Boys in Control

By Mark Wild

Published on Mar 7, 2005


Disclaimer: If you are not yet 18 years of age or if it is illegal to read materials of this kind where you live, then please stop now. This story contains descriptions of sexual activity between teenage boys and is for adult eyes only. The acts are consensual and are a result of their love or lust for one another. This story is completely fiction, and all descriptions and names are also made up. Any similarities are purely coincidental.

I would love to hear from you, so negative as well as positive feedback is always welcome! Please write:

This is for my dad, Conner, the most patient soul on earth!

I love you, man. Mark.

Boys in Control, pt. 5 Teen Jock Chat

It was almost eleven o'clock when Parker got in that night. He pulled into the garage, went in the side door into the kitchen and grabbed a coke out of the fridge. There was a light on over the sink and one on in the livingroom, the way his dad always left them when he was already in bed. He yawned, bored. What a wasted evening. The guys were jackoffs, the movie was lame, the nachos sucked. He made sure the front door was locked. Matt had left shit all over the coffee table again, plates, glasses, DVD's. A pair of his sneakers and a tshirt lay at the foot of the couch, where he'd kicked them off. Bored, Parker figured he'd kick back awhile and download some music, log on and kill some time online. Oh yeah, he thought, remember to check out that website.

At the top of the stairs he saw the light still on under his dad's door. He knocked once, then opened it before his dad said, "Come in." John Nicholls was propped up against a couple pillows, wearing a sweatshirt, the covers pulled up to his waist, a book in his lap. "I'm home," Parker said. "Everything's locked up." "Okay," his dad said. "How was the movie?" "It sucked," the boy said, standing in the doorway. "Oh well," John said, trying to make conversation. "I guess they can't all be good.... At least you got to spend some time with your friends." Parker rolled his eyes inwardly. "Yeah," he said. "At least I got to do that." He looked at how, after even two years, his dad still slept on his half of the bed. "Where's Matt?" he asked. "Sleeping, I think," his dad replied. "He was watching TV when I checked an hour ago, but it's been pretty quiet since." "Okay," the jock said. "Well, I'm going to bed myself. I'll see you in the morning." His dad closed his book and put it on the nightstand. He looked at his son standing there and didn't know what to think: he'd changed so much in the last two years. Well, both of them had, really. "Yeah, I guess I will, too, now that you're home. I'm tired." Parker knew that. His dad was always tired, anymore.

He closed the door and walked down the hall. Matt's door was half open, as usual, and when Parker looked in he saw Matt asleep on his bed in his saggers, his face sunk in the pillow. Parker walked over to the bed and lifted a quilt bunched up at the bottom and covered his brother up. He closed a window, then walked across the hall to his own room.

He hung his windbreaker over the back of a chair and stripped off his tshirt. He rooted around in a drawer for his sweats and watched himself in the dresser mirror. He turned to the side, flexing, checking his development. It wasn't that he really had doubts: he had eyes and knew how built he was. But his eyes saw those other jocks, too, at the mall, at away games, all the time. He liked the ones who strutted around, drawing attention to themselves whenever they could: them, he knew he could take. It was jocks like this dude he saw downtown last year, a dude so hot he wasn't paying attention to anyone, and still had all his buddies hanging around him, kissing his bored fuckin' ass. That's the kind of dude he had to watch out for, the kind of jock he was pretty sure now could take guys like coach for a spin; and he wanted Pierson around for awhile. He scratched himself and smiled. At least having a big dick helped. He smiled a lot, actually. It sure did.

He put on his new favorite CD, low, and sat down at his desk. He picked up a dumbbell and started doing curls, ten each arm, back and forth, his elbows braced on his knees. "...Any day now... the year of the Diamond DOGS..." He wasn't even really working out, just relaxing, just keeping time with the music. He only stopped when he smelled himself starting to sweat. That was another tool, he was finding out. To him it was just how he smelled, just a fact, like his blond hair, or the size of his feet. But FUCK if it didn't make some guys go nuts. He walked over and lay on his bed, arms up behind him, his mood improving, his mind starting to drift. Thinking about what a rush it was looking at Coach's glazed face when he pulled him off his crotch. About that chick that had flashed her boobs at him at the Dairy Queen last week, and the guy who had blown him up at State Park the next day. About Coach huffing on his rank and nasty jock after practice, like maybe he was getting used to being told what to do, and that made his dick start to bone. About how they were gonna hit Danville hard, and fuck them up, and cream their asses...

"Hey. Whatcha doing?" He looked over and saw Matt standing in his doorway, still in his saggers, the quilt thrown over his shoulder. "Hey, champ," Parker said, sitting up. "Did the music wake you up?" Matt rubbed his eyes and walked over to the bed. "Yeah. But that's okay. Move your feet." Parker pulled his legs up and Matt got in and propped himself against the wall. He yawned. "How was the movie?" "It sucked," Parker said. "Really? I thought it was supposed to be good." "It sucked hairy moose cock," Parker said, and Matt giggled, the way he always did when Parker said that. Parker laughed too. "So what did you do all night?" "Was over at Bart's house till around nine o'clock, then his mom kicked me out. Then I just came here and chilled. Of course," he said, grabbing himself and looking at his brother sideways, "I had to take care of business a few times." Parker's eyes twinkled. "Yeah, right."

Matt reached out and punched his brother's leg, and Parker grimaced in make-believe pain. "I did too," Matt said, indignant. "Okay, okay," Parker said. "I believe you. Just don't hurt me anymore, okay? And I HOPE you washed your hand." Matt grinned and scooted himself up till he was sitting cross-legged next to Parker's chest. "And, bro, guess what?" "What?" "Me and Bart were horsing around? and I got him on his stomach with his arm pulled up behind his back! I made him say "I give" three times!" "No shit. Really, champ?" "Yeah," Matt said, "and he weighs five pounds more than me, too!" Parker reached out and they high-fived briefly. The quilt fell off Matt's shoulders, but he just gathered it up and wrapped it around his middle. "I bounced up and down on him some, too, Parker, just like you told me to do." "Yeah? Did he like that?" "HELL no," Matt said and they both laughed again. "He kept telling me to get OFF him, cause my weight was mashing his dick into the carpet, and it hurt!" "Damn, Matt. Good, man. You musta really had all your weight on him, huh?"

"Yeah, Parker, I did, bro!" Matt was getting excited, bouncing up and down on the bed. "And then you know what?" "What?" "I told him if he wanted me to get off him he had to kiss my feet, and then I'd let him up!" "Fuck, bro, really?" Matt rolled his eyes and punched Parker in the leg again. "Fuck, Matt, owww..." Parker laughed, grabbing his brother's wrist and holding it there. "YES really," Matt said. He hesitated a second. "That's what you told me to do, right?" Parker turned and propped himself on his elbow, twisting his body toward his bro. "Absolutely, man." Matt smiled, pleased. "So he do it?" Matt made a face and slouched back against the wall. "No," he said. "His mom yelled down then and said it was getting late and that it was time for me to go home. It even sounded like she was coming down the stairs, too, so I had to get off him.... FUCK!" "Damn, Matt. That sucks." "Tell me about it, bro." "You know what you need to do?" "What?" "Next time, invite him over here. That way nobody'll be around to butt in." "Yeah, Parker," Matt said. "You're right... I oughta..." "I'll even help you out some if you need it," Parker offered. "Shit, bro," Matt said, hitching himself up, offended. "I don't need nobody's help. I'm almost fifteen." "Damn, Matt, I know that, man." He reached out and squeezed his brother's knee, and shook his leg a little. "I'm just saying that you should take advantage of having the master under your own roof while I'm here..." Matt rolled his eyes again. "Oh brother..."

He plopped down on his back by his older sibling, so they were laying side by side. "I wonder if he really woulda done it," he said. "Who? Bart?" "Yeah," Matt said. "You know, kissed my feet and all. I mean, bro," he turned his head to Parker, "they really stink sometimes, man." "Yeah, bro," Parker said, "but if he's a fag he likes that." "Man," Matt said, "that's so wack." "I know, bro," Parker agreed, "but that's just how it is, man. Some dudes are just fags, bro." "Yeah," Matt said, "I guess..." "I'm telling ya, Matt," his brother said, poking him in the chest, "you find out a dude's a fag and shit?... they'll do anything for real guys like us." "Yeah," Matt said, kind of abstractly. "Shit, bro," Parker said, poking him again, lightly, "wait till you have Bart licking your balls, man." "Aw, fuck, bro," Matt said, reaching down under the quilt and adjusting himself. "That's so gross." "Not for a fag, bro. That's just what they do." Parker was half smiling over at Matt. "They take care of real guys like us."

It was like the room had gotten real quiet. Matt lay there looking at his bro with his hand still under the quilt, and Parker waited. Then Matt swallowed, and got up into a sitting position again. "Yeah," he said, quietly, "I'm gonna call him tomorrow." "Yeah, bro," Parker said, "You should, man." They were quiet a few seconds, then Matt said, "You smell, man." "Yeah?" Parker leaned down and sniffed himself. He looked at Matt. "Yeah, I guess I do." They stayed like that for a few more seconds, then Matt yawned a little. "You oughta go to bed, bro. You're sleepy." "Yeah," Matt said, "I guess I am." "Yeah," Parker said, "I'm gonna turn in, too." "Okay." They got up off the bed, and Matt adjusted the quilt over his shoulders again. When it opened up Parker could see his bro's saggers and that they'd tented out. He had turned to go when Parker said, "Hey Matt." "What?" He pointed to his stomach. "Hit me, bro." Matt's eyes lit up. "REALLY?" "Yeah. Hit me off a good one, bro. I wanna see if I can take it."

He made a little pose in front of his brother, pointing to his abs, tensing them. Matt let the quilt fall off him and stood in front of his bro, looked at his abs and made a fist. He looked up at Parker and grinned. "You ready bro?" "Just take it easy on me, k?" "No way, bro." They grinned at each other and Parker tightened his abs and let Matt land a punch right on them. Yeah. That was good. It stung, but not much. He looked at Matt, who was flexing his fingers. "Your hand hurt?" "Yeah," Matt said, "a little." "Well, okay," Parker said. "That ain't much, is it?" "Nope." He could see Matt was actually starting to get a little trail, too, where his saggers hanging down. "Thanks, man," he said. "Anytime," Parker answered. Matt's eyes lit up again. "REALLY?" Parker laughed. "NO!" He rubbed his stomach, like it was tender. "Go to bed now, champ. It's late." "Yeah, okay." He reached down and picked up the quilt. "See you manana, bro." "Yup, if you're lucky..." And Matt walked across the hall back to his own room.

Left alone, Parker logged on and surfed awhile. He visited and checked his email. He checked out Yahoo! Sports and ESPN. A half hour later he was already bored. Stifling a yawn, he all of a sudden remembered that URL. Before the movie, when they had all been hanging around the food court, Parker had gone to piss. It was a Saturday night, and the men's room was hopping, so much so that Parker had had to go into a stall to relieve himself. When he had finished and zipped up he noticed that someone had written in small letters with a red magic marker on the back of the door. Just that,, but it had caught his attention and he made a note to himself to check it out later.

Now, in his room, in his sweats, he typed it into his address bar and hit enter. He waited about fifteen seconds while his browser awaited its response from host, then the page started to download. The disclaimer page loaded first, of course: must be a legal adult in the community in which you live, blahblahblah... He hit "Enter" again. Once the ads and counters started to download he began to lose interest, figuring it was just a spam site. But then, scrolling down the page, he found a blurb that was also a link:

Teen World Chat: Where TEENS Rule !!

Fuckin A, he thought, clicking.

The site that downloaded was like nothing he had seen before. Chatrooms and photo galleries, a mall, forums and personals. Links that would take you days to navegate. He checked out some galleries. Pep rallys and bike trips, school plays and wrestling meets, the Tennis Club and Career Day, French Club, the Spring Formals, the first wild taste of college. He clicked on "Chat" and went to piss while the java console loaded and when he got back a glance at the screen made him adjust himself and smile. Yeah, here it was. If there was dirty stuff, it was here. He sat down and checked out a few of the dozen rooms: Young Teen Chat, School Spirit, College Prep, Black Teen Chat, The Dating Game, Stuff that Sucks, and, near the bottom, Teen Jock Chat. Hell yeah, Parker thought, grabbing a toothpick, let's check this baby out. He typed in DefEnd17 and clicked on "Enter Room."

A bunch of guys were arguing sports, and two losers were talking about their girlfriend's tits, some hockey dude was being funny and there were a lot of lame names and "where you from"s. Some wrestling guys were getting razzed cause it wasn't season yet, so they couldn't get dates, and dudes from all over were hanging out, looking at least to talk. A couple'a dudes tried to hit him up right away, but he ignored them. He didn't even have a profile, so he knew they were lame. "Hey dude, u into football?" "Hey, man, 'sup?" He saw a few names that caught his attention, and he kept his eye on them. He did some more curls while he watched the room unscroll. He was sweating again when DanvilleDerk18 hit him up for private.

Hey bro, u busy? Pvt ok?


Yeah man, its cool. What's going on?

Bored here, man. These fuckers are lame, man. LOL.

Yah, man. I only been here like twenty minutes, but I guess it's just like all those other lame-ass chatrooms, huh?


LOL. Yeah Dude, there's lame fuckers everywhere---fuck!! ...Where are u bro? Where u from?

Seneca Falls, bro. You really from Danville?


LOL, buddy. We are gonna whip your butts on Friday, man.

Dude? You musta gotten hold of some bad pussy, man. Yer delusional, buddy! I mean, we're okay, but your team sucks, bro.

Naw, man. You know us Seneca Falls jocks, man---we all got big dicks. I almost get more pussy than I can handle, bro, so I can be choosy.

LOL dude. Sisters dont count, man.

LOL back at ya, bro. It's better than having your little brother jack u off ;)

We know all about u Danville guys, man. You're all over the net.

LOL ALRIGHT MAN--- Ease up, okay?

Your funny, dude. How come I never seen you here before?

Shit man first time here tonight. I just saw this graffiti for the site at the mall tonite, and figured I'd check it out.

Yeah bro. Been coming here about a month or so. I think it's kinda new.

Must be okay then, if yu keep coming back, haha...

Yeah It's okay. Sometimes there's some cool dudes hanging out.



So dude, u really into football, or are u just def? haha... I mean with your name and all....

Yeah dude. I play on our team, man.

Fuck, buddy. (Pause.) No fucking way, man.

Way, man. Defensive end. No lie.

Fuck man. Me too!! I mean I play on our team, too, bro.


Damn, buddy. (Pause.) We're like rivals then.

Yeah man.

Fuck. Guess we gotta shake hands and all now, huh?

LOL. No fucking way man. Not till just before the game man.

Damn. You're a real hardass ain't ya buddy?

Yeah. But you guys really do suck man---psych!!!

Damn, bro. You better tell your bro to ease up some on your pecker, man. He's got u so worked up u can't think

Fuck, dude...

How old is he bro? Twelve? Thirteen? He got soft little hands, bro?

Make your little wink get hard while he strokes ya and tells you about those fifth grade girls?

ALRIGHT ALRIGHT !! JEEZ, BRO. Damn, you're a dirty fucker, bro. :))

Me? Naw. (Pause.) There's some REAL pervs out there, man.


Yeah man. Tell me about it.

I mean, there's pervs in this room right now, bro.

Yeah, bro. I see em, man.

Dude. (Pause.)

They ever hit u up, man?


Whaddya mean bro?

Just that u said u been coming here a month or so, dude. Figured some fags woulda tried to get sweet with ya, haha....

LOL. Yah. I guess so, bro, But I ain't gay, man.

No way dude. And I didn't think u were, either. I mean, fags are okay, for fags. I just couldn't have a buddy that was, like, one. ya know?

Yeah, bro, I hear what you're saying. (Pause.)

So you know some fags, bro?

Yeah, man, like three or four. Not counting my dad, LOL....JUST

KIDDING, BRO. I mean, fags that I'm sure of.

Shit, dude. (Pause.) That's a lot of fags.

LOL. YEAH, bro. I attract em like flies, man. My hot jock bod really turns em on, man.


Yeah, right.

(Long pause.)

You still there, bro?

Yah, bro.

So... like do u slip it to them, bro?

Who, man?

Sheesh! the fags, bro.

Well. (Pause.) Yeah, bro. A couple of em. I mean like I said I love pussy man....


but if you want good head u need a fag, you know? In fact, I got ths idea.... HEY. Am I freaking u out, man? I bet I'm freaking u out.


Naw buddy, It's cool, man.

Cause if I am, dude, and u wanna bail, that's cool, you know?

No man. I mean, u gotta go?


Me either. So we can still talk some more, huh?

Yah man. So... like I was saying, I got this idea that if you find the right fag, there's pretty much nothing he won't do for a real guy, you know...?


Yeah, bro. Exactly, man. I know what u mean.

LOL. EXACTLY, bro? (Pause.) Ha, caught u buddy. How u know what I mean?


Yah, bro. Okay. You got me, man. I got this fag at school takes care of me man. Couple times a week. Sheesh.....

LOL. Yeah, man. It's fuckin awesome, isn't it?

Man... fuck, dude, we gotta meet.

LOL, looks like we're gonna, bro. I man if you ain't lying....

No, man, U?



So who's your fag, man. A buddy of yours?

No man. (Pause.) Not a bud, man.

One of your teammates, bro? I bet u hot some fags on your squad, eh? We do, man. Like three, I think. Plus this dude who won't admit it yet.

Jeez, bro. (Pause.) That's a lot. No wonder your team sucks, with all those fags, bro.

Very funny, man. But... you're right in a way. Those fags aren't about the game, bro. They're about the dick, LOL....

LOL yeah man. So, dude. (Pause.) Who's the dude that won't admit it, bro. He some closet fag?

Damn, bro, he pisses me off man.

Yeah? How come, man?

Fuck, man. This dude used to be a buddy of mine, man. I mean, we did shit together and EVERYthing.


Then like three weeks ago we're at school working out, you know? We didn't have practice and were just hanging, you know?


So dude, I'm going to shower later, man. And I had to piss so bad I forgot my towel, bro. So dude, I came back to grab it?


I came around the corner and he's got his head in my fucking locker, man.

<DD18? ??

I can see him sniffing my jock, bro. And my fuckin socks.

FUCK man. No way.

Fuck bro, I couldn't believe it. I was so pissed off...

Shit, bro. What'd you do?

Man, I watched him for like thirty seconds, bro. Just to be sure. Then I fuckin went to shower, man.


And u know what?

What, bro?

Like a few minutes later he comes in to shower, too. Like nothing

happened. But shit man. I see a lot of dicks in the lockerroom, bro. And you know how it is, bro. Jocks are always popping wood after practice sometimes, you know? And his dick was like he was hard, man, and just going down. And he was acting like everything's normal and cool.

FUCK. What'd u do man?

Nothing then, man. I was still fuming, bro. I mean, bro.


What, man?

We fucked chicks together, man. I've had my dick up a pussy that he was already in, man. I mean, I had a rubber and on, you know, but still....

Fuck, dude, he was probably thinking about your ass while he was fucking her...

I know, man. Can u fucking believe it? Pissed me off. We were buds, too.

That sucks, bro. Hold on man.


U there, bro?

Yeah, man. The rents are still up. always fucking things up.

LOL I hear that, man. Things cool?

Yeah, for noww.

K man.

So.... u got him sucking u off, bro?

LOL man. Not yet. Dude. Check this out man. He sniffs my jock, fuckin sniffs my dirty socks, let's himself get slapped around if I feel like it---and he still says... he's not a fag. You know any str8 dudes who do that, bro?

LOL. That's hot man. Fuck no. So... he blowin ya?

No man. Not yet.



Hey bro. Hold on man. I gotta piss wicked man. brb

Fuck, dude. Don't bail on me now, fucker.

LOL. No way bro. brb

Walking out into the hall Parker saw the light out under his dad's door. He pissed, then went to get a glass of water. He poked his head through Matt's door to check on him again before going back to his room.

Back, man.


Damn, bro. I thought u bailed.

Nope. U busy now, bro? Them fags getting sweet with u?

LOL. No, bro. What took you, man? You musta had to piss bad.

Yeah, man. I piss like a racehorse sometimes, haha... Keeps the

plumbing working just right, lol.

LOL. I hear that.


So, man, tell me about this old buddy of yours. You're telling me that he licks your feet, let's u slap him around, and he won't blow ya?

LOL, u like that, eh man? But, naw, bro, it's not that he won't blow me, man. It's more like I won't let him, yet.

Yeah bro? No shit? How come?

Cause he won't admit he's a fag yet, man. He's got a lot of spunk, man, which is cool in a way. I guess that's why we used to be buds and all. But man, I can tell he's always checking out my bod, now. He's fightingit, bro, but I kinda like that. It'll be that much sweeter when he finally admits it... THEN I'll slip him the sausage, you know? HAHA....

Damn. (Pause.) That's awesome, bro. You are definitely my kind of bud, man.


Thanks man. That's cool. You sound alright yourself, Derk. I don't have many buds myself.

LOL. It's Derek, bro. Derk's just a nick.

LOL. Cool man. Parker here.

Nice to meet u man. So


Hold on bro.


(Long pause.)

Shit, man. I gotta go. The rents are giving me shit, bro.

that sucks

Yeah man. Fuck, we gotta hook up again, buddy. I mean, be4 Friday, haha....

Yeah, dude. Could happen, bro.

You gonna be around tomorrow night, bro? We could chat some more then if u wanna.

Yeah, dude, maybe I can drop by, haha...

K, man. Check in after nine or so, dude. Hit me up if I'm here, ok?

Sure man. You can tell me about YOUR fag then, haha...


Yeah bro.


If you're cool and all.

Absolutely, man. Jock's honor, bro.

K man. Gotta go. Later, K?

DanvilleDerk18 has left private chat

Parker hung out for another half hour, but only a couple of lame dudes hit him up. He watched the room. A couple dudes calling themselves MondayNIteFootball and Pouch Dog kept popping in and out. A couple guys were talking about David Carr and Jake Delhomme, about Kerney and Urlacher and Alstott. They were fags, he just knew it. He made sure to bookmark the site and logged off. He wondered if Derek was cool, or a flake.

He swivelled around to turn off the CD player and caught a glimpse of his mother standing by the closet door. It was just for a second in his mind's eye, and he jumped, startled, his breath irregular. She DID that. She watched him. She wouldn't stay buried. He walked to his bed and lay looking up at the ceiling, waiting for his pulse to calm. He thought about the younger jocks, coming up every year from behind... He thought about Patrick Kerney and snorted. That cocksucker. Parker saw pictures of him on the net, walking around with his ass hanging out of his football pants. Yeah, Parker smiled, probably has a little cock... He sniffed himself. Show that fuckin Falcon what a real cock looked like, big pro player on his knees begging for a taste of this highschool meat. Fuck!! Make that fag David Carr watch him, too, hand in his laceups... groping his cup... sending him home to his wife with Parker's pit stink in his mouth... His eyes were dreamy and looking at nothing, looking at the ceiling...

He rolled over lazily, his teen dick flopping in his sweats, and picked up his cell from the table by the bed. He scrolled down, and waited. On the sixth ring he heard a groggy voice say, "Yeah?" "Hey, coach. It's Parker." "Hey... Parker." "Did I wake ya, coach?" "Yeah.... That's okay. You okay, Parker? Where are you?" "I'm at home, coach." He was playing with himself lightly the length of his sweats. "Where did you think I'd be?"

"I dunno. I guess I thought---" "My cock's hard, coach." There was a second's pause, then Jim said, "Really?" and Parker knew he was getting hard, too. "Yeah," the young jock said. "I was lying here thinking about how you sucked me off this afternoon and it made me hard as fuck, coach." "I... liked it too, Parker." "Yeah," the boy said. "Bet you're already thinking about Monday, huh?" Jim's breathing was getting shallow, and he mumbled "Yeah, son. You know I am." Parker heard him through the receiver and said, "I wanna cum, coach. You think you can help me out?" He let his hand play over his nipple, play in the cleft between his hard pecs. "Maybe talk me through it, so I can relax and get to sleep?"

He heard Jim moan and moved his hand down to rest on his stomach. "I'd do it, Parker. I'll suck you off right in my office if you want, or while you're sitting on the bench right in front of your locker." "Aw, yeah, coach. FUCK! wouldn't that be hot? You on your bare knees on the floor, sucking my big jockmeat?" "I'm sucking you, Parker, looking up at ya... letting you see me with my mouth full of your cock." Jim's voice got softer. "I... I been thinking about it all day, son." Parker was unlacing the front of his sweats, letting his hard dick work itself up and out over the waistband. "Yeah, coach?" "Yeah. Eating you real slow, jock, letting you watch your coach really take that meat." "Fuck yeah, man. Maybe pull it out of your mouth real slow, then cockslap your face with this fucker, huh?" Jim moaned. "Rub it all over your eyes and mouth, huh coach?" "Uh huh." "Maybe let you lick my jock nuts while I rub your face with my cock?"

Jim's voice was raspy as Parker lifted his hips and pushed his sweats half-way down. "Whatever you want." "Yeah, coach. You know what I want, man? I wanna see that big tongue of yours licking all over my nuts, I mean, really lapping at em, you know? And UNDER em, coach, where they get REALLY sweaty." Parker smeared his cock with his precum, wrapping his fist around his thick tool. Jim moaned. "Whatever you want, son. Lick yur nuts, back up your shaft... lick you under the head... work my tongue into your piss slit..." Parker's dick throbbed, and he worked his teen dick slowly. "Yeah, coach. That's it, man. You're gonna make me cum, now, fucker." Jim groaned. "Cum for me, Parker. Gimme your load--- Blow for me, fucker." "Fuckin... TAKE IT, coach. Gonna fuckin nut, man, right in your pussy MOUTH!!..." Parker felt his nuts pull up, and his cum rising, the tingling that... "Uh... uh... YEAH, man. Aw, FUCK!!" "Aw, FUCK!!" Jim echoed as Parker unloaded all over his abs and chest, back arched up, and knew Jim was taking his nut, swallowing, taking him like the good coach he was becoming... Slowly they came back down. Lazily, Parker swirled his cum around with a finger. "You cum, coach?" "Fuck," Jim said, slowly, winded. "Right in your jock, Parker." The boy's face brightened. "No shit?" "Yeah... Was that okay?" Parker almost laughed. "Damn, coach, that's gonna be a ripe fuckin jock come Monday, huh?" "Yeah..." Jim said. "Wear it tomorrow too." ..."Okay," Jim said, "I will."

"Okay, coach. Gotta go now. Think I can sleep now, haha..." "Yeah," Jim said, softly. "Me too." "Goodnight, coach." "Goodnight, P---" But he was already gone. The young jock grabbed an old tshirt and wiped himself off slowly. Then he rolled himself over and reached for the lamp on his end table. Yeah, Derek, he thought. Eat your heart out, fucker. He switched off the light, puffed up his pillows and settled into sleep.

Outside in the hallway Matt slumped against the wall, his knees half weak and wobbly, his crotch a mess. He had woken up to pee and saw his brother's light still on, and heard the sound of his voice. He'd edged up sleepily to the door, wondering who Parker was talking to. He knew that when Parker's door was ajar you could see through the sliver on the hinge side, and with a skill born of practice the little snoop moved up. Parker was lying on his bed, playing with himself, talking to someone on the phone. Matthew felt his throat go dry, and his heart raced. He went hot and cold and his skin pricked. And---oh my god!---Parker was talking DIRTY to someone! Matt's young cock pressed so painfully against his pants he had to unzip them, slowly, to be quiet, to relieve the pressure. He could only hear Parker's side, of course, and at first he thought he was talking to Tyler, or maybe some chick. But then he heard the word "coach" a few times, and, little by little, with envy and awe, he fit the pieces together. But he still couldn't beLIEVE it. Parker and the COACH? His hand slid down to his young dick and he watched his brother lift his hips and haul his cock out of his sweats. His breathing was funny, his knees locked, his eyes burned he couldn't even blink. Parker's cock was... he'd never seen it all the way hard before.. it was... FUCK!!

Matt looked at the meat sticking up between his brother's legs and moaned, scaring himself that he'd been heard, but Parker was involved with his dick now, and didn't even hear him. "I wanna see that big tongue of yours licking all over my nuts..." He watched Parker's hand working his tool, could even see the clear stuff leaking out, and the thought that it was Coach Pierson on the other end went right to Matt's nuts, and he didn't even shoot, his young teen cock just started to unload, creaming over his hand and pants, leaking everywhere, even while his brother was yelling "TAKE IT !!," even as he spewed his own jock load over his stomach and chest.

Matt slumped wiped-out against the wall. When Parker's light went out he roused himself and walked unsteadily back to his room. He slipped off his pants and crawled naked into his bed. His skin itched like sunburn. His brother DID have a big dick. He WASN'T a fake. Thoughts tumbled in and out of his head like movies, and, like Coach Pierson, decades earlier, he tossed and turned all night.

to be continued...

Next: Chapter 6

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