Bottom to Top to Sub

By moc.loa@potgnipor

Published on Apr 18, 2023


A note to all of Jack's fans: gentle readers: no story goes on forever, and we'll be seeing an end to the saga of Jack, Mark and Jamie in the not too distant future. There may be another 10 chapters or so. I'll be moving on to different story lines. If you're interested, ask me in an email, or just pass on your ideas. I have several different thoughts, and if you like the writing , first of all, thank you, but let me know what you'd like to read.

Stay safe everyone, and remember: we pay for what we like. Make a donation.

The information that Mark had collected from the dancer was disturbing, to say the least. He knew he had to find out more, but where? Then it hit him: it was right in front of him: maybe Jamie knew something

Jack was already up and gone to work when he got up the next morning. Jamie was around the house, cleaning, and singing to himself. Cooper had worked a decided change in his demeanor. "MARCO. Those of us who keep REGULAR hours are glad you could join us. Cafe', Mr. Top man? Methinks we probably need a coffee klatch"

"Yes, thanks. Jamie. You're very intuitive. Probably the most intuitive person I've ever known." Jamie smiled "Get out more. Take your nose out of a book, stop writing, and meet some REAL people. I'm no more intuitive than Jack. I'm just a little more , ahem 'brazen.' " Mark began to laugh. "By the way, you can thank me later, but I convinced Jack that he needed some more clothes, including tighter fitting short sleeve shirts. OF COURSE he got defensive, but we're shopping this week. So... give me a list of your favorite colors, besides naked, and I'll get to work."

"Jamie, you're just kind of amazing, you know that." "Yes, dear, I do. So... take another sip of coffee and tell Momma Jamie: what's on your mind this time." "Well, I was hoping I could pick your brain about your short time with Jon, because.... he tried to break Jack and I up." Jamie almost spit out his coffee. "HELLO! That's been going on since you started. Didn't you SEE it?" Mark looked up. "HUH? " Jamie stood up, and put his hand on his hip "you know, I seem to be quoting Cora a lot around here ' for someone who knows so much you don't know a whole lot, do you'? He's been horribly jealous since the first time he met Jack. " "But... Jack's not his type." Jamie shook his head. "you know, I'm saying this in the most loving way I can, but: Mark, you are REALLY dense sometimes. It's not WHO, it's IT. You have a relationship. You know, neither you nor Jon is ever going to win a prize for the Mr. Wonderful competition, but you DID win a prize: you found a man who looked past every single fault and just melts when he thinks of you. And I give you points for adapting. You've changed since you met Jack, and all for good. And by the way, if you think you're the top in that relationship, think again. You fuck like an animal, and Jack is lucky to have you, but if you don't realize that he's in charge, you really ARE dense. But I doubt that. I suspect you're just busy. Jon, on the other hand, will always be a nasty, selfish, self involved, BASTARD, who has one redeeming factor: he's awesome before and in bed. Yeah, he is. It's the after part where he sucks, and NOT in a good way."

Mark had never heard Jamie speak that many words at once, and he was floored. Trying to unpack what he said, was not going to be easy. "So, you think Jon is jealous because I have something that he doesn't?"

Jamie laughed. "It's more than that. Have you ever stopped and thought about HOW LUCKY you are to have Jack?" Mark paused. "I have. Maybe not enough." Jamie laughed "well, let me go through some of them. Has he asked you for ONE DIME since you moved in?" "No." "Yeah, me neither. He hasn't asked me for anything. And he never will. He'll just give as long as he can. And have you ever thought about this, Mark? First, he could snap your neck and still eat his dinner. In fact, he could snap YOUR neck, MY neck, and Jon's neck, at the same time, without any trouble. So, you're living with a big, strong guy, who takes care of everything you don't want to be bothered with, and has kept you blissfully happy all along the way, even while your friends have given him a whole lot of shit." Jamie paused. "Sound like a bottom to you?"

Mark paused "I see your point..." He walked around, before he exploded. ' I HAVE BEEN SO STUPID'. "NOW you're getting it stud.

Look, know what I think? I think you never had a man before. You came back because you remembered Jack the boy. And you found Jack the man. Yes, he's kept so many of those characteristics that you remembered, and he added so much more. You couldn't figure it out. Parts of it you still can't. Hell, I can't figure out parts of him yet. " Jamie paused. "Who WOULDN'T be jealous of you? I'M jealous of you Mark. I wake up every day regretting that I didn't come north with him. Meanwhile, you told me you and Jon "used to hunt in a pack." ' HOW THE HELL DO YOU THINK HE FEELS? His bud, his wingman, everything else, is getting the guy, the show, the success, and what's he got? Some money he inherited? " Jamie came up to Mark. "Dump him. Dump him as fast as you can. " Mark began to cry. Deep, serious sobs, and Jamie hugged him. "Listen stud. You're a great guy. Know how I know that? Jack hasn't dumped you. But also, from being with you. You're just a great guy who's still the pretentious grad student. NOW GROW UP. Jack can take care of himself, and Jon won't harm him one bit, but JESUS FUCKING CHRIST GET OUT THERE AND DEFEND YOUR MAN, YOU CLOSET BOTTOM."

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Mark texted Jon before he left the apartment : "Hey Jon. Can you stop by this afternoon/evening? Questions I hope you can answer. Thx." He went to shower before he headed downtown, and didn't realize that it was just about 3 - which was when Jack got off shift.

"HEY. There's a hot top man in my shower." Jack ripped the shower curtain away while Mark was showering, scaring him half to death. "MY GOD JACK. I almost shat in the tub." "Hey , no problem, super jack has unplugged worse. You were still here, so I wanted to see you before you left. " Mark came out of the shower, and toweled himself off. He could feel his boner growing already. Jack was standing there in a ratty old t shirt, some faded, ripped jeans, and the "Mark's boy" cap he loved so much. To Mark, he was the hottest man in the world. "Hey, stud, look what someone tossed and I found today. Looks brand new." Jack held out a t shirt with "BATMAN across the front. Light brown, simple. "Looks like my size. Should I try it on for you? " He grinned. "Uh, that's a question, handsome?" Mark began to get dressed because he didn't have MUCH time, but if he could see Jack without a shirt, he took the opportunity. "Ok, stud. Don't make fun of it. I know I'm super jack most of the time, and Captain Marvel occasionally, but you never know." He shucked his work shirt, and pulled on this one. "OH GOD I'M DYING" Mark thought. The t shirt was snug: especially at the biceps, and Jack's nips pointed out through it. "Whaddya think, Marco? Think you could play the Joker if I wore this?" Mark smiled. He loved when Jack flirted. "I think that could be arranged." He came up on Jack who was smiling. He didn't know Jack had something in mind, and before Mark could get him pinned to the bed, Jack had him pinned down. "HEY. What's this about?" " Jack was smiling. "Now, now, stud. I thought it might be fun to see how you reacted to how you do me all the time." Mark squirmed, but what was the point? Jack was much stronger. "C'mon, let me go. You know you want my dick, Jack-o." "I do, but I want something else first....' Jack moved his fingers to Mark's nips. "Now, how does this feel TO YOU?" In fact, Mark had very sensitive nippleds, and Jack was driving him crazy. He moaned "you are going to pay for this, super jack?" "It's Batjack today, stud... Batjack ain't necessarily a bottom" "OH SHIT" Mark thought. Was Jack gonna fuck him?" "Know what I wonder, Mark man? I wonder if you're as ticklish as me?" "I'm not. I'm not. Trust me." Jack laughed. ."Nah. I like to do the work myself." His finger circled Mark's navel, and Mark nearly peed the bed. "STOP JACK. OK, OK, I'm ticklish. I AM. What do you want. We'll do whatever you want."

Jack stopped and looked at Mark right in the eye. "Anything?" " YES Anything." Jack kissed him. Then he let him go. "Take your revenge on Bat jack." He rolled onto his back. "C'mon, you know you want to." Mark thought about what Jamie had told him before he had left to go spend the day with Cooper. How had he missed this? He climbed on top of Jack, and began playing with his nips. "So, Batjack. You thought you had me. Heh heh heh ." "I did. Oh fuck. I underestimated you. Please let me go. PLEASE." "Oh, I'll let you go after I take what I want. Your ass." He worked Jack's nips more vigorously. "OH GOD. YES. PLEASE YES. I've always wanted Joker Mark in me. Make me your bat bitch. PLEASE. I need you so bad." Mark bent down and kissed him, and then whispered in his ear. "You are SUCH a flirt." Jack smiled and answered "And now I know about your tits and ticklishness. Don't forget that." "What I'm not gonna forget, batjack, is how tight your ass is gonna be. "OH YEAH. You won. You defeated me again. Take me. Take your prize." Mark got Jack's jeans off, and he covered his cock. Then he hoisted Jack's legs on his shoulders. "You want this Jack? I"m serious." 'STOP ASKING QUESTIONS AND FUCK ME TOPMAN." The play had made Mark hornier than he thought it would, and every time he looked at those sleeves hugging Jack's biceps, he got hornier. He PLOWED his man. "OH YEAH. That's the way to do it , you stud. Make me know who's boss. FUCK ME. FUCK ME like the bitch I am." Mark got to work. He knew he was going to be late, but hell, it was gonna be worth it. He pushed in so hard, Jack yelped. Then he came, screaming as he did. "OH FUCK. THERE'S MY MAN. THERE HE IS. HELL YEAH. I THOUGHT I COULD WIN. I WAS WRONG." Mark collapsed on Jack, who held him tight, running his hands through Mark's hair.

"Mark, I know it's REAL close to opening night, but I have a favor to ask." "Sure. What's that? " "My piercing. Please. Can we do it before the opening? Can we try? " Mark smiled, and looked down at Jack. "Really, you want it so soon?" "Mark, I wanted it for weeks. And I want it to say "Mark's boy." That way I know, every time I have my shirt off, that I'm yours. PLEASE. I know this kind of thing isn't easy at short notice, but can we try?" Mark hugged him. He whispered. "I'll make it work. I promise. " He kissed Jack and stared at him, smiling. "What did I do to deserve you?" Jack had an answer, which he delivered, smiling. "Nothing. You don't. But I want you. I want the man who would NOT stand down to me, and who knew 'bottom' about me. No, you don't deserve me. But I deserve YOU. And I want you. So do something for me. Get an appointment and get your boy pierced."

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Mark probably should NOT have gone to the theater that night: he was so emotionally over stuffed. First Jamie, reading him left to right, and then Jack: "He had me on my back. He could have fucked me right there. And he rolled over and let me fuck him!" Mark was thinking that everyone was right: HE was the bottom in this relationship: Jack was in control.

Maybe Jack was the sub, but he was NOT the bottom. Or maybe it was the other way. He didn't know. Whatever it was, he had never been in a relationship anything like this... and he hoped that he'd be in this one for a long, LONG time. "Batjack," he thought, and began to laugh a little. In a way, it was silly. In another way, Jack was telling him: whether I'm superjack, or Batjack, or whomever, I could kick your ass, but I want you to take mine." GOD. He was getting hard in the cab. Jack was right: he did NOT deserve him. Jack had chosen him. He continued to think about it in his office as Jon walked by. "Hey Mark. You were looking for me." "Oh, yeah, Jon, can you sit for a minute? I have to ask your help in squelching something that I heard about. It involves you too, so I think you should know." "Oh, dear. Yes, we should talk. The show's too important. What's going on?"

"Well, there are a couple of rumors going around. One, is that Jack and I broke up, and I'm available." Jon laughed. "Well, Jack, it's theater, and you're an attractive man. You know this kind of thing goes around all the time. Don't take it seriously." "Well, I have to take it seriously Jon, because... someone came to me and told me you were the one who started the rumor." Jon went red. "You don't believe them do you? I would NEVER say anything like that." "Well, no, I don't, and I know you wouldn't. We've been through too much. But the guy - and I'll tell you who he is - told me that you slept with Jamie to try to get more information about Jack, and then you sent him to try to seduce me, so that I"d fall for him and dump Jack." Jon stood up. "You're not believing this are you?" Mark shook his head "no no. Not at all. And I agree with you. Theater gossip is the nastiest kind of all. I've heard a lot of it, you've heard a lot of it. But someone did a LOT of work to create this one, Jon. I mean, how many people know about your affair with Jamie? How many people know about his connection to Jack and I? And the kid, well... to be honest, if I were in the market, I might actually ask him out. He's cute. And he looks like Jack. And he practically shoved his ass on my cock, sent me flowers. It's just, well, creepy." "Mark, I hear you. I'll get to work. I'll see what this is coming from, and we'll fix it. " "I appreciate it Jon. Listen, please don't do anything like fire anyone so close to the show. It's three days away. But we gotta put an end to this because, if this show is a success, the last thing we need is a scandal." "I agree Mark. I'll get on it. Thanks for trusting me. " Jon stood up, as did Mark, and they embraced. Mark began thinking "didn't Brutus hug Ceasar before he stabbed him." But he had done what he could that night. He was finished. He wanted to get home to Jack.

"Hey dude. You're coming home early. I'm still awake. And you know, you left before I could finish this afternoon." "Oh, I think we can fix that. Take a look at my stuff. There's a movie "In My Hands." I know it's not gila monsters, but let's take a look at it." "COOL. I haven't seen good porn in a while."

A half hour later, Jack was at home, and the movie was in the DVD player. One hot young wrestler had another one in a submission hold, but the second guy wasn't giving up. On the sofa, Mark had Jack's arms pinned with one of his, Jack's pants were opened, and Mark was jerking him, slowly, as he rubbed his beard on his neck. "We do it better stud." "OH FUCK you do SIR. Please let me cum." "HEH HEH. Not ready yet. And if you cum before I tell you to..." "OH GOD. Look at that poor boy. He needs to give up. The way I did. "GRRRRR. Didn't do you any good, did it?" Mark drove his tongue into Jack's ear. He pulled faster. "OH SHIT. OH SHIT SIR. I", gonna shoot. DAMN. You're gonna drain me. FUCK...."

The first shot actually hit the ceiling, because just as his button had been pushed, Mark drove his tongue into Jack's mouth. "OH shit, Sir. That was WORTH the wait." He cuddled back into Mark's arms.

Cuddling was NOT what was happening at Jon's apartment. Brian the dancer was spread out on Jon's bed, tied down, naked and gagged. Jon had just flogged his balls for ten minutes, for 'blowing the whole plan." Brian was in tears, but Mark didn't seem to notice. He picked up the dildo - even bigger than his own cock - and put it under Brian's eyes. "I bet even my little cunt can't take this?" Brian looked horrified, shook his head NO and tried desperately to scream. Jon just grabbed his balls and pulled. Hard. "You're lucky you still have these, you fucking traitor. " He grinned. "Wouldn't it be a shame if you missed a rehearsal? What's the rule: one miss and you're suspended? You'd miss opening night.... " Brian moaned, crying "You can't fix what you did, bitch, but .... you gonna take this? ALL of it?" Brian saw how hopeless his situation was, and he shook his head yes..." "GOOD. First smart thing you've done in 3 days." Brian began sliding the huge toy in. "Oh, yeah. One thing. One drop of pre cum, and we go to the bigger one." Brian bit his lips under the gag, trying desperately not to cry, and to try to remember something to get his mind off the pain. While Jon slid the dildo in with one hand, he began jerking with the other. "Here's the cock you got promised traitor..." He shot all over Brian's crotch and belly, as he finished the dildo rape. When he was done, he wiped any jizz off himself, and spread it on Brian's face. He untied him. "GET DRESSED AND GET OUT OF MY HOUSE. "

Next: Chapter 28

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