Boxed and Shipped

By George U

Published on Feb 1, 2023


The story has been written for entertainment purposes for consenting adults only. It contains escapades of male on male sex. If you are not of legal age or if you consider this type of writing to be morally offensive, then do not read the following story. It is your own responsibility to adhere to these terms. Comments on the story are appreciated and may be addressed to the author at:

I want to apologize for my not posting stories lately, but I have had some health issues and I just haven't been in the mood for my kinky mind to do that type of thinking. But please, keep sending me story suggestions. I couldn't do this without your input.

This idea suggested by Ruffy.

Larry said that this weekend, we were going to go to the lake. I enjoy the lake. Lots of sun, sandy beach, lots of good-looking guys to stare at. Wondering what they look like under their swim suits. Some guys don't leave anything to the imagination their Speedo's are so tight and skimpy. So of course I agreed. Larry said he would pick up me about 10 on Saturday and to be ready.

It was a fun week, the anticipation of being at the lakeshore. I kept checking the weather, making sure it was going to be sunny and not cloudy and rainy. Even it if doesn't rain, but it is cloudy, the lakeshore just isn't as populated, but still a nice place to be when it is warm out.

Saturday arrived and I was waiting at the curb with my beach towel. Larry pulled up and I climbed into the truck. Off we went. I commented that we didn't seem to be heading in the right direction. Larry gave me one of his evil grins. Said we had to make a stop along the way. We pulled up to his place. He hit the door opener to his shop and backed the truck into the shop. Then closed the overhead door. I was very intrigued and asked him what was going on?

Larry told me to get out and I would see what was "up". When I got out of the truck, I noticed a strange box in the back. About the size of a coffin. But it had openings here and there and pulleys arranged all over.

Larry told me to strip. While I was getting rid of my swim shorts (I wear "shorts", not those board shorts that are more like pants that are just a tad too short), Larry was opening up the box. He told me to climb up and get myself in the box.

I stepped into the box and he told me to lay down. It was obvious which way I was to lay as there was a pillow for my head. Also, the bottom of the box had some sort of mattress for me to lie on.

When I was situated, Larry then started to secure me inside the box. He took handcuffs and had me put one set on each wrist. Then he locked these to hooks on the side of the box. My hands could move a bit, but there was no way I could touch my cock or balls. Then he secured each of my legs in the same way. I could move them, but not very far. He then brought a ball gag out and had me lift my head a bit so he could secure it. He said that he didn't want me yelling where we were going. Larry reached outside the box and rummaged around. He came back with what appeared to be cables. A couple had hooks and a couple had clamps. He took two that had clamps attached and hooked one to each of my nips. I jumped a bit and groaned. He sort of just let them "snap" on, digging into my nips. He wrapped something around my balls, pulling them away from my body. Then I saw he hooked a cable to that too. He also attached a cable with what must have been a clamp to the middle of my balls. I let out a squeal at that one. I wasn't expecting the sudden burst of pain there!

Then he threaded the cables through the lid as he was closing me in. Told me to have a nice ride. Then I heard latches being snapped down. I felt him get off the truck and move into the cab. Up went the door, the truck started and we were off!

We drove for about the length of time I figured it was to the lakeshore. He stopped. Then I heard the tailgate being opened and what I later figured out to be was a ramp being pulled out. He then monkeyed around with the box I was in and suddenly I felt myself moving. At first I could tell we were on a concrete pad I could hear noises in the background. The sound and ride changed to what felt like packed earth. Then suddenly the wheels on the box I was in hit what sounded like wood. I rumbled along.

I could hear lake sounds now. I was being rolled out on a dock. Where? It didn't sound like a public dock. So had to be a private dwelling. Hmmm. But Larry knew so many people. I could hear boats going by, people talking. General sounds of the lake on a nice sunny day. We stopped and I could feel Larry locking the wheels in place.

I could feel the sun on the box. It was warming up. And I could smell the lake. It was going to be a nice afternoon at the lake. Too bad I was inside this box.

Then Larry started messing with the cables. ??? I had almost forgotten them as things had calmed down a bit. And my mind wasn't on them as I was being moved around.

He gave them each an experimental tug. And they weren't gentle tugs either. I grunted with each yank. When Larry had yanked on all four of them, he talked to me in the box. He explained that these cables were being run through the pulleys and then attached to floats that were going to be thrown over the side of the dock. The action of the waves would pull and tug on the cables, at different intervals. He was going to see how long I lasted in here with the torment.

Suddenly I heard a splash and the cable to my right nip was yanked. It was tight! I groaned into my gag. Then I felt the wave action start. Tug, release, tug, release. Then another splash and my ball sack was yanked. Then another and my left nip. Then the last splash as the one clamped to my balls hit the water.

Larry explained that there were different weights attached as anchors to the floats, so the cables would tug at different rates, all designed to keep me off balance. He patted the box and said he would be right there on the dock, enjoying the moans and groans that would be cumming from the box.

So off they went! Tugging and pulling at different times. My cock was rock hard. I could feel the drool dripping from the tip. But I couldn't reach it to give it a stroke or two. Beleive me, I tried! I discovered that I was rather "loose" in the box. So if I moved certain ways, the floats would tug differently depending on which way I was twisted. Or if I thrust my crotch up as high as I could, the tugging wouldn't be as fierce on my balls.

The cables to my balls were not straight up out of the box either. Larry has rigged them so they were rather sideways. So the one around my balls tugged to the right and the one hooked to the balls themselves was pulling to the left. And if the waves were just right, they yanked apart from each other. Those were the loudest grunts!

I have no idea how long I was in there. It was hot in the sun. I was getting "lost" in the sensations to my nips and balls. And not being able to make myself cum either wasn't helping any. Over and over. Over and over.

I had a large glob of dried pre-cum on my belly. I could feel it building up as it dried. I was kept sort of near the top of the climb to orgasm. I tried bucking my hips but my cock needed some more stimulation in order to cum. I wish I had a butt plug shoved in my ass. I could then slam my ass against the bottom of the box and hopefully shove the plug against my prostate. But that wasn't going to happen either. No plug.

I could feel tears running down the sides of my face I was so desperate to cum. Then a panel on the side opened and a hand snaked inside. It grabbed my cock and it only took two pumps and I screamed into the gag. I shot with such force that the first three squirts hit me in the chin! It felt so wonderful!

When I had calmed down, Larry opened the box. He unhooked the cables, then unlocked the cuffs. He helped me from the box. I glanced around, but we were pretty much alone. People were far enough away so they wouldn't know I was naked. Larry suggested I jump in a cool off. Also, clean the cum off of me.

The cool water felt so good. It soothed my sore nips and balls. I splashed around to clean the sweat and cum from me. I sure enjoyed going to the lake!

Next: Chapter 15

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