Boy Actor Tales

By Nifty Story

Published on Nov 2, 2018


This is story depicts sexual acts involving minors. The minors in this story are being played by actors 18 years of age or older. This story in no way intends to depict or insinuate that the persons named in the story engage in, condone, or approve of the sex acts contained in the content. Please do not read this story if you are under 18 years of age, or if it is illegal to do so in the state or area where you live.

If you want to comment or give me constructive advice and criticism then I welcome it. My E-Mail address is

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It has been a while since I have had any time to write, but finally I can continue this series that allows me to feature a different boy actor every chapter, and have that chapter be about just him.

I have a few boy actors in mind already, but if there are any boys you would specifically like me to write about then please let me know, and I will give it some thought.

Next up is recently turned 12 year old Jacob Tremblay. I would imagine most of you will know what he looks like, but just in case please see the below image to get a taste of how I was imagining him here (it's a safe and legal image):

I first saw him in Room, and couldn't help but fall in love with him. He has the most amazing eyes and a face I could gaze at for hours. I hope you enjoy the story!

Part 6 -- Jacob Tremblay's Press Tour

Press tours were boring. Jacob Tremblay had really had enough after two long weeks of touring various countries giving interviews for his role in `The Predator'. The film had been out in some countries already, and was getting almost universally panned. Even Jacob thought it sucked.

At 12 years old, a birthday not long since passed for him, Jacob was a veteran for a child actor. He had already worked with a number of Oscar winning stars and featured in several critically acclaimed films. Standing a petite 4"8' tall, Jacob was slim without being gangly and sported neat light brown hair, except for when he woke up and it turned into a tornado that is. His pale, tanned skin was almost translucent at times, and he had blue eyes that could melt even the coldest of hearts, as he well knew. He was dressed in blue shorts, a light grey t-shirt and sneakers.

"OK, next we have the German news station GMG. After that three more interviews and then we are done" Deborah, Jacob's chaperone for his interview run, informed him. Jacob had known her for several years, and grown to like her a lot. She wasn't strict, she looked after him well and was very funny, often making faces at him off camera to keep him entertained. Jacob's Mom would have normally accompanied him on a tour of this type, but Jacob had been allowed to go on his own as his Mom had been stuck at home looking after his younger sister who had been unwell.

"THANK GOD!" Jacob exclaimed, "I thought this would never end, I can't even feel my legs I have been sat here that long".

"Don't be a drama queen Jake, just think of the pizza I promised you when we are through" Deborah retorted, using Jacob's preferred nickname. Hardly anyone that knew him called him Jacob.

"That is all that is keeping me from falling asleep! Do you think they would notice if I kinda dozed off and you just played a recording of my answers from the previous 50 interviews? They all ask me the same stuff anyway"

"Honestly, no. But we are professionals, and to them it's the first time they have asked you the question, even if you have answered it 50 times before, remember?"

Jacob sighed, knowing Deborah was right, and the smug smile on her face meant she knew it too. He watched as she ushered in the next journalist, an attractive blonde German woman in her 20's. Most boys Jacob's age would be flattered at getting so much attention, especially from women like the one sat in front of Jacob now, but Jacob couldn't care less. He was bored, and more importantly, he was also gay.

He had known that girls were nothing more than friends to him for a few years now, though he did love to hang around with them. But it was boys that Jacob liked, and one quick look at his search history would have shown that were it not for the 12 year old using incognito mode. He had first sought out gay porn as a 9 year old, his little uncircumcised dick getting rock hard, knowing this was what he wanted.

"So Jacob, what was it like to be on set with famous monsters in this film, was it scary for you?" The reporter asked, shaking Jacob back into reality. He gave the usual answers, the ones expected of a wholesome child star, and passed through the rest of the interview. Two more followed, each as boring and repetitive as the previous 50.

"Right, luckily for you I saved the best until last" Deborah smiled, opening the door to the next interviewer. A man in his mid twenties walked in, with dark blonde hair, blue eyes and a muscular yet slim build, dressed in a Darth Vader shirt, faded jeans and black Vans.

"Hey, I know you, you're Mark from the Star Wars Truth YouTube channel!" Jacob blurted out, moving to stand up excitedly to greet Mark, "I love your channel, I watch it all the time".

"Hi Jacob, good to meet you buddy, I am glad you like the channel. Deborah said you watched it on your tablet and that I should come in last as a surprise for you, she said you had earned it" Mark responded, looking over to Deborah who was standing in the doorway, that smug smile on her face again.

"Don't I look after you Jake? Remember me when you get those millions huh?" She smiled, Jacob laughing as she closed the door leaving Jacob and Mark alone.

"I can't believe you are here, it's so weird. I literally watched your channel on my phone at lunch today!" Jacob blurted out. He was a huge Star Wars fan, and loved Mark's channel which produced endless Star Wars videos, theories and interviews. It helped that Mark was also cute, something that Jacob hadn't failed to notice.

"So you are the one that gets me all my views huh?" Mark replied. When Deborah had mentioned that Jacob Tremblay was a fan his heart had skipped a beat. He had managed to score an interview last minute when he knew Jacob was on this leg of the press tour. Mark was a boy lover, and Jacob was any boy lovers wet dream. To be in the same room as him was a boner inducing fantasy come true. The little 12 year old was every bit as hot as he looked in pictures and on film.

"I guess so, so you owe me some of them royalties" Jacob quipped back grinning from ear to ear, sitting on the edge of his chair rather than slumped back as he had been for all of the previous interviews.

"I guess we had better get started, tell me about your role in this film?"

Jacob went on to dutifully answer Mark's questions, but with slightly more interest than he had done with previous interviewers. Mark had an easy charm, and a calming voice that Jacob could listen to for hours.

"That's great Jacob, I will get the footage from Deborah and it will be on a future video on my channel, if that's OK with you?" Mark asked, though he already knew the answer given Jacob's reaction thus far.

"Awesome! I get to be on your channel!" Jacob was genuinely excited, he felt himself even getting a little hard inside his Star Wars boxer-briefs.

"Great, it was really nice to have met you Jacob" Mark stood up, moving over and outstretching his hand to shake Jacob's small hand.

"You are going already? But I....I mean there is so much I wanna ask you!" Jacob replied, practically pouting.

"We only get the regulation 10 minutes buddy, I wish I could have more time with you, believe me, but the studio has to be seen to be fair to all the press outlets"

"OK, I guess so" Jacob was visibly disappointed.

With that the door opened and Deborah walked in, "OK, times up gentleman. Did you get everything you needed Mark?"

"More or less" Mark replied, "Can I get a digital copy of the footage when it's ready?"

"Sure, someone from Fox will send you a link to the FTP server when it's ready. Should only be a day or two"

"Great. Well it was awesome to meet you Jacob, keep watching the channel, I need the views" Mark quipped, "Thanks for arranging this Deborah, take care"

"No problem, don't let the pout fool you, I know he was really excited to meet you" Deborah replied, shaking Mark's hand and guiding him out the door. Jacob sat back down, looking a bit dejected. He had really wanted to ask Mark so many questions.

"OK Jake, grab your things, we need to get you something to eat, and have your call your Mom" Deborah said, as she walked into the room.

"I wanted to talk to Mark for longer, that sucked. Why couldn't he have longer?" Jacob whined.

"I'm sorry Jake, if I gave him longer I would have to give them all longer. You would hate that and we both know it. I am sure you will meet Mark another time, maybe at a Star Wars convention or something. Now lets get going, I am starving"

Jacob grabbed his things, amounting to his phone and his hoodie, and slumped moodily behind Deborah and out of the room. The press tour was being held in a 5 star hotel, with the actors and actresses involved staying at the hotel for the duration. Jacob's room, 406, was on the 4th floor, and two away from Deborah in room 408. They stepped into the elevator, Deborah chattering on with little more than mumbled responses from Jacob.

"Go and have a shower, and get changed into something a bit warmer and I will come and get you in 45 minutes to head down to that Pizza place you like as a treat" Deborah said, as she opened Jacob's hotel room door, placing the key card in the holder just inside to activate the lights.

"Do I have to shower, I mean I am clean, honest" Jacob replied, not really wanting to make the effort. He had showered the previous evening, how dirty could he be?

"Yes, you do, so get that little butt in there, or do I have to help?" Deborah replied, smiling at the horrified look on Jacob's face.

"No, I'll shower OK? But I get to choose what pizza we have" Jacob replied, shooting his best adorable smile at Deborah.

"That little charm routine won't always work you know Jake" Deborah replied, reaching out to ruffle the 12 year olds hair, knowing that he would get his way with just about anyone. He was utterly adorable. "See you in 45 minutes, no later".

Deborah closed the door behind her and left Jacob alone. Jacob went over to the bed and sat down to take his sneakers off, holding one to his nose and cringing. Maybe he did need a shower after all if his feet were anything to go by. He removed his grey socks, and chucked them in the direction of the chair near his queen sized bed, his hoodie following them shortly after. He put his phone on charge on his bedside table, and then walked into the bathroom, getting a towel from the rail and putting it on the toilet next to the shower cubicle.

He pulled his grey t-shirt over his head, revealing his slim frame, his tight tummy bordering on a six pack in the way that young boys often looked, his innie belly button and small brown nipples. He looked at himself in the large mirror above the sink, flexing his muscles and making faces, causing himself to grin. He was kinda hot, at least he thought so. He undid the button on this blue shorts and pulled down the zip, letting them fall down his slim thighs to his ankles before stepping out of them, now wearing just his white Star Wars boxer briefs, emblazoned with little R2D2's and C3P0's. He put his fingers into the waist band, and pulled them down, revealing his completely smooth pubic area, his small yet plump balls and 2 inch soft, uncircumcised dick. He had managed to avoid the snip, his parents not believing in altering what God had created. God had done a very good job with Jacob.

Jacob looked at himself in the mirror, lifting his arms and inspecting his still hairless pits for any sign of hair, and then looking down to gently move his dick around to see if there was any hair sprouting there either. None could be found. Jacob wanted to grow up, but he seemed to be all boy for now. He stepped into the shower, starting the water and jumping back when it came out ice cold, giving it a second to heat up before stepping back under.

He let the warm water run over him, closing his eyes and enjoying the relaxing feeling after what had been a long and boring day, aside from Mark that is. Jacob washed himself with some of the hotel shower gel, being careful not to get any in his eyes, as his mind wondered.

He thought back to meeting Mark, and how handsome the YouTuber had been in person. Jacob felt a slight stir in his dick, reaching his hand down to grip his now rapidly hardening 3.5 inch uncut erection, and gently skinned back his foreskin to reveal the glistening pink mushroom head beneath. Jacob began to slowly roll his foreskin back and forth, closing his eyes and enjoying the sensations that began to flow through his little body, knowing this was gonna be a quick cum.

Jacob had been jerking off for several years, shooting his first clear boy cum just the week before, so knew exactly where this was going. He began to move his hand back and forth faster, biting his bottom lip in pleasure, and reaching down with his other hand to gently squeeze his hairless balls as he jerked, loving the slight pain and pleasure combination. He jerked for several more minutes, having to lean back against the shower wall as his orgasm hit, causing him to boyishly gasp as a tiny drop of clear boy cum erupted from his now angry red dick head and disappeared down the shower drain. Jacob sighed, his hand still tightly gripping his now slowly deflating erection. That was just what he needed.

The dripping wet 12 year old stepped out of the shower, water running off his hairless body, and wrapped a towel around himself and began to get dried off. He padded back into his bedroom, naked, and grabbed some fresh boxer briefs and a BB8 t-shirt from his bag. He pulled the boxer briefs on, them clinging to his slightly damp body, covering up his now fully deflated 2 inch uncut dick. He pulled the t-shirt over his head and then went over to the mirror to sort out his unruly hair, adding a small amount of hair wax and getting himself looking presentable.

He headed back into the bedroom, pulled out some smart looking blue jeans, and some fresh socks, and finished getting dressed, before laying back on his bed and grabbing his phone to respond to some messages, and then call his Mom. He filled her in on his day, most of it anyway, and then hung up and got his sneakers back on, just in time for Deborah's knock at the door. At least she didn't just barge in like his Mom.

"Come on Jake, Pizza is waiting" Deborah called through the door. Jacob stuffed his phone in his jeans pocket, grabbed his previously discarded hoodie from the chair and headed out, handing his key card to Deborah as he did so.

They pair exited the hotel, Jacob stopping to sign some pictures for a few fans waiting outside, before Deborah hailed a taxicab and told the driver where they wanted to go. The pizza place was only about five minutes away thankfully. Deborah paid the driver as Jacob got out, and then joined him as he held the door open to let her go in first like a good little gentleman. If nothing else, Jacob was polite. Canadians usually were.

Jacob chose a booth over the far side, and slid along the bench seat. They placed their order, Jacob opting for a deep dish pizza with extra pepperoni and jalapeños for them both, along with some milkshakes.

"You know I get a runny nose whenever I eat anything spicy Jake, and you had to order extra jalapeños!" Deborah exclaimed.

"You said it was my choice, you got to choose last time. You made me eat tuna, on a pizza!"

"Fish is good for your brain Jake"

"I am already smart enough" Jacob responded, flashing Deborah that famous grin again.

"Yeah, of course you are" Deborah replied, sticking her tongue out at the 12 year old as he giggled in response.

Mark was just entering the Pizza place as Jacob had giggled, looking over and doing a double take when he noticed Jacob and Deborah sitting there. What were the chances of running into them here, even if this was the most popular pizza place in the area. He debated whether he should go and say hello, his mind made up for him when Jacob spotted him.

"MARK!" Jacob called out, loud enough that a few heads turned. He was not exactly subtle thought Mark as he walked over to the table.

"Hey Jacob, Deborah. I see you two had the same idea as me?"

"I promised Jake I would take him here, it's supposed to be the best in town. We just ordered, do you want to join us? I know a certain young boy that would love that" Deborah replied, looking over at the grinning Jacob.

"Yeah please, we ordered a huge pizza, there will be loads left if you don't" Jacob begged, looking up at Mark.

"Well who could refuse that face?" Mark said, "Schooch over Jacob".

"Call me Jake, all my friends do" Jacob replied, as Mark slid in beside him, their thighs coming into contact.

"Jake it is. So what are we having?"

"Jalapeños, with a side order of pepperoni pizza" Deborah replied, sighing.

"Cool, I like hot pizza" Mark replied.

"Yeah me too, Deborah gets snotty when she eats hot food, but she made me eat tuna last time so it's fair" Jacob replied animatedly.

"Tuna? On a pizza? Surely that is outlawed?" Mark replied, genuinely disgusted, as Jacob giggled once again.

"Boys are all the same, fish is good for you as I keep telling Jake" Deborah retorted.

The pizza duly arrived, the trio tucking in and enjoying it, aside from Deborah creating a small pile of jalapeños on a napkin in front of her as she picked them off the pizza. Jacob bombarded Mark with Star Wars questions, Deborah hardly getting a word in.

"I didn't think a bigger Star Wars geek existed then Jake, but I guess I was wrong!" Deborah replied, as Mark finished a rather detailed answer on the history of the sith as Jacob sat enthralled, pizza sauce around his mouth.

"Sorry, we have been kinda rude I guess" Mark apologised, realising that he had hardly said anything to her. It was out of his control, he was speaking to a frankly smoking hot 12 year old, and about his favourite subject. He really had no chance from the moment he sat down.

"It's fine, Jake has earned it. He has had a pretty boring week. Jake, go and get cleaned up and use the rest room if you need to, we need to get you back to get some rest, we have a lot of travelling to do tomorrow" Deborah instructed.

"Can't we stay a little bit longer, please Deb" Jacob responded, full puppy dog eyes on show.

"Don't give me that look, maybe next time. Go and do as I ask"

Jacob sighed, and looked towards Mark. "Excuse me please" Jacob said, as he looked to move past Mark.

"Sure, I need to get cleaned up too, I am not sure which one of us the most sauce on our faces, me or you Jake" Mark replied, moving to get up and lead the way to the rest rooms, Jacob following a few paces behind as Deborah headed to the ladies rest room on the other side of the restaurant.

Mark opened the connecting door and held it open for Jacob to walk through, before Jacob held the next door open in return. Mark headed over to the urinals, these being the individual units with no divider, to take a leak after downing two milkshakes. He expected Jacob would go for a stall, so was surprised when the cute 12 year old stepped up to the urinal beside him, and began to fish out his boy dick as he chattered away to Mark. Mark had to focus his eyes away from Jacob's crotch, the young boy's hands gently holding what looked like a 2 inch uncut dick, and got his own 4 inch soft dick out of his jeans and began to pee.

Jacob stopped talking when Mark fished out his dick. It was big to Jacob's eyes, and Jacob couldn't help but stare and wonder how big it got when it was hard. He hadn't noticed that Mark had checked out his own dick, which Jacob had tried to shyly hide as he peed. Jacob felt butterflies in his tummy as he looked at Mark's adult dick.

Mark noticed that Jacob had gone quiet, and looked over to see that the young boy had stopped peeing and was just standing there, looking down to Mark's crotch. Jacob's eyes darted up to Mark's quickly, saw that he had been caught looking and went bright red.

"Um, sorry, I didn't mean stare at it" Jacob mumbled, quickly moving to put his now semi erect boy dick back into his jeans.

"It's OK, I kinda looked too" Mark replied, cursing himself internally at realising he shouldn't have said that.

"Really?" Jacob said, surprised, not getting why a grown man would want to look at his much smaller boy dick.

"Um, well, yeah. You have a nice one Jake, kinda big for your age" Mark replied, trying to feign innocent interest.

"Yours is nice too, and big. How big is it, when, you know, you have a boner?" Jacob asked, his hand absent mindedly going down to squeeze his now hard 3.5 inch erect uncut dick straining at his boxer briefs.

"That's not really really something we should be talking about Jake, it's not really appropriate" Mark replied, trying to revert to a position of being a responsible adult.

Jacob nodded, mumbled a sorry and the two headed over to the sink to get cleaned up in an awkward silence. Mark felt terrible, realising that Jacob was likely just curious and he had slapped him down pretty hard.

"Look Jake, I am sorry. I don't mind answering your questions, it's just that if anyone heard us they would think it kind of odd. A grown man talking about his dick with a 12 year old I mean" Mark said, trying to explain.

"I know, but I wouldn't tell anyone" Jacob replied quietly, "And it's just me and you in here"

Mark thought about it for a few seconds, decided a few questions couldn't hurt any more than looking at Jacob's dick had already done, and it would be jerk off material for years to come, the time when Jacob Tremblay asked about my dick.

"OK, just a couple, and quickly as Deborah will be waiting"

"How big is it, your boner?" Jacob asked, his own hard dick still raging in his boxer briefs.

"It gets to about 7 inches. Anything else?"

"Um, do you have lots of hair? I don't have any yet" Jacob said, sadly.

"I shave mine, and to be honest hairless is hotter on a guy" Mark replied, his own dick now hitting almost fully hard at the thought of a hairless Jacob Tremblay.

"You think guys are hot too?" Jacob replied, his eyes widening.

"Um yeah, I am gay, is that OK?" Mark replied, then realising what Jacob had said "Do I think guys are hot too? Does that mean you think guys are hot?"

Jacob went bright red again, realising he had slipped up, looking down at the floor and nodding, not wanting to look Mark in the eye.

"That's cool Jake, I won't tell anyone buddy" Mark said, reaching out a hand and gently squeezing the 12 year old's shoulder.

"Thanks, I mean I think I like guys. Well no, I know I do. I just haven't told anyone yet" Jacob replied, quietly, relieved that Mark was OK with it.

"Sure, no problem. You are a cute little guy, so you will find a boyfriend pretty easily when you are ready to come out" Mark replied, smiling, ruffling Jacob's hair.

"You think I am cute?" Jacob asked, surprised.

"Dude, everyone thinks you are cute, don't pretend you don't know it, I saw how you tried to get what you wanted out of Deborah"

"Yeah, but do YOU think I am cute" Jacob persisted.

"Yeah, I do" Mark replied seriously, knowing that if this conversation ever got out he was screwed.

"Me too" Jacob replied, "I think you cute too I mean".

"Um, wow, OK. Thanks Jake. You don't think it's weird, for an old guy like me to like you?"

"No, I know lots of old guys like me, I have seen some of the fan mail that my parents have to throw out. Guys want to do some pretty naughty stuff with me. One guy even sent me some underwear" Jacob replied, laughing.

"Wow, I am not that bad. But thanks, for not freaking out. Pinkie swear to keep this private yeah?" Mark said, holding out his little finger to the 12 year old.

"Sure" Jacob grinned, making the pinkie promise with Mark. They exited the rest room to find Deborah waiting for them.

"I thought I was going to have to send in a search party" Deborah said, a bit annoyed.

"Yeah sorry, it's my fault, I asked Mark a load of questions" Jacob said, innocently.

"About what?" Deborah asked, guessing the answer.

"Star Wars of course" Jacob replied, beaming, and looking over at Mark to see him relax, obviously thinking Jacob was going to blurt out their private conversation.

"Yeah, couldn't help himself. I had better get going, I will go and settle the bill whilst you guys get your things".

"Are you sure?" Deborah asked.

"Yeah, it would be my pleasure. I have had a lot of fun" Mark said, looking over at Jacob, the two sharing a grin. Mark paid the bill and joined them by the door, walking outside with them both and hailing a taxi for them.

"Where to?" Mark asked.

"The Regent Hotel, where the interviews took place" Deborah replied.

"Really, you are staying there too? So am I" Mark replied, surprised.

"Oh great, we can share this taxi then" Jacob interrupted before either adult could say anything.

"Sure, good idea, come on" Deborah replied, as Mark held the door as she and Jacob slid in, moving to get into next to Jacob who sat in the middle. The journey back was short, but Mark to feel the heat of the 12 year old beside him, the two squashed together somewhat. It was intoxicating.

They reached the hotel, Mark paying the fare despite Deborah's protests, and leading the way into the hotel. The got on an elevator, Mark pressing five, and asking and then pressing four for Deborah and Jacob.

"This is us" Deborah said, as the elevator reached their floor and the doors slid open. "Thank you for dinner Mark, it was wonderful to meet you"

"You too, it was fun" Mark replied, reaching out to shake Deborah's hand. He went to shake Jacob's hand too, instead the young boy surprising him by wrapping his arms around Marks waist for a hug, his head just at chest level.

"Thanks Mark, it's been so cool" Jacob said, slightly muffled as he is head was still pressed into Mark's chest.

"Come on Jake, let Mark get to bed" Deborah said, stepping out of the elevator and motioning for Jacob to follow.

"OK" Jacob sighed, breaking contact from Mark and moving to follow after Deborah, "Bye Mark".

"Bye buddy, it's been awesome" Mark replied, as Jacob moved away. The doors began to close after the 12 year old, and just before they shut a small hand jammed in between them. It was Jacob again.

"I'm in room 406, my own room"Jacob said quietly through the doors, taking Mark by surprise.

"JACOB!" Deborah called out behind him.

"Bye" Jacob said, grinning, as the doors finally closed and the elevator rose to the fifth floor.

Mark stood there in silence, almost missing the doors opening on his own floor, and slowly walked to his room. Was that a come on? Did a 12 year old boy just tell me his room number and that he was going to be alone in it? Mark got to his room and went inside, before sitting on the bed. He needed to think this through. Maybe Jacob just wanted to hang out some more, something innocent. Yeah that was probably it. There was no harm in that was there?

But what if someone saw? What would they think. Mark thought about it some more as he made himself a scotch and soda form the mini bar, he needed it. It was almost 10pm, so if he waited until then it would probably be safe. But should he even go? He sat for a few minutes more, the scotch working its magic, and made a decision.

He put the used tumbler in the sink, and grabbed his key card from beside the door, before heading down the corridor to the elevator. He rode down to the fourth floor, his heart pounding in his chest, and carefully peered down the corridor as the doors opened to see if anyone was around. The coast was clear.

A sign said rooms 400 to 410 were to Mark's left, so he made his way in that direction, counting off the door numbers on either side of the corridor as he went until he reached 406. He was now stood outside 12 year old Jacob Tremblay's hotel room. JACOB FUCKING TREMBLAY. He couldn't quite believe it, and calmed himself with the idea that the boy just wanted to talk more Star Wars and not to let his imagination run away with him.

He quietly knocked on the door, hesitating slightly before he did. The door swung open half a second later, Jacob stood there in Star Wars PJ's, his hair now slightly ruffled from its usual super neat state.

"You came!" Jacob hissed, the boy acting sneaky.

"Yeah, how could I not" Mark replied, gasping as Jacob unexpectedly grabbed him by the arm and dragged him into the room and letting the door close behind him, the boy stronger than he looked.

"Cool, I didn't think you would, I mean I hoped you would but I dunno" Jacob said, now the two were alone, moving over to the sit on the edge of the bed.

"Where is Deborah?"

"She is in 408. Its' around the corner. She wont hear us" Jacob said, nervously.

"Hear us? Doing what?" Mark asked, needing to be clear about what it was he was doing here.

Jacob sat quietly for a moment, wondering if he should even say what he was going to say, before finally convincing himself.

"I, well, I thought we could, know?" Jacob mumbled, suddenly shyer than he had ever been before.

"I need you to say it Jake, I have to be sure what you want. Why did you invite me here?" Mark asked, trembling slightly.

"So we could, um, maybe do stuff. Like show each other, like naked?" Jacob finally managed to say, turning bright red, not quite believing that he was having this conversation.

"Shit. Jacob, I mean Jake, you know what you are asking, how risky it is. And how super illegal?"

"I know, but you want to right? I mean I think you do, I do" Jacob replied, his hand going down to his crotch and squeezing his painfully hard 3.5 inch uncut dick, Mark now noticing it as the material went taught and tented out around the boys obvious erection.

"Yes, but this has to stay a secret. You can't ever tell anyone, I'd be sent to jail for a billion years, you understand?" Mark replied, moving closer to Jacob and putting his hand gently on the cute 12 year olds face as those bright blue eyes looked up at him.

"I promise, I'll never tell. Soooo, can we?"

"OK" Mark replied. Moving to kneel on the floor in front of Jacob, the 12 year olds hand still tightly squeezing his crotch. Mark placed his hand under Jacob's chin, gently raising the boys head, Jacob's soft lips slightly wet. Mark leaned in and kissed Jacob, Jacob first motionless and then reciprocating surprisingly passionately, letting Mark's tongue into his mouth for Jacob's first kiss.

Mark let his lips part from Jacob's, rewarded with a dazzling smile from him, the 12 year old clearly having enjoyed the first move. Mark gently reached down to Jacob's hips, and grabbed the hem of Jacob's PJ top, motioning for the 12 year old to lift his arms so that Mark could remove it, Jacob meekly obeying.

Jacob rested his hands behind him, palms down, and breathed heavily as Mark stopped to look at him. Jacob's tight tummy moved in and out, his little boy six pack tensing as he did so, his small brown nipples slightly erect, his hair now even messier. He looked even cuter, if such a thing was possible.

Mark bent down to gently kiss each of Jacob's nipples, causing Jacob to gasp at the sensation, watching intently as Mark allowed his tongue to gently work its way down to the 12 year olds innie belly button, and further to the waistband of his PJ bottoms.

"I think these need to come off" Mark said, quietly, Jacob nodding in response.

Mark gripped the waistband of Jacob's PJ bottoms, Jacob lifting his butt off the bed to allow Mark to pull them slowly down the 12 year old creamy smooth thighs, Jacob kicking them off and sending them halfway across the room causing Mark to smile.

Mark was left with the sight of Jacob in his light blue and grey boxer briefs, outrageously tented at the crotch, a small wet patch giving away where the tip of Jacobs 3.5 inch uncut dick stretched out the fabric. Mark gasped at the sight.

Jacob watched as Mark bent down and gently nuzzled his painfully hard erection, lifting his butt impatiently and motioning for Mark to remove his underwear, wanting to be free and naked. Mark obliged with a smile, sensing how desperate Jacob was to be touched in his most intimate of places.

Mark gripped the waistband of Jacob's boxer briefs, and slowly pulled them down, Jacob lifting his butt again to help. This time the fabric caught on Jacob's hard dick, the young boy having to reach inside and free himself, his 3.5 inch uncut boy dick bouncing back hard against his perfectly smooth pubic area as Mark slid the underwear off the boy, it joining his PJ bottoms in being flung across the room.

Jacob spread his legs slightly, one hand gently gripping is erect dick as he gazed at Mark, a look of wonder on the man's face, "You like what you see?" Jacob asked.

"Do I like what I see? Are you kidding?" Mark replied, laughing.

"Well..." Jacob replied, as he released his 3.5 inch uncut dick, and leaned back in anticipation.

Mark reached out and gently gripped the painfully hard little boy rod, and slowly rolled back Jacob's foreskin to reveal the pink mushroom head underneath, now glistening with pre-cum. Could the innocent little boy shoot a load, Mark wondered.

Jacob gasped as Mark gently jerked him off, not quite believing that this was happening. He desperately wanted to cum, he had never been so horny in his life, so much so that he placed his hand on top of Mark's, urging the man to jerk him faster.

"Not so fast little dude, there is more to come" Mark said, before bending down to let the moist, pink mushroom head slip over his tongue and into his warm mouth, engulfing the boys erect 3.5 inches right up to his hairless pubic area, causing Jacob to grunt and gasp.

"Fuck!" Jacob gasped.

"Language young man" Mark joked, releasing the now slippery wet boy pole from his mouth to make the joke, before taking the boy back inside his mouth and beginning to slowly suck him, letting his tongue swirly around the little pink mushroom head, eliciting gasps of pleasure from Jacob.

"That feels so good Mark, I'm gonna cum really soon" Jacob gasped.

Knowing that Jacob needed to cum, desperately so, Mark quickened his pace, reaching behind the boy to grasp the 12 year olds firm butt cheeks and pushing him forwards, Jacob catching on and moving his tiny hips to piston his 3.5 inch uncut boy cock into the man's warm, wet mouth.

Mark knew it wouldn't be long, and felt Jacob begin to tense up, letting the 12 years dick slip out of his mouth, grabbing it tightly and furiously jerking the boys foreskin back and forth, just in time for Jacob to gasp, the boy's tummy pulling in tight. Mark released the Jacob's dick, watching in wonder as it twitched once, twice, three times on its own, a small dribble of clear boy cum coming out on the third pulse, Jacob's breathing now coming out in desperate gasps as his boygasm hit him.

Jacob collapsed back onto the bed, exhausted and caught up in his orgasm. It had never felt this good before when he jerked off. This was something else entirely.

Mark watched as Jacob's orgasm died down, smirking as the 12 year olds head finally came up and grinned that beautiful smile at him. "How was that Jake?" Mark asked, the answer clear to see.

"That....was....awesome!" Jake panted, still out of breath.

"Cool, I am glad you liked it, what now buddy? You are in control here" Mark asked, hopefully, but not wanting to pressure Jacob.

"It's your turn now" Jacob said, quietly, a little grin on his face, "Get naked, NOW!"

"Yes Sir" Mark replied, grinning at the little show of domination from the naked 12 year old. Jacob watched as Mark stripped, finally revealing a 7 inch cut dick, pre-cum dripping from the tip.

"Mmmm, can I play with it?" Jacob asked, putting on as innocent a voice as he could manage as he moved to the edge of the bed and reached out to grip Mark's erect man dick.

"Baby, you can do whatever you want" Mark gasped, as he watched the adorable 12 year old slowly jerk his 7 inch cut dick, intermittently looking up at Mark with his beautiful blue eyes.

"Is this OK?" Jacob asked, as he slowly jerked the adult dick, his little hand now slippery with the man's pre-cum.

"Yeah, but it needs to be a bit wetter Jake"

"Oh, sure, OK" Jacob replied, understanding, before bending over and running his little pink tongue over the pink mushroom head, and slowly down the shaft on each side, before resuming his slow jerking. "Is that good?" Jacob asked, innocently.

"God-dam, it's better than good" Mark replied.

Jacob bent forward again, planting a gentle kiss on the tip of Mark's pink mushroom head before letting his soft pink lips part and taking in a good inch of Mark's adult dick, causing Mark to moan in ecstasy. Jacob's mouth was the softest he had ever felt, better than any man.

Jacob gently rubbed his teeth against Mark's dick, making Mark gasp, before moving them back so his lips were in contact again, and slowly sliding his mouth down the shaft, letting his tongue linger on the underside of the mushroom head like he had seen in porn movies. Mark's gasp told him he was doing it right.

Mark reached down to grip the 12 year olds head, slowly sliding his 7 inch cut dick into Jacob's mouth, the boy greedily accepting more and more with only the occasional grunt. Jacob held his head still as Mark gently pumped his dick into his mouth, before wriggly away, letting marks dick slip free from his mouth with a wet popping sound.

"What's wrong? Do you want to stop?" Mark asked, concerned.

"No, I just want to try something else. I watched a lot of porns, will you try and stick it in my butt?" Jacob asked, hopefully. He had played around with putting things in his virgin boy hole a fair few times, even managed to get his dog to mount him a few times. He had loved how it felt.

"Well, we need some lube, and you are gonna be a bit tight Jake, it might not work" Mark cautioned.

"There is lube in the wardrobe, and condoms, I checked" Jacob said, smirking, "And I have put things in my hole before, so can we try?" Jacob asked impatiently.

"Shit, you are one dirty little boy aren't you? OK, lets try, but if I hurt you you need to tell me so we can stop, OK?"

"OK, go get the lube, hurry" Jacob replied, his hand going down to his now hard again 3.5 inch uncut boy dick, gripping it tightly.

Mark retrieved the lube, and headed back over to Jacob who was laying on his back, his butt at the edge of the bed. Jacob really did seem to know what he was doing, how much porn had this kid watched?

"I'm gonna get your ass nice and lubed Jake, OK?" Mark said, as Jacob nodded in response.

Jacob gasped as Mark put the cold lube onto his tight virgin boy hole, Jacob's legs spread so Mark had clear access, the 12 year olds legs now resting on Mark's shoulders. Mark gently massaged the lube into Jacob, first with one finger, then adding more, causing Jacob to moan.

"Mmmm, this feels so nice, put it in me Mark, please" Jacob pleaded, wanting to feel Mark's 7 inch cut dick inside his boy hole.

"OK, but you gotta let me know if it's hurting you and I'll stop"

Mark knelt down, gripped his dick and placed the tip of the pink mushroom head at the entrance of Jacob's virgin boy hole. He gently applied pressure and watched as the head of his 7 inch dick disappeared inside Jacob's tight boy hole, causing Jacob to gasp.

"Are you OK? Should I stop?" Mark asked, worried.

"No, it's OK, it's just SO big. Put more in, but slowly" Jacob gasped as he felt Mark comply, putting in another two inches, before Jacob gasped loudly.

"Stop!" Jacob gasped, a new sensation flooding his body.

"Did I hurt you? I'll pull out" Mark replied, suddenly scared.

"No don't, it just felt weird, not bad, good, I don't even know" Jacob replied, confused.

"Might have been your prostrate that I hit, if you like that you are gonna really enjoy this, should I go in more?" Mark asked.

"OK, but slow" Jacob warned, the 12 year old boy stud fully in control.

Mark slowly pushed in another 2 inches, Jacob gasping all the way, the young boy's eyes closed tight and his head resting on the bed behind him. Mark finally was all in, all 7 inches of his cut cock burred in Jacob Tremblay's tight virgin boy hole.

"OK, it's in, I'm gonna slowly slide out and then back in OK?"

"OK" Jacob replied, feeling like his whole ass was full.

Mark gently pulled back 3 inches or slow then slowly slid back inside Jacob, gradually pulling more of his 7 inches out, it now moving freely inside Jacob's no longer virgin boy hole.

"Mmmm, yeah that feels awesome" Jacob moaned, grunting each time Marks balls slapped against his tight little butt, his small body shaking with each thrust, "Fuck me harder" he pleaded.

Mark began to pound the little boy's ass harder, watching as Jacob began to jerk his 3.5 inch uncut dick in time with Mark's thrust, the little boy lost in ecstasy.

Jacob felt his orgasm building, each thrust pushing him closer, and whatever this prostate thing was making his body shake, he knew he would cum soon, his second boygasm in less than 15 minutes.

Mark watched as Jacob jerked himself, knowing the little boy was close to yet another cum. He reached over to grab Jacob's hands, pinning then to the bed as he thrust into the young boy's hole, determined to make him cum through his boy hole alone. Jacob squirmed, desperately wanting to jerk his boy dick, but Mark was too strong.

Four more thrusts and Jacob's boy dick was twitching again, causing Jacob to cry out.

"FUCK, ohhhh mmmmm" the 12 year old moaned, as dick now shot his clear boy cum, landing in a thin line on his tight little tummy as Mark continued to thrust into his tight boy hole.

"Shit Jacob, I am gonna cum any second" Mark grunted, knowing he couldn't last inside Jacob much longer.

"No, not in my ass, take it out" Jacob demanded, pushing with his feet on Marks body, the man confused as his 7 inch cut dick slipped out of Jacob's now gaping boy hole.

Jacob pushed Mark back, his 3.5 inch dick still rock hard and now laying tightly against his hairless pubic area, and got on his knees in front of Mark. He quickly took Mark inside his mouth, his little pink tongue swirling all around the pink mushroom head as he rapidly jerked the shaft.

"Cum, in my mouth Daddy" Jacob moaned, looking up at Mark as he quickly released the glistening mushroom head from his mouth in order to speak. Mark couldn't believe how dirty this little 12 year old was.

He watched as Jacob went to work on his dick again, the little tongue exploring every crevice, as the boy's small hand jerked him. He felt his orgasm building, managing to gasp out a warning as he erupted once inside Jacob's small mouth, the boy letting the pink mushroom head slip out of his mouth so that the next shot of hot man cum landed on the boy's face, before Jacob guided the final spurt in his waiting open mouth, all the while looking up at Mark.

"Mmm tasty" Jacob moaned, as he licked Mark's mushroom head clean, before moving his hand to his face to wipe the rest of Mark's cum from it, putting his fingers first into his mouth, and then into Mark's. Mark licked off his own cum from Jacob's little fingers, before bending down to scoop up the boy and carry him over to the side of the bed, laying the now exhausted 12 year old down and moving to spoon in behind him, bringing the hot boy tight to him in a close embrace.

The two new lovers lay there for a short while, both catching their breath, Mark placing a gentle kiss on top of Jacob's sweaty head.

"That was better than Star Wars" Jacob said suddenly, causing Mark to laugh.

"No shit little dude" Mark replied, pulling Jacob closer to him. "I am gonna have to move to Canada now, aren't I?" Mark asked.

"Yeah, you are, you aren't getting away now, you're mine" Jacob replied, putting on a silly scary voice.

They slowly drifted off to sleep, warm in each others embrace, Jacob dreaming of the fun to come.

The End.

I hope you enjoyed that. I felt a bit rusty writing this chapter given it has been such a long time since I last submitted a story.

Please keep your feedback coming, as it really helps.

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