Boomer and Me

By Ricardo Escobar

Published on Jul 27, 2006



[pig raunch, piss, scat, man stink, smegma and all those good things in life]

You know all those standard warnings on these stories... if these subjects bother you, go find something vanilla... and if you're under age, don't go any further... just come by the house and I'll tell you about it in secret... slut that I am...

I hope you enjoyed the three stories I've already posted here on Nifty... 'Email-to-my- fellow-pig-buddy,' 'Pig Party,' and 'Homeless Dude' I've gotten a lot of good comments on them. I hope you've enjoyed them... and I hope you enjoy this one...

Anyway, this story is fiction... at least for the most part... Or is it?

As you know by now, if you've read the other stories, I'm into heavy raunch...

I love it... I crave it... I'd live it day and night if I could... so guess what the subject matter of this story is...

Raunch, baby, raunch!!!

So get stripped and start stroking those dicks... milk out some pre, stick that hot dildo up your ass, or even better, have your fuck bud stick his tongue up your hole... and read on...

You see, I feel that scat and piss and activities that raunch fans like me get into is not degrading or filthy... it is a totally intimate thing between humans who are turned on to each other... it is sharing the products of our bodies... sharing it with others and them with us... that's the way I feel about it... if some want to get into degradation, S&M, slave/master stuff, looking at eating shit or drinking piss as functioning as a toilet and all that, that's fine, but not for me, and you won't find any of that in my stories... or in my real life either...

So, now, dear pigs, let's cut to the story at hand... BOOMER AND ME...

Let me start by telling you a little about me... not that I'm an egoist at all... well, at least not all the much... I'm not a drop dead gorgeous hunk by any means, but I'm not too shabby either... just ask some of the guys I've made out with... I'm a Latino... actually a Latino/Black mix. Mom and Dad were born in Puerto Rico and I was born in Tucson. Dad has a lot of Black blood in him and a lot of that went over to me... that's why what body hair I have is that wonderful nappy, kinky Black-dude hair. And you know that hot, erotic odor a Black stud has in his sweaty pits and crotch when he hasn't bathed in awhile? Well, men, sniff me all over and you'll find that same thing... that turn you on? Come and sniff then... I'm always ready for that... Anyway, I'm 38, and trying to age gracefully, about 5'10" tall and weigh about 165#, give or take a few. My skin is a nice chocolate brown that even turns me on! My dick is slender, something over 6" I'd say, maybe a little more – guys tell me it looks longer - and my foreskin hangs over the head a bit when I'm boned. It has a nice up curve to it, which makes for fine fucking, and 69 deep throating... I've got a fine ass, and an even finer shithole. That hole loves to have a dick in it, or if there's no dick around, then a butt plug or dildo or even a finger will do. But it hates to be empty. I live in the country in a nice wooded area... very private, so when I'm home and it's warm enough, I parade around my kingdom buck naked, the way Nature meant us all to be. So enough of me... on with the story...

I love to go walking in the forest around here. This day was warm and so I had only got on my old ragged cutoffs and sneaks. I brought some water, a doobie to smoke and a brown stained pad to lay on. I have a favorite little spot about a mile from home... a shaded clearing surrounded by bushes with only a little opening to get through... private as can be. So I went in there and stripped totally, and, right away, sprung a boner. That's what Nature does to me. I laid down on the pad and gave some attention to my dick. Man, that cock of mine always demands attention! Oh yeah, I brought along my butt plug too, already installed, just to keep my hole company. I love the feeling of it in my ass as I walk along. I just lazed there for an hour or so, dozing off now and then and just thinking about raunch, which has become my middle name – Ricardo Raunch Escobar. How's that for a name! But I go by Rico. Easier to say when a guy's got his dick in my mouth.

Like I was saying, I was just levitating, relaxating, celebrating, meditating, masturbating, inhalating and cogitating. What better way to spend a summer afternoon. But somewhere along the way, my tranquility was disturbed by the sounds of someone walking along on the other side of my bushes. Could it be a pig in disguise? Read on, and we'll see.

He was sort of muttering... "Damn, I gotta find some place to shit. If I don't, I'm gonna explode. Damn!"

Well, I'll tell you, my ears perked up right away on hearing one of my favorite words... SHIT!!! So I stood up and just kept quiet and waited to see what happened next. This guy spotted a log not far from me and dropped his shorts and sat on it with his butt hanging over the edge. Man, he was hot! Tall and lanky [OK, I could see that when he was standing, not sitting down like this], sandy hair, nice tan, and a little fur on his legs. I'd have to see what the rest looked like later. I assumed that, somehow, I was gonna get a better view before long. Right now his back was to me, and I have a great shot of his crack... What a spot for a performance... front row center!

Well, just about as I was ready to fall in love with his ass, he let out a monster fart! Man, I swear it just about shook the ground... the breeze was coming towards me and in a few seconds I was bathed with the hot smell of that fart gas. Guys, it nearly gave me the squirts! But I held off... anyway, he reached back and sorta pulled his buns apart and then I could see a hard turd easing out of his ass... oh man, if only I could be under that hole and paying attention to that turd! Fuck, it was a biggy! It kept coming and coming and finally plopped on the ground under him... I couldn't just stay where I was and let this opportunity pass... so I eased out of my spot and said, "Man that was an awesome dump you did there!"

He jumped up and stammered, "Fuck! You scared the shit outa me, bud!," then started laughing. "Well, that was a dumb thing to say, since I already shit out most of it. Man, I'm sorry. Didn't know anyone was around and I really had to take a crap."

"Hey don't worry, man... we all gotta do what we gotta do... anyway, I'm always interested in watching guys take a dump. Watching a guy's dump like I just did watching you really gets me going." I'd forgotten I was still naked and had a boner to beat all boners...

"Well, then, judging by that bone you've got I guess you got an eyeful... only trouble is, now, I don't have any thing to wipe my ass, and I think it's pretty messy." He kept looking at my dick and I swear I could see some drool dripping from his mouth and he had that horny glazed look in his eyes. You know what I mean...

"Well, I got a solution, bud. Let me wipe it with this," and I stuck out my tongue and pointed to it.

"Fuck... I never dreamed there was any body else around here that I could connect with about things like that. I mean, it takes a lot of understanding to admit what you just admitted and want to do. Man, this is my fucking lucky day. Let me bend over and let you clean things up here..."

So, he braced against a tree and spread his legs wide, since he'd kicked outa his shorts already. I got down on my knees and spread his cheeks and there was his wonderful wrinkled asshole, and a smear of pasty shit all around it... that paste was a nice, smooth medium brown and there were a few dingleberries caught in the hairs... total heaven... I just took my time and inhaled that wonderful perfume of his shit... and just ogled that wonderful sight... his paste mixed in with his crack hair... those bits... and hairs further out from his hole, curled and damp... and a wrinkled pucker that had just opened up to let out that fine load of turd... yes, and a nice mole on his right bun... a sight for a pig's eyes... most of you guys know the scene...

"You OK back there? Hope the stink doesn't do you in!"

"Doing just great man... enjoying the view here and the smell. I'll get busy in a bit." So, after a few more minutes, I got my tongue in there and started doing my normal, efficient cleaning job... Guys, it was fine! Fine shit! Nice light taste, not heavy at all. I licked and sucked and got it all clean and sparkling... pulled the berries loose from the hairs with my teeth... Then I asked, "You got any more inside there? I could stand some more. It's been a couple of weeks since I've had any, and a longer time since any as fine as yours."

I could tell he was pushing, and another fart blasted out... not as strong as the one earlier, but strong enough to turn me on all the more. I looked at his asshole and it was starting to blossom... but his ass lips were like I've never seen before... they started swelling like most do, but then it was almost like part of his rectum – sort of a sleeve - was coming out to wrap around the turd that was just beginning to show its head. It was amazing... I licked it, and licked the head of the turd and it came all the way out and I caught it in my mouth and savored that fantastic flavor as it melted. And with it came a dollop of his ass gravy... When it all eased down my throat I licked his hole some more and the 'sleeve' retreated back inside and his pucker was back to normal again, but not before I got another nice taste of his ass gravy as a bonus. But I couldn't stop... there was something really special about this dude. I made love to his asshole, kissing it and licking it... sucking on it, and licking up and down his crack... getting those hairs nice and wet... I moved my hand under his crotch and brought his balls to where I could lick them... took hold of his dick and milked pre out of it... I made love to this fucker's essentials.

"Damn, bud... you are making me so fucking hot... you are something else..." With that he turned around and nearly knocked me over with his stiffer... a lovely work of art it was... thicker than mine and a little longer but uncut too... pre drooling from it down to the ground... I couldn't help but lick that salty cock juice... So what could I do but pull that tool into my mouth and make love to it as well... then he began to stream out some of the finest piss I'd drunk in a long time... and I've drunk a lot, believe me... "I thought you might like a little juice to wash down that shit I gave you." He pulled me up and we started kissing and making out right out there in front of Nature and all... he worked my foreskin and fingered off some of my smegma and sucked on his finger... "Mmm, better than fine imported cheese, man. Oh fuck, that's so corny!" And he sorta blushed. He looked fine on the front side, too... icy blue eyes... goatee to frame that sexy face of his... darker than the hair on his head... sexy, full, kissy, cocksucking lips... fine nipples, the kind you want to munch on... He wasn't all that hairy, but at the base of his happy trail, he had a very thick bush, the kind that really tickles the nose. I do love having my nose tickled by a nice bush when I'm deep throating a dude like him. And a nice wad of damp hair in each pit. We worked each other's dicks until the inevitable happened... we shot! And I do mean shot! Cum all over each other... nice and thick... pure man cream... we coulda populated a whole state with all those babies there... What to do but massage it all into each other... Fuck! They say a cum massage is really good for the skin... that's why mine is so nice...

Well, when we calmed down I said, "Let's go into my little den here and talk awhile." So he picked up his shorts and stuff and we went in and laid down on the pad...

"I'm Boomer."

"Boomer? That's an unusual name."

"Well, my actual name is Will, but I got tagged with Boomer when I was young because I was always farting. And the name stuck."

"Well, if most of your farts are like that one awhile ago, it sure is an appropriate name. That was a whomper!" He blushed again...

So we spent time just talking about this and that, and a lot about what most people would consider filthy and deprived – shit, piss, farts, man stink, smegma and all that. We totally agreed with one another that sharing the products of a man who turned a guy on was just as natural as most anything else a guy does. "I don't have all that much experience with scat, Rico, but I'm more than willing to get into it more. Especially, since we obviously have made a real connection. I love piss and the smell of smeg and the odors of a man's body, but with scat all I've done is to eat some of my own. Lately, that's just about every day... I really get off on that, but haven't been fed by someone else... I've fed a couple of guys, but it was pretty superficial... they said they wanted to be my toilet and all that crap, and even though I gave them some of my shit, it wasn't very satisfying for me. I'd have just as soon masturbated."

"I hear you on that, man... having a guy be a toilet is nothing but one way, and the way I get off on shit, that wouldn't do at all. Well, Boomer, yeah, we've connected and I need to know you a lot better and to enjoy more of your body products... more than we can really do right here... Tell you what... come by the house Saturday evening for the night and maybe longer if you want."

"Man, Rico, that sounds great. I'm all for it. Maybe, somehow, I can really get into scat from you. Can't think of a better start. If I can't do it, I hope that doesn't turn you off."

"Hell no, Boomer... as long as I can get what I need from you and you get all over me and me all over you and we get hot with each other. If you don't want to eat my turd, that's fine. If you just want me to let one out on your belly or chest so you can play with it and maybe feed it to me, that's fine too. Whatever happens... Let's agree then... no showers or bathing or deodorant after Friday morning. Wear sox and briefs and tee that are good and sweaty and dirty. No clearing out the smeg for a few days, since we both get off on gourmet cheese... did I leave anything out?"

"Yeah, man... for us to both have a good load of shit inside."

"Fuck, how could I forget!" Forget? Yeah right... Yeah, shit!

So we talked some more and made out some more and he tried to finger my hole, but with that butt plug in there, it wasn't to be. He was fascinated by my wiry, nappy pubes, as much as there was anyway. He kept rubbing his nose in it, and rubbing it and licking it... And he kept playing with the tit ring on my left nipple... I loved the feeling when a guy plays with that... I did suck him off again and he still had a lot of cum left. His balls were working overtime, for sure... We got our shorts on and made our separate ways back to where we'd come from. Saturday night seemed a long ways off. A long ways...

Well, Saturday finally came... Man I could hardly wait. I didn't have the usual doubts like: is he gonna show? is he gonna chicken out? You know that scene... I've played it far too many times in my life... Well, I was putzing around in the yard when he drove up in his pickup... when he got out, I nearly shot a load right there... he was fucking beautiful... one of Nature's finest creations... sun burned some, hair all messed up and sweaty, his tee shirt dirty and soaked with sweat... his cutoffs just as dirty, with a very noticeable bulge behind the zipper... His legs caked with dirt... that man had been working, guys... he took a couple of steps towards me, but stopped about ten feet away... he stood there and I stood where I was... totally transfixed with him... he eased his tee shirt up and over his head... fuck, guys... it was all I could do to keep from shooting my wad right there... that hot belly and chest, nipples to suck on, that sexy happy trail, and those fuckin' hairy pits... he tossed the tee to me and I immediately held it to my face and nose, inhaling his scent... better than any poppers I've ever used... I returned the favor and took off my tee and tossed it to him... and he did the same... and sucked on the moisture in the pits of the shirt... I dropped my shorts and kicked off my sneaks and stood there naked as a jay and wondering what would go on next... I wanted to let it be his call... I checked out his shorts and witnessed a wetness developing and spreading across them... and a stream of golden nectar running down his legs... oh man... what a waste of fine piss... he approached and I just stood there... he got within a couple of feet and stopped... he dropped his shorts and handed them to me... and I sucked on them to get most of his sweet piss out of them... we just stared at each other, our eyes fixed to each other's as if they were glued... I fell for those beautiful eyes...

All of a sudden we lunged at each other and kissed and hugged and fell to the grass... we rolled all around and he farted as usual and I smelled his hot fart and got even more horned... he pissed on me... I got my face in his wet pit and just inhaled and inhaled that wonderful stank only a hot man can have... he got his hand all over my buns and fingered my asshole... when he pulled out he sucked on his finger and went back for more... and sucked that... and went back in and this time he gave it to me to smell and suck clean... we went totally bonkers... the animal that resides in all humans came out of each of us full tilt... we rolled around on and under over and around and up and down each other... If it had been possible, I woulda crawled up into his rectum and made myself at home among his logs... that's the feeling I had then... I nibbled on his tit and he shuddered and slapped my brown ass until it stung... I got my tongue and nose in his crack and the stank just about floored me... that is until I got a taste of that wonderful shit paste of his... then I really dove in and got my tongue into him as far as I could... the feeling of another fart along my tongue and into my nose just about did me in... fuck, guys, can you understand what I'm saying here? Then he got on top of me and put his dick to my hole... and shoved until that cock entered me to the hilt... man, that hurt so much, but it hurt like heaven! How can there be a pain like that and still be paradise... Any of you experienced that?... the pain turned to something like electricity running up and down my body... maybe there were sparks coming out of my ears, I don't know, but it felt like it... he stayed buried in my ass all the way with his balls rubbing on my butt... He deep kissed my mouth... sucked on my tongue... I fingered his asshole and got some more paste to rub on his lips... I felt some more piss going up inside my fuck tube... then he started pumping... pumping and farting... farting and pumping... he sucked on my nose and I gave him some of my snot and he really came unglued and snotted all over my face... It tasted wonderful... his saliva went into my mouth and ran like a faucet as I sucked on his tongue... he finally grunted, shoved in deep and I felt his seed roiling around in my rectum... he totally collapsed on me... breathing hot and heavy... raised his arm so I could inhale his pit stank... there were tears running down his cheeks... I kissed them and licked those salty tears of his... men, I hope you know just how all this feels... If you don't you've missed the point of mixing it up totally with a hot man...

I guess we dozed off for a few minutes... when we woke, he pulled out of my ass and checked out the shit of mine that was on his dick... he stuck his dick in my mouth and I washed it off... "Hey Boomer, let's go inside and clean up and I'll fix us some supper... then we can gross out some more later." We went in and he took off his work boots and sox... oh damn, why did he do that? I stuck my nose down in those boots and inhaled that stank Nature made for him to let me smell... the stank of his sweaty feet combined with the hot smell of the leather... he loved watching me do that... making love to his work boots... He gave me one of his feet and I sucked on each toe and licked the jam from between them... and I took one of the sox to my nose while I pulled the other onto my dick and I masturbated right then and there... he watched, then kissed me and rubbed me all over as I stroked... it wasn't long until the damp sock gave me the boost I needed and I shot into it... Boomer eased it off my dick and sucked the cum out of the sock... Just two studs getting hot on each other and having some fun...

We got in the shower and gently washed each other off... Boomer's dick was up and ready right away and he wanted to get in my chute again, but I told him, "Boomer, baby, I gotta give my mancunt a rest... you'll get all you need later, but not now.

Jeeeez!" He smiled and slapped me on the butt... he loved doing that and I loved that feeling... not at all abusive... and I gently pulled on his low hanging balls... just hard enough to make him sigh and kiss me all the more...

So we got out of the shower fresh as daisies... still naked, we went into the kitchen and I started putting something together for us to eat. After all, even pigs can't live on shit and piss... or can we? Naaah! He was still feeling playful, and I guess that's the way he is... can't knock it... he found a hot dog in the fridge and came over to me and told me to bend down... he got it wet with spit and slipped it up my ass... all the way... fuck, I lost it... and it was cold as hell... there I was with that wiener up inside me and not knowing what to do...

"Blow a fart, Rico... blow that thing out" So I pushed and felt a fart building up... Damn, when I farted I blew that dog across the room! He picked it up and licked on it... "Hey, Rico... your shit ain't all that bad, man."

"Well, Boomer, it's one thing to taste some of my brown on your finger or on that dog, but quite another to take one of my turds into your mouth and chew it up and swallow, or just swallow it down."

"Yeah I guess, Rico, but eating someone else's turd is what I've been longing to do and I can't think of anyone else but you that I'd want to feed me. We'll see what happens... I might puke all over the place, or I might let it slip down my gullet, or I might even chew on it and let it melt and then swallow. I just don't know until the time comes... and I think tonight's gonna be it..." He got a really wistful look in his eyes, and I knew that he was sincere. With eyes like his, he couldn't lie and get away with it. I went over and kissed him, and chewed up the rest of the dog and got back to work.

When I got everything together, I put it all on one plate and we sat down close to each other. So close that our body heat just flowed from one to the other. And heat there was!

"How come only one plate, Rico? You're not hungry?"

"Hell yes I am, and I know you are since you've been working all day too. But I want for us to have a special meal here... I want us to feed one another from the plate... OK?"

"Sure, baby... I think I get the drift." There was a knowing smile on his face. He was on to me, for sure...

"You first, Boomer..." So I took some of the meat and veggies and gravy on my fingers and put it all in his mouth. He sucked it off my fingers with his lips... "Just chew, but don't swallow, Boomer. When you've chewed awhile, then it's mouth to mouth time and time for you to give me some of it back. OK?" So that's what he did. And I never tasted plain food so good as this. It was so wonderful mixed with his saliva. He fed me the next bite and I chewed it and fed half of it back to him... We did this back and forth, getting turned on more all the time... it was about as erotic as you can get.

We were blending our fluids with our food and presenting it to each other to nourish our bodies and souls. Way too soon, the food was gone and we were buzzing with joy... it was going to be a fine night, we could both see that.

We finally got up and cleaned up the dishes and all and sat on the couch and just made out and talked and giggled and just had fun. We finally laid down together and fell asleep. It was so wonderful feeling his body heat, and hearing him snore lightly and having the taste of the food we had shared still in my mouth, and his back against my belly.

I woke up an hour or two later and it was bright moonlight outside... it had been hot all day and was still very warm out even then... I woke this stud up and we got up and I took my trusty pad and we went outside. Once I put the pad out, we laid down and made passionate love... yes, this was going to be fine! It was so light out with the moonlight, that I could see every part of that wonderful body of his, hairs and all. I got up and told him just to lay there. I walked all around him, taking in his beauty, and telling him my impression of each part of his body. His chest, his hair, his legs, his nips, his happy trail and his bush, his pits, his turgid dick, his feet... did I leave anything out? He said, "Man, you're embarrassing the hell out of me, but I love it the way you enjoy me and my body. And baby, you're pretty damn hot, too. That dark skin of yours really gets me going. And you know that dick of yours belongs up my ass, baby. That should be its home."

I knelt down and kissed him and eased his legs up until his knees were touching his shoulders and his goods were in plain view. What a hot view that was... His stiff dick waving in the moonlight, his hairy balls, and that vent of his just beckoning me to feast on it. It was not to be ignored, guys. No way! I got down and kissed him more and worked my mouth and tongue down his body after wetting down those hairy pits of his... Yeah, I even sucked on his dick awhile and licked his hard balls and then got to his treasure... that wonderful asshole that held just what I needed inside. I kissed his pucker and before long came the hiss of his ass gas... not a fart this time... it bathed my face with that heavy hot odor of his insides... I couldn't resist that smell... and I dove in... he was totally relaxed and his ass lips started to swell as I got my tongue in as deep as I could... I could feel that 'sleeve' start to come out and embrace the turd that was being birthed from his rectum. It was hard and knobby and ready to be eaten... I licked it and sucked lightly on it and let it ease into my mouth and across my tongue... it was so wonderful... This feeling was more than I'd ever felt before... I had my mouth full of that product of this beautiful man's bowel... and some sticking out of my mouth as well when he clamped and cut it off. He lightly grabbed my hair and pulled me up to him until our lips met and he had some of his turd in his mouth... we were idolizing that turd of his... wrapping our tongues all around it, letting it slowly dissolve so that the liquid from it ran down our throats... it was actually sweet... it was perfect... He reached down and guided my dick to his anus and pulled on my butt and I eased all the way into him... brothers, we merged! We were no longer two bodies... we merged totally into one being... I've never felt this way with anyone... it was awesome... can you understand what I'm saying? I don't know how much time went by, but finally we had devoured the log and sent it all to our bellies. The aftertaste was still there but the rest of it was deep within us.

Boomer looked deep into my eyes and said softly, "It's time."

"You sure?"

"Yes, Rico, I'm very sure... I really need to do this... and I'm so fucking happy it's with you."

"OK, we need to take it really slow, baby... really slow... there's no rush... I need you to put your hand at my asshole and hold it there... feel my pucker as it opens up... rub your finger on it... get your hand close to the hole and I'll lay you a nugget to start with..." He did just that, while my cock was still embedded in his rectum. He was trembling... I knew this was a very heavy thing for him... I just relaxed, and didn't even push... I could feel my ass lips start to open as he lightly rubbed his fingers around them... God, that felt wonderful!

I felt the nugget emerge and I clamped and cut it off... I suppose it was an inch or so long. Just right for a beginner's feeding... he got it, and took it to his face... I lifted up a little to give him room... he took it to his nose and inhaled the fragrance of my bowel product... he stuck out his tongue and licked it... he slowly opened his mouth and took the whole turd inside... I could tell he was licking it inside his mouth... then he swallowed... I could feel his belly start to spasm... I knew he was having a hard time... he was spasming and breathing hard... I put my open mouth on his and held it there... he retched some more and tried to push my face away, but I held on... suddenly it came back up... he vomited into my mouth... it was so awesome... never experienced something like this... he emptied into my mouth and I swallowed it all as fast as I could... I took it all... damn! He calmed down finally and stopped retching and spasming... and he started sobbing... painfully sobbing...

"Rico, I'm so sorry, man..." he said between sobs, " I didn't want to do that... I just wanted to swallow your turd and keep it inside me... I didn't want to puke in your mouth and have you swallow it all... baby, that must've been horrible for you."

"Boomer, it was one of the most wonderful things you could've done for me... to take my turd down inside you and then feed me your vomit, your puke. Don't feel bad, baby... it was wonderful... any of your body products are treasures for me. After all, baby, I've eaten your shit... your vomit just comes from a different source is all, and that's not that much different. It's all in clearing the brain of all these notions that things like that are perverted and dirty." I kissed his salty tears from his cheeks as they kept on flowing...

"I can't believe this Rico... I can't... but I believe you if you said it was a wonderful experience for you... baby, I want another nugget and give it another try... will you go for it?"

"Anything you want, Boomer... just relax awhile and then we'll give it another shot." We cuddled and made out like bandits, even with my painfully boned dick still connected to his bowel... I didn't want to break that tie with him right yet...

Then he reached around and fondled my shithole again... I knew he was ready and so was I. So he rubbed my pucker and eased his finger inside me... "Baby, there's one in there for me to eat... give it, man... give it."

So, I relaxed and let my hole open up for the birth... it wasn't long until I let out some gas to bathe his hand with and then the lips started to blossom, and my nugget was appearing... Boomer rubbed the end of it. "Oh fuck, Rico... this one is even better than the first one... let me have a bigger one, man." When I felt that it was long enough, I clamped and cut it off... Again he brought it up to his face... I gave him some room again and he was kissing it and I was kissing it... we both licked it and he sucked on it like it was my dick... then he opened his mouth and took it in... right off, I licked his lips and eased my tongue into his mouth... the turd was still there and we both paid homage to it... just the way one should with a fine piece of shit! Then he swallowed it... I waited to see what would happen as I ran my tongue around the inside of his mouth... he retched and his belly spasmed like last time, only not as hard... he finally calmed down and it stayed down this time... finally, he looked up at me and smiled like he'd won the World Cup.

"Boomer, you did it baby... you made the grade... yeah, man, you made it! I'm gonna put you up for the Golden Turd Award!" But my balls were hurting so much from being in him so long without shooting a load, that I started to slowly fuck him... he clamped on my dick as it slid in and back of his tube... I could feel the shit in there enveloping my dick... felt so really good! It wasn't long until I had to let go and he said he could feel my seed hitting his insides... I nearly passed out from the orgasm, it was so intense... I collapsed on him and he stroked my hair and kneaded my buns and fingered my hole... Guys, I do hope you've gotten some of this in your own way too. Anyway, I finally pulled out of this hot, wet hole... with a squish... my dick must've been coated with his shit... I rolled off of him and he went right down and cleaned that tool up good... I got him over me, and his butt to my face and inhaled that wonderful shit stink of his... oh man... so while he was cleaning my dick up, a long, soft run of his shit worked its way out of his chute and onto my chest and face... it was so fucking erotic, that shit of his... it was warm, not messy but nice and soft and fragrant... perfume to this pig for sure... I smeared it around my chest and belly and on my face... I was coated in his shit... he came back around and laid on me squishing his shit between the two of us... oh man, what a feeling! We kissed and feasted on the shit of his on my face... feasted on it... feasting on each other, what more could we ask for... and my man had eaten a turd of mine and kept it down! I was proud as hell of him...

"Boomer, get up, baby... let's go in and clean up and hit the sack." So we did... first we hosed each other off outside with chilly water, then went in and had a nice warm shower with lots of loving and cuddling with the water running all over us... very erotic in itself. We dried each other tenderly, paying attention to each wonderful part of each other's bodies. Yes!

When we got in bed, just laying there with nothing over us, Boomer said, "Rico, I know this sounds like something after all we've done, but would you suck me off? I really need it."

"Boomer, man, if that's what you need then I sure will. You are all horns, baby! Tell you what... let's have a good old fashioned 69 cock sucking session. OK?" So that's what we did... we took our cocks into each other's mouths and made gentle, sweet love to them. I love the feeling of a penis slowly rising to an erection in my mouth, the way his was. We savored each vein and twist and turn of those wonderful organs.

We milked the smooth precum from them. We kissed them and sucked gently on them, and chewed lightly on the shafts and paid a lot of attention to our foreskins... and after not long, there was a simultaneous flow of our seed... not violent like before, but a gentle pulsing and flow... a very nice, gentle orgasm. Nothing like the consistency of cum, is there... and the taste, so mild and pure... we each savored the feeling of cum in our mouths, then swallowed, and came up and kissed each other gently and lovingly... it wasn't a minute later that Boomer had gone off to sleep... and I soon followed .

OK, talk to me guys...

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