Boyz Brutal training School

By Danny Meyer (Of Blessed Memory)

Published on Jul 21, 2000


BOYZ BRUTAL TRAINING SCHOOL - Chapter 01 (Authoritarian) ________________________________________

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by Danny Meyer (Comments by email are very welcome.)

Copyright (C) July 20, 2000 by Danny Meyer

TO THE READERS: There will be other Chapters, (parts), but I don't know how many.

WARNING: This was written for gay men and women. Some bi men and women may also enjoy it, as well as some straight men and women who are curious. If you like male to male sex, and discipline, read on. This is a fictional story. None of this ever really happened. None of the people are real people. The story here is about sex and bodily pain, involving adult men, and young men in their teens to age 22. So it's safe to assume, all the action is teen-to-teen, or teen-to-man. In other words, only gay stuff. The cast is male only. If you like, and you're allowed to read this, go for it. If not, have a good day-- no hatred or discrimination here. ________________________________________________________________

"There is a part of every man that wants to discipline, and a part of every young man, that aches for discipline." ________________

***** CHAPTER 1 *****

Gordon: Owner of the training school John: About to be hired to work at the school _______________________________________________

"What's a guy like you doing with a building full of teens?"

"Teen BOYS, John. We call them residents. Students too, but boys, nevertheless," I said to my prospective employee, emphasizing the word 'boys' to increase his discomfort, as much as to remind him that mine was a gay establishment, and that straight boys would not be tolerated--at least, not straight boys who refused to engage in male sex. I was liking this man, John, more and more, his assertiveness and keen questioning were exactly what I needed.

"Well," I went on, "I train them. Besides, it's easier for a 32 year-old like myself to bring them to me, and have them here, 24/7, than it is for me to go out cruising for them."

"So, this is all just for your pleasure? This huge place, these 80 boys, all these rooms, that huge kitchen, all this..."

"John, Are you gay?" I cut him off.

"Yes. Your ad in Lambda Magna asked for a gay person, I wouldn't have responded if I weren't gay."

"Good. Then the rest of the answer to your question is, what we do here builds character in the boys. Besides, all this that you see here, can be for your pleasure too. And for the record, that total is 160 boys, in round numbers, approximately 80 per division."

"With all due respect, Mr. Wells, those kids are a little too young for my taste."

"You can call me Gordon. I apologize for cutting your tour short. You only saw the younger division. You didn't get to see the older age groups."

I could see this aroused John's interest immediately.

"The mandatory exiting age is the end of their 22nd year, John, although we have no 21 or 22 year-olds at the moment."

"That's more like it. So........ what did you mean, Gordon, when you said that this can be for my pleasure, too?"

"Within the loose confines of certain rules, you'll be able to have your way with a good number of the boys." I could see John was uncomfortable with the word 'boys,' so I looked up and studied him for a moment. "Young men, if you prefer. That includes training too."

"Training?" John said, distastefully, "From what you showed me today, Gordon, I'd say that 'training' is just a pretty word for whipping, or hurting them, isn't it?" John said it more as a statement, than a question. "In any case, if I am required to do that to a kid, then, I'm not a candidate for this job, Gordon."

"We have a lot of ground to cover, John, but let me assure you, that is not a requirement. However, I admire your principles. I must tell you though, most of our employees that felt that way, soon changed their minds."

"My God! Are you all sadists, here?" John said, angrily.

"No, John, not at all. Cruelty is not permitted, here."

"Gordon! How can you call it anything BUT cruelty?"

I proceeded to explain to John, now fidgeting nervously, that all the residents, the 'boys,' have agreed to every part of their treatment; that we don't abuse our boys, (at least not beyond 'reasonable' limits); that we use 'safewords,' and that besides my personal pleasure, our training was actually legitimate, modeled after the ways of the traditional, old masters, and designed to strengthen and discipline a boy, and make a better man out of him, so that he ends up strong, able to control his desires, think and work more fiercely and effectively than untrained men, and accomplish more in the world. And in bed. Also, in the most literal and ethical sense of the word, the residents were, in effect, 'slaves,' but not the mindless type.

"I'm a pretty good history student, Gordon, and, I don't recall hearing anything like that in my studies."

John was skeptical.

I neglected to tell John that sometimes we don't always believe the boys, when they say their 'safewords,' but he would see for himself, soon enough.

"All right, John, I'll get you a book by the time you leave today. It should convince you of our legitimacy, here."

I pressed the intercom key, and asked my secretary to retrieve a certain volume from my library.

"Gordon, what about the younger ones? I saw them as young as 14 or so, running around, naked, that can't be legal!"

"State law."

John looked shocked as I said this.

"That's impossible."

"Age of consent and age of majority laws were repealed seven years ago. It's more by omission than by direct allowance, but, this is all perfectly legal. The state considers them adults at birth, and there are no laws prohibiting them from entering any contract at any age, providing they are able to understand what they are agreeing to. And we video tape all contract signings, which are repeated monthly, with each resident."

"No age laws at all, are you kidding?"

"There are some. For example, an officer of the state must be present during all contract signings with persons under the age of 18."

"The state oversees this?"

"No, not the operation. They don't really like us that much -- they don't hate us, either, mind you, but they do oversee the contract signings. Mainly to double check that the boys are actually agreeing to everything of their free will, and that they are free to leave at any time. Social Services examines the boys on a quarterly basis, to check for abuse, and to see that they aren't being forced into anything, including staying here."

"You're an agency?"

"Not hardly! We had a problem six years ago. We went to court over a boy who managed to sneak a knife in here, and he cut himself deliberately. The case was dismissed for lack of evidence, but not until after two hellish days of trial. That was when I registered with Social Services, for voluntary inspection. We've had no problems since then. As a matter of fact, I have a contact there, who places a boy here, occasionally--unofficially, and under the table, of course.

"Unbelievable! Is that where all these boys came from?"

"No, John! I wouldn't have more than a handful of boys, if I depended on Social Services for my supply. Most of our residents are runaways or castaways. A few are problem kids. Others, maybe five percent, are brothers or cousins of residents, kids who would otherwise be living on the street."

"How do they find out about this place?"

"I have contacts at other organizations, like street missions, and other places that cater to homeless boys. Word spreads, on the street. We have an 800 number. Some boys find out, and just knock on our door. I have scouts, too."

"Scouts? That sounds interesting, Gordon. What does that mean?"

"Scouts are guys who run across homeless boys, and if the boy is interested, the scout brings him here. After I make sure the boy truly wants to be here, I pay the scout a reasonable fee. That keeps them motivated to continue finding potential residents, and bringing them here."

"Gordon, I can't imagine a kid coming here and agreeing, of his own volition, for God's sake, to be paddled and caned like some of the ones I saw today. It's just not reality."

"You're right." John looked surprised. I went on, "Some of the boys don't agree to that. We still accept them if they pass certain standards. The boys that don't agree to submit to our training, end up with limited privileges, but they still have a good life, here. Many of them change their minds, and agree to training later on."

"Gordon, you have different standards for boys who don't agree to the training?"

"No, the standards are the same, for all applicants. They all have to be healthy, reasonably good looking, and so on. The boys that don't agree to be trained are put to work cleaning, cooking, assisting in whatever we ask, and generally maintaining the place. We don't reject any reasonably healthy boy, if he's sincere, so, the ones that don't pass the looks criteria get put on maintenance."

"What about the ones in training, do any of them ever back out, or say they can't take it? I mean, there's gotta be some..."

"It happens, John. It's rare, but it happens."

"Gordon, it's RARE? That one kid I saw during your tour, was getting a brutal paddling. I know I wouldn't last ten seconds if someone did that to my little butt, when I was that age. How can it be rare? I would think you'd have maybe 90% of them back out!"

"You have to understand the culture, here. First of all, there's a lot of peer pressure. Good peer pressure. There's a certain honor and competitiveness among the boys. Training is a badge of honor, to our residents--even to the point of getting their privates tortured, which is especially discouraging for our top boys. At any rate, it's considered the worst kind of 'wimping out' if a boy stops his training. Besides, the training process is addictive."

"Addictive? I don't know, Gordon, this is sounding really weird to me. I don't know if even YOU can sell me on THAT point!"

"I'm not surprised you said that -- and, no, we don't drug them to make them willing, or force them in any way, but those with lower sex drives are given supplemental hormones, under the doctor's care.

"I'll explain the part that I think you'll understand. The reward for a good training session is sex. They're geared up for sex. They crave it. And we help them along with that craving. Sex is almost as much of a motivator as maintaining their honor, their status, among the other boys--students, we call them. The more tortured a boy looks, the more his peers admire him--or are glad that they're NOT him. Besides, we feed and exercise them well. We have a doctor here, and a nurse. We tease them too, sexually, of course. All of that helps them to stay horny and motivated."

The intercom buzzed. "Your book is here, Mr. Wells."

"Tease them, Gordon? I almost hate to ask."

"Sexually. You know, brought to the edge, but no further? Over and over for hours or days at a time--until the boy's level of arousal is so great that..."

"You ARE a bunch of devils around here, aren't you?!! Gordon, do you have time to take a shot at explaining the other part of the addictiveness, to me? You have my curiosity up."

I was glad to see that John was warming up to this, finally.

"Yes, but I warn you, it will be incredible. That boy, Warren, you saw getting paddled? He's been a resident here for over two years. He's experienced--a true sub, now. He craves the training so much, he complains miserably if I withhold it. He NEEDS the pain. You read the articles I sent you, John, you know what a sub is?"

"Yes. He's the guy that gets the pain -- the bottom, right?"

"Mostly yes, but, a sub is not always a bottom, although many of them are. Warren happens to be a very popular top. Our group is almost 40% tops. We don't fit the usual profile, which, I believe, is about 80% bottoms. In any case, the pain causes the boy's body to release endorphins, and other natural bodily secretions, that cause a very pleasant sensation, afterwards."

"I didn't know that. Can they have sex whenever they want?"

"No. That's governed by strict rules. There are 2 hierarchies of privilege, one determined by age, the other by behavior. Both can be overruled, by any of the Masters, or teachers, but we'll go into that another time.

"So, students, boys, slaves, residents, those all mean the same?"

"Yes, John. As do Masters and teachers. I am one."

It's getting late, why don't we adjourn until tomorrow? That will give you time to relax, and enjoy a good meal and your book. Just scan it. I'm sure you'll see what I mean. Would you like to join me for dinner?"

"That sounds great. I hate to eat alone. Although, I should get to the hotel, and check in, first."

"Hotel? We have excellent guest accommodations here, John. Let me show you. It might save you a hotel bill."

"OK. It can't hurt, I guess."

"By the way, John, are you a top or a bottom?

This caused John to pause, and his blush soon became quite apparent. "You don't have to answer, I was just curious."

"A top. But I could probably be a bottom, once in a while, if I was really worked up. Why do you ask?"

"It just helps me to understand your personality sooner, and how you would best fit in. It's not crucial, John, believe me."

I could tell John was a little edgy about the wisdom of accepting our accommodations, but I had the feeling he was getting more comfortable with our overall operation.

We were in the elevator, on our way to the top floor--the secure guest quarters--when I sensed John had a question. I raised my eyebrows at him, to indicate he should ask it.

"OK, Gordon, just between you and me, this training--it's not all peaches and cream--I mean, it does get like torture for a student, at times, right?"

"Yes, it does, John. But, no major, or permanent injuries. Nothing more than, at worst, some small scars on his butt--his back, maybe, when he leaves here."

"No concussions, bone injuries, mangled genitals--nothing like that?"

"No, John. Nothing like that. Although more than a few boys might think they're getting badly injured, or mangled, during some especially rough training."

"Because of the pain, you mean?"

"That, and the way we go about it, the formality, the fear, and so on."

The elevator door opened, and we walked down the hall to one of the guest suites.

"This is one of three presidential-style suites. You can see the large hot tub, sitting and bathing areas, and balcony. Back and to the right is the sleeping area, with another full bath and smaller hot tub. There's a half-bath, behind us, near the entry door.

Just in case you do invite a boy in, for fun or training, we have video cams, everywhere, and YOU turn them on and off, not us."

"Damn, it's like an apartment. And the view is great!"

"No charge, John. It's available."

"I'll take it. I'll cancel the hotel, right now."

"Great. You'll have complete privacy, and full guest privileges, John, so don't worry about a thing."

"Guest privileges?"

"In case you should want some company. We have no rule against that. What rules we have, are in that gray book on the nightstand. Those rules that apply to you, start on page 34."

John seemed baffled at this, probably because he was tired, and was planning on eating and going to sleep, shortly after dinner. That would leave no time for a guest.

"I better get my luggage, then, Gordon."

"I'll have one of the staff boys do that for you. Did you leave your keys at the desk?"

"No, I have them here."

"All right. After dinner, we'll drop your keys off at the desk, and your luggage should get to your room shortly after you do."

"What about tipping?"

"It's up to you, John. No rules against it. I'll make sure the luggage-boy is a good-looking, well built 18 year-old. And he's yours for the night, just in case you need a nightcap. I just have to stop back at my office before we head out to dinner."

"Geezus! You guys are too much!"

Back at my office, John looked at his watch. It was 5:15 PM.

"Gordon, I hear what sounds like applause and shouting, is that something we can see? I'd like to see some of the older boys, before we leave."

"That's not an older group that you hear, at least not the way YOU mean older. It's our intake process for new boys. We're doing 15 year-olds, today. It's getting cold out, and we always have larger numbers of new residents apply at this time of year. What you hear is part of the initiation process. I'll be glad to give you a look at it, but if you want to see older boys, just watch the big screen."

I flipped the monitor on, and switched to the older division.

"John, here's two 18 year-olds having sex as a reward for training well done."

"My God! This is better than any video! Look at them!!"

"Videos. You like them too, eh, John?"

John blushed and nodded his assent.

"Those guys are beautiful, Gordon. Wow."

"Yes, those two make a good pair. Very horny boys."

"The builds on them! I'd hardly call them boys!"

"Yes. But, there are also many, much less muscular 18 year-olds, here, as well. Some of the eighteens look like fifteens. Let's get to the initiation before it's over."

On the way towards the main hall, I explained to John, a little of what goes on during an initiation. There are two different initiation rites, one for the younger boys, one for the older group. For initiation purposes only, "older" is determined by the ability to ejaculate semen. This particular initiation, was only done for boys old enough to cum. The boy is led, standing, into a small area surrounded by a curtain on three sides.

He is told he has to masturbate to ejaculation, before meeting his fellow residents. Before he begins his stroking, a wooden stand, looking a little like a free-standing coat rack, is placed behind him. Wooden arms go under the boy's armpits. The device will actually hold his weight and keep him upright, should his legs give out during orgasm, which is often the case. The boy doesn't know it, but he is actually on a stage, and on the other side of the curtain, is a large audience. As the boy's orgasm begin to grip his young body, the curtains open on all three sides, and he is exposed to a roomful of all of the other residents, and masters, their staring faces all quietly watching him, intently.

"This room is my second office, and adjoins the auditorium. We can watch through a two-way mirror."

I pulled the curtain that hid the mirror, and revealed a glass wall that comprised an entire side of the room.

"Damn! What a VIEW!"

"I thought you might like that, John."

"That kid is gorgeous. He must be the initiate."

"Right, John. I thought you didn't like them that young," I said jokingly.

"Ahhhh, well... I guess exceptions... can be... Holy shit! He's just started to stroke himself and he's hard already."

"We cheat a little."

"Cheat? What do you mean, Gordon?"

"All our initiates spend a week in a chastity belt, before they get to this ceremony. There's no way they can cum during that week. They're also closely monitored and supervised. We cheat, in that we do give them a special 'tea' before the initiation begins. All natural hormones, but, I suppose, you could call them drugs, arguably."

"I think, ahhhh... I approve."

I had to laugh to myself. John was drooling at the site of the 15 year-old."

"I'm glad, John. The curtain should open soon."

------------------------------------------------------------- If you like this so far, or want to help me stay "up" to write more, please drop an email of any length, to: Thanks. --Danny Meyer -------------------------------------------------------------

Next: Chapter 2

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