Bottom To Top

By CJ Stenus

Published on Jan 6, 2005



// I write a lot but this is my first attempt at erotic fiction. The theme of the story is dominance. If you're not into that, or if it is disturbing to you, then save yourself and leave. Otherwise, enjoy!

CJ. //

Bottom To Top

He likes to be in control. Ever since we've gotten together, he had always been top, and I, bottom. At first I didn't mind. I couldn't care less. How could anyone resist being screwed by such a hot stud like him? He is a man of all men, the strongest and toughest alpha-male of society, the closest thing to a superhero, both physically and mentally, and he was mine. Well, more like I was his. I belonged to him. I didn't mind though. I really didn't mind at all. He would come home, beaten down from a hard day's work, in desperate need of stress relief, and being the loyal lover that I was, I would let him fuck me. Or, he would wake up in the middle of the night with an abrupt desire to do me, I would not complain either. I loved this man and he loved me. I knew I was more than just his toy. I was his lover.

But, I started to fantasize. "What if I were the one in control? What if I was top and he, bottom? What if I were the one to shove my dick up his ass for once?" I never asked, but still, never in million years would he subject himself to such a...humourous suggestion. I just knew he wouldn't. I masturbated to the fantasy, playing out in my mind everything that I would do to him if I had the opportunity and if I had the courage. I came within a minute, every time. The fantasy was ingrained in my mind and wherever I was, whatever I was doing, I couldn't get it out of my head. Even when he was with me, when he was fucking me, I could not ignore what was driving me so crazy. The activity I loved most soon became a monotonous routine. I felt like a rag doll and he seemed to be lacking more and more passion during our sessions. It came to the point where I felt no pleasure at all with him being inside me. Yet, my dissatisfaction went unnoticed. I was near depression while he was hornier than ever. That was the last straw.

The local sex shop had the.equipments I was looking for but I opted for an online purchase. Browsing through the online catalogue of sex toys, I came across a rather interesting thingamajig, which imbued kinkier fantasies than what I had in mind. I drifted away momentarily and when I came to again, I had wet myself with pre-cum, manning a throbbing erection. I purchased it, along with some other items that would ensure that I would be in control, even if he were to be resistant. It would take two weeks before they arrived. I waited anxiously, planning every detail of the blissful event. It's going to blow my man's mind away. When the products had finally arrived, he was the one who took it from the mailman. Luckily, it was in a normal cardboard box with no hints of the contents within. He asked me what it was and I told him I would show him later. I would show him all right.

It was time my fantasies came to life. I opened the box, unravelling the contents with excitement. A surge of energy filled my entire body as I held the items in my hands. They clattered. I smirked, analyzing the toys, and once again felt the ever-familiar sensation between my legs. At that moment, he walked in. I quickly hid the toys under the bed and refocused on him, smiling with lustful anticipation. He was in his horny mode and had no idea what I had in store for him. I went on over to him and planted my lips onto his. We embraced in a tongue fest and I felt my excitement grow. The corner of my eye lingered to the surprises I had hidden beneath the bed. "In due time," I told myself. "In due time."

He halted to take his shirt off. One of my hands lowered onto his crotch, gently squeezing the hardening member trapped in his hugging jeans. He moaned like an animal and placed his hands onto my shoulders, pressing on them softly. I obeyed his implicit command and lowered myself to the usual position. As I unbuttoned his jeans, his hands shifted to my head. I pulled his jeans down to his knees, finally releasing his beautiful dick. It wobbled briefly before my right hand gripped it firmly. My mouth then took it in as my hand stroked it expertly. He moaned again, louder. I smiled, amidst the huge penis in my mouth. His hands played with my hair while guiding my mouth up and down his shaft. After a few minutes of fucking my mouth, he signalled me to stop. I took the slippery piece of sausage out of my mouth and awaited his next command. He pointed to the bed with his chin and I immediately knew what he wanted to do. I got to my feet, then stripped naked as he kicked his jeans off. I plodded onto the bed and lay on my front, getting into the usual desired position. Giving head was enjoyable, but being banged like this over and over again was just a chore. He got on top of me and wasted no time in sliding his thing into my hole. Despite the frequent probing, it had yet to become accustomed to the abuse. I cringed at the pain while searching for pleasure in my fantasies.

It was time. "Stop," I told him casually. He listened and withdrew his penis. He asked me what was wrong and I told him, "Nothing. I just wanna try something else." He looked confused. I bent over to pick up the blindfold from under the bed and he looked even more confused. I got behind him and put the blindfold on my hesitant lover. Then, taking his hand, I guided him off the bed and onto the floor. He stood still, naked, hard, and arms crossed. "Don't move," I whispered into his ear and went to get the next item in my plan: handcuffs. Moving behind him once again, I placed my free hand around his chest and nibbled on the back of his neck. He let out a huge sigh. I uncrossed his arms and moved them behind his back. Then, I placed the handcuffs on his wrists. He grunted, pulling on his hands to confirm his predicament. My right hand grabbed hold of his still hard cock and I returned to caressing him with my left hand. As I stroked him, my hand felt slippery and I realized his dick was wet with pre-cum. I chuckled at his delight. The familiar noise from his lubricated shaft made me horny, causing my withered dick to spring back into action. I poked his lower back with hard-on and masturbated myself by rubbing it up and down, occasionally brushing by between his ass cheeks. "Not yet," I told myself, holding back my sudden desire to thrust hard into him. There was still much I wanted to do.

My hands departed from him and I began to move away, back towards the bed to retrieve another toy from yonder. "Huh?" he mumbled, protesting at my sudden leave. I returned to him and placed a hand on his throbbing wet penis to ensure him that I was still there. "Mmmm" he groaned. I took the cock leash in my other hand and secured it around his penis and testicles. He shook his hips back and forth, trying to figure out what had just happened to him. With my hand on the opposite end of the leash, I backed away.

"Success." I pranced around the room and he followed clumsily, complaining at my devious ploy. After dragging him around by his penis for a couple of minutes, I finally rested myself on a chair to gaze at my man. I had him in shackles, blindfolded, tethered by a humiliating cock leash, and all the while, he was manning the biggest and hardest erection I have ever seen and felt. Everything was proceeding as planned.

I yanked on the leash, probably a little too hard because he yowled in pain as he scrambled forward a few steps. "Oops," I chuckled, lifting a leg off the floor and positioning my foot on his penis. Then, with my toes, I stroked it leisurely. He whimpered with gratification. Within seconds, his dick was oozing strings after strings of sticky pre-cum onto my toes and the leash. I could tell he was near orgasm but I wasn't about to let my fun end just yet. I was just getting started.

I stroked his penis a few more times, then brought my foot back onto the floor. I giggled at the sticky situation, my hand playing with the long thick thread of pre-cum that still joined us together from his pulsating penis to my oily toes. I too was leaking my share of pre-cum as he gasped with euphoria. Seeing him so aroused under my control was empowering and I decided to proceed to the next level. I pulled on the leash with a slight tension, signalling for him to come closer. He obeyed and took a few steps forward until I told him to stop. I got off the chair and then told him, "Down." He seems confused at the order so I made myself clearer. "Get down." I pulled on the leash slightly harder.

"Ahhh!" he let out a mild shout. Hesitantly, he obeyed and slowly squatted.

"On your knees," I told him and yanked on the leash hard, forcing him to glide forward and land on his knees.

"Gahh!" he shouted even louder. For a brief moment, I considered just ending the fantasy and let him ago. But, if he didn't enjoy what I was doing, he would've expressed it by now. My eyes gazed down at his penis, still leaking pre-cum frantically. That is a telltale sign that can't be wrong.

To my surprise, he started to rise to his toes. I took a step forward, my right foot stepping onto the leash, drawing him back down onto his knees. He opened his mouth to protest but made no sound when it felt my penis in front of it. His head backed away slightly, but my left hand stopped it from receding any further. I guided his head back to my awaiting erection, which came into contact with his sealed lips. He grumbled as I pressed the head of my penis against his mouth trying to pry it open. He just wouldn't obey so I simultaneously yanked the leash fiercely and pushed forward with my penis. He could not help but open his mouth to scream but the sound was muffled by my inward bound hard-on. My left hand pulled on his head as I thrusted my penis deep into his mouth for the very first time in my life. The warm moistness I felt escalated my arousal to new heights and I drifted into a reverie of profound pleasure. The sensation was utterly divine, causing a heated frenzy all through my body. This feeling was entirely unique as such a scenario had never transpired before. At last, I truly comprehend why he enjoyed my sucking him so much.

Suddenly, he started sucking me feverishly, catching me off guard. My mouth widened and exclaimed in indescribable ecstasy. Instinctively, I began to fuck his mouth furiously, using my hand to support his head. With the leash in my other hand, I tugged on his penis. He protested to my genitals and I quickly pulled out. Breathing heavily, I removed his blindfold to reveal his eyes. He gazed up at me and I looked down at my man who seemed to be enjoying the turn of events. I grinned at him and repositioned the blindfold. Placing my hand back behind his head, I returned to fucking his face. My sudden assault annoyed him and he cussed at me with stifled words. I chortled, only to feel his teeth clamp on my penis. I took revenge by yanking on the cock leash as hard as I could. It was his turn to scream as I snickered at him. I returned to sliding my dick in and out of his mouth, but shortly after, I was taken aback by a hard bite to my shaft. My penis zooms out of his mouth in pain and fear, yet still aroused. A bit angered by his surprise manoeuvre, I ordered him to get up. He obeyed and chuckled.

"You're gonna get it now," I warned him playfully and marched over to our pile of clothes with the cock leash still in my hand. He lugged along. From the pile, I took my underwear and made it into a ball. His mouth was ajar so I swiftly shoved it into his mouth. He tried to spit it out but couldn't seem to do it. He huffed at my mean move and once again shook his hands in an attempt to break free of the handcuffs. I extended my hand to stroke his penis, calming him down. He purred with pleasure, as expected. However, I was careful not to bring him to climax, or it would've ended the event. He whined when my hand left his pulsating penis, desperate to explode. I wasn't near done with him yet and there was still two items left under the bed waiting with bated breaths to come out and play.

I dragged my man over to the edge of the bed and he immediately figured out what I would eventually want to do to him. But, not yet. I ignored his mumbling and guided him onto the bed with me, allowing him to rest on his bottom. He sat still, pondering what I was about to do. I let go of the leash to pick up the rope from under. It slid by him and triggered a concerned reaction. I quickly bent over and engulfed his dick. He threw his back onto the bed, savouring my blows. With him distracted, I tied the rope around his ankles. Then. my lips kissed his penis goodbye as I went to retrieve the paddle beneath the bed. He did not catch on until I rolled him over onto his back, with his fabulous ass facing up. I sat on his back, being careful not to hurt his arms, and initiated some spanking with the paddle. He shouted through my underwear, while wiggling back and forth. I continued to spank him mischievously as he struggled to get me off of him. With his arms cuffed behind his back, his legs tied together, and me on top of him, there was definitely no way for him to escape. After several attempts, he finally retired and let me have my fun. Treating his ass like a snare drum, I played a rhythm with the paddle. He continued to mumble so I ungagged him to hear what he had to say.

"You little shit. You're dead," he threatened. I answered with hard whacks to his tushies. He roared in agony and made another attempt to get away. He returned to his threats after failing to escape again. Seeing the redness of his ass cheeks, I decided to stop the cruel spanking and get off him.

"Aw, I'm sorry," I said. With my hands once again free, I fondled his ass to soothe the hurt it had endured. He lay on the bed, motionless, without uttering a single word. My tongue eventually found its way to his hole and I started rimming him wildly. I hear a subtle moan from my boy and paused to smile. My dick re-hardened and demanded that I let it fulfill its destiny. I was no longer able to prolong my desire. I got on top of him like he would do to me and positioned my penis. But as I was about to penetrate him, I felt an excruciating squeeze on my balls. I was so focused on finally fucking him that I did not realize my genitals were within his reach. His hands were relentless as they twisted and pulled on my dick and balls. He laughed heartily as I yowled painfully. My hands moved to pull away from his tight grip as I pressed with my feet for the escape. I flew backwards, almost off the bed. I was finally successful but not without one last painful squeeze by his hands. My hands moved to my dick to soothe the pain.

My guy suddenly lifted himself up onto his knees and started hopping on them. I was worried for a moment but realizing he couldn't really get anywhere with his legs tied, I laughed at his desperate attempt to bounce away. I gave him a push and he fell onto his face, with his legs still bent at the knees. My hands grabbed and pulled on his hips, stopping him from unbending his legs. He squirmed restlessly but did no more than arch his back, while his ass was still staring at my face. Even as physically strong as he was, he could not get away from my hold . The handcuffs and the ropes had given me the upper hand.

I gazed in awe down at his virgin hole and then at my throbbing penis. Then, I pulled with my hands and thrusted with my penis as hard as I could. It dove right in, at last liberating my man. The room became eerily silent. I shivered, but dared not move and he lay motionless. With our bodies frozen in time, I tried to grasp what had just happened and what would happen next.

He screamed indignantly.

My heart pulsated with fear as I witnessed his pain from the penetration. I withdrew my penis, causing yet another painful cry. I cringed, feeling his agony through his body. He gasped for several seconds then finally spoke, uttering the most shocking words.

"Do it. Fuck me."

And so I did...

The End.

// Comments and/or constructive criticism will be greatly received and can be directed to me at Thanks! //

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