Boys Dare Not Dance

By moc.loa@OBOZATALZ

Published on Sep 30, 2000


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If the subject of homosexual relationships is offensive to you, please read no further. This is not the story for you!

This story is true, however some names and some places have been changed for reasons of privacy. Additionally, some individuals identities have been obscured beyond recognition. Therefore, if you think you recognize yourself in this story, you don't!

The Author reserves all rights. Copyright 2000. Archival rights are granted to Nifty. The Author is Terrence 'TJ' Julian with additional input from Andrew Simon van Ryan.

Now here is the explanation for this series. Some of you have written to me asking about some of the exploits Andy and I have been through over the years, especially some of the more odd ones! So, I have begun this as a way of telling those tales, without having to backtrack in my other series, "Anything to turn you On..." So, here's part one of 'Boys don't dare Dance!"..... Terry Julian

Boys Dare not Dance!

by Terrence 'Tj' Julian

Copyright 2000. All Rights Reserved.

Let me take a moment to reintroduce myself. My name is Terrence Julian and my boyfriend is Andrew van Ryan. Some of you know us already from reading 'Anything to Turn You On', or from Andy's book, 'the Prince of Main Street'. I suggest reading one of these before reading this, since this is a collection of short stories that detail some of the incidents and events involving me and my favorite eccentric, Andy.

Have you ever known someone who would cause people to become dumb struck simply by walking into the room? That's my Andy. I can't help thinking about the Rolling Stone's song 'Tumblin' Dice' when I think of me and him. The lyric 'Hey now baby, I'm the rank outsider, you can be my partner in crime....." always reminds me of us. Not that he's a criminal, mind you!. However, we certainly could have been arrested for some of the things he's gotten us into over the years! It's just that I always seem to be an 'outside observer' until he starts something! Then I'm his 'partner in crime' as the shit hits the fan!

Being swift on my feet has been a great asset over the years. For example, let me begin this collection of stories by telling about the first time Andy invited me to go anywhere with him. I was only fifteen and he was involved with Jesse at the time.

It was the beginning of Christmas vacation. My then boyfriend, Daniel Roberts had told Andy that he was seeing someone else. Andy told Daniel not to tell me just yet, as he and Jesse were going away for a week. Andy was afraid I would take it bad and wanted to be close at hand in case I needed someone to talk to. Daniel agreed, but to make sure he didn't dump me while they were gone, Andy invited me to accompany him and Jesse.

Andy's parents had a mountain home and they were going to spend Christmas there. My mother was in Europe, so I would have been alone at home. His parents didn't mind me coming along and I jumped at the invitation. Besides, I was in love with Andy already, even though he and Jesse were boyfriends. I liked Jesse too and he felt the same way toward me, so there was no friction with me being there.

It happened like this..............

Andy called me in the late afternoon.

"TJ, do you have plans for the coming week?" He asked.

"No, I'm just going to be here by myself." I answered.

"Well, pack some warm clothes. You're coming with us." Andy said.

I couldn't believe my ears! I had only introduced myself to Andy three weeks earlier! At Jesse's suggestion, I had accompanied him home to visit Andy a few days later (Andy lived with Jesse at the time. He only saw his parents on holidays). After that, the three of us had become fast friends. Now I was being invited along on holiday! I was speechless at first, then let out a scream!

"TJ! Are you listening to me?" Andy yelled back through the phone.

"Oh, yes yes yes!" I cried. "To every single word!"

"OK. There are some rules." He began. "My parents don't know I'm gay and I want it to stay that way. I don't want them to know that you are, either."

"I don't want them to know! I won't say a thing!" I replied.

"OK, now what about asking your Mothers permission?" Andy asked.

"She's away. I'll call her Hotel and let her know." I answered. "So, when should I be ready?"

"In about two hours." He replied.

I threw the phone into the air and screamed with joy! I was going to the mountains with Andy and Jesse for Christmas!

Mother was happy I was going. She was glad I had finally made some friends at School. I was very shy and didn't speak to anyone there. That is, until I had forced myself to talk to Andy, just three weeks before. After getting off the phone with him I rushed around my house getting packed and ready to go. Andy said they'd be over in two hours. I was ready in twenty minutes! When they arrived to pick me up, Andy's' Dad was driving. Andy came to the door and when I opened it, I wanted to jump out and hug him. Instead I told him this.

"Don't worry, I won't hug you, even though I want to!" I whispered.

"Good! Just keep that in mind all week, OK?" He answered.

He loaded my suitcase into the car and away we went. It took about an hour and a half to get to get up the mountain. Andy seemed to be getting really nervous the closer we got to their house. As we turned up the little side street he actually began to shake! As Father slowed to turn into their driveway, Andy suddenly shouted.

"Who owns that car?" He cried out.

In the driveway was a Mercedes Benz 190SL sports car. I thought he must be nervous about someone else being there for the week.

"That's your Mother's Christmas present, Andy." His Father said.

"WHAT?!" He cried. Andy opened the door and jumped out almost before the car had stopped!

"Andy just loves sports cars" Mr. van Ryan said to Jesse and I. 'It would seem so' I thought as I watched him. He stared at the car for only a moment before vaulting over the door and into the drivers seat of the little convertible.

"Oh, YEAH!" He shouted. "I gotta' drive this!"

"Good thing he won't be sixteen for another four months!" His Father said to us as he laughed. As we got out of the car, Andy shouted to his Father.

"Do I get to drive it?" He asked "I mean, after I get my license?"

"I gave it to your Mother and she won't let me drive it." His Father remarked.

As we were talking, Mrs. van Ryan appeared on the upper deck of the house and shouted down to us.

"Andrew! Jesse! Come on up here and introduce your friend!" She called out.

We climbed the front steps and entered the house. Once inside, Andy introduced me.

"Mom, this is Terrence, but call him TJ. He likes that better." Andy said.

"Hello, Terrence. Do you have a last name?" She said to me. I watched as Andy blushed.

"Terrence Julian, Mrs. van Ryan. It's very good to meet you." I responded. "You can call me Terrence or TJ. I answer to both, so which ever you prefer is fine."

"Oh, Andy! Your friend is very polite!" She remarked. "I understand your Mother works for the Italian Consulate in Los Angeles."

"She is the Consulate, Mother!" Andy corrected.

"Oh! Do you speak Italian, TJ?" She inquired.

"Yes and four other languages" I replied.

"Oh, well I don't speak Italian, just English. Andy's' Grandmother still speaks German, but not very often. His Grandfather spoke fluent Dutch. He died when Andy was only three." She informed me.

"I lost my own Father when I was a little over four and a half years old." I replied.

"OK, boys! Take your things and put them downstairs!" His Father instructed. Jesse and I followed Andy into the kitchen and down the stairwell. As we reached the bottom step he let us pass him.

"I didn't know you spoke Italian!" He said.

I shrugged and said "I was born there!"

Jesse opened the door to the bedroom and flipped on the light. He stepped it, set down his suit case and sat on the bed. I did the same, sitting right next to him. Andy slowly entered the room with a strange frown on his face. He got only two steps inside before he dropped his bag. He was staring intently at the floor about ten feet away. I wondered what he was doing.

"Andy? What's wrong?" I asked.

Jesse's head snapped around.

"TJ!" He cried in a muted voice. "Quick! Shut the door!"

Andy was beginning to cry as I shot past him and closed the door. Jesse indicated I should lock it, which I did. Jesse put his arm around Andy and lead him towards the bed. Andy's eyes stayed riveted on the spot.

"It's OK, Andy. It's OK" Jesse said calmly. "That was then. It's today. No ones going to hurt you, all right?"

Andy seemed in a daze, but Jesse's words broke the spell. He blinked his eyes and looked up.

"all right...." He said sounding distant.

I was staring at him with what must have been a confused look. He noticed and it brought him back to reality.

"Sorry, TJ" He began. "Remember when I told you my brothers friend raped and beat me?"

I nodded my head as I realized what was going on. I looked to the floor where Andrew had been staring.

"There?" I asked.

He nodded his head. My eyes began to well with tears. He got up, put his arms around me and gave me a hug.

"I'm so sorry, Andy!" I whispered.

"It OK, TJ. Jesse's right." He said "That was then and now it's today."

I wrapped both my arms around him, squeezed tightly and buried my head in his shoulder. He rocked me gently as Jesse patted me on the back. I stifled my tears, but wanted to cry. I couldn't understand why someone would ever hurt Andy. The silence in the bedroom was broken when his Mother called from the top of the stairs.

"BOYS! Let's go out to dinner!" She called.

"Yeah, let's go eat. It's going to be OK, TJ. I'm not going to let it get to me and you shouldn't either." Andy said. "C'mon! Let's go!"

We walked to a nearby restaurant for supper. Andy's Mother and I talked almost the entire time. She asked me all about growing up in Europe and about my Father. I explained he had been in the oil shipping business.

"Like Aristotle Onassis?" Andy's Dad asked.

"Yeah. I remember him from when I was little." I replied "He was a friend of Dad's and used to come visit us even after Dad died."

Andys Father gave his wife an odd look. I wasn't sure why. On the walk home after dinner he asked Andy what our plans were for the week. Andy just shrugged his shoulders.

"Haven't made any plans" He answered.

"Are the girls coming up?" His Dad asked, referring to Linda Hamilton and Faye Miller, the girls Andy and Jesse dated to keep people from guessing they were gay.

"Yeah, on Friday" Andy answered.

"Is TJ's girlfriend coming too?" He asked.

"No, her parents won't let her. She's only a freshman." Andy replied. I had taken up with a girl Linda introduced me to at Jesse's urging. He explained to me it would keep people from thinking I was gay, so I agreed. It also meant that I would get to go along on dates when Andy and Jesse went out with Linda and Faye.

We talked with his parents for a while back at the house before we retired to the bedroom downstairs. Andy seemed to be over his feelings from earlier that evening and we spent some time before bed telling jokes and talking. Eventually, I got into the single bed over in the far corner, while Jesse and Andrew slept in the double bed. They decided that we would 'rotate' the sleeping arrangements each night. We flipped a coin and I started the first night in the single. The next night Jesse and I would sleep together and the next Andy and I. Then it would start over.

Andy was the first one out of bed in the morning. He heard voices coming from upstairs and went to go see who it was. It turned out to be his Uncle, who lived about thirty miles away. Andy's parents had decided to go visit with them, thereby leaving us alone all day and most of the evening. They were staying for dinner and wouldn't be back until 10:00 PM. His Father left money for us and we decided to go spend it! As we were getting ready, Andy asked if I missed Daniel.

"I have to tell you guys something. Don't be mad, OK?" I said. "I don't love him and I want to break up."

They looked at each other then at me, then back to each other.

"Are you sure that's what you want to do?" Jesse asked.

I nodded my head.

"Then by all means do it." He replied. "Don't stay with him if you're not happy."

Andy asked me "Is there someone else you like?"

"I like being with the two of you." I said. "I know you're a couple, but I just feel happy when I'm with you."

Jesse tipped his head a little bit and gave me a puzzled look. He turned back to face me, still looking puzzled.

"Don't you feel left out?" Jess asked.

"Maybe a little, but it's OK. I love both of you. You're the first real friends I've ever had." I replied. "I'm not trying to break the two of you up. I really mean it when I say I love both of you."

Andy and Jesse looked at each other with puzzled faces.

"Hey, I can have a crush on two guys at once, can't I?" I asked. "Just because they're boyfriends doesn't mean I can't tell them!"

Andy and Jesse started laughing. They shook their heads and giggled at me.

"I guess that's true!" Jesse said.

"Must be a European thing!" Andy remarked.

After they recovered, we turned the conversation towards other things. We were just about finished getting ready when my curiosity got the better of me.

"Why didn't you tell me this is where you were attacked?" I asked.

"I guess I was hoping I had gotten over the memory of it" Andrew sighed.

"Yeah, I keep hoping the memory will go away, too." I remarked, referring to the rape I had suffered.

Andy looked at me intently. Then he spoke up.

"Where did it happen to you?" He asked.

I had never told anyone the details, not even Daniel. However, I trusted Andy, so I opened up.

"In the parking lot of the Junior High. It was the last day of school and I had stayed after, watching some other boys playing basketball. They finished as it was starting to get dark and I decided to walk around the school one last time. As I headed for the bike racks, I heard someone call out to me. It was a man in a car and he was asking directions. He opened the door and was pointing to a map. I walked over and was going to tell him I didn't know the area, but he reached out and pulled me into the car. He slammed the door shut and pulled down my shorts. The next thing I knew he had me face down on the seat and was doing it to me. I didn't even have time to think or scream or anything. When he finished he turned me over and said he wasn't going to leave me as a witness. He put his hands around my neck and began to squeeze. Just as he did this, a motorcycle came screaming into the parking lot at the far end. It headed right for the car. The guy freaked out, opened the door and pushed me out on my head. My shorts were around one ankle and I quickly grabbed to pull them up. As I did, he almost ran me over with his back tires. If I hadn't tried to grab my shorts, he would have. You know what?"

Andy and Jesse shook their heads.

"The guy on the motorcycle didn't even notice. He was giving it a test drive after working on it all day. I ran over and begged him to give me a ride home. He noticed I was frightened and asked what was wrong. I just told him some creepy guy was chasing me. He took me to my house, but I think he didn't believe me. He kept asking if I was afraid of the dark."

"Have you ever told anyone this?" Andy asked. I just shook my head no.

He and Jesse sat next to me and put their arms around me.

"Know what?" I asked. "That's the first time I've even thought about it without crying. Maybe I am beginning to get over it."

Andy and Jesse hugged me and Jesse said "Good. Maybe by talking to us you can get beyond it."

Then Andy surprised the hell out of me.

"I love you, TJ." He said. "We both love you."

We left the house with the intent of going to the resort by the lake. Andy suggested we hitch hike. The look on my face told him I wasn't about to get in a strangers car!

"Oh, TJ!" He cried. "I'm so sorry! I didn't mean to......"

"It's OK." I managed to squeak.

"Let's just walk" Jesse suggested. I nodded my head in quick approval. We started down the twisting canyon road and Andrew turned the conversation towards all the things teen aged boys normally talk about. Cars, Movies and Music. He even managed to bring up girls! However, this was mostly about the excuses he invented to keep from having sex with Linda!

Jesse sent Andy and I into hysterics when he talked about Faye.

"Girls haven't got a clue how to suck a cock!" He quipped. "It took me forever to teach Faye and she STILL can't do it right!"

Andy said Faye had jumped Jesse in his backyard and almost chewed it off! This made me laugh until I thought I would pass out! Andrew seemed to suddenly come alive as he listened to me laughing! The rest of the day he would be in high gear!

"Oh!... Does she suck it right now?" He asked Jesse in mock wonder.

"No!" Jesse cried, becoming embarrassed. "Why don't you show her how?"

"Does that mean you still like me better?" Andy asked coyly with a grin.

"Yes! I still LOVE you, Andy van Ryan!" Jess replied. "Even if you are a DICK!"

"You mean a dick sucker!" I snickered.

"Better watch yourself there, BJ!" He snorted back at me. "You may end up on your knees, sucking dick!"

The three of us were now laughing loudly and having a great time passing playful remarks back and forth. We soon found ourselves at the 'village' entrance.

"Let's get something to eat. The walk has made my stomach growl." I stated.

"Oh, I thought it was something else making that sound." Andy said.

"See, TJ. Not everything Andy says is funny!" Jesse snipped.

"I can't be expected to be funny all the time without getting paid!" Andy retorted.

"You mean getting LAID!" Jesse laughed.

"All right you kids! Watch your mouths!" a voice snapped behind us.

One of the parking valets was giving us a hard stare. I stopped walking and tried to look down my face at my lips.

"I'm trying to watch my mouth, but I can't see it!" I said loudly. Jesse and Andy howled!

The valet wasn't about to let three fifteen year old boys make fun of him.

"Get outta my sight! I'll kick your butts up over your heads if I hear anymore outta you!" He yelled.

We sprinted away, laughing and shouting back at him. We bounded down some stairs, past the boat rentals and towards the snack bar. Andy finally felt we were far enough away from the valet and he stopped running. We stood there panting to catch our breath. Andy looked at me and began giggling. I gave him a funny look.

"TJ! I love it! I hope you're this funny all the time!" He said. "I didn't know you could be such a smartass!"

"Well, my ass spends a lot of time studying!" I replied, being encouraged by Andrews remark.

We ordered some food from the snack bar and sat down at one of the little outside tables to eat and continue joking around. We were having such a good time that Jesse forgot one of the basic rules. I made some remark and he replied back at me.

"Oh, I bet you'd like that, you little fag!" He giggled.

A deep, gruff voice shouted from behind us.

"What are you? A bunch of Fairies?" The voice said.

I turned to see a very short, very fat middle aged man chewing on the stump of a cigar.

"Why? Are you a dwarf cock sucker?" I asked.

He spit out his cigar and shouted "WHAT?!".

"RUN!" Andy shouted. Jesse sprang from the table and I followed, watching over my shoulder. The man jumped up and headed straight for me. I watched as Andy just casually stepped aside. 'What the hell is he doing?!' I thought as I watched him. Then just as the man was about to pass, Andy sprang into action. He pushed one of the wrought iron chairs we'd been sitting in right over in front of the man, who got his legs tangled up in it. He landed on the ground with a loud 'whump!'[

"Whoopsie!" Andrew said calmly. He turned towards us and took three normal steps before the man started shouting obscenities. Then he bolted. Catching up to Jesse and I, Andy took the lead.

"Follow me!" He shouted. He ran down a fence line to where it had been bent up and away from one of the poles.

"Through here!" He instructed.

We shot throught the opening and into the forest. Taking the lead again, we followed as Andy ran up a hillside.

"Straight across the road! Watch out for cars!" He commanded as he held open a hole in the fence for us. I followed Jesse across the roadway and up the embankment on the other side. We both spun around at the sound of a car horn. Turning just in time, I watched as Andrew dove from in front of an oncoming car. Jesse and I gasped in horror! Just barely missed, he landed in the dirt at the roadside and rolled. Standing up, he proceeded to calmly dust himself off. Jesse and I stood speechless as we watched him.

"Stupid Cadillac!" he remarked. Then he suddenly jumped to a full run. As he passed, he shouted at us.

"Don't just stand there!"

We turned and shot after him. He jumped down into a little ravine and we followed, running full speed until we reached the forest again.

"Up here!" He called as he began to climb uphill towards the deepest part of the trees. Once into this he stopped and pointed towards some thickets.

"In there!" He said in a hushed voice. A very slight pathway lead into them. I followed as Jesse took the lead. Andrew fell in behind me, urging us along.

"Keep going!" he whispered.

The thicket opened up into a small space where Andrew instructed us to sit down. Just as we did, the wail of a police car could be heard in the distance.

"Fuckin' rat prick called the sherriff!" Jesse cried in a muted voice.

"No problem!" Andy panted. "I can get us home from here without ever leaving the forest. We only have to cross the road once more, just before we to the house."

He looked at Jesse and I. The two of us were grinning ear to ear, but we remained silent.

"If I didn't think that old fuck deserved, it I'd be mad at you. Instead, I think it's the funniest thing I've ever seen!" He said, breaking the silence.

"Did you see the look on his face?!" I laughed "And the way he spit out that chewed up weenie of a cigar!"

"The old dick was so fat he just kinda' rolled over that chair like a beach ball!" Jesse cried out.

Then we noticed Andy wasn't laughing. He was just staring at us. Jesse and I suddenly stopped laughing and looked at him wide eyed.

"A DWARF COCK SUCKER?!" He suddenly roared. "Where the HELL did you think that up?!"

Tears were now running down my face as I laughed. Jesse rolled around on the ground holding his sides. Andy pounded his hand on the ground as he laughed.

From then on Andy could encourage me, a shy, softspoken boy into saying or doing just about anything! The proverbial 'Partners in Crime'!

I still wonder what became of that man!

................To be continued, soon!

Next: Chapter 2

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