Boots on the Ground in Africa

By John Brant

Published on Jan 4, 2013


Boots on the Ground in Africa Chapter 4

I don't remember how long I stood in the shower enjoying the warm water running over my body, especially my ass and crotch which had taken a lot of abuse since I had begun my first session in the morning. I finally got out and toweled myself dry and then stretched out on the bed. Within an instant I was asleep.

The next thing I knew Bob was standing over me and rubbing my face with his leather gloved hand. "Hey, bootboy! Time to get up and have your dinner so you can enjoy our night session." I managed to move myself into a sitting position, but realized how stiff my body was. "The Captain and I just had a nice steak dinner. You want some?"

"Yes, Sir!" I said.

Bob replied: "I'm afraid that's not going to happen. Your getting the same slop you had for lunch. But I'm going to help you get started." With that he put the stainless steel dog dish down on the floor and stuck the toe of his high shine engineer boot into the bowl, coating the end of the boot with rice and gravy. "Now get your ass off the bed and down on the floor and lick that crap off my boot, you faggot."

All of a sudden I was wide awake and realized I had not been dreaming. I was still getting my treatment. I quickly began licking the rice and stew off the toe of his boot. I forced my tongue into the crevice between the leather toe and the welt of the sole, making sure I got every drop of food. After a few minutes I had Bob's boot shining beautifully, so I stuck my head into the dish and finished off the food. I ate as quickly as I could because Bob was standing over me like a giant...and I didn't want to make him angry. Finally he took a couple of steps behind me and kicked my ass, which I knew was his signal that he was ready to take me back to the playroom. I got up and followed him down the hall.

Captain was waiting in his big chair enjoying a cigarette. As soon as I entered the room I went down on all fours and waited for Bob's boot on my ass to signal that I could approach the Captain. That signal was not long in coming. Maybe it was my imagination, but I thought Bob kicked a lot harder than his previous "instructional" boots to my ass. Anyway, I crawled over to the Captain and then sprawled on to my stomach and began licking his heavy black Ranger boots. I had hardly finished the toe cap when I heard him say: "Bob, I think I'd like to wear my Wesco Engineers for tonight's session. Our boot slut here has licked these Rangers so much I'm afraid he will rub all the polish off. Make sure he takes them with him to his room tonight to put several coats of boot polish on them."

I heard the heavy thud of Bob's boots on the floor as he went to the back of the room and then came back. He dropped first one boot and then another on my back as I lay on the floor. They rolled off my back and onto the floor. Then the Captain said: "OK boy, you can have a real treat now. Get up on your knees and unlace my Rangers. I want you to worship my boots as you loosen each lace. Tonight you are an acolyte serving me and my boots." I then kissed the toe of his right boot and gently ran my hand up the shaft, caressing it softly. Then I pulled the end of the lace to undo the knot at the top. I had to unwind it from where it had been wound twice around the top of his calf. I then gently began pulling the laces out of the boot holes. Carefully I lifted his boot and pulled the boot off his foot. As it came off the Captain said: "Stick your nose in the shaft and inhale pure leather boot power." I quickly obeyed and was rewarded with a strong leather order, because the boots were not that old. I repeated the process on the other foot.

I carefully placed the two boots beside his chair and picked up the right Wesco engineer boot. Holding the boot between my legs and with the sole resting on my crotch, I held open the top of the boot. Captain inserted his foot with heavy boot sock and slide his foot down the shaft. I knew his foot was properly seated when he gave a hard shove against my crotch. I repeated the action with the left boot and then began to lick the shaft of that boot where I might have left finger prints.

"Let's get started with a little fucking. I enjoyed penetrating your tight ass, so I want to do it again. However, this time I want to fuck a `hot ass', so Bob is going to go get my favorite two inch wide black leather garrison belt. Then I am going to warm your butt, so that when I pound my cock into your hole, my crotch will feel your hot ass cheeks. I heard the tread of Bob's heavy boots on the floor again as he went to get the belt. "Now, stand up and take off your leather shorts." I quickly obeyed, pulling my shorts down to the top of my boots and then off. Now I was just standing there in a black harness and my combat boots. "Down on all fours, boot dog and put your forehead on the floor, so your ass is sticking up in the air." I complied. The Captain spoke again: "Bob, you'd better lock his head between your boots, so he won't move around on me."

Bob moved into position so that there was a massive boot shaft on either side of my neck. He then squeezed his boots together, locking my head into position. The Captain stood and took the huge black leather belt from Bob. He folded it over, so that he was holding the silver buckle and the end of the leather. This made a 22 inch paddle. The Captain moved behind me and let fly with his first stroke. Fortunately it was not too hard, however, because the belt was folded, the two pieces of leather hit each other after hitting my ass, so that made a louder crack than just the leather on my ass. Although the stroke was not that hard, the sound was intimidating. I quickly found out that the first strike was just to find the "range and target". The belt came down on my ass again, only this time it was a powerful stroke and it made a loud whack. My reflex was to move forward. However, Bob's powerful boots kept my head and upper torso in place. The Captain began to really start belting my ass. The thick leather belt stung my poor bare ass cheeks. After 20 strokes, the Captain took off his right leather glove and ran his hand over my hot ass cheek. "It's getting there, Bob. A few more strokes and I think he will be ready for me to fuck him good." He put his glove back on and resumed the whipping. I was unable to stifle my cries, so with each stroke I would let out a cry. This seemed to please both Bob and the Captain.

Finally the whipping ended. I imagined that my ass cheeks were beet red. "Have him bend over the table, Bob, and then tie his hands to the front legs." Bob shoved me into place and quickly tied my hands. While he was doing that I heard the Captain unbuckle his belt and unzip his pants which dropped down on top of his boots. Then I felt his leather gloved hand on each of my ass cheeks. "Shit, these cheeks are flaming red. I think I am going to really enjoy this fuck. Bob, he might need something in his mouth. Why not shove your cock in that hole, so we can fuck him on both ends." With that Bob unsnapped his cod piece and began working his cock with his hand.

I felt Captain's stiff finger applying lube to my ass hole. He pushed in one finger, then a second and a third. With each finger I let out a gasp. Then Captain put on a condom and applied some lube to it, also. Next I felt the head of his cock pressing on my hole. Captain grabbed the bottom of my harness and with a massive thrust of his hips and pull of his strong arms, forced his engorged member into my tender ass which was still hot from being whipped. I left out a cry which elicited a: "Shut up" from both Bob and Captain at the same time.

Then I felt the head of Bob's massive dick in front of my lips and Bob's command: "Take this into your mouth bootlicker. Suck me good. And you'd better be pretty damn careful, if I feel your teeth, I'll kick your balls so hard you'll never fuck again! Understand?" Because his huge dick was filling my mouth and pressing down into my throat, all I could do was grunt, which I hope he interpreted as a "Yes, sir!"

With that the Captain began thrusting his cock further and further into my hole. Once he decided it was well seated, he began moving his hips in and out rhythmically. Bob must have been watching his cadence, because he began thrusting his cock into my mouth to the same rhythm. The double fucking went on for about five minutes and then the Captain said: "Let's switch. You need to feel his tight ass." With that he pulled out and at the same time Bob removed his cock from my mouth. Bob moved to my rear and picked up a condom. "While you're putting that on, let me warm up his ass for you," said the Captain. With that he picked up the belt and began whipping my tender ass cheeks again. One blow to the right cheek, the next to the left. I wasn't going to play the hero, so I cried out in pain with each whack of the two inch thick garrison belt. After ten strokes, he put down the belt and slapped my right ass cheek with is leather covered hand.

Bob moved into position. I knew what was coming next, but there was nothing I could do. From being fucked by Bob earlier, I knew that his eight inch dick was much thicker than the Captain's. Fortunately Bob knew that some men had trouble accepting his fully erect cock, so he began pressing into my hole slowly. He pushed and withdrew several times. Each time he penetrated deeper and I felt as if my hole was being ripped apart. So I cried out in pain as Bob hammered me deeper and deeper. This seemed to excite the Captain who ordered: "Give it to him Bob! Show him the power of your cock. Fuck that groveling bootlicker so hard that he'll never get up off the floor." With that Bob thrust his hips up against my ass and his cock went deep inside me. As I let out a scream, the Captain pressed his cock, still sheathed in a condom, into my mouth, stifling my cry. "Go ahead and fuck him until you cum," was the Captain's next order. Bob picked up the pace. My ass hole was now adapting to the massive piston that was pumping in and out. Bob's breathing became heavier as he worked my ass. Then he made one massive thrust and let out a cry of exhilaration. He took a few more strokes, but my hole had provided him with the pleasure he was seeking. He pulled out as the Captain said: "Now it's my turn to fuck our boot boy."

The Captain quickly thrust his cock back into my hole. However, after taking Bob's huge rod, my hole was stretched so, I hardly knew I was being fucked. Bob moved toward my head, removing the condom as he went. He said: "Here clean off my cock. Lick it clean." I started sucking on his cock which was beginning to shrink. I got all the jizz off of it and then just sucked softly on his relaxed member, while I waited for the Captain to cum. The tempo increased until he too met his climax and let out a heavy moan of satisfaction.

He pulled out and reached down and pulled up his pants, but did not buckle or zip. He then called out: "Release his hands, Bob, so he can get back to his bootboy work." With that Bob untied my wrists and I tried to straighten up, but I was so sore from the whipping and the fucking that I just sort of slid off the table and onto the floor. Bob came over and began kicking my kidneys with his shiny, thick soled engineer boots. I knew I couldn't take much more punishment from those boots, so I managed to get up on my knees. While I was doing that, the Captain fell into his large chair and said: "Come over here and remove my rubber and then clean up my cock. Now be careful not to spill anything from the condom, because you'll need that to service my boots." I crawled over to where his massive Wesco engineer boots were firmly planted on the floor. He move his left boot enough so that I could squeeze between his knees and begin removing the condom. Once it was off, I twisted it and held it in my left hand as I then began licking the Captian's shaft, cleaning off all the fuck that was still on it. When it was clean I decided I would lick his balls, even though he had not asked for that. My tongue on his balls must have pleased him because he said: "Good boy! You're getting to be a first rate cock sucker. Now, squeeze the fuck out of that condom on to my boots and start servicing them."

Would I ever get tired of licking the Captain's boots? The answer was "no". I just couldn't get enough of them. I carefully applied the warm, white fuck to the boot shafts and large toe section and then began to lick up the fuck. The fuck in my mouth and the smell of warm leather in my nostrils made my cock begin to get stiff. Bob pulled up his chair and got out a cigarette and began to smoke as he watched me carefully servicing his boss's boots. After a couple of minutes the Captain said: "Could you get me a beer, please Bob?"

Bob went out and came back with a couple of beers. Both men drank their beer slowly as they watched their well disciplined and thoroughly fucked boot slut service the Captain's eighteen inch engineer boots. When I had finished the second boot and there was no fuck anywhere, the Captain said: "Well, it's getting late and we've got tomorrow to introduce you to some new boots that will need servicing. Take him to his cell, Bob." This was the first time I had heard my room referred to as a "cell", but then because the door was locked and Bob acted like a prison guard, I guess the name was alright. "Don't forget my Ranger boots that need to be spit-shined before you return in the morning."

With that, I gathered up the heavy boots and Bob grabbed my arm and propelled me toward the door. When we got into the room he went over to a shelf in the bathroom and picked up a tube of lotion. He said: "Take another long shower to relieve the pain and after you dry off, apply this lotion to your ass where you were whipped. It will take away the pain and also bring quicker healing." He then crossed the room and went out, locking the door after him.

I took a 45 minute shower and then applied the lotion. I tried sitting down, but my butt was still too sore, so once again I brought the Captain's boots over to the table and stood up to begin polishing them. Because the boots had been spit shined before, it only took a couple of applications before the toes were gleaming. Next I worked on the tall shafts and before long they were also shiny. I stopped to admire my work. There is nothing like the satisfaction a bootblack gets from seeing a pair of boots that he has shined to perfection.

Then I was overtaken by a powerful urge to try on the Captain's heavy duty Ranger boots. I wondered if Bob was watching me through the little window in the door and if I tried such a thing would he come in and punish me. However, the temptation to wear the Captain's boots was greater than my fear of getting caught. I carefully sat down on the chair, unlaced my own combat boots and then pulled on the Captain's left boot. I think his boot was only one size larger than mine, so it was a pretty good fit. My heart raced as I pulled up the long laces and threaded them through the eyelets at the top of the shaft. Then I pulled on the other boot and carefully laced it up. When I was finished I stood up and began walking around the room. I felt a sexual excitement run through my body as I heard the heavy treads thudding along the hard floor. As I looked down, I saw the highly polished toe cap of those Ranger boots looking back up at me and my cock began to get hard. I could almost feel the Captain's commanding power as I strutted around the room in his boots. It was as if wearing his boots transferred some of his masculine power to me. As those thoughts raced through my mind, my cock grew hard, in spite of the abuse it had suffered. I walked over to the an suite bathroom and closed the door so if Bob should happen to look in the window he would not see me. Then I pulled down my leather shorts and standing in front of the sink I began to stroke my hot cock. I used some of the lotion as a lube and ran my hand up and down until my cock began to throb. The excitement of actually wearing the very boots that had been kicking my ass a little while before, brought me to a sexual climax faster than I anticipated. As I pumped out my fuck, I tried to aim it into the sink so that I would have a minimum of a mess to clean up. All too soon the feeling of ecstasy began to fade. I put on my shorts and then went back into the bedroom and reverently removed the boots that had just given me such pleasure. I then turned out the light and fell into bed exhausted after such a high energy day. But as I lay on the bed, my body seemed to glow with a feeling of sexual fulfillment that I had not had in months.

Next: Chapter 5

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