Brent Meets Don

By moc.loa@potgnipor

Published on Nov 6, 2021


Brent woke up and found he couldn't move his arms. His hands were tied behind his back. He could see in front of him: his ankles were also bound, and his legs were across the coffee table in his living room. He could also see the complex intersection of straps across his t shirt. He tried to say something and felt the leather gag in his mouth. "OH MY FUCKING HEAD," he thought. "Am I hungover, or... drugged, or... what?"

He remembered MOST of the night. He had come home from working in the city. His wife, Louise, was heading out to visit her mother. She was taking the kids with her. As she kissed him goodbye, she teased "Stay out of trouble Brent. It's only two weeks." Brent had laughed. "Don't worry hon. I know about alimony. " She gave him a look. They had been high school sweethearts, and had married after they finished college. They had been together ten years. Brent had "looked" but "hadn't touched," even when he was on business trips, and the ladies who worked the hotel lobbies had approached him. He never thought that another man might be checking him out. Until tonight. It was Friday. With Louise and the kids gone, he was looking for some kind of companionship besides the tv. "Friday night tv sucks anyway," he said to no one in the house. He took off his dress shirt, changed into jeans, put on his distressed leather jacket, and headed out to the bar where he would go every now and then to have a beer, or maybe two. "If it's too nuts, I'll just turn around," he thought. Much to his surprise, there wasn't much of a crowd when he got there. There was even a seat at the bar, next to someone he had never seen before: striped sweater, jeans, a MUCH fuller head of hair than the thinning one that Brent had, and one of those "half beards" that all the young guys had these days. Half of his office had them. "Can't be more than about 25" he thought as he sat down. "Hey, how's it going." The kid smiled at him. "HEY. Pretty good. How about you? Don here." he held out his hand. "I'm Brent. Nice to meet you. I don't think I've seen you here before." The bartender knew Brent well enough to put the beer he liked in front of him. "Nah, I'm not. I'm visiting. Sorta. I'm lookin' for a new place to settle into, and someone told me this community may be a good one." "You and your wife?" Brent asked, simply because it was really a bedroom community of families. He couldn't think of any single men or women who lived in the area. "No wife, Sir. Don't have that ball and chain yet." Then Don laughed. "AWWW, I just stuck my foot in it, didn't I? I didn't see your ring."

Brent smiled. "No offense taken Don. It's not for everyone. Just an observation though: not a lot of single people in this part of the world." The bar was beginning to fill up now. "Really? Cause there seem to be a lot of single men in here now.... OH, WAIT. Boy's night out. You guys are all married guys, taking a break cause it's Friday." "Kinda true, Don. In my case, I'm figuring out what to do for two weeks. Wife's away, and I'm sort of a bachelor again." "Ha ha. Well, with all these married guys in here, maybe you should go on the prowl." "Nah. This lion is pretty much leashed. HEY. I noticed you have a twang. You from the South?" "Truly am, Brent." "I think I lost mine. I grew up in South Carolina. Moved to NY when I was 8. Where you from?" Don smiled. "Well, I think we have a drinking game here. Tell ya what, southern boy. You see if you can tell from my accent. If you're within, say, 150 miles, I'll buy the next round. If you're off, it's on you." "You're on." Brent's competitive nature was coming out. "Say something so I can focus." Don laughed. "Sure seem to be a lot of friendly people here." Brent smiled. "Chattanooga. " "RIGHT ON THE MONEY BRENT! GOOD EAR!" Don signalled the bartender. "One for me, and one for my new best friend, Sir." When the bartender came back with their drinks, Don raised his glass. "THE SOUTH IS GONNA RISE AGAIN." "YEEHAW" Don answered. He was enjoying this guy but.. DAMN, he should've pissed before he came out. The bathroom here was, well, skanky, but there wasn't much of a choice. "Excuse my old man bladder. I'll be back." Take your time, Sir." Don laughed to himself. This was gonna be easier than he thought. He poured the vial of knock out drugs into Brent's beer. It was a dark, bitter one, so he wasn't worried about the taste it would give the beer. "He even bought the bullshit about Chattanooga," Don laughed to himself again. "Nice jacket too. It's gonna fit on me REAL well. " He saw Brent coming back from the bathroom. "Don't know what it is about married men that gets to me. Or bellies. Or blue eyes. Or blond hair, but DAYUM. Jackpot. Brent took a few more sips of his beer and then.. the drug began to hit. "Sorry... I'm just..." "Something wrong, Brent?" Don looked blurry to Brent. "No, I think.. I must not have slept well last night. All of a sudden. So sleepy. Sooooo sleepy." Don pulled the drink out of the way before Brent dropped his head on the bar. "It's ok, it's ok. I can get him home. " He looked at the bartender. "Can ya describe his car for me?" The bartender knew Brent well, and he gave Don the description. "Thanks. I'll get him home. Cuz never WAS a good drinker." He hauled Brent out of the bar, after he draped Brent's arm over his shoulders, and he slowly walked him out. "And missus is away for two weeks. Well, THAT's gonna put a few changes in old Don's plan." He had done this before. He knew how to go through Brent's pockets to find his keys, his address, everything. Soon, he had Brent asleep in the passenger seat and he started driving back to Brent's house. "GOOD. Not too far away. I'll have plenty of time." When he got to Brent's house, he opened the door, and got Brent out of his jacket. "It IS gonna look good on me" He put it on. Then he opened the bag he carried with him. Out came the ropes, the handcuffs, the gag. He worked quickly. Soon, he had Brent's knees tied together, as well as his ankles. He hauled them up remarking "DAMN you're a big boy, Brent" and then he got to work on the wrists, securing them behind Brent's back and, not because he needed it, but because it looked good, he worked a complex pattern of rope all over Brent's torso. "Oh sugar, if you had any idea of what I'm gonna do to you." Don pulled out a penis gag but thought about it again. "NAH. That mouth is too pretty." He used a big bandana and cleave gagged Brent. "Now, let me get that car in the garage like a good suburban guy." He planted a kiss on Brent's forehead. "Back soon, handsome. "

It was while Don was moving the car into the garage that Brent began to wake up. "WHAT THE..." he pulled at the ropes, and made no progress. He heard the door open, and in walked Don, wearing his jacket. When he slammed it, Brent's head hurt again. "Well, well, what's cookin' good lookin?" Don smiled at Brent, and grunted. He knew he couldn't get out of the ropes. He began to think "He's gonna pull out a knife. I'm a deadman." Instead, Don sat down next to him and planted a hand on Brent's thigh. "Now THIS, brent... this is why you should've remembered your mom telling you not to take candy from strangers. Here we are and I gotta say..." He kissed brent on the forehead . "You look EVEN BETTER like this than you did untied. That's good, cause you're gonna be tied up a lot for the next two weeks." "mmmmph?" Brent struggled some more. "Oh, remember how loose lips sink ships, brent? I'm sure your wife is gonna have a GOOD TIME. And so am I." He reached down and grabbed a roll of belly fat right over Brent's jeans. It tickled and a giggle snuck out of the gag. "WELL WELL. Good to know. You ticklish brent?" Brent shook his head no. "Really? Well, let's see.. " Don worked his fingers over brent's ribs, and up into his armpits. The deep laughs and the muffled please for Don to "stop" proved he had lied. "Now, brent, we're gonna have to understand something. I expect you to tell me the truth, otherwise... things could get very VERY bad for you." "FUCK YOU" brent tried to yell through the gag. "FUCK ME? OH NO. You got the wrong idea, dude. I'M gonna fuck YOU" Now brent began to squirm hard. REALLY hard. "Nope. Nope nope nope. Not gonna work dude. And if you keep on trying to give me trouble, well, like I said..." Don got off the sofa and went to where brent's feet stuck out from the table. "You still got your socks on, so it'll be a warning. Next time... bare feet. " He began tickling brent's feet and the laughter that was escaping from the corners of brent's mouth were more distressed than when his ribs were getting tickled. "OH MAN. A big HUNK like you, ticklish. What a treat. But I'll stop now. I gotta try something else." Don was light enough that he could sit on brent's hips without causing any pain. "How about these? They sensitive?" Brent didn't answer. He shrugged his shoulders because.. he really didn't know. Then Don played with them and he learned... they were. "OH, we're gonna have SO MUCH FUN big guy." He saw fear in brent's face. "You don't think we're gonna have fun? " brent shook his head no. "No? Really, you don't think you're gonna laugh more than ya have in a long time?" Don smiled as he dug his fingers into brent's pits again. "SEE? I can make you laugh any time I want to. " He kept on tickling brent. "But I can see how I maybe will have more fun than you will. But ya know, we got two weeks to figure this out. You'll learn... you'll have to big guy. I'm gonna be making the rules around here, and... there WILL be consequences if you don't follow them." He squeezed brent's nipples again. "Understand?" He squeezed them HARD. brent felt pain and shook his head yes. "EXCELLENT. So, tonight... tonight's just gonna be some exploration. You may be uncomfortable this first night, but it's for your own good. Teach ya what can happen."

Don disappeared to the bedroom for about half an hour, while brent struggled to get loose, without any luck. Then Don came back. "Ok, stud. I got the bedroom ALL set up for us. So... it'd really suck for you if I carried you like potatoes into the room, so I'm gonna untie your ankles and knees, and you're gonna walk. You're also not gonna give me any trouble. RIGHT?" brent shook his head yes." When they got into the bedroom, Don opened brent's belt, and got his jeans off. Then he pulled off his boxers. "Nice set. NICE. Your wife is a lucky woman. But ya know brent. Not really an interest of mine. " brent saw that Don had run a length of rope through the bottom frame of the bed. He pulled it up and even though brent moaned, and complained and fussed, Don ran three or four circles of rope around the base of his balls. He tied it tied, and then took up the slack on the rope until brent really screamed. "Ok. Now I know you're not going anywhere. " He paused. He reached into the bag and pulled out a box splitting knife. "You were afraid I had one of these, weren't you?" brent shook his head yes. "Well, I can use it to cut that t shirt off of ya, or... you can let me pull it off nice and easy. You want me to do that, brent?" Again, brent shook his head yes. "Ok, but you gotta realize, I'm faster than you and if you give me trouble, you may rip off your balls, and I may have to cut you. Sit up. " brent did what he was told and the wrist restraints and the rope harness came off. "Now slip it off. I wanna see the merchandise." Don didn't touch the gag. "OH MY. A REAL dad bod. FUCKING HOT." He smiled. "How's about you get your arms up over your head brent? You know, as if you were inviting me to tickle your pits." brent sighed, and he did what Don had told him to do. He felt more rope, this time going around his wrists. Now, he was stretched out taut on the bed, bound at his balls, and wrists. Don took off the gag. "Not good to sleep with a gag." "You think I'm gonna be able to sleep? LET ME THE FUCK GO" "Nah, not happening handsome. " Don began tracing circles on brent's chest, moving closer and closer to his nipples. "STOP. QUIT IT." Don grinned. "Rather I tickled you sweetie?" "No. NO. No more tickling." "Oh, there's gonna be more tickling. Every single day. And starting tomorrow this boy..." He grabbed brent's cock "This boy is gonna get a SHIT LOAD of exercise. So you better try your best to get some sleep." Don stripped in front of brent. brent could've turned his head, but he didn't. Don's body was rangy, but it was toned. "Yeah, he can take me," brent thought. "Ok sweetums." Don moved to kiss brent on the lips. When he moved his head, Don smacked brent's balls. "OWWWWW FUCK. " "I TOLD YOU I MAKE THE RULES AND ONE IS A GOODNIGHT KISS. EVERY NIGHT." When he squeezed brent's balls, brent groaned "OK OK. " He closed his eyes and took Don's kiss. He saw the smile on his face. "You won't have to sleep like this every night, stud. But ya gotta learn. Nighty night." He turned out the light and, within ten minutes, he was snoring, his hands on brent's belly. brent closed his eyes and wished he weren't getting a hard on. The ropes....

Next: Chapter 2

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