of city shopping to do and she didn't mind staying with Hildy, as long as she can have the boys for a night she was happy." I rang Hildy and told her our plans she was so glad we were coming down today. Putting mum up was a no brainer because she will have the kids around to play with Ava. Mum could help in the soup kitchen if she got bored.

So we started organizing clothes, I still had my old key and we rang aunty so she can let her tenants know we would be turning up around four. Mum started doing some washing because she wanted to have everything spick and span for when she comes back. I packed our clothes, rang Matt then saw Book off to go see the bank manager. I rang Andy, he won't be staying in the city until after the weekend so no problem there. We talked to the boys they were okay about us going and could look after themselves anyway; so it wasn't a problem. I was getting a little excited about our small holiday, I haven't done this for months and that was when I moved back to town.

By two o clock, we were on the road for the less than two-hour drive into the city. The kids were excited but the car engine lulled them to sleep shortly after we hit the freeway. Book was also excited he had stitched up his money beautifully and will receive a monthly dividend which mostly will be reinvested. He didn't have to work anymore and neither did I because it was in both our names. I argued with him and he shut every excuse I had down, then smiled all the way to aunt's old house, it was like coming back home again. While I settled us into the little cottage Book took mum to Hildy's up the road so she could freshen up, but she will be back to make sure we have dinner and to settle the kids in.

After he left my mood slipped a bit, in reality, it was like coming back to an old nightmare or should I say an old argument, but when Book gets back he will lighten the mood up a bit for me. The last time he was here he had so many problems, and he almost had raped me in the shower, so hopefully I can get a rerun of that moment but a gentler one this time.

He came back and looked around the cottage, he seemed okay but now and then he had to lift his chin up a bit, then he would grin at me. We were both sitting at the table thank god there won't be any chair-throwing this time.

"Are you thinking what I'm thinking Zack?" "Yes, but let's wait until the boys are asleep before we turn the shower on." My bum twitched. I'm sorry Zack, I was ill then." His face dropped again."It's over Book, but you have to know I wanted it to happen as much as you did. It was a shame we both didn't know how to do it properly then otherwise god knows what would have happened in these rooms." I laughed just to let him know that everything was okay.

He pulled me down onto the sofa and started kissing me madly and deeply. I can't get enough of my Booker Burns and if he wants to try it in the shower here, he can. But it's a tad small for the both of us, I guess he's already worked out the logistics'.

Mum and Hildy knocked around five-thirty they had been food shopping so Book helped bring in the bags. We were having Chinese tonight because it was too late to cook anything substantial. Ava headed for the boys and they sat together kiddie talking while watching TV after a lot of hugs and welcome kisses.

She is growing and will be a stunner when she gets older, but always the little lady, she smoothed her dress down and folded it before she grabbed a cushion and sat on the floor. Hildy had that love in her eyes when I looked at her, there is no way her daughter will ever get her hands on this child ever again, not while Hildy is alive that is.

Book was sent up to the local Chinese restaurant we used to use to get our dinner sometimes. The kids will have spring rolls and a little rice we will have a banquet. The conversation turned to Sam and his partner in crime young Douglas, and Emma. Hildy was laughing and it was good to be near her again, I was starting to feel I had never left this place.

We ate our meals and Book brought everyone up to date with what happened at the bank. Nancy had propositioned him and he told her he was totally off the market, they bantered back and forth until he asked her if she could cop it up the bum every night, her mood changed after that and she become all business-like. He laughed again as he told us when he was leaving she said she had been thinking about it, and her answer was yes she would, then they had a good hug and he left her to it. I know she was joking and so was Book but the sooner we get married the better. It's not always the boys I worry about, the girls have the hots for my Booker Burns too.

Book handed mum his credit card and told her to have a big buy up, and to get something to wear for the wedding, and Hildy was to outfit herself and Ava for the big day too. Hildy looked at mum and said. "Let's go wild maybe we could buy the wedding presents on the card too." "Do whatever you want ladies this is all on us, but we are asking for no presents, we just want your special company. But if you want to donate to Auntie's soup kitchen feel free to do so." He was laying down some plans I think. We hadn't talked about presents and his idea is good, we don't need for anything, only us as a family to be present when we say I do.

"How many guests have you invited boyfriend?" Hildy wants to know. "The whole town by the looks of it, we are going to have it in the park and will set up picnic tables for anyone one that wants to attend. There won't be any invitations sent out just a notice in the local paper where and when it is, then anyone can come." "What if they all turn up Zack there over two thousand people in that town and what if the next town decides to come too; there are more people there." Mum laughed. "We didn't think about that, maybe we should just have it at the farm and ask a few hundred folk's if I had my way it would be held at our swimming hole with just a few guests maybe." Book grinned, he's definitely up to something.

The ladies regretfully left and it was decided that Book was going to take the kids to the zoo for the day so mum decided he couldn't look after three kids on his own, she would go with them. Hildy was going to the soup kitchen, she gets her best work done there while she keeps a watch on the guests and I wanted to go with her to see some old friends. I should have gone to the zoo but I wanted Book to be the one to show the kids around, he's the animal expert.

We put the boys to bed on the low sofa and packed pillows around them so they don't fall out, I had flashes of Book and that guy sleeping on it in the nude, but I shook it off and placed it back into my history file.

We sat at the table and looked at each other for some time. Book, I think was waiting for me to instigate the next episode in our lives. I got up and yawned then went to the bedroom and stripped naked. I turned the shower on and spied Book also without his clothes and sporting a big boner leaning on the door frame. I stepped in and started soaping up then I felt his hands on my bum.

He pulled my hips out a bit and started rubbing his big member up and down my crack while he kissed my neck. "I love you like this Zachy, can I make love to you?" "Yes Book, of course, you can, enjoy yourself." I smiled and he did enjoy himself, he was making it last so he wouldn't forget the memory of it all, and I know he replaced that awful one with it.

It was slow and amazing, and as the water turned warm I bent lower so he could give me his last best shots. I knew he had started to cum because his legs gripped mine and he moved them up and down as he gently pumped his seed into me, I could feel his chest muscles trying to push out of his body and his arms were like a vice. Nothing was said after and he dried me off with a towel then escorted me into bed. We lay there kissing for ages and stroking our faces then he said.

"You're awesome Zachy, thank you for that beautiful memory." "I love you Book, nothing can get in the way of that love, nothing." We drifted off to sleep in each other's arms in a small double bed in a small cottage that was now filled with love.

I woke during the night, there was no Book. I found him on the sofa with the boys maybe they had woken him up but he looked so peaceful, then one eye opened.

"Can you do me in the morning Zack?" He moaned. "Yes, Book." I went back to bed all horned up again thinking about Book bending over in the shower.

"I didn't want them to fall out Zack, so when you went to sleep I came out here." "Okay good thinking, maybe we can make a bed up on the lounge room floor for the rest of our stay then we can all be together." I was exhausted after Books shower he didn't leave me wanting, he gave it all to me as his arms pulled me in closer, I gave him everything I had saved up during the night and he grinned as I kept trying to push more out.

The boys were bathed in the sink and ready for their big day out. Hildy arrived with mum and Ava then Book transferred her baby seat into his car. He kept making animal noises at them and they were trying to make them back, they were pretty good at it too. Hildy took my hand and said. "Well boyfriend I have you all to myself today, you can help me with my write-ups." We left after I had kissed my boys three times, the only one that was excited was Book, he grinned from ear to ear. I couldn't work out whether it was the morning shower or the zoo that had got him going.

We pulled up at the soup kitchen, I talked to Cook for a few minutes and he told me Michael was jumping up and down to get to the farm for the holidays. I told him he should have gone to the zoo with Book mum and the boys, but he said they had already been there three times since they had got back from the country. Michael is now going to be a Vet. I laughed and said that probably will change several times before he really makes his mind up.

I saw Hildy take out a folder and put it in front of the opposite chair, I think I'm going to be doing a lot of reading while I'm here. I said hello to a lot of familiar homeless people, I knew them from my last stint here. It was a good feeling to be amongst them again, some looked happier, some were downright mean but they all behaved themselves.

"Get us a cuppa boyfriend, and a few of those lovely cream biscuits then we can get started. I want you to look over these recommendations will you." "Of course my lovely." Like a good assistant, I did what I was told. I read quite a few write-ups, they weren't Hildy's they were from all the combined offices we had in Victoria, I think I'm sitting here because she loves my company.

I did what I was told and grabbed us a coffee and biscuits then I started reading. "Hildy, this one from the Geelong office, it's a bit worrying I think." "Let me look." "I know you have written to Robert to keep an eye on the daughter but I reckon she should be removed as soon as possible. I don't think I'm reading it wrong either." "Umm, well she's in a clean home, her father looks after her mainly, her mum is full of drugs. Neither of them work, the daughter misses a lot of school, but she's not alone, there are loads of kids who miss school. What makes you suggest that?" "Well here, Rob has stated that he has had a few run-ins with the father and his mates when he's been there, and after he leaves there are several missed calls from that home and when he rings back there's no answer." I started drawing on my knowledge of child abuse of which I had plenty.

"Hildy the father wouldn't be making those calls, I think it's his daughter or the mother, and I would send Rob around again to talk to her. This stinks of someone in dire trouble. Questions; why is the mother doped up, why does the father have his mates there in the middle of the day? something's off."

She finished reading it again and pulled her phone out. "Rob, I think with the Lane client you had better go and talk to the daughter, try and get her on her own I think she's in trouble." I waited until she explained her reasons and then she hung up.

"My God, how did I miss that one Zack? I must be getting old." She did have a stunned look on her face. 'No, you're just overworked Hildy, you need an assistant, a second set of eyes." She looked at me, I waved my hands and said aloud. "Absolutely not. I won't do it." "But you can check the big ones Zack, its just reading a second set of eyes like you said." "I'll think about it." I smiled and hope to god Robert sorts this family out. She already sends me client reports that she's stumped with, this is just a confirmation that I would be willing to do a little more.

(It would be four weeks before I got a call from Hildy about the Lane case. The father had been arrested for child prostitution. He drugged the mother up so she wouldn't interfere and was selling his daughter to his mates. Robert is getting them all the help they need and he can see a light at the end of the tunnel for both mother and daughter.) I couldn't dwell on it, but thank god Hildy let me read the report.

It was around two when mum, Book, and the boys came in, they were so excited to tell me everything they had seen, Book answered for them mostly and Ava headed for Hildy's lap and snuggled in. I wish I could paint that scene they looked so gorgeous together, I took a photo anyway.

Book rattled on for the next half hour and by the end of his talk, I knew all the animal sounds plus what they ate and how many poops they had a day, almost everything about every animal they had seen. He's just a little boy inside my Book, and I did promise to go with them next time. I hope he wants me to hold his hand while we are there.

"I'll get us some dessert won't be long, Book do you want some ice cream and cake?" His dimples went wild as he smiled for yards and nodded yes, the kids stared at me too. "Dah Pa dad dad dad." I got their orders as Hildy followed to help me, we talked some more and she was impressed with my detective work. She said she will make sure Robert stays on it, he may not get any answers right away but somewhere somehow someone is ringing him, and that screams they need help. The kids were getting tired so Book transferred the baby seat back to Hildy's car and we got ready to say our goodbyes.

Mum fixed our dinner which was light because we were all stuffed from today's fare. She told me Book had three super hot dogs at the zoo and the kids had chips and drinks plus what they had at the soup kitchen. I rang Hildy and set up a time to go to the new Cody Mitchell factory outlet store. I had heard nothing but good things about his stores and had watched some of his parades on TV. I wanted to get Book a very special suit for his day, and I think Mr. Mitchell's range is well suited for my sexy farm boy.

Cook and Michael popped in, he was eager to see us and the babies. It was so good to see him. That little lost boy I had fallen in love with was now showing signs of being a handsome young man. Cook was saying he will be off to college soon and was topping his exams, mostly. He would be going to CBC (Christian Brothers College). Michael never lost that giggle or the love in his eyes for Cook and Stan, and as he played with the kids I knew he would be the best father ever, but I also knew he was gay.

Mum decided she had missed the boys, so she will sleep the night on the floor with them. We pulled the mattress off the bed and made up the base it was a padded one so it won't be hard to sleep on. She showered then we bathed the boys in the sink again and put their night suits on. Book and I didn't make love because we were too close to the living room and the walls were thin, but we did do a lot of turning and rubbing during the night.

He looked like he hadn't slept at all when I woke but he was almost crying as I slipped down the bed to give him some morning kisses. I tried so hard not to make any sounds but as Book decided I was very good at my craft he let one fly along with a loud moan. The knock on the door was an inquiry asking if everything was okay Book had to do some quick thinking. "Sorry mum, I just stubbed my toe." "Can I go to the bathroom boys?" "Of course we are up now." We jumped out of bed and as we placed our dressing gowns around our shoulders mum came in to use the toilet, we then headed for our kids for good morning kisses.

"What time are we going boys?" "About ten mum, Hildy will meet us there I want to settle this place because I think I want to get home early." Book looked at me and nodded, he was on the same page as me. We both loved our country existence, and I had to get off before I burst a ball bag.

We loaded up the car with everything then settled the cottage, ready for Andy's visit next week. We left the food in the cupboards and fridge, he can use that so no need for him to do a shop for a few days.

By about nine-thirty, we were on the road and headed for the Collingwood back streets where the factory outlet was. I understand why Cody went for a non-shopping strip road, he doesn't have to pay big rents, everybody knows him and his label so they will search him out eventually.

A good looking kid/man greeted us. I noticed he had a limp and wondered what his story was. But he was polite and certainly very helpful and funny with the kids, he couldn't get enough of them as he on and off played peek a boo with them both.

"Now what can I do for you today guys?" "We want a couple of wedding suits, mum needs a few cocktail dresses and our friend Hildy will need a couple of dresses too when she arrives. The boys need something more upscale than romper suits and a little lady is arriving that definitely will want a frilly pink dress or two." Book said he was the buyer today so he gives the orders.

"Good, when is the wedding?" "We don't know yet, but it will be soon. I have to take my boyfriend off the market before the whole town comes sniffing around him. He's too hot to be single for longer than necessary." Rory looked at me and started laughing, then when he settled down he said.

"I am so going to love selling you these suits, do you want the straight ones or the sexy ones?" He winked at me. "Stop that right now Mr, Rory, he's off the market you little pervert," Book screamed with a big smile on his face. "Well, I should hope so sir, my Bobby won't like it if he finds out I have been flirting with my customers." Then the penny dropped I could see his name all over the shop walls, so I said.

"So you're that Rory, Cody's friend the designer. I love your stuff where is your kid's range? Book go have a look in the swimwear while your here." I laughed. Mum wasn't impressed she just asked Rory where were the size six evening dresses. He made sure she found them and she took the boys with her to get their opinions; I don't think she trusts us.

We were measured and shown the jackets first, I picked one that had a mesh insert running down the front and sleeves it was highlighted by a forest green thread.

"Best wore without a shirt Zack, or with a white t-shirt no ties." Rory smiled I got the picture it was a bit see-through. Book threw a pale green shirt at me and said. "Try this one." "Mr. Booker there is only one suit for you in the shop, and I don't want you to moan about it." He was having Book on, but he did show us a beautiful evening suit that was laced up to the elbows and the two vents at the back also had the same detailing. Book tried it on it was perfect, I couldn't stop touching him as he did the same to me. "Okay, I like this what pants have you got?" "Only one style for you Mr. Book, and Zack I'm sorry but you have to wear these one's with that suit they are the matching pants, they have the same detailing down the legs." He grinned meekly. I think our new friend is a pervert but we indulged him because he was sort of really bloody nice.

"They are too tight Rory," Book yelled. "Give me a look." Book stepped out of the change room and I nearly fainted. His pants were too tight, but oh what a sight they were. They had a lace-up zipper area and the sides were laced the same. Rory went about fitting them properly and with a great looking belt on those pants were perfect, and his glutes and orbs were fantastic not to mention the snake he had tucked into them. He put the jacket back on and posed like a peacock in front of the mirror, then he had to go and show mum.

"Booker Burns they are obscene, take them off you can't wear them on your wedding day. In my day the man covered up until the wedding night." Then she couldn't contain herself and started laughing at Books face. Someone screamed behind us it was Hildy.

"Boyfriend, we are going to have to hogtie and corral this white animal at the wedding, every man in town will want a piece of him in that outfit." "I take it everyone likes the suit then?" Rory said. We all said yes at the same time, Books dimples said the biggest yes.

It was my turn as Rory said hello to Ava and Hildy, he moved them over to the lady's department and I went into the change room. The pants were hipster cut, very low riding at the front you could see my dark pubes hanging over the top. I didn't want to come out to show everybody but I loved the feel of them, and I posed crossing my legs and flexing them to show off more. I heard a deep groan and of course, Book was nearly foaming at the mouth. He quickly looked over his shoulder then reached out to smooth his hand over my bum. Then he moved to my crotch area and had a hand full before I could protest. Not having my usual morning surprise this morning, I had a half a wood which sent the fabric wild and accentuated my essentials to the max.

"You're not wearing them." He said. "I know I'm not Book, but they are wonderful aren't they?" "Tuck this t-shirt in with them on Zack, they are Cody's hidden secrets pants, for your husband's eyes only." Rory's hand appeared through the curtain and he dropped a white t-shirt on Books shoulder. I put it on and tucked it in then I put my jacket on. "Better?" "Zachy I would love you to wear them for our day, but only if there was us two at the wedding." I looked him straight in the eyes, he had nothing but love in them and I fear a little lust too; so I sang out.

"Rory can I get a less revealing pair of pants and Book needs some too." His face went white and his protests were heard throughout the shop, he loved his pants. I couldn't stop laughing at his shocked face.

"Okay Zachy you can wear them I suppose. I just won't look at them because I've got half a fat just looking at you in them now, I dare not do that on the day." He whispered. "How about we buy another pair each for the wedding and we can change to these for our honeymoon." I smiled. "Okay okay, yes we can do that." "Rory two pair of less revealing pants in here, please.

We both ended up with Cody's signature hipster pants they were just as sexy as the other pairs and just as revealing. I don't think we will win in here today everything we tried on screamed sex.

Mum looked gorgeous in her new frock, but she couldn't decide on the color so Book took the three she was looking at and told Rory to wrap them up. Same with Hildy. As Book took her three she threw another one on top for good measure. He then laughed, all the way over to the cash register.

Ava scored six dresses she wasn't going to let go of them and our boys had black overalls with white t-shirts with bow ties printed on the necks, so adorable, then I threw in some speedos that defied gravity and were tied with laces at the sides, just for Book and me. The bill was big but Book didn't care and we said our goodbyes to our new friend Rory and went to have coffee down the street.

My balls were so active I could feel them moving around in my shorts and when I looked at Book I guessed his golf balls were doing the same dance. We ordered a sandwich and coffee each and the kids shared some chippies. We laughed a lot and drew a crowd, everyone wanted to play with the kids and Ava played it up superbly she still had a firm grip on one of her dresses she wasn't going to let it go anytime soon.

Next: Chapter 17

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