Boy Day in Sex Ed Lab

By David D

Published on Aug 14, 2001




After eight months of textbook-only work in Ms. Lanier's sixth-grade sex-education class, lab day had finally arrived. Today was boy day.

"All right, boys and girls, quiet down and we'll begin," said Ms. Lanier, a little nervous today, like her sixth-graders. "I want to introduce you to Billy. Billy is a tenth-grader at San Francisco Central."

Billy, who was 17, nodded to the youngsters in a shy sort of way, but he didn't speak. Billy had dark hair and blue eyes. He was wearing shorts today in the warm June weather, with a black T-shirt. He had stunning soccer-player legs and a lean, cat-like upper body. Billy had been thoroughly briefed on what to expect and had signed the consent form. Sex-education in San Francisco in the year 2015 was very politically correct, with just about every sexual variety and erogenous zone you can think of getting at least a passing acknowledgment. Since this was boy day, the focus would be mostly on mechanics. During girl day, which was tomorrow, the focus would be much more sensitive, concentrating on the emotional, rather than the purely physical, elements of sex.

"Billy, would you be kind enough to undress now?" said Ms. Lanier, trying her best to be detached and clinical. Billy took off his shoes, peeled off his white gym socks, pulled his T-shirt over his head, dropped his shorts, and slipped out of his clean tighty-whities. He quickly folded his clothes and laid them on Ms. Lanier's desk. He stood there naked, looking only a little nervous. He tried to keep his eyes focused on nothing in particular at the back of the room, but he couldn't help noticing how impressed most of the boys (ages 12 and 13) and a few of the girls appeared to be. Ms. Lanier, as part of Billy's preparation, had made it clear that sexual arousal was perfectly acceptable during today's lab -- that indeed his sexual arousal was an important part of what the children were to learn. That helped him feel less self-conscious, because, weird as it seemed, and even though his girlfriend had teased him about it, he was pretty sure he was going to enjoy this.

Billy didn't pay much attention to what Ms. Lanier was saying as she pointed out the secondary sexual characteristics of the human male. At her request, Billy put one foot on her desk so that she could point out the fine dark hair on his legs. At her request, he put his hand behind his head, revealing the dark tuft of hair under his arm. He had showered this morning, but, as instructed, he had not applied any deodorant. Ms. Lanier pointed out the little tuft of hair between his hard pectorals, and the little trail of hair leading downward from his belly button to his pubic hair. The youngsters found this hair fascinating, because none of them had hair like this yet.

"Billy, would you sit here for us now, with your hands behind your head?"

Billy did as requested. The wood chair was cool against his naked butt.

"Now, class, remember what you learned about pheromones and how they relate in subtle ways to human sexual behavior. Now we'll sample the pheromones that occur naturally in Billy's armpits. Please form two lines, just as we discussed yesterday, and you can each experience Billy's pheromones. Please don't touch Billy right now -- just use your noses.

Billy wasn't sure what to do with his eyes, so he looked at his knees as the sixth-graders filed slowly past him, each putting his or her nose an inch or two from one of Billy's armpits and taking a shy sniff or two. Billy noticed that a couple of the boys tried to make eye contact, one tall blond boy in particular. Billy smiled but kept his eyes on his knees.

"Another key area of pheromone secretion," said Ms. Lanier after all the youngsters had returned to their seats, "is, as you'll remember, the area between the male scrotum and anus. Billy, would you place your elbows on the desk for us, please?"

Billy got up from the chair, leaned over the desk, and settled onto his elbows and forearms, exposing his anus and dangling genitals to the classroom.

"Would you spread your legs a little farther, Billy?" said Ms. Lanier. Billy obliged.

"Now class," said Ms. Lanier, "I want you to be very, very gentle with Billy's testicles. Just touch them gently. Notice how one hangs a little lower than the other. That's normal. Notice the pattern of the hair on Billy's scrotum and the little circle of hair around Billy's anus. So, this time as you file past, I want you to touch Billy's scrotum and testicles very gently, take a look up close, and then, if you want to, sniff the area between Billy's anus and scrotum."

It took about 10 minutes for each of the youngsters to have a turn. Billy kept his eyes on the desk and let himself enjoy the sensation of having his balls shyly and tenderly fondled by the youngsters. Billy was pretty sure that every one of the kids, including the boys, took a sniff. Two or three of the noses touched him. He enjoyed the feeling of the youngsters' warm breath. He was pretty sure that it was boys' noses that touched him, because their hands were a little rougher and warmer than the girls' hands seemed to be.

"Now class, once again I want you to be very, very gentle, because if this becomes uncomfortable for Billy, you may not each get to take a turn. Now you've each got your latex glove, and you've each got your packet of lubricant. Now all of you remember how we learned that the anal area is very richly supplied with nerves closely connected to the genitals' nerves, and that the anal area is an erotic zone for most men as well as for women. I want each of you to put on your glove, and, just before your turn, apply the lubricant to your index finger very liberally. Push your finger very slowly and gently into Billy's anus. As you see what it feels like inside Billy's anus, also try to imagine what it feels like for Billy. Now remember to be very gentle."

The youngsters were almost reverent in their gentleness. Two or three of the boys (larger fingers) pushed into Billy a little deeper than the others dared -- one boy in particular. Billy guessed that it was the tall blond boy. Billy liked girls. He'd never done anything with a guy before, but he'd thought about it, and he figured he would someday, though it would probably be an older boy. So what if this young blond boy liked his butt. No big deal. Billy liked his own butt too and had stuck his own fingers in there a time or two. Billy concentrated on staying relaxed. He was determined to let all 22 of the youngsters have a turn, even if it became a little uncomfortable near the end. But it didn't become uncomfortable. Billy felt at ease with his erection, which unfortunately the kids couldn't see and appreciate very well because he was bent over the desk.

Billy realized that, now that each of the youngsters had had a turn, he'd really like to have more. But Ms. Lanier had a very carefully planned lab curriculum, each detail approved by the school board. Billy had been required to read it before he signed the consent form. Billy remained in position with his elbows on the desk, his naked butt still facing the youngsters, but he waited, as agreed, for Ms. Lanier to tell him what to do next.

"Billy," she said, "Would you now lie down on the table, face down?"

There was a special padded table, narrow and a little like a gurney, at the front of the class. Billy went to the table and settled down face down, as requested.

"Notice, children, that we have some leather straps here for Billy's arms and legs." She approached the table. Billy knew that the straps were there, and he knew what they were for. He cooperatively extended each wrist and each ankle as Ms. Lanier circled the table and strapped him down as she spoke.

"We do this for two reasons, children. The first is that we promised you, and your parents, that Billy will not be able to touch you. Billy is a very polite young man, but this ensures that he won't. We also talked, in class, about how many people enjoy being restrained during sex, at least occasionally."

Billy had never tried anything like that before, but he knew some older guys who talked their girlfriends into tying them up, and they said it was fun. So what the heck. He didn't particularly want to grope any of the children, but with his arms and legs tied, no one could say he did, and no one would get sued. Billy was over feeling nervous. He decided just to relax and try to get into it.

"Now children," said Ms. Lanier, "we have something especially interesting for you. All of your parents signed consent forms for this course, but Jason's parents have written a note giving Jason some special permissions, but only if Jason wants to do this."

Jason, the tall blond boy, looked surprised. "Whut?" he said, from his desk near the back of the room.

Ms. Lanier smiled. "Jason, would you come up front?"

Jason blushed, but he did as he was told. What note? He didn't know about any special note from his parents. But Ms. Lanier wasn't making it up. Jason didn't know it, but his parents had found some of his dirty magazines but had decided not to confront him with it -- better to let Jason open up to them when he felt like it, and better still if he had some safety training in what it was inevitable he was going to do.

"Jason," said Ms. Lanier, "remember how we talked in class about some of the sexual things that males can do with males? Jason, would you like to have anal intercourse with Billy, if Billy wants you to?"

Billy made a quick, involuntary movement, but he didn't say anything. "Huh?" he thought. "This wasn't in the script." But he, just like everyone else in the class, held his breath to hear what young Jason was going to say.

A number of seconds passed in silence. Billy, face down on the table, was not able to see Jason's face and thus had no idea which way Jason was leaning. Finally Jason spoke, with total innocent honesty.

"OK," he said.

Billy felt a lump in his throat. He had no idea that anything like this was going to happen. But he remembered the healthy sweet smile on Jason's very pretty face, and he remembered the 13-year-old finger that had slipped inside of him deep -- curious and hungry. Billy didn't have a lot of hangups. And besides his ass and dick were tingling, and he realized that he was probably oozing precum. And why not give the kiddies a good education.

"OK," Billy said.

For about five minutes, Ms. Lanier talked about safety, STD's, lubricants, and condoms. Billy didn't pay much attention. He just wished they'd get on with it, because he had a raging hard-on that no one could see, and he had this hungry feeling in his butt. His butt wanted it, bad. He was wondering how big Jason's dick was.

Finally, Ms. Lanier said, "Jason, would you like to get undressed, or would you like to keep your shirt on?"

"Might as well take everything off," said Jason.

It was as though Ms. Lanier read Billy's mind.

"Jason, would you stand here in front of Billy while you do that? It's only fair for Billy to be able to see you. He may be strapped down, and he's given you his permission, but it's still his right to see you with your clothes off and to change his mind if he wants to. Remember, it's always OK to say no if you change your mind and want to stop."

Jason moved to where Billy could raise his head and look at him. Billy looked up for only a second, saw the look in Jason's eyes that silently said, "Oh please don't change your mind." Big boy, Billy thought. He saw Jason's dick, quite erect already, probably six inches, on its way to seven and a half or eight someday. Billy put his head down again and closed his eyes.

"It's OK," he said. "Go ahead."

There were some more instructions for Jason from Ms. Lanier, but again Billy didn't really listen to her. He felt Jason climb onto the table between his legs. He felt Jason's strong young hands on his thighs and buttocks. He felt Jason apply the cool lube and rub it gently into his butt hole. He felt Jason's bare legs against his legs, Jason's hands on his back. And soon he felt Jason's young dick against his buttocks, awkwardly but eagerly searching for the right spot.

Very quickly Jason found the right spot. Billy's body tensed for a second as Jason's dick flew into him, maybe a little too quickly -- Jason wasn't exactly experienced. But then Billy relaxed, and Jason eagerly began to pump. Jason's hands explored Billy's shoulder's, Billy's muscular arms, Billy's dark hair. God that feels damned good, Billy found himself thinking. He raised his butt up a little, so Jason could go deeper.

In less than two minutes it was over. If it hadn't been for the condom, it probably would have been quicker than that. Jason grunted, spasmed, and came. Billy felt Jason's dick throbbing. Billy loved every second of it and wanted more, much more. His butt felt starved. Billy felt like he'd like to have another hour of that. Is this how girls feel, he thought, when guys come too quick?

Billy's heart was pounding and his breathing was very fast. His dick felt like it was going to explode.

Ms. Lanier knew a thing or two about the sexuality of 17-year-old boys. She quickly unhooked the leather straps and asked Billy to turn over. He did. Then she fastened the straps again. Now Billy was on his back, still breathing hard, with his raging hard-on pointing upward. Jason had climbed down.

"Jason," said Ms. Lanier. "Would you like to masturbate Billy now?"

"Sure," said Jason. No use pretending that he didn't know what to do. He'd figured out how to do this to himself at least two years ago. Billy let out a little gasp when he heard that he was about to get some relief.

"Billy," said Ms. Lanier. "Would you like for Jason to masturbate you?"

"Yeah, oh yeah," said Billy.

"Class, come closer and gather around," said Ms. Lanier.

The kids wasted no time. Billy took another look at the still-naked Jason and closed his eyes.

"Jason," said Ms. Lanier. "A thoughtful thing to do would be to ask Billy if he'd like some lube."

"Uh, OK," said Jason. "Billy, would you like some lube?"

"Uh-huh," said Billy.

Billy felt the cool liquid being squeezed onto his dick, and he was almost embarrassed at how he groaned when he felt Jason's hand on his dick.

Jason didn't waste any time. He went right to business.

Billy tensed his muscular soccer legs and involuntarily pointed his toes. He groaned again, and yet again. He came in no time. Suddenly he cried out as though Jason had hit him hard in the stomach. Billy's body arched. The first wave of cum flew all the way to his face. Some of it went into his hair. The second wave spattered his chest. The third wave landed on his tight abdomen and dribbled into his navel. The fourth wave dribbled down his dick and onto Jason's right hand.

After maybe 30 seconds Billy opened his eyes. There was a look of wonder on the eyes of the children. Jason was smiling at him sheepishly as his fingers squeezed the last drops of cum out of Billy's dick and smeared it on Billy's stomach. Billy closed his eyes again.

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