Brandons Bosses

By Robert Louis / Robert Halstead

Published on Feb 28, 2023


THE ALEX SERIES, BOOK 3: "Brandon's Bosses"



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Chapter 35. Class, the curious haiku-writer, chicken soup and a bordello.

(No sex in this chapter, but a lot of talk about getting whipped. just so you know to go somewhere else if you just want to get off.)

Class is quite interesting. Professor Eleanor Luchess is in her early sixties, a pleasant, cheerful woman with a British accent. Before going into the course material she explains that although this course is officially presented as a poetry course, the purpose of the course is not to get them to write poetry, but rather to help get them to understand more deeply and more personally the vocation to be a writer, whether they be writing epic poems or novels or essays or even copy for the fashion pages of a newspaper.

After saying this, She presents them with a great deal of background information and sets the stage for Rilke's letters and then gives them time to ponder one brief quotation for the letter and do some writing in their journals about their reactions before time is given for a discussion among the seven students who are in the class, who are each encouraged to share as much personal information about themselves they are comfortable to share at the very beginning of the discussion. Here is the passage:

"Nobody can advise you and help you, nobody. There is only one single means. Go inside yourself. Discover the motive that bids you write; examine whether it sends its roots down to the deepest places of your heart, confess to yourself whether you would have to die if writing were denied you. This before all: ask yourself in the quietest hour of your night: must I write? Dig down into yourself for a deep answer."

And so they are sent off for time for reflection and writing.

During his private time, Brandon is not sure how much of himself he wants to share with the others, all students in the college in various years. He is the only freshman. But rather then prepare an introduction, he decides to toy around with the passage for a while and turn it from the question of writing (after all, he is sure he must write!), to the question of his identity as a slave. And so in his notebook he rewrites the passage:

Go inside yourself. Imagine you are locked into the cage in Steven's room and can do nothing other than think. Go inside yourself. Discover the motive that bids you be the slave you are. Does it send its roots down to the deepest places of your heart? Yes, it surely does. All the way down. All the way inside me. All the way back to my time with my father, and how I always wanted to do anything I could possibly do so that he would be happy and comfortable when he was home from work. We never spoke about it, but I would often imagine that I was his slave. Obviously I was too young to think sexually at first, and that got taken care of anyway by Gary, but I started off thinking I was my fathers' slave and by the time I was ten years old I was thinking of myself as Gary's slave. Damn! I never admitted this before, but it was always true. Would I die if I couldn't be a slave? That would be impossible. No matter where I ever end up in life, I will be a slave. I will find someone or something to obey. I will find ways to get pain. Maybe at gym where a lot of men go to torture themselves for what they think is a good cause. Maybe I will go to work at a menial job for a nasty boss. Somehow, I'm going to always be a slave. This can't be taken away from me. How can you take something away from a man who has nothing to begin with?

If it hadn't been Gary, it would have been someone else. Maybe the biggest bully in the class. Or maybe something or someone else, but I'd find a way. I am meant to be ruled by someone else. I am meant to obey someone else. I am meant to be punished by some awesome guy who does it to help me learn lessons and keep me in line.

If I weren't a slave I would die. Just as if I couldn't write I'd go crazy. I have to get words down on paper, no matter what they are. And maybe when I grow up, I'll get to write novels about Masters who know how to Masters and slaves who need to be trained by them.

Finally, it's time for the discussion which begins with personal sharing. The first person to speak is a girl named Donna who just happens to be a Lesbian and who talks about how she writes a love letter to her girlfriend almost every day and the girlfriend says she has a lot of talent so she decided to pursue it more with the girlfriend's support.

"This is great," Brandon thinks. "I can come out too."

The next person to talk is a guy named Horace who's a senior who doesn't know what he wants to do with his life, but who does know that he absolutely has to write and who has notebooks full of poems he's been writing since he was a little kid. He figured that he should take a course about it before he graduates. And oh, he says, I'm straight but very cool with anyone who isn't.

And so on. Finally when it gets to Brandon he tells the class that he's gay and is also what is known as a submissive. He's always enjoyed writing and almost always managed to make time for it. Not usually poetry, but a lot of stuff about relationships. He has a partner who is dominant and whom he calls Master (Steven) and the "Master" ordered him to take the course and he's very interested in seeing what develops here.

The discussion is a lot of fun, and 5 of the people in the class shared some very serious thoughts. Needless to say, however, Brandon was the only one who had written about anything sexual. He realizes he's come a long way. He openly shares stuff with these relative strangers that he never could share with anyone when he was still in high school.

After class is over, one of the guys in the class, an Asian named Ho who loves to write haiku (stereotypical), invites him to go to the cafeteria together for lunch. He says he has a lot of questions about what Brandon shared in the class. Brandon, not afraid to be out about things, calls the Masters' number and gets Kelton. "Master," he says, "one of my classmates has invited me to have lunch with him after class. May I do it?"

"Yes," says Kelton, but please find a way to let him know that you are a slave and that you are owned. Do I make myself clear?" "Yes, Master, thank you, and I will do that. In fact, I already am doing so because I'm making this phone call right in front of him." And with that call completed, He and Ho head off to the caf. On the way, Ho asks a blunt question: "so you're a slave, you say. do you ever get whipped?" What a way to start a conversation!!!! "This is going to be rich," Brandon says to himself.

They get their food and find a quiet table in a corner. Brandon waits for Ho to explain why he asked what he did.

"Do you know much about the Bible?" Ho asks. "Yes, quite a bit in fact. I was raised Catholic but now I'm protestant. Couldn't take all the guilt laid on us gay people by the Catholic Church. My Mom pulled me out of there right after I came out to her when I was in high school."

"I hope you weren't insulted when I asked you about getting whipped. I mean you said you were a submissive, so I just assumed."

"Not at all. It kind of surprised me. I don't think anyone ever asked me about that before, but I try to be transparent as much as possible. So yes, I do get whipped sometimes and also spanked, paddled, flogged; you name it. Sometimes just because a Dom or Master wants it; other times because they decide I deserve to be punished."

"And you enjoy it?"

"Hell, Ho, I'm a masochist, after all. You understand what that is?"

"Someone who gets off on pain, right?"

"Right. So yes, I do enjoy it depending on the skill of the one doing it to me. What I get off on the most, however, is simply the idea that I am someone who my superiors have the right to do it to me just for their own fun or as a means of behavior modification."

"How behavior modification?"

"Well, one of the things the first guy ever to do it to me explained was that as my Master, he would use corporal punishment as a way to control my behavior. If I did something He didn't like or didn't want me to do, he would punish me and then I wouldn't do it any more for fear of receiving a more severe punishment. And sometimes he would warn me that if I did such and such, I'd be punished and so he also controlled me that way."

"Interesting. I never thought of that as a possibility."

"You never got spanked as a kid growing up?"

"Oh no, not at all. My parents coddled me a lot. I was a spoiled brat, to tell the truth. Occasionally, they would raise their voices at me, and that was enough for that behavior modification you mentioned."

"Well, I never got spanked by my parents either, but for some reason I fixated on it when I was young and then the stuff I would read in the Bible started me thinking more and more about it until finally I realized it was something I wanted to have happen to me."

"Interesting you should say that because that was exactly where I was going. There's a lot in the Bible about that. You know, "spare the rod and spoil the child." And I know that the Bible condones slavery in both the Old and New Testaments, and there is even something in Exodus that says that if a Master beats a slave and the slave recovers in a couple days, then that's fine. And even Jesus says something about slaves being beaten. And, of course, Jesus was scourged and the apostles got whipped a lot by even the Jews. All of this really got my attention. Now mind you, I'm not interested in doing it or having it done to me, but still it fascinates me for some weird reason I don't understand."

"You're not the only one, Ho. In fact, I'm aware of some of those passages, and I even used to fantasize about the Hebrew slaves being beaten while there were building the pyramids, and also about when Joseph was sold into slavery when he was just a teenager. I often wondered whether or not he got raped and whether or not he was whipped when he was a slave. For me, all these things were turn-ons and all things I was as part of my life."

"Interesting. Do you think reading the Bible was one of the reasons you've turned out the way you are, and that you're living as a BDSM slave----which, of course, is very different from the kind of slavery in the Bible or the terrible lives of the black slaves in this country before the civil war."

"Ho, Saint Paul writes a lot about how he was flogged and beaten and wounded along with other Christians in the Roman prisons and even in the synagogues, and how they all rejoiced that they were able to suffer. In fact, Paul gives me the idea that he actually found it pleasurable to be beaten, as he says, for the sake of Christ."

"do you find it pleasurable to be beaten yourself?" asks Ho.

"Sometimes, but depending on who is doing it and the circumstances. But there have been times when I've been spanked or even whipped when I seem to cross a line at a certain point and it seems like each lash I receive is like a gently kiss of pleasure. So go figure."

"Is it ever just plain awful?"

"Once in a while. My ex-Master once whipped me so bad that I just up and left him."

"Wow. Must have been awful that time."

"Yeah. But mostly, when a Dom or Master spanks or whips me I feel humbled, and I get off on the humiliation. Kind of sick, isn't it?"

"Hey, you are who you are. But like I say, I have this fascination, and I've even looked at porn where guys or girls were getting thrashed, but it doesn't really turn me on, and I know for a fact that a lot of that is acted out and that even when the person being beaten is crying out or screaming that it's all an act."

"True. I guess some build up pain threshholds to the point where they can really take a lot. But I don't look at that kind of stuff. I live the real thing, so why look at pretend things."

"Well thanks a lot for being up front with me about this. Now I have a strange request, and it's perfectly okay if you aren't willing to go along with it."

"What are you asking about?"

"I'm just wondering if it would be okay with you if I could be there to actually watch, one of the times when you're worked over. Perfectly okay if you say no."

"Ho, to tell the truth, it turns me on when someone watches it happen to me, so my answer is yes. Of course that depends on the circumstances and also if I have a Master's permission, but I'll keep it in mind and let you know if an opportunity comes up."

"Really? that would be awesome!"

"Great. But one thing: please don't bring any of this up to other people, especially not in class."

"No problem, Brandon."

And with that, they go their separate ways.

Brandon enjoys his free afternoon. He reads the entire Rilke book once again and by nightfall he finds himself back at Andrew's house where Andrew has him strip down and then touches up places where he's begun to grow a bit of hair again, so Andrew can enjoy the sight and feel of his "smooth little boy." to tell the truth, he loves being coddled by Andrew, so this is really a treat. Especially when Andrew dresses him in a bib and fits him on his lap and feeds him some nice chicken soup like he's a little baby. Of course, this is all a prelude to knowing that Gavin will soon be over and then he'll go from being a baby to being a whipping boy all over again. The contrast between the two is enormous, and Brandon loves the variety. Nonetheless, Brandon is beginning to wonder why it's Andrew's place that has the playroom and not Gavin's. But actually, he's never been to Gavin's yet. It's always this way.

So anyway, Brandon's had just about all he can handle about being coddled, so he's relieved to hear the knock on the door and then Gavin coming in. "Hey, hotstuff!" Gavin says to Brandon. "Hey, bully!" answers Brandon.

Andrew releases him to go with Gavin and as soon as they get into the playroom Gavin runs his hands all over the slave's body checking things out and inspecting the marks that are left over from last night, mainly those from the light cane one of them used on him. Then he sticks on thumb in the slave's mouth and toys with a nipple with the other hand and notices how quickly it seems to be painful enough to cause a reaction in the slave.

"You had a really rough workout last night, didn't you, slave?"

"Yes, Master. One of the roughest."

"I know. Steven told me all about it today. Patrick told him all about it. He and Steven are friends, so Patrick knows what the score is between you and Steven's friends."

"Really? He knows that? Damn! He never let on to me that he knows all about that."

Gavin reacts quickly, slapping the slave right across the face. "Don't forget what you are, slave! Why the hell would Patrick have any concern about you knowing that? Masters do not have to be transparent, slave. Only your type do. Or else." He follows that with a couple more slaps, and then he takes a little paddle and uses it on the slave's balls, building up the severity as he goes along until the slave has bent its knees and is begging for it to stop while yelping and half-crying.

Finally, Gavin puts the paddle down. "You really need to be put back down where you belong, Brandon. I'm not sure what's going on but I have a good sense of what you need from me tonight. You can always count on me to give you what I know you need when I want access to you. Get that, boy?"

"Yes, Master."

Gavin rubs his chin. "Hmmm, let's see. . . . oh fuck! that's it! (he's speaking to himself). "Get over here on your knees, slave, right touching my jeans." Once the slave is in place, Gavin opens his pants, pulls them down a bit and waves his cock at the slave. "In your mouth, slave. I'll piss now so we can get off on the right foot. Don't spill any, pig!" And quickly a heavy flow of piss is loaded into the slave's mouth who is more shocked than anything else; all this so soon? "So that's what I'm worth," he says to himself as he's gulping down the contents of Gavin's bladder. He hopes it won't clash with the chicken soup.''

Once he's done and the slave has cleaned out his dick, Gavin pulls his pants up a little and goes to sit down. He points to the ground in front of him and the slave crawls right over and kneels up again. "Get my boots off, and my socks," he orders, and the slave goes about obeying and soon has Gavin wiggling his toes in front of its eyes. "Come on, stupid. Do I have to tell you step by step what to do to show me what a fucking slave you are?" "No, Master. Sorry, Master," Brandon says, leaning in towards Gavin's foot. "Wait!" says Gavin. "Go crawl over to the table with all the stuff on it and get me the thinnest cane you can find there. Bring it back here between your teeth, slave. Be quick about it. Go!"

Brandon remembers the startling sharp sting of the cane used on him last night. This one doesn't seem to be any bigger. Oh, no! He brings it back to Gavin and Gavin takes it from his mouth. "You gonna be a good boy for me tonight or are you gonna be an idiot?"

"I'll be you're good boy, Master. I promise."

"Well get back down on those toes, slave. Suck and lick and clean the way you were trained by your former Master. The Master is gone, but the skills remain. Show me! Show me what you are! You know, slave, if you belonged to me I finally figured out what I would do with you to help you learn real fast."

"May I ask what, Master?"

"No need. I'll tell you. I'd rent you to a bordello for about a month. By the time that month was over you'd be willing to do anything to get back to me."

"It's that bad?"

"Not necessarily. But basically, you'd just be a slave to every dude who took a shining to you. And a lot of them are old and gross. And the younger they are, the more brutal they can be. Yeah, two or three tricks a night every night? That would quickly increase your skills as a no limits slave."

He's saying all this while the slave is worshipping his feet, and his words are a real incentive for this slave to be such a good boy for him that he wouldn't want to be away from him for that long. Besides, Brandon has a sweet spot for Gavin even since he met him. And he loves the way Gavin plays with his head just as a way of entertaining him in a strange sort of way.

Finally, Gavin is satisfied with the slave's service and places him standing in the middle of the room with his arms bound to each opposite wall and does the same to the slave's feet setting them a good distance apart as well.

"I know you had a hard night last night so I'm just gonna use this cane on you for a while until I get a good reaction and then I'm gonna fuck you while you're still bound the way you are. Then it will be early to bed for you. I'll drive you home. Then you can jerk off while my cum is still up your ass."

"Can't any more, Gavin. Master Steven told me this morning that from now on, he's in control of when I get to do that."

"Ah, I see. The noose tightens around your neck, boy. It was only a matter of time. Well, I'm still gonna beat you a while then take my pleasure up your ass."

He doesn't waste any time, but carefully places each stroke in select places and even though it hardly produces any visible marks, it still stings like the dickens and soon the slave is dancing as best it can, pulling on the ropes that are binding him. Before long there are tears, then whimpers and cries, and finally after Gavin lays 5 quick strokes at the bottom of the slave's ass, it begins sobbing. Gavin stops and leans against the wall, and faces the slave while he watches it as it slowly stops sobbing and begins to calm down. Brandon is thinking that Gavin just took a page from Patrick's playbook, because this is what they did to him last night and it's really the most humiliating things he's ever experienced, being watched while reduced to tears and sobbing, waiting for it all to calm down.

Finally, Gavin gets up and takes a tub of lube and sticks his fingers up the slave's butt to open it for his cock. Before long, he's roughly fucking the slave and telling it that he's going to tell Master Steven about the bordello idea. "But then again," he says, huffing as he fucks the daylights out of the slave, "with five Masters it's almost like you're already a bordello slave." And he laughs his head off just as he finally shoots his load up the slave's ass. As soon as he withdraws he shoves a plug up its ass so that nothing leaks out, then dresses the slave in some kind of skirt-like garment that only extends to halfway down its thigh. He forces the slave to follow him out into the street dressed like that. He drives it home and then comes in with Brandon because he has more pissing to do. And that's how their time together begins and ends, and Brandon doesn't think he could possibly feel more used and humiliated then by this guy who at other times is just a his good friend. Wow! Things can change so quickly.

Next: Chapter 36

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