Boys in the Limelight

By moc.loa@oeL518kciN

Published on Sep 10, 1999


***This story is totally fictional. It's not meant to imply anything about the sexuality or beliefs of anyone in the story. Some characters are merely based on real life people from 98 Degrees, the BSB and N'Sync. Reality and this story are separate. Feel free to respond to the story and let me know what you think! My email address in That said, enjoy.

Boys In The Limelight (Part 1 )

He imagined his lover's soft lips brushing against his own, feeling the smooth firm flesh of his chest pressing against his own. His nipples were so hard they hurt. They were hugging and frantically kissing, his mouth being pried apart by the invading tongue. Their bodies rubbed against one another, hips grinding into hips, hands grabbing and groping until both bodies erupted in a fit of passion. Suddenly, he snapped to attention and peered down on the stage below. He was alone.

The metal cage shook a bit as that someone up in the darkness moved about. Nick Carter peered into the black arena from the stage where he and the rest of the Back Street Boys were rehearsing for their concert tour, trying to see who it was. Their music started and the boys began to rehearse their dance steps one more time. Ken their performance Stage Manager was standing in front of the stage looking up at the boys but was obviously paying more attention to the conversation going on over his wireless headset.

"Go ahead they're almost done. Even Fatima gave up on them.." Ken trailed off and stepped outside of the concert hall. The guys still on stage dancing hardly gave him a second thought as none of them really knew him well, or what he did for their performances. From the darkness a soft voice came on the sound system just as the lights started to shift, a billow of fog started to roll out on stage and two medium sized spotlights began sweeping around them.

"I just wanted to say that I think you guys are the best part about being human.. I mean if it weren't for you I don't know what I'd do... can I have your autographs?" the voice questioned. Kevin stopped dancing abruptly and most of the boys' eyes widened. Nick Carter busted out laughing and soon so did the rest of them until finally even Kevin was laughing.

"Come out of there, brat!" Brian called into the hall. As he did so they heard the snap of a cable and a young man came careening down on the cable they used for special effects during the show. He got above the stage and as the cable sagged he released the clip and fell about three feet.

"Sorry guys, I didn't mean to mess you up," the boy said. Howie and AJ gave him a look and giggled, but Kevin had a stern gaze.

"Well Dane, we could have used the practice, but something tells me none of us were going to get any better this afternoon. We've got two more days before the kickoff of the tour, so I'll let you off the hook." He grinned. Dane jumped over to Nick and hugged him gently.

"Hey, like the new lights?" Dane looked genuinely concerned with Carter's opinion.

"Sure kiddo, I think they're great."

"Okay guys we've got a half hour ride back to the hotel and then two hours before we meet again for dinner, sound good?"

"When did we ever turn down dinner?" Howie joked. They all agreed laughing as they filed out of the stage and out the back door to the two limos that awaited them. A cloud cover had rolled in and it looked like it was about to rain. Still, the BSB had had a great rehearsal and they were planning on meeting up with N'Sync for dinner that night to discuss their tour plans. AJ, Howie and Brian headed for one limo while Nick, Dane and Kevin headed for the other.

Inside the limo Kevin smiled at Dane and Nick. They had been friends for a few years now and Nick had introduced Dane to the group while he was still working as an assistant stage manager for 98 Degrees. Nick had known him even before that and though Nick traveled a lot now with the BSB, Dane was a family friend and someone he was glad to help out. The moment the band was given the news that some of their crew was quitting because of the grueling nature of their last tour, Dane was the first person he called. The managers had set Dane up with the band and put him in charge of lighting design and effects, and luckily they were very pleased with his results. The new tour that BSB and N'Sync had planned was sure to be one of the best performances either group had given so far.

"Things are looking pretty hot up there in the booth," Kevin said to Dane, "Sure you can keep up with us and the other guys? You're covering two groups now and when things don't look right it's you they're gonna turn to."

"Gee no pressure Kevin!" Nick said sarcastically hugging Dane. "This is my little bro' you're talking about." Dane giggled.

"I promise to do my best." Dane said quietly. His eyes drifted out the window and his mind began to travel. His sandy blonde curls hung chin length and he had deep blue eyes. He was built pretty well for a 6'1" kid and worked out to keep toned and ran to keep healthy. He was one of Nick's best friends and since he had been working with them for the past week and a half designing a new look for their new material he had become fast friends with most of the group. Nick had "adopted" him as a little brother even though he was only two months younger. He enjoyed hanging out with Brian and Nick most, even though both of them were in relationships at the moment and often times busy.

"What's on your mind Dane?" Nick looked a little worried due to Dane's silence.

"I miss him" was all he could utter as a sigh escaped his lips.

"I know you do. You said they might come and see the show right?" Nick said putting a hand on Dane's shoulder. Kevin watched his two friends interact.

"Yeah but it's hard for all three groups to be in the same spot at once, ya know? And they're just getting to the point where they need to stay in the spotlight for a while... I'm really happy about their progress. They're making it."

"They deserve to, they're a good bunch of guys. But you deserve to see him too right? I know I'd want to see my baby like mad if I couldn't. Hell I miss him right now." Nick laughed.

Kevin smirked, "You two love-birds see way too much of each other if you ask me. I don't want to think about how much sleep you guys don't get." Dane laughed at that and continued looking out the window, his heart was practically breaking because he'd been away from his boyfriend for nearly two months now. Nick looked at him and then looked to Kevin, they gave one another a knowing grin but remained silent. It would only be a matter of hours before they saw Dane happy again.

After the limo ride and a relatively quiet trip up the elevators the Boys and Dane arrived on their floor, one reserved just for them in one of the nicest hotels in Los Angeles.

Kevin slowly walked behind he guys and stopped in front of his door, "Okay guys, two hours before we meet in the lobby for dinner ok? Try not to be late. I'm gonna call Joey and the guys from N'Sync and make sure they're flight will be in on time and then see them here from the airport. Anybody who wants to go with me is more than welcome." Nick and Brian were more than eager to accompany him and they rushed off to their hotel rooms to get ready.

AJ and Howie decided to shower and get in some shopping while they could and then meet them back at the hotel by 8 p.m. for dinner. Dane slowly put his bag down in his room. Normally crew members didn't get put up the way he was with the guys, but being Nick's close friend and friends with the guys they requested that he be around. He had kind of hoped to spend the evening with Brian and Nick just hanging out, playing video games or whatever so his heart sank even lower. He drew a leather binder out of his bag and thumbed through its contents: most of the plans and cues for the show that was about to get underway. His entire livelihood was wrapped up in those pages. If he could make it for the BSB and N'Sync he could possibly design Broadway shows, his one dream.

He looked around his room and from his suitcase pulled out a large olive green sweater, holding it to his face and breathing in the smell. A tear slipped out of the corner of his eye. He put on jeans, Docs and the large sweater on over his long sleeved t-shirt. He looked lost in clothes that weren't his. Slowly, he shuffled off to Kevin's room and knocked on the door softly.

"Yeah? Who is it?" called Kevin from inside.

"It's just me.. Dane.." he answered back "Can I come in?"

"Sure! It's open!" Kevin shouted. Dane opened the door and walked inside. He could hear the sound of the sink running in the bathroom and he hopped on the bed to wait. Kevin came out fully dressed but rubbing a towel through his short hair.

"Hey you, I just took a quick shower before heading out, what's on your mind?" Kevin smiled trying to get Dane to smile back.

In a soft voice - nearly a whisper between tears Dane asked his question, "Do you mind..." sniff "if I go with you.." sniff "to get the guys?" Kevin walked over to him, patted him on the shoulder and shook his head.

"Why would I mind? You're not just "Nick's friend" to me, or the other guys anymore, you're our friend too. And so what if you don't sing in our group. The work you do do for us is just as important." Dane wiped his eyes and smiled.

"Thanks." Just as he said that Nick and Brian came barreling in through the door without even knocking, they were laughing boisterously and shoving each other.

"Oh hey Dane, you going along too?" Brian asked plopping down in a chair.

"Yeah he's going -- now let's actually go, we don't want to be late to pick them up now do we?" Brian and Nick looked at each other laughed and ran out into the hallway and down to the elevator. Kevin giggled and turned back to Dane.

"C'mon, don't worry, we have something to cheer you up with later." Dane stood up and arched an eyebrow before heading off to the elevator laughing at his friends.

Next: Chapter 2

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