Boy Next Door Tricks Me

By Tom Dickson (Of Blessed Memory)

Published on Jul 10, 2011


Guys if you are under 18 years old or offended by gay sex then please leave this site immediately. This story is a work of fiction. It is only a fantasy of mine and know it can never come true. If you do like my story please let me know and I'll write the next chapter. I am looking for a real young Master to serve so if your interested let me know. If you want to see my pics I'll send them to you. Hope you read my other stories also. My e-mail is: Thanks, tom dickson, a slave dad

Boy Next Door Tricks Me

Chapter 1

I moved into my house six months ago. I was new in town and really didn't no one. I moved here because I was offered a job job and I thought living in a small town would be a change for me. A little about myself. I'm 50, in decent shape. I'm 5'9, 140#'s, so I'm not fat. I got divorced a year ago and needed a new start. I was always attracted to guys but never did anything about, I didn't want to rid my marriage. What a waste of time. Anyhow, I live alone and keep to myself. My next door neighbors are OK and they have a 16 y/o boy. I've seen him a few times and thought he was cute. He's about 5,8", 130#'s, dark hair and I know he works out because I've seen some weight equipment in his garage. He was a nice kid and polite, like a small town kid is suppose to be like. I found out quickly how wrong I was.

It was the beginning of summer and the days were long and hot and I loved being inside with my A/C running. One day my neighbor dropped by saying that he and his wife were going to see her parents for the weekend and asked if I wouldn't mind watching their house as their 16 y/o son would be home alone. They didn't want him to have any wild parties. I told him that Erik, the boy's name, was a good kid and I was sure he wouldn't do anything bad. He agreed but said just in case please watch the house. I told him I would but didn't think the boy would do anything to upset his folks. Small towns are like that, right.

Saturday morning I went outside about 11:00 to get my mail. It was delivered to my mailbox at the curb. It was already 80 degrees out. When I was walking back inside I noticed Erik's garage door was open so I thought I take a peek and see if Erik was there and was OK. When I walked up his driveway I saw Erik laying on his weight bench pressing some weights. He was only wearing loose fitting gym shorts. I saw his hairy legs, which looked muscular but nothing else.

When I got closer I called out to Erik "Hey Erik, how's it going?" I didn't want to scare him. He put the weights down and got up. He looked at me and said "Hey Tom, I'm just working out." The kid was shirtless and sweating like a pig in this heat. I told him that he should go slow or he get heat exhaustion. He laughed and said he worked out everyday. He was a swimmer and had to stay in shape. I looked at his smooth chest and saw his pecs, pink nipples and a six pack. This kid was a hunk and he was only 16. I hoped he didn't me notice staring at his body. He asked me if there was something I needed. I wanted to said, Yeah your cock, but instead I told him that his dad asked me to watch the house for him. Erik got mad and said "fuck, my old man thinks I need a fucking babysitter." I guickly told him that I wasn't a babysitter. That I just wanted him to know that if he needs anything to let me know, that's all. I could tell he was still upset. All teenagers think their adults and can take care of themselves. I didn't want to piss him off and said I be home if he wanted anything.

As I started to walk away he asked me if I wanted to stay and spot for him with his weights. I turned and smiled at him and said "I love to help you out." Erik laid down on the weight bench with his hands on the bar. I stood behind the weights. I looked down and saw Erik's glistening body all stretched out. His legs were on each side of the bench and I swear I saw the head of his cock sticking out of the leg of his shorts. I wanted him so bad but knew I couldn't he was only a kid. Erik snapped me out of my trance when he said "Tom eyes down here." I quickly jerked my head and looked at him, I know I was blushing. All I could say was "What do you want me to do?" Erik smiled and replied "First, see if you can focus on what I'm doing." Damn, I got busted. I was so embarrassed that he caught me looking at his crotch. Then Erik said "keep your hands under the bar so if I slip you can catch the weights before it hits me. Can you do that Tom?" I felt stupid. He really wanted me to help him and I was guawking at him. I said "Sure Erik, I can do that." Erik picked up the weights and started to do presses with it. I was closely watching. But Erik was squirming a little to readjust his position under the bar for a better grip. My eyes got diverted again when I saw his cock, about 2" of it anyhow, poking out of his shorts. It looked great to me. Then I heard Erik say loudly "Tom!" I looked down at him and said "what?" Erik put the weights back on the stand. He said "Your looking at me and not at what I'm doing. So let's switch places and see if you can stay focused." I was totally embarrassed.

Erik got off the bench and said "OK, let's see what you can do." What I wanted to do was run home, I got busted twice in ten minutes by him. But I said "OK, but you have to much weight on the bar for me." Erik started to take some of the weights off. I went to laid on the bench when Erik said "Tom, it's hot as hell in here and you'll get all sweaty. Take your shirt off." It wasn't a question, it sounded more like an order, but Erik was right, it was hot so I took my shirt off. Erik stood in front of me looking at my chest. I have some chest hair but I thought my chest looked OK. Erik put his right hand on my left pec and was squeezing it, then he smacked my stomach saying "Tom, you don't have much muscle tone. I can help you to get into shape if you want me to teach you." I thought at least he doesn't hate me or think that I'm a disgusting old man. I liked looking at him and being around him so I agreed that I need work and I would love for him to teach me.

I went to lay on the bench again but Erik said "Tom, I know your eager to start training but you got to get your pants off first." I looked at him shocked and asked him why. He said "No one works out wearing pants, they wear shorts like me, now get them off." I didn't want to be in his garage in my underwear and I was afraid I might get a boner. I told Erik I didn't feel comfortable being out here in my underwear. Erik smiled and said "My shorts are no bigger then my boxers are so it's no big deal. If you really want me to teach you, you have to do as I say or I can't help you, OK?" I didn't want him to think I was a wus so I took my pants off hoping not to get hard. I stood before Erik in just my boxers feeling foolish but he was right my boxers covered as much as if I had gym shorts on.

Erik told me to get on the bench and he went to stand behind the weights. He was going to spot me. I laid down and positioned myself under the bar. Erik moved in closer and put his hands under the bar. The problem was he crotch was right over my face. His cock head was poking out of his shorts and I could clearly see inside his shorts. He really should be wearing a jock and get longer shorts. I wasn't paying much attention to placing my hands on the bar. I wanted to place them on his cock. I could feel my cock starting to get hard. Erik was smiling when he said "Tom, put your eyes on the bar and see where your hands are." Shit, I got busted again. Erik had to know his dick was sticking out and was driving me crazy. I looked at the bar trying to place them in the right spot. I kept moving them around. Erik said that either my hands were to close togather or to far apart. He finally said "Tom, if you don't balance the bar correctly it will fall on you. I know how to fix that." He went over to the work bench while I watched him. He looked good going as he did coming.

When Erik returned he stepped over me, straddling my chest. He had some rope and began tying my hand to the bar. He was standing over me with his cock just inches from my mouth. I wanted to raise my head and suck it but instead asked Erik what he was doing. He said "Your looking at me and not at what your suppose to be doing. Tying your hands in place will keep the bar balanced so you don't drop it on yourself. It's just a safty issue." He was tying my second hand and his cock was so close I could smell the sweat on his balls. I got a raging hard on and I could feel my shorts tenting. I hoped Erik wouldn't look behind him and see it. I was already embarrassed enough as it was. When Erik was done tying my hands he sat on my chest.

Erik looked into my eyes and said "Tom, if you want me to teach you then you have to listen to me and do everything I tell you to do. Do you understand me?" I looked at him and said "I want you to teach me and I'll obey you." What the fuck did I just say. I didn't mean obey, shit. Now he'll he think I'm weird or something worse. I tried to recover by saying "I meant I'll do as you say, OK." Erik just smiled and said "OK what?" I wasn't sure what he meant so I guessed and said "OK, Erik?" Erik smiled again and said "I think you meant to say "OK, Sir". I am your teacher so you need to respect me and call me Sir from now. Got it?" I thought he was really pushing this teacher thing but said "Yes, err Sir." Erik slapped my cheek gently and said "Good boy, your learning." Did he just call me a boy? I guess he was getting off on being in charge of an adult. I didn't care but I wished he didn't tie my hands and I wanted my boner to go down and fast.

Erik slid back a little on my chest. Fuck, he just backed into my boner. I could feel it hit him and it felt like my dick fell out of the piss slit in my shorts. Fuck, I'm screwed now. Erik was grinning and he looked behind him and laughed seeing my boner sticking out. He grabbed it with one hand and said "Looks like Tommy really likes his teacher." I never felt so humiliated in my life. Erik was playing with my cock and I couldn't do anything about it with my hands tied up. He twisted it, pushed it all the way down to the bench and released it so it bounced, then he stroked it a couple of times. He wiped some precum off of the head and put his finger to my mouth and told me to lick it off. I felt like a pervert. He put his finger right on my lips and said sternly to lick it. I obeyed. Erik grinned again and said "good boy. I don't think your that interested in me training you to get you in shape. I think you want me to train you to be my cumdump. Is that what you want Tommy?" He was mocking me. But he wanted an answer. I said "Yes Sir, I want you to train me." He replied "Train you to do what Tommy?" He was grinning the whole time. I said "Sir, train me to be your cumdump Sir." Erik said "That's what I thought. You couldn't keep your eyes off my cock since you got here." I said "Shouldn't you being wearing a jock to keep it in?" Erik just laughed before telling me "My dad told me last night that you would be checking up on me. I seen you watching me out your window whenever I was outside. I thought you were a fag but wasn't sure, so knowing you be over today I put on my old shorts that are two years old. I was only 14 when I got them. I'm free balling knowing my dick would hang out. I wanted to see your reaction. And like a true faggot your eyes were glued to my cock." I said "You set me up?" He said "It's not my fault you crave my cock."

Erik stood up and pulled his cock and balls out the leg of his shorts. It was semi-hard about 5". He slapped my face with it, wiped it all over my face then he asked "Is this what you want Tommy?" Damn, I wish he wouldn't call me Tommy, I'm the adult here not him. I was staring at his cock. It was beautiful and he had two nice sized balls to go with it. I gulped and said "Yes Sir, I want your cock Sir." Erik was laughing he said "OK, Tommy this is your first lesson in becoming my cumdump, kiss my cock." I raised my head up a little and kissed the head. It tasted good. I kissed it a couple of more times before he pulled it away. Erik patted my head and said "Good boy, now kiss my balls." He lowered himself so his balls were right at my mouth. I smothered his balls with kisses. His cock was growing quickly and became ridgid in no time. I know my dick was standing straight up and rock hard. But mine is only 6", Erik's was at least 7". Erik took his balls away from me, patted my head again, like I was a good little boy. Then he said "Good Tommy, I'm glad your enjoying yourself. Now your staying focused. Let's see how well you can suck my cock. He pointed his cock down and aimed it at my mouth. I opened it and he put about 3" inside and told me to lick the head. I immediately did. I could smell him and taste his sweat, it was awesome. I was in heaven. I had a hot teenagers boy cock in my mouth. I guess he was enjoying himself because he started to lower himself forcing his cock deeper into my mouth. It didn't take long before he was at the back of my throat and I was gagging and gasping for air. I couldn't pull off. I had my eyes shut and tears in my eyes. I heard Erik laughing at me before he pulled his cock out. When I looked up at him he was grinning. He said "Looks like I'm going to have to teach you how to open your throat and take my cock without choking." I agreed with him that I do need more training in that area.

Erik stood up and got off of me saying "Your not much of a cocksucker but I think your trainable. Let's see how well you eat ass." With that he pulled his shorts off and straddled my face. Erik had a perfect bubble butt and I would enjoy eating out his ass for him. He lowered himself spreading his cheeks far apart for me to get my tongue in. I started out by licking his hole first. Then I started to push my tongue in further into his hole. Erik must have liked it becasue I heard him moaning. I kissed, licked and sucked his hole for about 5 minutes before he got off of me and put his shorts back on. I was hoping he stay naked, but since we were in the garage that wouldn't be a good idea. Once Erik was off of me he said I did an OK job licking his hole but I needed more practice. I told him I could do better if I wasn't tied down. Erik grinned at me and said "Tommy I like you tied down and it makes it easier to train you." I told him that he had a nice ass and I loved licking it. He blushed and told me that I would be eating his ass out alot. I told him I was looking forward to him teaching me how to suck cock and eat ass better. He just smiled at me and called me pathetic.

Erik went to the foot of the bench and placed both of my legs on it and then pulled my shorts off. It made my cock slap my stomach. I begged him not too. I told him that it wasn't a good idea to be naked outside and it made me feel like a pervert. Erik said "Tommy, first of all we're in the garage and with my mom's car in the driveway I doubt anyone will see you. Secondly, you are a pervert. You just sucked off a underaged boy so don't give me anymore shit about what I do to you, understand?" I quickly answered with "Sir, I know your underage, I didn't want to blow you but you didn't give me a choice. Please can you put my shorts back on?" Erik laughed at me he told me "You had a chance to leave but you were so cock hungry you made yourself stay. You wanted my cock so bad you were drooling over it. So stop your whining and get use to the fact that I own your ass now and you will do everything I say or your in major trouble." He was right, he could turn me in whenever he wanted and I go to jail. But if I kept him happy we both get what we want. I told Erik "Sir, I'll obey you and do everything you say, but please don't tell anyone that I'm a faggot Sir, please." Erik smiled and said "Now that's more like it. You focus on me and my needs and it will be a win/win situation." Erik placed my legs back on the sides of the bench leaving my cock and ball fully exposed for him. He started out playing with my cock, smacking it around some and stroking it. Then he grabbed my ball. I was born with just one, really, that's true. He asked what happened to the other one. I told him I was born with just one. He laughed at me and said I was only half a man and no wonder why I was a faggot. I had to agree with him. He squeezed my nut hard watching me squirm around the bench. He said he never saw anyone with just one ball before and told me that it looked funny as hell. He said I was more of a bitch than a man. It was humiliating being tied down, naked and exposed like that for a kid to see my one ball, but again I had to agree with him. Having one ball is funny.

Erik went back to the work bench leaving me there with a raging hard on for anyone who passed by could see. When he came back he had some more rope. He tied up my dick and ball really tight. There was no where for the blood to go so I have a hard on until he untied it. I wanted it to go down because it was so embarrassing. He slapped my cock around some more having fun with it and the discomfort it was causing me. Then he lifted the rope up pulling my cock, nut and hips off the bench. It hurt so bad and I begged Erik to let go of the rope. He just smiled and said it was part of my training. No pain no gain. He finally let go and I hit the bench. But then he slapped my nut hard causing me to yell in pain. He told me that I sounded like a little bitch. I told him I was sorry but it hurt. I couldn't even grab my nut to massage it.

Erik then lifted one of my legs up and over my head. He tied it to the bar with my hand. I asked him what he was doing. He grinned at me and said "You don't suck well or eat ass well so I want to see if you can fuck any better." I pleaded with him not to. I never been fucked before. He laughed at me saying "Good then you should be tight." He proceeded to tie my other leg up to the bar. There was nothing I could do and my ass was totally exposed for him to do whatever he wanted. He slapped my ass a couple of times before spitting on my hole and getting two fingers wet. He inserted one finger and that wasn't to bad then the second one entered and it felt tight. I thought if two fingers were tight in me what would his cock feel like. I didn't want to know. He finger fucked me for a couple minutes opening my hole up. When he was done he stuck both fingers in my mouth and told me to lick the shit off of them. I sucked them hard and licked them. I tasted my own shit for the first time and hoped it be the last. It tasted awefull. Erik reached down and picked up my underwear and told me to open my mouth. He jammed them in saying that he didn't want me to scream like a little bitch for the neighbors to hear. I didn't want them to hear either. I was getting scared. If my cock wasn't tied up I'm sure it would have gone down quickly.

Erik went and got between my legs and pulled his cock out from his shorts. Guess he didn't want anyone to see him naked. He spit on his cock and aimed it at my hole. He told me that it would be easier if I just relaxed and that it would hurt for a minute but then it would feel better and that I would enjoy being fucked. I doubted that but I tried to relax as much as I could. Then I saw stars. Erik rammed his cock all the way in up to his balls. I screamed into my underwear. The pain was unbearable. Erik held his cock in place to give me a minute to get use to it. I thought for sure Erik ripped my ass apart. But after a couple of minutes the pain did go away and Erik started to pump my ass slowly. I laid there like a dead fish while he started to pick up his pace. He told me to work my ass. I didn't know what he meant. He yanked on the rope around my cock and ball hard. That caused my ass to constrict on his cock. That's what he wanted. He was fucking me harder and faster. It seemed like he was fucking me for hours, but it was probably closer to 5 minutes. I looked at Erik, his eyes were closed he was tensing up and his cock seemed to get thicker. A few seconds later he exploded in my ass. I felt at least two shots hit inside me. He pulled his cock out and splattered my stomach and chest with the next 4 shots of teen cum. I was so relieved that his cock was out of my hole that I didn't care I was covered in his cum.

Erik untied my legs and they fell to the floor. My asshole was on fire. He pulled my underwear out my mouth. I told him that hurt like hell. Erik just laughed. He straddled my chest and put his cock to my mouth and ordered me to lick his prick clean. He wanted the shit, blood and cum off of it now. I licked and sucked it as much as I could. It didn't taste good but at least his cock was clean. Erik said "your no better at fucking, what are you good at bitch?" I told him I didn't have much experience. He laughed at me and told me that I was going to need alot more training if I was going to be a good cumdump for him. I really wanted to please him. I told him I did need more training but please go slow. He just grinned again.

He untied my hands and I was grateful. They were sore from being tied over my head for so long. He said he was thirsty and asked if I had any beer at home. I told him that I did but he was to young. He slapped my face and said "If I'm to young to drink beer then I'm to young for you to suck off." I hung my head in shame. He told me to go get him a fucking beer. I went to reach for my pants and Erik yanked them from me saying "Did I tell you to get dressed first?" I said "No Sir, but I can't go home like this, I'm naked." He grinned again and pulled me over to the bench. He sat down and threw me over his lap and started to spank the shit out of me. After about the tenth hit he said "When I tell you to do something, bitch, I expect you to do it immediately and not question me, got it?" I had tears in my eyes. I havn't been spanked since I was ten and it hurt. He spanked me about another 20 times and my ass was bright red and sore. Erik put two fingers in my ass and pull out a gob of his cum that he just unloaded in me. He put it to my mouth and told me to eat it. It was nasty but I did. In fact his cum tasted great. I licked his fingers then he threw me to the floor and told me to go get the beer. I was totally embarrassed being spanked like a little kid but I deserved it. I wanted to asked Erik if I could take the rope off my cock and nut so my boner go down but it wasn't a good time to asked. I went to the garage door and looked around to see if anyone was watching. The coast was clear and I made a bee line to my door with my boner bouncing all over the place. I grabbed two beers. I knew I needed one and ran back to Erik's garage. I felt a little safer being in the garage.

Erik laughed at me saying I looked funny running with only one nut swinging between my legs. He took both beers saying "Thanks." I wanted to tell him one was for me but didn't dare. Erik said play time was over and time to do his chores. He told me to get the lawn mower and cut the front lawn. I just looked at him. Did he forget I was naked. He noticed that I had a stupid look on my face and said "OK bitch, you can put your boxers on to cut the grass. I was hoping for my pants but I thought my boxers do look like shorts at a distance. I started to cut the grasss and Erik pulled out a lawn chair and sat and drank a beer while I did his chores. It was hot out, I was sweating and thirsty and my boner was tenting my shorts. I cut the grass as fast as I could. I wanted to get back inside the garage. When I was done Erik said I sucked at that too but it was OK. I couldn't do anything right for him. He told me the next chore was to wash his mom's car. He said get the bucket and car wash off the work bench.

I wanted a drink but went and got the stuff. He got the hose out. I poured some car wash in the bucket and Erik filled it. After that he sprayed me with the hose. He said I looked hot and needed to cool off. He sprayed me from head to toes playing extra attention to my boner. But I got to drink some cool water at least. Erik soaked me enough so that my boxers were clinging to my body which made my boner stick out even more obvious for people to see. Erik sat back down to finish his beer while I washed the car. I tried my best to keep facing the house so no one would see my boxers tented out. I wondered what the neighbors thought about me cutting the grass and washing my neighbors car while Erik watched. I prayed no one was paying attention. When I was almost done a kid about Erik's age went by on his bike. He looked at me funny and yelled "Hi Erik." Erik responded with "Hey Taylor." Luckily the kid went by. I washed and dried off the car in record time. Erik said next time I can wax it. Then he said let's go do the back yard. I begged Erik not to tell his friend or anyone about me being his cumdumb. He just smiled again and said "It all depends on how well you behave and learn how to obey." I knew he was serious. This kid had me and he knew it.

I took the car stuff back into the garage and pulled the lawn mower in so I could take it through the garage to the back yard when Erik called over to me saying "Lose the shorts Tommy." I said I couldn't go in the back yard naked people will see me. He came right up to me and slapped my face hard again. He said "You better learn whose in charge real quick and do as I say, now lose the shorts bitch." I pulled them off, I didn't want to piss him off. He smiled like he won, which he did. He slapped my ass twice and really hard. My ass was still sore from earlier. I asked him why he did that. He said because he can and besides he has the right to do whatever, wherever and whenver he wants to do. Then he said no one can see in his backyard. That made me feel a little better but I was still uncomfortabel about being naked outside and in daylight. I opened the back door and looked around and took the lawn mower out. Erik was right no one could see me out there. I asked him if I could please take the rope off of my cock and nut. It was killing me and I had a boner all day. Erik laughed at me and said "I like seeing you boned up. It looks like you want me bad." I told him that I did want him bad and that I loved his cock and both balls and that he had an awesome body but my cock and nut were hurting. He laughed at me and said I could take the rope off. I felt instant relief and my boner went down. I was grafeful he let me take it off.

Before cutting the grass Erik told me to get on my knees with my legs spread and hands behind my head. I didn't know what he was up too but I did it. He put his foot between my legs playing with my cock and nut. He said he couldn't believe how funny one ball looks. I smiled too. He kicked my nut but not to hard, just enough to make me jump. Then he asked me if I was thirsty and wanted some beer. I immediately said "Yes Sir, please." He said "great I have lots of recycled beer for you to drink." He pulled his cock out and started to piss all over me from head to toe then ordered me to open my mouth. He filled it and told me to swallow. He kept pissing in my mouth and I must have drank a gallon of his piss. That boy can really piss. It didn't taste to bad after the inital shock of it. It tasted bitter almost like beer. I swallowed at much as I could but alot covered me too. After he was done he had me lick the last drop off of his prick before ordering me to cut the grass.

It took me about 45 minutes to do the lawn but I was sweating like a pig and covered in piss and I smelled really bad. I wanted and needed a shower bad. I took the lawn mower back inside. Erik told me that I could clean the garage tomorrow. I thought I had to do more work for him. He said I could go home and shower that I stank. I went for my clothes but Erik put his foot on them saying "You can go as you are. After you shower pig, shave all of this off." He grabbed a handful of my pubic hair and pulled on it hard. I said I would looked stupid without any hair. He said he didn't care that I was more of a bitch than a man and don't deserve to have any hair at all. Then he told me that he be over later and I better be naked and totally smooth or I be punished. I believed him and assured him that I would obey his orders. Then he told me to run home like a good little bitch. I looked around and started to run. I heard Erik shout "And don't you dare beat off without my permission either faggot, got it?" I turn back towards him. I couldn't argue with him with me naked on my front lawn so I said "Yes Sir, I won't Sir" and ran inside my house.

I felt relieved at finally being home and went right for the bathroom to shower and shave my body. While in the shower the spray hit my ass and it stung. I forgot the spanking I took earlier. I tried to remember how all this started and how it got out of control so fast. There was nothing I could do about it so after I shaved I went to lay down. I was exhausted. While laying there I was thinking about Erik's big cock and got hard again. I wanted to beat off so bad but Erik said no and what he says counts so I put him out of my mind and fell asleep wondering if he was coming over later.

I hope you guys enjoyed my story. Of course it is all fiction except for the fact that I do have only one ball and I love to find a young Master to totally submit to. If any of you are a Master under 29 y/o, fit, and want a live in one-balled faggot slave let me know, lol, and I'll send you my pics. My Skype name is: Thomas Dickson.

Next: Chapter 2

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