Booker Burns

By Maxieplus / Maxwell Dowling

Published on Jun 21, 2018


Booker Burns 7

"He had money Zack, plenty of money you will never need for anything again."

"Who had money?"

"My dad he hid it all away, but after I sobered up I went chasing it, mostly it was gold bars, bonds and cash buried in the chicken coop. I used some of it to hire a few hands to help out. I have nearly got the farm running in profit again, you will never want for anything Zack and neither will your mum and Beetle." I think he was trying to bribe me to come home.

I caressed his cheek then kissed him again, he blushed then his smile beamed, it lit up the kitchen.

"Take me for a drive Book, lets get out of here, I need to have you on my own again."

"You want to have sex with me bad don't you?" He immediately answered.

"Yes, how badly you wouldn't believe Booker Burns."

"You're not on your own there Zach." He kissed me again. I swear I heard my pillow scream.

I will talk to mum later and I will ease that hurt within her, I'm confident of that.

We drove out of town in his old car, he had pulled out all the stops today, this is his good one. He had the windows down and his hair was flying everywhere, he kept smiling at me I was smiling back, because we both knew we were going to try and have sex at the lake. He parked by an old tree stump, there was no one around. His hand stroked my face forever, then he kissed me gently on the lips.

"I love you Zack, I have always loved you, and I always will." I couldn't say anything because I was too busy laughing that my hurt that had disappeared in one split second. I gave him a wonderful lip smacking tongue probing kiss back. I felt his hand on my exposed stomach then he rubbed it back and forth. My legs were around his waist. I looked into his eyes and saw it I saw love.

"Be gentle with me Book." He moaned aloud into my mouth then his tears arrived, but they were good ones, the type that only love can bring on. It was a frantic race to get our outer coverings off and I nearly fainted when Book threw of the last of his clothes, he was absolutely gorgeous. He spent ages getting to know my body and kept saying to me.

"You're awesome Zack, so fucking beautiful. I love you with all my heart." Of course I was answering him with the same words.

We made our kind of love, he was very passionate and it didn't take us long to expel that pent up desire. There was no full on sex just two lovers doing all they could to make each other happy. The big ticket items we will learn about and Book surprised me, he was a fast learner. We sat in the back seat and stroked each other kissing wildly then he did something I had always desired, he sucked gently on my large nipples, then ran his tongue down my body to have a go at my balls. I mimicked him but the urge was too strong we both came at the same time. Three hours we were away from the house, mum kept smiling at us then Book said.

"Mrs Tierney, how are you at farm house cooking?" She smiled and took his face in her hands and kissed him.

"Very good actually." She winked at me, I was in raptures.

He wanted Beetle and me to go with him straight away, he was desperate to have me sleep with him in his bed. I threw a few things into a backpack and told mum I would be home in the morning, but I didn't go back to sleep at mums anymore, just to pack up our stuff and high tail it back to my Booker Burns.

Mum followed the next day, she wasn't left out. Eventually her furniture and beds arrived which made Books sparsely furnished house look a lot homelier. We took a day to go to the city to talk to Hildy and aunty, there were no problems with my transfer because the area needed me desperately. Hildy was crying when we left but we will see her quite often, I'm sure of that.

Because Book was up at dawn we went to sleep early, but made love all night between naps. My pillow was included when Book took my ass on the fifth night, he couldn't contain himself any longer. It was painful but we got it done because Book was so gentle, as time passed it got easier and actually more exciting for me. Of course those early days were best when he held me in his arms, our legs intertwined the kisses were deep and passionate, as we drifted off to sleep.

Booker was ultimately the man of the house, it suited him and he took charge of our lives like he's always been looking after us. He was the perfect man for me I was the perfect partner for him, I was his love he was mine. We learnt many things over the following months, I still hadn't had his ass, but we are working on it, and I loved that kind of work. Every time I see him nude I so want to slip into him, but the next best thing is when he makes love to me, he's gentle and so fucking awesome in bed, he wasn't a boy anymore, he was a man.

We had talked about the girls he had slept with he told me it only happened a few times, he hated it and would think of me when he had to have sex. He was like me he used his pillow and fist to get off. Mostly he only dated the good girls the ones that don't put out, and when I thought about it in the end it didn't really matter because although he put me through agony at those times, I learnt about hurt I breathed and lived it. I wouldn't be the person I am today if it didn't happen.

I transferred from the city and commuted to the next biggest town three days a week, my district was surrounded by a few isolated Aboriginal communities. I specialise in children's welfare in these towns, for one child I saved ten slipped through the net, it was an impossible task but I hit it head on and every time I had a win Hildy sent me flowers. Beetle was growing and trouble on two legs when he started waddling around, he was always trying to escape to the paddocks to see his gorgeous dad. Any trace of his operation had disappeared, his big goofy smile matched his dads. Mostly Book would tote him around the farm in a back pack arrangement, he had cut holes in his old knapsack, it worked. They would check the fences together sometimes, and feed the stock which was Beetles all time favourite thing to do. Many times I watched as Book shielded his head with his big hand just to make double sure he was safe. And many times I saw Beetle laughing looking at me over Books big shoulder. When I came home from work they were always on the porch freshly showered and dressed waiting for some of my late afternoon hugs and kisses.

Mum was in her element; she took to reorganizing the farmhouse beautifully. She cooked for the farm hands and made sure their washing was done, in return they started a veggie patch and helped her cook sometimes, we all took it in turns to clean the house. She was the one that made it special for her little family she was never used up, she was loved by Beetle, Book and of course me and the men. Her common sense and baking skills lured Book into her heart and at last he has a mum he can call his own, a mum he was so proud of.

I sometimes would leave them on the porch after dinner while I did the dishes and cleaned up Beetles messy toys, he talked to her at length about his father his gran and his horrible childhood my mum and my fella bonded very deeply. I was so proud of Book, he was opening up in ways he couldn't imagine in his darker days, and every time he did his confidence returned ten fold. He didn't have to hide anymore and on several occasions when Hildy and aunty stayed for the weekends he would have long drawn out talks with them also. Hildy helped in ways unimaginable for Book, she explained beautifully how it all worked for him, then and now. I really was just a back up because Book didn't want to dump it on me anymore. He made sure we had everything we needed and I even managed to get him to have a day off every now and then so we could do other things, just us.

He didn't cry anymore and he had told me he thought Jerry was me on that couch and he was dreaming of fucking me, like he had done many times with me during the night, nothing had happened with any other man he was too fucked up with hurt.

Aunty Jen moved into mums place to be nearer to Beetle she is dating a local man who treats her just fine, they both have a wicked sense of humour something that was missing in her first marriage, and he is the chef at his Italian restaurant. They are starting up a soup kitchen in town and mum and I will help them with that, I am already collecting clothes and odds and ends to put in the small opportunity shop that's attached to the community hall.

Sometimes Book would come on my runs to the smaller outback towns, I think he was worried I might have trouble with the drunks. So he sat quietly while I did my job and Beetle played with the kids, his new best friend was an aboriginal tyke called Lucky, they would roll around on the floor together while I visited his very sick mummy.

The best times for me were spent with Book by the lake or in the hills he would make me walk the tracks semi naked just so he could look at me, but I wouldn't do it alone he had to be in his jock too, Beetle just giggled a lot, what does a baby know anyway. I knew what he was doing, he was being a kid again and this was one of his things to do with me. This and the sun on my skin and Books strokes made me feel loved and although I always feel the hurt especially when I look at Booker, my love for him is so strong it does hurt, but in a good way now, he wont ever break my heart.

We talked while we were alone in the woods, and we talked at length at night because we didn't want to leave each other through sleep. Book had new questions and everyday I gave him new answers, my own personal ones, nothing that I have read in any book purely mine.

When we made love there was a gentle stillness, nothing moved there was silence in our moments together, and as Book loaded me up with his enormous reserve of love his eyes shimmered with pure love. He always left me wanting more if that was ever possible. Our school mates knew we would end up together somewhere along the line, and accepted us as a couple without question. We were always being invited to a birthday party, an engagement or wedding and were always treated as being in a relationship. We never got stick from anyone in town unless it was friendly banter then Book would take over and every time a hilarious situation would occur, I would watch that little boy in him have so much fun.

Every night before we drifted off, he was in my arms but mostly I was in his, he would whisper to me.

"What is hurt?"

I always answered.

"Hurt is love Book sweet pure love, go to sleep my love."

The End.


Today we have a crowd of our old school mates and family over for a big bash up party for Beetles first birthday. Everyone bought a plate, although it was unnecessary mum and aunty had it covered. Hildy had arrived with her youngest granddaughter she had rescued, and they held onto each other all day, they smiled a lot. So did one of the farm hands, a very intelligent good looking aborigine called Sam, he stared at Hildy most of the day until he couldn't contain himself any longer and sat with her. I could see the blushing from where I sat, I think.

The birthday boy was not fussed he was too busy in his play area talking to Lucky about life's little joys.

After the birthday song and loads of cake they both looked so tired, so they were put down for a long overdue afternoon nap. Lucky was holding onto Beetle and I know they are going to be the best brothers to each other. We had just filed for guardianship of this little fella, he needs some loving too. We went downstairs and joined the party. Always the cock teaser and because it was a hot day Book had taken his shirt off he looked so hot as he rubbed his body all over mine while we danced, I had allowed my love to run free like a waterfall, my hurt wasn't anywhere in sight. He whispered in my ear.

"We haven't finished yet Zacky there's one more really important thing to do." Book looked at me, and in front of everyone he got down on one knee, our schoolmates screamed and clapped their approval, and I didn't see it coming but he opened a little box there was a plain gold band inside.

"I have always wanted to do this, but just with you, you make my life so complete Zacky and I know I wouldn't be here today without your strong support. I also know I have had some problems in the past but thanks to you its where it should be, in the past. I love you Zack, with all my heart I love you. Will you marry me?" The room went silent all eyes were on me.

I saw love again in his eyes, and the tears started to flow as I tried to say yes, then I heard a shout.

"Say yes for god's sake." Aunty Jenny was eager to get the party restarted.

"Yes." I don't remember saying it but I must have. Book and I are the happiest men in the world today, and by the look on his face he was getting ready to have a private party on his own. We eventually headed upstairs to check on Beetle and Lucky they were sleeping so peacefully. I tucked the blanket around them as Booker undid my belt, my jeans dropped to the floor. I bent back and my mouth was next to his and I whispered.

"Be gentle with me will ya."

"I was thinking the same thing." He then fell face down on the bed and opened his strong legs.

I shivered in anticipation.

Now it's the end.

Next: Chapter 8

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