By Ebon Artist

Published on Feb 1, 2023




*Batman and Robin are property of DC comics. Robin is a creation of Bill Finger.

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Robin the Boy Wonder crouched on the warehouse roof, a light mist of rain pattering along his caped back. He focused his binoculars on the building across the street. Several figures loitered under an inadequate awning, trying to keep out of the rain. A rusted sign proclaimed the building as the `East Gotham Meeting Hall'.

"I count six on the street, Batman," he said softly. His voice was picked up by the mic in his cape clasp.

"Roger that, Robin," Batman said. Robin glanced up and around; even knowing where he was, it was hard to pick Batman out of the dense urban shadows surrounding the run-down buildings that flanked the meeting hall.

"You think The Penguin will show, Batman?" Robin said.

"Keep watching closely, Robin," came back from the tiny earpiece.

"On it, Batman."

Robin shifted his position, crouching low to avoid being seen, and took another look around. No lookouts, not even on street level. Nobody on the roofs. Penguin must be pretty confident we haven't heard about his recruitment drive, Robin thought.

The Boy Wonder moved behind an HVAC unit and stood up so he could stretch. He'd been on the rooftop for four hours, now, and he was not only soaked but starting to stiffen up. His long bare legs gleamed with trickling rainwater, and his small boots squelched as he walked.

He leaned against the structure once he was sure the long-inactive equipment would even take his weight and did some exercises to keep himself limber. Getting a cramp just before going into action would be bad. If they saw any action tonight.

He let a gloved hand stroke over his thin trunks, adjusting his soft cock beneath the soft and silky material. He smiled at the feel of his leather glove on his sleek young length, and he slid his gloved fingers gently up and down against his cock and balls, both safely nestled in a padded pouch to protect him in fights.

He breathed in and out slowly and licked his lips as he felt himself get hard. He was always hard these days, it seemed. He shivered as he felt his cock respond. He very much wanted to play with himself now, but no, he had a duty he had to get back to.

Returning to his concealed perch, he picked out the six men under the awning. Nothing had changed. He swept the rest of the street and building again. Nothing. Batman had moved elsewhere.

He frowned as he felt his erection press against his trunks. It was... distracting, yes. He scoffed. He was sixteen, he could control himself. Seconds later, though, his glove was back against his trapped length, easing it out of his leg hole so he could subtly stroke his penis as he crouched on the rooftop. He bit his lip as his fingers caressed and stroked his sleek cut six-inch cock. His cock-crown was smooth and swollen with need, and he hissed softly as he took his cock in hand and began to play with himself.

"What was that, Robin?" Batman's voice said in his ear.

"Nothing, sir," he replied. "Just had to shift position."

He closed his eyes for a second. The feel of his gloved fingers on his length was incredible. He fisted his cock in a slow, smooth stroke. He tried to imagine what Batgirl's pussy would feel like, warm and tight and wet as she took his cock. The image pushed him over the edge; he bit the inside of his mouth as he shot several pulses of cum against the ancient bricks. He stroked his cock until he was sure he was done, and then slipped his length back inside his trunks. Thankfully, he began to get soft and soon he just had his normal bulge showing in the thin wet material.

He looked again. No change.

"Robin, get ready," Batman said.

Instantly the youth was on his feet and moving to his designated position at the warehouse corner. Below, a black SUV pulled up to the meeting hall.

Robin watched as three large men got out first, guns in hand but held so as not to draw immediate attention in case someone was looking this way. Then The Penguin got out. The short fat man shuffled quickly under the awning; the men waiting there got out of his way without being told. Penguin unlocked the door and everyone disappeared inside.

"I'm inside the hall. Move to the roof and keep lookout," Batman said.

Robin tapped his earpiece to indicate he'd received the instructions, then shot a batline to the top corner of a water tower. Silently he swung across the street, and then reclaimed his line. He moved to the edge of the warehouse and settled down to wait. He took a tiny camera from his utility belt, and got it ready.

Ten minutes later, two more cars showed up. They parked in the neighboring alley to avoid being seen, but Robin could easily take video of everyone who got out. He recognized several people from the mug shot files. Penguin was gathering some top talent.

He must have either come into some money to expand his gang, or more likely he has a line on a big score, and he'd recruiting talent.

Robin stuck the tiny camera to the side of the building and keyed it to send everything to the batcomputer. Associating with known criminals should violate Penguin's parole, if his own actions didn't do that sooner.

There was a series of soft sounds from the earpiece. Batman must be on the move, inside the meeting hall. Robin frowned. From his study of the building plans, there were not many hiding spaces in the long brick building except in the rafters. Like most similar places, it was mostly one big empty room. More sounds; soft and muffled but recognizable. Batman had taken down someone. He was on the ground, and on the move. Someone must have seen him. No gunshots. No yells from The Penguin.

Robin tapped his mask again to do a comm check. Everything came back green.

He eased himself over the ledge and dropped to the alley floor. Quietly, he took down the one lookout they'd left; he lowered the man to the wet street without a sound. He tagged both cars with a tracer from his belt, then moved to the back door.

He tapped his mask. Nothing on comms. Readying himself, he opened the door.

"Nap time, brat-boy," said The Penguin as a cloud of orange knockout gas enveloped Robin. The Boy Wonder coughed and staggered. He tried to punch the man, but another hiss of gas from The Penguin's trick umbrella, and he sprawled unconscious on the cold concrete floor.

"Okay, boys, it took weeks, but we finally got the Bat and the Brat where we want them," Penguin cackled, as his men picked up Robin's lean figure. He deactivated the building's sensor net he'd installed over a month ago and turned back to where his men were loading Batman's unconscious body onto a stretcher.

"Now," The Penguin laughed, "Now, it's time to play doctor!"


Robin blinked as he came to. His head was pounding from the gas, and he tried to move. He could not. Restrained. Of course. He shook his head and saw that he was handcuffed to a steel bar. A steel spreader bar shackled just above his small boots immobilized his legs slightly apart.

Quick check. He was still in costume. He still had his mask. Good. His utility belt, though, was missing.

He looked up and then swallowed hard. Batman was shackled in a similar manner just across from him. He was still unconscious. Or, Robin mentally kicked himself, pretending to be unconscious, something he should have remembered to do. You'd be amazed what people would say when they thought you were in dreamland.

"Batman," he said quietly. No response. He noticed his mentor's utility belt was also absent.

He looked around. Assess, memorize, exploit. Dozens of Batman's lessons came back to him at once, as well as memories of being in similar situations. It was never good. The Boy Wonder struggled nonetheless, seeing if he could find a weakness in the steel shackles. He was strong, but he was no Aqualad or Wonder Girl. Snapping steel chains and manacles was beyond him.

The room was narrow, barely more than a particularly wide corridor. The walls were old, cracked brick. The steel bars holding them, though, were new and looked securely bolted. There were steel doors on either end of the room. The whole thing might be ten, twelve feet long and eight wide. It was lit with one bare bulb right above them. The ceiling was low. If he could detach the spreader bar from the wall, he could get his feet up to that bulb. And then do what? Shock myself to death?

They were ready for us. This meant The Penguin had some sort of plan in play, instead of capturing them as opportunity afforded.

The Penguin and another man entered. Robin didn't know the other man; he was in his forties, balding, bearded, and bespectacled. He was dressed in a cheap black suit, like he'd rented one for a funeral for someone he didn't like.

The Penguin was smiling and looking very smug.

"Ah, you're awake, Boy Wonder. Good," The Penguin said. His smile was thin and oily. He was dressed as usual in an expensive tuxedo and carried one of his arsenal of trick umbrellas. From the shape and size, Robin guessed it was one of the machine-gun ones.

The silent man took a small black case from his inner jacket pocket and opened it up. Syringes. Robin tried not to let his fear show. Who knew what that stuff was? This could be the end, right here.

The man took one of the syringes and injected it into Batman's neck.

"Penguin!" Robin growled as he lunged against the chains. At his outburst, the silent man almost fumbled the second syringe.

"Careful with that! Scarecrow wanted a fortune for it!" Penguin growled, then shut his mouth with a click.

Robin smiled tightly. He'd made the made say something he hadn't meant to spill.

The second injection went into Batman's neck as well. The plunger sank slowly, as if the man enjoyed the idea of keeping the needle in as long as possible.

"What, none for me, Penguin?" Robin said.

"Oh, no, Boy Wonder!" The Penguin laughed. "Oh, no. You need to stay clean for now, so I can see how well it works! Mind control is a new thing for me!"

Robin kept his expression neutral. Shit, that was bad.

"Why should Crane and the Joker corner the market on nasty little concoctions, hmm? But I need something I can sell, something that will guarantee to line my nest with money. So. You and Batman get to be my test subjects! Isn't that nice? And with Valentine's Day coming up, well, I had... an idea."

Robin nodded slowly. "So, we're guinea pigs for some new drug?" He was not looking forward to watching Batman writhe in whatever sick serum Crane - AKA The Scarecrow - would have come up with.

The Penguin clutched at his tie in mock horror. "Drugs!? Robin, you surprise me! I don't deal in common street drugs!"

"You absolutely do! Half the cocaine in Gotham is brought in by your subs!"

"Okay, well, yes, but this is different. Something the elite and scum alike will profit from. Well, I'll profit. See, Crane doesn't deal only in fear. That's just his fetish. You're a growing boy! Surely, you've been on dates? If Batman ever lets you leave that cave. Haven't you ever felt that cold paralyzing fear that you'd be rejected? Stood on the stoop to pick her up and wondered if it wasn't best to just run away?"

"Gosh, yes," Robin lied.

"My little jab removes all that," The Penguin chuckled. He turned to watch the other man removed the syringe from Batman's neck.

The Penguin gestured to the silent man, who was replacing the black case in his jacket. "My associate, Doctor Hugo Strange. Once a doctor at Arkham until he chose a much more lucrative career path by selling the powerful and unique patient medications on the black market. Sadly, he was discovered and dismissed. I acquired his services. And like me, he's known the pain of romantic rejection. Hard as that is to believe! My little love potion removes all fear, all doubt. And it provides a little, well, pick-me-up as well."

Robin watched wide-eyed as Hugo Strange reached out and caressed Batman's cowled head, fingers stroking the leather hood, then running up and down one of the ears. "Batman is a very interesting and complex psychological subject, Robin, unlike yourself. My profiles on him indicate a deeply repressed sexuality that his obsessions and duties will not allow him to express. Crane's little potion should remove all those inhibitions."

The man turned to Robin and reached out. Robin pulled back from the touch, but the wall prevented him from retreating further. The man stroked his fingers on Robin's jaw. "You are a very handsome young man, classically so. Physically strong, and also completely in thrall to your sexual needs. Your performance on the rooftop was most illuminating," Strange said as his hand moved to the front of Robin's trunks, the reedy fingers suddenly stroking and teasing over his cock, now outlined in his thin little trunks.

Robin shivered and, unexpectedly, pushed his bulge against the man's fingers.

"Yes, see? You are so desperate to use your penis that even this interaction, forbidden and transgressive, can make you not only erect but lead to... intense sexual satisfaction," Strange hissed, his smile widening to a rictus grin worthy of The Joker as his fingers stroked along the smooth silky bulge of Robin's erection.

Robin whimpered as dark spots appeared on his costume's dark green trunks; his precum.

Strange touched his index finger to his tongue. "Sweet and salty," he purred. "A teenaged boy's cum is most delicious."

"Alright, Strange!" The Penguin growled as he poked the man with his umbrella! "We need to leave before Batman wakes up!"

"True," Strange said as he watched Robin's pretty face blush with embarrassment and humiliation. He turned and unlocked Batman's shackles, and the caped man slumped to the floor. Strange and The Penguin then quickly left. Robin heard the door lock behind them.

"Batman!" Robin cried, completely distracted from his predicament.

Batman slowly stirred, and Robin grinned when the Dark Knight got to his feet.

"Batman! Penguin has--"

"I heard, Robin," Batman said as he moved to examine the boy. "Are you hurt?"

"No, I'm fine. That creep doctor felt me up, though," the youth muttered. "How are we getting out of here?"

Robin looked to the door, then he felt fingers on his trunks again. Strong, confident fingers that gently teased his sideways-jutting young manhood into standing up straight against the soft stretchy material of his trunks.

"Batman, what---" Robin said.

"Making sure Strange didn't hurt you, Robin," Batman said quietly. He put a hand on Robin's shoulder and Robin leaned into it. The boy calmed, and smiled, confident his mentor had his reasons.

Batman's leather gloved fingers gently teased Robin's penis through the boy's trunks, gently then firmly stroking along the sleek shaft. He smiled as Robin's cock hardened, and he felt the boy's soft breath against his cheek.

"I can't help myself, Robin," Batman stated simply.

He turned his head, met Robin's lips, and kissed the boy.

Robin jerked back with a gasp, then... then waited as Batman followed him, kissed him once, softly, on the lips. Then again. And again. Robin opened his mouth slightly, and Batman's kiss became more passionate and eager. The man opened his mouth as well, and Robin closed his eyes as Batman frenched him for long slow seconds.

Robin twisted against his bonds as he felt the man's powerfully-muscled body press against him, his head tilted up to capture the man's hot and desperate kisses.

Both Batman's hands came up and cupped Robin's face, holding him gently as he kissed the teenaged boy. Robin's lean and muscled writhed against him as he stole kiss after kiss from the struggling boy's sweet and tender mouth. He could feel Robin fighting him and giving in at the same time; Robin could have evaded his mouth but was not.

"I need your body. Your mouth," Batman breathed as he broke the kiss.

"Batman, no..." Batman heard the sixteen-year-old whimper he stroked and caressed Robin's trim form. Batman smiled. He had trained the boy for years, and now... he was going to reap the rewards.

"Robin, yes," Batman said as he reached and freed Robin's cock from the thin trunks. He stroked the boy's length roughly, masturbating his boy with quick firm strokes.

"Batman! Uuhhh! Please!" Robin gasped. Batman continued to play with the boy's strong cock, his leather gloves stroking the teen into a shivering frenzy.

"Batman... I'm gonna... gonna...." Robin gasped.

Batman knelt and took Robin's cock in his mouth just as the masked boy moaned, and began to shoot his cum. He suckled Robin's pulsing penis, letting the sweet and rich boycum trickle down his throat and run down his chin before he pulled away to lick his lips. He cleaned Robin's penis, then stood and kissed the Boy Wonder again, forcing Robin to taste his own load.

Robin resisted, fought, then opened his mouth and let Batman feed him his cream. Batman kissed the boy, hard and needy, and when he stepped back, Robin's mouth was smeared with his sticky jizz.

Batman took the picks concealed in his boot and freed Robin from the shackles in seconds. The youth fell against him and he wrapped the boy in his strong arms, his dark cape a tent of secure warmth for the shivering youth as it so often had been. One hand dropped, and his fingered the boy's tight needy hole with his finger through Robin's thin trunks.

"Batman," Robin sighed and hugged himself closer to the powerful man. He pushed back against the finger teasing his little pucker.

Batman pressed his rock hard bulge against Robin's cum-dappled trunks and then pushed the boy to his knees.

Batman smiled at the boy's reaction. Robin knew what he had to do. What a good soldier.

Batman leaned against the brick wall and spread his legs as Robin's eager mouth roamed over the bulge tenting his own dark blue trunks.

He had known this was coming for a number of years, but it was something he'd waited on. Robin had to come to this by himself. He pulled at the secret hidden seam they both had, so they could piss while in their costumes, and eased his trunks open. His hard ten-inch cock fell into Robin's strong hand and the boy began to slowly masturbate him with both hands.

"Good boy, Robin," Batman sighed as he thrust his cock into the boy's gloved hands.

Robin swallowed hard, then tentatively leaned forward and slipped his soft lips over Batman's giant cock-crown. He had to open his mouth almost as wide as it could go, to take the large bulb of warm silky flesh. He licked it, and let his lips slide and slip over the velvet skin.

The masked boy closed his eyes and began to suck Batman's cock.

Batman groaned and gripped the steel bar he'd been shackled to as Robin's head bobbed. The boy's mouth was soft and silky and warm, and his tongue was talented for an amateur. Later, he'd have to teach the boy the hundreds of techniques he knew regarding sex, but for now the youth's fresh rawness was almost intoxicating.

"Yes, I'm close, Boy Wonder..." Batman moaned.

Robin stroked the massive cock and prepared himself. Or thought he did.

Batman's ejaculation still caught him by surprise. Robin licked and suckled two mouthfuls, then had to lean back and take the next two shots in his masked face and in his hair. The next two spattered his bright red vest, and the last two pulsed out to tickle down Batman's length.

Robin leaned back in to clean the long streamers of cum from the man's cock, licking them up until Batman moaned again and shot his cum against the far wall. Robin tried to take some of the load, but it wound up all over his costume again.

Robin stood once it was over. "Gosh, Batman, sorry I..."

"You're learning, Robin, just like we both do every day," Batman said and kissed his partner again.

Robin blushed hotly but did not pull away.

"Now, let's get out of here and take The Penguin and Strange back to jail," Batman said as he looked into a particular corner of the room. "They've been watching and recording us all this time."

Robin wiped cum from his mouth with the edge of his cape. He grinned. "On it, Batman!"


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