Boxed and Shipped

By George U

Published on Apr 6, 2023


The story has been written for entertainment purposes for consenting adults only. It contains escapades of male on male sex. If you are not of legal age or if you consider this type of writing to be morally offensive, then do not read the following story. It is your own responsibility to adhere to these terms. Comments on the story are appreciated and may be addressed to the author at:

Many readers of my posts have asked for a description of George. Since he is me, that is an easy one. I am in my mid forties. Rapidly thinning salt and pepper head of hair. Wear a mustache. I am 6'1". 185 pounds. I am not into active fitness, although occasionally I do swim laps or ride my bike. I tan easily, so in the summer, have a nice even dark tan. I am into tan lines, so tan with a suit on. I don't have pecs that stand out, but I do have some nice nips that perk up nicely with they are given attention. I have the start of a belly, so I don't wear skimpy Speedos. I have a nice average uncut 6 1/2" cock. Nice balls that usually are snuggled to my belly, although I wish they would hang down further. And I shave my cock and balls daily. I enjoy men as well as women, although for the rougher sex, I prefer men. As you can tell by my stories, I like bondage along with some pain.

Today's story idea suggested by Scott.

Sorry I haven't written any stories lately, but my health just wasn't up to snuff and I haven't felt like doing anything kinky. But I can tell I am getting better and Scott suggested something along these lines and my mind started churning.

I had gone to the state fair not at all expecting the "fun" I was going to experience:

It was a nice hot weekend during the state fair. Larry and I, Bart and Sam were taking in the rides, going through the animal exhibits and later probably were going to see the concert of the night.

Right now we were up in the grandstand watching the rodeo. We had decided to take a break and get off our feet and take in some shade and a couple of beers to help cool down. I had probably had at least four or five beers since lunch time and my bladder was telling me it was ready to let go. I stood and started down the row. Larry got up and followed me.

Once we were down on the main concourse, I started to head for the restrooms. Larry stopped me and asked where I was headed. I told him I need to take a piss. Larry gave me one of his evil grins and asked if I was up for something a little more wild this afternoon other than the rodeo?

I looked into those eyes and my cock lurched in my shorts. I knew what he was hinting at and my cock did my thinking for me.

Larry said that he saw my cock lurch in my shorts and that was the answer he wanted. He asked if I could hold it long enough to get to the other side of the fairgrounds to the outdoor restrooms. I said sure. Larry used his cell phone to call Bart and Sam to tell them to get their asses down here as I was ready to play.

When they arrived, they had those grins on their faces that let me know I was in for something a little kinky. Larry said we were going to go use the open-air locker room/restrooms on the other side of the fairgrounds away from the families. Now I knew for sure it involved some kinky sex of some kind.

As I walked, my full bladder sloshed around. Not painful, but it was letting me know how full it was getting. We entered the men's side of the complex and Larry led the way to the very back. Bart used a key to what appeared to be a maintenance door and we went inside. It was cool in here. Must have A/C for something or other back here.

We walked down a hallway and Bart unlocked another door. We entered a room lined with cabinets. There were a couple of stools scattered about. At the other end of the room was another door. Very curious. I could feel more than hear a faint rumble. I figured we must be in the main mechanical rooms for the fairgrounds.

Sam turned to me and said that I could shuck my clothes now. Since I was just wearing shorts and a T-shirt (I don't wear underwear, I go commando), it was quick work. My cock was already half erect. Probably more from needing to piss than the excitement of what was to cum.

Larry went to the door at the other end of the room. He opened it and what I saw was not another room. There were some holes in a padded mat attached to the wall. Then I realized it was sort of a standing stockade. A board across the top to secure my head into (upright) and a couple of boxes at about hand height to secure the hands, and then a board at the bottom with ankle holes cut out. The holes in the padded surface were at nipple and cock and ball height. Very strange contraption.

Bart unlocked all the paddle locks on the various spots and opened them up. He motioned for me to climb in. I carefully stepped into the ankle slots and Bart adjusted the neck board to my height. He closed and locked my feet and neck in. I was trapped now. My cock was standing straight up. Bobbing in anticipation.

Bart moved my hands to the boxes. There were handholds inside and then he shut and locked my hands in. I couldn't do much now.

I heard behind me one of the cabinets open. Rummaging around in there and then I felt straps being attached around my body to the padded board. A thick one was put across my hips and hooked up. Then I felt them tug it tight. This pushed my crotch up against the padded surface and my cock and balls were now in the hole. Then there were two more straps, one around each thigh right near my crotch. Now my crotch was firmly pressed into the hole and I couldn't move at all.

Then two more straps were crisscrossed across my shoulders and under my arms. When these were tightened, it pressed my chest against the pad and now my nipples were in the holes. I couldn't move.

They asked if i was OK and I said yes.

Then I could tell that they were shutting me in as it started to get darker. I heard Sam say for them to wait. They had forgotten something. There was another cabinet opened and then I heard some lube being squirted out. I felt the cold lube at my asshole and felt something solid being pushed in. It stretched my hole. And it continued to stretch my hole. Until, UFFF, it was in. What a fat plug that was. And it was pressing just so against my bladder. I groaned. I needed to pee, but I didn't want to yet as I wasn't sure what was up.

Then the door closed and I heard a lock being fasted to the door. I was locked in. I was comfortable standing there. Actually, kind of nice. Strapped in and not able to move. I didn't have to hold myself up as the straps were keeping me upright. So my legs weren't getting tired. My cock continued to bob in excitement.

I didn't have any sense of time. So I have no idea how long I was there unattended. Then I heard noise on the other side of the panel. I heard what I thought was shutters opening and then a breeze. I could barely hear, but I heard voices. It was Larry and Sam talking. I felt a hand on my cock. Oh how I needed that. It gently spread my precum around the head. Gave me a couple of strokes. Then I felt fingers on my nipples. Gently playing with them.

Then it stopped. Nothing. I waited and waited. Then I felt another hand on my cock. It was a small one. Tentatively touching me. Almost hesitant. I knew it wasn't Larry or any of the guys. Where was I? The hand kind of played with my cock. More of an inspection than actual play. Cupped my balls. Then it was gone.

I was alone again. Then voices. Loud drunk voices. Look. There is someone in the box again. Its been awhile. And a rough hand grabbed my nip and gave it a twist. I groaned. Another hand grabbed the other one and twisted the other way. I could tell it was two different people. Then it was my cock and balls. One mashing them into my crotch and the other playing with just the head. I tried to buck my hips into their hands, but of course I was trapped. Couldn't do much but just enjoy the sensations they were giving me.

I was so close to cumming. Then the hands stopped and I was alone again. Where was I? I don't remember anything like this at the fairgrounds. But then, I guess I never really looked very closely at the restrooms. I just went in and took my piss and left. Not wandered around to see what was in here.

I heard what sounded like a cart being rolled past. Then it stopped real close. Then I was alone again.

Another hand on my cock. This one stroked it from tip to root. A couple of nice strokes that worked the precum out. The hand took the precum and used it like a lotion on my balls. Worked it in well. Once he was done with that, I felt his hands gently tugging my nips. Sort of warming them up.

Then OUCH. He attached some sort of clamp to my right nip. I braced myself and OUCH. He did my left one. Now I know what the cart was. It was "implements" for them to play with. I must be sort of hidden, but my body parts must be out in the open. I suppose and area that guys know to show up at to see if there is anything to "play" with. Then I was left alone. The clamps were still on my nips. I was slowly adjusting to the pain. And my cock was still rock hard, showing its enthusiasm of the treatment my body was getting. I was so hard I couldn't piss now if I wanted to. But my bladder was starting to get painful. I was going to have to figure out a way to get soft enough to piss.

Then the clamps were yanked off. Both at the same time. I let out a yelp. Shit that hurt. I wasn't expecting it. Then something whacked just the tip of my cock. That did it. My cock drooped. I didn't wait but pushed my piss out and then it started to flow. Two fingers grabbed my cock right behind the head and squeezed. I groaned. It stopped the piss. Then the fingers let go and the flow started again. This was repeated over and over. What agony this was. Until I was empty at last.

Then they went away. This was agony. My balls were bursting with cum and there was nothing I could do about it. My cock was slowly inflating again. This constant up and down. Someone playing with me and then leaving. I was sweating. I would do almost anything for my cum to spurt out the end of my cock. And the plug in my ass wasn't helping either. I was clenching my ass muscles around it now, hoping it would trigger and orgasm.

In my attempt to bring myself off, I didn't notice at first, the gentle touch to my balls. Slowly it was getting stronger. What could it be. Then I realized it was someone's warm breath. They were gently blowing on my balls! Then I felt a tongue gently lap at them. I groaned and my balls jumped. MORE! Then I felt TWO tongues lathering my balls! They were so enthusiastic about it too. But of course they would be. Someone had smeared my precum all over them so I bet they were tasting pretty good. Then one tongue started lapping my cock like an ice cream cone. Root to tip. And when it reached the tip, it would try to dig into my piss slit. Then back again.

I could feel my balls starting to tighten up. The cum was getting ready to spurt. Suddenly I saw stars and my cock lurched with the first volley of cum. I shouted out. I couldn't help it. It felt so good to finally be able to release the pent up frustration of not being able to cum. I don't remember how many shots of cum I produced. I think I might have blacked out it was so intense.

The next thing I remember, I was trying to catch my breath and I felt I was alone again. But my cock was still rock hard I was so excited.

Since I was so out of it, I have no idea how long it was before I felt hands on my cock and balls again. Then my nips. Then I felt a pinch on my "taint" line under my balls. Then another one right next to it. Then I through my haze, I started to feel what they were. Someone was attaching clothes pins! They were following that seam up my ball sack. Spaced very close together, almost touching.

Making sure the last one was in place before adding another. I felt the pain starting to grow. But for some reason, it was pleasurable pain. Soon he was at the base of my cock. Then he pinched some skin and started up my cock shaft! SHIT! This was hurting now. But my cock betrayed me and I was rock hard.

When he got to the head, he then started to place pins around the crown of my dick head. Ouch. I groaned with each placement of the pins. I wish I could see what it looked like. I have never had the stamina to get so many pins on my cock and balls when I played by myself. My cock head must look like a daisy with all the pins on there.

Then he started playing, tugging on my nips. Not putting pins on, just working them over good. I was moaning by now. I was working myself up to another good cum. Just because of the pain of the pins. Then he swatted my cock and balls. I screamed in agony/ecstasy. He did it again. Over and over, not waiting for me to finish my scream or catch my breath.

And I felt the cum churning to the surface again. One side of my mind is trying to figure out how I could be getting off on all this pain and the other side wishing whoever was doing this that he would hurry up. I wanted to cum.

And then I did! Spurt after spurt. He stopped tormenting me. But now as I came down from my orgasmic high, the pain set in. They were hurting now. I shouted for him to take them off. And he did. But not nicely. He flicked each one off. So they pulled/snapped off. The sting was awful. By the time he was done, my cock was shriveled up with the pain. Then I was alone. I wished I could soothe my cock and balls, but I was trapped. I was alone for quite some time this time around.

Then I felt a pair of hands on my cock and balls. Caressing them. I am sure they were bright red from the treatment earlier. I felt a stirring and my cock started to harden. The hands gently squeezed by balls and also started to jack my cock to full hardness.

The hand continued to jack me. I already had cum twice today, so I knew it would be quite some time before I came again. And I was right. The hand continued to jack my cock. Whoever added lube periodically. But it was sure taking time to get up the hill towards an orgasm. My cock was getting raw. But the hands didn't stop. I almost willed myself to cum. I wanted them to stop tormenting me. Even tho it was pleasurable, my cock was getting sore.

On and on the hands went. Aren't they getting tired by now? My cock hurt now from the pumping action. And then I felt my balls start to tighten. I could feel myself approaching the point of no return. I was getting closer. By now I was breathing rather heavily as the hands were tugging hard now, trying to get me to cum.

And then I reached the peak. I gave a spurt or two and I was finished. It wasn't at all a satisfying cum. The hands stopped and I was alone. My cock ached.

Then I felt the door behind me open. Hands unbuckled the straps. I sagged, but someone held me up while they unlocked and opened the restraints. They gently helped me out of the box and gently let me sit on the floor.

I glanced down at my cock. It was bright red from the attention it had been paid to today. I could even see the row of marks on my cock head left by the pins.

Sam and Larry and Bart stood there smiling down at me.

What a day this had been

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