Boyz Brutal training School

By Danny Meyer (Of Blessed Memory)

Published on Dec 11, 2000


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BOYZ BRUTAL TRAINING SCHOOL - Chapters 5 thru 7 _______________________________________________

by Danny Meyer (E-mail me.)

Copyright (C) December 10, 2000 by Danny Meyer _____________________________________________________

WARNING: This entire story is fantasy. It is not a reflection of life, nor should anyone attempt to re-enact, or recreate any of these actions or incidents, which are entirely fictitious, and potentially dangerous.

This fantasy was written for gay men and women. Some bi men and women may also enjoy it, as well as some straight men and women, who are curious. If you like male to male sex, and torture, read on. This is a fictional story. None of it ever really happened. None of these people are real people. The story is all about sex, and pain, with young adult men, and younger men from age 13 to 22.

All of the action is teen-to-teen, or teen-to-man. In other words, only gay stuff. The cast is 100% male.

If you like, and you're allowed to read this, go for it. If not, please select a different story, and have a good day. No hatred or prejudice here.


"We give license to barbarous fantasies,

to roam freely, in our minds,

but we never re-create them, in the flesh." _____________________________________________________

"There is a part of every man that wants to discipline, and a part of every young man, that aches, for discipline." _____________________________________________________

***** CHAPTERS 5 THRU 7 ***** _______________________________

Gordon: (NARRATOR) - Owner of the training school

John: About to be hired to work at the school

Jason: An 18 year-old student, facing punishment

Willis: A master, for Jason

Steve: (Stephen), a 15 year-old, current initiate

Brian: Support boy, 14, for Steve, during the initiation

Kevin Kensington, Sr.: A father

{Kevin, Jr., 14: { {Shawn, 13: {Brothers; sons of Kevin Kensington, Sr.

Thomas: A Master


For those reading from shores other than the USA:

1 inch = 2.54 cm 2.2 lb (pounds) = 1 Kg 1 ft (foot) = 30.5 cm (12 inches) 5'7" (5 foot 7) = 5 feet + 7 inches = 170 cm (A person's

height measurement) rest room = toilet

For those reading from the USA:

You may be interested to know that in Europe, and other parts of the globe, a bathroom and a toilet are often two separate rooms. A bathroom is strictly for taking a bath, (or shower). A toilet is only for excretory functions. It is uncommon, in many areas, overseas, for the two to be combined in one room.

Most of our U.S. synonyms, or euphemisms for "bathroom" are confusing to those in other lands, although, it is claimed that nothing could be more arcane, or cryptic, than Britain's "W.C." --which stands for water closet. If you're looking for a toilet, in England, follow the signs to the W.C. Don't expect all toilets to be labeled that way. You never know what they'll be called. In some areas, a toilet is a "public convenience" -- another British term. No criticism intended.



I am Gordon Wells, the owner of a special training school. I'm with John, whom I am about to hire. The two of us are isolated, in a private, locked office, watching the initiation of eight, new, naked, 15 year-old students, through a large two-way mirror.

We eventually became naked, ourselves, from the waist down, and began, intermittently, to do a little playing of our own, in our sensual response to the excitement of the events of the initiation and other activities, which are currently taking place in a little auditorium, (complete with stage and theatre seats), on the other side of the mirror.

There are the masters, who perform the major initiation and punishment rites, and there are the students.

Two special groups of students have a major role, assisting the initiates, and assisting in punishment rites, as needed. The first group, (ages 13 to 15), are the "cum boys." The second group, (very good-looking students of all ages, rewarded for good behavior), are the "goldens".

The majority of the cum boys are in the audience, and have been assigned the task of giving oral service to their aroused, older school mates, ages 16-19.

The prime example of the many special privileges of the "goldens," or, "golden boys," is that any boy who is tapped on the shoulder by a "golden," is required to have sex with him. The only boys who could refuse this request were other goldens, but only if they were older than the boy requesting the sex. After a boy is a golden for a month, he returns to normal status.

"Support boy" is a term applied to any boy who has the job of directly assisting an initiate or a boy being punished.

A special, hormone-laced tea is often given to a boy, to keep him physically strong and sexually aroused, in stressful situations.

The initiation was interrupted as Jason, a star, pupil, who just turned 18, was brought into the auditorium, accused of attempted masturbation--a serious offense. Jason's punishment is in progress.

No one can see or hear me, or John, but we can see and hear everything that happens in the auditorium, where Jason is mounted on a large, wooden cross. Jason's scrotum is now between two metal plates, which are about to be tightened. _____________________________________________________


As the slowly moving plates began to touch Jason's smooth skinned, tender nuts, I thought I could make out some additional, whispered gasps, from the half-hysterical boy, but they were almost inaudible. The master, of course, could hear them clearly.

"...please... sir... not this... I'll do anything..."

The master shook his head, slowly--barely perceptibly--as the first contact of the plates made their introductory, gentle kiss, upon the pain-sensitive contents of the sweet adolescent's scrotum.

"Please... just... kill me... instead, sir..."

Of course, that was impermissible.

"Jesus, Gordon, the poor kid!"

Nathan, you're the best. You gave me many good ideas, lots of fun, and much, much inspiration to write this story. I can't thank you enough.

Thank you Martin and others who wrote in. Your email motivated me to write another chapter, and here it is.

And I say to all, thank you for reading.

(Chapters 5 thru 7) - Jason's Ordeal

Jason was a nervous wreck. His last utterance had put me in a similar state. Master Willis had merely taken up the slack, as they say, and there was no real pressure yet, on the boy's scrotum.

I could not help wondering what was going on, as I watched several other masters approach the cross, which was mounted on a small platform. They carefully removed Jason from it, and it soon became clear that they were removing the cross entirely. The large wooden cross was carried out of the auditorium, leaving the bare, raised platform behind.

"Another interruption, Gordon?"

"I'm not sure, John."

Jason, trembling and mumbling incoherently, was then suspended from the ceiling, using a chest harness. His wrists, though bearing none of his body weight, were suspended and raised over his head.

Since the chest harness consisted of flesh-colored leather straps, the scene gave the illusion that the very young-looking, eighteen year-old boy was suspended, naked, by his wrists. His legs were tied together with a foot or so of slack in the rope. His feet were about eight inches above the platform's surface.

"Why did they do that?" John asked, innocently.

"For appearance sake, we prefer wrist suspension, for many procedures. It's just more appealing, visually. But Jason's processing may take a while, so the harness bears all his weight to prevent harsh stress or damage to his wrists, and allows him to focus on the proceedings, rather than pain in his wrists and arms. Why they got rid of the cross, I have no idea."

The master sized up Jason, using various stare techniques, designed to intimidate and induce fear. With a touch of ceremony, Master Willis took the "plate-tightening wrench" from the little table, and brought it up to the bolt plate. More gasps arose from the naked audience, and Jason trembled violently.

"What IS that thing, Gordon?"

"That's a custom-made, four-socket wrench. The sockets are geared together, so they all turn in perfect synchronization. This allows all four plate bolts to be tightened at once, by precisely the same amount--keeping the two, ball-squeezing plates parallel to each other at all times. If the plates should move out of parallel, there would be no way to gauge the pain level."

Jason had sweat so much by this time, that he literally glistened, from head to toe.

The audience turned silent, as they gazed at the stirring sight of the teen, squirming uncomfortably, and hanging in unspeakable dread at what lay ahead of him.

Willis made a point to tighten the bolts slowly--maddeningly slowly--and I knew the vicious physical and psychological torture that this technique would have on my exquisite star pupil.

At the first touch of the wrench, the golden-skinned teen uttered a single, mighty, "Ahhhhh!" of startled, staggering fear, at the recognition of the onset of this awful torture.

As the bolts began to tighten, Jason was quite brave--mouth closed, body motionless. Soon, his breaths came more quickly.

As the plates resolutely squeezed his delicate nutsack more tightly--subjecting the poor boy's most tender organs to more of the dreadful pressure--Jason's chest and abdomen began to heave. His breathing abruptly became deep, sharp, staggered gasps. His eyes widened in fearful shock and agonized horror, at the stunning pain. Reflected light glinted off the boy's twisting body, as the undulations of his torso formed a sort of macabre, erotic dance of vicious, agonized affliction.

The dreaded, repeated, clanging sounds of the wrench, squeezing the unfortunate boy's scrotum ever more forcefully in minute increments, intensified the ghastly nature of this horrible procedure.

As the scrotal grip tightened, relentlessly, Jason's mouth dropped open, and his breaths became audible grunts--pained and sporadic. The heaving in his central torso became sharper, and acutely more irregular. The poor boy kicked his legs furiously-- desperately trying to relieve himself from the fiendish, pounding, aching agony that shot out from his tortured, tender spheres, in all directions.

His body began to sway and twist, wildly, in sweating, unthinkable misery. His ability to resist the torture dissipated rapidly, as the ever-intensifying fury of the awful, penetrating pain wracked his young body.

Jason's fair visage contorted with pain. His mouth drew upward, teeth clenched, visibly, in viselike distress.

The boy began to scream--horrible, blood curdling, thunderous screams--as the plates continued on their brutal, crushing journey, putting more unbelievable, hideous pressure on the lad's testicles. In response, Jason's legs swung ever more wildly about, as if trying to kick away the violent, gruesome bolts of pain.

Jason's mouth became a vast canyon. His terrifying screams louder, deeper, fiercer, now--more permeated with the horrible, unrelenting pounding of pure agony--beyond any human vocal ability to express, as the distended, protruding tendons and veins in his neck attempted, vainly, to portray the vehement suffering he had to endure.

Now, Willis tightened the bolts to where he had Jason in a state of constant, excruciating pain, sending continuous sonic booms of deafening, strained shouts into the air, which emanated from the poor boy's distorted visage.

The pressure on his smooth, vulnerable testes was barbaric, but not sufficient for the unfortunate lad to pass out--and, as I explained to John, not quite enough to cause the ghastly level of destructive, near-fatal pain that a full turn, or more, of the bolts would have caused. This was a moot point, however, because at its present level, Jason's agony was more than horrible--it was at the ghastly maximum suffering that man, boy, or beast could endure.

In a move of instinctive protection, the lad tried to raise his knees, but the contraption attached to his young nuts prevented such motion, and when his legs collided with the plates, a sudden shot of nerve-searing pain ended that particular exercise. The deep, tumultuous, shooting, jolting aches in his precious organs were unbearable, now, and Jason cringed in agony, emitting strained, unfathomable, pulsating screams, and horrified, tortured shouts, which filled the auditorium.

John joined the audience in being notably silent.

After an undetermined period of agonized screaming and suffering, with his body twisting pathetically about in its monumental affliction, Jason went into a state of grotesque, continuous trembling. His fists and teeth clenched more solidly. His eyelids wrinkled together, tightly--as if attempting to shut out the vicious torment that was overtaking his entire being.

His howls of horror shifted, and progressed to pathetic pulses of eerie, high pitched squeals.

Eventually, Jason's grotesque, drastic undulations became somewhat less forceful than before. Gradually, the twists of his body and the violent beating of his limbs quieted, measurably. Jason was steeling himself against this impossible, ultimate, male torture.

It was incredible to watch--seeing this elegant, experienced, young sub mentally battle the repulsive, titanic torment that was thrust upon him. All present were tensely spellbound, in their own modes of unbelieving horror--watching every vein and tendon stick out from the lad, while the sweat of agony of the boy's brave efforts poured down his graceful, gleaming body.

Amazingly, the stunning lad appeared to gain some measure of control over the impossible, all-encompassing pain.

The prominence of Jason's throbbing, enormous erection, maintained by the potent tea, added the erotic element to the tremendous tension in the room. My feelings of heartfelt sympathy for this tender, beautiful youth, aside, I was literally drooling, at this point.

Almost universally, erections typified the condition of the members of the squirming, aroused onlookers. The smell of dick, anus, and boy-sweat, blending, had an erotic effect of its own.

Shouts of encouragement and admiration for Jason's exceptional show of strength began to pepper the room, accompanied by a slowly rising round of applause.

It was clear to all that it was not the master, but the victim, who was being applauded. After all, to the boys in the audience, Jason was one of their own--the unofficial model of the student body.

"Shit, look at that!"

"Yeah, Jason! Show 'em you can take it."

"My God! LOOK at him!"

"Good job, Jason!"

"Fuck, yeah!"

At this point, John turned toward me.

"I don't believe what you guys just did to that kid--but what a stud!" John said, with a mixture of horror and excitement. "Looks like you wouldn't mind going down on that cute thing, yourself, Gordon."

"Shut up, John." John knew he was right, and there was no necessity of acknowledging it. Besides, Jason was very special, to me, and I resented the distraction.

Jason had realized this would hurt badly, but hadn't anticipated that, once his scrotum was under pressure, there would come an excruciating throbbing in his testicles, with every fear-enhanced beat of his forceful, adolescent heart. Every pulse of the intolerable pounding gave renewed, palpitating energy to the grim torture the stunned beauty was now forced to endure.

The master chose this moment to give a sharp blow of the steel hammer against one of the plates. This sent a gigantic shock wave of shooting pain through Jason's savagely throbbing balls, already at the limit of their endurance.


Jason's mammoth cries of intolerable, anguished pain were almost unbearable to our ears, as they pierced the air.

One stunning fifteen-year old, in the audience, must have been feeling Jason's pain, vicariously, as he held his own scrotum, protectively, and was muttering to himself--probably praying that this would never happen to him. Somehow, the frightened boy's precum-glistened erection seemed anomalous--pointing skyward, away from the protected testicles--in contrast with his more penitent image.

Jason continued emitting the horrible, screaming, thrusting shouts, and trembled, markedly, as the hammering continued, and the unthinkable scrotal agony compounded in giant shots and streaks of torment, which radiated relentlessly and inevitably to his abdominal muscles, chest, and legs. He tried not to think of his prized, tender testicles as being crushed horribly in the vise-like grip of the two, hardened, steel plates.

Mercifully, the master laid the hammer back down on the table.

"Mercifully?" John, shouted, "You guys are crazy, Gordon!"

"But you do seem to like it," I said, as I went down on John's beautiful erection, and was rewarded with a mouthful of hot ejaculate. This seemed to silence John's protests.

Yes, he was most definitely catching on.

The erotic effect of the scene replaced the initial, horrified response, as all available cum boys were now busy--gracefully sucking the urgent erections of the all-boy audience.

The goldens and little cum boys, assigned to assist the eight initiates, were busy with their own erotic ministrations, as the confused initiates alternated between their feelings of horror and their immature, unavoidable sexual response, now amplified by the profound, sensual attentions of their well chosen support crew.

My attention was momentarily drawn to the sexual, amorous maneuvers of one particular initiate, Stephen, 15, and the provocative oral ministrations of his support boy, Brian, 14, who seemed to be taking unusual delight in sucking the beautiful boy's penis.

"God, Brian--that feels so good!" Stephen whispered, quietly.

"Don't look so worried, Steve, it's supposed to! ...SMILE, why don't you," Brian said, with a smile of his own, and a finger wiggling fiercely inside Stephen's virgin rectum.

Brian's other hand was busily and carefully manipulating Steve's sensitive scrotum, while his mouth engaged Stephen's granite-like erection with renewed vigor. Brian was reveling in the feel of Stephen's hot little body, and in the taste of the hard, hot flesh and sweet precum of this remarkable initiate.

"Shit, don't make it feel THAT good." Stephen said, fearfully--his utterance laced with the immature oscillations of his young voice and overwhelming sexuality.

"Why--you gonna cum?"

"NO!" Steve said, sharply. "But I'm' afraid what will happen to us if I DO!"

"Shit, don't worry, dude, enjoy it!" Brian said, energetically. "Your dick's in safe hands. I won't let you cum."

Stephen, only partially convinced by his friend's assurance, wondered precisely how Brian would accomplish that--given the week long, imposed, sexual abstinence he and the other initiates had been forced to endure--and especially since it was not a pair of hands, but a warm, expert mouth, that was engulfing his throbbing, sex-starved erection.

"Man, I'm getting close!"

"Watch the show."

"Oh, God, Brian I can't watch anymore. I don't believe what they're doing to that kid! What's his name?"

"Jason. He's a fucking stud, dude. Like you haven't noticed, right?"

"I feel sorry for Jason, they're killing him."

"Don't you think he's hot, Steve?"

"Hot? Fuck, yeah. I'd love to get him in bed."

"Well, if you get to be a golden, you can."

"No shit?"

"No shit. He's versatile too. But you still want me in bed, right, Steve?"

"Oh yeah." Stephen smiled, and blushed quickly, at the other boy's abject openness.

Wordlessly, the Master demonstrated his barbaric control over Jason--again with the hammer--by varying the intensity of the ghastly pain the poor lad was suffering. Willis tapped the hammer against the crushing plates, in various ways and intensities, causing the tortured boy to heave and howl, again, in horrible pain, and kick his legs with all the furious stamina of his young, male, adolescent potency.

This display continued for some time, to both the horror and excitement of the audience.

The master stopped his fiendish tapping, and allowed Jason to hang in the sudden silence, moaning audibly, heaving breathlessly, and sweating in the aftereffects of his grim agony.

The room grew quiet. The teen's moans subsided. The only sounds that could be heard over Jason's labored breathing were the slurping, sucking sounds of the cum boys, working feverishly to satisfy the engorged erections of the other teens in the audience, aroused as they were in their youthful exuberance, and no doubt, encouraged by the delicious sight of Jason's starved, pulsating, dripping erection, maintained and stimulated throughout the grim proceeding by the potent hormone teas, that Jason had been given.

Willis completed a long, whispered exchange with the tortured lad, and slowly loosened the bolts, removing the plates from the boy's anguished, aching scrotum.

The master then lowered Jason to his feet, but left tension in the harness chain, which prevented the pain-crazed boy from falling, while he stood, unsteadily, on the little platform.

Though still in the harness, Jason grabbed onto the chain, for added stability.

"Jesus, Gordon. I'm surprised he can even move, the poor kid."

Finally, the master spoke into the microphone.

"The torture phase of the punishment is complete. To show that he has accepted his punishment, and that all is well between him and the staff, the subject, Jason, will be given the honor of a privileged masturbation, which he will now perform."

It would be an understatement to say that I was relieved, at this point, as well as surprised. And although I knew the poor boy's ordeal was not quite over, I was proud of Willis, for this ingenious, unusual turn of events. I especially noticed that, although this was a reward and a break for Jason, Willis did not present it as such. Willis' wording could not have been better.

The audience looked as shocked and surprised as Jason, at this pronouncement. It wasn't often that the students got to see what was known as a "privileged masturbation," that is, to see another boy masturbate publicly, in a favorable light. Usually, it was a forced act, imposed upon a boy to induce shame in the errant student, and preceding his public punishment.

The audience applauded, appreciably--expressing their pleasure at the news of being privileged to witness this upcoming rare event, and their contentment over Jason's release from the plates.

These onlookers had seen other boys masturbate publicly, but never Jason, or anyone quite so good-looking or popular as he.

"Torture phase is over? There are more phases to the punishment? Gordon, what more could they do to the poor kid?"

Obviously, John was back, a page. I explained to him that, after the promised masturbation, Jason's punishment would continue with a humiliation phase.

The particular hormonal teas, that Jason had been given before this ordeal had begun, had additional ingredients to assure his physical stamina during the torture phase, now ended. This ensured that he was quite able to go on. Because the power of this tea was running out, Jason would need another boost, in order to endure the second punishment phase.

"After Jason cums, he'll weaken. We'll need to give him something else to keep him going, after that, John."

I explained to John that Jason would, after his masturbatory orgasm, be given our most powerful tea, (called "super tea"), served in a solid gold cup. The super-tea was reserved for special times such as these, and would renew the boy. In addition, this super-tea would give him an unbelievable erection, colossal, animalistic craving for orgasm, sexual stamina, and staying power--effects far more numerous and powerful than our usual tea concoction--so that the humiliation phase could include phenomenal sexual events.

"Jesus," John said, and then paused. "Events! I like how you put that, Gordon. I can hardly wait."

"Don't look down at yourself, now, John, but, I can see that you like it," I said, with a smile.

"That kid is fucking unbelievable," John muttered, with a quick blush at his own choice of words.

"Don't worry, John. Such language is quite permissible, in private. If you hadn't said it, I might have, in a moment of weakness." Although I had to admit that my own hardened penis was exhibiting anything but weakness, at that point.

"Why humiliation, Gordon? The kid's been through enough!"

"Keeps them humble. Very important, John," although I knew, in my own mind, that Jason needed no lessons in humility. This ordeal was all due to some petty master, jealous of Jason's near-perfection, all around, and looking for an excuse to punish the boy.

I also explained to John that a key element in the super-tea that Jason would get after his masturbation, had the wonderful effect of giving a boy a substantially larger than normal erection.

"Most boys experience an increase in length of the erect penis of two to three inches, with a proportional enlargement of diameter... and a commensurate increase in precum flow and penile throbbing, as well, John."

"That, I've got to see, Gordon."

"The sex drive that stuff gives you is incredible--it's more than a sex drive--I'd say it's a burning, insatiable craving."

I was speaking from experience.

"Once it takes effect, the super-tea will turn that boy into a raging animal, if his cock goes unsatisfied for more than a few minutes."


The little platform, that once had held the cross, was now busy with activity, as Jason was let out of the harness, and was allowed to stand on his own.

Several golden boys were summoned, and Willis, the master, was speaking, quietly to Jason. From what I could make out from the audio feed, the master was giving Jason his choice of goldens, to be the ones who would support him and assist him, from behind, as he was too weak to stand and masturbate without some bracing and personal encouragement. He would need their help in overcoming his temporary weakness, and the ache in his tortured scrotum, which naturally would be stressed and bounced about during the stroking.

This catering to Jason was unusual, in an ordinary sense, but Willis knew the boy's record, which was virtually unblemished, and was wise enough to decide that the lad deserved this indulgence. Besides, the humiliation phase that was to follow the masturbation, was rightly called punishment, because it would not be easy, mentally or physically.

I appreciated Willis' wisdom even more when I reconsidered the torture that he had chosen for Jason. At first I thought it was excessive. Then, remembering the moderation Willis used in tightening the bolts, I realized that in a few days, or less, Jason's pain would cease--and there would be no marks for anyone to gloat over. For that matter, his current ache was quite bearable, compared to the agony of the plates.

Jason chose two goldens with whom he'd worked before, and who knew his body well. He was quite aware of the fact that these boys knew how to use their hands, and would employ subtle, but effective manual ministrations to enhance and encourage him, sexually. Oral contact would not be permitted at this point.

The two impressive-looking lads, one thirteen, the other, sixteen, stood behind Jason, and began to support him, with their hands under his arms. With their free hands, the pair of boys stimulated their studly charge. One boy traced his finger along the underside of Jason's slippery, precum-soaked, well-stiffened penis, while the other played his fingers along the lad's nipples, anus and perineum. The thirteen year-old sensually stroked his little toes over Jason's well-sculpted feet.

Stimulated by the sexual attentions of his two attractive assistants, and needing no further lubrication, Jason wrapped his hand around the tip of his penis, and very slowly--almost ceremoniously--slipped the hand down his hot, virile shaft.

The angelic look of pleasure on the masturbating boy's face was indescribable. His knees buckled, immediately, from the sudden surge of pleasure, but his assistants kept him standing without difficulty. Clearly, Jason was more than ready for this.

A few more sensual strokes of his impressive cock, and Jason's chest heaved, sharply. He stopped his wanking, momentarily, while the two goldens rubbed his legs, back, and shoulders. Obviously, this had been a near cum, and the current activity was designed to pull Jason back from that, in order to prevent the pleasure from being over, before it started.

Jason played with his scrotum, for a bit, but this did not last long, as the demands of his engorged cock could not be ignored.

Jason resumed his slow, sensual stroking. His penis pulsed, visibly--its throbs matched the heaves of his dripping, sculpted, sweat-soaked torso and the inevitable weakening of his knees, as drops of precum accompanied the lad's sweaty rivulets, in a stunning, sensual display.

Jason's strokes accelerated. More sweat poured from him, and was propelled outward, by the rapid motion of his fist, which, at this point, stroked, diligently, and bestowed upon his cock that joyous, momentous feeling of having passed the point of no return.

The boy nearly bent in half. As he straightened, his penis projected its first, long, shooting stream of cum. Multiple shots of hot semen rained, almost endlessly, into the crowd, and Jason's erotic cries and shouts seemed to give impetus to each ejection of the precious fluid, from this golden-skinned adolescent.

Rapid staccato bursts of unintelligible sound, from the sensual boy, accompanied each seminal propulsion, as the golden boys, standing behind him, held him up.

For his last ejaculations, Jason broke free of the goldens' hold, did a backbend with one arm behind him for support, and shot his last volleys of cum into the surprised faces of the two support boys.

The final, dying blasts of Jason's monumental orgasm fell onto his blonde, sweat-drenched head and boyish torso, as thunderous applause and wild shouts of incredulous approval and appreciation poured forth from the audience. It was truly a remarkable performance.

"Holy shit, Gordon!"

"The boy knows how to do it, doesn't he," I said, absently, distracted from the conversation by my heightened respect and affection for Jason.

Jason required the help of his two goldens, in order to get up from his backbending position, and the goldens resumed their support of his body, and smiled triumphantly, both in admiration of the boy they held, and in proud acknowledgment of the delightful sexual baptism they felt privileged to have received.

Jason, himself, smiled, somewhat weakly, in total delight at his most enjoyable experience--his own showmanship and sense of victory over his painful ordeal having assuaged any sense of embarrassment that this public display might normally have caused him.

At this point, the studly young man raised himself from his drooped position in the other boys' arms, and stood up, unaided, at last. As Jason grinned at the onlookers, the audience roared anew, and their deep shouts shook the walls of the little theater.

As Jason hugged the two goldens, in a kind of three-way embrace, his rapidly deflating penis was in sharp contrast to the pulsing erections of the two younger lads. The immense pressure of the hot tips of their two boyish cocks, pressing hungrily into his abdomen, caused Jason to take notice, and gave him an idea.

Jason stood back from the hug, and admired the impressive twin erections. He took a cock in each hand and knelt, glancing behind him for the master's approval. That being given, he proceeded to masturbate his assistants.

More cheers and energetic shouts went out from the crowd at this unexpected encore, and Jason's sensual hands energetically stroked his two friends. As their orgasm approached, the pair did the best they could to hold each other up, but soon they nearly fell, as they bent in half, straightened, and sprayed the audience with their sizable emissions.

The audience was particularly pleased at the enormous volume of the twin, youthful ejaculations. Even Jason, who came in great volume, was impressed and surprised with the force and unusually great number of the younger lads' seminal shots. He looked back, quizzically, at the master, who smiled and held up ten fingers, indicating the number of days it had been, since either of the golden boys had been permitted to cum.

So, it was not surprising that the younger pair maintained their erections, while Jason's penis had, for all practical purposes, reached its flaccid state.

This was a marvelous, unprecedented break in the punishment proceeding, and master Willis had brilliantly pulled it off, as if it were routine.

John questioned me, as the cheers continued to emanate from the crowd.

"Gordon, I thought the hormone tea would keep Jason hard and ready to go, forever."

"Forever is a long, long time. Considering what he's been through, it's about time for him to go soft."

At that moment, a gold cup and saucer were brought down the aisle, to Jason. Everyone knew that this was the prized, special, super-tea--and a hushed, reverent sound--one of awe-- arose from the crowd.

The awe was twofold. First, use of the super-tea was a rare treat. Second, the crowd admired Jason, because they knew that the recipient of this potent concoction, while privileged to be able to experience a sexual craving and pleasure beyond ordinary human capacity, was usually placed under great stress, afterwards.

The audience was in a state of nervous anticipation, now, as to what would be done to this poor boy, and some admiration that he was--after all he had been through--still able and willing to bravely face a new round of severe, distressful affliction, in the humiliation phase of his punishment.

Jason drank the contents of the golden cup gratefully, knowing the impossible pleasures and strength he had seen others derive, from this ultimate of the school's potions.

"John, I forgot to mention that while the super-tea induces a phenomenal erection--and allows Jason to experience maximum desire and pleasure in his genitals--it absolutely prevents orgasm. The key fact is, he doesn't know that. It's a well-kept secret--and later, he'll be warned to tell no one of that particular effect.

"If the master decides to allow Jason to have a final orgasm," I continued, "the good doctor will be summoned to give him a shot, to release the prostate, and other appropriate muscles. Most of the audience will think it's some sort of booster.

"In other words, for now," I went on, "poor Jason is unknowingly about to experience a level of sexual torture that, without the tea, would be humanly impossible to encounter, without actually cumming."

"I see, Gordon. Will Jason be able to handle it?"

"Unfortunately for the young lad, the super tea will do nothing to enhance his capacity for withstanding the sexual teasing. If it's allowed to continue unchecked, for too long, the craving for release will literally drive the boy mad."

"Jesus! You guys really know how to rub it in. No breaks at all, for these kids."

The shift doctor appeared with a hypodermic needle in hand.

"Wait, Gordon, I thought you said the injection would come later," John said, as the doctor jabbed the needle deep into Jason's fine buttocks, and plunged its contents into the lad.

"Yes, that's true, John. This is a shot of testosterone, the male hormone. It's customarily given, along with the super- tea. A little insurance that the boy will be mad with desire. Dangerously so, actually." John gulped at this.

"You devils!"

I was surprised to see fourteen year-old Nathan, one of the most beautiful of the goldens, holding this particular object over his head, for all to see. The object was a "sound"--a thin, cylindrical rod of solid surgical steel--about 12 inches in length, with bulbous rounded ends, one of which was much larger than the other.

Nathan gingerly squirted a dab of antiseptic, surgical lubricant into Jason's unsuspecting penile opening, gently squeezing the adorable lad's cockhead as he did so. The rest of the team put the over-excited boy into a prone position, with his sizeable, still-softened penis pointing upward.

All eyes were on Nathan's shiny metallic object, and the urethral slit of Jason's entrancing penis, which, even flaccid, retained a respectable length.

Oooos and ahhhhs emanated from the onlookers, as Nathan lubricated the steel object, knowing, as they did, where this was headed. Although there would be some pain associated with this, it would not be at tortuous levels, as this particular sound was not designed for torture.

Recognizing this sequence of events from other sessions, I explained to John that this was going to be the procedure for getting Jason hard again.

"It doesn't seem possible, Gordon."

"The tea, John. That makes it more than possible."

Nathan aimed the larger of the two bulbous ends of the glistening object at Jason's penis. The large bulb would stretch the boy's urethra on its way down.

All focus was on the opening slit of Jason's organ, and the large, round bulb, as it entered the orifice and profoundly stretched the tip of Jason's penis.

"Ahhhh!" Jason uttered, surprised at the stinging, piercing jab.

Slowly, the painful descent began, with Jason wincing and jumping back, in anguish, from the object--as much as he could, in his restrained position.

A visible lump in the boy's shaft could be seen moving downward, as Nathan pressed the thick end of the metal rod ever deeper.

Soon, the sound was in place, thoroughly embedded inside the root of the tortured boy's soft cock, the bulb-end stretching the urethra painfully, there.

Nathan made a quite a show of what he did next. While holding the free end of the rod, he slowly stroked Jason's tantalizing, young cock, stretching and squeezing it, deliberately, against the metal cylinder, causing intensely painful and erotic sensations to simultaneously course through Jason's confused organ.

The super-tea and Nathan's careful stroking began to take effect, and Jason's penis, impaled as it was on the metal rod, began to thicken and lengthen, before their eyes.

His somewhat pained wincing aside, Jason's pleasure at this procedure was obvious to all, as his penis, already filling with lust, began to take on the unnaturally massive proportions only the super hormonal concoction could produce.

The increasing dimensions of the boy's cock began swallowing up the length of the metal sound, as the trim, lusty teen began to get the erection of his life.

Soon, Jason's penis reached its colossal, unnaturally oversized rigidity, and the team held the boy firmly, in his prone position.

It was an established axiom that the honorable and just position was for an older boy--an eighteen year-old student, such as Jason--to train, torture and tease the younger ones. Any reversal of these roles, such as what Nathan was doing to Jason, was at least embarrassing to the older boy. This was the theme of the humiliation phase of Jason's punishment, now under way.

I explained, further, to John, that some of the worst punishments meted out were occasions where boys of 16 and up, were deposited, restrained, in the youngest boy's dormitory, and left to the mercy of a group of thirteen and fourteen-year olds, who, under loose supervision, took charge of the older boy's body, mercilessly subjecting it to painful punishment, and sexual use and abuse. This, done in the semi-privacy of a single dorm, was humiliating enough, to an established teen.

But to have a group of little, insignificant thirteen year-olds poking and prodding at his sexually excited eighteen year-old body in view of everyone--to be tortured, aroused and manipulated for their sexual pleasure and amusement--would not merely be embarrassing, it would be the height of humiliation, and painfully degrading, to Jason.

Nathan's second display was even more extravagantly impressive than the previous one. With the solid, stainless-steel rod firmly implanted into the root of Jason's well-displayed, erect penis, Nathan began to make sharp, brutal thrusts with the intruding object.

It was clear that Nathan was in total control of Jason's body, now, through his overly-engorged, excited cock. As precum flowed, copiously, around the rod, Nathan increased the severity of his jarring jabs into this most intimate part of the boy. The rod, moving up and down more rapidly now, looked as if it were an attempted masturbation, from within!

Jason began to erupt with audible shrieks of pain, as the large bulb on the fiercely oscillating, invading object stretched and irritated the innermost parts of his penis.

Nathan was in his glory, controlling the rate of Jason's bodily contractions and pain-filled utterances with the varying speed of his cruel thrusts, deep into the reddening penis, which, incredibly, was registering erotic sensations along with the torment.

The stunned audience, appreciative of Nathan's showy mastery over his victim, gave their own awe-filled moans at the sight and sounds before them--moans that also acknowledged Jason's pain, and his embarrassment, as evidenced by his deepening blush, which seemed to rise from his knees, and travel rapidly upward, to fill his face with the telltale coloration.

Nathan then ordered the team to put Jason in a standing position.

Now, Nathan continued his display of power over Jason, by leading him around the little platform by the rod in his penis--the poor lad desperately trying to follow every move that Nathan made, in order to avoid any movement of the painful bulb inside his irritated, excited cock.

Bubbles of laughter erupted sporadically from the audience, as Jason danced, crazily around the platform, wincing and following every move of the little boy with the strange, metallic leash in his hand--a leash that was all too intimately attached to his beloved penis.

The audience's laughter deepened the poor teen's already severe humiliation.

This all reached a climax as Nathan suddenly yanked the rod, brutally from the poor boy's cock, eliciting a final, mighty shout of agony from Jason, who now felt that his penis was on fire from the inside, at the sudden, searing pain.

With Jason's erect cock at unprecedented proportions and rigidity, and his head hanging in utter shame, the team of helpers prepared their next moves.

Gangs of little cum boys ran up to Jason and used their small, nimble fingers to tease Jason's nipples, underarms, legs, and scrotum. One licked mercilessly at the hungry penis. Jason could only moan, in pleasured frustration, and look on, defenselessly.

"This is PUNISHMENT, Gordon? Have you guys been smoking funny cigarettes?"

"Wait and see John. I agree, it doesn't seem harsh, at the moment, but sexual teasing can be more wretched than pain. With super-tea, it's even worse. The craving becomes vicious, and takes over your body. They'll keep it up until he's half crazy."

While several cum boys held Jason's hips rock steady, other ecstatic, little lads climbed on a stool and impaled their anuses, teasingly, on the teen's swollen, hungry cock--with multiple rapid strokes of their pre-adolescent behinds--causing much delight to the participating boys and the onlookers.

"By the way, John, all these little ones have been specially pre-lubricated for this event."

Many of the smaller boys were unprepared to take a monster cock of such proportions, and yelped in pain as they mounted themselves on it. The cum boys had their instructions, however. If they hesitated, even a moment, in getting Jason's cock inside them, the consequences would be severe.

A few of the scrawnier little lads were so tight, their eyes bolted open in panic, when they first felt the size of Jason's artificially huge penis, pressing and demanding entry into their tense, little holes.

One particular young cum boy was shrieking badly, in great pain-- trying to control himself--as the width of Jason's penile tip forged a new canal in the unpracticed, pubescent boy.

"Shit, Gordon! This looks more like it's punishment for these LITTLE guys!"

"They're not virgins, but it IS part of their break-in process, John. Besides, the more pain, the more their buddies will admire them, afterwards."

This entire proceeding--this consummate sexual torture--began to have its intended effect, on Jason. His rapidly accelerating, lustful need became unbearable, and incited Jason to express, more vigorously, the untamed level of his overwhelming desperation for sexual release. His moans became growls--loud, sensual, and insistent.

The pleasure, as well as the unsatisfied, agonizing hunger in his penis, was beyond Jason's wildest imaginings--if not his endurance--as the erotic attentions of the cum boys caused the movements and utterances of the frustrated, humiliated teen to become distinctly more animalistic.

Several more groups of these younger--almost pretty--cum boys, in turn, began to impale their deliciously lubricated rear passages with the boy's incredibly huge, hardened penis, and--rising above the shrieks and howls of the inexperienced cum boys--Jason's moans rose in unprecedented sensual pleasure and torment, as his cock was plunged, involuntarily, into the hot, tight passages of the young, little lads, without relief.

Another crew of the smaller boys was assigned to licking and tonguing Jason's own back passage--aggravating the unwilling lad's impossible craving, and his phenomenal embarrassment.

Of course, this diminutive crew had no inkling that the super-tea prevented their victim from cumming, so they unwittingly compounded Jason's torture by stopping every minute or so, thinking they were preventing the lad's orgasm--(they had orders not to allow the victim to cum)--while actually, these interruptions were moot. It was, however, quite arousing to watch the effect, upon Jason, of these delays, which prolonged and intensified his agonized craving in unimaginable proportions.

"OH GOD!!" Jason finally screamed, in deep adolescent tones that raised blood pressures and penises throughout the room.

In response, David, one of the cutest, most amicable, and more experienced of the thirteen-year-old cum boys, whispered, playfully, in Jason's ear.

"Oh----big boy wanna cum? Need to cum bad? But you CAN'T? Poor Jason. Let me help you, horny boy!"

David had been well selected for this role. He was the consummate teaser.

Totally apart from his assigned role, David whispered his desires, privately to Jason.

"I'm hot for your fucking body, man. I been waiting for this!"

To which Jason could only grunt, as his mental and vocal capacities were impaired, at the moment.

David called for the wash team, who thoroughly cleansed the eighteen year-old's tortured cock, while David pressed his body, enticingly into Jason, from behind, reached his hands around Jason's ample chest, and teased his nipples--already passionately alert.

Then, after the tortured boy's moans of appreciation reached a satisfactory crescendo, David hopped down, ran around to the teen's front, knelt, and began to lick the obscenely large, tense cock, seductively--almost in charicature--as David held his tongue low, curving it upward, visibly in contact with Jason's half-crazy cock, sliding the tip of his tongue bewitchingly, along the penile underside, and finishing off with several rotations of his soft, hot tongue around the tip of his victim's aggravated penis.

Of course, the lad wasn't content to lick. He pushed and pulled his eager lips softly over the tip of Jason's painfully aching erection--torturing it--going as far down as the circumcision line, and up again, with minimal pressure on the velvety, sensitive flesh.

The smaller lad compounded his teasing, oral attentions with a light coursing of his trained fingers over Jason's highly sensitized scrotum, which, having lost nearly all sense of its previous pain, was slowly becoming a compact knot--teeming with overstimulated nerve endings--as unprecedented sexual arousal and desire overwhelmed the bigger lad. The knotting effect squeezed Jason's balls, painfully, and threw the boy's nuts forward, so they hugged the underside of the base of his gigantic cock.

David allowed his lips to slip free of Jason's starved penis, and he smiled, sincerely at his beautiful adolescent prey--now tortured and teased beyond reason--and spoke to him, again, playfully and good-naturedly.

"Big boy having fun now?"

Strange, half-strangled squeals of desperate sounds began to pour from Jason's mouth--frantic for climax as he was already, and he appeared to be asking David for sexual release.

"Uhhhhh. Jesus, kid--just DO me!" Jason screamed.

In response, David brought out the ceremonial penile lubricant, heavily laced with sensory enhancers, which, once rubbed on the skin, would cause the slightest touch to Jason's furious penis-- already mad with desire--to be acutely amplified. It would accelerate the sexual torture of David's precious teen victim.

"Sensory enhancers? The kid's going to explode, Gordon."

"He just might."

Slowly, maliciously gently, the tips of David's well-schooled fingers spread the potent lubricant, and sought out and found every nerve of Jason's inflamed cock. The expert, tenderly applied, two-handed ministrations, evoked the anticipated moans of Jason's unbearable pleasure.

Jason began moving about, frantically, in his enhanced passion. His movements became more unmanageable, and additional cum boys had to be summoned to take hold of Jason, keep him in place, and restrain his arms.

David stood on a small stool and turned to his assistants.

"Let his hips loose," the young lad shouted, then proceeded to position himself for a vigorous internal massage from Jason's massive cock.

The little lad didn't know the awesome power of the older boy's tea-induced condition. Jason's gigantic, reddened penis looked angry--as if it were about to devour the charming, diminutive boy's rear-end.

As he sensed Jason's quick, desperate moves, David shouted for his assistants to steady him, and they prepared to hold David, fast, for the intense sexual assault he was about to experience. The other boys smiled at this, knowing David was an experienced bottom, and they braced David for what just might be the best and most powerful fucking of his little, young life.

To every eye that was watching these boys, the scene was absolutely cum-producing.

More than one of the onlookers stared enviously at David, anticipating the pleasure he was about to experience, at Jason's expense.

Jason quickly aligned his precum-covered penis with the boy's well-lubricated hole, and--fully anticipating this to be his crowning climactic moment--lunged forward ferociously, and thrust his weapon savagely into the young, defenseless boy.

"Owwwwwwwwwwwwww!!!! Uhhh!! AHHHHHHHH! Oh GOD!"

David's unexpected, wide-eyed howl of pain shocked his assistants, as well as all other onlookers. David simply had not been prepared for the monumental force of this intrusion into his body, nor the size of the invading organ, however welcome it was.

After a brief adjustment period, young David was in his glory, anticipating the gratifying, powerful thrusts to come.

Jason knew no control at this point, and again, slammed his desperately hungry penis fully into the little lad in front of him. This time, David was a bit more prepared to receive whatever the smooth, fair-haired, eighteen year-old beauty had to give him.

David's eyes began to glaze over in pure pleasure, as Jason pounded his hugeness into the willing boy's lubricated little body. Rapid, audible slaps of Jason's strong, sweaty hips and groin against the boy's helpless, hairless butt cheeks, intensified the eroticism of the scene.

The effect of this aural and visual display of intense coupling was to cause the lucky boys in the audience to thrust their hard cocks more vigorously into the mouths of their cum boys, and begin to pump, synchronously, with Jason's frantic, pubic rhythm.

The steady squish and slap of many a masturbatory hand could also be heard, clearly, from the less lucky members of the audience, who had no cum boys of their own, to thrust into. Cum showers among the aroused onlookers were now so common, that their recipients no longer bothered to wipe them off, occupied as they were with vigorous efforts to produce their own eruptions.

The voracious teen's immensely heightened appetite caused him to thrust into David with long, punishing, penile strokes, making the scene more acutely erotic than any in recent memory.

The little platform was rotated, to give all a good view of this incredibly powerful fucking.

It was intensely more stimulating to watch, than usual--the way Jason pulled his cock outward, and hesitated before plunging forward, again. It soon became clear that Jason's back stroke was so complete that the corona of the tip of his penis was clearly visible, before he again buried his enhanced erection with renewed energy, into David's juvenile anal passages.

Jason shuddered violently, with vicious, fiendish desire for sexual gratification, which fueled the intensity of his barbaric forward thrusts.

"Oh yes, yes! Big boy fuck me good," David managed to shriek, tremulously, at the height of his pubescent pleasure.

Jason was unable to comprehend words, at this point.

At first, both boys appeared to derive equal pleasure from the pounding Jason was giving the boy, and it was clear that many members of the audience envied Jason's role. But it was soon apparent that the model teen became more maddeningly desperate.

Jason grabbed David's little hips, and thrust his immense cock ever more forcefully into the welcoming boy, to the point where the deliriously pleasured, younger lad was reduced to punctuating Jason's colossal efforts with boyish, staccato utterances--one for each ferocious propulsion of Jason's perfect boy-body into his--slapping and slamming the poor little boy to near insensibility.

Although David was enjoying himself, he also had the startled expression of someone who suddenly didn't quite know what he'd got himself into, with this violent pounding.

Jason began to utter small yelps of distress, as the knot that was once was his balls, also slammed, painfully and recklessly, against the little boy. His already tortured testicles throbbed with pain, with each Herculean forward jolt, and it seemed they would be propelled, brutally into the incredibly tight grip of the pre-adolescent's anal sphincter.

Piercing Jason's drug-induced, mental fog was the monolithic awareness that he should have cum, by now, and began to realize that, while his drug-enhanced penis was granting him unprecedented, privileged rapture--beyond the greatest pleasure he had ever known--it was not having its accustomed result.

In his chemically laced, mentally perplexed state, Jason's consciousness distorted. He began to perceive himself as stationary, and that the boys were still plunging their butts onto his rigid shaft. The poor lad could not fathom how these little ones were able to tease him so acutely, but manage to prevent him from cumming. The growing sensation of being publicly used and abused by his juniors, also managed to surface in his dim consciousness, greatly deepening the teen boy's humiliation, which, of course was, for the moment, eclipsed by his overwhelming need.

"I GOTTA CUMMMMMMMMM!!" Jason shouted, in agony. These, perhaps, were the only coherent words the tormented boy was capable of uttering, and it was remarkable that he could speak, at all.

This was the team's cue to, once again, immobilize Jason's hips, and it was David's signal to slip off the monstrous weapon, reluctant though he was to do so.

The support crew worked feverishly to hold Jason still, as the wash team thoroughly cleaned his penis, once again, and the others reorganized. They were not through. They had more degrading sexual torture to impose upon their victim.

The little cum boys had their well-defined missions to perform, and split into two groups. The first group, one by one, stepped, blithely onto a stool, behind their victim, and plunged into Jason's unsuspecting anus with their little, rock-hard dicks.

A second crew mounted a sort of makeshift scaffold, and probed Jason's skilled mouth with their beautifully shaped, miniature stiff organs.

Other, thirteen year-old cum boys simply stood and jacked off on Jason, some of them rubbing their little cocks brazenly on him with their dry orgasms. Most of the more ample ones squirted his body, bemusedly, with their pubescent streams of white fluid-- smirking and smugly self-satisfied to see his disgrace reinforced, at this debasing exploitation--happily making sport of him as they came and came--ultimately leaving him disgraced and unsatisfied, as they cruelly abandoned his aching, starving penis, throbbing hungrily and helplessly alone in the air. They were amused to watch, as the studly teen thrashed his hips deliriously about, in a vain, carnal effort to fuck the empty air itself, and somehow gain the profuse gratification the frenzied boy so desperately needed.

Jason was now painfully aware that the entire student body had seen him tortured and teased by these mischievous, little, devilish molesters--who watched his monstrous cock pulse and throb and drool to no avail--watched him writhe and scream in hideous agony as unattainable orgasm approached and retreated, again and again--watched his utter frustration as he became a target of abuse and transformed him from a virile adolescent to a vile repository for their puny, immature ejaculations, as they filled his mouth with their thin pre-pubescent seed--watched his consuming desperation as he was compelled to swallow rivers of impotent semen, while some of it dripped, profanely, down his exquisite, tortured, overheated body, trembling and mortified with the gruesome ache of his ungratified, insatiable desire.

The model teen's heart sank at this ultimate humiliation, perpetrated upon him by these young torturers, very much his juniors, having their way with him--being forced to take their little cocks in his mouth and butt when it was his massive cock that belonged in theirs--and taking such control over him, pleasuring themselves at his expense, and eliciting so powerful a sexual response from his agonized, sex-craved body--yet leaving him utterly devoid of sexual satisfaction of his own.

He would have done anything to cum at that moment, and struggled, mightily against the restraining support boys.

The master gave a signal, and one by one, the boys dismounted.

Soon Jason was alone, on the platform.

In his confusion, the dumbfounded teen did not immediately notice that he had been abandoned--that all his potential sources of sexual stimulation had suddenly vanished. But when the realization struck him, a new wave of stunned embarrassment coursed through his consciousness. In a few moments, nerved by the bitter injustice, his youthful defiance exploded within him-- his entire being throbbed with renewed vigor, and his impossibly aroused, frustrated body began to convulse.

In a desperate attempt to shed the control that these boys and his body had over him, the shaken teen braced himself, and with flaring temples and throbbing penis demanding that its fires be quenched, let out a mighty, rebellious protest, that resounded throughout the premises. Now, Jason's unfathomable, unremitting, sexual craving, as well as his untold humiliation, reached its Herculean, climactic expression in one, long, mutinous, hopeless, adolescent scream.


Eight, sixteen year-old goldens jumped on the platform, grabbed Jason, forcefully, and held him rock steady.

Just as I thought that Jason would be able to take no more, the doctor, summoned long ago by the judicious master, administered the injection that would unlock Jason's ejaculatory organs, and permit further sexual stimulation to result in his desperately- craved orgasm, and regenerate his mental acuity and coordination.

Jason had no idea, nor did he care, what the purpose of this injection was--that is, if he even felt it, in his frenzied state.

Whatever they did next, to Jason, had to be extraordinary, as this would be an unprecedented orgasm--one that would be remembered for a long time to come.

I wondered how they would do justice to Jason's crowning climax, when I again spotted Nathan--unquestionably the most stunning fourteen year-old in the school. Nathan stood at 5 foot 7, 130 pounds, with a smooth, trim, compact build of unbulked, perfectly shaped boy muscle, sparkling light brown hair, with his alluring, almost angelic face, beautifully tanned and exquisitely decorated with glittering white teeth and enticing blue eyes.

Nathan had been chosen to finish Jason off. He was the perfect choice for this momentous occasion.

Signs of Jason's reinvigorated comprehension began to appear-- subtle changes in the potent lad's face and eyes, began to be more clearly visible with each passing moment.

Nathan, gorgeous and sensual in all regards, appeared alongside Jason. The little lad sported a smaller version of Jason's hardon--an erection of such intensity and so tight against Nathan's body that it appeared to be a swelling in the petite lad's abdomen, rather than a separate organ. It was obvious that a severe teasing had been performed upon the pubescent penis-- such was the state of little Nathan's engorged, stiffened, red cock--shimmering and dripping with precum. Except for size, the two penises matched, in their excited, naturally lubricated appearance.

From the positioning of the two boys on the platform, there was no doubt as to what would happen now.

Nathan was to be a gift, to Jason, but the super-hormones had distorted Jason's senses. In the tortured lad's voracious, hormonally-induced, animal state--in the fury of Jason's driving, all-consuming, pounding, sexual frustration--Nathan was not a gift, but an object of prey--to be assimilated--to be savagely devoured by Jason's induced, bizarre, superhuman lust.

Nathan was a bit young and inexperienced to be the recipient of this, now monstrous, cock, but from the sheen along the boy's anal crevice, it was obvious he had been well lubricated, and likely given a thorough rectal stretching, along with the tormenting of his penis, just prior to being brought back into the scene.

Standing on a small step to bring his anus up to the proper level, and with Jason standing behind him, Nathan bent over, somewhat fearfully. You could see the boy's legs, quivering, and his little hands, trembling, as they reached toward the floor for the anchored wooden bar that would provide Nathan's means of stabilization, during his assault, from behind.

Jason's impossibly immense penis was in no need of lubrication, as it was well coated with his own, natural boy-lubricant.

There seemed to be no pause--no preparatory moment to align his massive cock with Nathan's diminutive opening--as the teen slammed into the little lad's well-lubricated, tight butt, viciously impaling the poor boy with his monumental erection, in a single, enormous thrust, and eliciting a screeching wail of pain, from the little lad.

As primed and ready as Nathan was for this, it still took him considerable time, to adjust to Jason's enraged, potent penis.

Jason pounded into the boy with tumultuous speed and urgency, and in the chaotic, intermingled excitement, it was difficult to tell whose moans were whose, as arms flailed about, impulsively, and the pair's multiple mammoth thrusts, crude, erotic shouts, and recklessly slapping bodies filled the room with reverberating, sensual intonations--an aural and visual fusion that sexually inflamed all who were privileged to watch the commanding, copulatory spectacle.

Jason could tell this was different. His fantastic libido retained its animalism, but now his senses seemed to be all rearranged in their correct order. He could feel his orgasm building and approaching as it should--like a gigantic express train--and he was savoring every delicious stroke.

Nathan was not merely being fucked--his being was pulling Jason into him. Something inside him wanted to suck Jason right in, and keep him there. The feel, sound, and smell of Jason delectably permeated his senses, and were powerfully dizzying, to the deliriously contented lad.

No one had ever witnessed such an arousing, ferocious, barbarous, impalement as this.

The carnal scene was so enticingly sensual--so compellingly exhilarating--that the sounds of multiple climaxes, in the audience, became sufficiently numerous to compete with the boisterous, sonic elements of the scene before them.

Soon, both boys began to shudder, violently, from their mutual, unprecedented pleasure, and Jason--after relentlessly puncturing Nathan's body until the very last moment--finally began to shout in mighty, fitful booms, and pulled the dangerous weapon out of his inflamed partner's body, to release a dozen immense, thick shots of semen that pulsed simultaneously with his throbbing, sweating temples--arched, sharply above the little boy's back-- shot across the aisle in a graceful, sensual arc--and showered multiple rows of the audience with sweet, warm, adolescent cum-- while the joyful recipient of Jason's mad pounding, who barely touched his penis when it erupted spontaneously, released his own powerful spurts, which forged their separate, impressive path into the onlookers.

The remainder of the audience reached their own orgasms, as the endless streams of potent young fluid showered forth from the stunning, shouting pair, who were lost in the throes of their colossal climax.

Jason let out a thunderous, roaring scream, from the fantastic release the poor boy was finally permitted. His forceful, seminal spurting subsided with little drops and rivulets that decorated Nathan's smooth-skinned back.

Jason's immense grunts of pleasure continued to punctuate the air, long after the end point of his overwhelming, merciful, momentous orgasm. Both boys continued to stand, facing the same direction, with Jason remaining behind the younger lad--their bodies still touching.

Jason gazed at the boy before him. He seemed to be seeing Nathan through different eyes, now. His hands absently traced tender paths along Nathan's ribs and hips, and a wave of satisfaction began to spread through him, despite his ragged breathing and furiously beating heart--which betrayed the phenomenal physical exertion of moments ago.

Breathless and sweating, the pair smiled weakly, as the delighted audience rose to their feet in thunderous response, expressing their appreciation for Jason and his stunning performance.

Soon, a few shouts of "Nathan" arose from the din.

The sound of his name accentuated Nathan's elation, and the smaller boy reddened, deeply, as he began to realize that some of this admiration was for his performance, as well. The beautiful, erotic, innocent blush of Nathan's poignant, youthful embarrassment intensified the permeating, sensuality of the occasion.

In the heat of the moment, and with utter abandon, Jason turned little Nathan around, and embraced and kissed him passionately.

This action was met with hoots and howls of approval, from the audience, who burst into a new round of applause for the two magnificent boys who had entertained them so fantastically, so passionately, and who held each other tensely, in their impassioned kiss.

The coloring of the two beauties slowly returned to a more normal state, as their hands explored each other's bodies--impelled by the ardent zeal of fresh, sexual discovery.

Jason, with all inhibition dispelled, was smearing his own cum with his hands, on the little boy's back, and Nathan hugged his cherished partner more tightly, as if to signal his hearty approval of this touching, daringly intimate act.

The sudden, deafening roar of the onlookers asserted their endorsement of the titillating spectacle.

Soon afterward, as the self-realization of what they were doing began to register, both boys burst into a renewed round of blushing.

For Nathan, it was a blush of joyful embarrassment--his own thrilling moment. It was Nathan's ultimate gratification that Jason--esteemed and desirable--should shower him so profusely with affection, especially the cherished copulation Nathan was so fortunate to experience at the hands of this upright specimen of developed boyhood.

For Jason, it was not so much embarrassment as a warm blush of pride--pride in his victory over the grueling punishment--pride that he had not been stripped of his golden status--pride that his satisfaction had been so completely rewarding--pride that he had entertained his fellows with his unleashed sexuality and uninhibited display of intimacy with Nathan--despite the fact that, in the grander scheme of things, this show of affection was quite out of step. It was customarily incongruent for a boy of Jason's stature to publicly express such abundant fondness for one of his juniors, especially a former tormentor. Besides, in public, the younger boy normally pursued the older. These facts were not lost on the astute group of onlookers, and rumors of a love affair spread rapidly.

At this point, John expressed his fear that one or both members of this adorable duo might be punished for their possible amorous affiliation. I assured John, that, should the two actually bond, it would be smiled upon, and that such couplings were not uncommon.

"We even have special rules, John, for this type of amicable pairing."

"Jesus! FINALLY a break, for these kids!!"

"Of course, John. We do strive to keep the boys happy."

I failed to mention to John, the price that could be exacted from their hides with the cane, at the whims of various masters and in accordance with our rules, for the privilege of future sexual couplings, should the pair actually bond.

At that moment, the title, "Stars and Stripes Forever" took on a permanently altered meaning, for me. A forgivable aberration in my otherwise excellent patriotism, I thought.

At this point, the interruption horn sounded, and the eight initiates, along with their support boys, were quickly herded into the "Red Room"--so named because of the condition of the posterior aspects of the boys who had the privilege of using this room, which was primarily a place of rest, during rough training, initiation, or punishment--rest being a rare commodity in punishment situations.

"Damn!" I exclaimed, in frustration, at the interruption.

The audience scrambled to the rest rooms and vending machines.

"What the hell was that sound, Gordon?"

"That means the proceedings have to be paused, because our other division has need of me. Get dressed, John. You're coming with me," I said, as I reached for my clothing.

"Other division, Gordon? I didn't know--"

"Haven't got around to telling you yet, John. It's a kind of community outreach program."

"Community outreach?" John said, incredulously. "This, I've got to see, Gordon!"

"It's quite simple, John. You know that some of our boys, when they first arrive, are behavior problems."

"Yes. I've seen a few already, and I assumed you would have your fair share of those."

"I began to think about all the other unruly boys that live at home and never have the advantage of training, here."

"Advantage, Gordon," John chuckled. "OK, go on."

"I decided to offer our services, through discreet channels, to fathers of unruly boys, in the area, interested in disciplining their sons--thus, the community outreach label. It's a simple process: The parent hears about us, brings his boys, and comes to a special receiving area of our complex, rings a bell and waits. We have a totally separate area of the school where we house and train these lads. We call them, "family boys"--as opposed to our regular or, street students. That horn essentially means that a father and at least one boy are waiting for us, right now."

"US, Gordon?"

"You're just along to observe, John. I insisted you come with me, because I'd hate for you to run into Jason, in his current state, and get yourself raped, while I was away," I said, jokingly.

"Now that I think about it, I'm not so sure that would be such a bad thing, Gordon."

"I do believe you're not joking. You really are catching on, in that case--quite splendidly."

"Yes, and while we're on the subject, can I have him in my room, tonight?"

"You want Jason?"

"Yes, Gordon. I don't care about the marks, anymore. I'd love to have him," John said, with eager sincerity. He quickly added, "Unless, of course, you want him for yourself."

"Oh, I want him, all right, John, but I have other plans for tonight. I'll consider letting you have Jason for up to 24 hours, on the condition that you love to give head at all hours of the night, and are willing to get fucked more than a few times by that monster dick he's sporting. I want to think it over for a bit."

"Gordon--you mean... the tea... he'll still be... that way?"

"Yes, he'll still be 'that way,' John."


"The super-tea will take all night and half the morning to wear off. And the testosterone will take weeks to dissipate. Jason will be all over you, all night long. You won't get a wink of sleep. ...I suppose you could extend your time here, by a day, and take a holiday tomorrow. The boy will sleep, eventually, but not for long. He'll be ravenous, again, when he wakes up. You noticed how quickly they yanked Jason from the auditorium?"

"Yes, I did, Gordon. Where is Jason now, anyway?"

"Chained--inside a padded cage."

"But he was all smiles after fucking the hell out of that Nathan boy."

"Yes, that was quite a sight, wasn't it? And he did look satiated--but don't be fooled. With all those hormones in him, his sense of sexual gratification will only last about 5 minutes. You must have noticed his erection never faded after his orgasm."

"Damn! I never suspected--Geez! The poor kid. Why a cage, Gordon?"

"Right now, he'd fuck anything in sight, and his strength is incredible. He'll be out of the cage, shortly--as soon as a slate of goldens can be refreshed and made ready for him. He'll have enough playmates to keep him busy--for a little while, anyway. Wait a moment, John. Let me make a quick phone call."

I called our communications office and left word for the masters to break off the initiation for the day, and to double check the equipment in the playroom, for Jason and his sexmates.

"Gordon, isn't there a drug, or something--I mean, can't you just antidote the tea?"

"And spoil all the fun, John? There's too much pleasure involved, to let it go to waste. Besides, I don't want to give my boys any more substances than necessary, and I've contended all along, there's no harm in letting a boy like Jason have his day of glory."

"Glory, Gordon? How can you call it 'glory,' after all the torture we just witnessed?"

"How can I explain this? ...Take the ten best orgasms of your life, roll them into one, and multiply by twenty. That's how good a climax feels, to Jason, right now. Make that a factor of fifty, and that's how bad he wants it, John."

"Incredible. I can't imagine. Speaking of 'want,' can I have him, Gordon? I promise to do as you say, and I fully admit that it sounds wonderful."

"Oh, so that's it. Are you stretched, John?"

"How's that?"

"Your asshole. Can you take that huge, monster-cock of his, in one thrust?"

"Uhhhh, with a little prep, I think so, Gordon."

"If not, he'll be training you, instead of vice-versa, John."

"In that case I'll be Jason's willing victim, Gordon. Until I manage to loosen up, that is."

"Might not be the best thing for your image as an upcoming master, and one good fuck from that thing and you'll be loose as hell, I assure you. I warn you, if you're not ready for him, that word, 'victim' will take on a whole new meaning, John."

"Indeed, Captain," John said, mockingly, doing a fair imitation of the well-known Vulcan from the old, Star Trek-- complete with raised eyebrow. This hit my funny-bone, and I grinned, broadly.

I could see John was confident.

"All right, John. He's all yours. Remember, there's a full set of restraints in the bedroom closet--but no training and no pain, for him. Blue balls don't count, but he's so sexed up he won't notice that, anyway. However, it's your prerogative to tie him up and make him lie still, so you can get some rest--good luck, with that one. Either that, or tease the hell out of him, until he's wild, desperate and begging. If he gets that way, be sure you suck him off before you untie him. He'll have almost superhuman strength, so skip the ropes and use the chains. If you need help, hit one of the red emergency buttons, located on each wall. Any questions, dial 33."

"No problem, Gordon. Thanks."

John was ecstatic.

I had gotten so involved and distracted, talking about Jason, I had almost forgotten we were on our way to meet a father, and at least one son.

I must admit I was a little jealous of John, getting to spend some time with Jason, before I would be able to, but that passed quickly. I guided John into a staff dressing room, where we each donned jock straps.

"We can't risk the father spotting either of us with an erection, John."

Finally, we arrived at the reception area, where the father was pacing, nervously. His two sons were off to the side, huddled together, looking as if their worst fears were about to be realized. The man began to speak rapidly as soon as John and I were in earshot.

"Thanks for having us, sir," the father began. "The older one here, Kevin, junior, was tied up on his bed, and the younger one here, Shawn, the dirty pervert, was going up and down with his mouth on the poor lad's cock like no tomorrow. An' I don't mind telling you that Kevin, here, was quite distressed about it all."

The distinguished-looking man, though with crude speech, had gotten to the heart of the matter, straight off. But it was obvious that, in his simple mind, the father had mistaken Kevin's orgasm for distress.

"I see, Mr. ahhh..."

"Kensington. Kevin Kensington, senior, sir. Pleased to meet you."

"Likewise," I said. "Gordon Wells."

I mumbled my name, absently--more interested in the man's two stunning-looking sons than in his perceptual misconstruences or our flimsy introductions. Both boys appeared to be in their early teens.

The interruption horn that had halted the day's public proceedings, was also a pre-arranged signal for Master Thomas to meet me at the family reception area. Thomas joined us at that moment.

I cued Thomas to put the boys at ease and give them some chocolates. These were eagerly and gratefully received, and the two boys, who were told to help themselves, tore into the large bowl, enthusiastically.

While Kensington's two sons began to enjoy this unexpected treat, the father seemed to have an expression of disapproval. I quickly explained to the man that it was our custom to offer a little snack, to new family boys, upon arrival, to distract them from their expected anxiety.

"It also helps them to relax a little and give them an energy boost, before the initial punishment is administered."

Mr. Kensington smiled, tentatively.

I refrained from adding that the energy boost would be sorely needed, knowing that the pun would be lost, on the man.

"I suppose a few treats couldn't hurt, Mr. Wells."

He gave me some vital statistics on his sons. As the two of us spoke, I took the opportunity to get a better look at the two, good-looking boys.

The taller one, Kevin, was quite cute, fourteen years old, about 5'7" tall, and very slim at about 125 lbs., with blonde hair and striking brown eyes. Despite his thin appearance, the boy had a look of potency about him, and I tried to imagine him masturbating for us, in a nice little welcoming ceremony, (private, of course), and the copious loads he was, most likely, able to deliver--not to mention what the luscious little lad's slim rear-end might have to offer. But that would have to be for another day, another time.

The younger boy was a real beauty, at thirteen--model material-- five foot five inches tall, and likely the same weight as his older brother. A fantastic build for such a young one, I thought. Shawn had light brown hair and sharp, almost piercing, blue eyes. I thought it was unusual that the younger lad was barefoot while his older brother had shoes on, but I noticed that Shawn had the most adorable feet I'd ever seen, on a boy. I immediately had multiple fantasies about this lad.

"And you've never physically disciplined either one of them, is that right, Mr. Kensington?"

"Well, other than a few slaps on the rump, when they was little, no. I didn't feel competent, sir."

"I see."

"Look, Mr. Wells," the father continued, obviously angry at his younger son, and apparently a little frightened at the imposing appearance of our establishment, "the older one here, Kevin, he's fourteen, and he's a model child he is. But the young one, Shawn--needs a dose of correcting, he does, if you don't mind my saying so."

I could see that the father was anxious to strike out, at his younger son.

"Yes, of course, Mr. Kensington, I sympathize completely. They'll both need to be trained, of course, it's a requirement to treat all the brothers at once. These are your only two boys?"

"Yes, sir, these two. But why train both of them, if I may ask, sir?"

"As you said--Shawn, your thirteen year-old, needs some correcting. His older brother, Kevin, needs to continue to respect authority, and he needs to have that reinforced, if he is to continue to be a good boy, you see."

"Yes, of course, sir. Whatever you think is best."

Out of earshot of the two boys, I explained to the man how we treat the boys, our various rules and punishments, and the reason for requiring the boys' total nakedness, as well as our general ways of handling things.

I was careful to point out that "family boys," as we call them, never mingle with the "street" students, and that his two sons would be housed, schooled and trained in facilities totally separated from those of the street students, but together with other family boys.

Most parents took this to mean that the street students were of a lower class than the family boys, but in actual practice, family boys were often more problematic. I was silent on this point, however.

I made a mental note to explain to John the necessity of separating the family boys--many of whom ultimately return to their parents--from the regular, or street boys, who were more or less totally independent.

It was important to keep "public" training events toned-down, somewhat, with the family boys, lest too many tales be told, out of school. Any rigorous training for the family boys would be held in relative privacy.

There was no necessity to explain to Mr. Kensington that this privacy consisted of a thin curtain, and that a crowd of other family boys was often assembled on the other side of the curtain, to hear the impressive screams and cries of the boy receiving the punishment. In many cases, the mere sound of the punishment, in the absence of the visual element, often induced more terror in the students, whose imaginations often envisioned images of more macabre tortures than those actually applied.

I was surprised and pleased at Mr. Kensington's immediate and total acceptance of our methods, and of all I told him.

"Now, Mr. Kensington, as I said, we insist you mete out the initial punishment, and from there, it's your choice--you may return over and over, to do all or some of the other training, or you can, like most other fathers, vent your frustrations with a few initial punishments, and leave the rest to us."

I explained to the father that, since this was the first session, he would be responsible for removing his sons clothing. This led to some private discussion, between me and the senior Kensington. The school's position in this matter is that the father must take the lead in getting his sons naked, as well as being the one to perform the actual first punishment, so there would be no question later, that the parent himself got the ball rolling in this direction, and that it was not something forced on the boys, or the father, by my school.

The father, while in agreement with our theories of the merits of nakedness in training the boys, was a little hesitant to uncover his son's genitals, himself, so we agreed on a slight variation of the usual plan.

The father lovingly removed the shirt from his sexy fourteen year-old son, Kevin, and then did the same, in a more abrupt manner, to his younger son, Shawn.

The half-naked brothers were now told to stand at attention. Both boys were exquisitely beautiful, but I continued to be impressed with the younger lad's particularly fine, little physique.

"Now boys," the father spoke up, "Mr. Wells and I have agreed on what is to happen next, and I've told him to take over, for now. You'll treat everything he says as if I said it. You will do as he tells you."

"Yes, sir," the boys replied.

I was both surprised and pleased at the relative formality of his sons' replies. However, despite the tension, the boys attentive posture began to droop, just a bit.

"At attention, boys!" I said.

They straightened up, immediately. I turned my gaze to the fourteen year-old, and cleared my throat, in preparation for using my most booming, commanding voice.

I noticed that John was also particularly attentive.

"Kevin," I almost shouted.

The poor boy jumped, almost out of his skin, at the sudden greeting--my preferred response. His frightened expression and youthful blush were quite stimulating.

"Yes sir," Kevin replied, nervously.

"I understand you've been a good boy." This produced an even more charming, embarrassed flush from the young adolescent. I watched his fists, pecs, and feet tense, considerably. He obviously didn't know what to say. The slim lad fidgeted for a while before answering.

"Yes, sir."

"You understand that in order to stay a good boy, you'll need some work, and discipline. It doesn't just happen by itself. Also, no matter what your brother may have done wrong to you, he is still your brother, and you must treat him that way. Do you understand?"

This statement seemed to create extreme distress in the waifish youth. His voice became more tremulous.

"Yes, sir. I understand."

"Although you won't be punished for anything right now, you both will be treated as equally as possible. Sit down and take off your shoes and socks, boy."

There was a wide-eyed glare of fear in the boy's eyes as I said, "treated as equally as possible," and a moment later, a thud, as Kevin's butt hit the floor, and his nimble fingers fairly flew, to complete the task I had assigned him.

Apparently, his agitation caused him to become a bit disoriented, as he remained seated on the floor after baring his feet, which had the same beautiful lines as his younger brother's.

"Stand up, boy!" Kevin's body jolted, in surprise, but he quickly jumped to his feet.

"Pull down your jeans, boy."

Now the blush returned to Kevin's face with renewed fervor, and he stared, in surprise. His lips parted, and his breaths became sharper and more labored. He certainly must have been confused by this, expecting that his brother would have been the focus of any embarrassment or unpleasantness. But I had my reasons for dealing with the older boy first.

"Take them off? ...r-right now sir?"

"Yes, Kevin. Right now."

The blushing, frightened boy clumsily tugged at the fastenings, and slid the loose jeans, slowly, down to the floor, and stepped out of them. He stood nervously now--his eyes darting about.

Kevin had thin, red briefs on, which bulged, appropriately, at the crotch.

"Take off your underwear, boy."

"Uhhh! Sir... please, I--"

"Do it now, Kevin!!"

The extreme blush of embarrassment began, in earnest. The poor fourteen year-old trembled as his hands slowly moved toward the waistband of his brief underpants. Kevin's nostrils flared, under his heavy breaths, and his chest and temples throbbed, visibly, as the pounding fear of public nakedness coursed through the boy's magnificent little body. Horrified, Kevin bent forward, sharply, and looked over at his brother, as he slid the skimpy garment over his smooth, hairless legs, and threw the little briefs aside. He remained partly bent over, and I knew why.

"Stand up, boy."

"Sir, I---"

"Stand up, Kevin," I said softly, with warm reassurance, "You're in good hands--there's nothing to be afraid of."

The younger brother smirked, faintly, but also had a look of horror, knowing his turn would probably come soon.

His face flushed and tight with anguish, Kevin released a high pitched moan as he straightened up, and stood, once again, at attention. With his deep blush and pitiful expression, it was clear the boy was humiliated, standing naked before us.

The shivering, whimpering boy's erection was magnificent. He had an exquisite, six inch circumcised penis. His hands went to cover it. My own erection strained in the jock, just looking at Kevin and his dark blush of extreme, pained self-consciousness.

"Put your arms down at your sides, Kevin," I commanded.

The trembling boy reluctantly complied. The lads hands journeyed, unsteadily away from their protective position--slowly uncovering the glory of his blooming pubescence.

Tears began to roll from his young, fear-filled eyes--tears from the poor lad's overwhelming embarrassment, at not only being naked, publicly, but naked with a full, throbbing hardon. There was no doubt that every one of Kevin's thoughts--indeed, his entire central nervous system--was focused on his rigid, thoughtless, aching penis, which betrayed him so cruelly.

I could feel the wetness in my jock.

"See the effect that demon has on my Kevin, ...making his cock all big like that," Kensington said, apparently to the air itself. Then, swiftly directing a cold stare at Shawn, he shouted, "You'll pay for this with your hide, you little devil!"

Shawn's eyes widened in panic.

--Danny Meyer, December 10, 2000

(end of chapter 7) -------------------------------------------------------------

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Thanks. --Danny Meyer

(In the next chapter, the Kensington Boy's processing is completed, John has his way with Jason, and the initiation continues.) ----------------------------------------------------------------- end of file

Next: Chapter 6

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