Bottom of the Pile


Published on Apr 15, 2002


Hey every1 u know the rules dont be lookin at my shit if ure inder 18, and if u think ure gonna try copy it il kick ure ass, o yea, this is all fiction, but quentin is my middle name, and alot of this story is based on a true story, my personality is like Quentin, i look like him, i am retakin exams @ college and part of this story happened just that matt and chris were girls and matt was alot more confident and pretty(for a girl i mean) O yea, u lot can email me with how to continue it and im on msn messenger to, so if u wanna chat just chat. cya!

Bottom of the pile quentins story

I was nearly 18 when i had started at that college, i was kinda dumb you see, i had left school only passing 2 of my subjects when you need 4 in uk, after that i flunked again, by the third time i was like, if i dont get them this time il fuckin go crazy, 1 thing i had noticed which was different was all the eyes i had gotten at this college, i suppose getting those contact lenses and buying new clothes had really helped.

About halfway into the term i had met this guy in the library, not really hansome, but cute in his own way, 5'6 blode hair brown eyes like me he was slim, but i suppose i was more meaty than him around the arse and thighs, he came over to me shyly asking if he can sit, obviously i invited him chatting away to him as i do, even went out for a fag with him, he never accepted as these shy geeks do

Matts story

I came into the library to do some homework, i was soo ashamed that i had failed an exam at school i HAD to pass it this time, after picking out my books i went over to the first table with 3 guys sitting there, the minuit i sat down the firt guy leon who was in my biology class looked me straight in the eye and said "get out of the fuckin seat white boy" I was devastated but I scurried off with no complaint, every table i looked over to sit in people would put their bags in the seat or give me dirty looks, i was walking around like a lost sheep , stranded , tears started to form in my eyes, "stop it matt" i told myself, i was getting the feeling that i was back at school, those horrible years of being bullied every day.

Just as i was about to leave i noticed a table in the corner, with one guy sat at it a hansome guy sat at it, just as i was complimenting asking him if i could sit there for if i was rejected again i would have probably burts into tears he turned and looked at me, a beutiful black adonis, from his head to toe, his wonderful brown hair gelled into ringlets that comlplimented his wonderful glowing toffee skin thick black eyebroww combed straigh, this guy cared about his looks, underneath sat the most inocent brown eyes, wide and with the most whitest whites, beautifully long black eyelashes , a cute nose sat below, though he looked black,his nose was straight, but round at the end, a silver nose ring placed on one side accentuated his eyes, beutiful pinkish brown thick lips were just below, with a faint but noticable moustache, and thich black short facial hair,this guy looked as if he didnt even shave, probably waxed or somthin, my little rat face had never grown facial hair so i dont know, a fashionalbe denim jacket showed only a little of his torso but his snug but not tight tshirt was inviting, though he was not muscly his nipples stuck out from the cold air, probably why his nose was pinkish, seeing him like that wanted me to take him in my arms and warm him, thick thighs snugly fit his faded jeans, and the black shoes elevated class and style, no one in the college wore shoes, not even me, but with him, it just looked great.

I wanted him, i needed him, I did not care if he rejected me, i just wanted 2 hear his voice.

I sheeppishly walked over to him, and went over to his table i pleaded "Please can i sit here, i wont be a minuit its just......" He looked up and smiles at me, showing his straight off white teeth "youre in my hitory class init?"

His smooth hoarse voice was warm and inviting. "yes i am" "yea i seen u there" can i borrow your coursework, cos i aint finished mine and i need some help, kinda dumb, dont know how to do it"

His sentence was like a knife in me those eyes impregnated me with sympaty for him, i was gonna help him no matter what. I quickly produced mine giving it to him to read as i sat down.

We spoke and spoke for ages him telling me about how he has to work in a bar at night to pay his rent thats why he was always tired and how he had left london then come back to a different part this september, I fel a closeness to him , like he was a brother or something, we became very close over the weeks, my attraction turned into almost a brotherly love for him, he made me laugh and i looked forward to seeing him, we were so close until chris came.


Every one loved Chris apart from me, the first time i met him i hated him, little shit, he was one of those guys that never grew up since leaving school and thought his shit smelt good.

But he would always look at me, at first i hated him thinking that he was talking about me, everytime i saw him i would give him daggers looks and swear at him under my breath. But whenever i did that he would give me looks like "what have i done?"

Me and matt were in the cafe smoking the cigs that he had bought for me, when he came over. not even asking he just looked at Matt as to say "go" but i held my stare on matt to make him stay, eventually matt shuffled over to the next seat dropping all his work , chris however kicked them which made me angry as i helped him to pick them up.

I was fuming with Chris by then, whats his fuckin problem, i was just about to go and fight chris when he started chatting to me intorducing himself, i answered with a simple mmm i cut off chris by chatting to matt but every time matt tried to talk to chris he would give matt a dirty look, my body filled with hate for chris, matt was my little friend, nad aint no one gonna treat him like that, eventually matt shuffled off leaving me and chirs, not saying anything i carried on looking at my source magazine, then he started poking my magazine cover saying, "lil kims heavy init" i carried on looking, he then asked me for a cigarette i replied saying, "their Matt's" then he really hit a nerve with me, he started sayin how "how come u hang around with that dickhead, he a pussy man, one of these days i should jack him"

Then i lost it, i started cussing him out telling him if he lays a finger on matt il fucking kill him, and he should never chat to me again, i ended it by shouting JUST FUCK OFF

Stunned he walked off, i was fuming, little shit, how fucking dare he try and cuss matt out.

Matt came back and saw me angry, he was like "whats wrong?" i sid nothing, dont wanna hurt poor matts little ego. then he shocked me by saying, "so what do u think of chris" i replied "hes a cunt" and other word i could use to insult him Then Matt dropped the bombshell "well i think hes fuckin hot"

well that was part 1

Next: Chapter 2

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