Booker Burns

By Maxieplus / Maxwell Dowling

Published on Sep 22, 2019


Booker Burns 17

The trip home was short because we weren't far from the freeway from where we were. Mum and the boys went to sleep in the back and Books hand never left mine until he pulled into our driveway.

Unfortunately for us both, life goes on and we had to unload the car and put more washing on. Mum put the boys down to finish their nap and then started doing the veggies for dinner. I rang Matt and told him we had come back early so I will be into work tomorrow as usual. I then rang Andy and told him we left plenty of food for him he's not to do a shop. He told me that his block of land sold almost as soon as it hit the estate agents window, and he got the full asking price for it. I looked at Book and mouthed a silent "Thank you."

He responded by whispering he was going into the bedroom and was going to put a pair of those speedos on underneath his shorts. I had to sit down because every time I looked at him he placed his hand on his crotch. I didn't want him to have all the fun, so I put my pair on too then winked at him. He was nearly fainting from the lack of blood as we closed the bedroom door for the night. He made me pose then he posed, I don't know who got the biggest buzz, but I do know I couldn't keep my eyes and hands off my Booker Burns for most of the night.

In the morning we still sort of had them on, it was a wonderful night we had things stuck in all sorts of places as hands groped and smoothed their way through three sleepy sessions, and a few poses for photographs. Mum was up and ready to go for the day. One kid was awake and the other was trying to get an extra five minutes in. I changed the awake one then passed him to Book as he went out for coffee. Beetle, was sitting in his high chair destroying a piece of toast and having a great old conversation with himself, I grabbed a cup of coffee to sit with them. Mum was talking about her dresses and we made sure she promised to give us a fashion show sometime after I get back home today. I also wanted to get a photo taken of her and the boys dressed up. I won't show anyone the photos we took last night they were too revealing. Maybe I should send one to Mr. Rory.

Book was talking to the boys about the alterations. He said that David Truscott will be out in a few days with the plans they have to look at them and decide whether they were okay or not. He also told Sam that Hildy has a new outfit for the wedding, and he's going to be blown away when he sees it. Sam was eager to get this wedding started and was badgering Book for a date.

I wanted to sit with him, and then we both can decide the date of the wedding. But somehow I think Book has it planned in his head already; I must ask him tonight.

I readied myself for work then said my goodbyes to my small family. I called into the Yarrawonga compound, they handed me their demands as usual and I can see they have added a treaty clause to it. Now they want a treaty from the government because they are the rightful owners of Australia, god give me strength. Anyway too political, so I placed the demands in my carry bag and because there wasn't anything else to complain about I left to go to a small town, a twenty-minute drive away. I wanted to at least introduce myself to Emma's father Daniel White at the sawmill. As I drove into the car park I spotted the office and the visitors parking bay.

The secretary told me he would only be a minute, he was in the mill so I took a seat and waited.

A big hunk of a man walked in the door and asked if there were any phone calls but the secretary said no then pointed me out and said he had a visitor.

"Zack, good to see you again."

"Daniel you too, forgive me but have we met before?"

"Not really, but I know who you are. One of my men pointed you out when we were in town one day. Come to my office would you like coffee?"

"Yes please, that would be nice." My silky speedos moved in my jeans and I couldn't wait to get back to my Booker Burns. Although Daniel was fit and tall he didn't do it for me and I deemed within a few minutes he wasn't gay, nothing about him screamed gayness except his long ponytail.

"I am guessing this is about my daughter. I hear she's working over at the car yard and breaking balls." He laughed.

"Well yes and no, I wanted to meet you and to let you know she's doing well. She did indicate she would love to meet you, and she said she suspected you watched her at school sometimes. I understand if you don't want to be involved in her life but..."

"You can stop right there Zack, I have always been in her life, and yes I used to check up on her at school they were kind enough to send me a copy of her reports. I was very happy she went, but not happy she gave it up. I have always wanted Emma in my life but the elders banned me from the compound and her mother never spoke to me after she was born. She went back to her people and took my daughter with her. I have been a nervous wreck thinking of ways to get to know her, and I asked one of the guys to point you out in town and was getting ready to come to see you." He laughed.

"Cool then, she will be happy to meet you at long last."

"Really? she's not just a bit pissed off I wasn't around?"

"No, she understood more than you could imagine, she's very intelligent and when things started to go pear-shaped at the reserve she got herself out of there, pronto."

"Well, she will have the money I left for her every month to live on so I didn't worry about her not having a place to live, but yes I do want to know her better."

"What money? she didn't have a cent when I got her off that reserve, and her mother struggled too."

"Those bastards I knew they would keep it. I sent five hundred dollars a month to them to pass on to her and her mum, those slimy buggers kept it."

"I think you had better go see Larry Goods the lawyer in town and sue them, they have money to burn. The government gives them a blank check; why would they keep your money?"

"To destroy any tie I had with the community I think Zack, her mum was a bloody mistake, a drunken night on the town saw me picking her up on the side of the road and I paid her for a half-hour, she was on the game out the highway. I didn't want a relationship with her, but I have always wanted Emma in my life."

"She thinks you and her mum were in some sort of loving relationship and you left them to fend for themselves when it didn't work out."

"Well blow me sideways that's not right, I suppose her mum was a nice girl after all. She was on the game when I met her and I was desperate for any sort of sex I went with her just the once."

"That's all it takes Daniel," I smirked.

"Zack, how are the wedding plans going?" I nearly choked on my coffee.

"Book has them all in his head, he's just forgotten to tell me what's happening, or when to arrive at the church." I laughed.

"Good, we need more gays in this town like you and Book, solid country boys making a family; making a difference."

"So, you have heard about us have you?"

"Hell yes, I try to keep up to date with the gossip, hey you haven't got any single gay guys hanging around your neck of the woods have you?" He whispered.

Nope I didn't see it, he's as straight as Booker but hell I think he is gay, the rumors were right for a change.

I laughed at his eager face.

"Is it that dry in this town?" I replied and he lowered his head.

"Well I was having it off with that aboriginal boy that was killed I used to pay him too, and there's been a couple in the city I have been with but I want something more permanent like you have, I'm bisexual but lean more towards men."

"Do you know what happened with the boy?"

"Not really he was on the game too, and I had seen him a few days earlier, but he never bottomed for me and I heard he was raped. If I was a guessing man it will have something to do with the elders and secret men's business."

"Luke thinks that too, and no I don't really know too many gays in town but if you ever want to get your hair trimmed Gino's salon is good at that I believe," I laughed and told him all about Gino's comments, but with the look that Dan's going for I don't think he's ever had a haircut, his ponytail was halfway down his back, it didn't suit his stud persona at all.

"Okay we have decided that you want to be in Emma's life, can we set up an informal meet, like you coming for a barbeque one night?"

"Sure we can anytime, do you and Book do threesomes?"

"No." I scratched my balls because they were moving around wildly.


"Nup we don't get into that, we kind of love each other Dan."

"I understand completely, just asking, you never know what the answer will be." He had a million-dollar smile as his intercom buzzed.

"Yes, Mary?"

"The boys need you again in the mill."

"Okay be there in a minute, Zack is there anything else?"

"No, I think I have covered everything. I will call you with a time and date." I shook his hand and left the way I came, and I chuckled to myself as I added up all the gay men I had met in the past three weeks, I also needed Books personal attention but the day was not over yet. I had to go back into the office and I hadn't looked around the car park otherwise I would have been prepared for the thorough chaos that only Booker Burns can deal out.

I unlocked the door to the office and as I latched it behind me I saw my office chair swivel around, there was Book in his speedos one leg hanging over the armrest showing me all his assets. He moved swiftly and I was immediately slammed face down on the desk and my jeans were down around my ankles, it was swift hot and so bloody awesome as Booker Burns had his way with my itching butt.

We both were exhausted by the time he finished; oh? he's not finished yet he spun me around and fell flat on his face so I did him slowly and he moaned, not because it hurt because he was so turned on even a bucket of cold water wouldn't douse his fire; or mine.

"I came to have lunch with you, I missed you." He kissed me.

"No, you came to make love to me, and to see if I had a spare sandwich so I could feed you too." I grinned.

"It was awesome Zachy, do we have to eat?"

"No." so I bent over the desk again.

"Why are you here Book?"

"I got a phone call from David Truscott, he's got some plans ready for us to look at." He grinned his dimples popping.

"Okay, do you want me to come with you?"

"If you don't mind Zachy." He shuffled his feet.

"Then we can go to the lake on the way home and maybe to swim."

"Let's go." He grabbed my hand then pushed me up against the door and kissed me deeply as my legs turned to jelly. I didn't know whether I will survive the day but these speedos have got to go, for my bum's sake.

I followed him to David's workplace and he took my hand as we walked up to his office. If anyone was offended nobody said anything. David shook our hands and offered coffee which I declined I've had too much of it today. He pulled out a big sheet of paper which had our plans on it. The extensions looked awesome and he had almost mirrored what we were going to do in the first place but he had adjusted it to one bedroom. Mum will have a big skylight to cut down on electricity and the farmhouse will have thirty solar panels on its roof to hopefully get it for free. Her lounge was large and kitchen small but her bathroom was bigger than our current one, including a bath.

The bunkhouse had two extra bedrooms, a small galley kitchen a large bathroom and rumpus room, I think the boys will like it. He had done an estimate without the solar panels, the government will supply them for free to us farmers.

It came in at a hundred and fifteen thousand so Book nodded his approval but we needed to run it all past mum and the men. I had a sudden thought and asked David if he knew Daniel White over at the sawmills. He said he did, he bought his lumber off the mill and had run into him once or twice. So then I said I would have him for dinner one night soon to discuss the plans. Inside I was happy, there is an age difference but it's not a big gap maybe seven years. I don't think Gino will get a look in after these two meet, a lumberjack and a builder, very well matched I think.

Now that I have my Book to myself again I followed him out to the lake for a swim, it had been a hot day and I was looking forward to cooling off. Of course, he had other plans when we stripped to our bathers and the swim was forgotten until we were well spent, then we had to go and wash off. I slipped my jeans back on and Book sat at the picnic table in his shorts.

"Now, tell me what you have planned for the wedding Book, we need to set a date and we desperately need to discuss the reception and guest list."

He grinned at me and dropped his head then blushed. I hope he doesn't want to get married at Disneyland.

"I want to get married at the swimming hole, just us Zachy with mum and the two boys."

"Oh, umm, no friends just us?"

"Yes in our suits at about ten in the morning, then have a big party at the farm or somewhere afterward."

"Well some people are going to be pissed off baby, they are all looking forward to a big wedding."

"I don't care, I want us to get married in a quiet environment, our place, no hecklers no freeloaders."

"How do we do this then?"

"We go up to the swimming hole with the justice of the peace around nine-thirty and get married. We can dress at home it's not that far and we can drive the kids most of the way so it will only be a short walk for them, mum and us." He was still blushing.

"That isn't going to work Book, what about Hildy Cook Michael aunt Jenny Ant and the rest of our friends?"

"That's why I wanted to keep it small, my first choice was just us and the kids."

"Your too embarrassed to do it in public aren't you?"

"Yes." It was a whispered, yes, but if I know my Booker Burns it was a genuine yes too.

I sat back and watched his face then I looked at our surroundings, this place is ideal, and its the place where we first made love. The grass was lush and hopefully, the wedding will take place when its still summer so I thought; why not. The images were coming to me loud and clear. I took Books hand and said.

"The only things I want out of life is a happy family and to be married to you, Book. The rest doesn't matter as long as we have us. Why don't we get married at the swimming hole late afternoon, just us four but I would like our good friends to be there too. A photographer to take some amazing photos, and a cameraman to video the whole thing." He stared at me, he was hanging onto my every word.

"Zack I'm sorry, I am coming across as being a little mean aren't I?" He dropped his head again, I pulled it up.

"Let me finish." I smiled.

"Oh umm, okay." he blushed again, my shy farmer boy was back.

"We will get married on our property, with the people we hold most dearest to our hearts. Then we can have a town, family evening here in this park, where we made love for the first time. We set up a screen under that tree and play the wedding video for all to see. We advertise in the local news that we are throwing a big family night at the lake, and there will be food and drinks on offer to all our friends in town."

"How's that going to work Zack."

"Well, it will throw everyone off the scent. Doing it this way we won't have hoards of people coming to the house, we will be there on our own and we can get married quietly, the way you, and I want it." I thought his eyes had glistened over.

"We will arrive at the park in our wedding clothes because we will make the party a bit formal, and as far as the town will know there's a big party at the lake we are throwing for the town, no mention of the wedding. Are you getting my idea or not Book? We can spring the wedding video on them later on in the night."

"Yes, Zack that's what I couldn't figure out how to include everyone, I don't want them all traipsing over our swimming hole, and the farms not suited to cater for five hundred or so people."

"Okay Book, we flick the council some money to do the clean up here, we will have a police presence and we can hire some extra toilets. We can light this park up with stacks of bud lighting tables and chairs from the party shop in town. The food we can get Ant to cater for, and drinks I will line the pub up to do them. It will be a semi-formal night and we can show everyone the video. We can also hire a band and the ladies can dress up to the nines if we start it at around five o clock, like a supper dance Book. And like Jacob said in the bank that day, his wife is all excited about the wedding because it gives her the chance to show off her new frock, and she won't be alone in thinking that."

"Your amazing Zack you are always amazing, yes we can do it like that. I just don't want people staring at us while we take our vows, just some intimate friends that's all I ever wanted, because I have some private things to say to you." I understood him completely.

"Okay, we will make a shortlist of guests, because I don't think Ava and Hildy would be too impressed if we left them out."

I smiled, he put his hand out and pulled me in for a wonderful kiss. We were too stuffed to go at it again, but we still managed stiffies which Book played with as we made up our wedding guest list on a piece of paper I had torn out of my appointment book.

Mum Sam Douglas Emma Hildy Ava Cook Stan and Michael Luke Andy Aunty Ant were all at the top of the list, we had about twenty including us and the photographers. Now to set the date and get things started. I will go talk to the editor of the local newspaper about a photographer and video man. They will know where we can get a big screen and player from, then we can talk to Ant quietly about catering. The local dance committee will be best to talk to about music and a portable dance floor. Book will go to the council and talk about the cleanup, toilets, and permits. The local party shop will handle the tables and chairs with plenty of lighting. I wanted to get a lifeguard to watch the lake, so the kids are supervised and Luke can organize the security.

The wedding itself will be before dusk, so we won't need torches and guides. It's a pretty straight forward trail up to the pond and its an easy walk for mum and our guests.

By the time we had finished, it was getting dark, and I hadn't called mum to tell her where we were. We had plenty of time, eight weeks the main decisions were made and I hope Books got a fat check book to pay for it all. Of course, I will go him halves and the cost didn't bother us at all as long as everyone has a good time.

I looked at Book again and he was smiling like crazy, we had outsmarted them all and he was almost hopping up and down like a school kid.

"There's one more thing Zachy."

"What Book?"

"Can we try one more time?"

We did and it was the best because my almost brand new husband was wonderful as usual.

There was no one on the porch when we arrived home, the kids were in their rompers ready for bed and mum was tapping her foot on the kitchen floor.

"Where have you been?"

"Making wedding plans mum, sorry we got immersed in it." I kissed her and took our dinners out of the oven, I was starving.

"Well, enlighten me." She sat at the table as Book shoved a big spoonful of mash and peas into his gob.

"November fifteenth mum." I tried not to laugh at Book.

"And?" she tapped her fingers on the table.

"If I tell you, I will have to kill you mum and I don't think you will like that." I smiled.

"Nonsense, just bloody tell me son's."

So we did, she won't tell anyone until its the right time to do so. I trusted her to keep her mouth shut. We ate everything and a half a loaf of bread, we both hadn't eaten all day and were starving. I wanted to get some photos of the kids and her in their outfits but I can do that tomorrow.

I also decided that we could do a monologue of photos from when Book and I were small up to the present date. I asked him if he had any family photos in a box somewhere. He just said he had burnt the lot of them years ago. I understood he didn't want to see that tortured little boy again so I quickly lost my idea.

We sat on the porch after we had put the kids to bed and talked more, mums phone was busy tonight it kept announcing messages then it hit me.

"If your telling Jenny about our secret wedding mum I will get pretty cross with you."

"No son, this is about the soup kitchen. Jenny has got the go-ahead from the council to operate it the three days a week, she's all excited that's all."

"Book we forgot the plans."

"I'll get them, you call the boys over mum?"

Book went out to his car and got the plans for them all to see and we did make some adjustments but they weren't big ones, he will get them back to David tomorrow morning. Better still I can drop them in on my way through town.

"I think we should retire these speedos Book; they are too much of a distraction," I said as we readied for bed.

"I agree, today has been mental and now all I want to do is sleep, it's not fair I like our nightly naughty ritual."

I took mine off and he passed his pair over to me, then I placed them in the bottom drawer, he then pulled on his ordinary boxers and we slipped between the sheets exhausted.

We slept like logs during the night and I was still sleepy when I woke.

"If we have one now that should satisfy us for the rest of the day Zachy and then we can do it again tonight." Book was awake and his hand was playing with my now awake member.

"Okay," I whispered, he didn't need to be told twice that's for sure, and he looked awesome in his stretch boxers too.

"Good morning mum, good morning my gorgeous boys." I kissed all three of them and helped myself to a coffee.

"Morning son, did you sleep well?"

"Yes, I didn't wake up once, it was good." I smiled.

Booker came out and blushed again, I guess he had another dirty thought. He sat with us and the boys came by for breakfast. We looked at the plans again and mum insisted she didn't need a kitchen or a big room to sit in but we said they stay as they are.

After dropping the plans off at the builder's I headed for the Goonawarra compound, this place is quiet I never have any trouble here, I just call in and see if there's anyone that needs my help. Today was different because three people were waiting to talk to me. One was wanting to try and get accommodation in town because he had scored himself a job, another was cut off his dole, and the other was looking for any freebies he could get off me. I referred the first two to housing and the dole office and the third I gave him some food vouchers. He can't buy alcohol on those vouchers and anyone selling him any would be fined heavily.

An hour was spent at the local newspaper, and they helped me do just about everything for our big day, and then I was off to the party hire shop. They were pleased to see me and we sorted out four hundred chairs and forty tables to be set up for our big night. They will also do the lighting, it will look awesome.

I dropped into Margaret Woolsey place, an aborigine that has lived in the town all her life. Her three kids went to our school and her youngest son Rolf was in my class, her eldest daughter has just got married but her husband who was from another town hasn't found work yet. Margaret thought I may be able to help them with food and electricity vouchers for a while just until the newlyweds get on their feet. They all lived in a two-bedroom government house three doors down from Maree Cranley's place. I had to park around the corner so she didn't see me. From all the reports she stopped going to the soup kitchen when a government man knocked on her door and evicted her for fraudulent behavior. I haven't caught up with the result yet, but I'm hoping Margaret has some factual gossip.

We sat and had a pot of tea, no biscuits I will get fat doing that all day. I talked to Louise about her husband, a nondrinker but smoked a pack a week. They had their names down for housing but there's a seven-year waiting list so she doesn't hold out any hope of getting one soon. I told her I would ask around about a job on my travels and would let her know if anything turns up. She had to attend to the baby so Margaret and I talked for a bit. She said that the Cranley woman has been given the flick from her house, but she is bleeding it through the housing arbitration offices, they found a lot of money in a separate bank account she hadn't declared.

"Enough to buy a house I heard Mr. Zack, how that woman sleeps at night is beyond me, and here is my family all living in this small house, her house has a two-bedroom bungalow at the back, she kept it empty."

"Well she used the system to the max, so I guess she wouldn't settle for the worst house in town."

"Some people Mr. Zack, they keep the rest of us in chains, holding up the housing when they can rent privately. It's not right."

I did have a thought and will go by the Dole office and talk to the director of housing on my way home. Margaret houses two families she could do with the extra room if Maree Cranley ever leaves maybe they all can move into her place.

"Is there anything else I can help you with Margaret?"

"Yes Mr. Zack, I don't want to interfere but the young girl at the back of me could do with a friend at the moment, her husband left her with four little ones. I have been trying to do what you said in the newspapers and hang a loaf of bread over the fence and the neighbors have done the same when they can, but my money doesn't stretch that far sometimes and I worry about her and the kids."

"Give me her name Margaret I will call and see if I can help some." I have to follow this up, it's the kid's welfare that is at stake. It also dawned on me that it was the worst hit by poverty that is the first to help a neighbor in distress.

I left her to her duties and walked to the house behind, it was a junk yard of old car bodies washing machines and just more junk. Her husband must have been a hoarder.

I went around the back and knocked on the kitchen door, in the country, this is the preferred way to get the tenants attention. A very young lady answered she looked gaunt and very malnourished. I introduced myself and she asked me in. She was very wary of me and said in her small voice.

"You can't take my kids, I won't let you they are clean and fed and have dry beds at night to sleep in. I do everything possible to look after them." She was terrified but also very weak.

"Why haven't you been going to the soup kitchen, Millie?"

"Black girl get into trouble being seen on the streets of this town, and food kitchen for white people who need it."

"Where the hell did you hear that rubbish?"

"White lady on the corner, she tells me not to bother."


"Yes, that her name."

"That's absolute bulldust, Millie, you and the kids can go there anytime to get a meal. It's opening three days a week soon so you will only have breakfasts to worry about. Millie has anyone from the government payment office been to see you?"

"No, Mr. Zack no white fellas come to my place, I fill out a form and post it in but I never hear. My husband sends money when he can but not enough to live on."

"How do you pay your bills?"

"I don't, no power now, but still have gas for a while I am waiting for housing to evict me then I go see settlement elders."

How the hell did she slip through the cracks, this isn't happening in my district there's no way I will let this sort of crap carry on. That Cranley woman has to go, she's a serial pest at the best of times.

Next: Chapter 18

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