Boys Dare Not Dance

By moc.loa@OBOZATALZ

Published on Nov 5, 2000


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The Author reserves all rights. copyright 2000.

The Author is Terrence 'TJ' Julian with input from Andrew Simon van Ryan.

Boys Dare Not Dance!

Part Five

by Terrence 'TJ' Julian

Copyright 2000. All Rights Reserved

"Well, Surprise, Surprise! Golly!"

Gomer Pyle, U.S.M.C. *******************************************************************************

Andy and I slept on the living room floor while we stayed with April and her room mates. This prevented us from having any sexual relations while there. I'm sure we could have, but neither Andy or myself felt comfortable doing so. Nonetheless, April and her room mates thought we did. The first incident that looked suspicious to them was the following morning after I got out of the shower. I was trying to inspect the scrapes and scratches on my butt by looking over my shoulder into the mirror and just couldn't quite see them. I unlocked the door, poked just my head out and called for Andy to come into the bathroom. Andrew, wearing only the boxers he'd slept in, stepped in and asked what I wanted. I told him I needed to check the cuts to make sure they weren't getting infected and asked would he look at them. He agreed, came over and dropped to his knees. I turned my naked bottom to him and leaned forward over the sink. Andy began peering rather intently at the healing flesh just inches away from his face. Just as I opened my mouth to ask how it looked, Lisa walked in. Andrew had forgot to relock the door!

"Oh, my GOD!" She exclaimed and jumped back out the door.

Andy and I both jumped from the start she gave us by shouting. I nearly knocked poor Andrew down as I grabbed for my towel. Then we could hear laughter. Not just Lisa, but the other two as well. My face turned bright red!

"Andy! Go find out what they're saying!" I whispered.

"What do you think they're saying?" He huffed at me. Continuing in a high pitched girlish falsetto, Andy remarked "Oh, Girls! Guess what? I saw Andrew sticking his nose in TJ's naked butt!"

"Well, go out there!" I demanded.

"No!" he protested. "You go out there!"

"Andy. I'm in a bath towel!" I cried. "I'm not going out there!"

"Well I want my shower now, so you'll just have to go out there alone!" He replied stubbornly.

"Oh.......!" I huffed at him.

I knew it was useless to try and make him budge. A few minutes later I exited the bathroom wrapped in my towel and was greeted by three giggling girls. My face was never so red! That is, until later that day! First, let me finish with the bathroom door.

This wasn't the only time the bathroom's door was left unlocked during our stay. The morning after we had been walked in on, Andy walked in on April. She had just finished her morning shower as Andy and I awoke in the living room. Nature was pressing on Andys bladder, so he got out of his sleeping bag and headed to the bathroom. Swinging the door open without knocking, Andy started to step in and was stopped dead in his tracks. April was standing there stark naked. Andys eyes bugged out of his head as he viewed Aprils silicone breasts and 'her' cock hanging between her legs. This was too much for Andy at such an early hour and he screamed like a little girl before jumping back and slamming the door. I heard his scream, followed by Aprils hysterical laughter coming from the bathroom. Andy returned to the living room and quickly got back into his sleeping bag.

"What happened?" I asked.

"I don't want to discuss it!" He said rolling over. "I'm going back to sleep!"

The second time the girls thought Andy and I had been engaged in some sort of sexual encounter was late in the evening of the second day. April had taken us all over the city to see various 'Beat' related places. By the time we returned to her apartment Andy and I were beat ourselves. She had a rehearsal with her band and asked if we wanted to go along. We were both tired and April noticed our lack luster response. She suggested we stay at the apartment. Lisa and Shelly were at rehearsal with the Orchestra and wouldn't be home for about three hours and April informed us she'd be back by ten. She soon made her departure leaving Andrew and I to ourselves.

Andy stretched his long skinny body out on the sofa. I stripped off my sweaty, clinging shirt and sat on the floor in front of the sofa with my back facing him. I leaned my head against the cushion as Andy clicked on the TV. Within minutes I had fallen asleep, turning to one side and resting my head over against the edge of the sofa cushion. It was still hot in the house and seeing how we had arrived from England just a few days before, the temperature seemed oven-like to Andrew. After a few minutes he slipped off his shirt and tried to get comfortable. Not succeeding, he considered Aprils statement indicating the others wouldn't be home for at least three hours. He figured that allowed him over two and a half hours in which he could laze about naked. He unbuttoned his jeans and gently raised his hips. In one smooth motion he slid them off. Draping the jeans across the back of the sofa he stretched out again and fixed his eyes on the TV. Andy was asleep in no time. I was still lying against the sofa in a semi sitting position, but as time passed, I slowly slipped into a crumpled over and slightly curled up position. My head still rested against the cushion and was helping hold me up. Entering deeper and deeper sleep, my mouth slowly fell open. During this same time Andrew had gone from a fully stretched on his back position to a more comfortable, slightly bent, laying on his side position. This brought his now semi erect penis (Always happens when he's sleeping!) within a few inches of my wide open drooling mouth.

How long we were in this position is not known nor is it needed to be known. Let me simply state this was our pose when Lisa and Shelly returned home. The two of them opened the front door and stepped in quietly to find Andy and I seemingly passed out after sexual passion. Well, actually, it looked like we passed out after I'd given Andy one hell of a blow job!

Andy and I were startled awake by a brilliant flash of light and the sound of laughter. I jumped and glanced around the room with a glazed over look. Thinking the girls had simply taken a picture, I flopped my head over again and went right back to sleep. Andy had raised up for a moment in his sleep and muttered 'quit it!' before flopping his head back onto the pillow. He was nearly asleep again when somewhere in the dark cavernous depths of his cranium a lone synapse fired and the realization that he was lying naked in front of two giggling females brought him straight up with a shriek!

Having Andy scream right next to me and being somewhat easily frightened, I shrieked and began scrambling across the floor in a near panic. Lisa and Shelly by this time were nearly wetting themselves watching us and waiting for the Polaroid photo to develop. Andy looked 'round in a panic and found my shirt on the floor, which he covered himself with until he could find his jeans and run for the bathroom. I stopped about halfway across the floor on my hands and knees as I began to think. I looked up at the laughing women and I knew something had to have made us look foolish. I still didn't know Andy had been lying there naked, but I was about to find out.

"Ha! Look!" Shelly choked.

"Oh, shit! ah, Ha!" Lisa wheezed.

"Let me see...." I said in a flat mono tone.

I slowly got up from the floor and stepped over to them. Shelly held out the picture and there in full living color was Andy, stark naked with a hard on pointed directly at my gaping mouth. My eyes were closed and I looked like I was about to engulf him. Andy must have been dreaming happily because he was smiling with his eyes closed!

"Oh, fuck!........" I moaned.

"Doesn't look like fucking to me!" Lisa announced and the two of them howled.

"Rhymes with fucking!" Shelly managed to squeak out. They became hysterical again.

After several minutes of listening to them gleefully teasing me, I noticed Andy hadn't returned. I went to see what he was up to and noticed the bathroom door was shut.

"Andy?" I called.

"Go away!....." He said just loud enough to be heard.

"Andy? What are you doing?" I asked.

"Go Away!" He called a bit louder this time.

"Andrew, what are you doing in the bathroom?" I called back.

I heard him sigh quite loudly, then the sounds of shuffling about could be heard coming from under the door. Finally, the door knob slowly turned and the door opened slightly. Andy peeked out the crack at me.

"Where are they?" he whispered.

"Oh, don't hide in the bathroom. That's not going to change things. Come out here and look at the picture they took."

"I thought that's what they did..." He quietly said, sulkingly. "I'm too embarrassed, TJ."

"Oh, come on!" I whispered, still trying to be quiet. "It's not that big a thing." Andy's' face twisted up into a quizzical expression.

"Are you saying I've got a small penis?" He snapped.

"What?" I blinked as I responded. "How did we get on your penis all of a sudden?"

"Come on, tell me the truth." He demanded in an excited whisper. "Do you think it's small?"

"Andy, your penis is eight and a quarter inches long!" I said in a muffled shout. "That's hardly small!"

"Hard and Small?" He gasped. "What's that supposed to mean?"

"OPEN THE DOOR!" I cried and pushed my way in. I shut it behind me and said "What the hell is wrong with you?"

"ME?!" He cried. "You're the one making rude comments about my penis!"

"No, I'm not!" I said. "You couldn't hear me cause you wouldn't open the door. I first said 'It's not a big thing' referring to the girls taking our picture, and the second thing I said was 'That's hardly small'. You just weren't listen to me!"

Andy's' eyes suddenly started darting from me to the floor. He sort of slowly slumped his shoulders down, like a deflating balloon.

"Oh.........." He said quietly. "I guess.. I... I'm sorry, TJ." He apologized.

"Sorry is right! Now come out of the bathroom!"

The following day was to be our last in San Francisco. Our next destination was Vancouver, British Colombia in Canada.

Next: Chapter 6

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