Boyz Brutal training School

By Danny Meyer (Of Blessed Memory)

Published on May 14, 2001


Archive;'Boyz Brutal Training School #11'{Danny Meyer}( MB, BB, slow, bd, sm, cbt, tort, anal, inc, twink )[]



A NEW DEVELOPMENT _________________________________________________________

by Danny Meyer

Copyright (C) May 12, 2001 by Danny Meyer. All rights reserved.

Please send comments to: Danny, at

all mail is private and confidential all comments are welcome

If you want a reply, please say so. I'll write back. If you don't say "Reply," I'll respect your privacy. _________________________________________________________

'PLEASE NOTE THE FAQ AND OTHER INFORMATION AT THE BOTTOM' _________________________________________________________


If it is not legal or ethical for you to read erotic stories, particularly of a gay or homosexual nature, please exercise your obligations as a responsible citizen and select suitable reading material. This story contains fictional graphic depictions of actions and tendencies considered extreme by many people.

This entire story is purely a fantasy, and is for entertainment purposes only--it is not a reflection of life. All readers are warned not to attempt to re-enact, or recreate any of the actions or incidents portrayed or implied in any of this story's contents or events, which are entirely unreal, fictitious, and potentially dangerous. The foregoing and subsequent text applies to all chapters and portions of this story--past, present, and future.

This fantasy was written for gay men and women. The orientation is gay male. Some bisexual men and women may also enjoy it, as well as some straight men and women, who are curious. If you like male to male sex and 'reasonably harsh' torture, read on.

This is a fictional story. None of this ever really happened. None of the people are real people. Most of the characters are in the 13 to 18 year-old age range. The story is all about sex and pain, with young adult men, mainly from age 24 to 28, and younger men (students) from age 13 to 22.

All of the action involves males in the age groups described-- in other words, exclusively gay activity. The cast is 100% male.

If you like, and you're allowed to read this, please read on. If not, please select a different story, and have a good day. No hatred or prejudice here. ___________________________________________________________

Although this fictional fantasy takes many liberties and harsh flights of the imagination in depicting the infliction of pain, out of respect for the human body and for the dignity of being, there is no organic or functional destruction. There is no scat, no unwashed persons, nor is there any violent forcing of sex used as a substitute for the more ethical S&M and BDSM, which involves the controlled application of pain and some formalised humiliation, as its chief disciplinary tools. ___________________________________________________________


***** CAST LIST FOR CHAPTER 11 ***** ____________________________________

CAST LIST - ALSO PROVIDES A FEW FACTS ABOUT THE STORY ___________________________________________________________

Gordon: (NARRATOR) - Owner and headmaster of the

training school

*John: A newly hired master at the school

Darryl and Timothy Harris: 18-year-old twins facing punishment

O'Malley, Rogers, and Forniky: 13 year-old boys - cute, notoriously naughty

little hellions

Jamie Darefield: 13-year-old friend and dorm-mate of the hellish trio

Tommy Fuller: Virgin 13-year-old

Richards: In charge of thirteen-year-olds and the

smaller of the fourteen-year-olds

Thomas: A Senior Master and Gordon's close friend

Debbins, Jenkins, and Michaels: Masters - ages 23 to 28 and participating in the

punishment of the Harris twins

*Troy: A senior student (21) - the school's electronics

and video specialist

*Jason: A student, 18 - highly aroused at the moment

because of the effects of an especially strong,

sexually-stimulating potion, called super-tea

(Jason: Ch. 4 - 7; upcoming chapters)

Other characters from previous chapters are not listed.

  • Not appearing in this chapter _________________________________________________________

CHAPTER ONE is a good basic introduction to the school.

CHAPTER NINE contains a note, "To the Reader," that gives additional information about the school. _________________________________________________________

SEE FREQUENTLY ANSWERED QUESTIONS (FAQ) AT BOTTOM OF FILE _________________________________________________________


I decided I had to have him in my mouth again while he was still screaming, and slowly impaled myself on him. The sensation in the mouth from vibrations of a very hard penis while its owner is screaming are indescribable. I continued for some time, delicately torturing the boy, with tongue and lips.

"You taste so good, Darryl. I felt your strong throbs in my mouth. You need to have your penis comforted and sucked, boy. Again and again."

I proceeded to engulf the hot, towering, adolescent erection-- sliding as I pressed my tongue deliciously against it. Darryl pounded his head, repeatedly, against the pole he was tied to; wrenched and twisted, in a vain attempt to escape from the inescapable pleasure that was now gruesome torture, for the lad.

"No. Not again. AhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!"

I wondered which was the more exquisite sensation for the poor boy--his colossal ache for orgasm, his fear of further touching, or the gut-wrenching pain of his tight, swollen scrotum.

I stepped back to look at the pair of them--Darryl moaning in agony, Tim writhing in arousal and frustration. What delectable boys! I began to ponder the next, more painful phases of punishment, for the twins. _______________________________________________________

(Chapter 11) - Harris Twins Punishment, (cont'd.)

A new development

Darryl's nuts had become so tight from the gruelling cock-teasing they were now extremely sore. I could see the ache was intense. Any more pain with no relief, and Darryl might withdraw, mentally, which would end the fun with him.

"OK, get him down to floor level. Master Thomas, ice his nuts. The lad is too hot. Some water for both of them too."

Hot wasn't the word. With all that Darryl was feeling, pain was a single item in the matrix of his current experience. Speaking about the pain would precipitate it in his mind, and make it more intense for him. It was better never to mention the actual suffering, and let it remain, diffused in his other thoughts.

The ice would relieve the swelling and the ache, if applied for short intervals. This was different from the pain-producing immersion of a boy's nuts in ice water for prolonged periods--the icy water totally surrounding the nutsack. Applying ice cubes in an ordinary manner could not simulate such an enveloping effect, and would help alleviate the lad's pain and discomfort.

As I thought about it, an uninformed observer would probably think us all mad--causing pain one moment and relieving it the next. It was the way of life, I mused. Everything goes in cycles of ups and downs.

Jenkins and Debbins lowered Darryl to the floor and removed the box he was standing on while I waited for Thomas to return with the ice.

"Thank you, Sir," Darryl said, in rough, breathy tones. "Sir, what about Timmy?--I mean, Timothy, sir."

Glancing over at the other twin, I could see Tim's nuts were as tight as Darryl's--and probably as sore.

"Master Michaels, tell Master Thomas we need ice for the other one, too."

"Yes, sir."

"As a matter of fact, take the boys inside to the break area, I'll join you there, momentarily."

I had another idea--another prelude before we would have the pleasure of seeing the twins engaged in sexual intercourse--their performance--more or less as they were when Thomas had caught them in the act, a short while ago.

While Michaels escorted the twins to the adjoining break area, I explained to the other masters present, Jenkins and Debbins, that I would be out of the room for a short while. I told them they were to look after things, and tidy up the place. I then went to the adjoining room, to tell Thomas and Michaels of my impending absence.

"Well, I see the boys are in good hands, gentlemen. I'm going to be out of the room for a short while, so give them a good break--perhaps a massage. We want them in tip-top shape for the next segment."

"Oh, thank you sir," was the dual remark from the twins.

Although I had nothing against giving the students pleasure, the massage I mentioned was not for the twins' enjoyment--it would actually invigorate them. At this point, no one knew what would comprise the next segment. I wasn't entirely certain, myself.

"I'm on my way to see Richards," I said to Thomas and Michaels. "I have an idea for our session."

Thomas wisely remained silent at this announcement, but Michaels raised an eyebrow.

"Sir!" Michaels said, "Isn't Richards in charge of the 13-year-old boys?"

"Yes. I just put him there recently, but he's very familiar with all of their cases and knows most of them quite thoroughly," I said, deliberately missing the point.

"Oh sir! You're not... thinking of--"

"Never mind what I'm thinking, Michaels," I said, grinning. "I'll be back as soon as I can."

In a few moments, I was walking down the hallway, headed for the nearest phone. I could have called from the punishment room, but I wanted to talk privately with Richards, so the others would remain in the dark, regarding my plan. Before walking the whole way over there, I had to check with Richards to see if there were any boys available, as the hour was late. I heard the click as Richards picked up the phone.

"Hello Richards. Are you still having your fun with the boys just out of isolation?"

"Hi, Gordon. Sorry to say, I'm behind schedule--I'm going to let them out, shortly. Truth be known, I'm tempted to wait until morning, sir."

Younger boys were often punished by putting them in isolation wearing chastity belts--right after a good cock-teasing, of course. This particular group of young ones had been in 'chastised isolation' for two weeks, and would be quite randy and rambunctious, by now.

"I'm glad to hear that, Richards. No, don't postpone anything. This works in with my plans, perfectly. Put the fear of God into them. Tell them I'll be there, and keep them standing at attention. Don't do anything else until I get there. I'm on my way."

"Great to hear, Gordon. Looking forward to it."

All was indeed well with the world. I was sufficiently excited that the walk to Dorm 13 was over before I knew it.

Upon arrival, I nodded to Richards, who returned the nod. I faced the line-up of over a dozen 13 and 14-year-olds. The few 14-year-old boys in this group were the decidedly timid, or less mature ones, who appeared to be age 12 or 13. Thus, this bunch was rightly referred to as the thirteen-year-old group.

With some taller exceptions, notably known as 'big boys,' this lot of 17 boys ranged in height from 4 foot 8 to about 5 foot 2* --all slender, with their striking cherubic faces looking quite frightened, and with their chastity tubes standing straight up.

  • 142 cm. to 157 cm. tall

The tubes of course, sometimes also called 'cups' were part of the chastity belt, and were a simple hollow tube with a large hole at the tip, and many smaller holes in it, fitted over the penis to prevent any sexual manipulation. A special arrangement of straps and a lock prevented the boy from removing the tube, or otherwise getting access to his penis. The holes were for urination and ventilation.

I could hardly wait to get the tubes off, and see the hard flesh, now hidden inside them. I wondered whether their apparent dread of me was based on a fear of added painful punishment to come, or fear of my extending their forced, sexual abstinence.

"I suppose, boys," I began, "that you've all learned your lesson?"

"Yes sir!" was the enthusiastic reply.

"I see. That is good," I said. "And I suppose you are all also horny?"

At this question, all of them began to get charmingly red-faced. Most of them looked down, in embarrassment, as if horny thirteen- year-old boys were a well-kept secret. They shuffled their feet a bit, while mumbling softly, "Yes, sir."

"I can't hear you, boys. Stand up straight, look me in the eye and speak clearly."

"Yes, sir," came the louder, clearer response.

I had the boys remain at attention while I took Richards out of earshot.

"How is the terrible trio doing these days, Richards? Where are they, anyway?"

"Oh, you mean O'Malley and sons."

"Ha! That's a new name for them, Richards. Yes-- O'Malley, Rogers and Forniky."

The three of them got into more trouble and did more mischief than any other ten boys, combined.

"O'Malley is definitely the ringleader, now. I didn't dare let them out of isolation until you got here," Richards said, mildly distressed. "You want to adopt them as roommates, or put them in the senior dormitory, Gordon?"

"That bad, eh?"

"Worse. If they weren't so damn cute and sexy I'd beat them, continually."

"I see. I'm afraid roommates are out of the question," I said, going along with Richards' half-serious joke. "Putting those three in the senior dorm would be risky business--I don't know who would get the worst of it--the senior boys or the three hellions."

"Yes, Gordon," Richards said, controlling his laughter, "they do have a reputation for torturing the poor seniors."

"And masters, too, from the sound of it. The horniest three boys on earth, if you ask me. They haven't done anything damaging, have they?"

"No, nothing that I could whip them for, unfortunately."

Whipping was forbidden as too harsh for thirteen-year-olds, generally, but doing damage to property or to another boy was grounds for more serious disciplinary action, including whipping --although a good strapping could be equally painful, and far less damaging, of course.

"Glad to hear that, Richards. Let them out while I run to the restroom.* Put them in wrist manacles, first. Oh, and give all 17 of them a dose of our tea--double for the three hellions."

  • toilet

"OK, Gordon."

I took a good pee, and got quite an erection just thinking about my three favourite boys.

Soon I was facing them--the three cutest, most horny and devilish little boys I have ever had the pleasure of dealing with, playing with--or punishing.

They were quite small, about 5 feet* tall, wiry thin, half- smirking most of the time, and looked charming with their flat, smooth chests, hairless bodies, and chastity cups throbbing, pointing upwards--betraying their anxious little erections. In short, I adored them, and they knew it--although I played it very tough with them, and they played back--feigning diligence, fear, or strict obedience, as appropriate. It was all fun and games with me in this unique kinship with the impish trio--except for punishments and training sessions.

  • about 152 cm. tall

The fact that Richards had manacled their wrists was enchanting enough. Particularly enticing was the fact that he had also chained them together at the waist, so there was less free motion available to them.

O'Malley had medium-light reddish-brown hair, satanic-looking, devious green eyes, and was the most mature of the three, all around. He possessed a solid-looking erect penis, stretching not quite a full 4 inches,* cut, but enormously thick, for his age. O'Malley definitely deserved his post as leader of the three for his intelligence, cunning manner, assertiveness, and speaking ability. With his thicker penis, O'Malley was popular, as a top, with the younger crowd.

  • 10 cm.

Rogers was the blonde of the gangly group, with an angelic face and that smooth golden skin so many blondes are blessed with. He was truly beautiful. Rogers effectively gave the illusion of being a much quieter boy than he actually was. He was slightly smaller than O'Malley but had the largest penis of the trio, poking out hard at about 4 and 3/4 inches,* cut. Rogers was easily the most sexually excitable of the three, and more than the others, could be found fucking the nearest willing boy if left unguarded for more then two minutes.

  • 12 cm.

Forniky, the smallest and least mature of this notorious little 13-year-old trio, had striking dark brown hair, a slightly lighter version of Mediterranean-coloured skin, and piercing, brown eyes, which gave him a serious, mature look for his small size--a total deception. Forniky was, by far, the most rowdy and rambunctious of the three, and the only one not yet capable of ejaculating. He was uncircumcised.

Forniky's beautiful, uncut erection measured scarcely 3 inches,* and his pert, tiny, alert nipples and cute, little-boy looks were unmatched, in the entire student population. When erect, his foreskin was capable of being retracted over the thick head of his diminutive penis, but only with the application of considerable force, and with great pain--a fact I had used to my advantage, in the past.

  • 7.5 cm.

It was time to address this trio of terror.

"Well, boys," I intoned, sharply, "I see you're in trouble, AGAIN. Luckily you're chained together, how marvellous. But I understand you've been bad, the three of you."

"Yes, sir," they said, in sheepish tones, trying their best to sound contrite when contrition was the last thing on their minds.

"I think I'll leave you three tied together and save you until last."

O'Malley's eyes widened, perceptibly. His alert, quick-thinking mind had figured out there was something bad, brewing, for the three of them, and it wasn't more tea.

"Master Richards, we'll take off all the chastity belts now, except for these three rascals."

"Yes, Master Gordon."

You could hear 14 thin, boyish voices cheer quietly at this news.

Removing the chastity tubes from their petrified dicks was one of the most arousing activities I had ever performed. Unusually large rivers of pre-cum adorned their groins, so much so that I took Richards aside to question him.

"What have you done to the poor lads?" I asked, in mock indignation.

"The pre-cum? Yes! The senior lads got their revenge. A large group of them came five, six times a day, every day, and sucked the little darlings to the point of orgasm many times. Nearly drove the boys mad. Of course that meant removing the chastity belts, temporarily, so I supervised, closely"

"Splendid, Richards. Little boys who've been cock teased to death and denied orgasm for two weeks. Good job, mate!"

"Thank you, sir."

I could hear the plaintive breath of sexual frustration and anxiety, as we removed the remaining chastity devices.

"All right, boys, line up," I commanded, and proceeded to inspect them all--tugging sensuously on each tight little erection.

I grouped the fourteen, un-manacled boys into seven pairs, making sure each pair consisted of boys of unequal height.

"Face your partner," I said. "I think you all need a little more penile stimulation. Your erections look like they're drooping."

Of course, that was a lie, but now they knew what I was up to.

"The taller of the pair kneels first," I continued, "and sucks his partner's penis until he gives the warning signal that he is close to climax. Then, the standing partner kneels and returns the favour. If one of you cums, I'll strap the lot of you, publicly, at noon, daily, until further notice."

The penalty would assure there would be no 'accidental' orgasms.

The sounds of mouths slurping on wet cocks was soon overcome by the boys' sensual, distressed moans.

I spotted a pair that switched positions ten seconds after the sucking had begun. I walked over to them, angrily.

"You, there! What do you think you're doing? You've given the warning signal in less than ten seconds. As far as I'm concerned, that's cheating. I'll have to make an example of you. Mr. Partner, on all fours. Mr. Cheater, bend over your partner's body."

Out came the dreaded, slotted aluminium paddle.

"Whack! Whackk! Whacckk!! WHACK!! WWHHAACKKKKKK!!!"

I repeated this sequence five times.

The boy's high-pitched screams of pain were astounding. Equally titillating were the turned heads of all the standing partners, and the fearful, raised eyeballs of the kneeling boys fortunate enough to be facing the right direction to get a look at this arousing exhibit, as the sucking continued throughout the brutal, well-paced paddling.

Then I made the howling boy turn over, so he was bent, backwards over his shaken partner, making his penis highly prominent and accessible. Of course, it was hard and flat, against his abdomen, with its underside staring me in the face. I took a specially made, thin, flat bamboo stick and slapped it down, mightily on the boy's erection. This, of course, knocked the wind out of him long enough to delay his fierce, agonising screams. Three excruciating applications of the bamboo were sufficient to make my point--in spite of the fact that the redness and pain would soon disappear. The onlookers gulped, in horror, and an air of diligence settled over the room.

"Carry on boys, and no more cheating."

Richards and I kept watching the boys while we talked, out of earshot. Richards informed me that Jamie Darefield was scheduled to top for his first virgin fuck--a process by which some younger virgins were deflowered, semi-privately, and by a relatively inexperienced boy of their own age--Jamie, in this case.

Making a pubic spectacle of a boy's first introduction to having a penis inside him was too traumatic for most 13-year-olds. Jamie was emotionally sensitive, and a kind, though relatively inexperienced top--making him perfect for this occasion.

Of course, besides the main event being the deflowering of a virgin boy, the point was that Jamie had never been with a virgin, and the stress of the new experience always proved interesting for a young top boy--especially since he was told that if he hurt his virgin partner excessively, his body would be at the mercy of the senior boys' dormitory for a night or more.

"We'll have Jamie do it now," I said to Richards. "I'll work it in."

I could see the sucking was over, and it was time to move on.

"Boys! Stay in pairs. Over to this table and line up!"

Of course, they all knew what that meant. Richards handed me the cane.

"Hold your partner's wrists firmly at one end of the table, and I'll take care of him at the other end."

The next 15 minutes were filled with the sounds of the 'whip, whip, whip' of the cane, accompanied by horrendous screams from heads that raised up, sharply with each flesh-searing blow of the thin, flexible instrument. The explosive impact was monumentally painful, and I aimed carefully, giving each boy 12 intensely powerful strokes. Nice, parallel red lines quickly adorned each boy's formerly pristine spheres. I 'accidentally' missed on the last few shots, smacking below the buttocks on the very sensitive area at the top of each boy's legs--to the sounds of wailing, high-pitched, blood-curdling, screams, of course. When all had had their turn, the boys looked charming--wandering about, half- dazed, looking quite abashed and rubbing their sore buttocks.

"All right, boys. Line up again. I hear there is a virgin among you who is to be deflowered, tonight, by Jamie Darefield." Jamie was already beside me. "Will the virgin come forward."

One strikingly cute and tiny blonde little boy stepped forward, Tommy Fuller. Looking at the lad's thin build, the name was hardly appropriate, and he seemed an unlikely candidate for a deflowering, but this inaugural penetration was voluntary.

I had Tommy climb down to a low, well-padded 'treatment table' and on to his back. Richards came forward with the necessary supplies, and I personally lubricated Jaime's penis and Tommy's fiery, waiting hole--which was quivering from the lad's nervous trembling.

I heard the motors of the overhead cameras whirring, softly-- positioning themselves for a good view of the scene to come.

"All right, lad," I said to Jamie, "get down there on top of him and have him put his legs on your shoulders. I assume you can do the rest?"

"Oh, yes, sir," Jamie gasped, his heartbeat almost audible.

"Well begin, then, boy!"

It was heart-warming to watch as the top boy--fully as nervous as the bottom--tried to find a way to guide his penis to the hole that would receive such a thing for the first time.

Tommy's eyes sought Jamie's, as if silently asking if everything would be all right, and Jamie's return gaze bore no intelligent reply--other than the fearfulness and insecurity that seemed a duplicate of Tommy's apparent sate. The virgin bottom had the additional fear of the unknown, of course.

As we watched the immature couple, Jamie was in a sort of push-up position, shifting his weight awkwardly, trying to achieve a balance so he could free his right hand to guide his taut penis to its target.

After abandoning that position, Jamie knelt in a sort of crouch, and tilted his head to look down at his little dick as he tried to centre it over Tommy's virgin hole. He slid his stone-like erection around, clumsily, trying to find the hole--inadvertently torturing the poor, tense bottom, who jerked and jolted, sensually each time the head of Jamie's penis flicked across Tommy's tight little opening--with Tommy getting such pangs of pleasure from the process, one would think it was the head of the boy's penis, rather than his anus, that was being so stimulated.

When the tip of Jamie's organ finally settled into the small, ribbed ring that was his target, he looked up at Tommy with a stare of startled anticipation coupled with fear that reinforced their locked gaze--as if he were quite proud that his penis had managed to find the right spot, and suddenly mortified that it was time to begin and prove himself as a top--without mangling the little lad--with everyone watching, of course.

With Jamie looking up at Tommy, we could see the boys' priceless facial expressions--and the tip of Jamie's penis poised for a journey that his partner would experience for the first time.

Laser-guided cameras showed a close-up of the two organs about to be united. A second view showed the lads' faces and precious expressions.

The moment Jamie applied a little pressure with his cock, Tommy shut his eyes tightly. His mouth dropped open and he took a breath--that enviable new breath of sex and fear combined; of unbearable youthful excitement and discovery--that once in a lifetime experience, exhilarating beyond measure. Their eyes locked more fiercely together, and Jamie--half questioning his bottom as if hesitant to begin, and half-delirious with his aching sexual need--shivered, enticingly as he pressed more insistently against the stiff, unyielding flesh. Tommy's eyes opened momentarily, but they soon lost their tension and he closed them again--his guardian muscular ring yet un-violated.

Tommy had refused manual stretching--a customary process the top normally performed with greased fingers--gradually loosening the tight hole prior to entry, making penetration easier, of course. Tommy had insisted he wanted it to hurt if it was going to hurt, and nothing was to go inside him that would precede the intended organ. He was a strong, brave little boy--swooning dreamily, and half-intoxicated with admirable, youthful idealism.

The next second changed Tommy's reticence when Jamie's insistent pressure slid the first half inch of his hardness into the hole that anticipated it. Tommy gasped, bit his lip and tried not to cry out. But as the corona of Jamie's thick head progressed to the centre of the anal ring and stopped, it stretched Tommy to the maximum, and the boy shouted, energetically, in pain.

"Do the kind thing, Jamie," I prompted. "Pop the head in for the poor boy, and relieve his pain."

With a quick thrust of his young hips, Jamie complied, and the "Ahhhhh," emitted by Tommy was ambiguous as to whether pain or pleasure was its source. I could tell Jamie was a bit unsure, at this point, and he turned to me.

"Sir, I--"

"Just slide in gently, boy."

And he did.

The audience of their pre-pubescent fellows was spellbound and awash in pre-cum. Presently, Jamie moaned in ecstasy and Tommy thrashed about--awash himself in waves of intense, overwhelming new sensations in the half-unconscious process of drawing the top into himself and responding passionately to the success of his effort--welcoming each thrust of the advancing intruder.

Later, in the normal sequence of events, after a younger bottom was well broken in, he would eventually have plenty of opportunity to engage in less considerate incidents of intercourse.

It was these seventeen boys' first few moments of freedom after their two weeks' isolation--and out of the chastity belts, for most of them.

Save three, I had caned them all--each with the full assembly of the others watching while their comrade took the beating-- shouting such kind and encouraging comments as, "Give it to him!" "Yeah, beat his butt!" "Harder!"--as those magnanimous and noble creatures we call 'little boys' are wont to do.

Now, with their back ends still freshly striped, I gave them 'free for all' time, to see what activities they would engage in. For starters, I told the boys to join Jamie and Tommy--to encourage them and cheer them on. Of course, my favourite three were permitted only to stand and watch--cocks dripping in sensual envy.

Boy upon boy, of this healthy little thirteen-year-old pack, added himself to the cluster--pile of people, I should say--a quivering heap of lustful flesh.

At first, they embraced and encouraged Jamie--who was quite tense about fucking his first virgin, though that didn't affect his raging erection; to say nothing of the virgin's fear, which intensified with the sudden presence of the mass of humanity that had joined in. Tommy got his share of attention and support-- what little of it got through to his semi-delirious consciousness at the time.

It didn't take long before Jamie's orderly cheering section had become, except for the virginal couple, a jumble of jarring, boisterous boy flesh--unbearably horny, and rolling, pushing together, pulling apart--shifting position and squirming about, until it was not wise to try to determine whose dick was in whom or what orifice; who was top, who was bottom; who was screaming and squealing in the joy and agony of his first 'big-boy' fuck, and which big boy was groaning with his first orgasm in two weeks--inside a tight, less-experienced little lad.

Like Salmon swimming mightily upstream and momentarily getting nowhere, the lump of boys kicked and thumped and squirmed and slapped and screamed--going nowhere but frantically inside each other.

In the midst of this were the shouts of unprecedented ecstasy as Jamie shot his young semen into his partner, and Tommy yelled and screamed from the unexpected tidal wave of inexorable pleasure.

The sights and scents--of every conceivable part of this collection of young, determined bodies, and of the sounds of their youthful grunts and groans, enhanced by occasional applications of the cane--were stunningly erotic, surpassing any moment in recent memory. It seemed they were all cumming at once now--some for the second time.

I broke up the group and lined them up, to observe the next event. It was time to attend to my three special hellions.

"O'Malley, Rogers, Forniky, come up to the table."

Without explanation, I bent the trio--still chained together-- over the fine wooden table, and called for a thicker cane. I had six other boys hold their wrists down firmly, so there would be no funny business. I aimed carefully so each stroke would land painfully across all three perfectly hairless pairs of buttocks.

"Whap! Whapp! WHAP! WWHAPPP! WWWHHHAAPPP!" The thicker cane made a more deadly sound than its flexible, thinner, more boy-friendly cousin. Fifteen strokes in all--and their screams were breath-taking.

There was something overwhelmingly arousing about hearing three distinctly different young voices, shouting and screaming, simultaneously with each eye-opening sting of the cane; watching the red stripes develop, angrily on their hairless mounds of flesh--tantalisingly tight and begging to be punished--and knowing that for all their complaint of pain on their otherwise useless rear ends, they would all proudly compare stripes, in the morning, bragging about who had the most vicious-looking ones.

I left their chastity tubes on and spared their cocks, presently, but aimed a few cautious blows to their tight little nuts--amidst anguished shouts of agony. The room was thick with the screams and smells of the boys and the invariably aroused onlookers.

I spoke to them in soft, sincere tones, bending over the spot where their sweating, breathless forms were still draped--their spent upper bodies forming three anomalous lumps on the tabletop, like left-over mashed potatoes.

"Did that hurt boys?"

"Yes, sir."

"Really badly?"

"That was the baddest, sir," O'Malley said, confidently.

"Do you lads want to take out your revenge on some senior boys, maybe?"

The trio assented immediately, and with great enthusiasm.

"I think that can be arranged, lads."

I counted my plan a success. The fate of Darryl and Timothy Harris was now in the hands of three, unpredictable, notorious little boys.

--Danny Meyer, May 12, 2001

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If you want more, kindly write to me at the address, below. It helps me to write a more interesting chapter if you also tell me some of your preferences.

Write to Danny, at this address: If you want a reply, read below.

If you'd like me to REPLY, mark your email, "Reply--yes," or some other clear wording requesting a response.

I don't use group mail, so my reply will be personal, to you.

If you don't get a reply, it is because you forgot to tell me you wanted one, or those 'rare' occasions when email disappears in cyberspace.

If you've written before, thank you. Let me hear from you again.

FAQ: (Frequently Asked Questions) ---------------------------------- Q: Do you have any other stories out? A: No. So far, this is my only story.

Q: I go to the Author Listing and I don't find you there. Why? A: That listing is for authors who have written lots of stories,

only. It is not a complete list of authors.

Q: Is your story on other sites? A: Yes, I've been told. I don't know the site names, or URLs,

and I'm not sure how to get that information.

Q: Can you send me a chapter or part of a chapter? A: No. You must access the story through sites such as Nifty.

Q: Do you get paid or other compensation for writing this? A: No. Emails sent by the readers are rewarding, however. The

emails are the only reward or acknowledgement I get, other

than an email from Nifty, saying that the latest chapter was

added to my story.

Q: Do you get feedback on how often your story gets read,

--reports, or anything like that? A: That would be nice, but no. The emails from readers

are the only feedback, and the best feedback.

Q: How long does it take you to write a chapter? A: About one to two hours per K. This chapter is 27 K--

counting only actual STORY TEXT. The initial writing

is about 1/3 of that time. 2/3 is editing.

Q: I use WEB-TV and can't get to the stories, anymore. A: You must be reading this on a friend's computer, then. I've

been told that the recent (February?) WEB-TV upgrade is the

culprit. I've seen it said that downgrading to the previous

version of WEB-TV will allow you access. Nifty Archive has a

notice about this on their front page.

Thanks. --Danny Meyer END OF CHAPTER 11 --- end of file

Next: Chapter 10

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