Boxed and Shipped

By George U

Published on Nov 23, 2023


Date: 11/22/2008 From: George U Subject: Boxed and Shipped 8

The story has been written for entertainment purposes for consenting adults only. It contains escapades of male on male sex. If you are not of legal age or if you consider this type of writing to be morally offensive, then do not read the following story. It is your own responsibility to adhere to these terms. Comments on the story are appreciated and may be addressed to the author at:

Story idea provided by Jase

I was over at Larry's place Saturday to help him move some stuff around in the basement. I was rather sweaty. Larry was already down to just his boots and jock strap and he suggested I do the same. I was rather sweaty and decided that if Larry was going around like that I could too. So I shucked my shorts and pulled my tank top off. It was still hot, but at least I felt cooler when I moved and the little breeze on my damp skin helped.

When we were done, we went upstairs, still just in our jocks and boots. Larry grabbed a couple of beers out of the fridge. Sure felt good going down. Then Larry's cell phone rang. He answered it and went into the living room. I sat down in the kitchen, nursing my beer. I heard Larry end the call and he came back into the kitchen. Asked if I wanted to help out a friend of Larry's?

I said sure. What do I need to do? Larry said that he would be right back. Have another beer while I was at it. So I took another one out of the fridge as they felt so good going down. I was cooling off.

Larry came back and told me to stand up and bend over. Spread my ass cheeks. I was up for this. It seemed rather kinky. I bent over and opened my ass. Larry lubed up this big butt plug. Actually, I could see it was a vibrating plug. He worked it around my ass lips. The cool lube felt good. Slowly, but surely he pushed it in. I felt my ass lips stretching to accommodate the wide flare of the plug. And then it was in!

I stood up. Larry handed me a couple of those foam earplugs. Told me to put them in. I had a questioning look on my face and Larry said to just do it. It would enhance my experience today. When I had them in, I could barely hear Larry talking now. He handed me a leather hood and told/motioned for me to put it on. I pulled it over my head. There were cutouts for my nose and mouth. Then I felt a ball gag at my lips. I opened my mouth to accept it. Then he strapped it on tight.

Then I felt Larry messing around with my head. He was putting something on my head, but the thick leather dulled the senses. It felt like he was strapping something on. What could it be?

I felt him leading me somewhere. I could tell by the smell that we were outside now. Then he guided me down some steps. Then I felt him assisting me up onto something. I don't remember a platform being in his backyard? Then I felt another pair of hands. Who was this? My cock was hardening in my jock strap. What was in store for me?

They pulled my legs apart and I felt them tying them spread. Then they took my hands and placed them on a pair of handles above my head. They closed my fists around them so I figured I was to hang on. Then I felt them tying my hands to this handle. What the?

I couldn't hear a thing. What an odd sensation. Not being able to see or hear. Only smell and feel. Suddenly the platform I was on jerked. Now I understood the handhold. But why the jerk. Soon I was just being jiggled. This wasn't all that hot to me. Occasionally I would sway this way and that. I swayed against my bindings. Then someone slapped my ass. That was unexpected and I sort of jumped. Then the hands felt between my ass cheeks and turned on the butt plug. ON HIGH!

I was tingling back there. I started to swivel around to the great feeling that was coming out of my ass. My cock strained in the jock. I could feel the sunlight coming and going on my body. Was the sun going behind the clouds and reappearing?

Every so often, I could smell engine exhaust. Hmmm. Or the smell of hot dogs would swirl past my nose. Strange scents too. What was going on out here in the back yard?

The buzzing and swaying continued for quite some time. It really wasn't all the exciting to me. What was Larry's friend doing with me like this? Sure I was horny. My cock was drooling into the jock big time now. I wanted to cum. But what was I actually doing here?

Every so often I would feel hands on my body. More like they were just resting on me. Not really touching or feeling me. Sometimes I felt what were leather strings, and I finally figured it must be a cat-o-nine tails, but why were they just tossing it over my body? Not actually whipping me with it?

I know it couldn't have been that long, but it felt like hours has gone by. Those two beers were now wanting OUT! My bladder was full. It was actually getting rather painful, what with the buzzing going on in my ass full-time. Suddenly, out of the blue, something WHACKED my ass. I gave a yelp. This also caused me to forget about holding my piss in and the flow started. I just couldn't stop it. I tried. I pissed and pissed and pissed. Sort of like the dam broke and now all the piss had to escape.

It sure did feel good tho to have expelled all that piss. Felt like gallons poured down my legs. My boots were going to smell like piss now. I could feel the piss puddling at the bottom. Not going to be able to wear them in public anymore am I?

I was jiggled around for a bit longer and then the motion stopped. I felt hands untying my arms and legs. I sort of stumbled once I was no longer supported. I was helped down from the platform. Then I could tell I was being led into the garage. I was sat down on a chair. I was thankful. I needed to rest some. The buzzing was still going on in my ass and my sitting on the chair shoved it in deeper.

Then I felt hands removing the ball gag. I opened my mouth and worked it around. Sure felt good. Then the hood was removed. I blinked at the bright light. There was Larry. I took the plugs from my ears.

Larry handed me a towel and I stood, reached back and yanked out the butt plug. Sure felt good to get that buzzing stopped. I took off my soaked jock strap and toweled myself dry. Larry handed me my shorts. He smiled at me and thanked me for helping him move his stuff around. Oh, and thanks for helping his friend out.

I asked him what I had just done. Larry just smiled and said that someday, I would find out. I should probably get myself home now, as Larry had to get ready to go to work. I thanked him for the beers, dug my car keys out of my pocket and left. I had a big case of blue balls, so figured I would have to take care of that later when I got home and cleaned myself up.

When I got home, I hosed my boots out and off, put them on the deck to dry out. Going to have to see if the piss smell is still there when they dry. Might have to chuck them in the trash.

Then I stripped and took a nice hot shower. Scrubbed off the piss. Then I fixed myself a sandwich and turned on the TV. We have a local access channel that has REAL news, not the fluffy, sanitized news you see on national TV. And since it is privately owned, they don't have to worry about content.

So when the news came on, there was a feature story about honoring some fallen gay rights leader. They even had a parade this afternoon celebrating this day. They zoomed in on various floats. There was a float of a guy strung up on a rack, in just a jock. My heart stopped dead. Suddenly the guy with him on the float swung this huge wooden paddle on the restrained guy's ass. And suddenly the guy started to piss. The camera zoomed in on the piss just gushing out of the jock strap, flowing down his legs.

THAT WAS ME! I definitely have to loose that small beer gut I am starting to show. My favor this afternoon was to be the main display on that float! My cock was so hard. I started to jack it right there. It only took maybe 4 strokes and I shot my load. Was this hot or what?!

Next: Chapter 9

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