Boytoy in Paris

By moc.liamtoh@7791_xineohp

Published on Nov 29, 2008


This story is a work of fiction. All resemblances with persons and actual events is purely coincidence.

Some parts of this story contain unsafe sex. Don't be stupid and wear rubber while having casual sex!

If you are offended by male to male gay sex or if you reside in a part of the world where gay sex is illegal and could get you into trouble, leave now! Otherwise, enjoy!

Although "A boytoy in Paris" was intended to be a one chapter story a lot of people asked me how things would end for Dennis and Samuel so I decided to write another chapter about the Dutch-French couple. I don't know if there will be more chapters after this one. That depends on the comments I get and whether there is more to tell after this chapter.

A Boytoy From Paris 2

I don't think there's a more despicable person alive in the world at this moment than me. I deceived my boyfriend in a terrible matter, resulting in hundreds of thousands of euro's damage. My former schoolfriends robbed him silly, with my help. The only things I can say in my defence is I was scared my boyfriend would get into trouble because of me and I saved all the things I knew he deeply cared about. Like I said, not much of a defence.

Let me introduce myself. My name's Samuel. I'm a student at the Sorbonne and I'll turn 20 years old in three weeks. Until two days ago I lived in Paris, the most beautiful city in the world. Until about 3 weeks ago I was a happy young man with a loving, hot and horny boyfriend and a bright future. And then it all came crashing down because an old friend of mine got out of jail. He got some stuff about me he thought he could blackmail me with. Unfortunately for him, that no longer worked. But he also got some new information that might have worked and I couldn't take the chance of Dennis getting into trouble because of me. So, I did what came naturally to me; I rolled over and surrendered. I helped Achmed to steal all the valuable stuff from Dennis' apartment and I ran. Achmed wanted to have sex with me but I made him clear that would never happen again. After this I never wanted to see or hear from him again. Achmed seemed hurt and angry, and for a moment I thought he would rape me, but he turned around and left the apartment. Just before he left he said "Maybe you'll never see or hear from me again, and maybe you will. You'll never know for sure". After that he closed the door, leaving me in the apartment where Dennis first punished me for participating in illegal stuff with Achmed and where Dennis showed me how much he loved me so many times after that.

After my betrayal I certainly didn't want to see Dennis. Not only was I a little scared how he would react but also I didn't want to see the hurt and disappointment in his eyes. And, also important, I didn't want to give Achmed a chance to use his information after all. So I wrote Dennis a letter (I know. Only a coward would handle stuff like this in a letter) and I went to the university to see what my chances were. As it turned out I could transfer for at least one year to the University of Amsterdam, full expenses paid because of my good grades. Two days after the robbery of the apartment I was travelling with Thalys to Amsterdam, Gay capitol of Europe.

So, here I am. Amsterdam. It's so much smaller than Paris. Truth be told, I'm a little disappointed. The city looks old and poorly taken care of. Although in Paris some buildings are far older than they are here our buildings are in far better shape. But, it must be said, the atmosphere for gay people is far better here than it is in Paris. Most people in France are quite homophobic but somehow in Amsterdam you see that only from the Moroccan people. Ironically I'm half Moroccan and I'm also one of the things they seem to hate more than anything, apparently. And I noticed some other negative element about the liberty in Amsterdam: no one seems to care about another person, resulting in a vivid dark side of society. For example, I saw several young men prostituting themselves behind the Central Station in Amsterdam. Some of the boys could not have been any older than 16 years old. But several people walked past by them and ignored them completely. Except their potential customers, that is. Some of them even approached me and for a moment I was tempted. This way I might make enough money to compensate Dennis for his losses. But as soon as I realised what I would have to do for that money I felt sick with myself en left as soon as I could. I had an appointment at the university and, after that, in the student's dorm where I would stay for the next year or so.

Amsterdam. The city I lived during my studies and still own a house at one of the canals. A city I hadn't planned on being anytime soon and certainly not for a longer period of time. And yet, here I was, back in my house at the canal, probably one of the most expensive I have, and I would give it all away to have Samuel in my arms right now.

Although I'm Dutch I feel little love for my country. One of the reasons why is making itself pretty clear again: no matter how important it is to get some answers you always end up in a bureaucratic nightmare. In a lot of countries it's just a matter of the amount of money you throw around. In the Netherlands it's all about who can keep up longer without going insane: you or the other person. Under ideal circumstances I'm not famous for my patience and since Samuel's gone missing the circumstances are nothing like ideal. Over the last four days I've been arrested twice and got kicked out of buildings three times. And all it got me was a couple of fines, a lot of frustration and no step closer to my boyfriend.

I walk into my living room. My living room was transformed into something that resembled the centre of operations from the hitseries "24". I rented everyone I could get my hands on to search for Samuel, both from the Netherlands as other countries. I spared no expense, but I started to get desperate. I knew Samuel was in Amsterdam for 11 days now and a lot could happen in 11 days in a city you don't know. I contacted some old friends of mine who still owned me some favours. Two of them are in the police force and keep my informed if someone looking like Samuel shows up in their system, both victim and perpetrator. So far, nothing. But that told me something. Samuel didn't run to Amsterdam unprepared. Somehow he managed to make some arrangements, probably through the university. I'd wish this would make my task easier but it doesn't. Police and government are easy to get information from when you compare them to the Dutch universities. At least I hope I'm reading the signals right. One other possibility is Samuel being in the hands of one of the criminal organisations involved in slaving and forced prostitution. Another one is Samuel being dead. These possibilities made me really nervous and made it impossible for me to sleep. Well, my inability to sleep had some other causes as well, listening to the names "mum" and "Tommy" a.k.a. "Amsterdam fuck buddy". Both were sitting in my living room, very busy trying to convince me I was being a stupid idiot and ignoring the other. My mum because she still wouldn't believe I am gay and Tommy because he can't believe me falling in love, especially with someone 10 years my junior and a student. Both were here for three days already (as soon as they heard I was back in town. I swear, if they decided to help me instead of annoy the shit out of me I would've found Samuel two days ago, that good are their information networks) and I was ready to kick them out now. It was either that or killing them. Now that I think of it, that's not such a bad idea either.

Ok, as of right now I don't believe in Karma anymore. I mean, with all the shitty things I did I should never be happy again but here I am, laughing my ass of with my roommates. The university put me in a pretty big apartment with three other foreign students. There is Marc from Australia, Cheng from China and Kwame from Ghana. They're a fun group of young men and they made it impossible for me to keep to myself feeling sorry and ruining my life. No, I mean they made it literally impossible since they wouldn't leave me alone. At first I pretended I didn't speak English but that didn't work. Both Marc and Kwame speak pretty good French. They asked me what was going on for about a thousand times and, after a while, I told them I fled Paris because of my boyfriend. Somehow they got the idea I fled because my boyfriend was dangerous and hurting me and I had no intention of telling them otherwise. I didn't want them to know what a horrible person I am. They weren't at all shocked when I told them I had a boyfriend in Paris. Marc was straight as an arrow. If he hadn't had at least a date with a girl 5 times a week he considered the week lost. Cheng was gay, like me, and told me he was seeing someone. From the way he looked at Kwame, or better, didn't look at him, I knew Kwame was the man that stole the young Chinese's heart. Kwame told me he was bisexual with a strong attraction to men. He sometimes dated women because his family expected him to but he preferred men. In Ghana he had two children who lived with their mom at his mom's place. He made sure he had offspring so the family would live on but he didn't plan on going back to Ghana anymore. Something else he told me pissed me off a little. Cheng was not the only person he was seeing. Although he liked Cheng a lot Kwame wasn't ready to tie himself down just yet. He came to Amsterdam two months ago and discovered gay men paradise. First he wanted to enjoy this paradise before he would settle down. He asked me not to tell Cheng, which was hard for me, because I liked the little Chinese with his sparkling eyes and his joyful voice. I told Kwame I hated to lie for other people. His response upset me a little. "We all have secrets, Samuel. You have them too. Don't make me tell on you" before he left to get ready for a night in one of the new gay clubs downtown, called "Club Church" with his latest conquest called Tommy. Cheng didn't know any better than Kwame going to the library to study all night. My heart went out to the little guy.

Thank God Tommy had a date tonight. He almost cancelled it! I almost begged him to go. Really, I couldn't handle that guy around anymore. I know he's handsome, horny and a great fuck, but at times like this he kept reminding me of the character Jack, from "Will and Grace": selfish, egocentric, extremely full of himself and just extremely annoying. In short, the typical openly Dutch gay man. He said he'd go to a new gay club downtown, called "Club Church". It was near Thermos gay night sauna and was a typical gay sex club. He would be going there with some guy from Ghana, called Kwame who was dating some Chinese guy but was also seeing other men and I think Tommy said a lot more but I had already tuned him out. That was Tommy's best feature: he was easy to tune out. I wish the same could be said about my mum. Ever since she learned I was back she sent three girls to my house to see if they could convert me to being straight. Only after I threatened to stop giving her money the girls stopped coming.

To say my relationship with my mother was somewhat to be desired would be the same a saying the Second World War was a neighbour's quarrel. Ever since my coming out my mum seemed to have two goals in live: spending my money and making my life miserable, preferably at the same time. I don't care much about money but I thank God everyday I never told her how much money, houses and other property I own. My mother is a pretty simple woman, not used to having a lot of money and therefore she thinks spending the 10.000 euro's I send her every month really costs me. If only she knew.

My investigators came in, reporting their findings before heading home or to their hotels. The first two weeks we searched for Samuel around the clock, but we couldn't keep that up. People need sleep, even when they are highly prised private investigators. And I also needed to do other stuff than just sitting in my house at the canal waiting for news about Samuel. I had a business to run and no one would benefit from me neglecting my work, except my rivals in the field. But what bothered me most was my need for sex. Tommy noticed it first, of course, and tried to convince me to fuck him. That was the first time I threw him out but not the last time. I forgot he had a key and, although I made it clear to him I really didn't want him around, he kept coming back. Sometimes I think Tommy is a masochist he enjoys pain, both physical and emotional. But most of the time I realise Tommy's parents damaged him even more than my parents damaged me and then I felt sorry for him. He would never let anyone come close because he never trusted anyone enough. That's probably why we had had such a good time before I met Samuel, since I didn't search for anything like a relationship, trust and love either. It was just good hot and horny sex and breakfast the next morning before we both left to rejoin our lives. And for years that worked. But I also knew Tommy would've cut me out of his life if I had ever shown signs of falling in love with him. And I almost pitied that boy Kwame or what was his name, while the first investigators started to do their story. For short, no one had seen Samuel. We were searching for 22 days now.

I really don't understand Dennis at the moment. What on earth could be so damn special about that little French cocksucking student?! Dennis was a bit young for a midlife crisis but he sure acted like one. I mean, Dennis could not really be in love. In lust, yes, but not in love! He just doesn't have those feelings! He's like me! He loves to fuck and sometimes get fucked but he doesn't cuddle or go on a date. He fucks and kicks the guy out! He doesn't do anniversaries or birthday presents or Valentine's Day!

Tommy kept on ranting like that while he was on his way to the house Kwame shared with that awful little Chinese guy and that stuck up Australian dude! If it wasn't for Kwame's 11 inch throbbing hard dick Tommy craved so much he would never get anywhere near the place. Kwame was a stud who really knew how to use that hard dick of his and Tommy loved having it in his ass. Otherwise Tommy would never go anywhere near that house or Kwame, for that matter. Kwame was a little dumb, as far as Tommy was concerned. Like the other night, when Kwame had told about the new guy the university put in with them. Some exchange student from France. Like I care! You're not my boyfriend! You're my sextoy! My live fleshy dildo! Your job is to fuck me, make me cum and cum inside me! Maybe it's time to move on! Maybe after tonight it's better Kwame and I don't see each other anymore. Than tonight he can fuck me senseless one last time before I tell him it's over between us. In the meantime Tommy had reached the house where Kwame lived. He rang the bell and the Australian guy opened the door in only his boxers. "Oh, if only you were gay" Tommy mumbled. "Hey, come up. I'm almost ready" Tommy heard Kwame yell from the bathroom. "Why don't you grab a drink and make yourself comfortable?" Tommy decided to do just that. When Kwame said he would be done shortly it would take at least another half hour. Most people would be annoyed with that, but not Tommy. Probably because he wasn't that much better himself. Tommy went into the kitchen, getting a cold coke from the fridge. All the other stuff in there was beer. Tommy shuddered at the idea of drinking beer. "I don't understand why there would be any beer in a house with two gay men" Tommy thought, completely ignoring the part that Marc was straight and there was a new student in the house. Tommy left the kitchen and went into the living room. Once in the living room Tommy stopped dead in his track when he saw Samuel, Dennis' French student, sitting on the couch working on his laptop.

Wow! I'm glad Kwame and his date left. Something about this Tommy character made me uncomfortable. The way he kept looking at me, for example. It was pretty much the way to look at something or someone if you trying to measure them up; whether or not they're going to be a problem. Well, I'm not even remotely interested in Kwame or in that Tommy. The only person I was interested in was Dennis. I called the apartment in Paris, just because I wanted to hear his voice. No one answered the phone. I just hoped Dennis wasn't back to his normal game: picking up guys, fucking them senseless and then leaving them again. God, I missed Dennis! Not only did I miss his comforting voice and strong arms but I also missed his big dick! I hadn't been fucked for quite sometime now and I really needed it! I want to feel a big dick in my ass. Dennis told me about all the different ways to get laid in this city and I decided right there and then I needed sex. "Cheng, are you going out with me?" I cried into the kitchen. Whenever Cheng was upset he started cooking. The last time he got upset, before I got there, Marc and Kwame ate Chinese food for over three weeks. So better to make sure he wouldn't stay upset. "Yeah, why not. Where did you plan on going?" Cheng shouted back. My first instinct was to call "Club Church", the place where Kwame would be tonight. But that would definitely make us eat Chinese for the rest of the year (it was September now) so I decided against that. "We'll just start walking towards the gay dating district and there we will see" I responded. But while both Cheng and me were getting ready to hit the town I realised there was another reason why I didn't want to go to the same bar as Kwame and his date. I couldn't shake the feeling I had seen Tommy before. I just couldn't remember when or where but if I never saw him again it would still be too soon.

I gave the investigators the weekend off. After 22 days of searching I thought it wouldn't hurt. Besides, I wanted to have my house for myself for a day or two. I just wanted some peace and quiet, especially now that Tommy had left. Peace and quiet aren't compatible with Tommy being in your house. Unfortunately, just after I had settled at the couch with some literature for work the doorbell rang. Two of my friends were standing there, apparently planning on going out, judging on their clothes. One look at their faces and I knew I could kiss my quiet night goodbye. "So you thought you could return to the city without calling us? As punishment you will buy the drinks tonight" Kees said. "We are pretty hurt you didn't bother to call us but you did call Joris" Raymond continued. "Don't take it personal, guys. I needed Joris' help. I'm looking for someone" I said. "Who isn't?" Raymond giggled. I didn't remember him being so feminine and, truth be told, it was a pretty big turnoff. I always had a crush on Raymond, even though he and Kees were happily married. Raymond, Kees and me knew each other from high school and we knew we were gay when we were pretty young. But we never hit it off sexually. Somehow we were afraid it would damage our friendship, although Kees and Raymond fell in love quickly. They married right after gay people could get married. That caused a little problem because both of them wanted me to be their best man. Since Dutch law doesn't allow that, we decided I wouldn't be best man at all so no one would feel I favoured one of the over the other. Anyway, they were right I should've called them and in an instant I broke down. I started crying and scared the living daylights out of Kees and Raymond. They never saw me cry, not even when my mother threatened to kick me out after my coming out. They guided me back inside and I told them about Samuel, how we met and what I did to him. Raymond looked like he was ready to tear me apart but Kees kept him from that. After the whole story was told, Raymond still wasn't looking too happy. "Dennis, I can handle you sleeping around. I can even handle you paying men to sleep with you. But I'm not sure I can handle you raping a 19 years old student. However, since he apparently enjoyed it and you fell in love with him, I'll let it go, for once. But if I ever hear something like this again, you'll answer to me" Raymond said. I couldn't say anything because I was in tears again. I missed Samuel so much!

"Come with us. You need to get out!" Kees said. I knew from experience Kees wouldn't let it go. For Kees hitting the town was the answer to everything. That's probably why he became a DJ and a pretty successful one at that. Raymond was a professor in art history at the University of Amsterdam and together they had a nice apartment near Waterloo Square. I got dressed and Kees helped me fix my face up. As a DJ he knew all the tricks to fix up a ruined face. After we got dressed we walked to the gay dating district and in what bar we would end up we would see when we got there.

Ok, so how could I know there was a leather only party at "Club Church"? Kwame was pretty annoyed with me and, in return, I wasn't too happy with him either. Not even his huge cock was worth all of this. We were arguing while entering one the gay bars, called "The Arc". One of the reasons I chose this place was because I knew Kwame would feel awkward here, since he was wearing his normal baggy skaterlook clothes. "The Arc" is more sophisticated than that. He was on my turf now and I had the upper hand here. Or so I thought. While walking in I saw Samuel and that Chinese boy, Cheng, sitting at the bar. Unfortunately, so did Kwame and all of a sudden the tables had turned. Now I was the one being in unfamiliar territory, since he had backup. His small Chinese fuckfest had seen him as well and, if things weren't bad enough already, Samuel turned and saw us as well. I expected Kwame to be happy his friends were here but somehow he wasn't. He wouldn't look at the little Chinese and all of a sudden it hit me. The Chinese guy was in love with the big black stud and didn't know he was also seeing other people. He said something to Samuel and got ready to leave. Oh, this made a useless night a little better. At least I wasn't the only one going to bed miserable and alone tonight. Yes, this night wasn't a total loss after all.

Unbelievable! Of all the bars in town Kwame and that dipshit entered the same one as where Cheng and I went. As soon as I saw Cheng's face I knew something was terribly wrong. Then I turned around and I saw what the reason was why his world fell apart. At least Kwame had the decency to look guilty, although Tommy wasn't looking that peachy either. "I'm going home, Samuel. I could have dealt with him cheating on me, but not with him!" Cheng told me. So Cheng knew more about Tommy. I needed to ask him about it later. I still couldn't shake the feeling I knew that guy and maybe Cheng could tell me how I knew him. But that would have to wait. First I needed to get Cheng home safely. In order to do that I first needed to get him past Kwame and the Ice Prince. Kwame was at least one foot taller than me and built like a brick wall while Cheng was at least one foot smaller than me and could hide behind a lamppost. Still, I suspected Cheng wanting to hit Kwame. If Kwame would hit Cheng back we would be busy scraping him off the walls for days. Cheng put on his coat, looking at Kwame with anger in his eyes. Do you know the saying: "Hell hath no fury than a woman scorn"? Well, whoever said that first never met a small gay Chinese scorn. For a moment I pitied Kwame when he'd come home tonight. I also put on my coat and walked with Cheng towards the door.

Oh no! Why did Cheng and Samuel have to be at this particular bar? Tommy bringing me here made sense. He'd feel he was in his element while I was definitely not. Man, with the money most of the outfits I saw cost you could feed an entire village in my country for a month! I don't understand why someone would spend so much money on clothes! Clothes are functional to cover yourself and to keep you warm but other than that I was only interested in how to get them off as soon as possible.

Only one look at Cheng was what I needed to see he was hurt and disappointed in me. He and Samuel got up and walked towards the front door. As soon as they passed me I could see a lot of anger as well in Cheng's eyes and it turned me on! My dick got harder than I had ever felt it and I think that if Cheng had touched me there and then I would've creamed my jeans (I never wear underwear because it's only one more thing to get off). As soon as Samuel and Cheng passed Tommy and me I realised I was an idiot. Tommy would never choose me. He would never be with me the way Cheng would. Cheng would choose me and stay with me in a way even my ex-wife wouldn't. Let her deal with the kids and stuff! I'll stay with Cheng, calling any place in the world home, as long as he was there. "Tommy, I don't think things will work out for us. It's better if we don't see each other anymore" I said casually. "My future's with Cheng". And with that I left Tommy standing there and went after Cheng and Samuel. I would probably have difficult times ahead of me because of what I did, but I would win Cheng's love for me back. I had to! "Wait up, please" I shouted. Cheng and Samuel were standing outside. I ran over to them and I grabbed Cheng's arm. Big mistake! Very big mistake!

The nerve! Where did he get the nerve to tell me it wouldn't work?! No one had ever told me it would not work! Oh, he would be sorry he did this! He would be sorry he made a fool out of me in public! I would make him and his lowlife friends be sorry! I would make him and everyone he felt close to pay for this humiliation! Watch out, Kwame! You made an enemy today!

While Kees, Raymond and me walked into the Reguliersdwarsstraat, one of the streets where a lot of gay bars were, we noticed something going on in front of our destination: "The Arc". A tall black guy (pretty goodlooking as well) was having an argument with a small Chinese guy and someone was trying to keep the apart. He looked familiar even though he looked at the ground. I recognised the black guy from a picture Tommy showed me as being Tommy's date but I didn't see Tommy anywhere. My eyes drifted off towards the person trying to keep the two young men apart. And it hit me! His length, his build, his complexion. Of course I knew this young man. "Samuel!"

Either Kwame is the dumbest man in the world or the most naïve. What was he thinking grabbing Cheng like that? His Chinese boyfriend just saw him enter with someone he apparently disliked (say about Cheng all you will, but he does have good taste) and Kwame tried to physically stop him from leaving after that?! Is the world gone crazy or what?

Thank God Cheng is so much smaller than me, otherwise I don't know what would've happened. I knew how it would've ended, though. In hospital! Kwame mildly hurt but still in need of some stitches and maybe a cast of two and Cheng fighting for his live in the OR or the ICU because Kwame lost it. And still I had a hard time keeping the two men apart. From the corner of my eyes I saw Tommy standing there with a smirk on his face. Somehow I really disliked the guy. And then all came crashing down when I heard a cry. Someone cried a name. My name! Someone cried my name in a city I hardly knew anyone. Even worse, I knew the voice that had cried me name. I looked up and saw Dennis standing only 10 feet away from me together with two men his age. It seemed that time itself stopped. The world stopped and nothing mattered except Dennis and me. I saw the shock on his face. I saw the surprise but I saw no anger or disappointment.

I let Cheng and Kwame go, turned around and ran as hard as I could in the opposite direction. I ran away from Dennis.

Kwame and Cheng met each other the hard way that night when Samuel ran away. They looked at each other in shock and than looked at Samuel, running as if the devil himself was after him. They only had a few seconds to overcome their shock before they were thrown aside by a man, approximately 30 years old, running after Samuel, screaming his name. But there was no way he could overtake Samuel before Samuel would reach the bikes he and Cheng had used. Cheng and Kwame looked at each other, their fight forgotten for the moment. Something was wrong with their friend and he might need their help. They started running towards their bikes, only to see Samuel had already reached his, had jumped on it and was racing towards their dorm, leaving that 30-something guy standing there, screaming his lungs out.

As soon as Kwame and Cheng came home I knew this time I would have to confess what happened. I tired to think of several things I could tell them, but somehow my mind jammed every time I thought of Dennis who apparently was in Amsterdam! What was he doing here? Was it coincidence he was here? Yeah, right! No one would ever believe in coincidence when the odds were like this. No, it was obvious Dennis was in Amsterdam because of me but I have no idea how he found out I was in Amsterdam. No way he would get information like that from the Sorbonne and I didn't tell anyone where I went. Not even my parents or my former roommate knew why or whereto I left.

"Ok, so I take it that was you former boyfriend" Kwame asked. "He seemed so relieved to see you. Not at all like he was about to smash your skull or something".

"I never said he was. I only said I fled Paris because of my boyfriend and you thought it was because he was abusive. I just never corrected it" I replied.

"If he wasn't abusive, why did you run from him? He looked great and, seeing how hurt he sounded when you ran, he loves you. I don't think HE would ever cheat on his boyfriend" Cheng said, making sure Kwame knew he hadn't forgotten about him. Kwame's judgement was only postponed, nothing more.

"I guess you guys have a right to know what is wrong" I said. "It all started almost a year ago when a former classmate of mine, Achmed, called me to help him make some money". Over the next hour or something I told them the entire story. Sometimes Cheng or Kwame interrupted me but they never made any nasty comments towards me.

"Samuel, you should stop blaming yourself. Yes, it was an error of judgement to help Achmed in stead of talking to Dennis, but you were trying to protect him. And apparently Dennis thought so too. Why would he be here otherwise?"

"Well, he could be here for business. He does own an auctionhouse in the city and a house at one of the Canals. Or maybe he does want some revenge on me" I stated. But I never truly believed that, especially after telling my friends about the past year. But, by running from him tonight, I made it difficult for myself to talk to him. I didn't even know his address in Amsterdam so how would I ever find him? Was that what he was trying to do? Was Dennis looking for me? Although Amsterdam was way smaller than Paris it was still virtually impossible to find someone who didn't want to be found. I was startled from my thoughts because of the arguing between Kwame and Cheng.

"Can't you get him to stop calling? That ringtone annoys the hell out of me" Cheng bitched towards Kwame.

"Tell me how, ok? You tell me how I can make Tommy stop calling" Kwame asked.

Of course! That's how I recognised Tommy. He was one of Dennis' fuckbuddies! He knew how I could find Dennis! But than something else dawned me. If he was Dennis's friend, he should know it if Dennis was looking for me. And Dennis would probably have his friends involved in that search, probably with photo's. But Tommy hadn't reacted when he saw me earlier that night. So maybe I was wrong about all of it and Dennis wasn't looking for me. Man, I really made a mess of things!

"Kwame isn't answering his phone" Tommy said. He turned around and almost wished he hadn't. This is not the person he knew all those years. Even Kees and Raymond didn't know if this Dennis was still the same as the young man they knew. There was an anger in Dennis' face that had never been there before. It had all started when Dennis saw Tommy come from "The Arc" and he heard the African man tell Tommy they were done. In one clear moment it all made sense to Dennis. The African man was Kwame, Tommy's boy of interest at the moment, and somehow Kwame was connected to Samuel. So, Dennis confronted Tommy. Tommy quickly made up a story that Samuel was with that Chinese guy who knew Kwame and that he never saw Samuel before Samuel came into the bar. Dennis asked why Tommy hadn't called as soon as he saw Samuel in the bar. Tommy had no quick answer to that one, which was why Dennis didn't believe him. Even more, Dennis made a mental note to change the locks to his house so Tommy couldn't get in anymore. He just didn't trust Tommy anymore. As soon as this all was over his ... whatever it was with Tommy would be over as well.

"Why don't you give me Kwame's number and go home?" Dennis said. Tommy knew Dennis was done with him. He had been dismissed. Two times in one night! That was definitely a record. Still, he couldn't be as angry with Dennis as he was with Kwame. He and Dennis had too much of a history. And Tommy knew he had screwed up himself. He knew Dennis knew him too well and he knew Dennis knew he had been lying about Samuel. Tommy wrote down Kwame's number on a piece of paper, took Dennis keys off his keyring and left the house, glad to leave the man he shared so much with but who seemed a stranger to him now.

It was late. Or early. Kwame just didn't know anymore. Was it hours or weeks since they got home from the city? All Kwame knew was that Samuel went to bed not long after he finished telling his story. Kwame and Cheng stayed in the living room but weren't talking. Kwame tried a couple of times but every time he started saying something Cheng looked at him like he was some kind of rodent. It annoyed Kwame but he knew there wasn't much he could do about it. He had been wrong and he would have to endure this. If only he knew why Cheng was so upset! They never said their relationship was exclusive. So why did Cheng make him feel like he had done something inexcusable? And worse, why did it feel like he deserved nothing less?

What was that big African bastard thinking? Did he really think he could talk his way out of this with that low, smooth sexy voice of his, while looking with those deep, almost black eyes at Cheng, undressing him with those eyes? And then massaging him with those big, strong hands, moving lower and lower, slowly rubbing his back, moving to the front rubbing his nipples. Oh, that would certainly sent shivers down his spine, right into his crotch, making him hard as a rock and opening his asshole to make it ready to receive Kwame's big, throbbing black cock.

"Stop it!" Cheng cursed at himself. "You're angry with him, remember? Oh, you like him, alright, but there's no need to surrender that easily. Grow some self-respect, will you?"

Cheng had known Kwame was also sleeping with other men. Although Cheng wasn't happy with it he knew Kwame hadn't been ready for an exclusive relationship. He had been in Amsterdam for only a couple of months now and Cheng knew the temptations of this city. He had had a lot of casual sex himself when he first came to the city, almost 18 months ago. He went to Thermos day sauna and night sauna and was fucked by more men than he cared to remember. He also visited the parties of the Nude Club Amsterdam at Club Cockring frequently. He would still get hard while thinking of himself lying in that sling, being fed one dick after another, both orally as anally. Especially the parties during the Amsterdam Pride were hot. Gay men from all over the Netherlands and other parts of Europe came to Amsterdam and a lot of them ended up at Club Cockring at those parties. It was at one of those parties where he met Tommy for the first time. Cheng was enjoying a nice hard Moroccan cock in his ass and a Dutch one in his mouth when Tommy had walked in. The Moroccan guy had been fucking Cheng for a good 15 minutes and Cheng expected to feel his hard dick swelling any minute now and rewarding Cheng with his cum. Unfortunately, no such luck. Tommy interfered in the act and the Moroccan guy pulled out, pulled of the condom and walked away with Tommy while grabbing a new condom from one of the tables. Cheng was stunned which made the Dutch guy leave as well. Cheng got up and walked upstairs, determined to have a drink at the bar. As soon as he walked into the bar area he saw Tommy hanging over the bar, getting his ass pounded by the handsome Moroccan guy while sucking the bartender's hard dick. Even though Cheng had several dicks in his ass that afternoon his heart wasn't really into it anymore and he decided not to go to those parties for a while.

Instead he started going to Thermos night sauna more. The day sauna was a bit too calm for him. He wanted sex and lots of it. At the day sauna some men were there for the relaxation of the sauna. At the night sauna the men were horny and frustrated they hadn't hooked up in one of the bars so they were more ferocious and easier to get. But again, it fell to pieces because of Tommy.

Cheng was flirting with a nice guy from Aruba with a chocolate coloured skin and black dreadlocks in his hair. He was muscular and was smooth all over. He had arranged his towel so you could see his hard dick when he was sitting and boy, what a sight! Cheng and the Aruban guy had decided to go upstairs to have some fun when Tommy came in. Whether it was because he recognised Cheng or because he saw a young man he liked Cheng would never know for sure but Tommy approached the Aruban guy and Cheng immediately.

"Hey, want to have some fun?" Tommy said. "Sorry, but this fine Asian man and I are already planning on having some fun" the Aruban guy said. "Can't I join you? I'm a very nice bottom and I'm sure a strong dark man like you knows what to do with that" Tommy asked. "Sorry, but I don't think I have enough strength to do you both." "Oh, but I can help you with that" Tommy said, showing Cheng and his Aruban friend a small cylinder. "What is in there?" Cheng asked. "A little mix containing a little cocaine and a lot of Viagra and some other stimulants" Tommy answered. The Aruban guy looked at Cheng as if he was asking permission. Cheng was too worked up to withdraw from the opportunity to have sex with this dark god, even if that meant he would have to take the skimpy Dutch boy along for the ride. "Ok, let's go" Cheng said.

The sex was great. The three of them had shared the mixture Tommy had brought and Cheng had more orgasms that night than he had ever thought possible. He had cum while being fucked by the Aruban guy and Tommy sucking him. He had cum while sucking Tommy without even touching his dick. After a whole night of having sex with Tommy and the Aruban guy Cheng only had dry orgasms left. His balls were drained completely. The Aruban guy was still hard and had his dick in Tommy's ass while sucking on Cheng nipples. After a very long fuck he came for the last time before collapsing on Tommy and Cheng, mumbling something that sounded like he never had a night like that. After that they stayed in the cubicle for a little while before heading for the showers, getting clean. They exchanged numbers with the promise to do it again sometime soon. After 2 weeks of not hearing from them and being incredibly horny Cheng called the Aruban guy only to hear he was in Aruba because of a family emergency. Cheng was filled with doubt whether or not to call Tommy. Cheng was very horny so his dick won from his mind and he called Tommy, only to get a very cold shower. "I was never interested in you" Cheng heard Tommy say with disgust in his voice. "I wanted that dark guy with the dreadlocks. You were just something I had to tolerate. I am so not into Asian guys". With that, Tommy hung up, leaving Cheng stunned for the second time.

And all this lead to Cheng's worst night ever. He was so horny he needed to have sex soon. But he didn't have money to visit Thermos that night or even one of the sex cinema's you can find in Amsterdam. So he did the only thing left: he logged in on one of the gay chat boxes to find some sex there. He was in luck soon, he thought, hooking up with a Dutch and Moroccan couple looking for a third guy for a hot night. Only problem was they couldn't receive because of their roommate who didn't know they were gay and a couple. "No problem" Cheng said. "My roommate isn't here so we can do it at my place" breaking one of his most sacred rules: never have a one night stand at home. He gave the guys his address and took a shower to make himself ready for their hard bodies. As soon as the bell rang he opened the door seeing the boys he had been chatting with. He turned around to show them in and felt a blow to the head. Everything went dark.

The next thing he remembered was lying on his stomach, being tied to his bed while feeling his ass being raped by one of the guys. "Did you really think we were gay? We just wanted to dump our cum in someone's ass. Oh, and we both like it bare so we didn't use a condom" one of the guys said while the other was fucking Cheng's ass and getting ready to cum. Cheng was sure he would never survive this. He had seen their faces. He had their cum in his ass. They could not risk him going to the police. The same things had crossed the young men's minds because of them made a slip knot and put it around Cheng's neck. While the one violating Cheng was cumming the other guy started pulling on the rope. "Nothing personal but we don't want to get arrested" the guy said while cutting of Cheng's air supply. Cheng began to feel dizzy and thought it would be over soon when he heard a lot of noise.

Although Marc would normally consider a night without a willing girl in his bed a waste he had never been happier to see a date go to hell. He had come home to find an unusual mess in the living room and followed the trail to Cheng's room. Marc had decided to embarrass the young Chinese guy by walking in on him and his date, only to find some white guy strangling his roommate while a darker skinned guy, probably Moroccan, was climaxing in his ass. The white guy was surprised someone came in and the dark guy was recovering after his orgasm. Marc grabbed both men and collided their heads to eachother, sending both of them to dreamland. He then quickly untied the rope around Cheng neck to find his roommate was out cold but still alive. Marc called the 112, the European version of 911 and within minutes the police was there.

But Cheng's ordeal wasn't over after that. The Moroccan guy proved to be HIV-positive and 6 very frightening months began for Cheng. Marc tried his best to support the little Chinese guy but that proved difficult since Marc never had been attracted to someone of the same sex. "Listen, mate. I won't pretend I understand what it means to be gay but I know what it is to be so horny you can't think straight. Just promise me you will tell me when I'm doing stupid stuff, ok?" Marc said. The next six months were hell for Cheng. Sex was out of the question. Not only couldn't he do it because he might be infected with HIV, the fear itself and the medicines he had to take also ruined his sexual appetite. Two months before Kwame came to Amsterdam Cheng had heard he hadn't contracted HIV. Unfortunately, the side-effects of the medicines took another six week to subside before Cheng felt horny again. He had offered his body to Marc about one week before Kwame came to live with them, but Marc declined. "Mate, I know you mean it well, but I'm 100% straight. Besides, you do this out of a misplaced feeling of guilt of gratitude. I will not take advantage of you like those two guys had" Marc had said. During those 6 months he had found out what Marc's major was: psychology. And he was good at it. They had talked a lot during those six months and Cheng had found out some things about himself he wasn't too happy with. Marc tried to help him with those issues but there was one thing Marc couldn't help Cheng with: his deeply rooted hatred for Tommy. "Without him I would never have been so horny and sought a way to relieve myself on the internet" Cheng persisted. Marc let it go after a couple of tries.

And then Kwame came living in the house and Cheng fell like a log for the African man who proved to like men as well.

And then Kwame destroyed it all by hooking up with the one man Cheng hated more than anything in the world.

Cheng woke up from his stroll through memory lane only to find his dick hard as a rock again. He hated it if his dick got hard while thinking about the rape. It was almost as if he had enjoyed the violation of his body. A friend in university had explained it was nothing more than a physical reaction of his prostate being stimulated during the rape and a unconscious memory of that feeling during the rape while he thought about it. Whatever! He still hated his body's betrayal during the rape and during the moment he thought about it. He blamed Tommy for all of this. Tommy and Kwame! His hatred for Tommy had only grown. He didn't hate Kwame. Kwame hadn't know the things that had happened before he came to Amsterdam and what role Tommy had played. En Cheng knew he would forgive Kwame in time, but not right now. He would have to feel how much he had hurt Cheng. And after that they would talk things out and start their lives together. But first punishment and Cheng had a good idea what to do.

While hiding his hard dick Cheng got up from the couch and, without saying a word to Kwame, Cheng went to bed.

Do you know that feeling you have when walking into a movie that already started and you missed some key elements to the story? Well, I have that feeling around the house at the moment. Samuel hasn't left his room for days now and when listening to the door I could hear him cry. Even worse, Cheng and Kwame aren't talking to each other. No idea what happened but somehow the two love birds are mad at each other. It progressed to Kwame making sure he was out of the house by the time Cheng got up and not coming back until Cheng went to bed. The atmosphere in the house was killing my chances of getting laid!

Although I know Cheng the longest of the three guys things aren't peachy between us since I rescued him from those rapists. At first, I thought he was embarrassed because of how I had seen him, naked and violated. But that didn't bother me. Oh, I knew Cheng was gay. I had known that for a long time. No problem. Back home, my brother was dating some guy from a near farm (well, near. I think the front doors are about 2 miles apart) and I am fine with that. Now that I think of it, things didn't start becoming that awkward between Cheng and me until we started spending so much time together trying to treat Cheng's emotional trauma. I learned a lot about my roommate back then and most of it I didn't want to know. I guess that's why they advise you not to treat a friend or family member. But things got really out of control when Cheng had heard he was HIV negative and decided to thank me for taking care of him by offering me what those two bastards had taken with force.

You see, my brother is gay and I've known Cheng is gay for a long time, but I'm as straight as an arrow. 110% pure straight manflesh, that's me! If I had any gay feelings in my body I would've taken Cheng up on it but I can't imagine having sex with a man. I never had fantasies about sleeping with a man and I never experimented with friends or stuff. I never doubted my sexuality and, although I have no problem with hanging out with gay men and sharing a house with them, I don't understand them. I just don't understand why they would prefer an asshole or a hard dick in their asses when they could have a nice pair of big tits to knead while ploughing her warm and wet pussy with your hard dick. Hmm, the thought about it makes me hard.

Anyway, what I had hoped happened when the university put Kwame in the house with us. Cheng never stood a chance resisting the big black guy. Oh, and I can see why. Not only is Kwame tall, dark, muscular and handsome. He's also hung like a horse. Pretty observant for a straight guy, you think? Try living with a teen gay brother whose hormones were going shy high and not getting trained in observing. I mean, my brother had no one else to talk to (until he found the neighbour) and, as a big brother, it was my duty to help him out, right? Besides, Kwame doesn't wear underwear so whenever he gets erect he gets really erect! And I walked in on him in the shower one day. But Kwame and Cheng hit it off and I was happy for the little Chinese guy. Oh, I knew Kwame was also sleeping with other guys and I think Cheng did too but for the first time in a long time Cheng was smiling again.

Kwame says he's bisexual but I don't believe it. With all the beautiful women walking in and out of this place, in various stages of being dressed he always behaved like a gentleman. Even when one of my dates was sitting here, crying because I hadn't called her in days (Yeah, that's me: fucking them a couple of times and "losing" their numbers afterwards; so sue me!) he didn't touch her, even though she was wearing a garment that put most bikinis to shame! No, Kwame was gay with the rare talent of getting an erection with women if needed. That's how he got his kids, I guess.

And then came Samuel. I noticed Samuel being gay on the spot. But I also noticed Samuel carrying a secret that was haunting him. Something else than him being gay. I mentioned something to Kwame once but the African guy was not interested. Well, whatever it was that was eating on Samuel, he would have to find someone else to help him with it. I wouldn't repeat my mistake with Cheng. But since I knew I wouldn't be able to help myself (I mean, if you don't have that natural instinct to help people you don't want to be a psychologist) I started spending most of my time outdoors. Again, not because the three other guys were gay. I respect them and I do love them, like I love my kid brother, but I had to save myself from being a trouble magnet once again.

Yet, here I am, the only straight guy in a house with three gay men who aren't talking to each other. I hadn't had a date (and no sex) for four days now, ever since I noticed something was wrong with my friends. My heart just wasn't in it but now, at the first sign of naked women flesh or even the thought of a naked woman, my dick would swell to almost impossible size, throbbing painfully in my boxers. Jerking off just didn't relieve me like sex did and I knew if I started beating my meat I wouldn't stop anytime soon. I thought about visiting the Red Light District but the image of almost naked women standing in the doorways and windows made my dick swell so much I was afraid it would pop! If those three didn't work it out soon I would have to request a transfer to another house. If I didn't have a good night of sex soon I'd go insane!

Cheng was surfing the internet. He was looking for several specific men on the net. Men he dated in the past. Men that had fucked him silly. Men that would ensure his revenge on Kwame. Thinking about his revenge almost made him cream his shorts. He was looking for the Moroccan guy he met at the nude party at Club Cockring. He didn't know his name but he was surfing the internet, looking at chatboxes and gay profile pages. He saw a couple of guys who gave him and instant hard on, but no luck in finding this north-African stud. He had already approached the Aruban guy, who's name was Carl, and made an appointment with him. He had spoken to him on the phone and told him he wanted to discuss something but preferred doing so in person. Carl had agreed so they would see each other in 5 days time. Now he was looking for the other hot guy who kept him busy in his sleep. Finally Cheng found him. He sent him an email with a link to his picture. A reply came with 30 minutes. Yes, he remembered Cheng. He remembered Cheng's hot body and his dick was growing thinking about it. He'd love the opportunity to finish the hot sex they had started that afternoon. The reply was just what Cheng needed to hear. "How about meeting me in five days at The Tara, that Irish pub at the Rokin" Cheng wrote. "I have an appointment with someone else there as well at that time. I need to talk to both of you. I have an offer to make to both of you".

Ok, so maybe I was too quick in dismissing karma. In one night a group of friends changed in a group of strangers. Cheng and Kwame weren't talking while Marc was home even less than before. And me? I went to school, came home, went out again searching for Dennis' address and came home to sleep. That's it. Cheng tried to talk to me but I didn't listen. Of course I knew he had a tough couple of days but I hadn't had a great week either. I could have been with my man again but I blew it, again! All I knew was Dennis' house was somewhere at one of the canals, but I never realised how long those canals were. And maybe he'd given up since I ran away last week. Yeah, this time I really blew it! Without really noticing I passed a big house at the Prinsengracht.

The suitcases were packed and stood in the hallway. Last night I got a call from New York, reminding me of a very important client coming to see me after the weekend. But what it really was, was a wake up call. I have a very capable staff but last night they reminded I also had a company to lead and my private issues had received enough company time. My New York manager had even been less subtle. "If you still want to have a company to return to you HAVE to be here on Monday. Not only does this client bring enough items with him to keep us busy for the next month only to catalogue it all, but he also has enough connections to end our auction house and all the other parts of the company if you offend him. Face it, your little boyfriend doesn't want you anymore and it's time you accept that." Trust me, any other person I would've fired on the spot but he knew he could go a little further than most people. Not this far, though, and it would cost him. I told all the investigators we would continue searching but that I had to go to the United States on business. I rented an apartment near Waterloo Square and moved the base of operations there. I had prepared the house for a long period of no one being there. Maybe I should consider selling it or at least get some renters. "I need some air" I mumbled to no one. I never noticed how big this house is when you're completely alone. I opened the door, looking over the Prinsengracht when I almost bumped into a young, slightly coloured guy. "Samuel?"

Cheng, Mohammed (the Moroccan guy) and Carl met that night at The Tara. After some drinks Mohammed reminded Cheng he invited them to discuss something with them. "Yes, you're right. I want to ask a favour of both of you. Maybe you both remember Tommy, the Dutch guy who butted in when I was having fun with you?" Both nodded. "Well, I have a boyfriend now ... Yeah, I know you're wondering what you're doing here than" Cheng said after he saw their amazed faces. "The trouble is, my boyfriend has been cheating on me with that Tommy guy. And I can ignore a lot but not this. I want some revenge." "And I take it we play some part in that revenge" Carl said. "Yes, I want Kwame to walk in on the three of us having sex. The way I see it, two things can happen when he does: either he is very hurt and walks away or he's hurt but also horny and wants to join. Well, as far as I'm concerned, he can, but not in his normal role. You see, he's a full blown top but if he wants to join he'll have to bottom for both of you." Carl and Mohammed looked at each other. They both remember Cheng's lean body and hot ass perfectly and both had hoped this would be an invitation for a threesome or more. Mohammed, like most Moroccan men, was a complete top while Carl was a top/versatile. When thinking about it, Cheng did invite them for a threesome that could end in a foursome. The fact that they would trap Cheng's boyfriend into this, didn't bother Mohammed at all and Carl only a little. Carl was 24 and Mohammed 22 and, like most young men (especially gay men), they thought with their little heads more than the ones that contained actual brains. "Do you have a picture of that dark stud of yours? I mean, you can't blame us we want to know what we're saying yes to, right?" Mohammed asked. Cheng had already anticipated this and knew he had at least Mohammed on board already. He showed a picture on his mobile phone to both men. Mohammed almost started drooling. Not only was that Kwame character extremely hot to see, but he was also a top that would be forced to be bottom at least once. And he would be the one to break him in. Apparently Carl was also in on this because Mohammed felt a hand feeling him up. When he looked at Carl the Aruban guy responded with: "Well, I need to know who of us is better equipped to break this home boy in" Carl said with a smile and a very horny look in his eyes. "Ok, count me in" Carl said. "Me too, on one condition. I think we need to practice first." Mohammed said. "My roommate is out of town today so we can go to my apartment to ... pratice." Cheng frowned a little. This he didn't expect. He didn't want to cheat on Kwame, just give him the idea he did. But the thought of Mohammed's dick in his ass while Carl's was in his mouth or even Carl's in his ass while Mohammed would fuck the shit out of Carl made Cheng harden up immediately. He knew this revenge was just as much about finding out whether he loved Kwame enough to give up all the other men in the world, so he made a decision. "Good idea. Let's go!"

For the second time this week I heard someone say my name in this city and for the second time it was the last voice I expected to hear. "Samuel?" "Dennis! Oh Dennis, I'm so sorry! I'm so sorry I helped Achmed and the others. I'm so sorry I ran of to Amsterdam. I'm sorry I ran away last week. I understand if you never want to see me again but I just needed to tell you how sorry I am" I ranted on an on. Dennis tried to cut me off, but I didn't let him. "You have to believe me when I say I tried to protect you. I'm so sorry, Dennis! Please don't hate me!"

"How could I hate you? I love you! I know why you did what you did. I just wish you had talked to me. Achmed and his thugs would never have been able to damage me in any way. I was always perfectly safe, Samuel. You worried needlessly, lover" Dennis said.

"But all the stuff you lost because of me? Aren't you angry about that?" I asked.

"No, all they took was a flatscreen tv, two laptops and some silver cutlery. All the stuff I would really miss you secured in the panic room, together with back ups of all my data. I didn't loose anything important to me, except you". All of a sudden I felt me knees get week. I fell in Dennis' arms and automatically my lips found his and we shared a passionate kiss.

"Hey, you queers! Get a room!" I heard someone scream from the other side of the canal.

"Trust me, we intend to! Maybe a good idea for you and your boyfriend as well!" I screamed back. Dennis pulled me closer and together we walked into his house. As soon as we were inside Dennis looked to see if those guys were still looking. They were, so Dennis grabbed my ass and squeezed it, causing me to moan. Before the two guys had a chance to respond Dennis closed the door and pulled of my jacket in the same motion. "I missed you, Samuel. And I missed your hot ass even more!" "Oh yes, baby. Fuck me. I need to have that big hard dick of yours inside my ass!"

Dennis didn't waste any time. He started undressing me while he walked me upstairs. By the time we reached the bedroom I was as naked as the day I was born, although I hoped for my mother's sake I wasn't having a boner as big as now. Dennis touched my back and it felt like electricity running through my entire body. "Dennis, please. Just fuck me. I swear, one more second of foreplay and I'll start cumming like you never seen before" I begged Dennis. Of course I begged in vain. When it came to sex Dennis was quite dominant and of course the first thing he did right now was getting down on his knees and swallowing my hard throbbing cock. Almost immediately after his tongue touched my dick I started cumming. I started cumming and I think I continued cumming for at least five minutes. When I came down from my post-orgasmic high I was surprised to find Dennis sitting next to me, still breathing. I was convinced I had drowned him in cum. "I can see you haven't had sex all those weeks" Dennis laughed. "I knew you cum a lot but this was ridiculous. I couldn't swallow it all. I also started getting worried. It took you a long time before you came back to me again".

"Oh shut up! Why aren't you naked yet?" I asked Dennis. He looked surprised. He wasn't used to me being so aggressive in bed. But he was right. I had been in Amsterdam for seven weeks and had not even masturbated all that time. Before I had come to Amsterdam Dennis had been gone for almost a week. And even before that things were not as good as usually so sex wasn't something we both desired at the time. But now, at this moment, even as I had just shot about three months worth of cum, I had no other desire than for my ass to be filled with Dennis hard, thick, throbbing meat and feeling him shooting his cum inside me. So, I became a little aggressive. Later Dennis told me the suit I tore from his body was an $ 8000,- Armani. Bummer.

"Oh yes! Deeper! I want to feel all of your hard dick inside me!"

Cheng, Carl and Mohammed were in the living room in the house where Cheng, Kwame, Marc and Samuel lived. The plan was simple. All three young men had taken Viagra to make sure their erections would hold. They would have sex while Kwame would walk in and than see if they could persuade Kwame to join in on their little game, as a bottom. The idea of Kwame getting either Carl's or Mohammed's hard dick in his ass was enough to almost send Cheng over the edge. But, even though Cheng loved the feeling he had right now, having Mohammed's dick in his ass while playing with Carl's, he was also nervous. A lot of things could go wrong. Marc or Samuel could come home, for example. They hadn't been home for days but Cheng half expected them to come home exactly at the moment Mohammed shoved his big hard dick in his ass, rubbing his prostate. And talking about Mohammed's dick rubbing his prostate, Cheng half expected that to be enough to make him cum. He tried to distract himself with Carl's dick, but that was a mistake. Did Mohammed's dick feel good in is ass, Carl's dick in his mouth felt good too. And just when he thought things couldn't get better, Kwame came in. One look at the big African man and Cheng knew he had his revenge. Kwame looked hurt as soon as he realized what was going on in there. But Kwame also got excited quickly. He wore his normal loose pants and Cheng saw Kwame's big dick grow. That made Cheng cum like a bull. His cum flew through the room.

"You must be Kwame" Carl said, while walking up to the African man. "Judging the size of your dick you're dying to join in". Cheng was watching while recuperating from his orgasm, with Mohammed's dick still hard in his ass and his own dick still hard. Mohammed was panting in his ear: "I'm getting close, hot stuff. I'm going to cream your ass soon!"

Cheng looked at Carl and Kwame. Carl had removed Kwame's shirt and unbuttoned his pants, taking out Kwame's hard cock. He got down on his knees and took Kwame's dick in his mouth. Cheng had warned Carl and Mohammed they had to get Kwame horny quickly so he would not notice he was being prepared to be bottom for the first time. Carl was a good cocksucker. He could deepthroat Mohammed and Kwame was pretty much the same size. The sight of Kwame's dick being swallowed by Carl was too much for Mohammed and he came inside Cheng.

After a few minutes Cheng saw Kwame was ready. He got off Mohammed's hard dick while Mohammed was still coming down from his orgasm high and walked to Carl. "He's ready" Cheng whispered in Carl's ear. Carl let go of Kwame's dick and Cheng took his place. Carl moved behind Kwame and put on a condom while stroking Kwame's ass. Kwame did register Carl was touching his ass but he liked the feeling of Carl's big raw hands stroking his ass even though Carl touched his hole once in a while. Kwame was raised with the idea no real masculine man would take it up the ass so everytime Carl's fingers rubbed his little star Kwame wanted to retreat but he couldn't because Cheng was sucking his dick. After a few times Carl's fingers explored Kwame's hole he didn't retreat anymore, so Carl moved up a notch and tried to shove a lubed finger in Kwame's ass. This time Kwame did try to pull back but with his dick in Cheng's mouth and Carl's finger in his ass he couldn't go anywhere. For the first time ever Kwame looked a little scared. By now he realized what the plan was and he didn't like that one bit. Especially when he saw Mohammed get up from the couch and saw the massive hard cock that stood proud between Mohammed's legs. Mohammed smiled at Kwame as if telling "See that? That's going to be in your ass before the night is over". Cheng almost decided to call it all off when he saw Kwame's uneasiness but than remembered Tommy. With Kwame's dick deep in his throat he nodded to Carl, who immediately shoved a second finger in Kwame's ass. Kwame let out a little yelp, mostly because he was really scared now. He felt betrayed by his dick, that stayed hard although he was scared. And, at the same time, he felt excited and curious what it would feel like. And then, all of a sudden, all his doubts and fears were gone when Carl hit his prostate. Kwame saw stars. His dick started leaking precum and he didn't care anymore what Carl and Mohammed would do to him as long as he got that feeling again. In the meantime Carl had lubed up his dick and put in against Kwame's hole. Kwame's doubts returned but he never had time to resist. In one hard push Carl broke through Kwame's ring and took his anal virginity. Kwame screamed out in pain but Mohammed moved his mouth on Kwame's, muffling the scream, while rubbing Kwame's nipples. After what seemed at least an hour the pain subsided and Kwame just fell really full. He didn't dislike the feeling. It felt comfortable and every now and then, when Carl's dick passed his prostate, the feeling was great again. Kwame heard a moan and realized it was his own. Carl took that as a sign Kwame had adjusted and started really fucking him. Kwame bent over so Carl could fuck him even better. Both he and Carl were moaning hard. Kwame never thought getting fucked felt that good! Unfortunately Carl hadn't cum yet so he didn't last long. After about 10 minutes of really good fucking Kwame's black ass Carl crossed the point of no return and picked up the pace even more, just before filling the condom like he never done before.

Kwame felt Carl cumming and thought it would be over so he started jerking his own dick. But that was not what Cheng had in mind. He grabbed Kwame hand so Kwame couldn't bring himself to cum. Kwame hadn't noticed Mohammed had put on a new condom and lubing up and as soon as Carl had withdrawn his dick from Kwame's ass, Mohammed shoved his in. The pain returned since Mohammed was quite somewhat bigger than Carl was. But the pain subsided quicker this time than it had the first time and soon Kwame and Mohammed were moaning together, trying to outdo the other. Cheng slowly rubbed Kwame's dick and licked his nipples. Kwame hardly noticed. All he noticed was Mohammed's cockhead rubbing over his prostate everytime he shoved in and pulled back. Mohammed had cum already in Cheng's ass so he would last longer than Carl. Still, he already felt his balls boiling. Mohammed was the second man ever who fucked Kwame so Kwame's ass was still very tight. And the thought he would fill not only the Chinese man's ass but also his boyfriend's was a big turn on for the Moroccan guy. Suddenly Kwame started panting and moaning. The rubbing of Mohammed's cock over his prostate, the idea of three good looking naked young men in the room and the memory of Cheng riding Mohammed's cock when Kwame had come in was too much for Kwame and he started cumming in a way he had never felt before and an amount he had never seen before. Kwame's spasms was too much for Mohammed, who started cumming in Kwame's ass. After his orgasm had subsided Mohammed pulled his dick out of Kwame's ass almost immediately, causing Kwame to fall on his knees like a puppet whose strings had been cut. Kwame was panting while sitting on his knees, his dick still leaking cum. Cheng sat down on his knees in front of Kwame, lifting Kwame's face to meet his eyes.

"Now I can forgive you, my love. Now we can work on a life together" said Cheng and sealed it with a kiss. "Does that mean we can never do this again?" Kwame asked. "I think that now I have been fucked once I can't imagine I can live without having a hard cock in my ass regularly" Kwame said, with a mischievous twinkle in his eyes. "I think that can be arrange, you big African hunk. Just remember I want to be a part of it as well" Cheng replied.

Carl and Mohammed gently lifted Kwame to his feet and supported him to his bedroom. Cheng followed the three men and turned off the lights. In Kwame's king size bed the four young men continued having sex for several more hours. After about 6 hours the Viagra had worn off but the four sex gods didn't notice that. All four of them were in a deep sleep.

After we were both sexually satisfied we started talking some more. We told each other what happened the last couple of weeks. I learned what Dennis had done and I told Dennis what I had done from when I came to Amsterdam till now. But we also learned Tommy had, again, played dirty.

"He said what?" I asked in disbelief. "He knew Kwame and me were friends! He knew I lived in the same house as Kwame was! He could have told you at least a week ago where to find me!" I knew Tommy was trouble and I was relieved to hear Dennis had come to the same conclusion and asked Tommy for his keys back. But Dennis wanted revenge. He wanted to hurt Tommy. He didn't know how yet.

After we talked for a while my cell phone rang. It was Cheng. I answered and listened to Cheng telling everything was ok between him and Kwame again and they met two new friends. I told Cheng Dennis and I talked things out as well. "Why don't we meet in The Arc in an hour so you can meet Dennis and we can meet Carl and Mohammed?" Cheng thought it was a good idea and after persuading Dennis we agreed to meet in The Arc in little over an hour.

"So, we have an hour?" Dennis asked. "That's right". "Good, that gives us time to take a shower and maybe you can fuck me while showering" Dennis grinned.

"So, all's well that ends well?" Cheng asked me. "I mean, are you going back to Paris with Dennis?"

"I will go back to Paris. Paris is my home. My coming to Amsterdam never meant I would never go home again." I replied, but I knew what Cheng meant. Kwame was his boyfriend and Marc was just a good friend, but in those few weeks a bond between Cheng and me had formed. Cheng was afraid to lose a friend. "But first I have a year of studying to do. I came to Amsterdam to flee my actions but I also came here to study. Just because things between Dennis and me are ok again doesn't mean I don't still want to get to know Amsterdam and study here for a year. And after that year I'll probably go back to Paris. But I expect you and Kwame to come and visit" Cheng's face lit like a Christmas tree.

On the other side of the table Kwame was talking to Dennis. The two men had taken an instant liking in each other and shared a lot of stories, from most humiliating for me to most stimulating for me, judging from the bulge in Dennis' pants. Of course, also the subject of Tommy came up.

"Kwame, just be careful with Tommy. He's a manipulative little bitch and can go quite far to get whatever it is he wants. Samuel told me Tommy had seen him at your place but never told me about it. And besides, Tommy isn't used to get dumped the way you did. I wouldn't be surprised if he was planning something to get even with you." Dennis said to Kwame. "But I'm not the only one who needs to be careful, I think. I mean, everything points towards Tommy wanting you for himself without Samuel interfering and you turned him down as well" Kwame replied. Both men kept talking about what to expect about Tommy. Cheng didn't like it. If he never heard Tommy's name ever again it would still be too soon.

While the four of us were sitting at the table Carl and Mohammed took off every once in a while. Both men were very affectionate with each other and both Cheng and me thought something good might come out of all of this. I thought the Aruban and the Moroccan man were falling in love with each other. Mohammed had entrusted seeing Kwame losing his virginity tonight made him curious about how it would be to be fucked. Carl and he had already decided it would happen that weekend, but not right now. Their balls were still drained because of all the sex they had earlier tonight.

"Look who we have here. Apparently everything worked out after all" a familiar voice said. Both Dennis and Cheng rose, having murder in their eyes. Tommy stood there, with an arrogant smirk on his face. He looked like shit. His eyes were red, his shirt wrinkled and he was clearly drunk. He could hardly keep his balance while he walked closer to our table. One of the other patrons was in his way and, although Tommy saw him coming, he bumped into him at full speed, sending the man flying through the bar. "Maybe you should go home" Kwame said to Tommy. Cheng shot a dangerous look at Kwame but Kwame withstood that. He wasn't interested in Tommy anymore and the sooner as Cheng accepted Kwame could still be civil to the Dutch guy the better. Kwame didn't hate Tommy. Truth be told, when he thought about Tommy he only felt pity for him. And Tommy probably knew that.

Before Tommy could make a real scene a good looking Moroccan man intercepted him and guided him to the bar. While Mohammed was talking to Tommy, and even flirting a little, Carl came up to Dennis and asked "Is that the one?" Dennis nodded and handed Carl something. Carl nodded once and left to join Mohammed and Tommy at the bar. Dennis sat down and motioned Cheng and Kwame to do the same. I knew Dennis had made some kind of arrangement with Carl and Mohammed but I didn't know what that deal was, and I couldn't care less either. We kept talking and having fun at our table. Every once in a while Cheng or me looked at the bar were Carl and Mohammed kept feeding Tommy drinks, making him more and more drunk. In the end he could hardly stand and, while Carl kept him standing, Mohammed came over to say they were leaving and maybe have some little fun with the drunk Dutch guy. We wished them a goodnight and they left.

"Well, I think the four of us need to talk about something" Dennis said. "I don't know if Samuel told you but I own a lot of real estate, including a really big house at the Prinsengracht. That house is empty most of the time and I think it's time people start living there again. Samuel wants to stay in Amsterdam to finish his studies here so I asked him to move into my canal house. He said he would, but on one condition: the two of you can move in there with him. It will save you a lot of money on rent because I don't want any and the house is really big so you will still have your privacy. And of course I will be there a lot as well now that Samuel will live there" Dennis stated. Both Cheng and Kwame were looking at Dennis and me as if we had suddenly burst into flames. "Are you serious?" Cheng asked. "I mean, really?" "Yeah, I was thinking it was a shame no one was using the house anyway so this way the house will be used, you'll have a nice place to live and throw a party every now and then and it will save you a lot of money. Anyway, think about it. Samuel has the keys. And now, if you guys will excuse me, I have to get my suitcase from the house and get the hell to Schiphol Airport to catch my flight to New York City if I still want to have a business at the beginning of the week". With that Dennis got up, kissed Samuel (who of course knew Dennis had to go to New York), said goodbye to Cheng and Kwame en left the bar, leaving Cheng and Kwame a little dazed. Or course they didn't need a lot of time to think about Dennis' offer and 5 minutes later it was decided they had a new address. Plans for the moving were made and before they knew it it was time for The Arc to close, forcing the three friends to postpone the rest of the planning.

Tommy woke up with a terrible headache. It felt like a herd of elephants had partied in his head. But soon he realized not only his head hurt. Also his wrists and his ass hurt. He gently felt his asshole and was startled to find it standing wide open. He touched his left wrist and cringed in pain. The skin felt raw and damaged. He put on a light and was again startled. It was obvious he hadn't been alone last night. His bed was filled with used condoms and two pairs of handcuffs dangled from the headboard of the bed. Tommy tried as hard as he could to remember who he had taken home with him but with the headache he had all he could remember was seeing Dennis, Samuel, Kwame and Cheng at The Arc and his plan to physically hurt all four of them. And then that beautiful Moroccan boy had stopped him and taken towards the bar. A little later a darker skinned man had joined them. Tommy felt he knew them somehow but he didn't remember where or when he met them or who introduced them. He did remember the alcohol but he couldn't imagine being drunk enough to take home one or two guys he didn't really know. He had had sex with so many guys in so many places so it was possible he had seen them at Thermos or any other place. Hell, it was even possible he slept with them and didn't even remember. That was when he saw the letter on his nightstand:


As you read this we have left and you have regained consciousness. Take a look around. All those condoms were filled by my friend and me over the last couple of hours while you were out of it. It's amazing what a little GHB does to a person. You were one horny and willing bitch and we certainly had fun, especially when you had to prove you could take both our dicks simultaneously. I have to hand it you, you did take both of them. Don't worry about your asshole. I'm sure it will heal in time.

It's important you realize why we have raped you. And yes, we did rape you. Having sex with someone with so much alcohol in his body, combined with the date rape drug GHB is rape.

Leave Samuel, Cheng and Kwame alone! Don't even try and talk to them. Dennis never wants to see or hear you went anyplace near those young men and you know Dennis will find out if you ever disobey him. And trust us, right now you don't remember the rape but if we have to repeat this exercise we will make sure you'll remember it all, especially the pain and the humiliation.

You were a great fuck but I hope we'll never meet again, for your sake. The next time things won't end this nicely.

Tommy dropped the note. He felt like someone punched him in his stomach. Flashes of what had happened that night returned to him. He remembered being brought home by two young men, the same men from the bar. Too bad he didn't remember their faces. He remembered inviting them in for a late night cup of coffee. Both men had accepted but as soon as their had been inside they had grabbed him and ordered him to show them the bedroom where they had ripped the clothes off of him and cuffed him to the bed. After that he didn't remember much although he thought he could remember how it felt to be double fucked by two dicks that size!

Tommy knew enough about GHB to know the police would never find it in his system anymore if he went to station now. Even the letter would mean nothing without the faces and the DNA in the sperm would also be useless if it was in the condoms too long. Besides, sperm didn't contain all of the DNA a man has but only half of it. Sperm was pretty much useless to try to find a match without having a suspect. No, Tommy would never know who raped him, but he did know who was behind it. Dennis! Tommy got angry but he knew he would do as the note said. Dennis was a great guy for his friends but a nightmare for his enemies and everyone who ever saw Dennis losing it when someone crossed him would know better than to make an enemy out of Dennis. If Tommy would ever approach Samuel, Kwame or Cheng Dennis would know indeed and his wrath would be terrible. No, it was better to call in sick at work tomorrow to allow his battered and bruised body to heal and than forget this had happened as quickly as possible. It would be even better to forget he had ever known a young gay man named Dennis and had sex with him. It might take some time but Tommy was he could forget all about Dennis, Samuel, Kwame and Cheng. He'd better. It was so much better for his health. As Tommy tried to sit up both his head and his ass reminded him of what would happen if he didn't forget.

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