Boxed and Shipped

By George U

Published on Oct 23, 2023


The story has been written for entertainment purposes for consenting adults only. It contains escapades of male on male sex. If you are not of legal age or if you consider this type of writing to be morally offensive, then do not read the following story. It is your own responsibility to adhere to these terms. Comments on the story are appreciated and may be addressed to the author at:

Many readers of my posts have asked for a description of George. Since he is me, that is an easy one. I am in my mid forties. Rapidly thinning salt and pepper head of hair. Wear a mustache. I am 6'1". 185 pounds. I am not into active fitness, although occasionally I do swim laps or ride my bike. I tan easily, so in the summer, have a nice even dark tan. I am into tan lines, so tan with a suit on. I don't have pecs that stand out, but I do have some nice nips that perk up nicely with they are given attention. I have the start of a belly, so I don't wear skimpy Speedos. I have a nice average uncut 6 1/2" cock. Nice balls that usually are snuggled to my belly, although I wish they would hang down further. And I shave my cock and balls daily. I enjoy men as well as women, although for the rougher sex, I prefer men. As you can tell by my stories, I like bondage along with some pain.

JC said that Larry and George should watch the video

Kirby suggested the cardboard box and the vibrators and the box collapsing.

Larry called me the next day after being strung up in the hammock. Wanted to know if I wanted to come over on Monday, seeing as it was Columbus Day and we both had it off. He would show me the video of me being in the truck.

I said I would sleep in late and be there around 10? He said it was OK.

So I arrived at Larry's place on Monday morning around 10. I had slept late and then showered and put on just shorts and socks and shoes. Figured they probably wouldn't be on for long anyway. The less to take off.

Larry took me back to his den. Then he started the DVD he had made. We were sitting in his leather chairs, enjoying the show. I watched as they strung me up, hooked up all the various toys and the bungee cords. I hadn't realized how horny watching myself could be. My cock was straining in my shorts. I reached down to fondle it. Working it around.

Soon we were watching where I was riding around. Boy was it hot watching myself get worked over. I pulled my cock out of my shorts and was slowly jackin' it. Then we got to the mall. They had backed the truck up to the closed loading dock door. Just enough space to squeeze by and open the door of the cargo bay. So I really wasn't exposed. But when I was hooded, I couldn't tell that. Only that I could hear the people outside the truck. I watched as my cock slowly inflated again on the screen. My crotch by now was tingling. I could feel myself getting to the edge. Then I saw on the screen, my cock erupting all over. At this point, Larry stood up and I realized that he had taken off his shorts sometime during the viewing. His cock was rock hard. He told me to get up and lean over the back of my leather chair.

He rubbed his precum at my ass hole and shoved in. OOHH! He started to just ram it in there. No foreplay. I don't think it was maybe more than 7 or eight strokes and I felt him cumming in my ass. He wasn't even breathing hard. He said that he had saved himself from Saturday. Wanted to unload in my ass. But thought he would have lasted longer.

When Larry softened and popped out, he stood up but told me to wait. He came back and I felt the tip of a butt plug working its way in. My ass lips clamped around it once it was in far enough. When we calmed down (I hadn't cum), he told me to step out of my shorts, but leave my shoes on. Then we would go back to the garage. He had something in mind for me today.

When we got to the garage, I noticed in the corner, a tall cardboard box. It was open on the one side. Larry took me over to it. Said it was used to ship kitchen cabinets. The pantry size. The box was about 2 1/2 feet square and about 7 feet tall. Larry handed me four sets of handcuffs and told me to put them on. I did this without question. Whatever Larry has had me do has been so "fun", I just do it now.

He then gave me a ball gag and told me to put it on. I fastened it around my head. Then he gave me a mask. I pulled it over my head, but noticed that there were eyeholes this time around. He said he wanted me to be able to see, but not be "seen".

He then told me to get into the box. He had me extend my hands above my head. He hooked one handcuff to one side of the top of the box, and then the other hand. He bent down and I felt rather than saw him hooking my ankles to the box. I was wondering how secure this really made me, as the box was only heavy duty cardboard.

Larry than started to fiddle between my legs, something with the bug plug. Then he grabbed my cock and balls and tugged and twisted. I felt something going around the base. It was cold and plastic. Then he pulled back my foreskin and I felt some type of ring going around my cock head.

He then fiddled at the bottom of the box. Then he spoke my name. SHIT! I jumped. Everything buzzed. He had hooked up vibrators in my ass, around my cock and balls and around my cock head. It would buzz when he made a noise! He tried it several more times! Buzz, stop, buzz stop. Larry laughed at my jumping around when he talked. He just smiled at me with an evil grin. What did he have in store for me now?

He then clicked something and everything stopped. He then reached up and attached something to my right handcuff. He closed the cardboard "door" of the box and I heard him securing those metal bands to the box. I was packed in now.

Here I am in this dark cardboard box. My hands are above my head. I try to let them hang from the cuffs, but I feel the box starting to sag. I can't stand here forever. What is the deal?

Then I hear voices.

As they get closer, I recognize Andy talking to Larry. Andy comes up and gives the box a poke. George in here already? Larry says that I am ready. Andy talks to me through the box, saying they are going to tip me just a bit. They have to get the dolly under the back. I try to keep my balance as I feel the box tip forward. Very unsettling as I can't see a thing. Then they lean the box way back. I rest against the box. At last I can rest my hands.

I feel us moving. Then some bumps and I must be in the back of a truck. Then Andy tells me they are going to lay me all the way back and then strap me down. It is a bit and then I hear/feel the truck start up. We then start moving. I slide around a bit on the smooth cardboard. I hear we are out in public. We go for quite a ways. Soon, the noises change and I hear trucks. We stop and then Andy tells me they are going to lift me up again and roll me along.

There is some fumbling and jostling and finally they set the box upright.

I hear a click and suddenly when Larry starts talking to me, everything buzzes again! He is telling me that hooked to my right handcuff is the key to my car. If anything should happen, it is parked out front of the loading dock.

Andy starts to talk and tells me that I am "parked" in the middle of the warehouse's lunchroom. Lunchtime is in 10 minutes. The vibrators are set to go off when there is noise. I should probably be quiet, as I don't want to "announce" that I am in here. He stops talking and everything settles down. My cock is now at half-mast. It starts to droop now that it isn't being tormented.

Larry speaks up, and so does the buzz! He tells me that they will be back in 2 hours to get me. TWO HOURS? I won't be able to stand here like this with my hands above my head. And the buzzing in my ass and cock and balls. ARRRGGGHHH! They both pat the box and say goodbye.

My cock is drooling. Two hours like this? I won't be able to be quiet either.

I try to move around a bit in the box to relieve my arms. I can't hang them by the cuffs as I can feel the box starting to sag. I don't dare move around too much, as I don't want to topple the box.

Suddenly, as if an alarm goes off, the room fills with workers. My cock and ass start to buzz with the noise from the room. I feel my cock start to harden. It was semi soft to begin with, what with the anticipation of the upcumming event. Also from the fact that I am strung up naked in this box with all these guys around it. I squirm around, trying not to moan or cry out. This is so intense. The urge to moan is so strong. The buzzing is insistent, as the room is a flurry of movement and voices. Some guys talking about their trucks, whom they fucked this past weekend, the weather, their lack of pay, etc. The usual lunch room rabble.

Only this rabble is causing the vibrators in my ass and on my cock and balls to keep vibrating. Non stop. The ring around the head of my cock, as it swelled, got tighter and intensified the vibrations.

I was literally shaking it was so good. I could feel myself climbing ever higher and higher. Suddenly, I fell off the edge. I shot with such force, I could hear over, the noise and vibrators, my cum hitting the side of the box. Shot after shot. Then I dried up.

But since the noise continued, so did the vibrations. I was spent. I am so sensitive after I cum, but they kept going. It was all I could do not to cry out. Tears were running down my face. I don't know how long I just stood there, trying to remain silent and shaking ever so slightly. But then the pain started to go away, to be replaced once again by that wonderful tingle of arousal.

My cock started to inflate again. Not that it had ever gotten really soft. The workout it was receiving had kept me sort of fluffed up.

It wasn't taking me long the second time around either to approach the brink. Usually it takes me some time before I can cum the second time. Maybe it was the excitement of being enclosed in the box without anyone knowing I was inside the box that added to my arousal. By now, I couldn't help it. I let little squeaks and moans escape. Someone near the box asked another if they heard something cumming from the box. I could tell that they moved over. This got me even more excited. I was twisting this way and that. Someone mentioned the box was moving! What the Hell?! Everyone get away from the box.

Suddenly I went over the edge again. I screamed into the gag. This was way too intense. I shot again. It felt like my cock was turning inside out. Pulling my balls along with it. I couldn't stand any longer and my knees gave way. I sort of just sat down in the box. My hands then pulled the top of the box down.

Larry must have rigged the box just right so as I fell, it popped open. Immediately, I was visible to everyone in the room. In my stupor, I noticed they were all men. Truckers by the looks of them. The room fell instantly quiet. Thank goodness. The buzzing stopped. I lay there stupidly for a moment or two. Dazed.

As the box had collapsed, my hands came free. I struggled and yanked my ankles loose from the box. Then I saw the cables that hooked the vibrators to the power pack. I unplugged those. I don't know how long it took to do this, but it seemed like forever. But it couldn't have been, as everyone was still standing there, silent. As in shock. I glanced around and saw the doorway. I headed for it. The men parted as if I was an ocean liner making way in the ocean. Here I was naked. Cum dribbling out the end of my cock. Now I see why the mask.

When I got out the door, I saw the big open bays and there was my car. I stumbled to the steps. Each step I took, I got stronger and my head was clearing.

I looked at my right hand and sure enough, there was a car key. When I got to my car, I stuck it in the door lock and sure enough, it was the right one. I climbed in, stuck it in the ignition and fired it up. I dropped it into drive and away I went. As I drove past the loading dock, there were all the men from the lunch room, standing there waving to me as I drove away. Some cat calls, whistles. I sure made an impression on them today. And probably lunch fodder for quite some time.

When I got away from there, I pulled over on a secluded side street. I had noticed a pair of shorts on the seat. I struggled into them. You know, you try to do it quickly, but you have your shoes on so it isn't as graceful as all that.

I peeled the mask off my face and took out the gag.

I still had the plug in my ass, so it was interesting driving. And it was real fun as my right hand was still hooked to the key, so I had to shut off the car in order to dress. My hand was forced to stay near the ignition.

I started the car up and drove home. What a day this turned out to be!

Next: Chapter 5

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