Boys in Control

By Mark Wild

Published on Jan 24, 2005


Disclaimer: If you are not yet 18 years of age or if it is illegal to read materials of this kind where you live, then please stop now. This story contains descriptions of sexual activity between teenage boys and is for adult eyes only. The acts are consensual and are a result of their love or lust for one another. This story is completely fiction, and all descriptions and names are also made up. Any similarities are purely coincidental.

I would love to hear from you, so negative as well as positive feedback is always welcome! Please write:

This is for my dad, Conner, who waited patiently for the "good stuff" to begin.

I love you, man. Mark.

"Boys in Control," pt. 3

Parker's feet

An hour and a half later Jim was at home, waiting and restless. When his cellphone rang he picked it up on the second ring. "Hello?" "Hey, coach. It's Parker." Jim exhaled. "Hey. Everything okay?" Parker ignored him. "Yup. I'm in my car about a block away from you. You got your back gate unlocked?" Jim was already queasy, thinking about the boy being so close. "No, it's locked," he said. "Well, why don't you go open it and wait for me out back, okay? I'll be there in five minutes." His gut tingled and Jim said "Okay." The boy hung up.

Jim sat on the couch while his stomach did a slow turn, then stood up. It was his smell. Jim could already smell him. Once, when he was a kid, he had spent the weekend at his cousin Danny's house when his parents had gone to a convention. It was summer, and they had spent the afternoon swimming at the Y. When they came home his cousin had stripped to his gymshorts and lay down to take a nap. Jimmy had watched Danny's chest move as he breathed, and the light sheen of sweat that covered his cousin's skin in the unairconditioned room. Jimmy always liked hanging out with Danny, who was almost in HIGHSCHOOL and a young hero to Jim, who was only eleven. Jimmy really liked Danny's legs, but, of course, he never told him that. He would always sneak looks at Danny's legs and all the cool brown hair made him so jealous. Jim didn't HAVE any hair yet. He knew, from talking around, that he was supposed to go through changes and stuff, but he looked at himself every morning and nighttime for signs, under his arms, around his peter, and never saw anything, and figured he was gonna be one of those freaks. Danny had hair. Jimmy watched him sleeping and could see his armpits. Jimmy had laid down on the floor on his back, moving a model airplane against the pattern of shadows on the ceiling above him. His nose smelled something and he realized that his head was only a few inches from where Danny had kicked off his tennis shoes. He looked over at Danny and put the airplane down and rolled over on his arm and inhaled again. His nose wrinkled, and without even thinking he lifted his head and moved his nose till it was over the open shoe, and breathed. A few minutes later he sat up... Things were moving around in his head. He looked at Danny and knew he had a secret, now. He picked up the shoe and placed the open face against his gymshorts, let it rest against his little boy dick. He humped it a little. Danny slept.

Two weeks before school had begun in September Jim had been walking through the lockerroom after practice. He was looking at his watch, not around him, and tripped over some cleats someone had left laying on the floor. Parker had been slipping out of his jersey when Jim tumbled into him, his arms up as they fell against the lockers, Jim's face smeared against the young jock's chest. It was the first time Jim had smelled the kid up close, and for a second his brain shut down. When he looked up he saw Parker looking at him, his arms still up. "Uh, sorry," Jim had mumbled, turning away, disoriented, bellowing at his boys to keep their gear out of the damn aisles! Ten minutes later he sat at his desk with Parker's sweat drying on his face and wondered what had hit him. It didn't have anything to do with words, so he couldn't think about it. He stood at his window and watched Parker Nicholls move around the lockerroom, and as far as he knew Parker was straight and he wanted to smell him again. What was worse, he knew it had started to show.

The boy was always a distraction when he was around, panting doing laps around the track, his tshirt damp, his blond hair matted down; or on the ground on his back, legs in the air doing twist and kicks. Jim stood closer around him, and lost his train of thought when Parker would stretch and show off his damp blond pits. Last week he had been fucking Tommy Martin when he realized that he was imagining Parker watching him, watching him spread Tommy's legs and press his hairy chest down on top of the boy and pull his hips up on to Jim's thick cock, fuck him, chewing on his neck, holding Tommy's arms up, fucking him--thrusting...licking his neck...Tommy moaning... Afterwards he had looked up at Jim a little shaken, a little shy, now, and Jim had stroked his hair while Tommy rested his hand on Jim's chest and stroked his coach softly, and Jim looked at the wall and remembered Parker stuffing his jockstrap in Tyler Adams' mouth.

He stood up and walked through the back porch to the yard, then down the path to the garage. The air was chilly, but that wasn't why his nipples were hard. He thought about Robbie, back at the bar. A six foot wooden fence ran along the back of Jim's property, attached to the garage that opened onto an alley rarely used by through traffic. Neighbors mostly parked there. He opened the gate and stood there in the dim light from the other houses, till he heard the sound of feet on gravel. Then Parker came out of the dimness and was in front of him. He had on jeans, sneakers and a windbreaker. He walked up to Jim and stood there. "Hi, coach."

"Hey, Parker," Jim said, and his fucking voice cracked. Parker laughed, and reached up to squeeze Jim's neck. Then he moved past him through the gate and Jim followed, stopping to throw the bolt and secure it. When he turned Parker was standing so unexpectedly close that Jim bumped into him, and fell back, his back up against the fence. Parker looked at him with quiet eyes and said, "How you doing, coach?" Jim started to speak and Parker reached out and put two fingers over Jim's mouth. When he lifted his arm his windbreaker opened across his chest and he said, "Did I tell you that I didn't shower after practice today?" Jim looked at him, Parker's fingers still resting lightly against his lips. Parker leaned in. "I still haven't, either." Jim blinked, and his eyes fell in spite of himself to the kid's crotch, then back up to Parker's face. The blond jock took hold of his left wrist with his right hand and stretched himself up tall in front of the older man. His windbreaker pulled up over his belt loops, Jim could see his tshirt taut against his stomach. Then Parker leaned forward and put his hands up against the fence, his arms on either side of Jim's head. Jim opened his mouth, swallowed and leaned forward to press his face against the young jock's chest, breathing him in, mixing in his lungs with the crisp night air. Jim inhaled, rubbing his face against Parker's shirt, smelling the fabric, slowly letting his tongue move out to lick it, and rub his face in the damp spot he was making. Jim was two inches taller than Parker, too, and, slowly, gradually as he licked he let his knees buckle a little, letting himself slide down against the fence to better get at the boy's firm pecs. His cock was hard, stretching out his chinos obscenely. After a minute or two Parker took hold of Jim's head, and pulled him gently off him. Jim blinked at the boy, his eyes questioning. His lips were dry from the cotton. Parker reached out and ran his finger the length of Jim's hard cock, making him moan as his dick oozed precum into his briefs.

Then the jock shifted his positon slightly, his arm up against the wooden fence, his left armpit maneuvered in front of Jim's face. Jim smelled the young jock's odor, looked to where his windbreaker flapped open over his chest, leaving the crotch of the arm in shadow. He leaned in, nuzzling his head in past the jacket and up into Parker's still covered pit, pressing his head in, sniffing the blond jock, kissing the pit of his tshirt, pressing his open mouth up into the socket. The boy's sweet ripe odor slowly shut down Jim's thoughts, and he stood there, hunched over slightly, lapping at the pit of Parker's tshirt, his eyes closed, his cock hard. After a few minutes Parker reached out and squeezed both of Jim's nipples with his thumb and and index fingers. Jim pulled away, his mouth still open, his eyes glazed. "Pretty damn sweet, eh coach?" Jim swallowed, but Parker cut him off. "Come on. Let's go inside."

Jim followed Parker into his house. The young jock walked through the kitchen and dropped his windbreaker onto an armchair in the livingroom. Jim watched his chest expand, then Parker exhaled and seemed to relax. "You, uh, want a coke or something?" Jim asked. Parker shook his head and said no. "Thanks, though." Jim stood there. Now that he had lost his jacket Jim could see the wet spot he had made under the boy's left pec. The house was awfully quiet. Then Parker Nicholls, defensive end, Vikings' football, looked at his coach and said, "Come here, man." Jim's legs felt a little rubbery, but he took the few steps and stood next to the boy. Parker reached out and gently took hold of Jim's right nipple with his thumb and index finger, and began to massage it very gently through his coach's polo shirt. Jim moved his hand up to rest it on Parker's arm, and he looked down, watching Parker squeeze his nip. He ran the back of his other hand against the jock's firm bulge, breathing shallowly. He thought, Robbie would never believe this. Robbie always thought he was so in control.

Parker let go of Jim's pec and traced the outline of Jim's open lips with two of his fingers. He cocked his head and smiled. Jim opened his mouth, leaned forward and let his tongue lick between them, and heard himself moan very softly when Parker pushed the two digits into his mouth. Jim knew that Parker had big hands--hell, the kid was built solid all over--but something happened when the boy began to slowly move his fingers around in Jim's mouth. They were like two strong probes, working in tandem, thick and sinewy from grabbing hard onto a football, filling his mouth. Jim closed his eyes and sucked them. When Parker finally pulled his hand away, he swallowed hard, and groaned. Putting his arms around Jim's neck Parker took a step closer, their crotches almost touching. "That felt good, man." Jim looked down, and blushed a little. Suddenly he had a hundred things he wanted to say to the kid, and he looked at him and said, "Parker, I..."--"It's gonna feel so awesome having my cock in your mouth like that." Jim ran his hands up along the boy's hips, up his back, down along his lats. "You want me to, son?" he finally said. "You wanna see your old coach down sucking on your dick? making you feel good?" Parker looked at Jim and laughed. "Hell yeah, I do! In fact, you wanna hear something funny?" "What, son?" "I was thinking about that this afternoon, when I was with my dad. I was talking to him about this and that, and the whole time I was imagining you sucking my cock." Parker laughed again, but lightly this time. "Isn't that sick?" Jim smiled, feeling a little proud. "Naw..."

Parker reached out and undid Jim's belt, popped his top button and pulled his zipper halfway down. With his pants no longer holding him in, Jim's hard cock bulged loose and forward, tenting out his boxers. Parker opened the crotch of Jim's pants and moved his jeans-covered bulge against Jim's hard cock, started humping it slowly, up and down, like he was fucking his coach's dick through the cotton. He put his hand on Jim's hip and pumped till he pushed the head of Jim's dick through the flap of his shorts. They could both see it leaking. Parker looked up and smiled. "Looks like you're about ready, huh, coach?" Jim's dick leaked again and his mind moved to that place again. His legs started to sag. "Whatever you want, jock," he huffed. Parker grinned like he liked the sound of that. "How about like last time, then? You know I liked that." He pushed away and walked over to the couch, sat back and crossed his feet up on the coffee table.

Jim's cock was leaking along the inside of his pants as he walked over and positioned himself on the other side of the table, leaning over on his elbows, his face above Parker's shoes. He looked up the length of the young man's strong legs to his stomach and chest, up to his face where Parker was watching him. He moved his foot a little, wiggling his toes in the rubber. Propped on his elbows, Jim leaned down to sniff at Parker's shoes. He kissed the scuffed rubber, the dirt and grass stains, pushed the legs of Parker's jeans up and kissed his socks. He took hold of his shoelaces and loosened them with his teeth, slowly using his hands to open the flaps, running his nose along and under the tongue.

He looked up at the young jock. Parker had pulled his tshirt up out of his jeans, and was resting his hand on a patch of stomach. He was smiling, watching. "Take your shirt off, coach." Jim straightened up and pulled off his shirt. The scent of his sweat was strong and he wondered if Parker could smell it. He took hold of the coffee table and moved it aside, and, kneeling down, slipped off Parker's shoes. His dick was hanging all the way out of his shorts now, and Parker could see the big thing jerking and bobbing up and down as his coach moved his hands on his feet, gripping them firmly and gently, kneeding them. Parker undid his belt and Jim looked up. "You're getting me hard, coach." Jim looked over as the blond jock settled back into his couch, the belt laying over his bulge now, and he must have zoned out, because he felt Parker wiggling his foot in his hand, calling him back. "Bet my socks are pretty damn ripe right now," he said. He undid the button of his jeans and pulled down his zipper. Jim saw the white bulge in the CK briefs and then Parker lifted his foot and placed it squarely against his coach's face and that was all Jim saw for awhile. He inhaled the sweat and dirt of Parker's sock, his mouth open against the sole. He breathed hot breath into the dirty thing, so he could breathe it back loaded.

After that first time, every time Jimmy visited Danny at his house he looked for stuff of Danny's to smell. Usually it was just socks, or some old tshirts in his laundry hamper. Jimmy didn't know too much about basketball, but Danny did, so they'd spend hours in the driveway while their parents talked inside, and Danny taught Jim to shoot hoops, to pivot and fake forward and back. He stood behind Jimmy and showed his cousin how to position his arms up to hold the ball when you shoot, and his armpit pressed into the back of Jimmy's shoulder. Sometimes the girls from across the street would walk over to watch them, and then Danny would wink at Jim and start showing off. He'd tug at his tshirt more, and spit, and say "Shit" when he went to dunk and missed. One time it was so hot that Danny had taken his shirt off, and he must have been in a playful mood, because he made a muscle pose at the girls and they shrieked and ran off giggling. Danny grinned and high-fived his cuz, and then, his wet tshirt draped around his neck, he put his sweaty arm around Jimmy's shoulder and marched his younger cousin inside for some cokes. Jimmy was restless all that night.

When Parker pulled his foot away Jim's mouth was dry. Parker scooted forward on the couch and began to squeeze Jim's nips again. Jim moaned, but as Parker kept applying more pressure, he started to feel real pain, and lifted his hands to let Parker know to ease up. Parker let go of Jim's nips. He cock was hard. "Aw, c'mon, coach. Take it, man." He lightly traced the very tips of Jim's pecs, brushing them oh so lightly. "You ain't no wimp, coach. If you were I wouldn't be here. I like that you're a strong jock yourself, man. I like it that you're tough." Parker lifted his foot and ran his socked toe the whole length of Jim's cock, then pressed his sole against the older man's leaking tool. Jim looked dazed and Parker flushed with accomplishment. He took hold of Jim's nipples again. "Grab hold of my ankle with your hands, coach." Parker leaned in, pinching lightly. "I wanna work your nipples awhile, coach. Can I?" Jim swallowed. "Yeah," he said softly. Parker leaned in, close enough for Jim to feel his warm breath. "I like working a guy's nips over, coach. It shows me how tough he is, how much he can take." They were sensitive, itchy, wet from his and Parker's sweat. "Just hump my foot coach, if it starts to hurt..."

It did start to hurt. Jim looked down and saw the shaft of Parker's hard cock pressing up against his briefs, bulging out of his open jeans. He pulled on Parker's ankle, hunched his upper body forward a little. His nipples burned, his breath came in shallow. Parker smiled. "Aw yeah, man. You're taking it, coach." He worked Jim's nipples and Jim humped his foot, gasping. His eyes were closed, his teeth clamped together... Parker said he was...strong jock... show him, show him he could take it... Then Parker moved his hands away. Jim opened his eyes and Parker brushed his wet hair back from his forehead. There was a wet spot on the front of Parker's briefs. He saw Jim looking at it. "See that, coach? See how hot you get me?" Jim moved a step closer on his knees and lowered his head to kiss Parker's briefs. He could smell him, could feel the boy's pulse in his cock against Jim's open mouth.

Slowly, Parker pulled Jim up off his crotch. Jim leaned forward, dripping with sweat, supporting himself on Parker's thighs. Parker looked at him, looked at him cool, but inside he was blowing up. This was fuckin' awesome. This was sooo hotter than pushing Tyler around. Then he forgot about being cool and grinned. Man, he had to tell Matt about this. He looked at Jim. "Hey," he said. "You still with me?" The hair on Jim's chest was all matted down, and Parker moved his leg up and kneed him a little. Jim cleared his throat. "Yeah, jock, I'm here." Parker grinned. "Good, coach. Stay with me, man. We're just getting to the good stuff, now."

The front of Jim's boxers and half the inner flap of his pants were soaked with his precum. His cock stood up fat and was still leaking. "Hand me one of my sneakers, coach," the young man said. "I want you to cum." Jim leaned over to pick it up and his cock ran along his zipper and he shivered. Parker pulled off his tshirt, and took his shoe. He loosened the tongue and opened the flap and scooted again to the edge of the couch. Placing his hand on the back of Jim's neck he said, "Now, you only get one whiff, okay? So you better make it count." Jim swallowed. "Yessir."

Parker waited while Jim exhaled as much as he could, then fitted his trainer over Jim's nose and mouth. Jim put his hands up on Parker's thighs and started to breathe. Sweat, dirt, rubber, stink. Parker's feet. When his lungs were full he held the smell in, then exhaled back into the shoe, and Parker took it away. He leaned back into the couch again, legs spread, and said, "I want you to cum, now." "Yeah." Jim's voice was husky. "Wanna cum for you, jock." Parker lifted his arm and handed his sneaker back to Jim. "Put your dick in there, coach." Jim looked at the boy's hot teen bulge and didn't even say Huh? He looked at his dick, then pushed it through the flap of the shoe. "Balls too..." Jim lifted his nuts and pushed them in, resting them on the inner heel. "Now scoot over here, man." Jim moved over on his knees and pushed the shoe against the side of the couch. "Yeah, Mr Pierson, like that, man." Parker flexed. "Now come up here and suck on my chest, man. Want you to taste my nips, now."

For a change, it seemed, Jim didn't need to be told twice. He moved over and brought his mouth down on Parker's chest and began to lap. His cock was wedged up in Parker's trainer and he began to hump it. His cock leaked and he fucked the jock's shoe. Parker moved Jim's head over to his other pec, and then, after a minute, lifted his coach's head up. "Do it for me, man," the jock said. "Fuckin' blow in my sneaker now, coach. I'll be walking around in it all day tomorrow." Jim moaned and fucked Parker's shoe, began to pull up and... He fucked his hips against the couch, all he could smell was sweat and sex, and he was gonna... he was gonna... Parker pushed his head back down, he sucked Parker's nipple into his hungry licking mouth and his cock went over the edge and he pumped and came, fucked and came... Then he was still, and his back untensed. He collapsed against the boy's chest, mouth open, breathing him in. His cock was a gooey mess, and he was still half hard. Parker was breathing heavily, too.

"Whoa," he said, messing Jim's hair. "Better than Tommy Martin, huh?" Jim looked quickly up, but Parker was smiling. "Don't say anything, man. I know it was." The were quiet a few minutes, then Parker stretched. "I gotta go now, coach. We got practice in the morning." Jim pulled himself up, wet his thumb in the spot on Parker's wet briefs. "Don't you wanna, um..." "Tomorrow," he said. "After practice." Jim tried to grin, but he was too wiped out. "You think you'll be ready for me again by then, coach?" ... "Yeah, jock." Jim stood up stiffly, and hiked up his pants. Parker held up his shoe and looked inside it. "Damn," he said, showing it to Jim. It was wet and full of cum. Then he pulled it on and laced it , wiggling his toes. "Man, that's gonna be even riper tomorrow, huh?" he said. He pulled on his tshirt and tucked it part way in. "I'll see you tomorrow at practice, then." "I'll be there," Jim tried to joke. Parker walked over to the chair and picked up his windbreaker. "Parker?" "Yeah, coach?" "You weren't there after practice today, son. I told everyone they needed to be on time tomorrow. Extra laps for every minute late." Parker laughed, and walked over and squeezed Jim's nipple again. "Okay, coach. Good idea," he said. "You go drink some water, now. I'll let myself out."

Jim sat on the couch for another ten minutes, then walked out to latch the gate. When he got back inside the house was too empty, too quiet. Too many rooms with no one else in them. He drank a glass of water and took some aspirin. Fuck, and he had to take his car in for brake inspection early before practice. He changed into some sweats and crawled into bed. His cock was still wet at the tip, and he fell asleep with the light on.

to be continued:

Next: Chapter 4

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