Boy's Vice Principal

By BawdyPen (Roderick Stafton, Roderick Shafton)

Published on Aug 30, 2003




"Uh..." the man cleared his throat. "I don't quite know how to tell you this, Mr. Atkins. It's a very sensitive and disheartening situation...especially between a father and son. While parental responsibility, education, and communi- cation is extremely important, sometimes we're, well, not always sure how to handle certain, uh, antisocial behavior when it involves our offspring. Do you follow me, um..."

Davison Atkins stared in confusion. He couldn't phantom what the man was rattling on about. He'd been called at the office for an emergency consultation with the Boys Vice Principal, rushed over in a state of panic, and now sat becoming even more alarmed that something catastrophic must be making him so hesitant to lay it out.

"Mr. Johansen, just tell me what's happened. Is Tom alright? Is he hurt? Where is he and why am I here? Please, you're making me a nervous wreck!"

"He's...he's fine," the administrator assured him with a wave signifying his son's health was not a concern. Not a physical concern, that is, he thought, his eyebrows squinched into a frown. "Let me...let me say this. There is counseling available, and I'm sure that together we can find the optimal form of assistance."

Davison was staring darts at the man, ready to explode.

"Okay, okay." He took a deep breath. "Tom was...come upon, uh, that is, observed..." Johansen became just as irritated by his stumbling. "I'm sorry, Mr. Atkins, your son Tom was caught in the boy's bathroom performing fellatio on another student!" He gasped in relief. "Believe me, I know this is the worst possible news a man can hear about his own..."

"Is that it?" Davison looked astonished, waiting for the other shoe to fall.

"Uh, well, yes. do understand what I'm referrring to, don't you?"

Just to check, Davison stared at the floor and quickly reran the statement in his mind to be sure he hadn't missed anything.

"Let me get this straight. I was called away from my office to come here for an 'urgent, emergency' meeting with you just to be told my son was caught giving another boy a blowjob?"

"Well, um, the vernacular, that's what it would be called."

"Well, in the vernacular, what the fuck are you doing making me a driving disaster, anguishing about my wonderful kid over something so trifling as that? Are you people out of your mind? I could have had a heart attack!"

"Um, perhaps it would have been best to have, uh, been a bit more low key."

"It would have been better if you'd just grabbed him by the scruff of the neck and told him to save his hormones for after school or science class. What do you do if you catch 'em smoking, call out the National Guard?"

"I certainly wouldn't regard this as being activity of the same caliber, Mr. Atkins!"

"Why not? Aren't they both prime examples of teenage experimentation? Do you people, you experts, really know anything about children, young teens, puberty?"

"I assure you, we all have degrees in..."

"Mr. Johansen. Please. Answer me just one question in total honesty. Did you ever suck another boy's cock when you were young?"

"Um, n-no, of course not. I was brought up with the proper..."

Atkins sighed. "...bullshit," he finished for him.

"I beg your pardon?"

"I said bullshit. Brought...up...with...the...proper... BULLSHIT! It's no wonder our kids are so fucked up having role models with attitudes like yours. When I was 15 I gave my best buddy a blowjob. He was too chicken to try it, but I wasn't. I couldn't figure out why it made him so nervous so I didn't bring it up again and we went back to just trading handjobs. You DID trade handjobs, I hope. Anyway, about a year later I got to know a boy who hinted about it one day in his bedroom. I said sure, that I'd tried it once and it wasn't so bad but I never got a chance to see how it feels. So you end up with two naked kids with randy pricks that never seem to go down, rolling around on the bed and squirtin' and gagging, coughing and blushing, saying it felt great gettin' it...doing it was just okay...yeah, might try it again some day--'cept for the stuff, maybe. And hey, I ain't gonna tell think I'm nuts!" He flipped his hands open. "You never had the pleasure of that universal exchange horny young boys have experienced in some form since the beginning of time? That's sad, Johansen. It really is. Does a kid good in later life. Teaches him tolerance cause no matter what he will never, never forget the fact that he sucked cock...if only for 2 seconds. Hey, I ended up straight and married. So did my first hot 69 partner. Who's living in a West Hollywood bachelor condo with a floral designer? My best buddy...the chickenshit. I still remind him he owes me a suckjob, but he says he won't mess with married men--they're too fickle!"

"If there was some way to ensure his outcome would be as fortunate as yours..."

"What do you want to do? Drag him to a shrink? Bring him in and third-degree him about his intentions, his deep inner feelings, so you can decide whether to call him wayward, misdirected, or just cocksucker? Chances are, he doesn't even know. It's too deep and complex if he's only now trying it out. And if he does know, it's fixed by now. If he does, and he is gay, I'll whack his little butt myself...for being so stupidly obvious! On second thought, if he is, another part of the anatomy might be less stimulating and more painful! Guess that leaves stepping on his foot."

Johansen actually cracked a tiny smile. "You seriously feel no objections that he might, after all the boyhood experiments you're probably right about, be homosexual?"

"Doesn't much matter, does it? I don't have a helluva lot to say about it, and from everything I've read in recent years, just as little influence and effect. If such a thing is fixed by 6 or 7, that doesn't mean he's aware of that yet. I love my kid. He's a good kid. He's gonna be a man before I can blink, and that alone gives him the right to get his rocks off in whatever fashion fits him person- ally. I'm just his dad. He didn't have a say in how I make love, I have no more right to dictate to him than you or anyone else. When you come right down to it, people who are that interested in what two people do in bed should just go out and rent a video starring people who gladly demonstrate it in twos, threes, groups--with neato closeups and slow- motion!"

"I, um, guess I've been sheltered in the confines of conservative academia too long. In a strange way, it's rather like the owner who starts looking like his dog. I feel properly chastised, Mr. Atkins. When I entered this profession I promised myself I'd keep a free and unbiased avenue open to discovery and truth. I shall be doing some personal evaluation in coming days." He stared at his desktop with slight hesitation. "There is a problem in attitude, but it's not's the attitude that produces Best Buddies who 'don't put out' when in truth they should be, and..." he cleared his throat, "a 'role model' like myself, distinctly heterosexual as an adult, yet allowing a self-induced veil of guilt to keep from admitting what I did with Eddie Donaldson, over and over, for more than 2 years before discovering Doris Appleton and my inherent heterosexuality."

Davison knew there was no need to respond. He simply gave the man a subtle grin of appreciation for his honesty.

"Um..." There was nothing more, so the Vice Principal stood. He quickly added an open-handed however gesture and asked plaintively, "you will speak to him, though? Even I didn't do it in the boys room!" he chuckled, shaking hands.

Davison laughed, turned to leave, and tossed over his shoulder in a whisper, "The second time? I lied. Wasn't on a was in the city park way back in the bushes!"

"HA! Bad boys, bad boys! Puppy dog tails, and it'll never change. A pleasure to meet you, Mr. Atkins. Please apologize to Tom for any overeaction...beyond what the horny rascal deserved, of course."

"I will. Say, as a professional in education, you think I oughta tell him I sucked a couple of cocks, too? I mean, I am his father. All need not be revealed, right?"

"Well, as a professional at carrying heavy weights of guilt--that recently just somehow vanished--I'd say this is a definite teller. Weird. But perhaps the answer to all this will come when 'every dude who ever sucked off another dude raise your hand!' is answered truthfully without hesitation. My mother would just die!"

"Mine would probably laugh her head off. So long."

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