Brent Meets Don

By moc.loa@potgnipor

Published on Nov 9, 2021


Brent didn't sleep very well that night. He went in and out of slumber, but having his arms tied above him and worse, the tight rope around his balls that hurt every time he moved, kept him awake. A third factor was the scratchiness of Don's beard: he had fallen asleep with his head just between Brent's armpit and right pec. Every time HE moved, he scruffed either the pec, or the armpit, which either tickled Brent, or got him slightly aroused. Either way, Brent moved, almost involuntarily, and felt a shot of pain in his crotch. Don was getting up. He moved more, and slid off of Brent's body. He looked at Brent and smiled. "GOOD MORNING SEXY!" He rubbed a finger over Brent's lips, and moved it up to his nose. "Aren't you just ADORABLE? MWAHHH" he landed a kiss on Brent's ear, that nearly deafened Brent.

"Please... I need to go to the bathroom. Badly. I haven't all night." "Well I know THAT sweetheart. That was part of your training: if you don't behave and you need to be disciplined, you're gonna get something like this again. You understand me." "Yeah, I do." "Well good. Now brentster, listen up. I'm gonna untie all of the ropes, and you're gonna go use the bathroom like you said you need to. Then you're gonna wash up while I rustle up some breakfast and coffee. And then.... I'm gonna tell you how things are gonna go today."

Don hummed to himself as he went about cooking and making the coffee. He LOVED men with dad bods, and this brent guy. DAMN. It was gonna be hard to leave him. Snatching him and running off wasn't really an option, so at least for now, he wanted to have as much fun with Brent as he could. He had planned to play with Brent's ass today, but not fuck him. That was for tomorrow, although... He saw his crotch bulge as he thought about driving his thin, cut 9 inches into that dad ass. After a bout of tickling of course. Not only was this boy hot, he was ticklish too! How the hell had he hit the jackpot.

Brent tried to get his arms and legs to loosen up with the hot water of the shower. Nothing like this had ever happened to him before, and he was nervous about what Don would do next. What could he do? Don had taken his phone when he drugged him, and Brent had no idea where it was. The land line was in the living room and kitchen, where Don was. Could he take Don? The guy LOOKED skinny and frail, but when he had tied Brent to the bed last night, Brent realized that he wasn't. And if he fought and lost? What would Don do? Probably tickle him till he peed, and then... he said he was gonna fuck him. Was that just a scare threat?"

When he came out of the bathroom, he smelled cooking. It smelled pretty good, and he was hungry. He saw that Don had left out a jock, a pair of sweat pants, and flip flops. That was all. No shirt, no underwear, no socks. Brent sighed, and went out to the living room, where Don was setting food tonight. "Hey bud... I hope you like what I made. We probably need to do a grocery run sometime this weekend ya know, but for now... " There were eggs, fruit, toast, coffee, a full spread. "Eat brent boy. You're gonna need your strength." Brent sat down and helped himself. Don sat down next to him, put a hand on Brent's thigh, and smiled. "Last night was tough wasn't it?" "Yeah, it was. I'm really stiff" "Well, here's the good news and the bad news stud. You want the bad news first?" "Whatever." "Well, the bad news for you - good news for me - is that you're gonna have to get used to being tied up. In fact, when we finish breakfast, the ropes are going back on ya. Now, the GOOD news is that if you behave, I'll never tie you up like that again." "Is the tickling over?" "Ho ho ho. No way stud. NO WAY. I knew you were cute, I had no idea you were ticklish and THAT just throws me into high gear. "FUCK!" Brent muttered under his breath. "Oh yeah! THAT! Now, here's the plan. I'm gonna get you ready for being fucked today - at least that's the plan, but you know... I think you're so hot that I may have to expedite that process." Brent sighed and looked away. No one had ever told him he was hot - not even Louise. But... Don was a guy. "Do you.. do we... really have to do that?" "Now Brent! You know the answer to that. We don't have to do ANYTHING. I could just get up and leave right now. Of course, I'd tie you up first so you didn't follow me, but we're not gonna do that. I'm here so we can have some fun." He smiled. "You're not having fun?" "No, I'm not." "Well, I'm gonna have to see about what we can do to fix that. Maybe we'll go out tonight. You like to do that Brent?" "Where?" "Oh, I dunno. Maybe we'll go drinking?" "Back where I met you?' "OH NO NO NO. There's a gay bar not far from here. What's it called: Shilly shally's? Stupid name but.. nice to show off my boy." "I'm not going," Brent answered gruffly. "Now Brent..." Don got up and went behind Brent, and began massaging his shoulders. "See, that kind of attitude is EXACTLY what's gonna get you in trouble. You're gonna have to recognize: You. Are. Not. The. Boss." "I can see that." "GOOD. Now, we can move on. What did you plan to do around the house this beautiful Saturday?" Brent told Don about the new shrubs that needed planting, and the raking of the leaves, and the fire pit he was gonna fix. "Well, that ALL sounds like stuff I can do, which is good. Because YOU sir... can use a little more bondage." Within fifteen minutes, Brent was laid out lengthwise on the sofa. His wrists were tied behind his back and his legs and ankles were tied like last time. The cleave gag went in. Don left the room for a minute and came back, smiling. "Now your attitude this morning... I was wondering how we correct it and... LOOK WHAT I FOUND!" Don had clearly been in the laundry room, because he had a handful of wooden clothes pins. Brent's eyes got wide "All we need to start, are two. One for this big boy." He closed one on Brent's left nipple "And one for this boy." Now, there was a clothespin on the right nipple too. "MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMPH!!!!!!" Brent thought he'd pass out from the pain. "I'm gonna come back and check on you in half an hour or so. Then we'll take these off and... I'll be ready for a break. Maybe tickling you will get your mind off the pain." He bend down and kissed Brent's nose. "GOD YOU'RE CUTE. And I'm glad you're being uncooperative. You dads need to learn you ain't all that." He left Brent and went into the backyard. Brent began moaning as soon as Don went to the backyard. He thought he might be able to shake the pins off his nips but that just made the pain worse. He thought, for a minute, about rolling over and trying to rub them off, and decided that was a bad idea too. He tried to block the pain out because, well, there was a slight, but growing, feeling of pleasure coming from his nipples too. It didn't feel "good," but it stopped feeling bad. It was registering in his penis. He could feel it moving, while he tried to push against the two sets of rope keeping his legs together. Brent had no choice but to deal with it. Sometimes, he would feel a jolt of pain that would almost knock him out, and then... he'd be back to earth and feeling the pressure. "WHAT DOES THIS GUY WANT?" He was thinking. He knew PART of the answer, but the rest. The sounds of rocks moving around in the backyard stopped and he heard the door open. Don's brisk steps came in. He was wearing Brent's leather jacket, which he slipped off. "HEY SEXY! How do they feel?" He smiled as he crouched down and tapped the clothespins, sending yet more pain through Brent. "mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmph!!!!!" "Oh, I LOOOOOOOOOOOOOVE it when my boys make sounds like that." He looked at his hands. "We got some more stuff to do, good looking, so let me wash my hands..." He smiled. "Don't want to turn you into a member of the blackfoot tribe." He headed off to the bathroom. "Blackfoot tribe?" Brent tried to think through the pain. "HE'S GONNA TICKLE MY FEET!" Brent heard the sink turn on and off, then Don came back, with Louise's hairbrush in his hand: the big, solid metal brush sssshe had spent a small fortune on. "mmmmmmmmmmmmmmph." Brent looked at him pleadingly. "Lemme sneak in here bud.." Don lifted up Brent's legs and sat down, putting the legs over his lap. Brent could feel his hard cock up against the back of his calves. "Your wife must have REALLY sexy hair, brentster. These are expensive brushes. Good quality, designed for long hair, but.... Guess what else they're good for.." "Hmmmmph?" Brent shrugged his shoulders. "Oh, they make a GREAT tool for some serious foot tickling." "MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMPH" Brent thrashed with his legs, and pulled against his wrist restraints. Nothing. "Brenster, let's look at the situation: you got those clamps on your nips and I'm gonna take them off... Maybe. And I got a whole bunch more pins and.... " He grabbed some flesh along Brent's side. "You got all this daddy meat ready to just pinch and play so... I didn't think of this at the start, but there's one more way to keep ya in line." Brent didn't react. Every time he thought it was over... "So.. here's the deal handsome.. You want those pins taken off?" Brent gave a head shake showing yes." "Well, I'll take them off, but then... I'm gonna tickle you with this brush. OK?" "MMMMMMMMMMMMPHMMMMMMMMMMMMM." He shook his head vigorously "NO" even though it made the pins move and generated more pain. "Now, brenster, maybe you're not a good poker player. See, you got no cards. I got them all. I could do things like this..." He twanged the pins. "OR.... I could leave them on AND tickle you, cause you can't do anything, can you?" Don saw the look in Brent's eyes: a combination of fear, resignation, frustration and anger. "Sooooooooooooooooooooo. I'll see if you wanna confirm your answer. Leave em on?" Brent "surrendered." He shook his head no. "GOOD ANSWER. Cause I was gonna tickle you anyway. Ok, hot stuff. This is gonna hurt as the blood gets back to the skin. Bear with it. " He took off the clamps. The HOWL that came out of Brent would have woken the dead had he not been gagged. He saw the smile on Don's face. "Little by little, you're realizing how truly fucked you are, huh stud?" Brent couldn't believe it, but he shook his head yes. "You in charge bud?" A slight hesitation and then... a shake NO. "Ha ha. We're making progress. But enough talking. Time for some tickling. " First, Don ran the brush very gently over each of Brent's soles. Brent held back when Don tickled his left sole, ,but then he got the right sole and Brent began to giggle. "THERE WE GO. " Don smiled, and he increased the pressure with the brushes. Brent's helpless laughing started escaping through the gag. He was having trouble catching his breath, and while he tried to pull his feet away, Don was holding his ankles tightly with one arm, using the brush with the other. "THIS IS SO MUCH FUN. AND YOU'RE LAUGHING BUD. SEE? I SAID YOU'D BE HAVING FUN." Brent just kept on laughing helplessly. His nipples hurt, he was being ripped to pieces by the tickling, and he was helpless. "Can't ignore the rest of that sexy bod, brent." Don put down the brush and dug his fingers into Brent's pits. The laughing continued, but it was different . It was a high pitched, squeal. "Just like a pig, baby cakes," Don observed. He stopped. Then dug back in. He repeated that a few times. His voice was low. "You having fun, Brent?" When Brent didn't answer, he went back to the pits. "Hmmmmmmmmmmmmm" Choked off laughter came out of Brent's mouth. He still didn't answer. "Well, know what stud? I KNOW you are because, number one, you're laughing and, number two, your friend Peter is demanding attention." Don moved a hand to Brent's crotch. Don was right: Brent was erect. Fully. "Hey, how often do you choke the bird Brent? Every day?" Brent laughed. He wasn't a kid anymore. He shook his head no. "Every other day?" Brent had caught his breath. He shrugged his shoulders and gave what he thought was a "kinda" motion. "I see. More like once every 2-3 days, huh stud?" A mild headshake. "So, you might wanna cum today, huh? "MMMMMMMMMMMM" Brent shook his head. Nothing had happened on Thursday with Louise, and then of course, Don kidnapped him Friday. Now, Saturday, he WAS horny. "Well, while I'm here stud, just so we know who's in charge, one of us is gonna get to cum more than the other." He smiled. "I think once every 5 days is plenty for you, dad stud, but... I may let you release today... if you please me." "If I please him?" Brent was confused but then... OH SHIT. He saw the smile on Don's face. "Yup sexy. It's time. "

xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx Don released the leg restraints so Brent could walk, even if it was difficult because of what the brush had done. He was whispering into Brent's ear. "You have to relax stud. It'll make things a lot easier." Before he lay Brent face down on the bed, he took off the gag, "cause I wanna hear your moans, stud. I LOVE hearing a virgin moan when I take him." "You've... you've done this before?" "OH HELL YEAH brentster. You ain't my first rodeo. Most of the dads I grab are intact." "OF COURSE HE DID" Brent thought. "He's too good at this" "Please don't do it. Please. Torture me all you want. Tickle me all you want. Just don't..." He felt the sweatpants come down, and then he felt a SMACK across his ass. "I'LL DO ALL OF THAT DAMN IT BRENT. You still don't seem to get who's in charge. But I WANT your ass and.." Brent felt his legs pushed apart wide. "I'm gonna get it." First, he felt Don's finger running up and down his ass crack. "OOOOOOOH" escaped out of him, because this felt good. "Heh heh. You like that, huh stud?" "It feels good. Not gonna lie. " "Pull your arms up a little. Give me more room to work. " Brent did, and he felt Don separate his ass cheeks and begin to run his finger up and down their sides. "OH FUCK! was all Brent could say. "OH FUCK OH FUCK OH FUCK." Don was breathing softer and slower. Brent felt flesh touch his ass. "NOOOOOOOOOOOOOO. NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO. PLEASE. NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO. NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO. AGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGG" Don was entering him. "IT HURTS IT HURTS BAD. STOP." That didn't seem to do any good. It sure didn't slow down Don, who went in further. "FUCKING HOT, TIGHT MANPUSSY. DADPUSSY. WORTH EVERY BIT OF EFFORT." Brent felt a single hard push, and then he felt what he guessed were Don's balls hitting his ass. "THERE YA GO. Docking in space." Brent felt one of Don's hands on the back of his neck. "How ya doing big guy?" "NOT GOOD. This hurts. I'm... I'm not a woman." "No, you ain't. But what you are...." He felt Don pull back and then push in again "What you are is a BITCH. SAY IT. SCREAM IT. I'M A BITCH." Don was pounding him. He didn't want to say it but then... he felt Don's beard on his neck and he whimpered..."I'm a bitch." "DAMN RIGHT YOU ARE. MY bitch." Brent felt Don slip his hands underneath him and get his sensitive nipples. His own cock shot out even further. GOD he wanted to shoot. Don was moving around in his ass in a way that made him feel so good... so stimulated. "FUCKING ENDORPHINS" he thought. "You are SO MUCH FUN TO FUCK BRENT. GONNA HAVE TO DO MORE OF IT. Try to arch your hips up. It'll feel better." Brent realized he didn't have any choice. He didn't want to get tickled more at this point, so he struggled to arch his hips. "GOOD BOY. I think you're gonna get a reward for that. We're gonna go get a drink tonight. Celebrate." He reached underneath Brent again and grabbed his cock. "Shoot while a man is in ya stud. Join the club. SHOOT IT. SHOOT IT BOY." Brent fought it, but his body took over and... OH MY GOD WHAT KIND OF ORGASM WAS THAT?" He just kept on shooting. And at the end, he felt Don pull out of him. He turned Brent over and smiling, began jerking. "I will ALWAYS have a claim to that ass Brent. I will ALWAYS be the first one in." His cock began shooting jizz all over Brent. He smiled. He left the room for a minute and came back with a towel to rub away all of the cum. When he was done, he rolled Brent on his side, and lay down next to him. "I've been rough on ya stud, and I'm gonna keep on being rough on ya, but you know what? Things just changed. I know it, you know it." He looked into Brent's eye. "You gonna keep giving me that much trouble?" Brent tried to swallow. His mouth was dry. He knew the answer. "No." Don smiled. "Looks like you may need some remedial tickling instruction. What was your answer?" Another pause. "I'm sorry. No, Sir." "Hah ha. Daddy realizes his got a Master. VERY important. " He planted a kiss on Brent's lips. "Gonna have to give you some recovery time because, sweet cakes, we are gonna go to a tavern and have a cocktail tonight. Just like my cock just had your tail. HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAHA" Then, we're gonna plan the rest of our schedule while I'm visiting.

Next: Chapter 3

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