Bookstores and Glory Holes

By Jonathan Seagull

Published on Dec 22, 2002


DISCLAIMER: This story is about true experiences I've had in my life. It contains descriptions of gay sexual activity between men. If you are not over 18 years of age, or if you find this type of story offensive, or if viewing this material is illegal where you are, then please DON'T READ IT! If you choose to read it, then please enjoy! This is the first chapter in a series, so watch for more chapters to come.

Bookstores and Glory Holes

Chapter 1 - My First Visit to an Adult Bookstore

A little about my background

I figured out at a very young age that I was gay, however, I have remained pretty much in the closet all of my life. Even now, as an adult I am still in the closet. Very few people know I'm gay.

I was extremely fortunate as a teenager to discover that my best friend was gay too. We'd known each other since we were nine, and spent a lot of time together, both at school, and at home.

One night, when we had both just turned 14, I was sleeping over at his house. We raided his father's stash of porn magazines, as we'd done many times in the past. Up in his room we read them, and of course both got hardons. We both had sweat pants on that we were going to sleep in. We had never done anything together, hell we hadn't even ever seen each other naked before! We had however, both admitted to each other that we jerked off.

So there we were, reading Penthouse magazines, both trying to conceal our tenting crotches from one another. Finally, he couldn't stand it and had to jack off. He jumped under the covers. Once there, he pulled his sweat pants down and began flogging his log. I couldn't stand it either, so I did the same thing. He had a double bed - so I was laying right next to him, as we both jerked off under the covers. Finally, he stopped and said, "This is stupid, we might as well not have the blankets over us, besides they'll get all messy." I agreed, so we pushed the blankets back and laid there next to each other staring at each other's hard dicks.

He never asked, he just said "Wow!" and reached over and gripped my hard cock in his hand. It felt great - so I did the same to him. He started jacking me off, and I followed suit. We didn't stop till we'd both splattered cum all over our bellies.

Still a little embarassed, we cleaned ourselves up, and read some more - although we'd never put our clothes back on. It didn't take long, and we were both hard again. He told me he wanted to try something. Then he spun around and I had his stiff dick in my face, with mine in his. Suddently, I felt him start sucking my cock. That was my first blow job! Damn - it felt great! So I started sucking his cock too. We never stopped - just kept it up till he stopped long enough to tell me he was gonna shoot. I pulled his dick out of my mouth, just as he fired a shot of cum that splattered against my neck. He was still sucking me. That, combined with him ejaculating all over me, caused me to shoot too. I managed to tell him just in time. He got a face full though.

We both laughed as we cleaned ourselves off. Afterward, we talked and told each other we were gay. We sucked each other off 2 or 3 more times that night.

After that first night together, he and I had a very active, and experimental, sex-life all throughout our high school years, getting together almost everyday for sex, but that's not what this story is about.

Unfortunately for me, my gay sexual experiences stopped when my friend went away to college. In fact, he has since moved across the country, and I've completely lost touch with him.

Once he was gone, I was left with only straight sex with my girlfriends (remember - I was in the closet). Sex with girls was OK, and I always got off, but I was always left wishing I had my boyfriend back. Sex with him was the best!

The city I live in has a few Adult Bookstores. They've been there as long as I can remember. It took me a couple years, once I was old enough to get in them, to consider going into one. I never thought too much about them, until my friend was gone, and I ended up breaking up with one of my girlfriends. Once I paid my first visit though, my life was changed forever! I was immediately hooked, and have been visiting them for over 20 years now! That's what this story is all about. I'm going to tell you about many of the memorable experiences I have had in the backrooms of the Adult Bookstores I've been to...

My first visit to an Adult Bookstore!

One night when I was 20 years old, I was alone, bored, and rather horny. I hadn't had sex in about 3 weeks, other than for jacking off in the shower or bed. My last girlfriend and I had split up, and I had no prospects of finding a new one immediately. I was supposed to meet some friends (straight guys I worked with) in a couple hours for a few beers. But I had nothing to do till then.

I was driving around, not knowing what to do, when I drove past one of the Adult Bookstores in town. Its bright neon sign was lit, and there were a few cars in the parking lot. For whatever reason, I turned into the parking lot, and parked. I could feel my heart rate increasing, and my cock beginning to expand in my pants, even though I had no idea what to expect inside. I got out of the car, locked it, and walked up to the door. "It's now or never!" I thought to myself and I pulled the door open and stepped inside!

Of course there was another interior door to open into the store, so again I thought "OK - this time it's really now or never!" I opened this door too, and stepped inside what looked like a bookstore, only the books and magazines I saw all had naked women on them.

There were racks of them against the walls, and set up in the middle of the shop. I noticed they were in sections, according to category. I noticed a couple of older guys browsing, and to the left of the door in the corner, was a counter with cash register on it, and another guy behind it. To his left, along the wall was a selection of dildos, and other assorted sex toys. Beyond that were racks of videos for sale. Next to them was a doorway into a back room - it had beads hanging from the top of the doorway, like from back in the 60's. It looked dark in the back. Over the door was a sign "Movies". Nobody looked at me, or seemed to notice I was there, so I decided to browse a little and check things out.

I walked slowly around looking at the magazines. These were a lot different from PentHouse - all hard core! On the back wall, to the right of the door was a section of gay porn magazines. My dick came to attention, as my eyes riveted on the picture on the cover of one, where a young blonde guy was sucking off a big dark-haired guy who was wearing a cowboy hat. Damn - those two looked hot. I moved a little left, and was near the doorway with the beads. There was a sign, "Movie machines take U.S. Quarters ONLY! See the Clerk for change!" I peered between the beads, through the doorway into a dark wide hallway with rows of doors on each side of it. On each door was a small poster behind a sheet of plexiglass. There was an orange light over each door - 3 were lit.

"Ya gotta have quarters for the machines!" I heard the clerk call loudly. I spun around, redfaced. He smirked a little. "Ya need change?" he asked. I walked over and said "Yeah!" "How much ya want?" he asked. I hesitated, not knowing what to say. Just then another guy walked up and said "I'll take $3.00 worth while he thinks about it." He smiled at me, as the clerk gave him $3.00 worth of quarters for 3 singles the he handed him. The clerk looked back to me, so I quickly croaked "I'll take $3.00 too." He smirked as he gave me the quarters for the bills I handed him. I followed the other guy back to the beaded doorway and saw him enter a booth on the right. I heard a quarter drop in the machine inside and the light over the door lit up. I entered the room, and looked at the posters on the doors.

Each door had two posters on them, one straight and one gay. They were labeled "A" and "B". I wandered down the hall and went to the second to last door on the left. There were no lights lit on any doors back there on the left. So I went in, and closed the door. On one wall was two coin machines, one labeled "A", the other "B". There was a bench in the back of the booth, and a mirror up over it. It was rather dark. I remembered that the gay movies were labeled "B" - so I put a quarter in the machine labeled "B" and was accosted by a bright light from a movie projector shining from the mirror, into my eyes, I ducked and spun around and sat on the bench and realized that the movie was being projected from up in the ceiling, onto the mirror, which bounced the image to a white board on the back of the door. I stared in amazement as one guy was fucking another guy up the ass in the movie! I had never seen a gay film before! I was instantly hard! As I watched, I rubbed my cock through my pants.

A couple minutes later the film stopped. I realized I needed to put another quarter in. I did, and it started up where it left off. I began to look around the booth a bit, after my initial amazement with the film had worn off. I saw messages penned on the white board, all offering sex, and giving a phone number or saying to meet there on such and such a date. I also saw a round hole in the center of the wall to my left. It was about three inches in diameter, and was about 3 - 3-1/2 feet up the wall off the floor. It opened into the booth next to mine. Curiously I peered through it into the empty booth next to me. I wondered what it was for. I figured it was so guys could spy on each other.

I had to put another quarter in. Then another. Just after I'd put the fourth quarter in, I heard someone enter the booth to my left. A quarter was dropped in his machine. Then a moment later, the most gorgeous hard dick I'd ever seen poked through the hole in the wall next to me! I was dumbfounded. Suddenly it hit me, that was what the holes were for! The cock poking through the hole twitched up and down a couple times as the guy must've squeezed his sphincter to make it bob up and down. It looked to be about the same length as mine - 6-1/2" - 7" long, it wasn't thick or thin, just right. And, it was circumsized, again, like me. It was beautiful. It bobbed up and down again. Finally I reached out and touched it. It jumped when it felt my touch, and seemed to push into my booth even farther. I grasped the cock in my hand gently, and began to masturbate guy. I heard an audible sigh, and a slight thud against the opposite side of the wall, up about where his head would be.

I had to let it go a minute, to put another quarter in. When I did this, the guy pulled his cock back and I heard him whisper "Show me your's now". So I unzipped my jeans and produced my cock and stuck it through the hole. Instantly I felt the guy grasp it. Then, I was surprised to feel his mouth slide over it, and he began sucking me off. God it felt great! I just leaned into the wall, shoving my cock through as far as I could, plastering myself against the wall, while the guy next to me sucked me off.

After a half minute or so - he stopped. I waited. He gripped my dick and pushed gently. I stepped back, and suddenly his cock was sticking back through the hole. I squatted down and opened my mouth, and pushed forward, swallowing his entire dick in my mouth. I heard the guy press up against the wall, as I sucked up and down his rigid pole. I stopped in a half minute - to put another quarter in the machine. The cock disappeared and I saw lips near the hole. He whispered "Unlock your door, I'm coming over!"

Excitedly I unhooked the door, and in a couple seconds, it opened and a guy slipped into my booth and closed and locked the door behind him. When he turned around, I found myself staring at a guy a couple inches shorter than me, who looked 18, if even that. He had beautiful wavy, light blond, short-cut hair, and his face was smooth. I doubted he could grow a beard if he wanted to. He was damned cute!

No sooner was he in my booth, than he unbuckled his belt, unfastened his corderoys and dropped them to his knees. I could see his cock tenting the fabric of his tighty-whities, which he pushed down to his knees, releasing his hard phallus, which pointed straight at me. I still had my dick sticking out my fly, so I dropped my pants and briefs to my knees too.

Immediately he started to masturbate me. I did the same to him. Then I felt his other hand rubbing my ass all over. I rubbed his too. Finally, he knelt and sucked my cock into his mouth and sucked up and down on it. It felt heavenly.

After a minute, and another quarter was dropped, he was standing, and I was squatting and sucking his dick again. Suddenly he had an orgasm, and squirted a little semen in my mouth, not too much though. I guessed he'd come a little while earlier probably. When I stood up, he pulled his pants up. I figured he'd just leave, but he grinned and took my cock in his right hand and began jacking me off. He rubbed my ass with his left hand. In about 30 seconds I blasted a load all over the wall! He continued to jerk me off, till I was finished. One last little dribble ran over his fingers. He finally let go of me, rubbed my cum from his finger, onto the wall, said "Thanks - that was great!" Then he unhooked the door and left.

I closed the door, and when my quarter ran out, pulled my pants back up and left myself. The boy was gone. I decided I'd be back again soon, hoping to meet him again. I never did run into him again. But I sure met a LOT of different guys I ended up having sex with!

----------------------------------------------------------------------------- I hope you enjoyed this chapter of my story, the rest of the chapters in it will tell about more of my visits to Adult Bookstores, and the fun I had in them. The next chapter will be published shortly.

Next: Chapter 2

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