Booker Burns

By Maxieplus / Maxwell Dowling

Published on Oct 1, 2019


Chapter 18

I couldn't believe the stories Millie was telling me, her husband purchased her from her family, they had lived in the desert somewhere, she's got no education and no family around her. Her husband was a mine worker; they get good wages but she never saw much of it. So one of my tasks is to get his wages looked at, he should be paying maintenance for his children.

Okay, okay, Zack, settle down. I pulled out my phone and spoke to auntie then I spoke to the electricity company who promised me her power will be turned on within an hour or so. I have a special code number I can use for very urgent cases. The council was more than happy to send around a truck to clean up the rusting cars and rubbish. It will take some time but I will see that Millie and her kids are put on the right track.

A knock on the door saw a volunteer that works at the soup kitchen, he was dropping off a big basket of food, in the meantime I got her to sign a form for the dole office and stamped a big red urgent case across it. Then I wrote on it 'more than urgent' Hopefully that will see a cheque in the mail sometime in the next few days. I laid two fifty dollar notes on the table for immediate expenses, she didn't take it up she was too busy eating and crying.

Her kids ran into the house, a set of twin girls and two boys. She sat them at the table and placed some warm food in front of them all the time talking to them about homework. I could tell she was preparing them for a better life than what she's living.

"Millie, I want you to return this basket to the soup kitchen before one tomorrow they will fill it up again, you will get this treatment until you are back on your feet, after that you can take the kids there once a day if necessary. Do you know Margaret's daughter Louise?"

"Yes, sir."

"I will get her, or one of Margaret's sons to walk with you, just until you feel safe to walk the streets of this town. It's not as bad as you were told it's a wonderful town to live in, and you will be safe here." I smiled at the kids they were whooping it up when they opened their dessert cakes.

"Okay your power will be turned on soon, I'm going to the dole office to get these payments moving. Don't you hesitate to tell Margaret if you need anything, she will ring me. The council is coming around to take the rubbish away sometime tomorrow, and I will organize a team of cleaners to come in, just to freshen up your home." She started crying and her kids surrounded her giving her light hugs and kisses.

"I don't know how to thank you Mr. Zack."

"Well just be happy, and don't take any notice of what anyone says, you come to me or Margaret first, promise me?"

"I promise." I placed some food vouchers on the table and looked through the house, I am bound to do this, it's my job to see if everything's on the up and up. It was sparsely furnished mattresses on the floor, clothes piled up in corners and no toys or TV nothing to suggest four kids lived there. Her room consisted of a mattress and a wardrobe, but very little clothing.

I had to leave, I had so much to do before I did my write-ups and Book hasn't rung me either I suppose he's busy with the herd or fencing. I revisited Margaret's house and she promised me she would send one of the boys over to walk Millie down to the shops. Then I went straight to the dole office (Government payment office) to talk to the director my friend Jill, then back to the council again. I called into the soup kitchen and had something to eat and to thank aunty and word her up on Millie's plight.

"What sizes do you think the kids are Zack?"

"Well, they are twins about six or seven, one tall boy about nine and one roughly five years old."

"I will go through the shop and put some clothes aside does she need clothes?"

"Yes aunty she's got very little, I reckon she's about a size down from you, maybe a two she's tiny but that's mainly from lack of nourishment."

"Okay I will drop something around after we close here, and I will tell her I expect to see her in here tomorrow."

"She's really shy and scared shitless she's going to be abused on the streets we have to give her some confidence. I have got a payment for her, maybe you could give it to her today." I passed the envelope over to her and she smiled.


"She needs everything aunty, beds dressing tables wardrobes washing machine TV everything."

"I will see what's in the garage and get Ant to drop it around. It's old but still good." I thanked her then left to go do my write-ups.

My phone rang just as I sat down.

"Hi Book where have you been?"

"I thought I wouldn't bother you at work today, but I miss you and couldn't hold off any longer." he laughed. I know what he's up to he's trying to not think about sex, yesterday exhausted us and today is a rest day.

"Well I miss you too Book, I'm sitting in the office in the nude waiting for you to visit." He groaned and mumbled so much I had to tell him that wasn't true, that I was about to do my write-ups.

"Did you go to the council?" I asked.

"Yes baby, all is good, they will push through the permit and do the cleanup, and put more bins and toilets around the lake. I called to see Luke about the police being present. What did you do?"

"I did the party shop the newspaper office and when I'm finished here I will go see Ant. Then you can meet me at the lake."

"Maybe I might leave it for tonight Zachy, I want to but I don't want to miss out on saying goodnight to you either."

"Your getting old Book, no stamina that's your problem." I prodded him. I laughed down the phone then Matt arrived and I had to go. He was okay but I could tell he had something on his mind so I tried to get him to talk. He only said he was thinking about moving to the city, his girlfriend lived there and she wants him to move in with her. I told him he has to follow his heart he needs to do what's right for him. We left it at that and I went to Ant's restaurant to organize food for the party.

He asked me many questions but didn't ask if we were getting married. I told him it was a thank-you party for the town from us. Then I had my next brilliant idea, I would do a write up for the newspaper and add the party in it, just thanking the town for their generosity and their participation in looking after their neighbors making the town safer to walk the streets, support the soup kitchen, things like that.

I don't know why I did it but I swung into the lake on my way home, and of course Books car was there but no Book was in sight, I think we have to play cat and mouse now.

I walked down to the shore and looked out, then from behind a dead log Book sprung up from the water totally nude and well horned up.

"I couldn't wait any longer Zachy."

"I wanted you to be here Book, neither can I."

So we both got another workout and I felt that everything had moved back into the place with our love life.

Mum met us both and the boys were dancing in circles to be hugged and kissed, I don't know if they were happy to see us, or they knew they would get a biscuit after all the fuss was over.

"Jenny rang me about the furniture in the garage Zack, do you think the lady will want it?"

"Yes mum she's got nothing at the moment do you remember what's in there?"

"I will go and look tomorrow I think your old bed and a couple of wardrobes are still in there. I was saving them for the boys when they have to change beds, less to buy. I don't know what Jenny has stored in it but she will look"

"Well I was going to talk to Book about getting new beds for here, we will need them when the alterations are done anyway."

It was busy tonight, I did do the write up for the newspaper and Book read it through when we got to bed. I also rang Hildy and told her there might be a vacancy coming up at my office, she should think about it. We bantered back and forth and she was convinced she was needed more in the city. She is the Victorian manager for all our offices, she can work from anywhere she chooses, there are no set rules that she has to be in the big smelly city. I argued back until she nearly broke, I told her she could come and live at the farm we were building more rooms for her and Ava. She knew they weren't specifically for her but she did say she wouldn't have to go far for some man loving, and that appealed to her ladyship.

"This is good Zack, do you think they will print it?"

"Yes book they are after me to write a weekly spot, but I keep telling them I get pretty busy maybe once in a while will do them. This way everyone in town gets to know about the party and they will think it's for all of them."

"Good idea baby." His hand was stroking my thigh's; he had read through the letter twice because it gave him some time to touch me pretending it wasn't affecting him.

Ultimately I didn't buy it and ended up grabbing his hand and placing it on my privates to show Book how happy my Mr happy was. It took ages to get him off and he resisted all my attempts to bring him to orgasm. This is hard work but satisfying when I felt the warmth entering my body. He slumped and I let out a gasping breath. He wanted to lay there and I wanted to go to the toilet, I won.

"There is something you missed yesterday Zack," Book said at breakfast the next morning.

"What Book?"

"Well she lived in a community way out in the outback, no TV no furniture and no supermarkets to go to. She's had no schooling and is scared to walk in the streets, she has no white man skills at all, only what her parents taught her."

"Do you think her husband just wanted her for breeding his children and wanted her to still live that way."

"Yes Zack, I recon all he wanted was the kids to carry his name on. He has no concern for them, only that they will survive one way or other. Didn't you tell me once that was a normal practice amongst the community?'

"Yes Book, it was years ago but not so much nowadays, maybe you have hit on something Book. But the kids seem normal, the schooling will teach them how to live in the white man's world and they will teach their mum."

"A TV will fix that Zachy."

"What do you mean?"

"People learn off the TV too, it doesn't matter what they watch they learn languages and how people's lives are lived through TV broadcasts."

I suppose he's right I hadn't thought of that before but it makes sense, she sits alone in that house all day she only has the kids to talk to, maybe I will see about getting her connected to the networks.

"Take ours Zack, its nearly brand new we can get a bigger one," he smirked because I knew he was dying to buy a new television, one that he can brag about to his farm stock. I laughed to myself and answered.

"What kind are you getting the kids Book?"

"I looked at one in the electrical store the other day it was huge, sixty-five inches I think and you can hook it up to the internet."

The old/new one was light and a panel TV so it was easy to carry out to the car, Book had the kids and mum in the car ready to go get a new one by nine-thirty. His dimples were popping all over the place and I loved him, I loved watching him in this happy state, so I gave him extra kisses.

I went and installed the TV at Millie's place and I had to show her how to use it. I bet the kids would already know and it will be a great surprise for them when they get home from school.

She thanked me again for my help and I noticed that her cupboards had been filled with all sorts of food. Margaret's son had taken her shopping last night and she used her vouchers for the first time.

As I pulled out of her driveway, a group of workers from the council turned up with a big truck to haul away the rubbish. I hope this improves her standard of living for the kid's sake. I was confident that she would be okay because she loved them to death any fool could see that. In my rear vision mirror I spied that Cranley woman standing at her front gate just watching the proceedings, I resisted waving as I drove by.

My day today isn't full, I had done most of my work yesterday so I sat in the soup kitchen with my laptop and finished my write-ups if I don't red flag anything then they won't go to my head office they will just stay on my database. I helped auntie and her volunteers do the meals and we handed out plenty and I noticed the local worker's line is bigger. We won't affect the sandwich bar in town or Ants restaurant much, mostly the meals were for the people in town that can't afford a good restaurant meal or take away, here it's cheap and instant.

After the rush, aunty sat with me and we ate, she asked me what was going on with the big party? I told her it was really designed to get the town together and a chance for the ladies to wear their finery, an opportunity rarely available to them here.

"So you're not getting married in front of five hundred or so people, then you must have something else up your sleeve for the day. Don't you forget me in all his Zack, otherwise I won't take it too kindly?"

Why would I ever think I could hide anything from her, I suppose she's been talking to Ant and he let it slip about the food.

"Aunty you are involved with the wedding party, and yes this party is our sort of reception. There will only be twenty close friends and family at the nuptials, Book gets a little stage fright and wants the actual wedding to be just family. If he had it all his way it would only be us and the boys with a justice of the peace, we are having it at the swimming hole in the hills. Please keep our secret, we don't want presents and we don't want a big fuss made at the wedding. The party will be okay we can hide in the crowd. We are also going to film it and will show the video at the reception."

"Okay honey it sounds like you have it all in hand, mums the word if you want any help just ask me. What about the wedding cake?"

"Oh shit I forgot all about it, where do I get one of those from aunt?"

"Leave it to me, baby. I have contacts and we had better make it a big one so everyone gets a piece." She smiled and took my hands.

"I'm so proud of you Zack, where you have come from and who you are today. Book is the winner to have you in his life baby." She kissed both my hands and I did see a tear fall from her eye.

"It would never have happened if it wasn't supported by my closest family, and I thank you for the long talks we had, and the strength you gave to me, and for believing in me also."

"I knew everything would turn out okay nephew, it was a beautiful awakening when Beetle came into your life, he was the catalyst for you to change, and with that change, it brought Book back into your life."

"Thank you." I couldn't say anything else I was on the verge of crying myself.

Mille snuck in with her basket, she was so timid and still scared of her own shadow, I nearly missed her. When I took her elbow to introduce her to aunty and the other ladies she almost curtsied then she wanted to go, but I made her sit with me and have something to eat. She mainly talked about her kids and then she wanted to tell me a lady from the dole office called by and explained to her that her rent had been reduced until she is back on her feet. I asked her about her husband again she said she thought the working in the mines was a lie, and he just liked to go walkabout. I wanted her to concentrate on her life, not his and if he comes back she's to let me know immediately.

I picked up her basket and put her in the car and drove her home, she sat so low in the seat she couldn't see out the window, she was hiding.

Tap tap on my window when I was about to drive off.

"Good afternoon Maree how are you today?" I was being polite but my stomach turned to knots, it was that Cranley woman again.

"Zack what's going on, there's been people coming and going since yesterday, is the lady okay?" I nearly laughed.

"She got the wrong information from the wrong person and was starving herself to death Maree. I wonder who told her that the soup kitchen was for whites only." She went red.

"Yes, I could take a good guess at it can't I? you not only nearly caused her to be put into hospital you also starved her kids." I took a deep breath, I can't sit here and take it out on her.

"You will never get it, Maree, helping people should be your priority, their hurt is paramount over your broken curtain rail. Fix the fucking thing yourself get off your lazy ass and do something for your community. Don't interfere with peoples lives because you nearly killed a lovely woman and her children by ignoring the fact she was in dire trouble." She was beetroot red by the time I finished.

"When are you leaving by the way?" I was bat shit mad again and almost shouted at her, she was speechless.

"On the weekend Zack, and I am sorry." She walked away with her head lowered I think I hit a nerve with her today, but I doubt she will ever improve her mean streak, but for now, she was defeated.

I was so mad I wanted to go home and have Book hold me, and that's exactly what I did. I arrived home early and walked straight to the barn where I knew Book would be with the guys. No, he's not there, so I walked into the house they were all sitting at the table having a coffee. I kissed Book and the boys mum got a hug and I grabbed the last scone.

"Hard day wifey?" Sam smirked.

"Yes, Sam what is it with you lot not asking for help, what drives a woman into nearly starving herself and her children to death."

"Pride Zack, stubborn pride, why should she ask the white fella for help when she's probably been spat on, kicked and abused most of her life by some of them. The elders don' t help one bit by placing black fella laws on them as well as white fella laws. She didn't have the confidence to ask for help and would rather drag herself and her kids back into that deep dark gutter she was born in." Say a few words, Joe I was only asking for a simple answer to Millie's problem.

"I won't say anymore missus because you will get madder than you already are, but I guess something else happened today and it wasn't Millie's problems. Did you call into the lake and find no one there?" He laughed, Book giggled.

That broke my dull mood, I missed the friendly banter around the kitchen table. I decided I couldn't help any more than I have and I have others on my books to concern myself with anyway. My next priority is to get Margaret moved to that Cranley woman's house, maybe one of her sons could fix that bloody stupid curtain rail.

Book made the kids fall in they were going for their daily tour of the farmyard. I busied myself by doing another talk for Dexter, they are starting my set this week I think. I have eight talks in the can, so I can have a week off and get away from all the psych stuff, all I want is my kids and Book and of course this flaming wedding to organize, a bloody wedding cake what next?

"Zachy can we try on our wedding suits tonight?"

"Omfg NOOOO!!!!" I replied. Book ran out of my office laughing his head off. He had come in to tell me they were all ready to sit on the porch for a while. I laughed to myself and ran after him, catching him just as he opened the front door. I spun him around and kissed him deeply as his legs once again buckled and the door slammed shut.

"If you want to Book, but maybe tomorrow. I want you all-natural tonight just you and me. He moaned and when I opened my eyes he had a grin on his face that spoke volumes, that love was back in his eyes reminding me I wanted to do more than just kiss him.

"If you both don't mind this tea is hot, and I would like to get past." Mum was behind me holding the tray, I blushed then pulled Book aside. She went out the front and I slammed him against the wall.

"You have no idea the effect you have on me, Booker Burns." He thought about it for a second then started grinding his crotch into me; he instantly knew. I had to let him go because the kids were starting to whine, but I grabbed a handful of his tight ass as he opened the door again. I took Beetle and gave him my absolute love as he giggled because my three-day growth was scratchy. Book had Lucky for a while then we swapped them over.

Sam and young Douglas arrived, and we started talking about the wedding. Book had told the boys because they were part of the main group, he had also asked Sam to be best man, they looked at me and asked me who was going to be my maid of honor. I gave up and said Hildy was doing that job. I have absolutely no idea who will be coming and I told them that aunty knew about it but that's all.

We left it to Doug to tell Emma and then I remembered I had to organize a dinner for her and her dad to get together. They all agreed that we should have a barbeque next Saturday night and we should invite aunty and maybe Andy and Luke if he's available. I thought about inviting our builder David he would make a good match for Emma's gorgeous daddy, I think.

Then Sam decided he wanted Hildy to come, he thinks I have more influence over her than he does. All he has to do is wave his hips at her and she will come running. Sorry, I don't like talking that way about her, but she is a red-blooded woman and she has needs too.

After dinner, we spent time around the kitchen table making lists and ticking what we had done. It seemed to grow and started doing my head in. I know Book was over it already because he kept yawning and suggesting we all must be tired.

I was leering at him and mouthed at one stage. 'Your ass is mine tonight.'

His dimples went wild as he smiled back at me, then he blushed.

Day off today and all I wanted to do was sleep. I had the two boys in bed with me and as much as I tried to rest they wanted to play.

I got up and showered then I went to find coffee. They sat in front of the new TV oblivious of anything going on around them. Mum had been out to the veggie patch and I wrote down names to call about Saturday nights get together.

The more I did the more I cleared my diary, Hildy said she will know more as the day nears and Daniel White, Emma's father said he would be here. I got all yesses from the guests except Hildy, then I sat with mum and helped her shell her peas. She said there was no shopping to do she had it all in the freezers. I will get Book to check the gas on the barbeque and to give it a good clean up.

We hosed down the porch and made sure we had enough chairs for the night. I went to the bedroom and thought I would try on my suit again and see if the fit was perfect.

I don't want to burst a seam walking up that hill, I heard something as I smoothed my hands over my backside, and then I heard.

"Don't move, just stand there." Book was perving on me, then I felt his hands move to the front and caress my bulge. My pubes stuck out of the top of the low cut hipsters then I saw Books blonde hair, he was checking the fit with his mouth, they were perfectly okay with him today.

I did everything I had to do and by the time I finished, I had even found the time to watch a bit of TV with my boys. It didn't last long because I hauled them onto the sofa with me and fell asleep, they happily slept with me as cartoon after cartoon was flashing across the big screen with nobody to watch them. I felt that certain kiss as I was relieved of one child, then the second one disappeared into his bed. Booker was sitting in the big old easy chair when I woke up, he wasn't watching TV either, he was watching me.

"We had better go up to the swimming hole to see if everything's okay up there?"

"Sure Book, we can do that next week I have a few days off."

"Good, maybe we should stay the night too."

"You have menace in your eyes, Mr. Burns."

"More than menace Mr. Tierney, think total control of your whole body." I squirmed on that couch until he started laughing. Mum called us for dinner which saved me from being swept into Book's magical words.

"I want you to try on your dress tonight mum, I need to start taking photos," I said at the dinner table.

"Okay son I have to try them on some time, do you want the boys dressed too?"

"Yes after they have their bath we can do their hair and maybe take them on the porch, and Book I need you to put your suit on too."


"Because I want to do a montage of photos to play at the reception, I am going to do a build-up of photos as we prepare for the night." I was wanting to see Book in his suit and the boys all dressed up.

"Sam and Doug you have to get evening suits too, so take a day off to go into Cody's shop and get a couple."

"Yes boss, we can't have you outshining us now can we. Do they need to be black dinner suits or can we choose the colors ourselves?" God help me what they will buy but I suppose it's their night too.

"Get what you're comfortable in, have a look at what mum and Book are wearing and get something that matches."

"I don't have to do I? I'm not in the wedding party." Young Douglas whined.

"Yes you do, you and Emma are the flower girls," Book said and we all roared laughing at his shocked face.

"Sam, Hildy will be wearing an evening gown so you have to match her and Doug, Emma will have one too so you both need to dress up to the nines."

"I'll never wear it again though."

"Yes, you will. you can wear it for your wedding." I replied.

"Okay, now who have we left out?" I got blank stares and was passed another biscuit. Mum looked awesome in her pink cocktail dress, it glittered so much my little boys couldn't keep their eyes off her, that allowed me to do their hair properly. Because Lucky's was curly I rubbed a little oil into it which was a good move, it fell in lanky waves down to his shoulders. My heart leaped as my sons danced around in their wedding outfits, and when my husband to be came out he had the biggest smile on his face it matched mine. He was awesome and I wondered if he wanted me to adjust his laces, good one Cody Mitchell your designs were perfect for my farmer boy.

I took about fifty photos because mum wanted our opinion on which dress to wear so she changed three times. The pink one won because the kids cooed and touched it the most. The best photo was Book with the kids on his knees, they weren't interested in their outfits but they sure did do a lot of laughing into the camera.

As the night dimmed we started changing the kids for bed and I folded up their outfits neatly and placed them back in the drawer. Mum changed but Book still had that menace in his eyes and I prayed he wouldn't change before bed.

Mum went to bed and Book and I sat on the porch just looking out at the paddocks. He had taken my hand and was rubbing his crotch with it, I felt a very hard item that was dying to be released.

"Is it going to be all right Zack?" He asked.

"Yes, Book everything will fall into place, don't stress about it, if it all gets too much we will just go to the council office and get someone to marry us." I smiled then added.

"Which reminds me we need a celebrant do you know anyone that can do it?"

"No Zack, maybe Jenny or mum will know, definitely not that horrible priest that's for sure."

"I agree; he wouldn't do it any way he hates gays." I still had my doubts about him, in my head, I still think he's gay.

We eventually went to bed but before we did I had to have a good closer look at those laces on Books awesome hipsters.

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Next: Chapter 19

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