Boys in Control

By Mark Wild

Published on Jan 19, 2005


Disclaimer: If you are not yet 18 years of age or if it is illegal to read materials of this kind where you live, then please stop now. This story contains descriptions of sexual activity between teenage boys and is for adult eyes only. The acts are consensual and are a result of their love or lust for one another. This story is completely fiction, and all descriptions and names are also made up. Any similarities are purely coincidental.

I would love to hear from you, so negative as well as positive feedback is always welcome! Please write:

This is for my dad, Conner.

I love you, man. Mark

"Boys in Control," pt. 2

Parker calls

Kevin made his way back to his buddies, and Jim rejoined Robbie in their booth. "Damn, buddy," his friend said as Jim slid in beside him, "drink up! I was starting to wonder what happened to ya. And--hoowee! buddy, who was that fine stud you was chatting up just now? I could see that fine ass from here!" Jim laughed, reached out and squeezed Robbie's nipple playfully. "That's Kevin Riley. He was my starting quarterback six years ago. Didn't even know he was back in town." "Well, he sure is a looker, Jim." Jim lifted his glass to drink, and said simply, "Yeah, he's a handsome man." Robbie looked at his pal, then snorted, leaning back. "So what's on your mind, buddy?" Jim looked up like he'd been caught out. "Huh?" "Don't bullshit me, buddy," Robbie said. "You ain't been yourself all night." Jim looked guilty. "Aw, Robbie, I'm sorry, man. I guess I just been thinking about the team and next week's game and..." "Bullshit," Robbie said, flatly. "Why ain't you over there talking to Kevin and his buddies? Look at him, Jim. He's looking over at you like every couple minutes. Look at him, buddy. That fucker's hot for it, man. He misses his coach bad." Jim looked over, and saw Kevin in fact looking their way. "Well..." he said.

"How long's it been, buddy?" Jim looked up, trying to act innocent. "Huh?" Robbie laughed. "Since you had some, pal." "Oh." Jim shifted in his seat. "A couple days, I guess." Robbie's jaw dropped, and he clutched at his chest. "A couple DAYS, buddy? Good god almighty, man, no wonder you ain't yourself--you're all backed up, buddy! Two days!" He snorted. "Shit." Jim pushed playfully against his friend's shoulder and laughed with him, but he knew it was true. He needed it bad. It must show, too, he thought. Probably why Tommy had come on to him in the lockerroom, why Kevin was being so friendly. Jim looked over again to where Kevin was standing comfortably with his buddies, and the young man gave him a grin and a thumbs-up. Jim flashed back to those weekends up at the lake, when he would take Kevin on the rug for hours till they couldn't tell whose sweat was whose. His dick twitched.

"So who was it, buddy?" Robbie was laughing. "Whose ass was it that wore you out for two days?" Jim looked at his friend, embarrassed. "Damn, Robbie, we didn't even fuck!" Robbie clutched his chest again. "Two days without? And then the last time you didn't even fuck?!! Jim boy," he looked suddenly grave, "this is more serious than I thought!" Jim shook his head, and then a light went off in Robbie's brain. "It was that boy, wasn't it?" Jim looked at him and smiled. "Huh?" Don't play dumb with me, fucker. That boy. Parker Nicholson." Just hearing his name made Jim tingle. "Nicholls," he corrected. "Nicholls," Robbie repeated. "Him." Jim looked at his beer. "Yeah. So?"

Robbie laughed and slid over to where Jim was sitting, grabbed him around the neck, punched him in the shoulder. "Look at you, buddy." His eyes were bright. "You got a soft spot for him, man!" "Aw, fuck, Robbie," Jim said, pushing his pal away and laughing, too. "I think about that hot little fucker and there ain't a soft spot on me!" He grabbed his crotch, and growled. Robbie leaned back, at ease with the world. "And you ain't fucked him yet, buddy?" Jim shook his head no. Robbie whistled. "Well...but you've sucked his cock at least, eh, bud?" Jim looked at his friend. "Well...yeah, I sucked it..." Robbie leaned forward. "He like his coach down there sucking on his dick? He got a nice one, Jim?" Jim was openly cupping his crotch now. His mouth was open a little, and he wasn't even looking at his friend anymore. "Aw, Robbie, his cock, man...fuck!!" He shook his head and Robbie giggled, and they snapped out of it and nodded their heads, grinning.

"Well," Robbie said, after they'd settled down. "Parker Nicholls is one tough jock stud, and that's the truth. You could do worse than have him around, for sure, if you ever get tired of playing the field." "Shit, Robbie," Jim laughed. "That fucker can do better than me, man." A beer buzz of annoyance suddenly darkened Robbie's face, and he leaned forward, took Jim's chin in his hand and turned his friend's face firmly toward him. "Now, that won't fly, Jim boy. Don't matter to me if you got the hardest hard-on in the world for that kid, I won't have you talking like that. Could do better than you... Shit. I'd like to know a finer fucking man he could hook up with." Jim was unfazed, but his eyes smiled. "He could hook up with you, buddy," he said. "Then he could fuck you AND your daughters!" Robbie let go of Jim's chin, leaned back surprised, his annoyance passed. He smiled. "Well, yeah...I guess that could happen...and you're a dirty fella for even suggesting it." Robbie's eyes were bright. "Fuck, buddy," he laughed, "that would rock!... But if that DON'T happen, then wouldn't be no one better than you, fucker."

Jim was about to reply when his cellphone beeped. He looked at the number and his heart rate was already elevated when he said, "Hello?" "Hey. Hey, coach. What's going on, man? It's Parker." "Hey. Hey, Parker." He looked over at Robbie, mouthed It's him. Robbie grinned, then leaned back and surveyed the room while his friend talked. "Damn, coach, where are you? It sounds noisy, man." "Uh, yeah. I'm downtown, Parker. I'm with a friend of mine having some beers at the World Series." "Yeah? Who you with, coach? Who's your friend?" Jim started fiddling with his beer glass. "Just a friend, Parker. A buddy of mine who teaches over at Bishop Hannon." The boy laughed. "He a cocksucker too?" Jim glanced over at Robbie. "Parker..." The kid laughed again. "Yeah, I thought so. Anyway, sounds like you're busy, man. I'll let you go." "--NO, man, I'm not busy," Jim said quickly. "Was just having a few beers, is all." There was a second or two of silence on the other end, then Parker said, "You know where I am?" "No," Jim said. "Where?" "At home. In my room. I was a good boy today, coach, came home right after practice." "Yeah," Jim said. "I noticed you cut out early." "Yeah," Parker said. "Had some shit I needed to take care of with my old man." "Oh," Jim said. "You get it worked out?" Parker laughed. "Yup. All taken care of, coach. Anyway, like I was saying, too bad you're busy. I have some free time this evening..." Jim took a swallow of his beer. His stomach was taut, his dick bulging out his crotch. Just hearing the kid's voice made him hard. "I'm not BUSY, Parker." Robbie looked over, paying attention for more or less the first time since Jim had picked up. "Uh...ya wanna hook up later then, maybe?" he said. There was another few seconds of silence, then Parker said, "You know what I'm thinking about, coach?" "No," Jim said. "What?" He was fiddling with his beer glass, and saw Kevin looking his way again. "I was thinking about that stuff you do with my jockstrap, coach." Jim licked his lips, boned. "Yeah? You like that, Parker?" The football jock laughed. "Not as much as you do, coach. Damn, you really get into it, man. In fact, you know what?" "What?" "I got a hard-on laying here just thnking about it." Jim groaned, thinking about Parker's thick cock, and Robbie looked over quizzically. "Yeah?" Jim said. "You do?" "Yup. And you know what? I bet you do, too, doncha, coach?" "Yeah," Jim said. Two seconds later Parker said, "Yeah what?" Jim lowered his voice. "Yeah, I got a hard-on, too." "Shit, coach. You gotta speak up, man. All that bar noise in the background is making it hard for me to hear you..." "Uh, Parker," Jim said, "my buddy is sitting here right next to me, man." "Your friend that's the cocksucker, coach?" ... "Yeah," Jim said, "him." ... "Well then..."

Jim felt his body flushing all over. Shit, he and Robbie had been through stuff that would straighten yer pubes, so it wasn't that he was embarrassed. Maybe it was the beers again, but his dick was rock hard in his pants, just listening to this kid. Parker's voice alone made Jim's nuts damp, and the throbbing in the root of Jim's cock rippled in waves to the rest of his body, making him want to relax and just go with it, do whatever the football jock said. He cleared his throat and looked over at Robbie. He was sweating, leaned back, wondering what his pal was thinking. "Yeah, Parker, I got a big hard-on too, man." THAT got Robbie's attention. He laughed, and his eyes got wider. He saw Jim listening at the receiver, then heard him say, "Yeah, son. I'm sitting here thinking about that smelly jockstrap you wear, about how it smells when you let me sniff it after practice...yeah it's boning me up... Fuck yeah he can hear me, Parker. He's sitting right here, listening, grinning at me." Robbie watched as Jim continued listening. Then, puzzled, Jim said "Okay," and handed the phone to his buddy. "He wants to talk to you."

"Me?" Robbie said, also surprised. "What's he wanna talk to me for?" Jim shrugged, made a face and looked around while Robbie took the phone. In five minutes everything had changed. The businessmen were rolling up their sleeves and loosening their ties, jocks in their late twenties were pinching each other's abs, then heading back to the Dugout for some situps. A couple of guys were high-fiving at the pool table, and the waitress was fixing her hair at the bar. The junior execs who'd been watching tennis were deep in conversation, grabbing each other's knees, leaning in and blowing smoke away from each other. One of Kevin's friends was sitting on a barstool, his back against the bar, his legs spread wide. Jim could see his beefy thighs even from where he was sitting. Fuck, he was horned.

"Hello," Robbie said into the receiver, breezily. "Hey, man. Hello. This is Parker, Coach Pierson's friend. How ya doing?" Robbie had seen Parker before, of course, but had never heard him speak. Even as he laughed and said, "Robert here," he was surprised at how rich the lad's voice was, not exactly deep, but resonant and baritone, and it cut easily through the ambient bar noise. "I'm doing fine, Parker. And yourself?" "Oh, okay. You have a nice voice, Robert. I bet you're a hunk just like Coach Pierson." Robbie laughed, winking at Jim. "Ha, Parker. I do okay. But I ain't even close to being in the same league as Jim here. No way." "Shit, man. That's what all the hot fuckers say. You must be a fucking stud, too, then." Robbie laughed. "Well maybe someday you'll find out, eh?" There was another couple seconds' silence, then the kid said, "Yeah, who knows?" He lowered his voice, though Robbie could still hear him perfectly. "So... you got a big dick, too?" Robbie had just picked up his glass, but set it down. "Like I said, son. I do okay." "Coach Pierson's got a big dick," Parker said simply. "Yup," Robbie chuckled, "that he does." Jim was looking at him. "Bet you've seen it a lot of times, huh?" "Yeah," Robbie said, "a fair number," smiling at his buddy. "Played with it?" "Yup."... "Damn, Robert," Parker's voice was low, "I bet you've even had that monster in your mouth, huh?" Robbie picked up his beer, took a swallow and said, "You looking for an exact number or a rough estimate, kid?" Jim's eyes were questioning, but Robbie wasn't really looking at him anymore. Fuck, the kid was a ballsy one: no wonder his friend was all worked up. Parked laughed. "Aw, come on, man. I was just having fun. You like to have fun, don't you? I know Coach Pierson does. We, uh, even have sex, you know."

Robbie waited a second, then said, "Look, kid. There's some things you don't need to be--" "I know, I know. I'm sorry, dude. It's just...look, I wanted just to ask you a question, okay? And I can't ask Coach Pierson." Robbie hesitated, then said, "Well...what?" "Well, look, dude, you're his friend, you know? And he's, well...kinda special, you know?" Parker's voice had lost some of it's bravado, and Robbie relaxed a little. "Yup. He is." ", does he mess around with other guys?"

Robbie thought for a second, then said, "Well, look now, son. Maybe that's something you should ask yours--" "DUDE? No I can't. Look, I know he likes me--I mean, I hope he does..." --Robbie smiled--" for maybe that reason he wouldn't tell me the truth. I never met anyone like him before, sir. I just wanna know if I got competition, is all. I'm not looking for details, man, really. I just wanna know where I stand." Robbie thought about the kid sitting at home, thinking about his coach. Man, he'd seen this before. Every hot stud in the world seemed to hit on his buddy at one time or another, and Jim was only human, wasn't he? Jim had his hands out, looking at him in a What the fuck? gesture. "Well, yeah," he said. "Some..." Parker was silent for a few seconds, and Robbie wondered if maybe he sould have just lied. But then he said, "Thanks, sir. It was nice talking to you. Can you put Coach Pierson back on? "Sure, kid. We'll talk again, okay?" "Yeah, sure. Okay."

He handed the phone back to Jim and said, "I gotta piss, buddy. You talk. I'll be back," and then slid out of the booth and was gone. "Hey," Jim said. "Hey back." "So...what were you two talking about, eh?" "Oh, nothing. The usual bullshit." "Umm," Jim said. "So what were you gonna ask me?" "What?" "I heard Robbie say that you would ask me something." "Oh. Yeah. Nothing. He kind of answered it anyway. It wasn't anything important." Jim said, "Oh, okay." ... "So I can come over, coach?" Anyone looking, like Kevin was, would have seen Jim's face light up and his posture improve, and he said, "That would be nice, Parker." "I mean, I can't stay too long. I got a hellacious football practice in the morning." Jim grinned. "Yeah, boy, that you do." Parker laughed. "Yah, I better get you tonight before you're too worn out tomorrow and all..." "Shit, Parker," Jim laughed back. "You gonna wear me out, son?" "Shit, coach, that's exactly what I'm thinking, man..." "Yah, cowboy," Jim growled. "Wanna see you try." Then Parker said, "You still hard, coach?" "I sure am, son," Jim answered, reaching down and feeling his shaft hard in his chinos. "Play with it for me, will ya, coach?"

Jim blinked and said, "Huh?" "Squeeze it for me man. I'm laying here all boned thinking about my own coach squeezing his big dick while he's talking to me." "Parker, dude, I'm in a public PLACE, man." He tried to chuckle, but his hand was feeling his dick anyway. Shit, he was even leaking. The blond jock laughed. "Shit, man, you're at the World Series... And you're in a booth, right? You're kind of private, right?" "Yeah," Jim said, "pretty much so." His hand was flat on the bulge in his pants, and he could feel himself pulsing while he palmed the shaft of his dick through his pants. "So... you doin' it?" "Yeah... I am." Parker laughed. "Me too, coach. I'm on my bed, and I got on this old pair of jeans that're way too small for me now. I'm rubbing myself too." He paused for a second, then, in a lower voice, said, "Ah, coach, this is so hot man. Us feeling ourselves while we talk like this. Shit, it's almost like phone sex, huh?" The kid laughed. Fuck, Jim thought, his dick drooling, looking around, seeing that Kevin had gone to the bathroom, This WAS phone sex! "I'm gonna unzip myself now, coach. You wanna?" "Uh..." "Come on, coach. Pull your zipper down, man." Parker's voice was low, and Jim realized he was sweating. "Remember the other day, coach when you said you'd do just about anything to suck my cock?" Jim's thumb and index finger were fumbling with his fly. He was thinking this was CRAZY, but he could feel his heart thumping, now, and all he said was "Yeah, I remember." "So do it, then. I will too." Even while the jock was talking, Jim had found the tab of his zipper, and was working it down. He felt the pressure in a line down the length of his cock as he opened his fly, and his dick sighed and leaked some juice. His fly hung open and Jim eased a few fingers into the gap, through the flap of his boxers. He could smell himself. His fingers were damp, and his cock was sweaty.

"You there, coach?" "Yeah," Jim said. "I got my cock out, coach. Fuck, you should see it, man. You got me so turned on it's just sticking up fucking hard and...I'm leaking, coach." Jim's breath was coming in little spurts, now. Maybe Parker could hear him through the receiver. "Pull it out, coach." Jim saw Robbie coming out of the bathroom as he wrapped a couple fingers around his cock, hunching forward a little, easing it out of his pants. He looked around, then down. Half his cock was sticking out of his fly, precum leaking down the shaft of his dick. He felt the cool air on his leaking meat, and moaned. "You wanna cum, coach?" Jim was pawing at his cock, and his voice came out short. "Parker. Fuck. Robbie's coming back, man. He went to the bathroom, but he's walking--" "You wanna cum, coach? Think about my big dick in your mouth and blow a load for me, man?" Precum was leaking over his fingers staining his pants. "Oh fuck... I ...Parker..." He felt his nuts pull up, his voice ragged. The jock laughed. "Put it away, man." "WHAT?" "Save it for me, big guy. I'll be at your place in forty-five minutes, okay? And I want you hard, coach."

The line went dead, and Jim had just enough time to stuff his aching cock back in his pants. Precum was all over his fingers. Quickly he put them in his mouth to clean them, then drank. Robbie slid back in beside him. He noticed Jim's flushed face. "You alright, buddy?" Jim looked at his friend, half smiling, a little dazed. "Yeah," he said. Robbie glanced down and saw Jim's fly still half open and something wet on the front of his pants. Jim saw him looking, and reached down and pulled his zipper the rest of the way up. Robbie whistled. "You didn't." Jim blushed. "No." Robbie smiled. "But, fuck, buddy... I was THIS close..." Robbie howled and slapped his pal on the back. "He leave you with blue balls, buddy?" Jim swallowed some beer. "He's coming over to my place in half an hour."

Robbie gripped his friend's neck, and looked at his watch. His eyes were probing, but bright. "Guess you're gonna leave me here, then, eh, bud? All by myself, my wife gone, all lonely..." "You ain't mad at me are ya, buddy?" Robbie pouted. "Naw. Guess I'll just go home, microwave some leftovers, maybe throw on 'Shy Bi-bangers 2.' " He sighed. "Don't you worry bout me, Jim boy. I'll be okay." Jim pulled the flyer out of his pocket, waited while Robbie took it and read. He looked up at Jim, mollified. "Jockstrap armwrestling, huh?" Jim finished his beer. "Well," Robbie said, "Armstrong Little League's a good cause." Jim grinned back at his friend. "One of the best, buddy." Robbie took Jim by his shoulders and looked him right in the eye. "You fuck that boy. Make him moan for ya, buddy. Make him cum with yer dick up his butt, you hear me, coach?" Jim was trying to tuck his shirt back in. He smoothed his pants and looked over at Robbie. "They don't look too messed up, do they?" "Naw," Robbie said, chuckling. "Not in this light." Jim slid out the side of the booth. "I'll call you after practice tomorrow afternoon." "You better."

He was a few steps outside the door when he heard someone calling his name. He turned and saw Kevin walking toward him. He was smiling. "What? You don't say goodbye anymore?" Jim stopped, sheepish. "Aw, sorry, Kev. I jsut realized I was pressed for time, man." "You got a hot date, coach?" "Aw, naw, Kev, it's nothing like that...." Kevin smiled and stuck his hands in the front pockets of his jeans. "Shit." He laughed. "You don't lie any better than you used to." He ran one hand along the back of his neck and down along his jaw, then put it back in his pocket.. "So. Is it still okay to call you?" Jim crossed his arms over his chest and grinned at the boy. "Damn. You better!" But Kevin's eyes stayed quiet, and then he just said, "Okay. I will, then." He turned to go. "You have a nice night, Mr Pierson." "You, too, son." And then he was gone.

Across town Parker Nicholls put down his phone and continued checking his email and downloading music files with an almost abstracted face. He was fully dressed, as he had been the whole time he was talking to Robbie and Jim. His pants were not tented, his zipper had not been lowered. He looked at his watch, saved a few things and emptied the trash. Time to go see what his brother Matt was up to, and if his dad had dinner ready, yet. He stood up and stretched, hopping to the door while he pulled on his trainers. He looked himself up and down in the mirror, then feinted, and threw himself a couple quick jabs. God, he loved weekends.

Next: Chapter 3

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