Booker Burns

By Maxieplus / Maxwell Dowling

Published on Nov 8, 2019


Booker Burns 24

My boys were jumping up and down on the porch and mum had the coffee ready, Gino's car was sitting in the front yard and I could hear raised voices coming from the barn.

"Is that Gino and David mum?"

"Yes, in the barn son, John and Peter locked them in, and they apparently can't come out until they sort it all out." She started laughing.

The noise eventually died down and the men started packing their tools away. They said they told them to get it sorted because they are sick of seeing their brother mope around.

Gino walked back to his car and David came up to us. As Gino waved us goodbye David also said goodnight he had a hot date at the lake on the way home. He was smiles for miles but he did say in passing.

"If this doesn't work, then I'm out of here for good."

I had wondered what he meant but then I realized what he had told me, the boyhood fooling around had only ever been a one-way affair which meant Gino had a lot to learn. My phone rang so I went to answer it.

"Hello Dex, how are you?"

"Good Zack, I think we have a hit with your series. You are getting more fan mail than me." He laughed down the phone.

"I don't believe that Dex, I'm not that popular."

"Well you can argue all you want but it's true. Now what I am ringing about is my acceptance to your wedding invitation. I will be coming, and if it's okay with you can I stay for a few days. I have borrowed the networks motorhome for the occasion so all I will need is a solid plugin."

"Oh that sounds great Dex, and I can even supply the plug if you want it?" I giggled.

"Stop it Zack, I'm starting to power up to the occasion."

"Dex, phone sex that best thing ever invented."

Book glared at me and I could see Hildy's car coming up the drive so I had better make it quick.

"What is the plan Dex?" I cleared my throat and instantly became business-like.

"Can I stay at the farm with you all. I want to get to know Book better and the kids?"

"Of course you can just pull up and we both will make sure you're plugged in." I couldn't stop laughing.

"Oh, I can do him too." He giggled.

"Okay stop it, just turn up my friend." We hung up and Book was still staring at me because I was still having a giggling fit.

"He wants to plug in here sometime before the wedding Book, and he wants to meet you too. Don't stress he's borrowed a motorhome and needs some power."

"That's better, what day will he be here?"

"I'll let you know he's going to email me." I grinned because Book is overseeing all the procedures, and he doesn't know Dex wants to plug him too.

It's a good idea so I will email Cook and get him to do the same, I'm sure young Michael would love camping in style trip, and knowing Cook he probably owns a campervan or a caravan anyway.

Hildy had Ava in her arms and was giving her hugs and kisses, she was kissing her face and generally being a little lady in front of everyone. Joe kissed Hildy and then Ava, he's getting along with her beautifully and from what mum tells me she hangs out with him sometimes, during the day. That's if there's nothing on TV of course.

Lucky was telling me about his day, and I already knew he had been taken out for lunch and he enjoyed it. But he missed going to the lake for a swim. I told him we will go there again at the weekend. He turned around and told Beetle who wanted to come over and discuss the terms with me.

"You have a big day tomorrow boyfriend; do you need me to do anything?"

"No Hildy I can cope with it, it's just all the driving that's going to hold me up."

"Do you want me to come with you?" Book offered.

"Nah, it's okay I'll get it done." I smiled at him.

"Papa me," Lucky yelled, so I went back to breaking a biscuit so they could have half each.

While helping mum get the dinner ready she let us know she won't be home tomorrow.

"Boys I want to go and help at the kitchen tomorrow, and I have some shopping to do, will you be able to cope with the boys?"

"Sure mum, no problem the kids will be fine with us here."

"Don't feed them rubbish Mr. Burns, good wholesome home cooking, thank you." Hildy had her headmistress face on.

Book glared at her because he knew mum wouldn't leave the farm without leaving something for them to eat.

"Just joking with you, I believe boss it's the done thing around this kitchen table." She started giggling and I gave her that blank stare I had perfected a long time ago. Inside I was bursting to laugh at her shocked face.

"Where's young Douglas mum?" I hadn't seen him since I got home.

"At Jenny's for the night again son, he will be back early in the morning." "And aunties happy to have him there?"

"Yes son, they are a couple of good kids and its better than doing it in the back seat of a car, in the back of nowhere."

"Oh, I thought it was nice." I offered my opinion.

"So did I son, but there comes a time when you have to have some dignity." Mum chuckled. I thought about it and deemed her right, it is right for the kids to do it under an adult's roof not some sleazy motel or car park.

I had placed Janice on my list of things to do tomorrow. I needed to talk to her about the ceremony, like how it will work for us. The forms were filled out for the legal side of things and I noticed now and then Book would take out a scrap of paper and write something down. I must get onto doing my vows soon too, I need to write one just for us and one for the wedding.

"Mum, do you think the boys would be able to be our ring bearers?"

"I don't see why not son; did you get a ring cushion?"

"No, where do I get one of those?"

"Janice will probably be the best person to talk to about that son, she maybe will have a spare one she uses."

"Okay, I will talk to her about it tomorrow then," I added that to my list of things to ask her.

"Talk to who?" Book said as he and the boys came in from their farmyard walk.

"Janice, we need a ring cushion for the wedding."

"Why, aren't we just going to wear our rings on the day?"

"No Book, they need to be presented properly not shoved on a finger in a tent." Mum was adamant.

Book scratched his head and started to say something but I burst out laughing because when he had given me my ring there were a hundred people around watching, he even got on his knees to do it.

"How are those vows coming along Book?" I asked changing the subject.

"Good Zachy, I'm up to nine pages so far."

"Frigging hell Book, you don't have that much to say do you?"

"Of course I have Zachy, and I want to do it properly too."

"Okay." I sighed because I haven't even started doing mine yet at the moment its all in my head.

I had just had the best orgasm I have ever had and was still laying there with my leg over Books shoulder, we both couldn't move for a long time because we wanted to stare into one another's eyes for a while. Book had slipped out and one of my legs gave way and landed on the back of his. I then moved the other one down and pulled him up towards me with them.

"That was awesome Zachy."

"It was, wasn't it, thank you Book."

"No thank you." He started kissing me, and I drowned in him gratefully.

The breakfast table wasn't as fun as it usually was this morning. I fed the babies, and Book fried up some hash browns and eggs while Sam did the toast, they were giving mum a rest day. No Douglas again this morning but I fully expect him to arrive soon to start work.

Book will look after the kids with the boy's help, they will be taken down to the west paddock to repair the electric fence which stopped working last week. I'm sure they will have a fun day doing nothing but watching, throwing stones and pulling up grass, sort of boy's things. I can't take today off because I am a bit behind in my visits but I won't tell Hildy that.

I did what I had to in the next town and organized some vouchers and a council clean up. One client wanted help around the house she was well and truly behind in her everyday housework because her daughter and husband were in the hospital after a bad car accident. I organized home help and some gardeners to come by. She was so grateful she didn't want her family to come home to a filthy house. She was telling me her husband felt so guilty about the accident and it was just an accident. He daughter had a broken foot and he had a dislocated shoulder and broken collar bone. He had acted quickly and tried to shield the daughter from any damage.

"Well that says it all Mrs. Taylor, his first reaction was to protect his daughter and a painful cost to himself, he shouldn't beat himself up over it, he's a hero. I'm sure your daughter sees it that way."

"She does Zack, she adores him, and I need to do my bit by getting this place cleaned up. I have almost lived in that hospital the past six weeks, but I didn't know how to go about it."

We discussed things for the next twenty minutes and with a lot of thank-yous and a wedding acceptance, I left her with a smile on her face.

I then called in to see Janice and we talked about the ceremony for ages. I made a lot of notes and she said she would organize the cushions and the arbor from the party shop, but she suggested that because the boys were small we should just pin the rings to their outfits they will be safer there, I agreed with her. I asked how she went with getting to know Jill and she blushed and said.

"I think she's hoping I will ask her to move in sometime soon, she's a pretty fast working lady."

"That's a good thing isn't it?"

"Yes Zack but not too soon, I need to get to know her a bit better."

"Take it from me, I went to school with her and I reckon she's more than ready to settle down and start a family."

"Okay, it's just after my last partner left I'm a bit hesitant starting something new again"

"If you don't you will always be wondering if she was the one Janice."

She smiled knowing that was the subject of one of my TV performances.

I arrived home and Book and my boys were sitting on the porch, but there was no one else in sight. I picked up my dancing babies and heard all about their day, their daddy had made a trailer for them to sit in while he towed them all over the farm. I looked over at the box cart and deemed it safe, Book had placed seats and lots of foam rubber in it just in case they were bounced around. I kissed him deeply and got a hug from mum when she bought the coffee out. I then got them up to date with Janice and the wedding

Tonight everyone seemed to come out of nowhere, aunty and Emma arrived and Hildy was slogging away in the office signing off on things, and Douglas didn't want to let go of Emma's hands.

"Mr. Book, can I ask you something?"

"Yes, of course, Ems." he smiled, because he sort of knew what was coming.

"Well, you know Douglas and I are heavily into seeing each other?"

"Yes Emma, what's up?"

"Well, can we set up a caravan over by the bunkhouse, and can I move out here with you all?"

"Yes you can, but you have to help mum with some meals if that's okay." He winked at mum.

"Of course I will, but I will also be cooking in the van too, sometimes." She blushed and I saw her face redden.

"Have you run this past your father?"

"Yes Zack, he's okay with it, he said if we can't do it he will find a job for Douglas over at the mill and we could move in with him."

"Not happening, young Douglas has a job here and you can move in anytime. Did you get your money?"

"Yes Zack, it's coming next week, so I'm going to buy a caravan and a house in town, just for an investment." She smiled at aunty. I think she's been getting investment ideas from her daddy and her new aunty.

"Which reminds me, boss, we are going to the city on Monday to get outfitted for suits, do we need to get anything else while we are there?" Sam offered.

"I don't think so Sam, maybe give Andy and Luke a call and see if they can meet you there, they need suits for the wedding too."

"What present would you like wifey?"

"None thank you, Sam, just a donation to the soup kitchen if you want.? Hildy appeared and said.

"Did I hear you were going into the city next week?"

"Yes my darling, just for the morning to get suits."

"I might come with you I need to do something about this hair."

"Well, there is a good hairdressers shop within the warehouse Hildy I believe they are excellent."

She scraped her hand through her curly locks and sighed, then she scratched her head and went over to help mum at the stove.

As we ate we went through the wedding plans once more and deemed it all set. Auntie had the menu with her and Book was more than interested in it, he was drooling because it had spit roast pork and beef on it. He loves his food.

I had been laying on the floor playing with my number one son while number two and Ava played with her dollies. Beetle was a beautiful boy his smile was wicked and lopsided like his other dads. I rubbed his belly and was telling him he was my best son when Book snuggled in behind me, he wanted to join in. It was something we loved to do each night with the kids but at the moment Lucky was too absorbed with Ava's dolls, he was helping her undress and redress them.

How can I tell if Lucky or Beetle will be gay, it doesn't bother either of us if they both are, but it's just too early at the moment to tell. I shuddered at the thought they will come across some bigots in their lifetime and I am sure Lucky will cop it anyway. Let's hope his older brother Beetle sticks up for him at school otherwise, I will have to authorize Book to stand guard. A parent's constant worry and there's nothing we can do about it, if they get bullied then we will have to deal with it when it happens.

Now back to my babies, they need a bath then bed. Beetle was giving the orders tonight and he wasn't going to be swayed in his plans. He won't have a bath and he's not going to sleep, well not until after the animal show is finished on TV. Book, mum and I laughed so much at his adorable face we let him have this one and sat with him until he was ready for bed. I didn't want him to go to bed all upset so as I said we let him have this one. It was only ten minutes before the show ended anyway.

"Book, we have to start paying the suppliers soon." He laughed and said.

"You had better talk to mum about that." I had no idea why I had to talk to her, but it looks like Book doesn't want to talk about it. He ignored my next questions because he wanted to perfect his honeymoon lovemaking techniques, and he was in his little world, I can't wait.

My morning saw mum sitting at the table with a pad and pen in hand, her glasses sitting perfectly straight on her dainty nose. Book had left early to start feeding and mucking out the stables. Mum had got up a bit earlier too, I heard the washing machine going and she was cooking something in the oven. I kissed her and said good morning she told me she has put a casserole in the oven for lunch and she will bring the dinner home with her. She was going to the kitchen for the day again, then she wanted to have a pow-wow meeting with Jenny about the wedding.

"Oh mum, by the way, can you ask her how much we owe for the cupcakes? I want to start finalizing the accounts and I don't want aunty to be out of pocket." She looked up at me with her business eyes.

"Zack, I have just been going over the estimates for the wedding, and Jenny and I will be using our free afternoon ringing several suppliers to get the final totals. The Hotel won't know how much we owe them until after the actual day, and Ant has already been paid. The council is free and the party shop promised they will get a final bill to me by lunchtime. The local dance committee said the dance floor was free but asked if we could flick the band some cash, which is understandable they will be working after all." She went back to her accounts; she was sort of ignoring me.

"So how much is this going to cost us, mum?"

"I can give you a subtotal son, but you needn't worry about it we have it covered." She took her glasses off then went to check the oven. After she deemed it okay, she made herself some toast and tea.

"What do you mean its all covered?"

"Just that son, you and Book needn't worry about anything. Jenny and I are covering wedding costs."

I went numb because I know my mum can't afford to pay for the wedding and anyway why would she, Book and I have money.

"Mum that's a wonderful gesture, but Book and I will be paying for the wedding." She again stared at me clicking her teeth she sat again with her tea.

"Your aunt jenny and I are paying for the wedding son, if a mother can't pay for her own child's wedding then there's something wrong. Don't stress Zack we have it covered." she smiled.

"No, you don't, where the hell are you and aunty going to get that sort of money from? We can certainly pay for it; my god you will be paying it off for the next twenty years."

"No I won't son, don't be silly, I have the money and so does Jenny."

"How? how do you get all that money, mortgage the house?"

"No son, I would never do that, I'm keeping it for you and the kids."

"You're not going to tell me are you?"

"Tell you what?"

"Where you are getting the money from for God's sake?"

"It's no big secret son, Jenny and I still have your grandparent's money invested we want to pay for your wedding, its the least we can do." I was getting really mad now.

"What invested money, I know we never needed for anything I just thought you got a good wage that's all."

"I did Zack, but I have the money your grandparents left Jenny and me, the house and loads of cash we haven't touched it since you were born so it's just been building up. Now no more talk about money son. We are paying for your wedding and that's final." She was being business-like and I didn't like it.

One baby was awake by now and the other won't be too far behind him so I went to pick Beetle up and give him some welcome to a new day kisses. After washing his not so clean bum I put a new nappy on him, I then blew bubble farts on his tummy just to hear his laughter.

Mum came into the laundry with Lucky I moved out of her way and dressed my gorgeous boy in his playsuit for the day. I have work and was cleaning up all the clients I promised to see this week. Hopefully, I will get through the day without any problems. Mum has money invested, I never knew that. I just thought she worked hard. I had better tell Book before he starts paying people, but I suspect he already knows.

Lucky and Beetle wanted toast and I managed to get them to eat a boiled egg with soldiers, although I did need to help them their coordination wasn't the best so early in the morning. We had sat them both in their high chairs to do this welcomed chore, Book arrived not long after he had washed and was now looking for food. He looked in the oven but didn't know whether it was breakfast food or lunch.

"Cooks day off Book, there's eggs bacon and toast over on the bench, for you to fix something." Mum smiled at me, he groaned. I got up to help him but was made to go back and sit down.

"Oh well if that's the case Book I'll have scrambled eggs on toast please." He groaned again, that will teach him to ignore my help.

He stuffed around until I got some sort of egg dish on toast then he sat with his mushy food. Sam Hildy and Doug came in and Hildy went for toast for her and Ava, Sam sat and stared at Book.

"Boys, get your own breakfast today." He grunted.

So he got up and started making him and Doug some food. I didn't mind my breakfast because Book had at least attempted to make it for me, but when Sam passed Doug's over to him then sat at the table with his, he got the filthiest stares from everyone. poached eggs toast beans bacon and tomato were piled on the plated. Book was crazy mad and Hildy was giving Sam the death stare. I should have organized Sam to make all our food he was a good cook.

"Oh, that was a wonderful meal boss. did you enjoy your breakfast?" Sam rubbed his tummy.

"Get back to work, and wash your bloody dishes before you go." He wasn't happy.

I chuckled then went to the bathroom I will have my shower now and nick off to do some work. I heard David and his brothers arrive for work and the banging started shortly after. He had a spring in his step and a smile on his face as he said good morning to us all. I was pleased he might have resolved his differences with Gino but didn't ask because there were too many people around.

My day wasn't busy and I went to the kitchen and sat with Hildy, I had a very delicious welcomed lunch. Every time I read a write up it sounded like the last one and I had to concentrate because I will miss something. My phone rang and it was Cook he wanted to know if he could set up his caravan at the farm, I told him to pick a nice spot anywhere, he was coming a week early just to give Michael a small holiday at the farm. With that done I checked my messages and of course, there was one from Book. 'Meet me at the lake'. Mum and aunty had disappeared around one so I went back to the office and checked the computer there. Nothing urgent to do so I headed for the lake.

"Mum and aunty are paying for the wedding Book, how do we get them not to?"

"She told me the other day in no uncertain terms to just turn up and make sure you're with me." He giggled.

"You're not concerned she's using her retirement money?"

"Not at all Zachy, we will compensate her and aunty with a thank-you holiday to Paris or somewhere, you know she will never need for anything."

"She said she had my grandfather's money still."

"That's interesting maybe we can talk to aunty about it."

"I don't know Book, can you move over a bit this back seat is getting smaller or you're getting bigger." He adjusted himself and decided to sit on top of me. I had my mobile phone out because I wanted to film his awesome ass moving up and down, like a keepsake before it ballooned into something much bigger.

Cook and Michael were the first to arrive, towing a big caravan that looked more like a mobile home. He parked well away from the building works and plugged into the barn water and power. By the time I arrived home from a pretty busy day they were all set up. I did a tour of it and wished Book and I could do some traveling in a home-like this.

Michael was out with Sam doing something with the stock, and Cook and mum were now with the kids sitting on the porch. Stan will come for the wedding but is too busy at work to take time off. Cook was excited to spend some time with us and had already charmed Beetle to sit on his knee, I think the key is to have a biscuit near and good conversation because my son was rattling off all sorts of things to him. We won't be eating inside probably from now on, the kitchen won't cope with us all. Book had cleaned the barbeque again and the freezer was well stocked.

"How is his schooling going, Cook?" I was asking about Michael.

"Good, he's not top of the class but close. He loves going and never gets into trouble, he has loads of friends which I was a bit worried about at first."


"Because for a long time it as just him and his mum with us slotted in here and there. He's a great kid Zack and all his mates want to a sleepover, but we had to limit it to one or two nights a week."

He laughed, it was so good to see.

"Oh, by the way, your professor and Cameron are coming too. They wanted me to tell you they will drive up for the day."

"How are they getting along?"

"They have moved in with each other, and both are on top of the world, as the professor says they are killing it," I remembered a time when Cameron couldn't walk outside of his house, he was so shell shocked from the Vietnam war. The professor was my mentor, many a write up was top of the class because of him pushing me to do better. It will be good to see them again. It will be good to see a lot of people again, I have been a little slack since I moved in with Book.

Cook helped mum with the dinner and I sat while Michael brought me up to date with what his plans for the future were. He was going to try and become a vet, he thinks that's the best way for him to go, then he's going to buy a small farm and become a country Vet because the country needs him more. He was saying that if they can't pay he will take the fee in eggs and beef or something like that. I think he's been watching too many old TV series on country vets, but I also knew his heart was in the right place.

"Maybe Book will sell you a small parcel of land, I happen to know he owns one right outside of town. It has a river running through it too." I smiled at Book.

"No Zack, Mike my little mate will want something better than that, it's not a farming type of place."

"I don't know, a little hard work and it will soon be ship-shape."

Book went silent then, and it wasn't until Hildy came home I had the chance to whisper to him about it. I thought maybe we should just give it to Mike.

"Zachy, I don't want to do anything with the land, it has a terrible history, and in the future, if Andy feels like he wants to settle on it he can, but I would much rather leave it vacant at the moment, maybe plant some olive trees."

"Oh shit, I didn't think of that Book, sorry."

"Its okay Zack, I have something else in mind, it's not the only block of land we own." he grinned. He didn't elaborate but I knew Book had a plan but for now, Mike has to get his degree to do anything like starting up a farm.

Hildy was playing with Ava, and Cook and Book were barbequing the steaks while mum and I were setting up the salads and veggies table. I asked Sam what time they were heading off Monday he said early because he wanted to get back early afternoon to avoid the traffic. Michael is going to help Book do the water and feed, this will be interesting getting a fifteen-year-old out of bed at five am. I also wondered if I could get doctor Mitchell and his son out here for a meal before the wedding, Mike might like to meet Jorden, maybe.

Dexter was next and we set him up after the introductions were made. Book was being a little wary of him because he was a stud and I did smile at him a lot. It wasn't long before he had Book eating out of his hands, it comes with his job to be a charmer and he's perfected his craft. He was telling Book that he might suggest to his boss to do a documentary on gay farmers and how they exist in the smaller rural towns, he even had his phone out and was filming everything and anything he could spot here.

"We had better talk to him Zack, I don't want my face plastered all over the TV and it's our business that we are a gay couple."

"Don't worry about it baby, it will never happen." I smiled.


"Because I got this." I laughed back at his confused face.

We started clearing up and Book took the kids for their nightly tour, Mike went with them carrying Ava because she didn't want to get her shoes dirty, and I think she kind of liked Mike. We had a wonderful five days with our city friends, and my phone was ringing off the hook with well-wishers, some I knew and some I didn't. Sam and young Douglas had to have photos taken in their new suits, they looked gorgeous and played to the camera wonderfully. We had taken the sweet treats to Ant's he said he will fix that when he does the cupcake table, everything was at the ready. I was as nervous as hell when Book started packing up our camping gear, Michael and Cook wanted to come but my man was adamant it was to be us four alone.

Dexter nearly cried when we refused his offer to carry our bags for us, he was only joking of course but Book was still a tiny wary of him. He had asked me for the whole story and I told him the truth but at the time, not so long ago there was no way I would have jumped into bed with him because I loved Book still. My little ones were excited and didn't let us out of their sight until it was time to trek the trail, then they screamed and laughed as we tucked them away in their carry packs.

Next: Chapter 25

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