Booker Burns

By Maxieplus / Maxwell Dowling

Published on Jun 27, 2019


Booker Burns 8

The day of Beetles first birthday, Book gave me two presents. A marriage proposal, and he let me break him in. It was awesome and I didn't give him time to feel much pain because I came almost as soon as I entered him. We did try again later on that night but I think we were both too tired to concentrate on the job. I gave up and said we can try again in the morning, Book groaned.

It wasn't a very pleasant night for my little family anyway. I had just closed my eyes when I heard Lucky moaning and of course when he started, so did Beetle. I threw back the bedclothes and said.

"I'll get it." I heard Book laugh under the covers. Lucky was rattling the side of the large cot as Beetle moaned into his pillow, they were so tired. I felt around but nothing was wet so I decided it was just night frights. I took both of them and placed them in our bed between Book and I, they immediately settled down and were asleep within moments. Books arm went over the three of us and we said our goodnights once again.

In the morning Lucky was draped across Books large chest and Beetle was holding Lucky. I felt a little left out but relieved because I could now get up and shower without disturbing them. I wanted to get an early start lighting the wood stove and putting the coffee on. As I entered the kitchen I noticed the fire had been stoked; I guess someone had been in to fire it up earlier.

Hildy came out and said her good mornings with a big hug; she had just showered.

"The last I saw Ava she was heading to your room, is that Booker Burns fella decent?" She giggled.

"Yep, he's got the kids in with him, one more won't hurt."

"Good he can babysit while we talk about yesterday."

"What's to talk about?"

"Well Sam, for one thing, tell me what is he really like?"

"He's your dream boat Hildy, he doesn't drink or curse. I think he has married once years ago, but he doesn't talk about it. He's a good worker and a great guy to have around."

She was thinking about it then said.

"He was telling me he's never had such good bosses as Book and you and he loves his job here."

"Well we have no reason to doubt that Hildy, he's a great worker we don't ask him to do more than his share around the place, a little hooked on that cute black fella are you?" I knew bloody well she was.

"No boyfriend just interested, his life is so different than the others. Maybe that's because of Book and your generous natures, maybe it's just his way."

"Well he's a good worker Hildy, he told us to have a lay-in while he and Doug looked after the cattle this morning, he really didn't have to do that, we don't like taking advantage of them, anyway why are you up so early?"

"Oh I thought they might have been up early for breakfast so I put the coffee on, no hangovers here my boy I didn't drink at all yesterday."

"They will be here around eight honey, don't worry he's one of the good ones, maybe he will talk you into coming back to the country to live. It would be awesome to have you as a partner again." I grinned.

"I got to admit Zack I miss you all and if there was a way to move here I would in a heartbeat, but I really don't want to deal with my people again. It's frustrating and far too hard."

"It's not like you to give up on a challenge, and you wouldn't have to work the settlements, Hildy. I can do that; you can do the others there's plenty of work to be done around this area but you already know that." I smiled at her.

She poured us some coffee as Book walked out scratching his bum through his shorts. I stared at him as he leaned over to kiss me and Hildy. His waist was so small I can almost get both my hands around it, but I can't do that with his hips, and forget his chest it's just too big and lumpy. I had a small giggle because I was getting a boner.

"Are they still asleep?" I said as I cleared my mind.

"No Zachy they went to their room to play with Beetles new toys."

He bent over and kissed me again then looked straight at Hildy.

"The coffees in the pot, I've already made two this morning so you will have to get your own big boy." She giggled, always the joker.

"I was going to ask if you have seen the boys this morning?" Book smiled.

"Nope sweet cheeks just your wife here." I blushed and so did Book because we don't use those terms between ourselves, but its Hildy, who can argue with her.

"I better go give them a hand Zack."

"Have your coffee first and sit for a bit, Hildy has some questions for you about Sam." I nudged Book.

She gave me a glaring look then the innocence reappeared.

"I have no questions Book, but if it pleases your missus over there you can educate me with your most intimate thoughts on Sam if you must." I burst out laughing.

"He was married for a couple of months then walked out because his wife wouldn't stop drinking, that was years ago, he's thirty-six so he's younger than you Hild's, a good thing I think. He doesn't drink smoke or sleep with loose women he's looking for his perfect partner; he wants what the little wife and I have." Book giggled, there he's said it.

"Oh, he sounds perfect." I heard her whisper.

"Good morning boss Zack, Hildy did you sleep well?" Sam suddenly walked in the back door all smiles.

"Yes thank you, Sam sit down and I'll get you a coffee?" Hildy grinned, Book grunted.

Hildy nearly fell over herself to get him a fresh coffee then asked him if he would like something to eat.

Mum came in and took one look at her and said.

"There are bacon pies in the fridge, and I'll do some toast give me a minute." Hildy sat down her breakfast plans destroyed by my mum, but I don't think she minded one little bit.

"How are the cattle Sam, and where's little Doug?"

"Good boss, Doug's just chasing up a couple of strays he won't be long."

"It was a great day yesterday boss, I think everyone had a good time its good that you and the wife are going to get married, we are looking forward to it, any date set yet boss?" He was having a lend of Book, my smile turned into full-on laughter. I couldn't stop myself Books face was getting rather pink.

"Not yet Sam, and Zack isn't my wife."

"Oh, sorry boss I thought that's what you white fellas called their soul mates." Another grunt from Book as he looked in the fridge to get the egg and bacon pies out. He placed them in the oven to warm up, I think Books hungry. I thought this might be a good time to chase up some kids.

I found them in Lucky and Beetles room playing with some Lego, I went to the bathroom and got a face washer and warm water. They didn't see me coming so one by one I checked nappies and wiped their hands and faces, Ava was a true lady she needed changing but her nanny had to do it. Beetle needed a little more than a wet towel, accidents happen. He laughed his way through a warm bath then I powdered him up, then he was ready for his day.

Lucky needed a wipe and a clean dry nappy then he waddled out to find Ava who was sitting on her nan's knee chewing on some toast. Sam was talking to her about cows and things but he was looking shyly at Hildy. All three were up for some milk and the high chairs were brought to the large farmhouse table. It was the only thing Book had kept when we had a clean up, mum's furniture suited our lifestyle and we did buy new stuff as it was needed.

Sam's offsider who we called little Doug had joined in, and they all were sitting around the big table eyeing off the egg and bacon pie's. Mum dumped a pile of toast in the middle of the table then it was on for young and old. Book immediately shifted one of the pies in front of him, then he cut it almost in half. Placing the bigger piece on his plate with four slices of toast. He looked up at me and grinned his little kid grin then winked, I winked back as I fed Beetle and myself.

Mum had taken Lucky and he was happily destroying his toast. He's going to be a heartbreaker, his dad is white his mum Aborigine, he had ended up with the biggest almond eyes, black hair, and coffee skin. His mum succumbed to her awful life and gave up the fight when she died of lung problems, she got that from sniffing too much glue and petrol fumes. His dad wasn't known, rumour has it he and some of the local hoons had raped his mum, an occurrence that happens far too often in the outback.

Nothing was done about it and nothing will ever be done about it. Whenever I look at him I see in his eyes the pure love he has for mum, Book, and I and of course Beetle. He's going to have an amazing life and as I said he's also going to be a heartbreaker, that's if Book and I give him permission to date.

"I want to dig up some spuds and carrots this morning Zack, can you watch the boys for me?"

"Of course mum maybe they would like to help you." I grinned because I knew the last time they helped they nearly harvested the whole garden for her.

"No, just watch them so I can do the picking if you don't mind." She was very sure of that.

"Okay, then we will check the chicken coop for eggs."

"No stay inside Zack, I will do the coop. The kids love the hens but they don't love them back, too many strong hugs, and broken eggs." She winked.

I watched Book eat his pie with gusto. His grin was huge his dimples popped. I saw mum secretly smiling at him, it really was his favourite food. He had one piece left but was laying lashings of strawberry jam on a piece of toast. He had told me once that was his breakfast dessert.

"Boss did you see the seed the boys dropped off yesterday, we have to put it in a dry space sometime today they just left the bags outside." Doug was saying.

"No time like the present, come on gang." Book took his last piece of pie and called out.

"Troops fall in." Luck's ears pricked up and he slid down off mums' lap. Beetle did the same and Ava just followed the three men and two boys out the back door. They all marched, no waddled over to the barn and the men started storing bags of seed into it. The kids stood around looking at stones and generally jumping up and down because they knew when the guys were finished, they could go pet the horses. They were never allowed to go near any of the animals without Book or I being present.

After five minutes I heard Book shout another order and the three of them ran into the barn. I could hear yelling and screaming, I think the kids were delighted.

That was mums cue to go harvest some vegetables. I grabbed a bucket and followed. Hildy entertained herself by looking over some work on the computer. When I come back I noticed she was reading some notes on visits I had done the past week.

"You are doing too much Zack, you will crash and burn at this rate." I knew what she was talking about but what can I do. Understaffed, and no resources to fall back on in the country area, it's different in the cities. Hopefully, when aunty opens the soup kitchen there will be some volunteers that will take up some of the mundane stuff.

"Well there's no one else and next week will be about the same until I can get some backup, my mileage has been unbelievable. I know your workload is about the same Hildy, there aren't enough people to do it all, to make a difference."

"No, my workload isn't as big as yours and you know it, the cities are different Zack, we do have backup and we also have plenty of volunteers. The Salvation Army for one is a great source of help when we are overflowing."

"Well there's no chapter here baby, in fact, there's nothing to back us up. Matt and I do all we can, I try and concentrate on the Aboriginal side of things because Matt is needing a big break from it. It does get you bogged down, especially when people don't listen to what you are saying."

"Well, they will always do what they want Zack, if it doesn't suit them to change, they go walkabout and you don't see them until something else goes wrong with their lives."

"Exactly, my frustration gauge rises every time I have to deal with them, but I get it done. I would much rather get it done permanently but I just haven't got the time."

My phone rang as I was helping mum wash some carrots. She scooted outside again to gather the eggs. As I said the kids aren't so gentle with the chooks or the eggs. They break most of what they gather and while Books distracting them its a good time to do it.

"Hello, Zack speaking." I put the phone to my ear.

"Hi Zack it's Luke here, have you got an hour you can spare me?"

"Sure Lucas what's it about?"

"My patrolmen have found the body of a young unidentified Aboriginal man over by the dam, can you meet me there? maybe you can identify him."

"Sure I am on my way." I hung up and looked at Hildy.

"Want to come for a ride, a young man's body has been found. I have been summoned to try and identify him. If I don't try his body will sit in the morgue until his family decides that he's really missing, and that could take some time as you know."

"Fond memories Zack, and yes I will come for the ride."

I called out to mum that we were going to the dam area to meet Lucas we won't be long. I noticed one of the horses had been saddled and Book, with little Doug's help, was taking the three kids for a ride around the yard. My heart warmed as I heard them laughing uncontrollably, along with Books. I was right about Book he does make a perfect father for our boys.

We jumped in the car and I drove the three miles to the dam that fed the town with fresh water. It also did the settlements that were close by. The outer communities relied on wells to pump fresh underground water to their tanks. Hildy was asking all sorts of questions as we drove out there, mainly she wanted to know how many Aborigines were on the reserves. I told her it varies from month to month sometimes a hundred or so in each sometimes twenty or thirty people. It depended on the seasons of course. The Aborigines here tend not to stay in the one place they go "walkabout" quite often, always on the move, always being what their forefathers were, nomads.

I could see Lucas's patrol car and parked up in front of it. Lucas is the local police officer. He was a couple of classes up from Book and myself but a local bloke so everyone knew him. I think he hits the gym quite often and his uniform is always looking too small for him, so tight and hard-bodied, the tightness suited him to the max. We walked down a small path to the dam's edge where there was a body of a man about eighteen or nineteen laying semi naked face-up. He had bleeding from his mouth and a stab wound to his chest, the doctor who was with Lucas deemed it a murder.

I nearly threw up, this is the first body I have seen, so I wasn't prepared for it and turned to look at the bushland and took deep breaths to gather my composure. Hildy was rubbing my back and Lucas apologized for not thinking it would affect me.

"Do you recognize him, Zack?" He put his arm around my shoulder.

"Yes, I don't know his name but he belongs to Meena and her family, they are in the Wallara reserve about twenty miles that way." I pointed, but I don't know why I did that Lucas would know where it is.

"What the hell is he doing all the way out here?" The doctor asked.

"Maybe he went walkabout Doc, maybe he was driven here."

"He was Lucas, hi I'm Hildy."

"Sorry Hildy this is Lucas and this is Doc, guys my boss Hildy."

"Hi, pleased to meet you, Hildy, what makes you say he was driven here?"

"Well, there are drag marks in the soil over there which tells me someone dragged him down to the water's edge or he dragged himself. He was probably near death because he didn't make it get a drink."

"I see, anything else?"

"Yes foot tracks to the left of the car park, not on the road so he came in from the west, follow that track and you got your man or woman, he wouldn't have walked that far there have to be tire tracks somewhere where he drove or was dropped off." Hildy was mater or fact about it as if it happens all the time in her life. I know she probably would have come across plenty of bodies in her job but this is my first.

"Well that's the way into town, I will have a look as soon as we finish here." He walked over and Hildy showed him what she had found. He took plenty of photos.

"Are we nearly finished Doc?"

"Yes Lucas, I'll bag him up and get him to the coroner in Bendigo."

"Thank you, Zack and Hildy I will let you know how I get on, that was good tracking Hildy, do you want to help me catch a murderer?" He smiled at her.

Hildy out stared Lucas then eventually said.

"No Mr muscles I think you can handle that one all on your own, my boyfriend and I have more important work to do." She chuckled at his shocked face.

"I see, and when is the wedding Zack?" I groaned and replied.

"You will be the first to know Lucas, don't sweat it." I did chuckle to myself then.

When we arrived back home, mum was busy parboiling vegetables then she will freeze them to use later.

"How did you go?"

"Okay mum, the poor man had been stabbed. Where's Book and the kids?"

"On the sofa asleep Zack, didn't you see them when you passed by?"

"No mum."

I went to look and sure enough there they were asleep on the overstuffed sofa, Book had three babies in his arms. I noticed his eyelid opened a little.

"Put them to bed baby, I need to pee."

I took Lucky first, Hildy took Ava and moved her gently into the day cot we had erected in the small bedroom behind the kitchen, then I came back and got Beetle. All three kept sleeping, luckily we had brought a big cot, we felt the need to put Lucky in with Beetle just until he settled in.

I gently covered them up they were all tuckered out after their adventure into the farmyard.

Book stood up and went to the toilet, then he came back into the kitchen.

"I better go see what's doing with the boys, I didn't mean to fall asleep but the kids were tired." I made him have a coffee first then there was something I had to talk to him about in private.

I took his hand and led him up to the bedroom.

"What's this about Zack?"

I sat on the bed then I pulled his jeans down. Book got one of those wonderful jobs I knew he liked; I knew this because he didn't stop smiling at me.

"Thank you Zachy, I do love you so very much."

"Well suck on this just to confirm we are on the same page Book." I giggled as he took my member to his lips. Well seeing Luke today got me going if it wasn't for the body he found, this little thing with Book would have happened much earlier.

"I'll see you and the boys for afternoon tea Book." Mum sang out as Book started out the back door. She had scones cooking in the oven so I guess it will be a light afternoon tea and a big dinner tonight.

Hildy was onto her third coffee for the morning and sitting out on the front porch when I caught up with her.

"I have to go back in the morning are you going to be all right?"

"Yes, I'll be okay just get up here as soon as possible, the boys will miss Ava too."

"Well I can always move in with Jenny, she's got plenty of room to spare." She slightly grinned.

"Oh by the way Dexter has been calling again I think he wants you to do more talks. He said he would call you soon." She smiled because she has obviously done some sort of a deal with Dexter already.

"I don't know Hildy, the few I did were great and a lot of fun but I have so much work here. I probably won't find the time."

"I think he's thinking a three-minute pre-taped talk by you, any subject, something he can show his viewers once a week. Your time on air was very popular Zack, they had over one hundred and fifteen thousand hits on their catch up site, all on your spots."

"That many my god I thought no one would notice." I feigned shock, she doesn't know how computer savvy I am and had watched the episodes many times. Well, I was looking at Dexter I missed him sometimes.

When Book and I watched them I told him about Dex, he understood and said he had seen my spots when they aired, that's why he came to see me he couldn't lose me to a TV star. I was his to love and cherish not anyone else's. It warmed me to think that, but I wished he had told me at the time.

"Okay I will think about it, it actually sounds like fun."

"Well don't get into peoples heads boyfriend it might work against you."

"I know what you're saying Hildy, I will have a good think about it though."

"Teas on, come and get it," Mum called out she then banged an old oil drum at the back door to alert the boys.

We went to have a bite to eat, the boys came in and attacked the scones, Book had four put aside for himself, he blushed as he looked at me.

"When is he going to ring Hildy?" I continued our conversation.

"Soon boyfriend, he's talking to his bosses about it."

"What's that about Zack?"

"Dex wants me to do a weekly spot on his show, I can film it here and send it to him when it's done."

"Oh." It was a very quiet "Oh" so I suppose we have to talk about it tonight.

"When are you coming back, Hildy?" Sam was eager.

"In a couple of weeks, I might drive up for the soup kitchen opening."

"That's good, I wish I could help out too but too much to do around here, the boss and his missus keep me pretty busy."

"Oh for fuck's sake Sam, give it a rest." Book stared at him.

"Sorry boss just having a black man joking with you." I knew this guy was right up Hildy's alley he even talked like her.

"Sam, you can take some time off to go to the city if you like, you aren't stuck here permanently you know." I offered and wanted to kick this affair along a bit. I can help Book and Doug with the stock.

"You can stay at mine Sam. I have a spare bed." Hildy offered rather quickly.

"Can I really? that's awesome Miss Hildy thank you."

We bantered back and forth until it was time for the guys to get back to fixing some fences.

"See you later and thanks mum for the scones," Book said as he walked out the door with another one in his hand.

"Yes thank you mum, and wifey, get onto that interview as quickly as possible. It will be good for you and your husband to have separate interests other than the farm." Sam had to say.

"Sam!!" Book screamed from the back porch, the kids started crying looks like my peace and quiet is over. Mum Hildy and I went and took a baby each, I turned the TV on and they were placed on the sofa, when I looked five minutes later they were lined up on the floor, about two feet from the screen. Mum did some veggies then blended them to make a mash. Hildy fed Ava while mum an I fed the other two. It was pretty easy today because they weren't even aware they were being fed their least favourite foods.

"Do you want a hand with dinner mum?"

"No baby, I'm just doing spaghetti that's quick and easy, tomorrow I'll do a roast." Hildy gave mum a filthy look.

"Spaghetti, I get spaghetti as a farewell dinner, talk about being the poor bloody relative."

Mum laughed at her face.

"Jenny's bringing the roast, all we have to do is the veggies Hildy, don't get all dark and twisted on us, you will get your farewell dinner."

Hildy relaxed and of course, that slight smile appeared again.

Jenny and Antonio arrived around four, he was carrying a large roaster covered in tin foil and aunty went straight for Beetle. She smothered him in kisses then she did Lucky and Ava. She sat on the floor and pulled them around her and they watched more cartoons together while Ant and mum did the veggies.

We were at a loss as to what to do, so Hildy suggested we go to the barn and find the boys. As we went through the door we deemed them still out in the paddocks somewhere. We walked down past the horse stalls then I spotted Book leaning on a stall post just looking over it, he was deep in thought.

"I'll go back and organize the kids Zack, I think you need to be here alone." She spun on her heels and walked back to the house. I walked up to where Book was and placed my hand on his shoulder.

"Are you okay Book?"

"Yes just having a moment baby, we can go eat if you want."

"No, it can wait, let's stay here for a minute." I took him in my arms and gave him a big hug.

"Now tell me what's on your mind." I knew he had been thinking about his father and his abuse at his hands.

"It's just that it sometimes overwhelms me, when I look at you and Beetle I get angry at my father, who could ever hurt their children like that. What's going to happen to Lucky when he starts school the bullying will be relentless, and I can't be there to protect him."

"When Lucky and Beetle start school they will have loads of mates to protect them, and anyway they both are going to be lady killers with their good looks Book, they will be very popular I think."

"I just worry that's all, I worry about you too, are you doing the right thing putting your face and opinions on camera, a lot of people hate that sort of thing."

"Do you hate it Book?"

"Of course not."

"Then that's all that matters."


"But nothing, if I can help one-person Book I will. If it creates a string of abuse then I'm up for it. I have many papers with many stories in my files Book, there is almost an answer to just about everything in there." he stared at me and then he leaned in and kissed me.

"I can't wait to marry you Zachy." I returned his kisses three fold I even felt that stirring in my groin.

He was back to normal. We started for the house but before we reached the back door he spun me around and kissed me deeply once more.

"I think we need to go camping again soon, you know to get out of here for a night, get rid of the cobwebs." I smiled at him.

"Yes Zachy that would be great, let's do it on the weekend."

"You're on buddy." I smiled and kissed him again then we went inside.

The guys were already at the table and Sam had Ava on his lap feeding her some roast potato. Aunty had Beetle and mum had Lucky.

"We will start in a minute Zack just getting the kids out of the way."

"What can I do?" Book offered.

"Go sit with Ant and watch the news on TV," Aunty said.

She said the magic word and three sets of eyes stared at her, then the moaning started.

"Looks like we are getting, company." I laughed as he ran into the lounge room to secure a good seat.

I don't think the kids liked the news too much because they found some toys to play with while Book and Ant bonded over some old boring news broadcast.

After the big meal we said our goodbyes to Hildy and Ava and I spied a small lingering cheek kiss from Sam for both of them. Book rode with them to the farm gate then saw them safely through. After locking it he then jogged back to us.

We were all stuffed by eight and when Hildy rang to say she got back safely we decided to go shower and get into bed. It was an uneventful night and we slept through to five am when Book had to get up and start his day.

It was a nice sunny day today, and as mum pottered around the house Book and the boys went to check stock, feed, and water. I sat in front of the computer and looked over what I had to do for the week. It was full on I usually worked Tuesday Wednesday and Thursdays. I did start out doing the five days but Book put a stop to that quick smart. What you can't do this week you can do next week, was his reasoning. He was right but he didn't figure in urgent cases that needed my immediate attention.

Thank god there wasn't any today because I wanted to start on Dexter's three-minute spots. I answered emails, signed off on some home help and read my colleague Mathew's reports. He had been at the party and had a great time. I have no issues with his professionalism and like me, he had energy to burn; at the moment.

I slipped on a nice pale blue business shirt and a tie to match then turned the computer camera on. I made sure I looked good on the screen then I started my first of many TV spots.

I started with child abuse a subject close to my heart.

I talked about an example, a child slapped in the face and told they are stupid and useless will carry those memories all its life. Don't ever make the mistake of thinking the child won't remember because in my experience we all remember the bad things, hardly ever the good things. Some things stand out more than others. That deliberate trip your father did to you, the wet bed you are forced to sleep in every night, no lunches for school.

Blah blah

I was drained as I again got on my high horse and dictated to parents how to treat their children. I nearly deleted it several times but left it so I could think some more. If Dex thinks it will be too heavy, I will do it again. By the time I had finished, it was nearly lunchtime. I went to chase up my kids and mum, they were on a safari in the yard. Mum was getting them out of the house for some sunshine and fresh air, they would have already looked at the horses, that was always their first stop. Then the chicken coop, then the paddock where some cattle had grouped to drink some water.

They ran up to me both wanting to be picked up, so I swooped them both into my arms and gave them plenty of kisses. I know one thing with my boys they will never have any regrets and I will make sure they remember all the good times because there will not be any bad ones; no regrets is my motto. Maybe that would be a good name for this farm.

"Do you want me to do lunch mum?"

"No its all done son, all I have to do is warm it up. Can you take the boys for a while and I will get onto it straight away?"

"Sure, now what have you seen and what do you want to see?" I looked at both of them. They both pointed to the corral where the horses were.

"Okay, more horses it is." So I walked back to the stables and spent a half hour watching the boys run up to the fence, then point at the horses then run back to me giggling. They didn't actually run they quickly waddled, luckily there was some lawn around the enclosure because their little legs did get tangled up some, so many times they fell down, and I dusted them off laughing.

I had put the video aside and will wait for Dexter to ring me, in the meantime this week the soup kitchen will open.


I have returned to finish off some loose ends. Please bear with me because this one will be a slow upload. Thank you all for reading my stories. Your mate Maxie

Next: Chapter 9

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