Boy's Town

By Josh

Published on Jun 24, 2003



I wrote of my own first experience in Boys' Town in another story. This story is based on two friend's actual experiences.

Though much of the original conversations were in Spanish and broken English, except for a couple of exceptions, I will render all the conversations in English.

We all grew up in Texas, on the border with Mexico. At the time these things happened, Boys' Town was what everyone called the red-light district across the border. If you were tall enough to reach the bar, you were old enough to be there, especially if you had any money. It was a time before AIDS and all the multitude of STDs.

Oh, and just to let you know how long ago this was, we could get our Texas driver's licenses at the age of 14 back then.

Back then, too, kids were not passed on in school unless they actually passed the work. But they also had to stay in school until age 16. In eighth grade, I was 12, but there were guys who were 15. One of them was a desk mate.

Ours was a poor school district. In Junior high, we still had the old-fashioned, double seater desks. Two students shared a desk and sat side by side.

In our science class, I shared a desk with Arturo. My name is Andy.

Arturo (b/t/F/g)

His last name was Uribe. Mine was Wallace. Since seating was alphabetical, Arturo and I wound up in the back corner at the desk we shared. I sat on the right side of the seat, close to the wall. Arturo sat on my left.

I hade only begun to think about sex back then, and that with girls. So I really didn't think much about how Art looked when we first met. But he was a good looking boy. He was thin and fairly tall, at least to me. He had a devilish smile and incredibly thick, black hair with a hairline well down on his temples.

On the other hand, I was a blond, blue-eyed skinny kid, putting all my growth into cock that year and getting my first couple of pubic hairs. I was a little tall for my age and looked a year or two older than I was.

Art and I hit it off, sort of. He had only one thing on his mind, though. By the second week of school, before, after, and even during class, Arturo was regularly telling me about the trips he and his older brothers took to Boys' Town. According to Art, they went almost every weekend.

One day his talking must have made him really horny. As class was beginning, he nudged me, looked down at his lap and said, "Touch it."

I looked into his lap and was astounded at what to me was a huge cock, extending several inches down his pants on the inside of his thigh closest to me. "I'm not going to touch it." I stated flatly and looked around to see if anyone in the class was looking.

"Look," he said.

I looked down to the desktop where he had placed a picture of a guy in only a ball cap fucking a girl. She was spread out with a look of ecstasy on her face and their bodies were arranged so that you could see his long cock entering her pussy.

My mouth dropped, and I unconsciously adjusted my own extending cock to give it room. I let it out of my briefs to travel down my own leg, my left one. I picked up the picture to look more closely at it. Suddenly, I felt Art's hand pressing against my cock through my pants.

It felt so good, I didn't move except to look around and make sure that no one was looking. No one was.

Arturo could work wonders through a pants leg. I was getting so hot I put a hand on his cock and squeezed, looking nervously around to make sure there was still no one looking.

It was only moments before I had an orgasm. Back then, I could only cum a little bit, but enough to leave a wet spot on my trousers. I had to concentrate to keep quiet. As I came, I was squeezing his cock really hard through his pants. Afterward his pants were wet too, though I figured it for just pre-cum.

After that, it was almost daily that Art would pull out pictures and we would grope each other. All those pictures of fucking were getting me desperate. I was twelve years old and I needed a woman, badly. I started trying to figure out how to seduce my sister or rape a toddler.

One day, Arturo asked me to meet him after school to "suck it."

I told him to go to hell, that there was no way I was going to "suck it." Nevertheless, it became an almost daily invitation. I don't remember exactly when it happened, but at one point the back-and-forth became,

"Meet me after school. We'll have fun. You can suck my cock."

"Take me to Boys's Town with you and then I'll suck it."

"Suck it and I'll take you to Boys' Town and you can fuck pussy."

"Take me to Boy's Town and then I'll suck it; Boys' Town first."

I didn't think Arturo was taking me seriously, and wasn't sure what would happen if he did. But finally one day, he said he and his brothers would take me the next Saturday and that I would have to suck his cock even if I didn't go because he had offered to take me.

The remote chance of even touching a live pussy inspired me. I told my Dad that a friend from school, Arturo had some family across the river and had invited me to go over to visit on Saturday. I even got Art to agree to let me spend the night and told my Dad I'd sleep over with Art after.

It worked. My Dad thought it would be great for me to see a little more of the culture over there and thought I might even pick up a little more Spanish.

The big day

Art told me to be at his house at 4:00 PM on Saturday. I was there on my bicycle at 3:00. He had a sister my age, Angela, who answered the door. She was a breath-taker, with long, thick, black hair, big brown eyes, a lovely face, and fine black hairs on her arms and legs. When she called Art, he came from the back in just his jockey briefs. "Well," I thought, "so much for modesty around here."

He had me come on back to the room he shared with his two older brothers. No one else was there. Art closed the door and told me his brothers would be back soon. "We have time. You can suck my cock," he said.

"After you take me to Boys' Town," I reminded him. He shrugged and stepped up to me. He was half a head taller. He undid my pants and pulled them and my underwear down. My cock sprang up (I think I had been hard for three days already). He took it in his right hand. I thought I would cum right then. No one had ever grabbed my cock before.

Kneeling down, he licked up and down my cock and then put his mouth over it. I had never imagined anything could feel like what I felt then. I came almost instantly. Art swallowed my cum and then sucked a little longer. When he finished, he kissed the tip of my cock and stood up.

His hard cock was sticking out of the top of his briefs. I reached out and grabbed it. It was the first time I had held another boy's cock. And what a cock. Besides being long and big, he was uncut and I loved the feel of his skin sliding up and down the shaft as I started to milk it.

"I sucked you," he said. "Now you do me."

Before I could even think about it, there was a commotion in the hall. We quickly pulled up my pants and his underwear as the door burst open and Art's two older brothers entered. Robert (Roberto) was 16 and Enrique was 18. They looked like slightly older, slightly bigger, slightly beefier versions of Art. Robert was an inch to two taller than his older brother, Enrique.

The brothers noticed me right away. "So this is your new little boy friend (only the word he used was cruder than boy friend), huh, Arturo?" Enrique asked in Spanish as he came over and tousled my hair.

Arturo was putting on pants and cussed at Enrique, adding, "Andy speaks Spanish." Which was only partly true. I had understood what Enrique said and was blushing mightily.

"Sorry," Enrique apologized.

"He's cute enough to be a boy friend; little, blond gringo boy," Robert said as he grabbed my ass.

"Leave him alone," Arturo warned. I got the impression that Art had practice standing up to his brothers.

"He's too young to take this afternoon," Robert answered.

"He's not," said Arturo. "I went once when I was his age."

"Naw," answered Robert, you were older and you weren't a beautiful blond boy. Every old fuck there is going to want to screw him. Come to think of it," Robert said thoughtfully, "maybe we could make some money off of him."

"Shut up," said Enrique. He turned to Arturo, "He really is too young."

"I am not," I said, throwing in what Spanish curse words I could muster. I was at a loss at what else to say. I could think of no objection they couldn't shoot down.

"I promised him," threw in Art.

Robert looked hard at me, "You have any money?"

Actually I did, I had raided some of my savings and had $20. "Yep."

Enrique commented, "All the whores will love him. They'll probably fuck him for free."

Robert stepped close to me and frowned down, "You have guts? Some of the guys over there get mean when they're drunk. They may want to beat the shit out of a little gringo, or haul you to the john and fuck you."

I looked up at him, angry. What could I say? Evidently the look said something.

"Damn," said Enrique, "He looks like he's ready to take you on, Robert."

Enrique asked Arturo, "You really want to take him?"

Arturo nodded.

"You'll keep him out of trouble?" Enrique asked him.

Again, Art nodded.

Enrique thought a moment and made up his mind. "He can go." Then Enrique looked seriously at Arturo, "but you better keep an eye on him. Don't let him wander off with any whores you don't know, and don't let any old fuck sneak off with him." Turning to Roberto, he continued, "and you help."

Roberto shrugged, "We'll just tell everybody his Dad is a big-balled politico over here that will castrate anybody who messes with his kid." He turned to me and grabbed my butt again, "Anybody but us, that is." Arturo pushed Robert's hand away.

My dad actually was a city councilman, which didn't mean a whole lot. But at least back then it was a little safer in Mexico than these days. It was long before drug lords and kidnappings. And I was in good hands...or would be.

"Hey," Robert suggested, "we can give him to Marta Rosa. She'll teach him real good."

They all laughed. "Who the hell is Marta Rosa?" I asked.

Arturo put his arm around my shoulder as we walked out. "You'll see." He promised.

We climbed into Enrique's car (at least, it once was a car). Arturo and I sat in the back. Enrique warned us, "We can't stay all night guys. I have to be at work really early tomorrow. We're coming home just as soon as everyone," then he looked at me, "well almost everyone, gets a piece."

As we pulled out, I asked Enrique how old he got his first piece. "Older than you, kid. I was 14, and it wasn't boy's town. It was Gloria Munoz, down the street. Fine ass!"

"How old were you when you got your first piece?" I asked Robert.

"Well, other than Arturo's little ass," (I looked at Arturo who cussed and looked out the window.) "I was 14 too, and it was also Gloria down the street. She decided to trade up to a real man, eight inches."

"Yeah, measuring from your butt hole!" Enrigue challenged.

"How about you, Arturo?"

"Oh, Art only lost his cherry this last summer, in boy's town," answered Roberto. "He had to mow a lot of lawns last summer, didn't you little Arty?"

Art ignored him and kept looking out the window.

At Boy's Town, we parked on the street and entered a two-story bar, the Manhattan. Music was blaring from the doors. Inside it was dark and it took a moment for our eyes to adjust. The guys picked a table in the back corner, and I sat at the back of the table.

They ordered beers and a coke for me. We watched the floor show.

From the moment I stepped out of the car, I was aware that everyone there was staring at me. Once we were seated, several of the girls came by and pinched or caressed my cheek, calling me pretty. That upset me a little because that was what women did to babies.

One of the young girls even came up and stood next to Enrique. He put his arm around her waist and pulled her closer to him. "Oh he's cutie, Ricky. I bet he has the cutest little pecker," and she held up two fingers about an inch apart. I flushed.

There was someone else in the bar getting as much attention as I, Marta Rosa. She was in her late 30s, with short black hair and flashing brown eyes. I assumed she ran the place or was head whore. She may have simply seemed in charge because of a clearly dominant personality. She had the attention of the entire room.

No matter what was happening on the dance floor, even when some naked girl was swinging her booty for all she was worth, Marta Rosa continued to hold everyone's interest with outrageous antics. For example, at one table, she took a salt shaker, stuck it well up under her skirt and rubbed it around, then salted a guy's food. From another table, she kept calling insults to the current girl stripping. At another table, she gave a grossly erotic lap dance to a guy old enough to have a heart attack.

Marta was working her way around the room and soon was at our table. "Hey, Marta Rosa," yelled Roberto above the noise, "this is Andy," he pointed to me, sitting in the back, "He wants you to take his cherry."

Marta Rosa threw her head back, laughing, and came around to me. For her age, she had a nice face and figure; full boobs and just the beginning of crow's feet at the corner of her eyes. Her short skirt revealed slender, black stockinged legs.

Marta's face was not beautiful, but strong, and good looking, full of humor and good nature. Despite her coarseness, I took an instant liking to her. She sat down on my lap facing me, straddling my legs and she put her hands on my shoulder. "Andy?" she asked, as if that was a really strange name.

I nodded.

"You cherry?"

I nodded.

"You fuck Marta Rosa," she promised, "You won't want to fuck any other woman, ever." She smiled a triumphant, taunting smile to a girl who had sat in Enrique's lap. "So you want Marta Rosa to show you a good time?" Marta asked me. Then before I could respond, her hands went to my belt and undid it and the top of my pants. She reached in and found my cock, which was soft. I was nervous and felt like every eye was on us.

"Ooooo," she crooned, and began massaging my cock. Despite everything, I began to get hard. "Hey," she yelled out to everyone, "this boy has man cock!"

I was both proud and ten shades of red. She leaned forward as she massaged my cock and said in my ear, "You want Marta Rosa to teach you?" I put a hand up onto her left tit and nodded.

In a split second, she was leading me by the hand toward the stairs as I tried to hold up my loose pants. Arturo and his brothers were cheering and clapping, as were some others. Nothing was said about money.

Marta Rosa led me up the stairs and down the hall to a room. Once in, she closed the door and leaned back against it smiling at me and blew a kiss. I barely had time to take in the room. It was sparsely furnished and smelled heavily floral. There was the bed, a vanity, a chest, and an attached bathroom. There were two oddly placed mirrors on one wall that I decided later could be one-way mirrors like my Dad had in his hardware store.

She took my hands and pulled me close, pressing my hands to her breasts. She leaned forward to nibble my ear. I squeezed her tits. She giggled.

She turned her back to me and invited me to undo her top. I slide down the zipper, and the top came off. There was no bra beneath. I stepped forward and reached around to cup her naked breasts. She wiggled her butt back against me.

Then she pulled off her skirt and stockings, and backed into me naked. As I continued to cup her breasts, she rubbed her naked butt against my now hot crotch. Turning in my arms, she pulled up and off my shirt and then we embraced, naked chest to naked breasts. We were about the same height.

The feel of her soft breasts pressed against me made me more aware of my own hard chest and gut. The feel of her bare skin against mine made me want to press her even harder to myself. Her hands lightly scratched my back. I moved my hands to her butt.

Stepping back, she finished undoing my pants and knelt down. She removed first one shoe and sock, and the pants on that leg, then the other. Still kneeling, she examined my cock. "Beautiful," she exclaimed and kissed it.

We both crawled up onto her bed and lay side by side. With my eyes, I examined her body, curious about all her feminine details. She was examining me with her eyes in a hungry manner. Damn it felt good to be looked at like that.

She laid back and spread her legs, showing me all her delicate parts. She showed me were to rub and tickle and blow lightly. She showed me her hole and my cock jumped. She gently held my cock while I rubbed her the way she told me. Before long, she was getting really wet.

She pulled her knees up and swatted her butt, "Climb aboard little cowboy."

I knelt in front of her tried to just lie down onto her, expecting my cock would somehow magically go in. I began poking. Marta giggled and reached down to guide my cock in. As it sunk in the damp, soft, warmth, her pussy caressed my cock and squeezed it. I shuddered in pleasure.

I lifted myself enough to look down where my cock entered her. The feeling was fascinating.

As I began to move in and out, her hands went to my butt and I felt her fingernails scratch over them. Damn, I was afraid she was drawing blood--that would be hard to explain. She didn't, but at the time, I was worried enough to almost lose my erection, especially when I felt her nails clawing at my back.

Before long, I was hard again as her pussy kept squeezing my cock and she kept raising her cunt to meet my thrusts. Our pubic bones pressed hard on each stroke. I drove as deep as I could. I wanted to please Marta Rosa. I wanted to fuck like a man.

Her legs closed vice-like over the backs of my legs. Her hands pulled my butt hard to her. Suddenly she was moaning and her pussy was pulsing on my cock. I didn't have time to wonder what was happening with her as my own orgasm hit with unexpected force.

As we finished, I collapsed onto her, and she hugged me. "No more cherry, little Andy. You're a man now."

It felt great in Marta's arms, lying on her breasts and soft body, but she had work to do. She slapped my butt and we got up and dressed.

As we walked back into the bar and all eyes turned toward us, Marta held up my hand like a champ who won a fight, and let out some loud hoots.

I was blushing, but proud, and damn, I liked fucking.

Returning to the table, I found only Roberto. A chubby whore with a ton of make up was sitting in his lap, occasionally groping him. I just sat down, not wanting to interrupt him.

They seemed to be in no hurry, which pleased me. I did not want to be left alone. Before long, a slender, very young girl in a short black dress came up and sat in my lap. Her black hair hung down her back. Even though her face was a little thin, she was pretty. "My name is Maria. You have fun with Marta?" She asked.

From across the room Marta yelled at Maria to leave her boy friend (me) alone. Maria waved a "go away" at her, and nuzzled her face into my neck. "You have a good time with Marta?" she asked again.

"Yeah," I answered, putting a hand on one her back, and reaching with the other to squeeze one of her boobs. I was getting damn brave. She wiggled in my lap.

"How many times did you cum?" she asked in my ear.

"Once," I didn't count the blow job from Art.

"Did Marta do 'around the world'?" she asked.

I wasn't sure what that meant, but doubted we hand done anything special, so I shook my head "no."

"I can give you around the world," she cooed in my ear. Then she took one of my hands and placed it up under her dress. She had no underwear and my hand went right on to her already damp pussy. I rubbed a little as Marta had shown me.

Without a word, Maria stood up and took my hand. We headed for the stairs, and again, we had not talked about money.

Maria led me to a different room, but similarly furnished. She closed the door with her back to me and I boldly stepped forward to press my body against her. I reached under to cup her breasts with my hands. I kissed the back of her neck. She pressed back into me.

I unzipped her dress. It fell to the floor and she stepped from it naked. She lay back on her bed, spreading her legs and moving her hips invitingly as I undressed.

As I pulled my pants down and my cock sprang up, she gave out an approving "Ummmmm."

As I climbed up beside her, she pushed me onto my back. Kneeling over me, she began to kiss and lick down my neck and chest. She mouthed and sucked on my nipples, while massaging my cock and balls with a hand.

She kissed down my belly, licked in my navel, licked down to my pubes. Then she kissed and licked my inner thighs and up under my balls. Shaking her head, she nuzzled the base of my cock under my balls. Then she licked my balls, then my cock.

She put her mouth over the crown and I felt her tongue caressing my cockhead and exploring the slit. Then she deep-throated me in one motion. My hands were clutching her head. I began to thrust up into her mouth.

Maria manuvered so that her pussy was right beside my face. I leaned closer, but her smell was strong. I didn't want to lick her, but began rubbing and playing with her pussy using my hands.

I had to be doing well; she began to get really wet. She was doing well, too. I began to moan as she engulfed my cock and her hands played over my balls and legs.

She pulled off my cock and quickly moved up to straddle me, lowering herself onto my cock. For the second time, my cock entered a soft, warm, wet pussy. Maria's was a little tighter.

She began to rock back and forth over me, her breasts swaying invitingly. I reach up and cupped them in my hands. I felt and caressed them. I pinched her nipples. I squeezed each breasts with my whole hand.

As she rocked, I bucked up. I stayed deep in her. The feelings were incredible. My hands dropped from her breasts to claw at the sheets as I felt my orgasm rising. Maria bent down and took my head in her hands, kissing me full on the lips as she also began to come. We were groaning into each other's mouths as we ground to hard orgasms.

I almost limped back to the bar this time. I was tired. And hungry. I realized I hadn't eaten since breakfast. Mercifully, all three brothers were back at the table. Unfortunately, no one looked in a hurry to leave.

I returned to my chair amid back clapping, butt swatting, and general congratulations. After sipping a new coke, I started to feel a little better, and asked if there was any food to be had.

Enrique decided we needed to eat at a cabrito (baby goat) stand he liked and we headed out. As we ate, we reviewed the afternoon's adventures. Each of the brothers described their experience. I was the only one to have had two women. I definitely felt like a winner. My feelings of exhilaration and triumph rose as the food revived me.

It was well after dark as we left Mexico. Arturo and I were in the back seat again. We were all a little quiet. It had been quite a day. In the dark, I felt Arturo's hand begin to caress my leg and crotch. I had already been well satisfied and wasn't getting hard or excited. But I let him do it because it felt comforting. In fact, I reached over and rubbed on his hard crotch in a massaging, soothing manner.

When we got back, to Arturo's house, Enrique went on, to bed. Roberto watched TV with the rest of the family. Arturo and I sat outside just talking. Despite our age difference, we visited easily; a friendship was developing.

Roberto was still watching a horror movie on TV when Art and I decided to head for bed. Enrigue, Roberto, and Arturo all shared a room, but each had his own twin bed. Since no one told me to do otherwise, I crawled into bed with Arturo. Enrique was already breathing regularly, asleep.

Arturo and I shared his pillow and faced each other in bed, each in just his underwear. I felt Art's hand slide into the front of my briefs. As he grabbed and caressed my cock, it began to harden, despite all that had happened already that day.

I reached into the front of his briefs. His cock was full and hard. It felt good in my hand. We both pulled off our briefs and moved closer.

Arturo reached out and took me into an embrace. My arms went around him too and our bodies pressed together. As I felt his hard body press to me, his long legs entwined with mine, and his thick cock against my belly; as I felt his warm soft skin and the strength of his arms around me, I decided I liked naked boys, too.

A boy is all bone and muscle. When you embrace another boy, you feel strong too. Entwined with his hard body, I felt more male, and like a pure athlete, relaxed.

Quietly, Arturo reminded me, "Now you really owe me a cock sucking, I took you to Boy's Town."

I nodded and started to slide down in the bed to do my duty, but he stopped me. Instead, he moved toward the foot of the bed, putting us into a sixty-nine position.

He began licking and kissing my balls and the shaft of my cock. I began doing the same to him. I could smell pussy on him, but I could also smell him. I liked his smell. Before long, we had our mouths over each others cocks.

He had to show me how to keep my teeth off him, and how to caress each other's butt and balls while we sucked.

I didn't think I would come very soon, but was enjoying the experience when I heard Roberto come quietly into the room. I didn't know whether to worry about getting caught or not. I didn't think I needed to.

There was a rustling, and then I felt Robert's naked body press against my back, his cock laying into my butt crack. It felt fully as big as Arturo's. We had to slide over a little to get all three of us onto the bed.

Robert began sliding his cock up and down my crack. His breath smelled a little of beer, but not bad as he breathed down my neck. One hand reached over to tweak my nipples.

While Arturo and I continued a relaxed, enjoyable suck, I felt Robert move away a moment. Then I felt something cool and wet being rubbed into my butt crack and hole. Now I was getting a little concerned.

When I felt Roberto lie down against me again, and felt his hard cock begin to push against my butt hole, I pulled off Arturo, "What the fuck?"

His hands holding my hips firmly, Robert pushed in. Slowly, but it still hurt some. "Oh, Dammmmn," I let out. Robert told me to be quiet, and then instructed me to just relax and it wouldn't hurt.

Well I tried to relax, and eventually Robert made it all the way in, but it still hurt. With Arturo sucking, though, I never got soft.

Robert started moving in and out. The sensations changed dramatically. Not only did it quite hurting, something definitely started feeling good, like a deep itch getting rubbed. I put my mouth back on Arturo's cock.

Robert's held me tightly in strong arms. I could feel his muscular body pressing hungrily against me. Arturo was sucking and tonguing my cock while his hands soothed my balls and down at my butt where his brother was beginning to pound rapidly.

My hands explored Arturo's soft butt and his tightening balls while I did my best to suck and tongue his cock as he was doing mine. I couldn't take it all in, but enjoyed playing my tongue around and under his foreskin.

Suddenly Robert plunged deep, pulled me hard against him and stiffened as he pumped his cum deep into me. I could feel it squirting in. Afterward, he just stayed in me, propping his head on one hand while gently caressing my back and butt with his other.

Then Arturo began cuming. I hadn't really thought about him cuming in my mouth, but when he did, I swallowed it, and the taste was ok, salty. I sucked hard to try to drain him.

After cuming three times already that day, I wasn't sure I would be able to again, but just then, Art gave my balls a squeeze and took me deep into his throat. My orgasm came up slowly, reluctantly, but surprisingly intense. I tried without complete success to be quiet.

When I was done, Robert finished pulling out, gave my butt a little swat and got up to go to his own bed. Art came back up to the pillow, and we fell asleep on each other.

Three weeks later

It turned out to be a while before I could go to Boy's Town again with the brothers. I wasn't even sure I would be able to get them to take me again.

Arturo and I were getting along fine. We did an occasional rub off in class. We met after school a couple of times. I let him fuck me, like Robert had, and Arturo even let me fuck him. We did it doggie style. I liked it. I liked watching my cock go in and out of his tight, muscular butt. I like the feel as I slammed into his but each time and the feel of my balls pressing between us. I liked looking down on and rubbing the muscles in his back. And I liked the way his broad shoulders tapered to his slim waist.

I decided guy sex could be more athletic and even hotter than sex with women. At least with Arturo it was. Yet there was no denying how good a pussy felt around a cock.

One day after school, Arturo and I went to his house, hoping no one would be there. No one was, at least until we got to the boys' bedroom. Robert was sleeping on his stomach in just his underwear.

We backed down the hall and Arturo started giggling. He had an idea. After he explained it, we snuck back into the room and both stripped naked as quietly as possible. Then Arturo put some cream in my hand.

At Arturo's signal, we pounced on Robert. Arturo sat backwards, heavily between Robert's shoulder blades, also pinning Robert's arms with his legs. Art was facing back down Robert's body toward me. I jumped astride Robert's upper thighs, with my now hard cock lying in Robert's crack.

Robert had a beautiful, muscular butt. When he was standing, you could see every muscle. But resting, it looked full, softer, and inviting.

Arturo had made sure Robert couldn't push up. As he woke, Robert tried unsuccessfully to dislodge us. I suppose if he really fought, he could have gotten us off. He did make a show of bucking as he felt me grease his butt. I managed. And I managed to grease my cock. Then I reached my still greasy hand under his body and began caressing Robert's cock and balls. He was well hung, and his cock was thickening. He quit bucking so hard.

Keeping my weight on him, I guided my cock slowly into Robert's hole. He was cussing the whole time. But after I was fully in, I reach under again to his now hard cock and groped him some more. He had a really fine cock, long and thick. He quieted down.

Meanwhile, Arturo's hard cock was literally staring me in the face, so as I began to hump Robert, I bent forward to take Arturo into my mouth. I couldn't hump, suck Arturo and stroke Robert all at the same time, so I reluctantly released Robert's cock. He began humping the bed.

His tight butt ring sliding up and down my cock as I moved in and out was only part of what felt good. Robert was lean and ripped. The hardness of his butt under my crotch fit perfectly. His smooth legs felt good against mine.

My hands roamed his strong upper body as well as Arturo's thighs, balls, and cock. As I humped, I locked my legs down the outside of Robert's. Arturo's hands were on my head as he fucked into my mouth.

Arturo came first. After he did, I kept his softening cock in my mouth, sucking on it like a pacifier as I fucked Robert harder and deeper. As I was humping Robert, he was humping the bed. It was pretty obvious that Robert was cuming when his butt hole began spasming around my cock and he began moaning. It only took a few more strokes for me to cum as well as I shot my cum up his butt.

We all lay there panting a moment when Robert recovered enough to growl that he was going to bust our asses. Giggling and laughing, Arturo and I jumped off and grabbing our clothes, ran naked from the room. I was first out through the door and ran right into Angela.

She and I went down with me landing on top of her. Angela was in shorts, and I was immediately conscious of my cock and balls on her naked thigh. I looked down at her face. Her eyes were wide as saucers.

Arturo went running and laughing by. I looked back over my shoulder as Robert reached the door, his cock still semi hard and dripping. He took one look at me lying there, realized his sister was looking at him too, and slammed the door on both of us.

I jumped up yelling, "Sorry, Oh shit! Sorry, Oh shit!" and ran laughing after Arturo and into the bathroom, where we both changed quickly and escaped from the house before Robert could catch us.

Angela's smile always seemed a little bigger whenever I came to their door after that.

The Next Trip

It was about a month after my first trip that I was able to return to Boy's Town with Arturo and his brothers. Again, I had made arrangements with my Dad to sleep over at Arturo's and we left in the late afternoon.

By now I had become friends with all three brothers; intimate friends with Robert and Arturo. We joked and talked casually all the way over.

Once there, we went to the same bar and sat at almost the same table. Soon girls were coming by. I saw Maria. She was busy with a guy across the room. They left soon after.

I looked for Marta, but could tell by the overall noise level that she wasn't there. We watched a couple of floor shows, and I took some kidding from the girls coming by the table.

I was really glad when Marta came in from behind the bar, carrying a shopping bag. She was busy loudly fussing and putting away things for a while before she saw me. When she did, she saw that I was watching her and gave me a big smile.

She came over, "Hey little Andy with a big dick!" She groped me when she reached the table and settled into my lap. Before long, her antics had captured the attention of the entire bar. But while she was carrying on, my hand had slipped under her skirt. No panties. I began to rub her like she taught me.

"Ooooooo," she exclaimed loudly. "And big boy hands too." She clamped both her hands down on to mine and onto her pussy and made a big show of humping my hand. I slipped a finger into her pussy. She barely missed a beat, but then let out a big whoop.

She clowned around a bit more, then told me, "You wait for me, baby. I'll be back." Then she returned to the bar, where she seemed to be setting things up and giving instructions. Then she worked the floor, groping half the men and a couple of the girls.

It seemed like forever, but she eventually wound up back in my lap. Robert had already left with a girl. Enrique and Arturo both had girls in their laps.

Marta sat astride my lap, facing me, and began rubbing her hands all over my chest. She began calling me her little stud, and her boy doll, and her boy on a cock, stuff like that. Before I knew it, she had her hands up under my shirt, massaging my tits. She was kissing my neck and grinding her pussy against me.

Then she undid my pants and reached in, grabbing my hard cock. Pulling it up, she slid forward until her skirt hid her pussy rubbing the end of my cock. "Damn," I thought, "She's going to fuck me in front of everybody!" And she did.

She slid the end of my cock into her slit, put her arms over my shoulders, and began rocking on me. With my pants still almost up to my waist and her skirt covering us, no one could really see much, but they could all tell what we were doing from the way she carried on.

Enrique and Arturo began to whoop it up and ran hands under the skirts of the girls in their laps. Soon Art left the table with his girl.

I was reaching a point that I wasn't going to care who saw what; I was getting close. Marta sensed that and pulled off me, still keeping me partly covered. "Zip it," she said.

I did, and she took me upstairs to her room. When we got there, she slammed the door, pushed me back onto the bed and almost ripped my pants, shoes, and socks off. I pulled off my shirt while she stripped.

I scooted up to the middle of the bed, still on my back. Marta climbed up and sat over me, lowering herself down onto my cock. "Don't move till I tell you," she said.

And I didn't. I stayed perfectly still as she began rubbing her pussy and clit with one hand and her tits with another. I did move my hands. I kept feeling up and down the inside of her thighs and softly stroked her pussy when I could get at it.

She began really riding me, rocking back and forth, rubbing her pussy furiously. My hands gripped her thighs as I resisted moving and tried not to cum.

Marta began to make little crying noises as her pussy began squeezing and was suddenly very wet. And still I held on.

She crested her orgasm, laid forward on me while still humping. She put her arms around me and rolled us over to me on top, while keeping me well inside her. "Now fuck," she commanded hoarsely.

I pumped my little ass for all I was worth. Her fingernails were up and down my back, especially scratching my butt as she pulled me hard to her on my strokes. She was fucking back just as hard as I was fucking her.

I couldn't help it, I was letting out my own crying noises as my cum rose, my balls tightened, and I squirted into her like a fire hose. We both were groaning and crying out.

As we slowed down, I collapsed onto her. Then I rolled to the side as I softened and slipped out of her. We caught our breath.

And we actually talked a few minutes. When it was just the two of us, Marta was really sweet. She asked me questions about my school and my friends.

Then she paused and looked thoughtfully at me. She looked like she had just gotten an idea.

"Stay," she told me, as she got up and slipped on a robe. Then she left the room. I felt a little funny, just lying there naked and considered putting some clothes back on. Instead, I saw a clean and folded towel which I laid over my middle as I laid in bed.

After a few minutes, Marta came back into the room, leading a little girl by the hand. The girl was dark. She had thick black hair and large brown, animated eyes. Evidently she had a lot of native blood. She was a beautiful little girl, wearing a little summer dress. She looked briefly around the room and then stared at me. She bent a little to look under the towel and between my legs. My cock began to stiffen.

"Andy," Marta said, "This is Carmen. She is eight years old. I got her because a rich gringo promised me a lot of money for a little girl's cherry. But you know what, Andy. That gringo hasn't been back for a while. Now, I like Carmen. And I like you--you like fucking me, instead of the other, younger girls."

She brought Carmen closer. "I want you to take Carmen's cherry. You can be nice. I'll help you. And then Carmen can feel your dick in her before some horse dick old man fucks her. You can make it nice for her, and I think it will be nice for you, too." She smiled.

I sat up on the edge of the bed, the towel still over my lap. I looked questioningly at Marta and she nodded like, "Yes, I mean it."

Marta undressed Carmen and put her up kneeling next to me on the bed. Marta then dropped her robe and stepped up to Carmen. She placed a hand behind Carmen's head and pulled her forward to suck on one of Marta's tits. With her other hand, Marta began fondling Carmen's bald pussy.

Carmen's big eyes looked over to me. I wondered even how much Spanish she could speak, and how much she understood of what was going to happen.

I reached over to where Marta's hand was working. Carmen's little pussy was smooth and slightly pouty. Her limbs were long for her body. She was a little thin.

Marta let me take over. I stood up, letting the towel drop and stood next to the girl and woman. I pressed my cock against Carmen's hip. With one hand, I continued to rub and caress her pussy. My other stroked face then ran over the soft skin of her neck, shoulders, and back.

Carmen's eyes went to my cock. She reached out a hand and felt over it. Marta stepped back and I stepped forward. I put my arms around Carmen and pulled her kneeling, naked body to me, my cock and balls at her little cunt.

I bent to kiss her, while I rubbed her pussy with my cock and balls. Then I laid her out on the bed. I spread her legs, and laid down on her, my cock to her pussy. The top of her head came only to my chin.

"Go slow," Marta cautioned. "Get her ready."

Actually, I was beginning to become more concerned about me cuming to soon than moving too quickly with Carmen. I rolled off and around to lay on my side next to her, in sort of a sixty-nine position, I began exploring and caressing her private parts with gentle hands.

Marta sat at the edge of the bed, absently rubbing her cunt. "Lick her, Andy. She's clean; never been fucked."

Tentatively, I licked the top of her slit. Carmen squirmed a little. She tasted clean and good. She smelled faintly of little girl urine, but that was exciting. I licked further in. My tongue brushed her clit. It was getting stiff.

I licked up and down her slit. My hands were all over her legs and crotch. I tongued into her hole. And she was liking it.

Marta took one of Carmen's hands and placed it on my hard cock. She moved her hand up and down the shaft. I moaned, and Carmen squeezed a little harder.

My tongue was getting sore and tired, but I liked the taste of Carmen, and I liked the effect I was having on her.

"She's getting ready," Marta said. She grabbed a pillow and put it under Carmen's butt. "Do it."

I moved down to kneel between Carmen's legs. As I stroked my cock, Carmen's eyes fixed on it and widened. Marta's eyes were on my cock, too, and I stroked in a show for them a moment.

Marta grabbed some KY off the nightstand and spread some into Carmen's pussy. Carmen squirmed delightedly. Then Marta spread some onto my cock. I moaned with pleasure.

Marta stepped back and pulled Carmen's legs up by the ankles. I bent forward, guiding my cock to Carmen's hole. I used my cockhead to search her slit for it, and found it. I pushed the tip in. She was tight, and hot.

Carmen made a little whimpering noise. Keeping my cockhead in her, I laid some of my weight down on her and bent to begin kissing her on the lips. As I began pushing slowly into her. Her pussy was tight around me. Marta released Carmen's legs, and they thrashed a little out to the sides.

I continued to push in. Carmen squirmed and whimpered; her legs jerking and thrashing. Her hands went to my shoulders, trying to push me away. About then, I hit her hymen.

I pumped in and out, but didn't get past it. Each time I hit it, Carmen whimpered. I looked up at Marta, who was lewdly leering at us and stroking her pussy wildly. "Pump in hard," she said. "It may take a whack or two."

I gave a might hump and punched through. Carmen cried out. I wrapped my arms around her, her face pressed to my chest muffling while comforting her. I held still inside her while she quieted.

She began to relax. Her hands moved from my shoulders and wrapped around my neck. I bent from my waist to put my lips back over hers. I tried "frenching" her, pushing my tongue into her mouth.

She began to respond. She began kissing back. Her arms tightened around my neck. I began to move my cock back a little. She whimpered. I slid slowly forward. She moaned. She was still incredibly tight around my cock.

As I began to pump, still kissing her deeply. Her moans became softer and at some point, they became pleasurable. As I supported my weight on my elbows, I alternately bent to kiss Carmen, and straightened to embrace her, feeling her face against my chest as I laid myself onto her small body.

Marta reached under Carmen's bottom and pushed her up a couple of times to show her how to fuck back as I fucked her. We soon had a rhythm going.

I could not believe how hot and tight Carmen was for the full length of my dick. And when I say full length, I mean it. I was plunging all the way each time until my pubes pressed her bare pussy. My cock felt huge and long in her, and as I moved in and out, I felt her tightness over every bit of it.

Marta's hands began to caress my back and butt; she felt up Carmen's legs and sides.

Before long we were pumping faster than rabbits. "I'm going to cum," I told Marta through clenched teeth. And I came, plunged to the hilt in Carmen.

"Stay in her," Marta commanded. "I want to see if we can get her to come too."

Marta carefully rolled us so that Carmen was on top. Marta sat her up so that she was sitting on my cock. Then Marta crawled up onto the bed on all fours and began licking Carmen's pussy. I could feel Marta's tongue as it brushed where my cock entered Carmen.

With my hand, I reached Marta's humped up butt and pulled her around to me some. I began rubbing and fingering Marta's cunt as she worked on Carmen's pussy. Carmen was still so tight and hot, I couldn't get soft. I stayed rock-hard.

Without instruction, Carmen began rocking up and back on my cock. Her hands were on Marta's head as Marta tongued her. I watched Carmen's eyes rolling up in pleasure.

I felt Carmen's pussy clench my cock once, and then again under Marta's stimulation. That stimulated me and I began pumping up in time with Carmen's rocking movements. My hand found Marta's clit as she moved obligingly closer.

Carmen was now bouncing up and down on my cock, her hands tightly clutching Marta's head as Marta mercilessly tongued her most sensitive spots.

I was going to cum again. About that time, Carmen's pussy clenched several times and she whimpered and moaned. I came. Carmen clenched more as she felt the cum hitting up in her.

Then we slowed down and Carmen pushed Marta's head back away. Marta rocked back upright and my finger went up into her pussy. Marta continued stroking her own pussy, becoming oblivious to us, except for my hand and finger.

Carmen looked down at me and I stretched out my free arm. Carmen laid down on me, and I put my arm around her. We rested with my cock still in her as we waited for Marta to bring herself to climax, my finger wiggling in Marta's cunt.

When she had cum and her cries and whimpers died out, she remembered us, and looked down to where Carmen lay, her face against my chest, my arm around her, my cock still in her, but softening. Marta smiled benevolently at us, and bent to kiss us both over our faces.

I hugged Carmen snuggly with both arms as I felt my cock slip from inside her. She sighed.

After we had dressed, I knelt to kiss Carmen and hug her a last time. I told her in Spanish that I hoped to see her again soon. She hugged me back, but I didn't know if she understood.

I wondered what would happen to her.

That's it for now. There is certainly more to tell if anyone wants more. As always, comments and suggestions are welcome at

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