Boxed and Shipped

By George U

Published on Jan 5, 2023


The story has been written for entertainment purposes for consenting adults only. It contains escapades of male on male sex. If you are not of legal age or if you consider this type of writing to be morally offensive, then do not read the following story. It is your own responsibility to adhere to these terms. Comments on the story are appreciated and may be addressed to the author at:

This story really isn't about being boxed, but George needed something else for a change of pace and in the end, he is sort of "gift wrapped". The piss tube idea came from David.

It was late on a Friday afternoon. I was getting ready for Aaron. I was here as a representative at the trade conference, manning our booth. Before I had left, Larry had said that he had a friend here who was into bondage and could be trusted. Larry had given me Aaron's email address and I had made contact with him. We had exchanged many emails and even talked on the phone a couple of times. Aaron and I had agreed to meet for dinner at my hotel's restaurant this past Wednesday.

I nervously awaited Aaron at the table. He arrived promptly as he had said he would. We hit it off right away and I had a pleasant dinner. Aaron sort of hinted that he wouldn't mind a nightcap in my room and we went up after dessert. As soon as I shut the door, Aaron grabbed my crotch and asked if he could give my ass a ride. By now, I was so horny that I said yes. Aaron suggested that maybe I strip and bend my body over the back of the easy chair. I slowly striped out of my clothes. Aaron was doing the same.

He revealed a very nice chiseled body. Slight body hair. Nice pleasure trail that my eyes followed down to a nice pair of shaved balls, from which a nice thick, maybe 7 incher was standing straight up. He was cut. Already a drop of precum glistened at the tip. Aaron motioned for me to bend over the chair.

He picked up the tube of lube that I had left out on the nightstand. I figured since Larry said he could be trusted, I might as well be ready. Aaron said that he liked having someone prepared for his visit.

Aaron had me reach back and pull my ass cheeks apart, exposing my hole for him. He squired lube on his fingers and then gently started to insert them into my exposed hole. Soon he was using the fingers of both hands. In and out. Soon I was gasping for breath and was bucking up against his fingers. Desperate for more. He sure knew what he was doing.

He pulled his fingers out and he grasped my hips. I felt his thick cock head at the entrance to my ass. He slowly pushed himself in until I felt his bush against my ass cheeks. He held himself there while he adjusted himself. Then slowly started to pull out, then push back in. Over and over. The fabric of the chair was a little rough and my cock and balls were mashed up against the back of the chair. Each thrust of Aaron's shoved them harder into the fabric. I could feel my cock head sliding against the rough material. It wouldn't be much more and i was going to cum.

Aaron had such stamina. Kept up a steady rhythm. I could hear his breathing getting more ragged though. He would tell me how good my ass felt. Perfect for him. I felt myself approaching that point of no return and I told him so. He said to just let it go when I get there.

That was all I needed and I felt it boil up in my balls and course through my cock. My cock was pointed down by my being squished into the chair and I felt it spurt out onto the back of the chair. My cumming caused my ass lips to clench around Aaron's cock and he grunted for me to take it and shoved himself in deep. I felt him spurt and spurt. How much can he hold?

We both calmed down and I felt his cock soften and finally pop out. We both stood up. There was a huge wet stain on the back of the chair. I decided to just let it be. Sort of kinky I guess.

Aaron thanked me for the wonderful fuck. He then asked me if I wanted to do something a little more involved. I explained that I was here for a trade show and I didn't want to be tired for it. He understood. Asked me when it was over. I said Friday. I then blurted out that I had the room for the weekend too as I wanted to relax a bit away from home. Aaron went over to his jacket and pulled out a black rubber thing. He handed it to me. I saw that it was a rubber ball and cock sheath with a piss tube attached at the end. Aaron said that he would be back on Friday evening at 10PM. I was not to take a piss after 5PM. Drinks lots of liquids before he arrived. Also, be wearing the rubber cock sheath. I was to answer the door with it on and nothing else. And I wasn't to hide behind the door. Just open it wide. I could look through the peephole first if I was unsure about answering the door.

He dressed and his magnificent cock and balls were stuffed back into his jeans. He smiled at me and said he would see me on Friday.

I really couldn't concentrate very well the rest of the week. I don't know how I managed to get everything packed up and shipped without sending it to TimBukTo. I was doing as instructed. Even tho I had an urge to piss, I held it in.

I ate a light supper, downing it with several beers. I went back to the room and took a nice long warm shower, shaved my cock and balls and cleaned my ass out. Then struggled into the cock and ball sheath. Didn't help that I was hard as a rock in anticipation, and then I had to piss on top of it!

At 10, there was a knock at the door. I looked through the peephole and sure enough, there was Aaron. I took a deep breath and opened the door wide. Aaron laughed. He said he wanted to be sure that I really wanted to go through with this evening's "activities" and this was a sure sign. I invited Aaron into the room. He dropped his heavy duffel bag onto the bed. Said it was full of things for this evening.

He walked over to the sliding glass doors and peered out into the dark night. Said it would be perfect. He told me to cum out onto the balcony. They were private balconies, having solid walls on the sides, but had wrought iron railings. Sort of a New Orleans look to them. Also, across the top, there was some decorate wrought iron. Aaron stepped back into the room and rummaged in his bag. When he came back out, he had several pairs of hand cuffs.

He had me stretch my hands up and he locked my wrists to the wrought iron above my head. Used one handcuff and ran the connecting chain through the grill. Then he kicked my legs apart and secured each ankle to the railing. I was spread for him now. Thank goodness it was dark. We were up 10 floors and there wasn't any building across from us, but I was backlit, so anyone would be able to see me up there.

Then I heard Aaron's clothes rustling. I saw out of the corner of my eye, them being thrown to the deck. He came up behind me and slowly cupped my ass cheeks. Kneaded them. His fingers brushed my ass hole, causing me to jerk as it sent a shock through me. Soon his fingers were working at my hole. No lube, just teasing me over and over. My cock was rock hard. Standing straight up. I could feel the drool building up inside the sheath.

Aaron's breathing was getting heavy. He stepped away and then was back. I felt his lubed cock at my entrance. He slowly pushed himself into me. He held my hips so I would stay still. I groaned. I said that he fit me so well.

He held himself there. I savored the stuffed feeling. I felt his cock twitching inside me. He pulled out to the head and then just SHOVED his way back in. I yelped. He grabbed my nips and started pinching them. I groaned again. He pulled back and shoved in again. My thighs bashed into the railing. I moaned. He grabbed my nips and used them like handles. He started deep hard thrusts.

Each deep hard thrust shoved me against the railing. He told me that I could cum, but I had better not let go of my piss. He said that by me attempting to hold my piss in, I was clenching my ass lips too and it was so hot fucking my tight warm asshole.

I groaned. This went on and on. We were backlit against the night sky. Anyone down below who looked up would be able to figure out what we were up to. This only added to my sensations that I was getting.

He was lasting longer than the other night. His hands were clawing at my nips. They just ached for his attention. His cock felt so good. His thrusting became ragged. He couldn't keep up the hard pace. I felt his cock head swell and then he shoved into me deep. My thighs pressed against the railing. I wondered if I was going to be black and blue there tomorrow. He was spurting deep into me. I groaned. I was at the brink of eruption, but suddenly there was no more stimulation. I wanted to cum, but I couldn't. Aaron's cock softened and he pulled out with a pop. He sat down on the deck and leaned his back against the railing. I was humping the air I wanted to cum so bad. No friction. Aaron laughed at me and said that I would probably cum the next time he fucked me.

When he had caught his breath, he got up and went into the room. I heard him in there moving around. Then he came back onto the balcony and unlocked me from the cuffs. I rubbed my wrists and stretched, as I had been up there for a bit. Aaron told me to go in the room.

When I entered the room, I saw that the bed had been opened up. In the middle, there was a pile of pillows. Aaron walked over to the mini fridge and pulled out a couple of beers. He opened one and handed it to me. Then he took the other and went and sat in one of the easy chairs by the sliding doors. He plopped himself down. I took this as a cue and did the same. I sat down gingerly as my ass was still sore from being reamed just a few minutes before. I also had to go piss so bad.

And here I was having another beer! Aaron and I chatted a bit about my job and his. I stared openly at his crotch that he had on display for me. His legs were spread apart. His cock and balls glistened with my ass juices. The beers were empty, he suggested that I get up on the bed and make myself comfortable. I stood and noticed that there was now a wet spot on the cushion of the chair. Something to match the stain on the back of the same chair!

I go over to the bed and he tells me to lay face down on the bed. Have the pillows at my stomach to elevate my ass for him. I get down there and then I notice that there are ropes tied to the four corners of the bed. Aaron uses these to secure my hands and legs spread eagle on the bed. He pulls them real tight. I am not going anywhere.

He then cums around to the head of the bed and shows me a nice wooden paddle. He says he wants to warm my ass up for him for round two. I wince. I have to piss so bad. There is no way that I am going to be able to keep that piss in if he is going to be paddling my ass!

He reads my mind. He says that I can not let go of any piss. I must hold it in. He moves out of my range of vision. He lays the paddle on my ass cheeks. Feels so nice and smooth. Then he lifts it and I brace for impact. Whack. Whack. Whack. I grunt out. I am clenching my ass as tightly as I can to keep from losing any piss. This only makes the whacks worse as they are hitting the clenched muscles now. Aaron knew this was going to happen. He does five more and then stops. Drops the paddle to the floor.

I am gasping and crying at the same time. He rubs my cheeks. Says they are nice and warm now. I feel him climb onto the bed. He works his way between my outstretched legs. I feel his cock at my hole. He says that I am lubed enough from my last fuck.

Again, he isn't gentle. Thrusts right in to the root. I feel his pubes at my ass lips. Tickles. What a sensation. I am clenching my ass to keep from losing the piss. He pulls out to the head. Then back in again. He grabs my shoulders and just goes to town on my ass. His hips slap into my ass cheeks. Loud slaps. His cock drills into my prostate with each thrust. Like a go button. GO GO GO! Over and over. This time, I know that I am going to cum for sure.

I start to lose control. I am so delirious, I want to cum badly. His thrusts are making my cock work against both the rubber sheath that encases my cock and the sheet on the bed. In a sense, I am humping the bed with each of his thrusts. I can't concentrate and I feel a spurt or two of piss escape. I can smell it. So can he.

I - ram - said - ram - not - ram - to - ram - lose - a - ram - drop. He shouts. Between thrusts. He rams even harder as if to punish me. This sends me over the top and I cum into the bed. I scream with each shot. I feel my cum first fill the sheath, and then squirt out the end. I am still trying not to lose any piss, but it isn't working very well. I can't get my body to cooperate now. I feel several large spurts escape from my bladder.

Then Aaron shouts that he is cumming. He continues to thrust as I feel his spurts in me. over and over. Where does he store it? He just came a bit before in my ass.

He collapses on me. Breathing very heavily. Well, so am I. He says that was a good fuck. He says that he is glad that Larry suggested we get together. He then says after he rests a bit, he will set me up in another arrangement. Another round? This guys is incredible. What a cock he has between those sturdy legs of his.

He pulls himself up and off me. His cock making that pop again as he pulls out of my now well-reamed ass. Twice now in one evening. What a wonderful way to spend the evening.

I hear him moving stuff around in the room. Can't tell what he is doing tho. Then he is rummaging in his bag. I feel him climb on the bed again. He puts something at my ass lips and then he squires lube in. Lots of lube. Huh? Then I feel something cool at the entrance to my asshole. He slowly pushes it in. Farther and and farther. I realize it is a butt plug. I don't think I have ever had one this big before? I tell this to Aaron. Or rather, I grunt it to him.

He tells me that Larry already told him how big a plug I could take and maybe a size larger. So this one is the size larger. Aaron keeps pushing. I feel myself stretching. More and more. Aaron is insistent. He doesn't let up. The pain gets almost unbearable and I give a small scream and that must have done it as suddenly it was in! OMG! I was stuffed back there. Some piss escaped again. The pressure from the plug is almost too much. This bed is going to stink when we are done.

Aaron then unties me from the bed and I struggle to get up. I am stiff from being face down, spread on the bed, my bladder is almost painful, it is so full, and my ass is stuffed beyond what I have ever had before. Finally, I am upright. I move around the room, trying to loosen up. Even tho my bladder is overflowing, I hobble over to the mini fridge and take out a water. I am thirsty.

After I have relaxed somewhat, Aaron guides me over to the sofa table. He has moved it out into the middle of the room. For those of you who don't know what a sofa table is, it is a long, rather narrow table that usually sits behind the sofa. About the height of the back of the sofa so that items can be seen over the top.

He has me lay down on the tabletop on my back. There is a pillow for my head. As I settle down onto the table, the butt plug in my ass presses against my bladder in a new way. I groan out from the pressure. A dribble escapes from the tube. Aaron then positions me so that my knees are hanging over the one end of the table and ties my ankles to the legs. The sofa table is a little narrower than I am, so this allows my arms to dangle down the sides. Aaron then ties my wrists to the other legs. I am now on display.

Aaron moves away and he enters the bathroom. Soon I hear the shower running. Seems he is taking a nice long hot shower as I see the steam rolling out. He appears at the door, body glistening with dampness, drying his hair with a towel. How hot he looks. He tosses the towel on the floor.

He goes over to his bag and digs out this HUGE roll of rope. He comes back over to me and bends down. Soon I feel him wrapping the rope around my legs. First one and then the other. He moves to my arms. When he is done there, he proceeds to start wrapping my torso. I am becoming one with the table it is so tight.

It is now that I suddenly notice that he has positioned the table so I can see myself in the mirrors of the closet doors. I am totally encased in rope. Only my head is visible. Well, both heads I guess as I notice that my cock and balls in the rubber sheath are also on display. My cock has grown hard during this wrapping of my body and it is standing proudly on display as if begging for attention.

I am silent this whole time. Trying to figure out what he is up to next. He rummages in the bag again. It has to be almost empty by now. He comes back with a gag. It has an end that is shaped like a penis. He tells me to open wide. Of course, I do so. I can't do much else can I? Tells me to put my tongue out as he slides in the gag. The penis isn't too terribly big. It still leaves me a little movement, but it sure fills my mouth up. He secures it to the back of my head with the straps.

Then he starts to dress himself. HUH? His shirt, socks, jeans. Comes over to me as he is stuffing his cock and balls into his jeans. Then zips up. Sees my questioning look. Aaron says to me that he never said the HE was going to be the next part of this adventure. Did he?

He then goes over to the TV. Flips it on. Goes through the channels until he comes to the hotel's gay porn channel. The screen fills with some young dude trying to swallow this enormous cock. Aaron turns up the volume. Way up. Not so loud as to annoy the neighbors, but almost a bit too loud for comfort. The room fills with the sounds of the young dude struggling to take that cock.

Aaron goes to the door. Then stops as if he suddenly realizes something. Digs in his bag again. Comes back over to me. Fumbles with my piss tube and then I see his hands cum towards my head. It is a clear rubber tube. It is connected to my cock! He attaches the other end to the gag in my mouth! I try to shake my head to remove it, but it is on to stay. Aaron tells me that now I can piss all I want! He chuckles, picks up his bag, opens the door, turns the "Do Not Disturb" sign to "Maid Service Please". Turns off the light and leaves.

The room is dark except for the TV. Those guys are now going at it good and hard. The room is filled with the sounds of good fucking. I try to figure out how late it is. Aaron arrived at 10PM, he fucks me on the balcony, then the bed, with a rest in between. Then he secures me to the table. Based on the sounds outside my room, he had left the sliding door open and the curtains too, it sounds to be about 2AM.

The butt plug in my ass is pressing painfully against my bladder. I cum to the realization that whoever is going to release me isn't going to get here before I finally have to piss. So I figure I might as well let go and take it like a man. I try to let out a few squirts. I watch the piss go through the tube by the light of the TV. When it gets to my mouth, I realize the penis gag's hole is almost at the back of my mouth. I can barely taste it. This is when I just let go.

I piss and piss and piss. I can't believe the relief I am feeling. I can almost feel my bladder relaxing. I swallow frantically to keep up with the flow. I tried to slow it some, but of course, when you have to piss this bad, it would take a clamp to get it to stop now. When I can piss no more, I realize that I am exhausted and fall asleep.

I awake to find the room is filled with light. Judging that the sun doesn't cum up until about 7:30AM in this region, it must be around 9. I hear movement in the room next to mine. Then the vacuum. The maids are out and about. I break into a sweat. Trying to figure out what the maid will do when she opens the door. Be like most of them and run screaming down the hall? Get the manager and then I have to try to explain my situation when they release me? All that embarrassment?

I try to take my mind off the situation by watching the current vid. It is four guys. It must have just started as they are undressing each other. Grabbing at each other crotches. It occurs to me that I have a piss hard on going. I don't want to get startled when the maid opens the door and screams so I decide I might as well swallow this piss too. Strange. Never drank my own piss before and now here I have done it twice in one night.

I hear the cart outside my door. There is a knock. "I'm here to clean the room". Not quite the voice I expected. Rather mature sounding. Good. This one might see me and figure it was my date's revenge and might scold me, but would release me without hysterics.

The door opens and the maid backs into the room. Pulling the cart to hold the door open. It isn't a woman. It is an older man. Relief floods through me. Men are so much more understanding about things like this than women are. Might get a kick out of it when he tells all his buddies what he found in the hotel room this time.

The guy turns and stops dead. His eyes first take me in. Then dart to the TV. By now the porn vid has one of the lucky guys getting stuffed by two cocks. The fourth guy is trying ram what appears to be a baseball bat sized dildo alongside the other two cocks. The middle guy is being very vocal about his pleasure. Then his eyes travel over to the bed and sees the ropes still there tied to the corners.

The guy looks back at me and then steps over to me. Runs his hands over the rope work. He tells me that whoever did this is a master at his craft. He grabs my cock and balls. Gives them a squeeze. Then says I am in a bit of a predicament aren't I? My cock throbs in his hand. He squeezes it again, getting it to full mast.

I grunt out to him that I want to be released. Of course I am gagged. Pleading with my eyes. He chuckles and says that he doesn't have time right now. He has the rest of the floor to clean. But he will be done in an hour and he will be back. He glances again at the TV. Says that maybe we might even try that? I look at the TV to see that the middle guy is now impaled on the two cocks and that huge dildo is stuffed up there as well. My eyes grow wide at this scary thought. He laughs at me and pats my shoulder. He said he will have to see what he can do.

Then he pushes his cart out the door, flips the sign to "Do Not Disturb" and says he will be back. Closes the door.

Now what have I gotten myself into this time?

Next: Chapter 13

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