Boots on the Ground in Africa

By John Brant

Published on Jan 1, 2013


The story so far: in search of the ultimate boot experience, I have bought a two day "treatment" with a highly recommended boot master in Kenya. The Captain's assistant, a six foot two, former Kenyan soldier named Bob collected me from the airport and took me to the boot "spa". At mid-morning I began my first session and became acquainted with the Captain's Wesco engineer boots. After licking those boots to a nice shine, the Captain milked me by rubbing my crotch with the toe of his boot. When I was about to cum, Bob gave me a hand job until my fuck began to cum. The jizz landed on the Captain's boot and I had to lick it off. The morning session ended when I took off the Captain's engineer boots and laced up a pair of 30 hole black Ranger boots. Bob took me back to my room, where my assignment was to spit shine the Wesco engineer boots.

Boots on the Ground in Africa Chapter 3

I had been working on spit shining the Captain's right engineer boot for an hour. The toe had a nice sheen to it, while the tall shafts still needed some more work. By then it must have been one o'clock in the afternoon. I heard the key turn and saw the door opening. I decided it was not wise to continue in a standing position, so hit the deck. The door closed and I heard the heavy thud as Bob's engineer boots crossed the floor. Then the huge boots were right before my face. Bob said: "Good boy! Now you're showing some respect. Looks like you've done a good job on polishing one boot, now it's time to start on the other. However, first the Captain wants you to have lunch." With that he set a dog dish on the floor that had some rice and a meat stew of some sort. "You've got five minutes to clean up that dish without using your hands. I'm going to stand right here to be sure you obey. Now get up on your hands and knees and start eating like a dog."

Upon receiving the order I got into a doggie position and lowered my lips to taste the food. As I took a little taste, Bob raised his boot and pushed my face right into the stew. "You're not going to finish in five minutes if you approach your food that slowly. Now chow down before I get the whip." He then walked behind me and kicked my right ass cheek. Then I felt his boot push up against my butt plug. I hoped he was not going to kick that plug and fortunately he didn't. Within five minutes I had cleaned the bowl. Bob picked it up and then walked behind me, kicked my ass again and said: "Get back to work on that other boot, boy. I'll be back for you at 2:00 p.m. for your afternoon session." With that he left the room.

As soon as he was gone I got up and began spit shining the left Wesco engineer boot. I always get excited when I put my hand down inside a Wesco boot because it is so heavy and the leather shafts are so thick. I quickly began rubbing the Kiwi boot polish into the leather and then licking the surface so that just the right amount of moisture would land on the boot. Working non stop, I managed to get a descent shine on that boot, before I heard the key turn in the lock.

Once again I got down on the floor, but Bob just stood in the doorway and said: "Bring the Captain's boots and follow me." This time he did not grab my arm, so I meekly followed behind him keeping a steady eye on his size 13 glossy engineer boots as he walked. When we got to the big room, Bob turned and forced me down on my knees, so I quickly assumed a position on all fours. "Bring him over here," the Captain said. With that Bob got behind me and began kicking my ass cheeks as I crawled as fast as I could to the two beautiful, shiny black Ranger boots. "We've got something for you," the Captain continued. With that he reached to the table beside him and picked up a heavy black leather dog collar. "Now that you eat like a dog, we need to collar you like a good boot dog." Bob jerked my head so that I was now in a kneeling position before the Captain, staring right at his crotch where I could see the outline of his huge cock. He placed the collar around my neck, fastened it and pushed my head back down toward the floor.

"Bob and I have had a good steak dinner and our balls are ready for action. This afternoon we're going to fuck you hard, so you'll show us more respect. Lick my boots and then keep licking right up to my crotch. When I'm ready, I'll unzip and you can start sucking me." Having received the orders, I began to obey immediately by licking the shiny Ranger boots. My tongue glided over the thick toe cap. I thought I could taste fuck from a previous client, but tried to concentrate on doing a good job. Running my tongue up the long shaft and back down gave me a warm feeling in my crotch. After about ten minutes I decided to work my way up his right leather covered leg. This must have been the right move, because I heard the belt buckle ring and a zipper move. When I got to the crotch, the Captain's semi-hard dick was waiting for me. I swallowed it and began sucking. Because it was hanging down a bit, as I sucked I naturally was looking up a bit, so I raised my eyes to see the Captain looking down at me. He had assumed a commanding position by placing his hands on his hips. I also noticed that he was wearing a leather cap. It looked like an officer hat or muir cap. The buffed leather muir cap made the Captain look even more intimidating than before.

After five minutes of sucking, the Captain said: "Get the lube and a rubber, Bob, and then bring the small table over here." Bob went to the back and got the required items and then brought a small table with a leather covering over the top. As the cock got stiffer, he suddenly pulled my head off and Bob handed him a condom which he expertly rolled over his engorged eight inch cock. He then ordered Bob to put me into the right position. Quickly Bob grabbed my arm and told me to bend over and grab my ankles. Then I felt Bob's fingers prying under the butt plug. He got a grip and began twisting and pulling. Once the thick part of the plug was in position to come out, I felt a jolt of pain. But Bob pulled it out so quickly that the pain stopped as quickly as it started. Once I was in that position he ordered: "Spread your legs and then put your hands behind you and spread your cheeks." As I complied I saw two shiny black Ranger boots shuffling in behind me. As I admired those boots which are favored by skinheads, I felt a stiff finger plunge into my hole. The Captain was lubricating my shoot. Then I felt his cock at the entrance of my hole. He pushed gently until his cock was lined up and then gave a big push which made me gasp. As I stared at the floor and looked at his powerful Ranger boots that were rocking back and forth as he established a rhythm. He then pulled me up and pushed me over to the table, where he made me bend over and rest on the table. Once I was spread on top of the table and could not move, he began to pound my ass with his cock. For ten minutes he fucked me as hard as he could until finally he came.

As his cock began to shrink, he pulled out and carefully removed the rubber. "Put your boot on the chair, Bob. They need to be serviced again." Bob placed his massive right boot on the chair and the Captain began squeezing his white manhood on to the boot. When Bob could see that half the fuck had been applied to his right boot, he switched boots, so that the Captain could empty the condom. He then sat down in the chair and snapped his fingers and pointed at his boots. I dove to the floor in front of his boots and began licking up the warm fuck The Captain wiped his crotch and pulled up his leather pants and then fell into his chair so he could watch me servicing Bob's boots.

By now my tongue was getting a little raw from all the boot licking. Fortunately the high shine engineer boots were smooth or spit shined, allowing my tongue to glide along without much friction. However, I was beginning to wonder if I could make it through another day of this. The Captain spoke again: "Enough with the boots. I want you to lick Bob's cod piece and then suck him until he is ready to fuck you." I began running my tongue up Bob's black leather chaps until I found the soft warm leather of his cod piece. It was huge, leading me to wonder how big Bob's cock was. After a few minutes Bob reached down and unsnapped the cover. Bob was a member of a tribe which practices circumcision at age 13, so he had a beautifully cut cock. I began sucking it and felt it begin to grow in my mouth. Bob took my head in his hands and began to move my head at the speed he thought best. It took about ten minutes to get Bob fully aroused but finally he said: "I'm ready sir." The Captain handed him a condom which he quickly unrolled as he stood up.

Bob spun me around and bent me forward. His stiff finger began to probe my hole. I guess he found my hole well lubricated from the Captain's attack on it, because he didn't put any more lube on his cock. Next I felt something big against my hole and then Bob pushed steadily until his 8 inch member was fully inside. The pain was intense because his cock was so much thicker than the Captains. I managed to stifle my cries as Bob began to pound my ass. Once again I looked down at the floor and this time saw two massive size 13 Chippewa high shine engineer boots. Just seeing those beautiful boots made me forget the pain in my ass. Bob pounded me for about ten minutes and then I felt him go rigid as he pumped huge quantities of fuck into my ass. When he had finished he pulled out. The captain said: "Tie that rubber in a knot. We'll use your fuck tonight when our boots need servicing again. Bring our little boot slut over here. Have him stand up so I can make an inspection."

Since I had been standing in a bent over position while Bob fucked me, I just had to straighten up as Bob grabbed my arm and guided me over to the Captain. He grabbed a pair of leather gloves off the table beside him and began feeling my balls which were still being held in place by the ball ring. He squeezed my balls a bit and then touched my cock which was fully erect. "Look at that, Bob, his cock is hard. I think he enjoyed being fucked and licking my fuck off your boots. I bet his balls are bursting with fuck and he would probably like one of us to jerk him off. Why don't you get the leather eye mask." At that both men began to laugh.

Bob returned with the eye covering and a leather strap. He fitted the eye shades over my eyes so I could see nothing. He then pulled my hands behind my back and tied them firmly with the leather strap. "OK boy, knell down before your master. Bob's going to stroke your cock slowly, so you can enjoy every moment of his jacking." I heard Bob's leather boots and chaps creak as he got down on his haunches. Then he rolled a condom over my cock and began to stroke it slowly with his leather glove. The smell of leather and the firm grip on my cock made me feel the rush of preparing to cum. My cock began to throb a bit in Bob's hand. As his hand went up and down like a piston, I heard the muffled sound of the Captain standing up. He must have taken a couple of steps closer to me, because when he spoke he was very close: "Good boy. You've got a nice size cock there. I bet you've got a lot of fuck in that sack of yours that is ready to come out." What I could not see was the Captain shifting his weight to his left leg as he began to draw back his right big black Ranger boot with the extra heavy sole. Then without warning, the Captain kicked my balls. It was a calculated kick, so that he did not castrate me nor incapacitate me for a week, but one that was hard enough to cause maximum pain without making me pass out. When that huge steel toed boot hit my balls, I was taken by complete surprise. At first I felt the boot leather connect with my balls held captive by the ball ring. Then a sharp searing pain coursed through my crotch and into my stomach. I let out a shriek as the magnitude of the blow reached my brain. Then I doubled up and fell forward. Bob let go of my cock as I rolled into a fetal position. As I rolled on the floor moaning, I became aware of a warm glow in my groin. Yes, there was pain, but there was also a feeling of having shot my I had just experienced the best fuck I'd ever had.

After a couple minutes of lying on the floor, the Captain spoke: "OK boy. Get up on your knees. I didn't kick you that hard, just hard enough to give you the ultimate kind of boot sex pleasure. Did you feel the exhilaration after the pain?" I nodded my head slowly. He added: "You only get that kind of extreme pleasure if you first experience some pain. You've come a long way and paid a lot of money. It would be a shame if you only had that one shot at such ecstasy. Bob's going to help you back into a kneeling position and continue stroking you, until he get's your cock hard again. Then I'm going to kick your balls again. Maybe not as hard, but hard enough so you can experience the pleasure."

With that Bob raised me up. My cock was semi-hard. The rubber had a good amount of fuck in it from when I had cum in the moments after the kick had landed on my balls. Bob began stroking my cock and the pain began to subside. After five minutes of masturbating my cock, he gave a nod to the Captain. Since my eyes were still covered, I had no way of knowing when the next kick would be delivered. Suddenly the Captain's Ranger boot swung up under my ball sack as his boot connected. My balls were squeezed between the powerful boot and my crotch, as the full force of the kick landed in a perfect score. Once again I felt the pain as the boot connected with my balls. Once again I screamed and fell over...and then the wonderful warm glow hit me again. The pleasure was so great that I realized it was worth the pain. What a high!

After a couple of minutes to enjoy the bliss, Bob pulled me upright again and I felt him remove the rubber and then take off my eye shades. He handed the condom to the Captain who carefully inspected it. "Shit! You have filled this condom well. You certainly did have a lot of fuck in your balls. Here, you need to take your mind off your aching balls. I'm going to let you do the honors of squeezing your fuck out over my boots and then licking up the cum." With that he handed me the condom which really was not that full. He sat down and I began spreading the cum over his boots. Bob pulled up his chair to watch as the Captain took out a cigarette to enjoy as he watched his boot slave service his boots.

As I licked his boots, I experienced the pleasure in my mouth of warm fuck which I was licking off highly polished leather. As I made long strokes of my tongue over the toe of each boot, I felt a new level of sexual fulfillment. Obviously the Captain and Bob knew their business and how to give a boot fetish the kind of experience he'll never forget. When I had cleaned the last smear of fuck off his boots the Captain said: "You need some rest. We have a night session coming up after supper. I know you are going to enjoy it, but you need to give your cock and balls a rest." With that Bob jumped up and grabbed my arm and escorted me back to my room. When we got there he ordered me to take a long hot shower and to be sure the water massaged my ass where I had been kicked throughout the day and also my crotch which still was experiencing pain. As soon as he was out of the room, I was in the shower. As the water ran in a soothing way over my body I began to replay in my mind the boot pleasures I had just experienced.

Do you like to replay boot pleasures in your mind? Do you have a special interest in boots? How do you like the story so far? I'd like to hear from you. My email address is: John Brant

Next: Chapter 4

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