Bookstore Beauty

By RimPig (RimPigFL, Bobby Michaels) (Of Blessed Memory)

Published on Sep 13, 2002



Disclaimer: This is an absolutely true story. It did really happen to me. I haven't had to change the names because it was so long ago. Just read it and enjoy. Don't worry about it. This incident is a little sleazy, but I think by now my regular readers know that there is a large part of me that is into sleaze.

BOOKSTORE BEAUTY by RimPig (c) 2002

It was a ratty adult bookstore, but it was 'hot'. Lots of men came there to find quick sexual fulfillment of an afternoon or evening. The place had about 20 booths in the 'backroom'. They showed XXX movies. Some of the booths were small - barely 4 foot wide. But those were the booths that had 'glory holes' in them. I could easily back my ass up onto a cock sticking through one glory hole in the booth, bend over and suck another cock coming through the glory hole in the other side of the booth.

Through an archway, on the other side of the building was a bunch of booths that were a good deal larger (more than twice the size, with no glory holes) where you could really get comfortable - or hold a multi-male orgy. Those booths, however saw more action at night than in the afternoons when I liked to stop by.

Afternoons were great because a lot of 'blue-collar' men stopped by after work for a quick blow- job and I have this 'thing' for blue-collar guys - especially when they are all hot and sweaty from work. By this time, you who have read my stories know how much I love the smell of the natural scents that come from a male's body! Sometimes, one of these 'construction husbands' would even bend me over in one of the larger booths, shove his fat, workingman cock up my well-lubed hole and fuck me until I could barely stand up!

Anyway, you get the picture.

One afternoon I'm standing around just watching all the guys playing "musical booths". Seemed like nobody was getting who or what they wanted and they kept trying to change booths to change their luck, I guess. I sometimes got a kick out of this behavior because it really didn't make a lot of sense - except to somebody playing the game. Each booth had the same selection of movies. Each booth was about the same size. Each booth had two glory holes in them - except for the two end booths which only had one. So what would changing your booth accomplish?

Well, actually, a couple of things. First of all, it could give you a view of somebody who came in while you were in the booth - if they didn't go into a booth themselves yet - in other words, fresh meat! Or, you could just stand against the wall, like I was, and size up the available meat or the competition for the available meat. Or you could change to another booth next to where some delectable piece of meat was. Or you could change booths to get away from someone who you didn't want to have anything to do with.

So I'm just standing there, leaning against the wall, watching all of this going on and smoking a cigarette. I haven't really seen any 'meat' that's made me 'hungry' and there seems to be an awful lot of competition (cocksuckers) in there that day. So I just kind of figured that I would eventually go into the other area, into the larger, more comfortable, more private booths and watch a movie, jack off and go home. Maybe try again tomorrow. After all, I'd had really good days and really bad days in there. I knew my luck would turn around soon. I just didn't realize how soon!

As I stood there finishing my cigarette, into the backroom walked what must have been one of the most beautiful boys I'd ever seen in my life. One of those very manly, boy/men who acted very straight. He stood for a few moments looking at the listing of films playing and then walked over to where the small booths were. The sexual tension in the place raised to about the 10th power! Everybody saw the beauty that had stumbled into their midst. And the shark in all the predators came out.

I figured that, what with the number of hungry sharks in the place, and this kid's physical beauty, there was no chance for me in this feeding frenzy. So I just decided to watch what was going to happen.

The kid first walked into an unoccupied booth that had it's door open. He closed the door and the two booths on either side of his immediately filled with eager cocksuckers. But it didn't do them any good. The kid quickly came back out. He'd evidently seen the glory holes and I guessed it just wasn't his scene. I thought he just wanted a little privacy. He tried several other booths in the double row only to find that they all had glory holes in them. After trying the last of them, I saw him come out, shaking his head in disgust. Evidently, some offer had been made to him through the hole which he didn't like.

Then he did the most surprising thing of all. He walked over to where I was standing against the wall and used the oldest opening line in the world.

"Could I bum a cigarette from you?" he asked.

"Sure!" I said, digging the pack out of my pocket. "I gotta warn you, they're menthol."

I had taken to saying this because a lot of guys don't like menthol cigarettes and there was no use getting their hopes up if that was the case.

"That's ok. That's what I usually smoke." the boy said, accepting a light from me as well.

He didn't really looked like he smoked all that often. Looked like a football player to me. Let me describe him to you. He stood about 6 foot tall. He had what they call 'dirty blond' hair which was long - down to his shoulders. But what fucking shoulders! Broad and heavily muscled with arms to match. A chest the stuck out like an awning over a store window it was so heavily built and which tapered to a smaller, tight waist. His legs, what I could see in his tight jeans, were magnificent. Thick thighs and even well developed calf muscles that stretched the fabric of the pants. His crotch showed a large mound of manhood but no way to tell what was balls and what was cock. Whatever was behind that zipper, though - there was a fuck of a lot of it! Last, but not least - since it is always what I look at first, he had deep blue eyes set above a really cute pug nose which was above a pair of what looked to be soft and very kissable lips. When he smiled, the angels sang! What a smile! White straight teeth and a sparkle in his eye that went through your brain, down your spinal column and ended up causing your dick to twitch!

I stood there next to him trying to figure out what was up. The kid couldn't be interested in me! Better not misread this and get my hopes up. I just figured he wanted some 'protection' from the sharks. As long as he was talking to me and we were smoking together, the unwritten law was that they left us alone. I saw the looks that we were getting from them. I'm glad looks can't kill because I would not be sharing this memory with you. If that's what the kid needed, protection, a break from the relentless pursuit of his body, then I was glad to give it to him. It was the least I could do. God knows! It was the least I wanted to do!

"Crowded in here, isn't it." his deep voice startled me for a second out of my reverie.

"Yeah. Lot's of lonely guys. Seems like they all decided to come in here today." I said.

"You come here often?" the kid asked.

He said it seriously. I don't think he even realized that in less than 3 minutes he'd already used two of the oldest come-on lines there were.

"Yeah, pretty often." I replied.

"I've never been here before. I heard about it from some guys. I wish there was a place that was a little more 'private', ya know?" he said.

"Well, through that alcove there are larger booths that are completely private. No holes in the wall." I told him, understanding what he was driving at.

"Great." he said, and then gave me a shy kind of a smile. "Do you think you could show me?"

I thought my fuckin' heart was gonna drop into my shoes! Could I 'show' him? Fuck! I could show him the way to heaven!

"Sure!" I said, trying desperately to keep the eagerness out of my voice. "Be glad to."

I lead the way through the alcove and into one of the larger booths. I walked in and he followed me. I reached past him and slammed the door right in the face of one of the sharks who had followed behind, hoping to horn in on the 'treasure'. I locked the door to make sure we weren't disturbed.

The kid just stood there, still lookin' beautiful and I sat down on one of the folding chairs facing the view screen. The screen gave off enough light to see by while it waited for one of us to drop quarters in it to play the movies. The kid sat down in the other chair and looked real nervous. I was starting to get the impression that he was very new to all of this - if not a virgin! Now that thought really scared me! I didn't want the responsibility for somebody's introduction into sex - especially in a fuckin' booth of a dirty bookstore!

"There's nothin' to be scared of. I'm not going to hurt you. In fact I'm not going to do anything to you at all, if that's what you want." I said.

"Why would you think that?" he asked.

"Well...I'm a bit older than you are and I just figure that maybe you got yourself into something when you came in this bookstore that was a little more than you wanted to handle and are trying to figure out a way to get off and just get out of here without getting eaten alive out there. Am I anywhere near right?" I asked him.

"'re right about out there. I don't want to have sex with somebody where other people can watch. I'm not into that. And I guess you're right about me not being ready for what I found in here." he smiled sheepishly at me.

"Hey! No big deal! We all had to start somewhere. There was a first time in a place like this for all of us." I smiled back.

"Thanks." he said.

"So what I can't figure is....why did you pick me?" I know I shouldn't have asked, but I had to know.

"Well...for one thing - you didn't chase me like the rest of them." he said.

"Didn't figure I had any chance. Didn't want to waste the energy." I told him.

"And there was something about you that seemed...well...nice. You weren't pushy like the rest of them." he said.

"Listen, I'm Bobby, what's your name?" I said, reaching over and offering my hand.

"Brian." he said, taking my hand in his.

God! What a huge hand! I hoped what they say about that holds true! He gave me a firm handshake but didn't try to crush my hand in his - though God knows, he could have.

"Well, Brian, why don't you tell me what you'd like to do, if anything."

"I don't really know. I mean this isn't my first time with another guy or anything, but it is my first time in a place like this - and with a guy I don't know." he said.

Thank God! Not a virgin!

"Well, let me put it another way then. What do you like to do with the other guys you've been with. What did you want to do when you came in here today?" I asked.

"I really didn't know. I haven't done a whole lot before." he said, almost like he was ashamed of his inexperience.

"Hey, that's ok. Like I said, we all gotta start someplace. Let me ask you this. Have you ever had your cock sucked?" I figured I better start at the beginning.

"Fuck, yeah! I liked that a lot!" he exclaimed. Now we were getting somewhere.

"You and just about every other male on the planet." I laughed.

He smiled.

"Ok, have you ever sucked a cock?" I asked, going a bit deeper.

"Yeah, a few times. It was cool." he said. I could tell that he much preferred to be sucked but was willing to make it mutual.

"Ok, now let's go for Round 3! Ever fucked a guy?" I asked.

" I wanted to try but I've never been with a guy that would let me. I'm pretty big." he said.

'No shit, kid!' I thought to myself, looking at the growing bulge in his jeans.

"Then I take it you've never been fucked either." I said.

"No. I don't think I'm ready for that yet. I think it must really hurt." he said.

" can the first time, if you don't know what you're doing and the guy you're with doesn't know what he's doing. But after a while, it just feels good. Ok, now the bonus round! Ever been rimmed?" I asked.

"What's that?" he asked, genuinely perplexed.

"Ahh...that means having your ass licked or sucked on." I said.

"No!" he exclaimed, his blue eyes lighting up in wonder. "I've never even heard of that!"

"Well some guys think it's nasty, until somebody swipes their tongue into their ass - and then their moaning and screaming for more!" I laughed.

"It really feels good?" he asked.

"It really feels good!" I assured him.

" ever done that to a guy?" he asked shyly, evidently afraid of insulting me.

"I've been doing that since I was 14 years old! I love to do that!" I told him enthusiastically.

His eyes lit up. I guess he figured if I liked it that much, it was ok to ask me to do it to him - and it certainly was!

"So I tell you what, Brian. You have got to be one of the most beautiful young men I've ever seen. Why don't you take off your clothes and let me see your body and let me worship it for you? I'll do anything you want and you don't have to do anything you don't want to do. In fact, you don't have to do anything except sit there and let me make you feel good." I told him.

"That would be great." he said.

"By the way, how many times can you get off?" I asked. I like to know before I let him off too quick.

"I can usually cum at least three times." he said.


"Ok. Well let's see if we can't make that 3 times in three different ways? Ok?" I said.

"Cool!" he said as he began to pull of his t-shirt revealing that incredibly beautiful smooth chest.

He slipped off his loafers and then his jeans. Good boy! He wasn't wearing underwear! His cock was hard and dripping pre-cum already as it slapped up against his hard abs. My God! It had to be at least 10 inches long and thick! Cut, but you can't have everything.

One thing that surprised me was he asked me to take off all my clothes, too. This was a very good sign because I wanted more than anything to feel that hard pile-driver between his legs up my ass before this was over. Luckily, I always cleaned out and lubed before coming to the bookstore. You just never knew what you were going to run into.

When I got naked, he reached out and very gently stroked my cock. I let him for a few moments but then I pulled out of his hand and walked behind where he sat in the chair. I guess he expected me to go right down on his cock. I could imagine that all the boy-sex he'd had was exactly that - boys. Boys his own age who didn't really know any subtlety to sex or really how to please another male. I was going to show Brian just exactly what a very experienced male slut could do with a body like his!

I started by gently massaging his temples with my fingers. I told him to just close his eyes and relax, that I wanted to relax him and then build him up slowly. As I ran my fingers through his long hair and massaged his scalp, he began to moan. Evidently, Brian had never had anyone really touch his body like this. It made me more determined to show him the best time of his life.

Moving down to his neck and shoulders, I was overwhelmed by his musculature. He truly was magnificent! As I worked at getting him relaxed, my hands luxuriated in his soft skin over those blue-steel muscles. I let my hands reach forward and massaged his pec's from behind. He surprised me by raising his arms and reaching around behind him and gently stroking whatever part of my body they could reach. I gently pinched at his nipples and I heard him grunt and felt him tense at the feelings.

I moved my hands up into his armpits. I leaned down around his arms and took a deep whiff of his scent there. Ahh! Sweaty young male! One of the most wonderful scents in the world! I then began to lick into the tuft of dark blond hair there. Brian moaned but reached up and held my head, pushing my nose and mouth firmly into his pit. I began moaning at that point, letting him know how much I appreciated the taste and smell of his sweat.

Next I moved down to the pec just below and to the nipple that was already beginning to harden. I locked my lips around it and began to suck and nip at it with my teeth. Again, Brian started moaning and he continued to hold my head in his hand and press my face to his chest.

I moved away from him for a second and he looked up at me, like he wondered what was wrong? Why did I stop? I smiled at him to let him know everything was ok and going according to my master plan! I moved in front of him and got down on my knees, pushing him back in the chair with my hands against his chest. I dipped my face down and began to lick at his abs and into his belly-button. I felt the muscles clench in his gut as he felt my warm, wet licker bathing his abs. I licked lower and found myself with my nose pressed in his soft, blond pubic hair. It was exactly where I wanted to find my nose! God! The scent of young, rutting, sweating male swirled up into my brain and I was as high as a hit from the bottle of poppers I held in my hand.

Ignoring his cock, which was standing up and leaking cock-honey like a broke faucet, I moved down between his legs to his balls. Whew! They wreaked of balls-sweat and musk. The scent of him was powerful here and I was soon licking all over his tight, wrinkled nut-sack as he moaned and reached down, pressing my head harder against his nuts with his large hand. I love when a man takes control that way and, let me tell you - despite his age (which I had guess right at 18) this was no boy! This was a man! That weapon standing up above me was pure proof of that, even if his taking charge wasn't. He knew what he wanted and he was going to get it! And it was going to be my pleasure to give him all that he could take!

I decided that I'd left his cock alone long enough. I started licking slowly up his shaft, feasting on the dripping cock-honey that was flowing from his piss-slit. I reached the head of his cock and pressed my lips over the piss-slit and began licking out all the cock-honey there and making him moan all the louder from my moving tongue. Slowly I allowed his cock to enter my mouth, sliding down it while my tongue caressed it in rhythmic movements which made him thrust into me, trying to bury more and more of his weapon in my hot, sucking mouth.

I buried his cock as deep as I could, until I had this head resting at the top of my throat. Then I leaned forward, swallowing and forced his cock into the muscular sheath of my throat. I kept going until my nose was once again buried in his soft pubic hair and I was again breathing his sweat and rut. He groaned at the feeling of my throat squeezed around his cock.

"Fuck! Nobody's ever taken all of it!" he exclaimed and I could feel him moving around above me trying to get a good view of his cock buried to the hilt in my sucking throat. Of course all he could see were my lips wrapped around the base of his cock and my nose pressed into his pubic hair, but this seemed to please him to no end.

Finally having to come up for air, I moved up his cock until my lips were barely locked around the corona of his cock-head and then I plunged back down, burying him in my throat again. I was giving him very much the experience of a good fuck in my ass. A foretaste (though he didn't know it at the time) of things to come! I did this several times and I knew that it was all that he could take. He'd been hard almost the whole time since he came in the bookstore and I figured he probably had started getting hard in the car on the way there in anticipation. Too long for someone so young. He needed to get off and get off now!

I felt his orgasm building and I buried his cock in my throat one more time. I felt it swell and knew that he was about to blow. I let his first shot of cum start in my throat but quickly pulled my head up so that more and more of his creamy manjuice would go into my mouth. I wanted to taste his cum - not just swallow it. He shot again and again. I must have taken at least a dozen heavy loads of his young cum. He finally stopped shooting and slumped in the chair, his cock still in my mouth. Strangely enough, he'd been rather silent during his orgasm, only little grunts escaping during each shot of jism. I figured that he didn't want everyone in the place to know what was going on. Like they wouldn't!

I continued to nurse on his cock, which never went soft. In fact, I couldn't have told that he'd just shot his load if I hadn't swallowed it myself! I reached up and began stroking and tickling his balls and his cock was instantly as hard as it had been when he came. I finally pulled off for a minute and looked up into his deep blue eyes.

" was that?" I asked.

"That was incredible!!!" he exclaimed. "Nobody has ever gotten me off like that! Nobody's ever been able to take all of my cock before! You are incredible!"

And saying this, he reached down and ruffled my hair. It was a very sweet and endearing thing to do. I smiled back at him.

"And that was only number one!" I told him.

He grinned.

"And what do you have in mind for number 2?" he asked.

"Funny you should put it that way..." I said and he looked at me funny.

I leaned down and began to lick the inside of his massive thighs. There was very little hair and the taste of his sweat on the skin made me eager for the feast that I knew was coming - his butt! The next orgasm was going to be with my tongue in his ass. I slowly licked and nibbled on the inside of each of his thighs and then began licking his nuts again. They had slackened in their sack somewhat until I started licking them again. Then they drew back up tight against the base of his cock. I reached up and grabbed his legs under the knees and lifted. He raised his legs and naturally scooted forward in the chair. I began to lick the underside of his balls and down onto the patch of skin just between his balls and his ass.

As I did, the powerful scent of his ass began to assault my nose and the dark muskiness of it was driving me insane! I pushed his legs further up and his ass trench was finally revealed to me. It was all but hairless but the aroma that filled the air was pure male ass! Sweat, musk, assjuice - it all combined to create a robust and heady mixture that was the delight of every ass-freak, like myself. I buried my nose in his ass trench and inhaled deeply of the scent. I couldn't get enough of it! I didn't want to start licking right away because I didn't want to erase this wonderful scent too quickly.

Finally, I couldn't resist any longer. I had to taste his ass! I had to experience the tang of his ass musk and the saltiness of the sweat there. I began to slowly drag my tongue through the trench and the feelings began to register on his brain because he began to moan louder and louder as my tongue approached it's ultimate desire - his virgin hole! I licked around and around that tiny pink puckered opening as he continued to howl out his homage to my rimming talents. But it was time for me to go for my prize! The real treasure! I locked my lips to his anal opening and began sucking at the hole while, at the same time, my tongue point began to spear into the hole, trying to open it enough for my tongue to slip inside and to finally taste the inside of this luscious male.

It took a while, lots of licking and lots of sucking but finally I had his tight, virgin hole open enough that my tongue was deep inside him and licking out the dark, tart tastes of his beautiful ass. He began stroking his cock as I sucked on his butt and it wasn't long before I felt his orgasm approaching. I could feel it in the trembling of the muscles of his asslips as they pulsed around my digging tongue. Finally, with a deep grunt, his ass muscles locked around my tongue to the point that I thought they were going to chew it right off! I could feel each shot of cum as it exited his cum-tube because each blast would tighten his butt around my probing tongue.

When he was through cumming, his was covered with the white product of his nuts. I lowered his legs and, kneeling up and over his body, began to lick up his cum from his chin down to his hand which still held his hard cock. It took me a few minutes, but when I was finished, not a drop of semen remained anywhere on his body. He looked down at me and grinned.

"Damn!!! That was incredible! Fuck! You told me that would feel good - and it sure did! I don't know if I could lick some guy's ass like that, but I sure liked having it done!" he exclaimed.

"I'm glad. Like I told you, I love doing it. And you have a beautiful ass to eat!" I assured him.

We just grinned at each other. Him, sitting in the chair and me on my knees below him. Finally that position got to be a little too much for me and I carefully raised up and sat in the other chair.

"Can you still make three?" I asked.

I was looking at his cock which hadn't gone soft yet. I figured he wasn't bragging about his ability, but I wanted to make sure.

"As good as the first two were, I can't wait to see what you've got in store for that!" he said.

I wished, not for the first time, that I had this hunk home in a bed and not the stall of an adult bookstore. But, beggars can't be choosers - or something like that! I knew that I had to have this stud fuck me! I was cleaned out. I was well lubed up and I had poppers - what more could a man ask for! I guessed it was going to be standing up, leaned over one of the chairs.

I got on my knees again and took his cock into my mouth. I covered it with as much saliva as I could then stood up and leaned over the chair, presenting my ass to him.

"I think you can figure out what I want." I said, looking him in the eyes.

"You want me to fuck you?!" he exclaimed.

He was surprised, but I saw that look of a predator in his eyes! His first piece of tail - literally. Yes, he was a man and a man fucks! And he was going to fuck me! As far as I was concerned, he could fuck the ass right off me!

He stood up and got behind me. I could feel his fingers running up and down the trench of my ass trying to find my hole. I reached back and guided his finger to it and he pressed forward. His finger sunk deep into my ass and he moaned at the heat and wet he found there. He quickly tried to line up his cock and force it inside when I reached back and grabbed hold of it.

"Whoa! Let's take this a little slow. That's a big fucking weapon you've got there! You've got to let a guy take it slow and get used to it." I told him.

"I'm sorry!" he apologized, almost like a little boy who'd been caught stealing. It was cute.

"That's ok. Just let me get you started here and let me move back on it at my own pace. You just hold still and let me move back to you." I instructed him.

I placed the head of his cock at my hole and slowly began to press back. The head popped through my sphincter and I heard him gasp. I stopped and allowed my ass to get used to the idea of having this monster shoved up it. As I relaxed, I began to slowly move back, taking more and more of his rod into my sheath. When I finally felt his pubic hair against my butt hole, we both moaned at finally having him all inside me. I reached back and grabbed his hips to hold him there for a little while so my chute could get really used to this huge fucker up my guts. Then I pushed him back slightly until he got the idea and then I let go.

His first few strokes were tentative, but as the feelings increased and my moans made it obvious that I was not in pain but in heaven, Brian began to fuck my ass like he did it every day of his life! He pounded my hole, he moved his cock around so that he hit damn near every place in my hole. He fucked me with short, rabbit thrusts and long, deep-dick thrusts. Finally he just was pounding my hole harder and harder until I knew that I was about to shoot my load.

"Brian, God! That feels so good! Brian, I'm gonna cum! I can't stop it, you're fucking cock feels so good!" I moaned.

My orgasm and the clenching of my shit-chute around his cock set him off as well. He buried his cock in my butt one more time and I could feel the pulsing of his cock as he shot volley after volley of young-man spoonge deep in my guts.

He clung to my back as we came down from our sexual high. I could feel the sweat of his body drenching mine and smell the scent of our fuck and both our bodies. I wish I could have bottled the fragrance! I would have made a fortune!

We sat there naked, catching our breath. We talked some. I told him about the baths and how to find them. I told him about some of the protocol there so he wouldn't get into trouble and then he dressed and he was gone.

I never saw him again. I really didn't expect to. It was just my lucky day.


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