Boy Actor Tales

By Nifty Story

Published on Aug 30, 2014


This is story depicts sexual acts involving minors. The minors in this story are being played by actors 18 year of age or older. This story in no way intends to depict or insinuate that the persons named in the story engage in, condone, or approve of the sex acts contained in the content. Please do not read this story if you are under 18 years of age, or if it is illegal in the state or area where you live.

If you want to comment or give constructive advice or criticism, I welcome it. My E-Mail address is

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To follow on from my recent story 'The Beckham Boys' I decided to start a series that would allow me to feature a different boy actor every chapter and have that chapter be about just him.

I thought this would make it more believable than stories that seem to result in a orgy occurring between random boys, and would allow me to keep it interesting and try out different things.

I have a few boy actors in mind already, but if there are any boys you would specifically like me to write about then please let me know, and I will give it some thought.

First up is Colin Ford, and given he is now in his late teens please see the below image to get a taste of how I was imagining him here (it's a safe and legal image):

If you haven't seen the season three episode of the TV series 'Supernatural' entitled 'A Very Supernatural Christmas' then I strongly urge you to purchase it, as Colin Ford is utterly adorable in it and somehow managed to steal my heart.

Chapter 1 – Colin Ford's Supernatural Fun

Colin Ford was bored. He had been sat in the guest actor trailer on the set of 'Supernatural' for almost an hour now waiting for a scene to be set-up, but to 11 year old Colin it had seemed like an eternity. His Mom had dropped him off and headed over to another set nearby, where she worked in the make-up department. She had given Colin strict instructions to stay in the trailer.

Acting wasn't really something he had considered doing, but after his Mom sent him along to a few auditions he began steadily landing small parts in shows and had been acting professionally for a few years now. Waiting around for things to happen seemed to be part of the job description so he was somewhat used to the boredom, but still hated it.

Some jobs were better then others of course, and at least with 'Supernatural' there were some cool props and make-up. He was hoping to be able to get to have a good look around before the end of his two day shooting schedule.

At just under 4"9 tall he was around average height for an 11 year old, and had a slim, toned body with not an ounce of fat on him anywhere. He had slightly long dark brown hair that often reached his eyes and covered his ears, piercing blue-grey eyes, light tan skin and cute little dimples that showed up when he smiled. By anyone's standards he was an incredibly cute little boy. He was wearing the outfit that the wardrobe department had given him, which consisted of a greenish brown plaid shirt, plain tan t-shirt, faded blue jeans and a pair of worn looking Converse sneakers.

He had brought along his laptop to try and stave off the boredom but had grown tired of it, wishing he was at home where he had his XBOX and could at least do other things to entertain himself. A knock at the trailer door interrupted his boredom induced stupor and caused him to jump slightly.

"Colin?" an unfamiliar female voice said through the trailer door, "Are you decent?" she added.

"Yeah, you can come in" Colin replied, moving his laptop to one side.

Colin watched as one of the show runners came in. She was a very attractive blonde woman, perhaps just about in her early twenties. To most boys on the edge of puberty the low cut top and tight jeans she was wearing would have been a turn on, but not to Colin.

"Jared asked me to come and find you. He wants to know if you would like to hang out to try and get a few mannerisms down?" she asked, moving towards Colin and looking down at the cute 11 year old boy. What a little hottie he was going to be when he grew up she thought to herself .

"Mannerisms?" Colin asked, not 100% sure what the word meant.

"Yeah, like how he talks and how he moves. He thinks it will make things a bit more believable for the audience and thought it might be fun for you to hang out with someone. It can be quite boring waiting around, can't it?" she replied, reaching out a hand to tousle Colin's hair in a friendly way.

Colin had been hired to play the childhood version of Sam Winchester, one of the two main characters in the show. The older Sam Winchester was being played by Jared Padalecki, a tall and ridiculously good looking young actor, something which had not escaped little Colin's attention.

"OK, sounds cool" Colin replied enthusiastically, "When does he want to do it?" he added.

"Now would be good, as he is in between scenes. Do you wanna go over there with me?"

"Sure" Colin replied, getting up off the couch and falling in behind the woman as she headed out of the trailer and made her way up to where the main cast trailers were located. She headed towards two large silver trailers, easily the largest on view. They passed the first one which had the name Jensen written on the outside, which Colin assumed was the trailer for Jensen Ackles the other main actor on the show.

She stopped at the door to the next trailer, which had Jared written on the outside and knocked on the door. Colin could hear a deep male voice inside call out for them to come in. The woman opened the door and headed up the two small steps, Colin following close behind.

"Here he is Jared, he was excited to come hang out" the woman said as she entered.

"Hey buddy, come in. It's Colin right? I'm Jared" Jared said, a friendly smile on his face as he moved over to the door and put a hand on the 11 year old's shoulder.

"Yeah it's Colin. Hi trailer" Colin replied as Jared ushered him in, "Oh, you have a pinball machine, awesome" he said, spotting the 'Supernatural' themed pinball machine and heading over to it.

"Yeah I love pinball machines, I have a bunch of them at home. You wanna play on it? It doesn't need any quarters, it's rigged for free plays" Jared replied, moving over to stand beside Colin.

"Yeah OK, can I please?" Colin replied. He really did love pinball machines.

"Have at it little guy" Jared replied, before turning back to the blonde show runner who was still standing by the door, "Thanks for bringing him over Mandy, come and get me when they are ready for us"

"Sure thing Jared, John said it would probably be another hour before everything it set up. Jensen is still finishing off his scene. Bye for now guys" Mandy replied, before turning and leaving the trailer, closing the door with a loud bang behind her that made Colin jump.

"Yeah, she closes that door like it ran over her dog or something" Jared joked as Colin looked at him, making Colin smile before the 11 year old went back to playing on the pinball machine. "Do you want a coke?" Jared offered.

"OK, that would cool, thanks Jared" Colin replied, his eyes never leaving the pinball machine as he played, his little body moving as he tried to will the pinball to go where he wanted, before groaning as he washed out.

"It's a tough one isn't it" Jared said, handing Colin a can of coke and moving to sit on one of the large leather couches as Colin moved to sit on the one on the opposite side of the trailer.

"Yeah, but I nearly had it. Did they give it to you for free, I mean because it's a 'Supernatural' one?"

"Yeah, they give us a bunch of free stuff. Most of it is junk, but there is some cool stuff like that as well. I'm pretty lucky. So do you want to work on a few things? Since you're playing little Sam I thought it would be cool to see how we each talk and move for a bit and find out if there is anything we can copy?" Jared offered, keen to be professional.

"OK, should we read a script or something? Maybe I can watch you read it and then try and do it the same way?"

"Sounds good, the last script is on the side there, can you pass me a copy and we can work on it"

"OK" Colin replied, moving to lean over the couch and grab at the two scripts, noticing all the little notes written on them. He handed one to Jared and kept the other for himself.

They read through the scripts for half an hour or so, Jared laughing as Colin eventually managed to get his accent and little mannerisms down to a tee. He was an excellent mimic and Jared could understand why he was hired. He also found it funny that the studio had picked such a handsome boy to play the younger version of him but an average looking kid to play the younger version of Dean Winchester, something he decided he would rib his cast mate Jensen Ackles about.

"OK, I think we have it licked, you are a talented mimic Colin. Do you take acting classes already or are you just doing this for fun?" Jared asked, putting the script down and leaning back.

"I don't take any classes yet, I just do it for fun. It can be cool sometimes, I mean when I am not having to wait around for stuff. That part is boring" Colin replied, Jared nodding in agreement.

"I hear you, the waiting does kinda suck. We do have a lot of fun on the set though, Jensen and I get to play a lot of pranks or play around with Nerf guns and stuff, so we get by. Want another coke?"

"Um OK, but I need to pee real bad first. Can I use your bathroom?" Colin asked, standing up and moving his hand to squeeze at the front of his crotch through his faded blue jeans.

"Sure thing, it's just through there" Jared replied, pointing towards the back of the trailer, smiling as he noticed the 11 year old squeezing himself. He really did need to go!

Colin made his way off in the direction Jared had pointed, passing a little kitchen area, and then through to another corridor off which there were three doors. He tried the first one and found it contained a shower before moving onto the next and finding the toilet.

He closed the door carefully behind him and pushed the little catch into place to lock it. He stepped over to the toilet and lifted the seat, before moving his hands to his waist and pulling the hem of his shirt up and putting it under his chin. He undid the button on his faded blue jeans along with the zipper and fished into his white Haines briefs to retrieve his half hard dick, aiming it downwards carefully and beginning to pee.

Colin was circumcised like most American boys, and as yet there were no signs of his impending journey into puberty, with not a single hair in sight on his immature little body. He finished peeing, his dick having deflated from the release, and shook off the last few drops of pee before tucking himself away and doing his jeans back up, letting the hem of his shirt fall back down. He pushed the flush button on the toilet and moved to his side to quickly wash his hands in the sink beside the toilet before unlocking the door and heading out into the small corridor.

He was going to head straight back when he suddenly wondered what the third door in the corridor was for, and headed towards it, turning the handle and walking into what looked like a bedroom. Jared must sleep in here when he was waiting Colin thought to himself as he had a brief look around, stopping to sit on the bed for a moment.

It was pretty tidy, certainly tidier than Colin's room at home. He spotted a laundry hamper in the far corner with some clothes hanging out of it with what looked like blood on them. His interest peaked, he headed over and pulled out a shirt that looked like it had been worn in a massacre. Colin smiled to himself at how cool it looked, realising it was fake blood and had probably been worn on set.

He put the shirt back into the hamper when he spotted something else, what looked like some discarded underwear. Colin's little hand went straight down to his crotch and squeezed as he fished out the white boxer briefs and brought them to his nose, sniffing them. Colin had long since found smelling other people's underwear made him super hard, not that he really knew why.

He sucked his tight tummy in, sliding his hand down into his jeans and his white Haines briefs and wrapped his hand tightly around his now fully hard 3 inch cut erection, gently wanking himself as he gave the used underwear another sniff. He heard a cough that sounded like it had come from the hallway and quickly dropped the boxer briefs and removed his hand from his own underwear, turning in time to see Jared appear in the doorway of the bedroom.

"I thought you might have gotten lost. Everything OK little guy?" Jared asked, smiling warmly at Colin. The 11 year old looked like a rabbit caught in the headlights.

"Um, yeah, I was just exploring. Sorry, I should have asked you. Are you mad?" Colin stuttered, nervously, praying Jared hadn't seen what he had just been doing.

"No of course not, we all like to be nosey" Jared replied, with extra emphasis on the word nosey. He had headed up the little corridor after he heard the flush and not seen Colin appear. He had silently watched the cute 11 year old boy from the doorway of the bedroom as he had fished out a pair of Jared's dirty underwear to smell them and slipped his hand into his pants.

"OK, thanks for being cool about it. Do you want to go practice some more?" Colin replied, relieved at not getting busted, or so he thought.

"Sure OK. Why don't you go and wait for me out there. I want to get changed out of these clothes ready for the next scene, I like to be fresh and ready to go. I'll be out in a minute, OK?" Jared replied, walking over to Colin and gently ushering the small 11 year old out of the room. At 6"4 Jared absolutely towered over him.

Jared moved to close the door, being sure to cough slightly and leave the door ajar somewhat hoping Colin would turn and see that he had done so as he walked back down the corridor. He moved back over to the other side of the bedroom and grabbed the outfit the wardrobe department had hung up for him, putting it on the bed.

Colin had heard the little cough and turned back to see Jared close over the door, but not all the way, leaving a gap. He headed back into the little kitchen area, his hand going back to the front of his faded blue jeans to squeeze his still hard 3 inch cut erection trapped painfully inside, trying to decide if he should go back and risk a look at Jared getting changing through he crack of the door.

His horniness got the better of him after a few seconds and he made his way back up the small corridor, being careful to be absolutely silent, reaching the door a few seconds later. He carefully darted his head forward to look into the gap and could see Jared sat on the edge of the bed shirtless. He quickly moved his head back, the 11 year old's hand again going to squeeze his now painfully hard little erection.

Jared had been sat on the bed waiting for a sign that Colin might be spying on him and had spotted the cute 11 year old's head appear in the gap between the door and door frame for half a second before moving away, and made sure he gave no reaction. Sure enough, after another few seconds he saw Colin's face appear in the gap again, not moving this time.

Jared lifted his muscular arms above him and stretched out. His large pecs and defined six pack clearly visible to little Colin who was still watching in the gap in the doorway. He moved to stand up, making sure he kept his muscles as tight as he could so as to give the little peeping tom something to look at, reaching down to undo his jeans before slipping them down his muscular thighs and kicking them off to reveal his dark blue boxer briefs. His bulge was already on it's way to being obscene, the thought of the cute little 11 year old peeping tom looking on enough to inspire some growth.

Colin looked on as Jared removed his jeans, and stared intently at what appeared to him to be a huge bulge that he knew must be Jared's dick. Colin slipped his hand into his jeans and white Haines briefs again, gripping his 3 inch cut erection and squeezing it tightly causing him to catch his breath.

Jared gave himself a moment, stretching once again to give Colin the best view possible of his body, before putting his thumbs into the waistband of his boxer briefs and unceremoniously slipping them down, his 8 inch cut erection being caught by the waist band before being released and springing back into place. His dick was thick and veined, and jutted up above a pair of large round balls that hung loosely below. Jared kept his pubic hair completely shaved. He heard a little gasp come from the direction of the doorway and smiled to himself knowing Colin was enjoying the show.

Colin began to wank himself inside his white Haines briefs as he saw Jared flex his body, before unbelievably Jared slipped his boxers down and his dick came into view, Colin unable to avoid gasping as he saw how big it was, his little hand squeezing his 3 inch cut dick even harder now. He had never seen a dick so big in real life before, only ever the little erections of his friends from the neighbourhood who's dicks were a similar size to his own.

Jared sat back down, his elbows going behind him onto the bed to support him as he leaned back and wrapped his right hand around his 8 inch cut dick and gave it a lazy stroke, a small dribble of precum leaking from the piss slit. He decided he had given Colin enough opportunity to spy on him and that he should now see how far the little 11 year old wanted to go.

"I can see you standing there, you may as well come in little guy, it's OK" Jared said suddenly, looking towards the door and directly at Colin, his 8 inch cut dick still gripped in his hand.

Colin froze, unable to move. He had been caught, how did Jared know he was there? He didn't know what to do.

"It's OK Colin, I don't mind you looking. I saw you in my bedroom earlier, so come on in" Jared urged, smiling in a friendly way and motioning with his hand for Colin to come in.

Colin nodded, only just visible in the gap between door and door frame and pushed the door open to step into the room. He had already taken his hand out from his white Haines briefs but there was still an obvious little bulge visible at the front of his faded blue jeans. He moved over to where Jared was sat, looking nervously from Jared's face to the massive dick the older guy had in his hand.

"I'm really sorry, I didn't mean to spy, please don't tell anyone I did, my Mom will kill me" Colin pleaded suddenly, before a few tears started to run down his cheeks.

"Hey, relax, it's cool Colin, don't cry OK" Jared replied, suddenly moved by the cute little 11 year old who was obviously upset, reaching out to rub Colin's side gently to comfort him.

"Are you sure? You're not mad?" Colin asked between little sniffles, not resisting as Jared pulled him down to sit on the bed beside him, wrapping a muscular arm around the small boy.

"No, it's fine OK? All guys get curious, I really don't mind" Jared soothed, Colin now calming down and leaning into the older man's chest as he gently hugged him.

Colin leant back and looked up at Jared, now smiling with his cute dimples on display, and risked a little look back down to Jared's still hard 8 inch cut dick before nodding back at Jared. He was so relieved, worried that he was going to get into a lot of trouble.

Jared and Colin sat in silence for a few moments, before Jared decide to move things along. "Have you seen a guy's dick before then?" Jared asked, reaching down to grip onto his dick, Colin's eyes following down to look at it unashamedly now.

"Um, yeah, I mean my friends and stuff but never....." Colin trailed off, nervously.

"Never what?"

"Never one big" Colin finally said, a nervous little smile on his face as he said it.

"Oh, thanks buddy. It's pretty average really, I am sure yours will be a similar size when you grow up" Jared soothed, smiling down at the cute 11 year old.

"I doubt it, its only small now and I don't know how it could ever get THAT big" Colin replied, pointing at Jared's dick.

"You would be surprised, a lot of things change as you hit puberty. You have heard about that right, in school?"

"Yeah in Sex Ed class. They told us that our bodies would change and stuff, get bigger I mean, and that we would get hair. Why don't you have any?" Colin asked suddenly.

"Any what?"

"Hair. You know, around your dick and balls?" Colin asked, curious.

"I shave it off, I like it to be smooth, it looks nicer and it feels nicer"

"Oh, OK. I don't have any hair yet" Colin replied, looking down at the floor nervously, his cheeks going slightly red as he said it.

"Don't think about it little guy, it will happen in time. Plus it's way hotter to have no hair, trust me. The girls prefer it too" Jared added, wondering whether girls liking him was something that would appeal to little Colin.

Jared had noticed how little attention Colin had paid to Mandy before despite what she was wearing being pretty appealing. He had Colin pegged for being either gay or totally uninterested in sex. Having now answered the interest in sex question with Colin's antics thus far, he assumed the gay part was probably spot on. Jared himself was open to anything, having been with guys and girls his whole life, and a few little boys along the way as well.

"Cool I guess, but.....well I don't really like girls....not yet anyway" Colin replied, looking back up to Jared's face.

"That's fine, you can like whatever you want, even boys" Jared tested.

"I'm not gay.....I mean I do like girls....just not like a whole bunch yet" Colin replied hurriedly, not wanting Jared to know his secret.

"It's cool, I get it. I was like you when I was your age, I messed around with my buddies for fun and kind of grew into girls. Sound about right?"

"Yeah I guess so" Colin answered, relieved that Jared hadn't figured out he was actually gay.

"Cool, what kind of stuff do you and your buddies get up to?" Jared asked, moving to lean back on his elbows, his 8 inch cut dick still hard, smiling as Colin's eyes went back to it again, staring slightly, before looking back up to Jared's face sheepishly at having been caught looking.

"Uh, you know, like jerking off and stuff. Some other things too...."

"Like what? It's cool, you can tell me" Jared urged, feeling himself getting harder at the thought of the hot little 11 year old in front of him messing around with another boy.

"Sucking.....and one time we tried it in the ass" Colin replied, nervously.

"In the ass?" Jared prompted.

"Yeah, you know....with our each other's asses"

"Awesome, I did a lot of that too when I was your age. It feels good right?" Jared encouraged.

"Yeah, awesome!" Colin replied, beginning to relax and happy to learn that Jared had been like him. He risked another glance towards Jared's still hard dick, wanting to ask if he could touch it but too nervous too.

Jared saw the look, figuring what was going on in Colin's head and realising the nervous little boy would need a little push. "You can touch it, if you want to I mean. I don't mind" Jared asked.

"Really? Are you sure?" Colin asked, suddenly hopeful.

"I wouldn't offer if I wasn't. It has to stay between us guys though, OK?"

"Yeah OK, I promise, I won't tell anyone, not even my best friend" Colin replied, nodding earnestly, excited at being able to touch the huge dick in front of him. His own 3 inch cut dick was painfully hard in his white Haines briefs at the thought.

"Have at it then buddy" Jared replied, leaning right back and pointing his hips slightly in the direction of Colin.

Colin tentatively reached out his small hand, looking towards Jared for encouragement and seeing the older man nod encouragingly, before reaching out to grip onto Jared's 8 inch cut dick. It felt hot and hard in Colin's hand, and Colin moved his hand up towards the large pink mushroom head, squeezing it gently causing more of Jared's precum to ooze out.

"What is that stuff? Is it sperm?" Colin asked curiously, his little hand still gripping gently onto Jared's dick.

"No buddy, that's called precum. It comes out when a guy gets excited, to make things a bit slicker" Jared replied, smiling at Colin's innocence.

"Cool" Colin replied, before reaching over with his other hand and putting a finger out to to scoop up the little drop of clear liquid, squeezing it between two fingers, "It's kind of sticky" he said out loud, before bringing his fingers up to his nose and smelling them.

"You like to sniff things huh?" Jared replied, smiling.

"Yeah, is that weird?" Colin asked, nervously.

"Not really, I do it too sometimes. You can smell my dick too if you want?" Jared offered.

Colin nodded and bent his head down towards Jared's crotch, his long brown hair falling to hide his blue eyes somewhat, his little face and nose now only a few centimetres from Jared's 8 inch cut erection. He took in a little sniff, enjoying the musky aroma of Jared's dick, his hand still gripping tightly onto it.

Jared could feel Colin's warm breath on his dick, the feeling pretty intoxicating. The little 11 year old boy continued to smell his dick, his hand gripping onto it tightly as he moved it from side to side and examined it closely.

"You like it then?" Jared asked.

"Yeah it's pretty awesome, it feels really nice. It's smells nice too" Colin replied, sheepishly.

"Well, you have touched it and smelt it now, so why don't you try tasting it too, I mean only if you want to?" Jared prompted, hoping the obviously horny little boy in front of him would agree.

"OK" Colin nodded, having bent back up to look at Jared as he was talking to him. He bent back down to Jared's 8 inch cut erection and moved the pink mushroom head to point right at him, before opening his mouth and letting his little pink tongue slip out to tentatively lick it. "It tastes nice too" Colin said, leaning back up and smiling at Jared.

"Well, you can have a proper taste if you want to, maybe suck it if you feel like you wanna try?"

"Can I? Really?" Colin asked, excited.

"Sure thing buddy, it will feel nice for me too anyway won't it. You know, like when your buddy sucked yours, that felt nice right?" Jared replied.

"Yeah it felt cool, when he didn't get his teeth on it anyway" Colin nodded, thinking back to the time he had managed to convince his best friend Luke to suck on his dick at a sleepover, the feeling of his friends warm, wet mouth being pretty nice.

Colin bent back down to Jared's crotch, the 11 year old staring intently at the huge dick in front of him, and parted his lips to close them around the large pink mushroom head, letting his tongue move around it inside his mouth, causing Jared to moan.

"Did I do something wrong?" Colin asked, releasing the pink mushroom head from his mouth upon hearing the moan and thinking he had hurt Jared.

"No buddy, you are doing everything right, it just felt really good, so don't stop, OK?"

Colin nodded and moved back down to Jared's dick and let the pink mushroom head of the 8 inch monster slip back gently into his little mouth, being careful not to let it rub on his teeth, remembering how that hurt from playing with his buddy Luke. He continued to suck on Jared's dick, moving his tongue around it and hearing Jared moan, looking up at the older man with his dick still in his warm, wet little mouth.

Jared watched on intently at Colin gently sucked him, the boy's mouth feeling amazing, so soft and gentle, his innocent little face looking back up at him every now and then. He decided he needed to see what little Colin Ford looked like naked and moved his hand down to gently prise the little 11 year old's head away from his 8 inch cut erection.

"That feels awesome buddy, but why don't you take your clothes off too so I can return the favour?" Jared prompted, smiling as Colin nodded and moved to stand up.

Jared watched closely as 11 year old Colin Ford stood up and pulled the greenish brown plaid shirt and tan t-shirt over his head in one motion, not bothering to undo the shirt buttons, and carefully placed it on the bed in front of him. Colin had a slim chest, small brown nipples, a nicely defined little tummy with a boyish six pack on show and an innie belly button.

He looked down to his waist, the white waistband of his briefs poking just above his faded blue jeans and carefully undid the button before pulling down the zipper and moving the jeans down his slim pale thighs, his white Haines briefs coming into view. He stooped down to pull off the Converse sneakers he had on, before stepping out of the jeans and bending down to pick them up and place them neatly on the bed on top of his shirt and t-shirt.

He moved his hands to his hips, hooking his thumbs into the waistband of his white Haines briefs, which were tented out at the front by his now painfully hard little 3 inch cut erection. He paused and looked at Jared nervously, who was laying back on the bed and watching the innocent little striptease, his hand squeezing his 8 inch cut erection.

"What is it buddy?" Jared asked, seeing the nervous look on Colin's face.

"It's just......well.....mine is not very very big" Colin replied, sheepishly, as he looked over to Jared's monster dick.

"Don't worry about that buddy, I don't care how big it is, honest" Jared replied, smiling back at Colin.

Colin nodded before seeming to psyche himself up and then quickly pull his white Haines briefs down in one swift motion before stepping out of them, leaving them on the floor. He stood up straight and took a look down to his crotch, where his 3 inch cut erection pointed straight up, laying tight against his hairless pubic area. His small, smooth balls were pulled tight to his body.

Jared looked Colin up and down, marvelling at how perfect the 11 year old was. Amazingly cute looks, smooth, tight little body and a perfect little erection. He smiled to himself before motioning for Colin to come closer to him, reaching up to pull the boy gently towards him so that he was stood between Jared's legs, the boys hairless thighs making contact with Jared's hairy ones.

"Buddy, you are absolutely perfect, do you know that?" Jared said, resting his hands on the boys smooth, slim hips. Colin smiled widely, his cute little dimples on show, and a slight flush of red on his cheeks at the compliment from the older man.

"Thanks, I mean I don't think I am perfect. I wish mine was big like yours" Colin replied, gesturing to Jared's now wickedly hard 8 inch cut erection.

"Oh no buddy, yours is so cute. Lay on the bed beside me here so I can get a closer look at it, OK?" Jared instructed, Colin obeying, now naked bar his sneaker socks.

Jared moved off the bed and onto his knees just in front of Colin who was laying back on the bed using his elbows to prop himself up, watching Jared intently, his tight little tummy rising up and down as he breathed highlighting how defined and flat it was. Jared spread the 11 year old's legs apart and moved closer, reaching out a large hand to gently grip the thin shaft of Colin's perfectly formed 3 inch cut erection and bringing it forward from where it was resting tightly against his hairless pubic area, causing the little boy to gasp.

He moved it around slightly, examining the perfectly executed and now well healed circumcision scar and the thin little blue veins visible under the almost translucent skin, leading up to the pale pink mushroom head. Jared released his grip on it now, smiling as the little dick snapped back against Colin's hairless pubic area, and watched as it made subtle twitching movements in time with Colin's heartbeat, which from the looks of it was racing at a fast pace.

"Are you sure you are OK with this buddy?" Jared asked, stopping to look up at Colin, the younger boy nodding wordlessly. Jared gripped Colin's dick again, the little boy's sucking his tummy in but not gasping this time, and gently wanked him, looking up to see Colin still staring up at him intently. "Do you want me to give it a little suck?" he asked.

"Yes" Colin purred, the word barely above a croaked whisper.

Colin watched as Jared moved his long hair back, tucking it behind his ears somewhat and bent down to take the steel hard little 3 inch dick into his mouth, letting it slip slowly over his tongue before closing his lips around it and engulfing Colin's dick right up to his hairless pubic area. Colin's head went back as Jared did this, a involuntary moan escaping the young boy's lips as the nice feelings ran through him.

Jared teased his tongue around the hard little nail in his mouth, glancing up to see the look of pleasure on little Colin's face, betting that he hadn't been sucked like this before. It was one thing getting your buddy to awkwardly put his mouth on your dick, but it was another thing entirely to be sucked by someone experienced, familiar with all the little points of pleasure. He let Colin's dick slip out of his mouth, it again slapping back against the 11 year old's hairless pubic area and now glistening with saliva before gently taking Colin's tight little ball sack into his mouth and rolling around each little marble, causing Colin to gasp again.

He released Colin's tender, hairless balls from his mouth and ran his tongue back up the delicate, thin shaft of Colin's 3 inch cut erection, letting his tongue dart under the sensitive mushroom head and then into his tiny piss slit, the little boy squirming under him at the sensations he was sending through his tiny body.

"Hey, did you they teach you about orgasms in Sex Ed?" Jared asked, hovering just above Colin's painfully hard little erection.

"Uh...What? Uh yeah I think so, like when the sperm comes out right?" Colin replied, being shaken out of his little world of ecstasy for a moment by Jared's question.

"That's right, but you also get an amazing feeling. Have you had that happen before?"

"No, nothing has ever come out of my dick I don't think, except pee I mean" Colin replied.

"What about the amazing feeling then? You can get that without sperm coming out"

"No, I don't think so, what does it feel like?" Colin asked, slightly embarrassed that he didn't know.

"Oh buddy, it feels amazing, kinda like getting to pee after you have been desperate to go for ages, but times a hundred"

"Oh, I do get kind of a feeling like I gotta pee sometimes, when I uh....when I play with it. But I just go and pee" Colin replied, slightly confused.

"Oh, well if you had carried on a bit longer you would have gotten the amazing feeling. Wanna try it?"

"OK, what do I have to do? Play with it?" Colin replied, moving to sit further up.

"Nothing buddy, I will do all the work, you just lay back and enjoy it OK?" Jared replied, reaching up a hand to gently push the 11 year old back into a relaxed position, the young boy's elbows behind him to prop him up.

Jared let his hand run over the boy's smooth chest and down over his tight boyish six pack, stopping at his cute little innie belly button, before moving down to slip gently under Colin's 3 inch cut erection which rested tightly against his smooth, hairless public area.

He gently gripped the hard little rod between his thumb and forefinger, beginning to slowly wank him as the Colin watched, a serious and intense look on the little 11 year old's face. Jared bent down and let Colin's dick slip past his lips again, moving down to take his smooth, hairless balls into his mouth as before releasing them again.

He began to slowly wank the boy, timing it to compliment his slow and steady sucking movement down the thin shaft of Colin's erection, before releasing it from his mouth again so that he could swirl his tongue around the now slick mushroom head and tongue gently at the little piss slit before sliding his tongue down either side of the thin shaft, causing Colin to tremble, his tight little tummy drawing in close and showing off his ribs as he caught his breath at the feelings Jared was giving him.

Jared let his whole hand wrap gently around Colin's 3 inch cut dick now, it disappearing inside his grip, and began to slowly glide his hand up and down it, varying his grip between loose and tight, causing Colin to gasp again, the little boy now closing his eyes and biting his lower lip. Jared knew he had him feeling amazing now.

He reached up his free hand and softly teased one of Colin's little brown nipples, it beginning to harden under his touch, the boy now letting out a little moan at the added sensation of his nipple being played with. He then moved his hand back down the 11 year old's tight body, tracing each little bump and curve, causing Colin's tummy to contract at the touch.

He took Colin's hard little dick back into his mouth again, changing his grip back to just a thumb an forefinger and began to suck the squirming little boy harder now, letting his fingers wank the 3 inch cut dick, deciding that he had teased Colin long enough.

He quickened his pace on the hard little dick, Colin's body now moving on the bed causing it to bounce slightly as he did so, little purring sounds and gasps escaping Colin's small, thin pink lips, the 11 year old occasionally looking down to where Jared was expertly sucking him.

Colin couldn't believe how good this was feeling, it was nothing like what he and his buddy Luke had done, his dick hadn't felt anywhere near as good then as Jared was making it feel now. His whole body was beginning to tingle, from his little boy toes right up to the top of his head. He was struggling to catch his breath, caught between wanting to moan and breath at the same time.

Jared could feel the 11 year old old begin to tremble beneath him, and hear the little moans of delight escaping his lips, and knew he had him right where he wanted him, thinking it could only be a few more moments till innocent little Colin Ford experienced his first ever orgasm. He gripped Colin's 3 inch cut erection harder now, the little rod feeling like a piece of steel, and began to suck the little boy for all he was worth.

Colin felt his body begin to tense, wanting to stretch out his legs, feeling like every part of him was sending out little waves of pleasure that were beginning to focus at the tip of his painfully hard 3 inch cut dick. He felt the familiar feeling of really needing to pee, the point where he had previously stopped when wanking, and desperately reached down to grab onto Jared's head, afraid that he might pee into his mouth.

Jared felt the movement, and his head being roughly gripped by Colin, the little boy trying to push his head away from his dick, knowing he was about to go over the edge to experience something he would never forget and or ever grow tired of revisiting. He clamped tight onto the 11 year old's 3 inch erection in his mouth and sucked harder, his fingers still wanking the little boy.

Colin felt his whole body begin to tremble now, the feeling too intense, the world beginning to black out slightly and clamped his eyes shut tightly, feeling like his body was going to break. His slim hips lifted off the bed now as he tried to force more of his hard little 3 inch cut dick into Jared's mouth before he felt something even more intense, and let out a loud little scream, not caring who might hear, as his first ever orgasm took over his tight little body.

Jared felt the squirming and desperately panting little boy move underneath him, and the sudden growth of the 11 year old's pink mushroom head inside his mouth, followed by the boyish scream that Colin let out. He moved his mouth off the hard little dick, continuing to wank it and watched for any signs of boy-cum, smiling as the little 3 inch cut dick twitched wildly as it tried and failed to pump out the boy's sperm, Colin's first orgasm being a dry one.

He looked up towards the panting boy, his little chest and tummy now glistening with sweat, his eyes closed tightly as he collapsed back on the bed fully, his elbows no longer able to hold him, his tummy moving in and out as he desperately tried to get air into his lungs. He released Colin's dick , it snapping back once again against his hairless pubic area, and knelt back on his knees to watch the 11 year old's post orgasmic tremors, pleased with himself that he had been able to make the cute little guy feel so awesome.

Colin still struggled to catch his breath, the feelings so intense, and he began to cry. He simply couldn't cope with how good his body had felt, not having previously realised it was even possible to feel that good. He lifted his head off the bed and looked up at the Jared.

Jared saw the tears on Colin's cheeks, suddenly worried. "Are you OK buddy?" He asked, concerned.

" was" He managed to mumble, the tears starting again as Jared pulled the sobbing 11 year old close to his chest, understanding what he was feeling and giving him a hug that the boy returned tightly, burying his head into Jared's well defined chest.

"I know buddy, I know" Jared soothed, rubbing the boy's back and moving a hand up to gently caress him, planting a tender kiss on the top of the still trembling boy's head.

It took a few more minutes for Colin to calm down, Jared never releasing the still naked 11 year old from his grip, wanting him to feel loved and secure at what was such an important moment in his thus far short little life.

Colin pulled away from him a few moments later, and lifted his head up to kiss Jared on the lips gently, smiling. "Thank you, thank you so much" he beamed, so grateful for what Jared had given him.

"You are welcome buddy, I am glad you like it" Jared replied, touched by how genuinely grateful Colin seemed. "Do you feel like maybe helping me to feel good now as well, if you want to that is?" Jared asked, his own 8 inch cut dick now painfully hard and in desperate need of attention.

"OK, but I won't be as good at it as you" Colin replied, wanting to please his new friend but realising he didn't really know what to do.

"It's OK buddy, just wank it like you do your own and try some more of that sucking you did earlier, that will be enough" Jared encouraged, moving to stand up and lay down on the bed beside Colin, who got up and knelt between Jared's large hairy thighs.

Colin reached out his small hand and gripped onto Jared's 8 inch cut dick, which looked impossibly big to the 11 year old, and began to wank it, his hand barely able to reach around the shaft. He bent down and ran his small wet tongue over the large pink mushroom head the way he had seen Jared do to him, probing the older man's piss slit with his tongue, before clamping his mouth shut around the head and beginning to try and suck it, getting perhaps two inches of the dick into his mouth before beginning to gag and pulling back.

"I can't get much of it in my mouth, it's just too big" Colin said, afraid that Jared would be unhappy.

"Don't sweat it buddy, just do your best, it's feeling great" Jared encouraged as he watched 11 year old Colin Ford clamp his thin pink lips around his 8 inch cut dick again, the cute boy concentrating on the task before him and slipping his head down the shaft and up again, now getting into a steady rhythm, small dribbles of saliva seeping out at the corers of his mouth as he sucked.

Colin grabbed Jared's dick harder now, wanking it tightly with his little hand, the shaft now slick with his own saliva, his hand gliding up and down it easily. He continued to suck the dick, letting his tongue roll around it every time he moved up to the top, his little pink tongue darting all around it causing Jared to moan out.

Jared watched on as the handsome 11 year old continued to pleasure him, marvelling at how well the boy was doing, clearly being a fast learner, and felt it would not be too long before he filled the willing little boy's mouth with some sperm.

Colin put his other hand onto Jared's 8 inch cut erection, using both hands to wank him now, still barely covering half of it, his two little hands now slick with his own saliva as his mouth continued to glide up and down the top two inches or so, clamped tightly onto it. He wanked the older man with all his strength now, beginning to feel his thin arms tire at the effort.

Jared watched the extra effort the skinny little 11 year old was putting in, and felt his orgasm beginning to build, wondering if he should warn Colin about what was going to happen very soon, deciding instead that it would be a nice little surprise for him. He reached out and ran his hands gently through cute boy's now shaggy looking soft brown hair, offering him encouragement.

Colin sucked harder now, managing to get almost 3 inches of Jared's dick into his mouth, determined to make the older man feel as nice as he had made Colin feel. His little hands were wanking harder as well, his breath coming out in tortured little snorts through his nostrils as he gave it everything he had.

Jared felt his orgasm building, his toes curling. He gripped onto 11 year old Colin Ford's head tightly now and let out a gasp, before pushing his hips off the bed and trying to get more of his 8 inch cut dick into the boys mouth, causing Colin to gag slightly, before he felt his orgasm rip into him, shooting a thick stream of man cum into the little boys mouth, followed quickly by another volley, before letting out a loud groan.

Colin felt the sudden entrance of liquid, completely unexpected, and struggled to swallow it down, just managing to move his mouth off Jared's 8 inch cut dick as the second eruption occurred, some of it going in his mouth, the rest splattering onto the side of his face causing Colin to close his eyes reflexively.

A third dribble of the white liquid came out a half second later as Jared continued to groan in pleasure, Colin still gripping the man's dick tightly with both hands and wanking him, realising that this must be the sperm. He stared on in wonder, tasting the salty liquid inside his mouth and finding he liked it. He bent down to gently lick the last dribble of liquid from Jared's dick, causing Jared to groan once again and look down to where Colin was gently cleaning the now angry red mushroom head of Jared's rapidly deflating dick.

"Oh shit buddy, that was awesome, you did so good" Jared praised, catching his breath and seeing Colin smiling back up at, some of Jared's cum stuck to the side of his smooth little face.

"Really? Did you like it then?" Colin replied, delighted with himself, a big smile on his face, his cute little dimples on show.

"Oh yeah, 100 percent, you are a little pro. Did you like the cum?" Jared asked.

"Cum? Is that the white stuff? I thought that was called sperm?" Colin asked, confused.

"It is sperm yeah, but when a guy has an orgasm it often gets called cumming, and the stuff that comes out gets called cum" Jared explained, smiling as Colin nodded, understanding and trying to commit this new information to memory.

"OK, cool. It tasted kind of salty, but I liked it. And there was a lot of it!" Colin said, letting out a little giggle.

"Yeah, sorry about that, you just sucked me dry" Jared replied, "But you missed a bit" he added, reaching down his strong muscular arms and pulling the slight 11 year old boy up onto his chest with a giggle of surprise escaping Colin as he did so, their faces now only a few inches apart, the naked boy laying on top of Jared's naked body.

Jared gently held Colin's face and turned it to one side and licked the missed dibble of cum from the cute boy's cheek, before turning his face back and planting a gentle kiss on Colin's thin pink lips, the younger boy pulling apart and smiling at Jared, before moving to rest his head on Jared's chest, snuggling under Jared's chin.

They lay that way for a few moments, Jared able to feel the 11 year olds dick sticking into his muscular abs, smiling at how Colin was still hard after everything that had happened, before gently moving the boy and sitting up, Colin across his lap. He planted another little kiss onto the boy's lips, Colin returning it tenderly.

"We better get cleaned up before they call us. You should go clean your face and hands in the bathroom, OK?" Jared instructed, smiling as Colin scampered out of the room giving Jared his first look at the 11 year old's tight little butt.

He moved down grab his discarded underwear and used them to wipe off the sweat he had worked up, before grabbing some deodorant from the side of the bed and spraying it onto himself liberally. He grabbed some fresh boxer briefs and pulled them up his muscular thighs before getting into the outfit that the wardrobe department had laid out for him. He sat on the edge of the bed, and noticed Colin's discarded white Haines briefs on the floor, not being able to resist reaching down to pick them up and bringing them to his nose, inhaling the sweet little boy scent.

"Hey, I need those!" Colin said, coming in and catching Jared in the act, the 11 year old's dick still standing fully erect at its full 3 inch length, sticking tight to the little boy's hairless pubic area. He came over and took the briefs from Jared, bringing them up to his own nose to smell them and smile at Jared before slipping them on. He reached into the briefs to rearrange his little erection so it sat a bit more comfortably, before snapping the waistband back against his tight little tummy.

Jared watched Colin finish getting dressed before sitting on the floor and pulling his sneakers on, looking over to Jared and flashing him a cute little smile. The boy was simply beautiful, there was no other way to describe him.

Colin got up off the floor and headed over to stand by Jared's thigh, his hands resting on it. Jared pulled him onto his lap again and gave him another tight hug, rubbing Colin's back, before letting him go and taking the 11 year old by the hand to lead him back out into the main living area of the trailer, the two sitting on one of the leather couches side by side.

They chatted some more about what had happened, Jared making sure Colin knew how important it was to keep what had happened a secret, the young boy understanding and promising that he would take it to his grave, even going as far as pinky swearing on it which was about as serious a promise as a young boy could make.

There was a knock at the trailer door a few moments later. Jared called out to tell the person to come in, watching as Mandy entered. "They are ready for you guys now" she said.

"OK, great. Ready to blow them away little man?" Jared asked turning to Colin and gripping the 11 year old's shoulder warmly.

"Sure thing Jared, let's do it" Colin shot back, putting on a pretty good impression of Jared in the process causing them all to laugh.

"Aww, that's so cute, you guys must have worked really hard, you sound just like Jared" Mandy beamed, looking up to Jared and praying he would one day notice her, not realising where the hunky actor's sexual needs were being met.

"Yeah, he worked really hard, and managed to get his lips around the problem in the end" Jared said, Colin giggling at the subtle little reference.

"Yeah, it looked like it was going to be a big job, a really big job, but it was fun in the end" Colin replied, joining on the fun.

"OK great, I am glad you guys had so much fun!" Mandy enthused.

"A lot of fun" Colin added, before following Mandy out of the trailer, Jared smacking him gently on the butt causing him to laugh as he followed. Mandy stood to the side as the man and boy exited, before slamming the trailer door shut loudly behind them.

"She really did love that dog didn't she?" Colin quipped, smiling as Jared put his arm around the young boy's shoulders and led the way onto the set.

The End.

Well that is the end of the first instalment in what I hope will be a long running boy actor series. I hope you enjoyed reading it as much as I enjoyed writing it.

As always, please let me know what you think, as your feedback really helps.

Next: Chapter 2: Nathan Gambles Dophin Tale

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