Boyz Brutal training School

By Danny Meyer (Of Blessed Memory)

Published on Oct 21, 2001


Archive;'Boyz Brutal Training School #12'{Danny Meyer}( MB, BB, slow, bd, sm, cbt, tort, anal, inc, twink, )[]


CHAPTER 12 - JOHN'S NIGHT WITH JASON _________________________________________________________

by Danny Meyer

Copyright (C) October 20, 2001 by Danny Meyer. All rights reserved.

Please send comments to: Danny, at

all mail is private and confidential all comments are welcome

You will receive a personal reply unless you say, "No reply." You'll get a real reply--no form letters. _______________________________________________________

PLEASE NOTE THE FAQ AND OTHER INFORMATION AT THE BOTTOM _______________________________________________________


If it is not legal or ethical for you to read erotic stories, particularly of a gay or homosexual nature, please exercise your obligations as a responsible citizen and select suitable reading material. This story contains fictional graphic depictions of actions and tendencies considered extreme by many people.

This entire story is purely a fantasy, and is for entertainment purposes only--it is not a reflection of life. All readers are warned not to attempt to re-enact, or recreate any of the actions or incidents portrayed or implied in any of this story's contents or events, which are entirely unreal, fictitious, and potentially dangerous. The foregoing and subsequent text applies to all chapters and portions of this story--past, present, and future.

This fantasy was written for gay men and women. The orientation is gay male. Some bisexual men and women may also enjoy it, as well as some straight men and women, who are curious. If you like male to male sex and 'reasonably harsh' torture, read on.

This is a fictional story. None of this ever really happened. None of the people are real people. Most of the characters are in the 13 to 18 year-old age range. The story is all about sex and pain, with young adult men, mainly from age 24 to 28, and younger men (students) from age 13 to 22.

All of the action involves males in the age groups described-- in other words, exclusively gay activity. The cast is 100% male.

If you like, and you're allowed to read this, please read on. If not, please select a different story, and have a good day. No hatred or prejudice here. ___________________________________________________________

Although this fictional fantasy takes many liberties and harsh flights of the imagination in depicting the infliction of pain, out of respect for the human body and for the dignity of being, there is no organic or functional destruction. There is no scat, no unwashed persons, nor is there any violent forcing of sex used as a substitute for the more ethical S&M and BDSM, which involves the controlled application of pain and some formalized humiliation, as its chief disciplinary tools. ___________________________________________________________


***** CAST LIST FOR CHAPTER 12 ***** _______________________________________________________

CAST LIST - ALSO PROVIDES A FEW FACTS ABOUT THE STORY _______________________________________________________

Gordon: (NARRATOR) - Owner and headmaster of the

training school

John: A newly hired master at the school

Thomas: A Senior Master and Gordon's close friend

Jason: A student, 18 - highly aroused at the moment

because of the effects of an especially strong,

sexually-stimulating potion, called super-tea.

(Jason: also appears in Chs. 4 - 7)

Jason is active in this chapter.

Chad: A new student, who had his initiation a few weeks ago,

before the account of this story began. Chad is 13,

slender, almost skinny, 5' 3" tall, 103 pounds, light-

brown hair, brown eyes, 4" uncut.* Chad is shy,

sincere and very innocent. He's had very little


  • 160 cm tall, 47 Kg, 10 cm uncut

Other characters from previous chapters are not listed. _________________________________________________________

CHAPTER ONE is a good basic introduction to the school.

CHAPTER NINE contains a note, "To the Reader," that gives additional information about the school. _________________________________________________________

SEE FREQUENTLY ANSWERED QUESTIONS (FAQ) AT BOTTOM OF FILE _________________________________________________________


As the plates resolutely squeezed his delicate nutsack more tightly--subjecting the poor boy's most tender organs to more of the dreadful pressure--Jason's chest and abdomen began to heave. His breathing abruptly became deep, sharp, staggered gasps. His eyes widened in fearful shock and agonized horror, at the stunning pain. Reflected light glinted off the boy's twisting body, as the undulations of his torso formed a sort of macabre, erotic dance of vicious, agonized affliction.

The dreaded, repeated, clanging sounds of the wrench, squeezing the unfortunate boy's scrotum ever more forcefully in minute increments, intensified the ghastly nature of this horrible procedure.

As the scrotal grip tightened, relentlessly, Jason's mouth dropped open, and his breaths became audible grunts--pained and sporadic. The heaving in his central torso became sharper, and acutely more irregular. The poor boy kicked his legs furiously-- desperately trying to relieve himself from the fiendish, pounding, aching agony that shot out from his tortured, tender spheres, in all directions.

His body began to sway and twist, wildly, in sweating, unthinkable misery. His ability to resist the torture dissipated rapidly, as the ever-intensifying fury of the awful, penetrating pain wracked his young body.

Jason's fair visage contorted with pain. His mouth drew upward, teeth clenched, visibly, in viselike distress.

The boy began to scream--horrible, blood curdling, thunderous screams--as the plates continued on their brutal, crushing journey, putting more unbelievable, hideous pressure on the lad's testicles. In response, Jason's legs swung ever more wildly about, as if trying to kick away the violent, gruesome bolts of pain.

Jason's mouth became a vast canyon. His terrifying screams louder, deeper, fiercer, now--more permeated with the horrible, unrelenting pounding of pure agony--beyond any human vocal ability to express, as the distended, protruding tendons and veins in his neck attempted, vainly, to portray the vehement suffering he had to endure....

The growing sensation of being publicly used and abused by his juniors, also managed to surface in his dim consciousness, greatly deepening the teen boy's humiliation, which, of course was, for the moment, eclipsed by his overwhelming need.

"I GOTTA CUMMMMMMMMM!!" Jason shouted, in agony. These, perhaps, were the only coherent words the tormented boy was capable of uttering, and it was remarkable that he could speak, at all.

Jason was now painfully aware that the entire student body had seen him tortured and teased by these mischievous, little, devilish molesters--who watched his monstrous cock pulse and throb and drool to no avail--watched him writhe and scream in hideous agony as unattainable orgasm approached and retreated, again and again....

He would have done anything to cum at that moment, and struggled, mightily against the restraining support boys.

In a few moments, nerved by the bitter injustice, his youthful defiance exploded within him--his entire being throbbed with renewed vigor, and his impossibly aroused, frustrated body began to convulse.

Now, Jason's unfathomable, unremitting, sexual craving, as well as his untold humiliation, reached its Herculean, climactic expression in one, long, mutinous, hopeless, adolescent scream.


Signs of Jason's reinvigorated comprehension began to appear-- subtle changes in the potent lad's face and eyes, began to be more clearly visible with each passing moment.

Jason pounded into the boy with tumultuous speed and urgency, and in the chaotic, intermingled excitement, it was difficult to tell whose moans were whose, as arms flailed about, impulsively, and the pair's multiple mammoth thrusts, crude, erotic shouts, and recklessly slapping bodies filled the room with reverberating, sensual intonations--an aural and visual fusion that sexually inflamed all who were privileged to watch the commanding, copulatory spectacle.

Jason could tell this was different. His fantastic libido retained its animalism, but now his senses seemed to be all rearranged in their correct order. He could feel his orgasm building and approaching as it should--like a gigantic express train--and he was savoring every delicious stroke....

Jason, with all inhibition dispelled, was smearing his own cum with his hands, on the little boy's back, and Nathan hugged his cherished partner more tightly, as if to signal his hearty approval of this touching, daringly intimate act.

For Jason, it was not so much embarrassment as a warm blush of pride--pride in his victory over the grueling punishment--pride that he had not been stripped of his golden status--pride that his satisfaction had been so completely rewarding...


Jason had been tortured, given super-tea, and given release. But the effects of the super-tea would last all night, and the magnitude of his physical strength, sexual passion and craving would remain monumental--almost inconceivable. The super-tea was unique in its ability to maintain this impossible level of passion as well as sustaining a raging erection, even under the most painfully distressing procedures.

Now, Jason's ordeal was over. Or was it? He was now supposed to have a night of fun and sex with John--to quench John's passion and entertain him. But John had a need of his own besides the sexual-- a need to become a good Master. To control and train a boy properly was an art, he was learning, and Jason would be more to him than a night of fun. Jason would be his first palette--his first experimental blending of new colors.

John is up in his room, awaiting Jason's arrival.

CHAPTER 12 - John's Night with Jason ___________________________________________________________________


Jason--naked, bound in chains, sweating, cock dripping in urgent need, chest heaving with labored breaths, and with that angelic face, blond hair, and fine, young body--had me precumming like a teenager.

A short time later, I had to pinch myself to believe one, simple but astounding fact: They delivered him to my room.

I wanted to tease this boy so badly. As horny as he was, I wanted Jason hornier, hotter than I'd seen him yet. I wanted balls bulging and bouncing in my face--cock straight up, flat against his chest, swollen and dripping like never before--I wanted him begging and screaming at the top of his lungs for release.

I yearned to give this kid the biggest case of blue balls he'd ever had in his life, and I wanted his urge to cum to be stronger and wilder than anything I'd seen thus far.

I prayed the chains would hold the kid.

As much as sex was the main focus of the night, my thoughts drifted to the training scenes--the application of pain, and the ways that could be entertaining--an important part of the job I had accepted, here at the school. As much as I didn't think I would want that, not this soon, I suddenly lusted--not only to tease him, badly, and to cum and cum in him, with him, and all over him--but to stress him, and apply pain to him--in the clever, right ways I had seen used by the expert masters at Gordon's school: Pain, but not 'hurt.'

Red marks from canes, pain from carefully controlled compression of the testes, and the moderate wounds from the types of whipping that were permitted, were one thing--but actual injuries were forbidden. It was amazing--the scientific methods used here, and the wide range of pain one could inflict, without actual damage to the body. This was the art of training--and would result in strong, healthy, well-disciplined students, who would be fierce competitors, when they were graduated, and released into the job market.

I placed a call to Gordon, and got his blessing to do the training I wanted, and some guidelines and limits. He told me where I could find all the tools and chemicals I might need--right here in the room. Half the chemicals were exotic body cleansers-- which suited me fine. Cleanliness was my thing.

"Good job for checking with me, John. Just use common sense, and have fun, for God's sake! Don't worry about waking me up--just call with any questions--better to be safe than sorry."

"Gordon--one more question: Can I get a cum boy, or one of the younger students, up here?"

"Of COURSE, you can! Do you have a preference?"

"Yes. Chad--number 83, I think. The one with the slight British accent."

"Ah! The thirteen-year-old. One of the latest inductees--new, fresh, polite, scared, inexperienced. Nice kid! Good choice, John. He knows generally what goes on, here, and he's been taught how to speak and respond to a Master, so, you'll have nothing to worry about in that department, but he's had no real training. Just call 269 when you're ready for him. They'll shower him up and deliver him to you. Just be sure you tell them to treat Chad gently--no foul-ups--by my orders. You mustn't pain train him, or do anything harsh or humiliating with Chad--he's just not ready-- but I think you know that."

"Yes, absolutely. Do you think he's ready to tease an older boy, or give pain to someone like Jason?"

"You can certainly try it. He'll probably like that. Gauge his reaction to your orders. If he seems fearful, back off. And remember, he's a virgin--his ass is off limits--but do see that he has a sufficient number of orgasms to keep him happy. He's definitely one of the nicer, hornier boys."

"Will do. Thanks, Gordon." And we hung up.

'Jesus!' I thought! Thirteen-year-olds were, by nature, horny to begin with--now I find out I picked one of the more horny ones! Lucky me--and what a boy Chad was!

" sixty-nine," I said to myself. Then I looked at the phone, and noticed that 269 spelled out the word, 'boy.'

'Clever bastards, around here,' I thought.

I was thrilled! This would be the most exciting night of my life. Jason was a stud--a handsome, cute, manly, boy of a stud, and Chad was the sweetest kid I'd met, thus far--and had incredible looks.

I decided I'd explain things to Chad, gently, and make sure he knew that he could back out of anything, if it got uncomfortable. But for now, it was my time alone with Jason.

I remembered the cock-teasing stand Gordon had showed me--the one that was supposed to be guaranteed to make any hard cock grow-- and walked Jason over to it.

As soon as Jason laid eyes on it, his eyes were wide as saucers, and he looked as if he'd seen the world's worst medieval torture device. He shook his head. The poor boy broke into a sweat. I could feel him backing up, away from the thing, against all my strength. I was definitely on to something. I had to make him obey.

I brought the thin cane swiftly down on his swollen cock.

"OBEY!" "Whappppp!"

"YAHHHHRRRRGgghhhhh! OOOooooooooo!!!"

I had forgotten about the sensitizing cream. The poor kid was in agony from one stroke, but it made him behave. At least his cock was well lubricated, so I did not tear the skin.

The cock-tease stand was pretty simple. It was a thick, well- anchored post, with a reasonably-sized, slightly curved, brass dildo sticking out of it. The height and tilt were adjustable, so the dildo could slide in at just the right angle and height. I made a quick calculation and lowered it slightly.

The stand also had a place to tie a boy's hands to it, in a rather uncomfortable manner, but one that would hold him close to the stand, allowing a little room for movement--but sufficient forward and backward movement, that would stimulate him as he moved toward and away from the dildo. Cleverly designed.

The best feature of the stand was a little device right next to it, a little box-like thing, mounted on an adjustable pole. Poking out of the box was a small mechanical arm, where a feather could be attached--designed to touch and slide on the victim's penis, on the sensitive underside. When activated, the arm would slide the feather around in such a manner as to provoke the highest sense of stimulation to the penis, and bring out the ultimate, frenetic urge to cum. It could be adjusted to rub the top side of the organ, as well.

The feather went well below the circumcision scar and back up to the head in relentless, spine-shivering, circular motions. Gordon had gone into graphic detail explaining this little torture device to me, and the images stuck. It seemed odd, that a feather rubbing on a penis would be torture, but Gordon's explanations and the video I saw convinced me it was torture, all right.

I could just picture Jason screaming in it, begging me to let him cum.

As anxious as I was to cum, myself, and as much as I wanted to see Jason shoot his load across the room, I was not going to rush it.

Oh yes, this would be a fun, fun night!

I remembered what Gordon said about Jason's butt muscles being very tight, and to be sure to use a lot of lube, so I lubed his entire butt-crack--and the dildo--heavily.

"Ease your ass onto this boy, but don't take all day!"

I hated talking to the kid that way, but I knew better than to show weakness. I had learned that much. I hoped I would toughen up, soon.

Yes, I was having fun so far, and part of my caring for Jason was overcome by my need to be a Master, and my own sex drive--but it was going to be tough for me to whip and cane these hot-looking boys, like I'd seen the other Masters do, and Jason was one of the hottest.

After a few minutes, and with only an inch to go, I shoved him into the unyielding brass dildo the rest of the way, impaling his sweet butt, fully, on the fierce-looking phallus.

Rubber dildos were kind, because they yielded and would bend, to fit your body's internal contours, but a metal dildo was wickedly cruel, and very painful, if not used properly. Fortunately, Jason had a tough rectum--he'd been highly rated for that. But being young, he had strong, tight butt-muscles, that made for a very interesting fuck, I was told--especially with the super-tea in his system.

I had to admit, the dildo looked wicked as hell. A nine-inch long, two-and-a-half inch thick dildo* seemed excessive, until you realized that a boy could be attached to one of these for days or weeks at a time--meals and 'necessary services' being supplied by the cum boys, who took care of waste products with special hoses and air-tight buckets. I thanked my lucky stars that Gordon had such a big penchant for cleanliness and sanitation. And God help those cum boys if they caused an orgasm!

  • 23 cm long, 6.3 cm diameter

Wiggling your body around for days at a time with a dildo shoved up in you not only would drive you nuts, sexually, but it made you loosen up--so the dildo had to be extra big to begin with. But shit, that two-and-a-half inch thickness made me shudder. The fact that the dildo was firmly attached to this very rigid square post, made it more obvious that this brass cock was going to rule you--no way were you going to conquer IT!

I noticed a lever that you could tilt the dildo with--allowing me to make it press upward, on the kid's prostate--driving him wild, sexually, or downward against the anal muscles, causing pain, if I wanted to. This thing was simple, but hot as hell.

After I had Jason--shivering with desire already--firmly attached, I saw his feet were flat to the floor, and realized that I needed to raise the post up. As I did so, Jason squealed, moaned, and shouted, as the dildo penetrated deeper, and he went up on his toes, proportionately to my raising the height of the post.

Finally, I had him standing on the very tips of his toes--legs straining and shaking in a very sensual way. His clenched teeth and sweat-covered face told me this was working, already.

I took the leather thong, and tied it, gently--first around the base of his cock, then around each of his nuts, to provide additional stimulation.

Now, for the part that would really grow this young man's erection. At nine-inches* or so already, it seemed unlikely that the lad's cock would grow.

  • 23 cm

Before I moved the box with the mechanical arm to put the feather in contact with his dick, I touched my finger to the feather. It must have had some advanced, chemical coating, because it was the slipperiest thing I had ever touched. I supposed that waterproofed it against precum.

Jason shook his head wildly--mumbling 'No' frantically, when I had the feather in place. Jeez! This machine must put out some powerful torture, for a guy as strong as Jason to be so afraid of it. But, it obviously did nothing painful--the thing wasn't even moving yet.

Jason was a beautiful 18-year-old, but at that moment, so helpless. He reminded me of a 15 or 16 year-old kid--scared as hell, and struggling to get out of his bonds.

When my hand went for the switch that would start the feather in motion over the best parts of his cock, Jason shouted his objections in a string of garbled words. His head shook back and forth, more desperately, as if to add emphasis to his obvious desire to avoid the thing. I swore the boy's hardon was growing already, impossible as that seemed.

The lad was sweating--Jason was positively wet! Even the tops of his feet were sweating, in dread of what was to come. His beautifully sculpted feet gave me an idea for later, and I slid my hand over them, admiringly. I was so fucking horny, I wanted to be in the damn contraption, myself--but not TIED to it, as Jason was.

"Click!" And the poor boy began to scream. Probably half in fear of the device, and half in utter sexual frustration.

"John--Nooooooooo!! God, NOOOOOOOOOOO!!!! Ahhhhhhhhhhh!"

Damn, he was in good voice! My cock shuddered with lust, for the kid.

I enhanced his misery by licking and teasing every spot of his hot body that I thought would arouse him.

'Time for a scotch,' I thought. I went to the bar, poured a short one, dumped some ice in, and sat, opposite Jason, watching his squirm, sensuously--and moan in desperation, as the little machine and the feather did all the work.

As I sipped my scotch, an idea came to mind--one I had better execute before calling for Chad.

I went hunting through the chemical cabinet and found what I was looking for--Nitro butyl diacetate--a harmless chemical. Its one claim to fame was the severe stinging effect it had on the soft tissues--very similar to alcohol in that regard, but without the potential hazard for damaging the tissues. Rub the stuff on your arm, and you felt nothing. But, get it in the inside of your mouth, or on your dick, balls, or butthole, and it would sting like fire.

Also, I found a nice, substantial drink-stirrer--one of the smooth ones, not too thick--dimensionally equivalent to a thin, ball-point pen, with a thicker knob at one end--a stick, basically.

I took my little stick, and dipped it into the lube, first. This would sterilize it, as well, yet the lube was gentle to even the softest tissues. I approached Jason with a beaker of the diacetate, and the stirrer. He seemed to know immediately what I was up to.

"No, NO! Oh, FUCK, no! GOD no!!! PLEASE!" he screamed.

"Now Jason, relax. I can see the pleasure of the feather machine is making you very uncomfortable. And you know, offsetting that with other sensations will relieve you of all that frustration." I pulled the feather arm off to the side.

"Oh sir--PLEASE, sir....No! PLEASE!"

I set the beaker down, and dipped the stirrer into it. My left hand steadied his cock, while my right hand brought the knob end of the stick--dripping with diacetate--to the little pee-hole, at the end of his penis.

"GOD, no--PLEASE!" The lad said, trembling, pathetically.

I inserted it slowly, barely getting the end of the stick into his cock.


As his delicious, deep screams and hollering subsided, I pushed farther in, which of course renewed his vocal emissions. Soon, I had enough of the stick pushed inside his cock, to do a little push-pull--stroking the stick in and out of the inside of his penis--now full of the terrible sting of the diacetate.

Besides the incredibly loud sounds coming out of his mouth, Jason exploded with quick, frantic movements of his body, as if to shake off the stinging fluid--but the agony mounted, inside his penis, and the poor lad twisted and distorted with the excruciating pain. I had to keep reminding myself that this was not harming the inside of his cock--a fact difficult to keep in mind, because of Jason's piercing, horrible screaming.

He emitted a final roar, as the stick reached the base of his cock--still throbbing and stiff. The chemical had only a short- term effect, and the stinging was rapidly subsiding.

I decided to try rotating the stick, which had some effect, but not much. Then, I hit on the idea of deep-thrusting with it. I pressed the stick in, deeply, and began to jab in and out with sharp, quick motions. This had Jason dancing on his toes, like a ballerina.

"Ahhh! Oh, fuck, fuck, ohhhhhhhhh, SHIT! OW! Oh! Oh!"

I rotated the stick, rapidly, and withdrew it suddenly.


I watched, entranced, as the sweat rolled off him, and he heaved his chest with heavy breaths, in the aftereffects of my procedure.

"Excellent, Jason, excellent." To which he emitted some garbled words that could have be the equivalent of, 'Thank you, sir.' "That dildo feeling good, now, up your hot butt?"

"Yes, sir," he managed to say.

To Jason's relief, I took him off the feather machine, and re- bound him. "Kneel boy!"

Jason silently obeyed.

"Come on, boy. Open up and take some man-meat into your cute mouth." I held the back of his head, but let the lad suck me, comfortably. "Ahhhh, that's good, boy----good."

I let him suck for a few minutes, when I knew I had to stop or come. I pulled out.

"Excellent. Care for a blow job, Jason?" His head was nodding, yes, but his eyes were dubious, and fearful.

I put him on his back, and began to lightly suck, and tease his magnificent penis, and still-sore balls, eliciting gushes of pure, adolescent moans of pleasure--which became screams, when I stopped, suddenly.

"Time for you to get a real man-fuck, boy!" I said, as I pushed him toward the bed, bending him over the edge.

I thought of using the birch, first, on his cute butt, and then thought of the red marks it would leave, and opted for the paddle. There was a nice, slotted aluminum one, just waiting for that cute ass of his. It would have been perfectly all right with Gordon if I had birched or whipped the lad, but I was leaning more toward sex than pain, at this point.

I gave the first whack all I had, and was delighted when Jason gave a mighty scream--nothing like when he was having his balls squeezed by those hardened steel plates, but a lot more of a scream than I'd expected. After about ten minutes, I was tuckered out, and could appreciate the strength and stamina of the masters I saw who paddled for an hour or more, without stopping.

I decided to delay the fuck.

The room had two bathrooms. I had Jason crawl over to the slave's bath. I sprayed him well with the soapy water, and rinsed him with comfortable warm water. 'No use making a shower a torture, too,' I thought. But then a new idea struck. The boy was wet, and now a perfect candidate for the razor strap--so named because it was used as a tool for honing the sharp edge of a straight razor, prior to shaving.

I hooked him up, soaking wet, to the overhead chains, just outside the bath. The overhead system with ball bearings and tracks made it easy to suspend him and slide him over to the scene area of the room. There was plenty of room, here, to swing a cane, a whip, or a beautiful, handcrafted leather razor strap--a full one-eighth inch thick, about three feet long, and two inches wide.*

  • 0.32 cm thick, 1 m long, 5 cm wide

Swaying slightly in his chains, Jason was silent. He merely watched, as I picked up the strap, and waved it around. The kid was tough.

"You ready for this?" Jason knew full well I wasn't checking with him, prior to going ahead--it was a psychological ploy.

The stunning lad closed his eyes, tightly, for a brief moment, before answering--anticipating the harsh sting, and shocks of deep pain, from the strap.

"Yes, sir."

I had plenty of time to think. I knew the longer I stood there and did nothing, the more Jason would sweat, and the faster his heart would beat, in fear--especially not knowing my style, since I was a new master, and he hadn't seen me in action, before.

It was good that Jason was in a shoulder harness, which was the safest method of suspension, and it gave me all the time I wanted. I had seen masters use the strap, different ways. Some simply flailed away at the boy, and that had its own type of effect. But, doing that tired the boy out, and I wanted Jason to be energetic for sex. Besides, I wanted the challenge of doing the most with the least strokes. Fewer, targeted strokes, with predictable, effective results, was my goal.

Vocalization was never a question when the razor strap was used. No matter how tough or stubborn a boy was, the strap, when used properly, would elicit a good scream with every stroke. I had never seen it fail.

"You have a nice butt boy. But, you know, it hurts a lot more to the side, just below the hip bone. CRACK! CRACK! CRACK! CRACK!" His screams were excellent, but I was holding back, just a bit--waiting for the finale I had planned.

"Yes, boy--and the backs of the legs are such favorite places aren't they? SMACK! SMACK!"

I went around to the front of him.

"And the nipples, yes. WHACK!! WHACK!!" The poor boy filled the room with his cries.

"Very good boy, yes, cry for me. All boys need the good stimulation from the strap, to keep them alert, you know. Good stimulation can sometimes take away one kind of pain, replacing it with another." I said this as I reached for his balls, and tenderly squeezed them.

"Oh, God, no, please sir!! Ahhhhh!"

"Ah, yes. Your nice boy-nuts still hurt from that dreadful squeezing they did. Don't worry. The strap can help you there, too."

"Oh, God, oh GOD!" he moaned, in dreadful anticipation. I aimed two solid strokes--one for each nut.



"Ah! Too much, perhaps. A stroke to the penis should cure that."


"Yeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee...AHHHHHH!!! God--oh fuck! My dick! Oh!"

"Does it hurt, NOW, boy," I said, kneeling in front of him and running my tongue around the thick head of his cock.

"N-no, sir," he said, catching his breath, and packing a lot of gratitude into that one phrase. "Oh, FUCK...sir...I--"

Jason pummeled my mouth with cum. It was hot and thick, and came in powerful shots, that literally forced my head backward, and I took a good part of his load on my body. The cum shot up into the air--as his erection was quite steep--and landed on various parts of me. Now, I knew what the masters were talking about, when they said Jason was famous for his warm showers. The lad literally showered me with the stuff. I looked in the mirror to see what I looked like--and was amazed at the quantity of semen the boy had put out.

Jason was still moaning as I ran to the bathroom to get a close-up of my face. It was thoroughly impressive.

As I returned to Jason, I was surprised to find him still moaning loudly. With each moan his muscles contracted--as if he were being severely caned, from behind--but it was all a pleasant, powerful aftercum, as they called it, here--the likes of which I had never seen.

I knelt again, into small puddles of semen, and admired the firm erection--dripping with his adolescent cum--and noticed the way his tight scrotum was in constant motion. I could sense there was no pain involved. I sought to tease him, as I put a finger behind the hard nutsack, and tickled, gently.

"OH! Ohhh, GOD!" he shouted, in a deafening roar.

The potent lad came, again, and showered me with almost as much hot fluid as before. Jason moaned, convulsed, and looked as if he were cumming to death. As he neared the end of his orgasm, I spoke.

"Feel good, boy?"

"Ohh, ohhh, God, sir.....uhhh...yes."

"Well, catch your breath, lad," I said, rubbing him, soothingly. You're a very strong young man, and a real stud, boy."

"Thank you, sir."

"I don't suppose you could cum again."

"Oh, Yes, sir. I can."

"Really? Right now?"

"Yes, sir!"

"Suppose I threatened you with a full-body whipping, if you fail to cum, now?"

"No problem sir. I'll cum."

"After cumming twice in a row, Jason, you still want to cum? Still feel the--"

"Oh, YES, sir!"

"The super-tea, is it?"

"Yes, sir."

"I did hear you were an especially horny boy."

"Yes, sir."

"Tell me, honestly, how many times in a row do you think you could cum, right now?"

"At least 50, sir."

"But, you'd run out of semen, right?"

"Yes, sir."

"So, you would cum, dry, after a while."

"Yes, sir, I--"

"Does it hurt, to cum dry?"

"Yes, sir the more you cum dry the more it--"

"I see." I undid part of his chains.

"Are you right or left handed?"

"Left, sir."

I freed his left hand, and re-fastened the rest of his chains.

"Jack off for me, boy. Make it a good, long healthy wank!"

"I don't know about long, sir."

"Keep stopping, boy. Don't cum without my permission."

"Yes, sir. Thank you, sir."

I stopped him a few times, before he could get very close, but the whole process was happening very quickly.

"Getting close, boy?"

"Yes, sir!"

"Keep going."

"Oh, sir... Ohhhh..."

I grabbed his hand just at the last moment.

"SIR! Please, NO...let me cum!"

"I promise, you'll be dry and tired of cumming by the time you leave this room."

"Yes, sir."

"Balls hurt from the plates, still?"

"No, sir."

"Blue balls?"

"Yes, sir."

I placed my call for Chad, and was told it would be approximately 20 minutes, before he arrived.

Jason and I continued to have our conversation, and I learned many things. One of the more interesting was that for most boys, a gentle prodding with a smooth object, inside the penis resulted in stronger, better orgasms, and increased sexual desire. It continually amazed me how pain seemed to elevate the libido--at least the levels of pain we were using, here.

As we spoke, I was using clean-all and some chemwipes to give him a quick bath, though he hardly needed one, except to clean the semen off him. When I got to his feet, I felt my cock throb. After wiping them thoroughly, I began to sensually run my hands over and under them. Jason moaned, appreciatively, and I rubbed more ardently.

"You like your feet touched, boy?"

"Oh, yes, SIR!"

"That's good boy. Very good." I'm sure my stopping at that point confused him, but I had ideas.

Soon, Chad had arrived and was standing at attention in his full five-foot-three stature, looking quite the cute little boy-- the picture of sensuousness and innocence combined. If he had not been brought to us, he surely would have been the victim of predators.

I continued touching and teasing Jason, before I turned around and gave Chad my full attention.

"Speak freely, boy." Apparently he was not accustomed to this as the opening line, in a session. There was a pause of several seconds, while the boy stared, somewhat blankly, somewhat in fear.

"Hello, sir."

"How creative of you."

"I--s-sorry, sir," the young lad said, as fear quickly developed, and his little hands trembled. Making a beautiful boy fearful was not my cup of tea, but I needed to learn to do it. On the outside, I probably looked like a real son-of-a-bitch, but inside, my heart was breaking, for the kid. I let more time pass, in silence, while Chad's seductive brown eyes widened with alarm.


"Sir...I--I--" The poor boy's knees were beginning to give way. I rushed over and hugged him--as best I could, without actually bending down.

"It's ok, kid. You're among friends, here." 'Kid' was a forbidden word, during sessions--it was too endearing.

"Oh, sir--thank you!" the little lad said, pitifully--as he, in relief, exhaled a quantity of air that could only have come from his entire body cavity.

Dressed in shorts and a small tank top, the little one was quite a pleasant sight, and as I hugged him, I rubbed his bare arms and legs, to get the circulation going, again. I suppose he expected to be paddled or caned--at least stripped at the outset, but I had other ideas. I'd keep him dressed, as long as I could stand it. Besides, his being dressed vis-a-vis Jason's nakedness, automatically put little Chad's status above Jason's. I donned a pair of leather shorts, to emphasize the point, and the two of us stared as Jason, who had a fine, sensual look of his own, heightened by the fact that he was suspended, and literally defenseless.

"Thank you, sir," he said, in warm, lively tones, as my arm sat gently on his shoulder, wrapped slightly around his neck.

While I was being friendly, I had not yet transmitted to Chad the full flavor of the night ahead, so the boy did not know, completely, what relaxed fun was ahead of him.

"So, boy," I said to Chad, "what do you think of him?"

"May I speak f--"

"Yes, yes, speak freely boy."

"He's gorgeous, sir. I--"

"You've seen him before?"

"Yes, sir--not this close up."

"Well, go on."

"He's...beautiful, even this close."

"Yes, well, we'll get back to that topic, later."

I wanted to get Jason down, and back on the feather machine, and decided to put the boy to good use.

"Make yourself useful, boy. Grab some chemwipes and the clean- all, and clean that brass dildo, over there."

"Yes, sir!"

I had the boy help me get Jason mounted to the stand, dildo in place. You could tell the kid liked Jason--he was trembling with excitement, just touching the older teen. I purposely did not apply the feather, yet. Jason himself was on his best behavior, silently showing his strength, in the presence of another student, and ultimately a competitor.

That was another great feature of Gordon's training school, pain and sexual competition made the boys' age differences irrelevant, in many cases--although obviously the older boys had more tolerance for pain.

Jason was doing his own trembling, however, knowing he was about to have another nice conversation with that friendly feather.

"So, what's your name, boy?" I asked, knowing full well what it was.

"Oh!--Sorry sir!" the boy said, blushing. "Chad. Chad Haney, sir. Division four, north, and--"

"Good enough, good enough, boy."

"Stand and face, me boy. Take off your shirt." Chad silently obeyed. I got behind him, and rubbed his nipples, gently--reaching my arms around his neck and down his chest, to do so.

"Well, how does that feel?"

"Ohhh, sir!" His knees were weakening.

"Sexy boy, aren't you?"

"I'm--well, I'm extra horny, sir."

"Extra horny, why is that?"

"Well sir, may I--please, can I--undress for you and show you?"

"Go ahead."

In his innocence and straightforwardness, Chad simply removed his clothing. There was no posing, or coy maneuvers. As he pulled off his tiny briefs, the reason for his high libido came into view. A chastity belt had been installed on him.

"Speak, boy. As long as you're here, tonight, you may always speak freely."

"Thank you sir...I--I'll try to remember sir," he said, blushing and trying to cover his genitals, even though the only one visible was already covered.

"They took it off to clean me, but that's all."

"I see." Of course, the boy thought he had explained, but in his nervousness, had not really given the facts I needed. "Come sit on the bed, Chad--and let's talk and relax a while."

"Yes, sir. Thank you, sir."

"That's a good boy. So tell me, when did they first put this chastity belt on you?" The boy's face distorted with his next words.

"Sir--it's been three weeks! I haven't cum in three weeks-- that's when they put it on me." There was such desperation in Chad's tone.

I put a hand behind his back, and rubbed his chest with the other, in the hopes of relaxing the little lad.

"Do you like me, Chad?"

"Sir?" he said, with a cute, puzzled expression.

"Ah! A question you're not used to, of course. Well, Chad, I'm new at this, and--"

"But sir--you're still my Master for the night. They told me, and--"

I was enthralled with his enthusiasm, for his adhering steadfastly to the rules--an enthusiasm that many of the younger boys were prone to have. I had to admit, this kid could, in all innocence, charm the snake both in and out of the basket. I could just take him home, and adopt him as my own.

"Easy, easy, boy. Yes, they were right, but you're here for a special purpose--not to be trained, not to be humiliated, not to receive pain, but for fun."

"Fun, sir?----Truly?" the boy said, somewhat doubting--with the preciousness only extreme youth could express, so flawlessly.

"Yes, Chad--this is not a trick. I'm here to have fun with Jason, tonight, and I thought you'd like to help me. Would you?"

"Oh yes, sir! Jason is the hottest."

"Back to my question, Chad--do you like me?"

"Do I--OH! I get it, now, sir. YES! I thought you were hot when you first walked in. I was on lobby duty that day--I greeted you, remember?"

"Of course," I said with a grin. "That makes two of us."


"Oh," I said, laughing, "I don't know if a Master is supposed to say this, boy, but, I thought you were hot, too."

It is impossible to describe the grin that came over this boy's face. The word, 'charm' must have been coined with thirteen-year- old boys in mind. He grinned, blushed, giggled slightly, and was entirely overcome with my words. He did everything but put his hand to his mouth and squeal like a school-girl.

"Sorry, sir," Chad said, doing his best to regain his composure, quickly.

"Sorry? I don't WANT you to be sorry. That DISPLEASED me." I paused for effect, and saw his warm brown eyes turn cold with fear. "So, boy, what should the punishment be?"

"Punishment, sir?" he said, eyes wide in panic?"

"I winked at him." He smiled immediately, then put on his best, serious expression.

"Yes, sir. At least a good spanking, sir."

"Well, bend over my knee, then, boy. And be quick about it."

"Yes, sir," the little lad's thin voice said, as he quickly obeyed.

"Stand up, boy," I barked. Again, his response was instant. I'm sure I had the boy thoroughly confused, at this point. "That thing," I said, pointing to the chastity belt, "It's in the way. Get it off."

"Well, sir, uh--I assume, sir that--that you have the KEY, sir."

"Oh," I said, stupidly--but honestly expressing my ignorance. I had to admit, we both had a good laugh, at that. "That must be what this key is for, that Master Gordon gave me."

"Yes, sir," Chad said, doing his best to suppress his laughter.

"Laugh, dammit!" I said, in mock anger, as I tackled him and pushed him onto the bed, tickling his ribs, mercilessly, eliciting bubbling, giggling guffaws of laughter.

"Oh.....sir.....uh.......ohhh, ohhhh!"

"That's MUCH better! Having fun?"

"Yes, SIR!" he said, with a genuine smile of pure boyish fun, and a good deal of relief.

I inserted the key, and gently slid off his chastity tube. His penis was quite erect, red, and coated with his pre-sexual fluids. I looked down at my own erection, and it was a grown-up version of Chad's. I noticed he was looking at it, too. I throbbed at the sight of him, with his four-inch cock standing straight up, and pulsating, wildly. I wasn't accustomed to an uncircumcised penis, so I played with this foreskin--what little of it I could grab, with his tight erection--and he squirmed, frantically. I looked down at my wet, swollen cock.

"Look--see what you do to me, boy?"

"Yes, sir. Sir----may I----may I suck it, sir?"

"Can you suck yourself, boy?"

"Suck----myself? No, sir. Sorry sir."

"Don't be sorry!" I shouted.

"No, sir--I mean, Yes, sir," Chad said, flustered and blushing.

"You're cute as hell, boy!"

"Thank you, sir."

"Since you can't suck yourself, I'll do it for you."

"Ahhhhhhhhhh, ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh, sir!"

I only sucked him for a moment, but you would have thought I gave him the greatest gift. I knew he wouldn't be so happy when I stopped, but he knew he had to deal with that.

"Oh, THANK YOU, sir!"

"Yes, you may suck me, boy."

He knelt, immediately, and became serious. He wasn't fully trained, but it was obvious he was trained for THIS. As Chad's hot little mouth engulfed me, I felt a powerful surge of sexual pleasure. I had to last half the night, and this boy had me right at the edge, in seconds.

"Stop!" The surprise on his face prompted me to reassure him, "You did well, boy."

"Thank you, sir."

"Ready to have some fun with me and Jason?"

"Yes, sir." Chad said, solemnly.

I repeated the question, grinning broadly at him. At first, he looked puzzled, almost alarmed--then it dawned on him.

"Oh--YES, SIR!" he said, with his boyish grin.

"That's better!"

"Thank you, sir."

"WELL, boy?"


"Bend over my knee--or did you forget?"

The boy simply grinned, then turned serious, again.

"I forgot, sir. I'm sorry!"

"I told you not to be sorry! I'll have to spank you double," I said, rubbing his little buttocks, gently.

"Mmmmm," he moaned, as the blood rushed to his ass-cheeks and warmed my hand. I'm sure he felt my erection, poking into his abdomen, as my thighs squeezed together, with his little cock, between them.

"Tap! Tap! Tap!" my hand struck his cute behind, with so little force, he likely felt nothing at all, much less pain.

"Ohhh, ohh, sir!"

At first, I thought he was acting, pretending to feel pain-- then I sensed something was up. I released him, and put my hand to his penis, in time to receive a handful of thin precum, which was streaming from him.

"My God, Chad! You're such a sexy boy--what are we going to do with you?" Of course, we both knew the answer to that one. Chad simply blushed, in silence, then went to his knees, mouth open.

I slipped my hungry cock in, and had throbs of intense pleasure, gently fucking his mouth. Soon, I was too close to the edge for comfort, and stopped.

"Damn, boy--that was good."

"Thank you, sir. I'd love to suck you off and take your load, sir."

"Bold, brazen thing, aren't you?" I said, sounding annoyed and derisive, but not meaning a word.

"Oh, NO, sir!" Chad said, going serious for a moment, then breaking into his unique, effervescent laughter. It was obvious he hadn't been trained, and I half hoped he wouldn't be--he was such a sweet creature. I made a mental note to ask Gordon a few things, concerning this boy.

I swung my hand around unexpectedly.

"SMACK!" right on that beautiful boy-ass.



"Yes, sir."

"You like it?"

"Yes, sir."

"Good boy. Now let's pay Jason some well-deserved attention."

"Uhhhhhghhh!" Jason groaned, knowing what I was going to do.

"Chad, have you seen this machine before?"

"I don't--think so, sir."

"It's quite a device. It has a--well, you'll see how it works."

I attached the feather, swung the arm into place, and hit the switch. Jason's reaction was perfect--he moaned, as if in pain. As far as I knew he may well have been in pain, as swollen as his cock and nuts were. But there was a sensuality about Jason--he exuded sex, and was quite an erotic sight. I looked right into Chad's eyes.

"Well, what do you think boy?"

"Totally hot, sir!"

"You've been told about the super-tea, and all that?"

"Yes, sir. I saw it all."

"Good. Now, tease him, boy."

"Can I--I mean, his balls were tortured, is it too--can I lick them?"

"Lick him anywhere you want, boy! Make him cry for sex!"


Chad knelt and stuck his tongue out, tentatively, and licked behind Jason's nutsack, eliciting much moaning and crying. Soon, the little boy was rimming Jason, causing the strong adolescent to make squeaking sounds of sexual frustration that made my cock throb with desire.

"You'll need these to help take your mind off your cock, boy," I said to Jason as I applied a pair of nipple clamps.

"AH! Jesus! Oh, GOD!"

I left the clamps on for a few minutes, while Chad had a field day, licking and teasing Jason. It was particularly effective when Chad licked Jason's penis, in all the areas untouched by the feather. When I removed the clamps, Jason's screams reminded me that taking them off was just as painful as putting them on.

"That's enough, Chad. I don't want him to cum, just yet."

"Yes, sir."

"Where did you learn to tease a boy, that way?"

"Videos, sir, but mostly they did that to ME." The little lad was precumming heavily.

"Time for us to talk, boy. Up on the bed--on your back." I took my position, with my head directly over his little cock.

It was great fun, and very sexually exciting, to stop, every few words, and slurp Chad's erect cock--each slurp sending him shivering with pleasure, and resulting in a sensual moan. I knew it wouldn't be long before I decided to let myself cum.

I simply spoke a few words, and let my lips slide, softly, onto his erection, and slowly slide off, then spoke again.

"Don't you think a nice boy-slave like you--"

"Uhhh, oh!"

"--deserves to have his dick admired--"

"OH! ...God..."

"--and played with, teased and licked--"

"Ah! Oh... sir! Uhhh..."

"Oh yes, I think you should be brought to the height of sexual arousal, boy, before you cum don't you?"

"Oh, God! Y-yes, sir!"

"Ah, good boy!"

Of course, all of this was in plain sight of Jason, whose moans intensified, as he watched the sensual display of the pubescent boy, being cruelly cock-teased. I had both boys convulsing with pleasure and the frustration of their pent-up sexual needs.

Chad helped me get Jason, still well bound, onto his back, on the bed. We both slid our hands over Jason's well-toned body, until the poor older teen seemed he would burst with unsatisfied desire. His body trembled with it, and Chad soon stared, in awe of the bigger lad.

"He has nice feet, doesn't he?" I said to Chad.

"Yes, sir."

"He's clean, but grab the stuff and clean them, for me."

"Yes, sir."

I got an unexpected pleasure, as Jason turned out to be very ticklish there--at least the way Chad was going about the cleaning process, doing his best to torture the boy's feet, somewhat.

"Ah, please, PLEASE, oh, oh, oh, AHH!"

"You can stop, now, boy. I think his feet are pretty well sterilized, by now, don't you?"

"Yes, sir."

"Do you want to lick Jason's feet, boy?"

"Um, l-lick them...sir?"

"Not your thing, eh, boy?"

"No, sir, not really."

"But, you'd do it if I ordered you to?"

"Yes, sir."

"And not feel abused."

"No, sir, but I--"

"Do it."

Chad silently obeyed, and it was immediately obvious this was not to his liking. Nevertheless, he did a good job, and Jason was crimson--convulsing, obscenely with laughter, which eventually sounded painful. His complaints were horrendous.

"Sir, I--"

"Keep going, boy."

The blush on Chad's face was every bit as deep, but exquisitely more charming, than Jason's urgent expression. Chad's tongue- licking became more and more tentative.

"Come on, boy. Suck his toes! Put your heart into it." For some reason this elicited a greater blush from Chad.

"Yes, sir."

After a few minutes, I stopped him.

"He really liked that, Chad--don't you think?"

"Yes, sir."

I handed Chad a cane, and told him to do Jason a favor, and relieve the poor boy of his excess pleasure, and cane the soles of his feet. Chad seemed to like this idea. However, looking into Jason's eyes, momentarily, the little lad had second thoughts about administering pain to a peer--and someone he admired and lusted over.

"Harder, boy!"

"Yes, sir."

Jason, however did not seem to relish the process.


The lad screamed the scream of a new kind of pain--the agony of a shocking, jolting, penetrating pain. Chad was streaming precum from his smaller, potent-looking erection.



"Stop, Chad. Look at your cock, boy!"

"Yessir--oh, God!"

"That's a lot of precum, boy."

"I need to cum sir! Bad--"

"I think we have the makings of a master, here. You liked doing that to him, didn't you?"

I watched the boy's eyes dart to Jason's, then to mine, as he blushed profusely.

"Yes, I did, sir," the boy said, very softly, obviously embarrassed.

"Job well done," I said, as I took the whole of Chad's dick into my mouth.

"Ohhhhhh! UHHHHHHH!!! SIR!!!"

"Want more?"

"Sir--I need to cum, so bad!"

I turned onto my back, and without a word, Chad was sucking my cock, for all he was worth. I wanted to keep feeling his hot mouth on me for as long as possible, so I used all the control I had, not to cum.

"Hmmm...maybe you could break him in, for me, I said, staring at Jason's butt."


"Sit up, boy. You can stop now."

"Yes, sir."

"Sir, what did you mean?"

With my eyes riveted to Jason's rear end, I raised my eyebrows, in silence. Chad's expression was precious--first confusion, then fear at not understanding me. Finally, the penny dropped, as they say.

"Oh, SIR!" the boy shouted, staring at Jason's ass, quivering with anticipation. "You mean--I can fuck him? I get to FUCK him?"

"Why not--is it against the rules?" I asked, facetiously.

"Oh, NO, sir!"

I coated Jason's pucker-hole with lubricant.

"Well, go ahead, boy."

Young teens can move with lightning speed, when they want to. In seconds, Chad had grabbed the lube from my hand, greased himself, and plunged his cock into the adolescent's rectum.

The resulting mixture of grunts, groans, and screams of pleasure was an erotic symphony that had me at the edge of orgasm. The sight of little Chad, in total abandonment, thrusting himself into the studly teen, was almost too much to bear.

"Ahhh! Oh fuck.."

"No, boy! Don't cum yet!"

"Oh God! Please, sir!"

"You'll get your chance, I promise."

"SIR!" Chad said, with a pathetic urgent tone in his little voice.

I looked at him--his eyes were pleading like I had never seen before. There was honest, youthful desperation in his face.

My training was in one direction, but this boy--my heart was in the other direction. I could not suppress a smile.

"Go for it, boy! Let that nice hot cum of yours out!"

"Ahhh! Ahhhh! OHH! Oh fuck! Fuck yeah!"

The little lad simply threw himself into the task. He had momentarily lost all sense of his training--he hadn't thanked me-- but I didn't care. I was enjoying seeing his unfailing, energetic body pump himself furiously into Jason, who moaned with delight at the boy's frantic and powerful thrusting of his little penis.

"Ahhhhh! Oh! Oh!...."

"And you'd better have some cum left for later!"

"Uhhhhh!--SIR...oh shit--NO...ahhh--PROBLEM...oh, God--SIR... uhhhh, uhhhh, uhhhh!"

Chad's sexual blush, and the blush of his physical effort, was strongly sexually arousing. I couldn't stand it any longer. I knew fucking him was out of the question, but I could rub, there.

I threw some lube on his cute butthole, and slid my cock, back and forth, over the hot, tight, virgin thing. I was cumming, within seconds.

"Ohhhh...fuck yeah, boy! Ahhhhhhh!"

Chad flipped his body around, instantly, and took my squirting cock into his mouth.

"JESUS, kid! Ahhhh, FUCK! OHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!" ________________________________________________________

--Danny Meyer, October 20, 2001

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Thanks. --Danny Meyer END OF CHAPTER 12

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