Both Sides Now

By shakes

Published on Apr 6, 2005


This story is a work of fiction. Any comments or suggestions can be sent to . For those interested in other stories I've done...they can be found at . Take care & Be well.

I woke up when I realized the room was dark. I could feel Corey sprawled out on top of me; his face buried in the crook of my neck, his breath soft and warm on my ear. Our legs seemed to be wrapped around the others. His arms weighed my own down--up and over my head.

Corey seemed to sense my stirring; I felt his gentle kissing of my neck before moving his arms down to hold the side of my chest while he began nibbling up my neck until his hot mouth reached my earlobe.

"Unngg..." I let out an involuntary groan and Corey lifted his head to look at me. I could see his eyes sparkle in the moonlight while he smiled at me.

"Hey there..." His voice was soft and throaty.

"Hi," I whispered back.

"How are you doing?" He asked before he kissed the corner of my mouth playfully.

"Still breathing," I answered almost not believing it was true. Corey chuckled into my ear before nibbling on it.

"You came so hard. Felt so good having you come so hard inside of me." His tongue was flicking in and around my ear.

"Don't talk like that." I moaned as his mouth was slowly driving me insane.

"What?" He laughed.

"You're making me hard. Stop talking dirty." I could feel my face flush and was thankful for the darkness.

Corey laughed and reached for my dick with his good hand. I wasn't lying to him. I was painfully hard. The thought of what we did was at the forefront of my mind. I wanted more. I wanted so much more. Corey silently continued to rub and stroke me. My hand slid down his back to his ass.

"Mmmm..." he moaned enthusiastically. "Wanna do it again?"

I laughed nervously and slapped his ass cheek in reply. Corey let go of my erection and moved off of me to the side, leaning up and looking at me. I brought my hand up and brushed his hair away from his face--still loving the silky texture of it between my fingers. I couldn't seem to get enough of it; my hand continually ran itself through his Hershey hair until he finally caught my hand in his and brought it up to his lips for a quick peck.

"Can I spend the night here?"

"I think you mighta already done that, bud." I chuckled as I aimlessly grabbed for my alarm clock that I knew was off to the side of me on my night table.

"Seriously, how fuckin' late is it anyways?" I asked absently as my hand finally found its grip around the clock and I brought it to my face.

"3:34. Holy shit! You wore me out." I giggled as I dumped the clock back on the table as Corey was snuggling up to my side--his head resting on my shoulder.

"No joking, Elton. Can I stay here?"

"You don't have to ask that, Corey. Of course you can stay. Did you think I was gonna throw you out after all that?"

"Well, some guys don't like the cuddle thing after fucking." His words and the thought made me cringe. Is that all this was to him? Fucking? It sounded so...cold. I wasn't sure what to say to him.

"How many..." I wasn't sure if it was my business or not, and debated whether or not to finish the question. I figured from what I knew so far about Corey, that I was free to ask him anything. He didn't seem like the type of guy who had much to hide.

"How many people have you slept with?"

I felt Corey shrug before asking, "Why?"

"I...I don't know. You weren't nervous at all. Or at least you didn't seem like it. You knew what you were doing. I was a total idiot."

"Fuck that, Elton. That's bullshit. You were perfect."

"I seriously doubt that." I interrupted with a chuckle.

"Don't laugh. You were amazing." And then there was an awkward silence as he almost successfully tried to dodge answering the question.

"So?" I pressed on.

"I'm not a slut or anything." Elton sounded defensive, and I started to worry.

"I didn't say that, Corey. I was just..."

"I didn't start having sex until I was 16. Most of my friends were doing it way before me. But once I started...I love it, y'know?"

"Yeah, I guess." I was regretting the fact that I started the conversation. I had a feeling this meant less to him than it did me.

"I've fucked lots...but only with a handful of people."

"What's a handful?" I couldn't help the spitefulness in my tone.

"Mmm...I don't know. Four or five--including you."


I didn't know what to say. I couldn't help but feel a twinge of something awful but I didn't know what it was. Was it jealousy? Was I jealous that I wasn't Corey's first, like he was mine? Or was I just hurt at the possibility that I meant no more to him than his other conquests? I wanted to just be happy at the fact that I finally got laid at the age of 30, but I couldn't. I felt awful.

"What's wrong, Elton?" Corey could sense the change in my mood.


"Bullshit. You sound pissed at me."

"I'm not."

"Then what's with the fuckin' attitude?" Corey's voice was getting louder.

"Nothing. What attitude? I'm not mad." I was running in circles trying to avoid having more of the conversation.

"Look, we all have a past, Elton. I'm not gonna sit here and pretend I haven't fucked other guys--besides, you asked."

He was right. I knew he was right, and I knew I was wrong to push him away just because I was scared. He was only 18, but at that moment, he seemed a lot older and more mature than I was. It made me feel worse. I may have had sex that day, but I was still a virgin in so many other ways

"I'm sorry. I didn't mean to judge. I just..." I stopped when I felt Corey move away from me. "Corey?"

Corey rolled away from me and a few moments later the bedside light was on. My eyes squinted and I shielded my eyes with my arm against the initial assault. I felt Corey rest beside me again, and he gently pulled my arm from my face. I tried to relax my eyes as I noticed him staring at me. When my eyes finally adjusted to the light, I looked into Corey's.

"What is it, Elton?"

"I don't know. I just don't want this to be another fuck to you, okay? I wanna make love with you. I wanna make love to you. I wanna cuddle and snuggle after, and hold your hand. I wanna go out on dates, and laugh and talk and really be with you. I don't want this to be just a fuck. I'm sorry."

"Why are you sorry?"

I felt like I was on the brink of tears when I choked out, "I should've made my feelings clear before I let this get out of hand."

I felt like an idiot. I felt the hot trickle down my face after I struggled with everything I had, not to let them fall. I hated the feeling of being wide open to him. I'd just met him a few weeks ago, and I felt completely vulnerable. I was mad at myself for giving in so easily. As far as I could tell from this point, relationships were a pain in the ass--or heart as it seemed the case.

"What feelings are those, Elton?" Corey's voice was soft again--a whisper that seemed to make the hair on my neck stand on end. This kid was incredible. He could slide under my radar time and time again and completely steal my heart, but I felt vulnerable enough. I didn't want to talk about my feelings anymore.

"Nothin'." I shook my head.

Corey stared at me for awhile, not saying anything. My eyes avoided his while I tried to harden myself against the intensity of them. I fell hard for him, but I didn't want to give up all my control.

"I meant what I said yesterday." Corey's voice made me look into his eyes. He touched my hair before kissing the side of my head while he settled back into me--resting his head on my shoulder again.

"You're not just a fuck to me. You've been all I've been able to think about since we met. You're not just some fuck--I'm not like that. I don't know what you think of me, but I'm definitely not like that."

I didn't know what to say. I felt like shit. I scrambled so fucking hard for control, that the person I was in love with, figured that I thought he was a heartless tease. I loved him more. It felt all consuming. I was close to short-circuiting.

"I don't think that. I'm sorry. I'm just not good at this shit. I'm sorry." I blurted out.

"Not good at what?"

"Relationships. I'm sorry. I've never done this before. I don't know what I'm doing or saying half the time."

Corey smiled up at me as his body slid even closer. His hand roamed around my abdomen before his hand gingerly made contact with my penis. He wasn't shy at all.

"I think you do pretty well for somebody who don't know shit."

We both laughed out loud as his hand gently began sliding up and down my cock. My laughter slowly eased into moans of pleasure as Corey worked my dick into another hard state. His eyes burned as he watched me enjoy his ministrations. I could hear, rather than feel my cock leak--the squishing sound echoed off the walls of my bedroom as Corey's hand slid from root to tip, and then back down again.

"Your cock is amazing." Corey said huskily before his lips pressed against my own. I wasn't sure if the comment or compliment required a response. I didn't trust myself to speak--his hand was slow, wonderful torture.

"You're so fuckin' sexy, Elton." Corey whispered before his mouth crashed into mine. His tongue pushed past my lips and teeth--practically raping my own. His grip on my cock increased. As his hand slid up my length, I felt it pause as he swept his thumb around the head--smearing more of my precum around.

I was struggling for breath while I was struggling to match his intensity in his kiss. My hands dived into his hair and I lifted my head off of the pillow--trying to keep our mouths connected. I couldn't breathe, but I didn't care. I didn't care if I died that moment. I wanted to be closer. I needed to be closer to him.

Corey sensed my struggle and pried his mouth from mine. I gasped for air and moaned at the same time as Corey's mouth attached itself to my nipple. He bit hard and startled me, but then eased the assault as his tongue lightly traced circles around the sensitive peak. He was slowly torturing me. His tongue worked my chest as his hand worked my erection. I wanted to stop him. I wanted to encourage him. All I could do was moan out like a whore.

"Yeah..." Corey moved up and let his mouth tease my ear. "That's it, Elton. Let me know how much you love it." His voice encouraged as his mouth caressed around my ear. My arms instinctively wrapped around him and pulled him closer to me. I wanted to be closer.

"Corey..." I whimpered while my eyes clenched shut.

"Shhh..." I felt his warm breath before his lips touched mine softly. Our bodies were slick and moist and he seemed to slip through my fingers. I felt his hands pry my legs open, and I nearly jumped off of the bed when I felt his mouth slide down my leaking erection.

"Unngg..." I was helplessly taken. His mouth was moist and tight as he sucked up and down my length. As he reached the tip, his tongue would slowly sweep around the head before pressing into the opening. Over and over again his hot mouth engulfed me; his tongue manipulated me to the brink of overload. I wanted something. I wanted more. I wanted to be closer.

"Corey..." I called out to him again and almost immediately he was with me--his lips placing soft and tender kisses over my face--his voice soothing me.

" I know...I know..."

I tried to grab on to him for dear life. I clutched him tightly as his hand stroked my nearly over-stimulated penis. He kissed my face and spoke softly to me while his hand traveled lower--cupping my balls gently at first before his fingers slid down the crack of my ass. As I felt his moist finger brush across my opening, I felt it twitch. I felt a need in the pit of my stomach.

"Yeah..." I moaned without really knowing what it was I needed. Corey's finger glided over my hole again, and I was sure I was about to come.

"Fuck..." I whimpered.

"Oh, God! I wish you could see how incredible you look right now. You like that don't you?"

Corey didn't wait for my answer. His finger rubbed again and again over my anus. I couldn't think. I wasn't ready, but I couldn't wait anymore. My eyes opened and met his dead-on. I could feel my eyes pleading with him. His eyes sparkled before his lips met mine. The kiss was brief. He moved up to look at me again--his eyes burned into me as I watched him bring his hand to my face.

"Suck it." He commanded as he slid the middle finger of his good hand into my mouth.

I closed my mouth around his finger while I stared nervously into his eyes. His eyes were still on fire as he gently fucked my mouth with his long finger. He watched me intently for a moment while his finger slid in and out of my mouth before he leaned down and replaced his finger with his tongue. The kiss was slow and longing--a slight contrast from the erotic way his finger moved in and out of my mouth. It was consuming--distracting my mind from where his hand was headed. Before I could remember, it was too late.

His finger pushed all the way into my virgin hole as his mouth drank of mine. My gasp was swallowed by his kiss. My fingers raked along his back--my nails penetrated skin as I felt his finger rub against my prostate. Unconsciously, my legs opened even wider as Corey's finger thrust in and out of me. It was excruciating. It was heaven. My whole body tensed for the briefest of moments before it exploded.

Corey watched as my body contorted in the most intense climax I'd ever experienced. I could feel my ass pulse and clamp down over his finger as my cock pumped my semen between our bodies. The intensity was almost numbing, yet at the same time I wanted to cry with it. My body trembled without my control as I came down from my high. I struggled to catch my breath. In the end I could only look at Corey. I opened my mouth to speak, but nothing would come out.

"'s okay." It was like Corey read my mind. I felt his finger leave me, and slowly he wrapped his good arm around me as he continued to watch me closely.

"You okay?" he asked after he kissed my forehead.

I knew that I was still unable to speak, so I slowly nodded my head. I couldn't take my eyes off of him. I was sure that my soul was naked and open right there before him, but I couldn't take my eyes off of him. Corey's eyes met mine full-throttle. He didn't even blink for what must have been a full minute. When he finally did, it was as he bent down to kiss my cheek. When he leaned up to look at me again, he was smiling.

"I love you, Elton."

I didn't believe my ears at first, and I'm sure it was written all over my face, because he told me again.

"I really love you."

"I love you." I whispered back, and felt my eyes burn.

Corey grinned before he moved off of me to turn off the light. He returned quickly and lay down--his head on my shoulder; his arm around me. He snuggled into me--our bodies close; his breath bathing my neck with soothing warmth. I reached over to his side of the bed and pulled the comforter over us. Corey looked up at me as we curled even closer to each other.

"I guess this means I really can spend the night..." he smirked before we both broke into silent laughter.

"Retard..." I playfully muttered as we giggled and got comfortable. It wasn't long before we were asleep again--in each other's arms. Two people in love.

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