Boys Get Busted

By Hmm Hmm

Published on Sep 3, 2003


DISCLAIMER: I do not know if any of this could happen. I wish Busted were gay, but to the best of my knowledge they're not. So don't go suing. ;)

INRODUCTION: This is the third part of my "Boys get Busted" stories, it follows on from the first two parts so if you don't understand who this "Jamie" is that's why. I've had some interesting requests between writing the last one and this one, including for the lads to meet Australian cricketers and for more leather to feature! Sorry to disappoint, dear readers, but neither feature in this story. If you still don't know who Busted are yet -- buy their album! It's self-titled and available, I'm sure, on Amazon. Don't read this if: 1) You're too young 2) You don't like reading about gay sex 3) It's illegal to do so for any reason

Remember, the boys don't use condoms in this story cos it's NOT REAL. In real life, please be safe. It beats being sorry.

"You're everything I want in someone, but you don't even know who I am!" Jamie slammed the door behind him as he left, leaving James alone again in his hotel room. The couple had lasted just two short weeks before commitments meant that James saw less and less of his boyfriend. Jamie at first had been fine with James's hectic schedule, but soon realised that James knew nothing about him, whereas Jamie could recite James's birthday, favourite food, favourite singer and family members off by heart. It seemed the two had entered the relationship unevenly; Jamie already knew James, but James didn't know Jamie, and was just too busy to take the time. Also, both boys admitted to themselves that the pairing was not supposed to last, with Jamie and obsessed fan and James reaching out to the first person to recognise his new sexuality. Deep down they could never be more than friends, and sadly they both knew that. Right now, however, would they even make it to being friends?

James whipped out his cell phone and started to call Jamie on it, but then changed his mind and, sighing, put it away. It was too soon; the feelings they'd dug up were still too raw. He rested his head on his hands, stroking and caressing the skin on his face and head, trying to relieve the tension that had built up during his row with Jamie. In truth, he didn't know what he wanted, but the two weeks of the best sex he'd ever had wasn't something he was willing to give up so easily. There was also something else hurting inside of him, a longing to be with Jamie that he couldn't describe, certainly that he'd never encountered before. It wasn't love, couldn't be love; it was too soon, but he felt heartbroken at having lost the opportunity to pursue things with Jamie further, to explore their feelings together. He felt tears forming in his eyes and blinked them back, only for more to spring forward and replace them. He'd found himself lost in thought more often than usual recently, daydreaming about Jamie and about their status as a couple. They'd taken to sharing a hotel room when Jamie could travel with him and more than just the hot sex, they'd snuggled every evening until both fell asleep. Showering together in the mornings had become a ritual for them too, often enjoying a soapy cum in each other's arms before starting the day. Without realising it, James's tears had gotten the better of him. He hurriedly wiped them away now as a knock sounded on the door between the bedrooms of the hotel room.

"Come in," he acknowledged. It could only be Charlie or Matt, they had taken to sharing a room too, since their night together. Both were adamant that they were not gay, that merely they were helping to get each other off from time to time, and James respected that. He himself was happy to admit that he was gay, and while he hadn't shared the information outside of the band, Jamie and their manager Fletch, it was purely because he couldn't be doing with the effort of telling everyone right now.

Matt trooped into the room, Charlie behind him.

"We heard, mate. Everything. These walls are pretty thin. I'm so sorry. Are you ok? Shit, have you been crying?" James knuckled the tears away from his eyes before making eye contact with his best friends and bandmates.

"No man, not crying, erm... hayfever, you know? Wrong time of year I guess, and I couldn't resist rubbing them this time. It'll pass."

"Bullshit." Charlie's hoarse voice held no aggression; instead it was full of concern. "It's ok mate, you don't have to be brave in front of us. We both know how much breakups suck. Especially with...your first."

At this Matt sniggered, "James was no virgin!"

"No, I know, but since he's a now, it must've meant more, his first time with another guy."

James didn't even retaliate to Charlie's "poofter" comment. He felt drained, too tired and emotional to bother with Charlie, or Matt for that matter. He drifted off into his own little world again; a world where he and Jamie could have met under normal circumstances and things could have progressed naturally. The others talked about him but their voices faded to insignificance in James's head until a comment from Charlie made James realise a response was necessary.

"Well JB, what do you think?"

"Don't be cruel mate, it's just not on," Matt chided Charlie.

From the combination of comment, James could deduce exactly what it was Charlie was suggesting. Ever since he'd caught them in the act, Charlie had been good-naturedly offering his cock to James on every occasion. At the time, James had turned him down saying he was with Jamie and it wouldn't be right, but now James couldn't really see any reason not to. But he wanted something in return.

"Oh, I'll suck your cock!" James said enthusiastically. Charlie couldn't believe his luck, his mate had finally caved and he was going to get some decent head like back at Uppingham.

"If I can fuck you." James continued. The smile on Charlie's face froze and Matt cracked up beside Charlie.

"Beautiful!" the Molesley punkboi laughed, slapping his thigh at the look on Charlie's face, and James for putting him in such a position. "Fuckin' A mate, well done!" He slapped James on the back and even James managed a little smile, forgetting the pain of losing Jamie for a little while.

"Well it's made you go very quiet, having to think about it?" Matt joked, punching his taller bandmate on the arm.

"Well, yeah, actually." Charlie's bombshell made the room silent as a morgue. He stared at the floor. As the silence continued he eventually looked up. "What? You've seen Road Trip right? Sure James can milk my prostate if he wants! Besides, Jamie told me he gives pretty good head. But I'm not doing any kissing."

"No way man, that'd be weird," agreed James. "So are we gonna do this then?"

"Man, this is fucked up," said Matt, jumping up and down like an excited schoolboy. "I'm gonna take pictures!"

"You are NOT!" said Charlie, glowing red from his toes to his blonde highlights. "That's the last thing I need. Imagine if they got out -- got onto the Internet!" He groaned inwardly and began to rethink the move.

James could see that Charlie was mentally backing out. "Well then let's get on with it!" he said, before his younger bandmate could decide again. James liked fucking, being so deep inside a hot tight hole with someone made him feel safe and connected to them, a connection that he'd been missing since his problems started with Jamie. "On all fours, please!"

Charlie was surprised. "What? Now? But I though you'd suck me first!"

"It's my way or the highway, Chaz. Oh come, on, at least get on the bed, don't want us getting rugburns."

Charlie reluctantly did so.

"Oh, and you might need to take off your clothes, genius." James smirked at Matt, who was spellbound in the corner, unconsciously groping at his own crotch. James couldn't see any sign of Matt's arousal through the heavy denim of his jeans, but he knew it was there. James himself was fully hard now; the thought of popping his younger bandmate's cherry was turning him on. As he investigated the asshole in front of him, he saw that Charlie was completely smooth and hairless around his hole. He was as bare there as his legs were, only smooth and fine peach fuzz to be seen on his buttocks. James unzipped the fly of his ¾ denims and walked on his knees to position himself behind Charlie, pushing up against his ring. Charlie would not give an inch, he was too tight and too tense about getting fucked for the first time.

"Oh for crying out loud" said James. "This is never going to work." He flipped Charlie over to see his limp, cut penis flop onto his thigh. "We're gonna have to get this up, for starters." James expertly grabbed Charlie's fuzzy balls in one hand while gently reaching for his cock with the other. He knew that he had to be more gentle on the head of Charlie's cut cock -- Jamie had taught him some things already -- but since this was the first circumcised penis he had touched, played with, he was learning as he went along. To be safe, he jacked the shaft of Charlie's joystick, not wanting to over-stimulate the head. Already, he was seeing a difference between Charlie's cock and his own (and Jamie's). Charlie was only half hard, but already he was making a lot of pre-cum, slime dribbling down from his helmet onto James's hand, which was jacking around a thickening shaft. Charlie's cock was also different in that it was a thing of genuine beauty. To be honest, James had never thought of his own as anything special, and Jamie's looked just like his -- not offensive to the eye, but not especially attractive. Charlie's cock, however, was magnificent. Its size helped, but more than that it was...perfect. It was nicely tanned, not an angry-looking red at the head, nor an anaemic white. It was smooth, straight from left to right but with a slight upward curve towards the tip. There was almost no scar from the circumcision. James was in awe, and had to restrain himself from sucking it into his hot mouth right then and there. But he had more important things to do.

In a stroke of genius, James decided to gather up all of Charlie's precum and smear it on his own rock hard cock. Charlie's eyes were closed now, and his breathing heavy but rhythmic, he hardly noticed as James's actions changed from a jacking off motion to a milking one, getting as much of Charlie's slime as possible before turning him back over and trying his ass again. In the past, with Jamie, they had always needed lube with each other, both being uncut they both did not manufacture as much precum as Charlie had done but this way James felt a perverted cyclism to his actions, stuff coming from Charlie's front being re-inserted into his backside.

The second James inserted a lubed finger into Charlie's backside; he tensed right back up again. "Shit," came the muffled response from Chazwick, head buried in a pillow. James smirked; he'd said exactly the same thing when Jamie was popping his cherry less than two weeks ago. Bringing back memories of Jamie, however, was not what he needed so he blinked them away and started thrusting his middle finger in and out of Charlie's fuckhole. He knew that while not loosening Charlie up any more, it would help in relax and speed up the experience to arousal rather than pain for the younger boy beneath him. Already on the deeper thrusts he could feel young Charlie's prostate, and knew exactly what kind of pleasures each stroke would be giving him. Looking up briefly he saw that Matt had abandoned all pretences of passive viewing; he had shucked all his clothes and was sitting buck-naked on the bed, slowly fisting his boner. With Charlie before he had always had a frantic urgency to his actions, it had always been about getting off quickly, but this was a whole new thing, getting the other to enjoy the experience as much as yourself. Seeing the fun Charlie and James were having made him faintly jealous, but very aroused.

By now James had slipped three fingers into Charlie and the young boy's hole was getting more and more stretched. It was time. James didn't need to stimulate Charlie's cock anymore to keep it hard, a steady stream of precum was dribbling out of his cock as James nudged his prostate with each thrust of his finger. With this in mind, James reached round to Charlie's cock and with one milking motion, gathered enough of Chaz's slime to coat his dick and Charlie's own hole. The feelings of just lubing his dick in this hot situation meant that James was practically ready to nut without even entering Charlie, laid spread-eagled below him. James closed his eyes and stopped for a second, letting the orgasmic wave inside of him subside before going ahead. Satisfied that he was lubed enough, James positioned himself once more at Charlie's entrance. Already, he could sense a difference, it felt like Charlie's ring was just that: as ring, instead of the wall of muscle that James had encountered on his first attempt. Applying a little pressure, James started to enter Charlie, his foreskin getting rolled back along his helmet as his hot, hard knob began to penetrate his bandmate, practically two years his junior.

Meanwhile, Charlie was having trouble believing what was going on behind him. Every time he tried to turn around to view the hot scene, James had pushed him back down onto the bed with a force he hadn't seen before. Sure, James's strength had taken him by surprise before, most recently when a fight with some rubber snakes for a photoshoot had drawn blood, but even then they had only been playing. There was no fun in the snatched glances Charlie got of James's face any more. This was serious for him and while Charlie was quite enjoying the fingering he was getting from James, he hoped that he was also in some way helping his older bandmate get through his issues with his ex. He was really getting into the slight pressure on his back entrance when - -


James's cock head had slipped past Charlie's ring and the two were now locked together, Charlie's hole locked around James's helmet in involuntary spasm and James having to concentrate very hard on not letting animal instinct take over and pump mercilessly into Charlie.

"Take it the FUCK out!" Charlie's voice cracked with the pain and the shock of the sudden stretching he was experiencing. James remembered how it had felt the first time Jamie had penetrated him. Focussing not on the memories of the other boy but on the physical feelings he had, he remembered the feeling of betrayal following his first fuck, when all the pleasure disappeared for a second as the large, solid cock head popped inside him. He also knew that he was in too shallow to be doing anything good for Charlie's prostate, it was just a difficult part of the procedure that needed doing.

"Shhh. It's ok." James was surprised to hear the amount of affection that was in his voice. "It'll pass, the pain will pass. Just try and relax again, ok?"

He rubbed Charlie's lower back -- a move that had helped his own deflowering -- and was surprised to find it slick with sweat. Looking down his own torso he saw a similar sheen on his own chest, his small but defined pecs housing some very pert, erect nipples. He could feel his heartbeat in his chest too; almost see the vibrations of it change the shimmer of the dampness on his body. His rhythmic breathing was making his own sixpac look pretty damn fine too, he though with a smirk. Jamie's had had some hair but his was smooth, and while it was partly down to the lightness of his hair compared to Jamie's dark looks, he thought he definitely preferred it that way.

Charlie had come to his senses and, aware that the worst was over, was now actually proactively backing up onto James's hard cock. Once the shock of being entered had finished, he was surprised to feel wet tears on his cheeks but he was even more surprised to find that he wanted James inside of him, wanted to be made complete and full by his bandmate. James's affection in rubbing his back hadn't escaped him either and while normally he wouldn't approve he was so caught up in the moment that it didn't seem to matter.

Inch by inch disappeared inside of Charlie and inch by inch of pleasure vibrated through him, just as inch by inch of hot, lubed muscle surrounded James's dick, causing him to shudder with the feelings. James's rubbings had continued long after Charlie's whimpering subsided, and it had now turned into a more powerful caressing. Finally, Charlie felt something brush up against his butt cheeks; it was the pubes of his first fuck. James noticed too, and slowly began moving in and out of Charlie's ass, slowly at first and then picking up pace until they were sharing a proper fucking motion.

Matt couldn't believe what he was watching. Part of him wanted to join in but he appreciated that this was not a horny session like those he had participated in before; it was a pact between two friends which he'd not had the balls to enter. He also acknowledged that this was a therapy of sorts for James, and he did not want to fuck anything up for his friend. Sex with Charlie was a way of getting the pain of Jamie out of his system and Matt respected that. However it didn't stop him from getting very turned on by the hot scenes in front of him, and he continued to fist his boner while watching the action. He kept approaching orgasm then holding off, letting his feelings subside before restarting. This is what he liked during sex as well, building to almost a climax before relaxing and letting his feelings build again. He found it resulted in a more powerful orgasm when he finally did cum.

James was lost inside his own thoughts now. He was still unconsciously rubbing Charlie's back and backside but his eyes had closed and in his mind it was Jamie he was fucking, not Charlie. He was surprised at how much one asshole felt like another; if he pictured it enough he could pretend it was Jamie beneath him. He opened his eyes and looked down, confused. Why would he want to think of Jamie when in fact Charlie was much better looking? His smooth, glistening and tanned back shook under each of James's thrusts and his toes flexed from his knees right down to his soft furry thighs and his feet, in trying to keep balance. His face was a picture as he enjoyed each thrust more and more; a slight wince still passed his features when James went in deep, which relaxed into pleasure and his prostate got massaged and probed by James's dick. The look on Charlie's face was enough to send James over the top and he started bucking his hips faster, eager to get off. Charlie's outtakes of breath on each thrust soon made their way into mini groans and James ended up pounding Charlie's ass in time with his moans of pleasure. With a final "engh" James pushed into Charlie right to the hilt and stayed deep inside of him as pulses of pleasure ran through his cock and balls, before flowing over the rest of his body. He was unaware that his toes were cramping up as his orgasm continued, unaware that Matt had stood up to get a closer look at James's orgasm face up close. He didn't even hear Charlie cursing under his breath, trying to get his wind back after the pummelling. Judging by the contortions of his hole, Charlie had been pretty close to cumming too before James climaxed, he was sure it wouldn't take much sucking to get him spurting. He slid out of Charlie with a little pop and his semi flopped down onto his thighs leaving a smeary trail of cum.

Charlie rolled onto his back on the bed, lowering his legs down straight and looking at James, still recovering a little and shaking on the bed. His face was tearstained, but so was James's. He suspected that while his was from the shock of having his cherry popped, James's tears were of a more emotional nature, as he suspected James had used this fuck to try and get over Jamie. Charlie just wasn't sure if it had worked.

"Shit man... just... fuckin' amazing!" Matt broke the awkward post-orgasm silence with his own, very frank, reflection on matters. He was right, he had stopped to think while the other were fucking, just how many teenage girls would simultaneously be heartbroken to see these images, yet not be able to get enough of them. He thought of how much a stolen paparazzi shot would raise from the tabloids, of how many girls (and, probably, boys) had fantasized about such a coupling. "How do you feel Charlie?"

"Erm... pretty empty, actually, now," replied Charlie honestly. "It was like, really full and close when James was..." he was still too embarrassed to verbalise what he had just done with James. "...but now I feel, lonely... empty." He looked at Matt longingly and using his puppy-dog eyes from under his sexy dark eyebrows.

James meanwhile had recovered and was just about to get to work on Charlie's throbbing, VERY hard cock when a hand stopped him. It was Matt's. His other was jacking his cock, getting it hard and ready for something...

"Sorry mate, can't let you do that just yet. Y'see, I'm gonna help out my mate Charlie here and I kind of need access, if you know what I mean..."

Charlie just breathed lustfully. "Fun fun fun," he murmured.


So that's it so far. Flames and feedback (and, doubtless, more copies of SoBig-F) to please! I want to know where to take this story after the next chapter, hearing from you guys is what keeps me going. But I'm going to be on holiday for two weeks so don't expect any more too soon!

Next: Chapter 6: All the Way 2

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