Boxed and Shipped

By George U

Published on Dec 14, 2023


The story has been written for entertainment purposes for consenting adults only. It contains escapades of male on male sex. If you are not of legal age or if you consider this type of writing to be morally offensive, then do not read the following story. It is your own responsibility to adhere to these terms. Comments on the story are appreciated and may be addressed to the author at:

Many readers of my posts have asked for a description of George. Since he is me, that is an easy one. I am in my mid forties. Rapidly thinning salt and pepper head of hair. Wear a mustache. I am 6'1". 185 pounds. I am not into active fitness, although occasionally I do swim laps or ride my bike. I tan easily, so in the summer, have a nice even dark tan. I am into tan lines, so tan with a suit on. I don't have pecs that stand out, but I do have some nice nips that perk up nicely with they are given attention. I have the start of a belly, so I don't wear skimpy Speedos. I have a nice average uncut 6 1/2" cock. Nice balls that usually are snuggled to my belly, although I wish they would hang down further. And I shave my cock and balls daily. I enjoy men as well as women, although for the rougher sex, I prefer men. As you can tell by my stories, I like bondage along with some pain.

Not only do I like being boxed, but another turn on for me is male chastity. My favorite device is the Seed Pod. I don't know why, but metal chastity just turns my crank. Unfortunately, I don't own a Seed Pod as of yet as they are rather expensive. If anyone has experiences with the Seed Pod or has photos, I would enjoy receiving them. And as always, I would love to hear comments or story suggestions. These can be sent to me @

One evening when I arrived home from work, I was gathering up the mail and I had a large package in the parcel bin. I picked it up. There was a return address, but I couldn't for the life of me remember who it belonged to. I took my mail up to my place and set it on the hall table. I forgot about it.

Later that night, when I was getting ready for bed, I remembered the box. I went to get it. I shook it, but it felt solid. No rattles. Hmmm. I took the letter opener and slit the tape and opened the flaps. I was stunned. Inside was another box, only this one said what it was. A male chastity device. The Seed Pod. I have always wanted one of these, but just couldn't bring myself to fork over the 300 some dollars for one when I wasn't even sure if this is what I really wanted.

There was a note inside the box. It was from Larry! He said that he had a Christmas Gift Box session planned for me. It also involved the Seed Pod. I was to give him a call when I was ready.

I put it back into the box and decided I would call Larry tomorrow. This was something totally new to me. Was I ready for chastity? I never even did self-chastity. I tried a couple of times to just not jack off, but I would end up after only a couple of days reaching for my stiff cock and giving it a yank until I spewed all over. Not even being able to SEE my cock and balls was rather scary to me.

I have to admit, I left the box on the hall table for a couple of days. I would pass by it and I would look at it, but I didn't touch it. Finally, my kinky side got the better of me and I broke down and called him. Larry wondered how long it would take for me to call. He knew the box had been delivered to me.

Larry asked me if I was ready. I said that I was. Larry said that he had sprayed the Seed Pod with clear coat so that it wouldn't rust. It was made of steel. There were instructions on how to put it on and lock it down with the hex key. Then there was a small paddle lock that was to be locked over the opening for the hex key. This would truly make it locked on me. No fudging and getting it off. Larry said that he had the keys and he would control them

Also, he suggested that I use the external catheter that he had included. Even tho there was a hole in the end for the piss/fluids to escape, this would make it not quite so messy when I was at work and had to pee. When I got it on and locked in place, I was to give Larry another call.

I decided to put the Seed Pod on this weekend. It would give me a day to get adjusted to it before having to go to work. Saturday morning came and I showered and shaved my crotch. Then I took the box and went into the living room and sat in my favorite chair. Opened it up and took everything out. Sure enough, there was the external catheter. Looked like a real heavy duty condom that one rolled over their cock. Then a long hose attached to it. The instructions for the Pod said to first work your cock and balls through the 2 inch opening. So I lubed up and worked them through. Just like a cock ring.

Then I rolled the catheter onto my cock. I threaded the tube through the hole in the end of the pod. Then I closed the other half of the clamshell Pod. There was a bar that came down that closed off the large hole my cock and balls were through. I gave an experimental tug and they were not going to be pulled out.

I checked to be sure that I was all inside, nothing caught in the seams and then used the hex key to close the Seed Pod. I just stared at it. Was this what I really wanted? My cock throbbed in the pod, trying to harden. I could feel the pressure against the sides. I stood up. The weight of the pod caused my package to hang down. Not uncomfortable, just a nice pleasant tug. I took a couple of steps. I was Ok with this.

Went to the full length mirror by the front door. Looked this way and that. Bent over and gave a looksee. The hose would need trimming though. It was rather long.

I went back and grabbed the small lock and clicked it on before I could change my mind. There! I was locked up. What have I done? I now couldn't get it off without destroying it. What if Larry doesn't ever let me out? Why did I do this to myself? I just knew I was thinking with the wrong head again!

I called Larry. I was shaking. Never realized that being locked up would do this to me. Heart was going a mile a minute. Larry asked if I was locked up. I said I was. Including the paddle lock. Larry chuckled. Did I know what I was in for? I really must trust him. I broke out into a cold sweat. I didn't like the sound of his chuckle. What did he mean that I trusted him? Of course I did. Larry said that I was free to roam around, but my cock and balls were now his. Locked safely away. I couldn't even see them could I? Can't touch them, fondle them. Larry chuckled again. Said that he would call me in a week to see how I was doing?

Wait a minute? A week? What about my gift of being boxed for Christmas? Larry said that this was part of the gift. I was boxed now wasn't I? He hung up. I sighed. I did this to myself hadn't I. I might as well just go with the flow.

I just stayed at home all day. Naked. Every so often I would reach down to give my cock a jerk only to hit that metal seed pod. This would only then reinforce my locked up status and my cock would throb. I found I could easily pee once I got past the fact I couldn't hang onto my cock and aim it. Took a couple of tries before I could get the piss to flow. Went to bed rather frustrated that evening.

I tossed and turned all night. Woke up and went in the bathroom. Looked in the mirror. OK. Time for a shower. I washed myself all over. As per the instructions, I aimed the showerhead at the Seed Pod. I felt the water flowing through and around my cock and balls. Felt so good. When I was done, water was still dripping out. I wrapped the towel around the pod and sort of shook it. '

Then per a suggestion in the instructions, I took my blow dryer and put it on the warm setting and aimed it at my crotch. Wow! What a wonderful feeling that was. The warm air warmed the steel pod and made my crotch all tingly. If I wasn't trapped inside, I think I would have tried to use this as a method of getting off!

I dressed in loose Dockers. Checked myself out in the mirror and released unless someone was really looking, they wouldn't be able to tell I was wearing it. So off to work I went.

Work went OK. I was uncomfortable only because I knew I had the seed pod under my clothes. But no one commented or asked any embarrassing questions. Sure, if I bent just right, I got pinched, but once I figured out how to move, things were OK.

The rest of the week went fine. I was frustrated at not being able to handle my goods. I would reach to scratch myself and WHACK into the pod. Drool sometimes escaped from the end of the tube. I was so horny. I wanted the thing off my crotch, but I wasn't going to call Larry. I was NOT. I was NOT. I would get through this. Friday evening came. I was at home. Larry called to see how I was doing. I told him I was so frustrated. I couldn't do anything. He chuckled. Said he would be right over with the keys. My spirits were lifted. I was getting released!

Larry arrived. He told me to drop my shorts. He wanted to see it on me. He reached down and grasped it. Asked how I was doing. I told him I wanted to touch my cock and balls so badly. Just to see them! Larry dangled the key to the lock in front of me.

Said he would release me, but first he would secure me so I couldn't touch it. What? Larry said I had a choice. Be restrained and he would open the pod to check on me, otherwise, he would just leave. I didn't even think. I told him to secure me.

He took me over to a dining room chair and told me to strip and sit. He came back with some rope. Tied my ankles to the legs of the chair. Then told me to put my hands behind the chair. He tied them together and then to the chair.

Larry unlocked the paddle lock. I let out an audible sigh. Larry chuckled. Then he took the hex key and unscrewed the top. He popped it open. My cock sprang out rock hard. He twisted the pod this way and that, checking it out. Said that it was holding up just as he thought. Then he left the room. Came back with a box of my alcohol wipes. He took one out and grabbed my balls. It had been a week since anyone human hand had touched them. Oh how they ached for the touch! He lifted them and looked them over. Then he took the wipe and cleaned my balls and cock. The cool alcohol felt so good. He checked at the base of my cock and balls where they entered the Seed Pod. Checked and found no rubbing or peeling of the skin.

I watched him the whole time. I could see the hair had started to grow back. He took another wipe and cleaned the inside of the pod. Then wiped my cock and balls down again. It felt so good to be touched and I told Larry that. Larry said that he knew that would be the effect on me and this is one reason that so many guys like chastity.

Larry finished examining me. He didn't "play" with me in any way, just handled me. My cock was rock hard and drooling big time. Larry said he had to go check something and he left. I then heard the front door open and I heard him leave. He shouted back to me that he would be right back.

Right back?! Where was he going? Leaving me here like this? Soon it got dark. I had no idea how long I had been sitting there like this, but I know it was at least an hour gauged by the darkness. I heard the front door open. He hadn't locked it! I had been sitting here exposed like this and the door was open the whole time!

The lights flashed on and there was Larry. He had something in his hand. When he stepped closer I realized it was another catheter. SIGH. I thought I was getting out of this thing today. He came over and quickly rolled it onto my softened cock. Then quickly shut the clamshell and screwed down the hex nut. Then he snapped the lock on. He said that he had left because he forgot to bring the catheter and my cock needed to go soft enough so he could shut the pod again.

Larry untied the ropes holding me to the chair. He helped me up and then guided me over to my overstuffed end chair. Told me to bend over the back. As I bent over, the seed pod pressed into my groin. I did a little adjusting so that my package was going down the backside of the chair.

I heard Larry unzip his jeans and then heard a squirt/squishy sound. Figured Larry was getting some lube out seeing I was bent over the chair like this. Sure enough, I felt his cock at my hole, the cool lube feeling pretty good. He pushed into me. Just like that. No teasing. He grunted out that he didn't have time for a long leisurely fuck. He was going to have to do a quickie as he had to be somewhere.

And away he went. Pulled out to the head and shoved in. Back and forth we went. The chair rocking with each thrust. I don't know what the neighbors downstairs must be thinking. But they are used to my antics up here by now. Every thrust hit my prostate. My cock had swelled inside the pod. It hurt! And he kept up. He had grabbed my hips to help him shove himself into me.

Grunt. Grunt. And then he did a hard shove and held himself deep inside me. I felt his cock swell and shoot his seed into me. Oh why can't I cum? Or at least touch myself. Why had I done this to myself?

He pulled out with a pop. He was still pretty hard. Told me to get on my knees and clean him up. I greedily sucked that cock into my mouth and cleaned him up. Tasted so good. But I was so horny too.

He struggled to tuck himself back in his jeans. Then went to the door. He said that he would call me in a couple of days. And left. I was dejected. I was so horny and I had no way of relief. His cum was running down my legs. I sat down on the dining room chair. I don't know if I could stand this or not. SIGH

A couple of days later, Larry left a message on my work phone voice mail telling me he had to go out of town. He said it would only be a couple of weeks. And seeing how well I was doing locked up, I should do just fine. A COUPLE OF WEEKS!? No way was I going to survive that long. Larry did say that I was not to call him unless it was an emergency. But no other calls begging to be released from the lockup.

I know why he called me at work. I wanted to cry I was so upset. This is what I get for thinking with the wrong head isn't it? Two long weeks more of being locked up.

I don't know how I did it. It's been a long couple of weeks. Larry just called from the airport. Said he would pick me up after work tomorrow. I can't wait that long! I wake up horny, I go to bed horny, the metal pod bumping between my legs reminds me every moment that I can't touch myself or bring myself to cum. It has been very frustrating. I stopped watching porn on the TV and stopped surfing the web as it was just to painful to sit there.

So I had finally painted my bedroom. Cleaned the place from top to bottom. Read several books. Went to the museum. All to take my mind off my crotch. But of course, this would be the time that the new neighbors above me suddenly decide that they have to have loud noisy sex every night right when I am trying to go to sleep! Maybe it is punishment for me being noisy for the people who live below me. Larry said that this Friday, he would pick me up around 5PM and he would release me. I can hardly wait. I was off this Friday so I showered and dressed and then paced around my place. I was so horny. Today I was getting released! I was so ancy that I was downstairs waiting at 4:30, hoping he would be early.

But Larry didn't show up till almost 5:30. By now I was pacing outside the building. Larry pulled up and I almost jumped into his truck. Larry smiled at me and asked if anything was wrong? I said no. Of course not. If you don't consider that I haven't seen my cock and balls for almost three weeks now and I am so horny all the time. All I can think about is getting released. Larry said that I would get released all in good time. Just relax. First I had something I had to do for him.

What would I have to do for him? Larry said that I would see in just a bit. We pulled up behind the mall. Larry parked and got out. I figured we must be going inside so I got out too. We walked towards a back door. Larry went inside and I followed. Down a long hall. There were doors on each side for the various stores. These must be the back shipping doors.

We came to an unmarked door and Larry opened it. There inside I could see it was being used for storage of the mall's decorations. Here and there were broken Christmas Ornaments. And there in the middle was a large present box with the lid off. It was square. Larry motioned me over to the box. Told me to strip. Here?! Larry said that if I wanted to be let out of the seed pod I would have to do this thing for him.

Ok. OK. I wanted out of this thing. I stripped. Larry then took out a ball gag and used it to gag me. He then told me to step into the box. Oh boy, what was I going to do now? He then tied my feet together. Then pulled my hands behind me and tied them tight. Then he told me to squat down and lay down sit in the box. It was a tight fit. I had to jockey myself around and it was rather difficult with my hands tied. Soon I was in the box. Knees against one side and my ass on the bottom. My hands behind me against the other side.

He bent my head down and closed the top of the box on me. Then I heard it latch. I was crammed into this box, naked, in the mall. Then Larry said I was going for a short ride. Then I felt us moving. There must have been wheels on the bottom of the box. Soon I could tell we were in the mall. I could hear shoppers going around.

We stopped. Larry said that we were at the Visit Santa station in the mall. WHERE! OMG! Larry said that I would get to stay here all evening. Santa would be here from 6 to 9 tonight. The number of visitors that Santa had would determine the number of additional days that I would have to remain in the seed pod until he released me. This was the thing he wanted me to do before he released me.

Just before he left me, he said that Santa saw 28 children between 6 and 9. And Friday's usually were busier.

SHIT!!!! Merry Christmas!

Next: Chapter 10

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